

***Status - FUND RAISING.  Our balance deficit is still at $195, and we are running out of time right now.   We have just 3 days in which to meet our goal.  If we are unable to do so, then we must stop what we are doing since we simply are not the MSM and cannot earn the revenues we need to continue.  Should that eventuality happen,  we will leave the blog up as a resource for everyone to use since there is an enormous amount of solid information contained here in, so please continue to avail yourself of the information.  We are definitely at a cross roads right now and we would love to continue with you to the end destination, whatever that maybe, and if we can obtain our $195 by the first, then we will have that opportunity.

We depend on you to help us during this most crucial time.  If you feel you have benefitted from our work, and if you can afford it, then please  contribute off to the right hand side of the blog at the orange button.  Help keep us working toward truth and solutions (see our Jan 1 series to do with what we can do and how.  We are a team in doing this work and we do appreciate your efforts on our behalf.  Bless you and keep you healthy, and safe.  Have a Happy and prosperous New Year 

Vatic Note: Forgive the mess they are making of this blog right now.  I have tried to fix it, and hopefully  it will stay fixed, but apparently they do not want this one up... so be sure and read it all, including all the links.  I love how they tell us what they don't like. lol

When we began this blog 3 years ago, we began researching the role of Satanism in this whole mess we are in. The reason was, that we had never seen evil this intense and bountiful.   We had to find out why, at the highest levels of our civilization, our institutions were lead by the most psychopathic creatures ever to grace  our paths and we had to find out who these people were and why were they so evil.   Then we found pedophilia heavily tied into the satanic ritual practices of these people and that led us down another rabbit hole.

We found at that time, that the Satanism/Luciferianism is the greatest threat and danger to our children of anything else on the planet. We also discovered that threat to children was ancient through Molech, the god forbidden by name in the Bible, by the God of Israel. Molech required the first born child to be sacrificed in his ovens, the 7th oven.   I found out that was brought out of Egypt by the Israeli's and carried into today through the identity of satan and leaders practice it at the Bohemian grove

Now, today, over 1,000 children  are killed every single day.  That is a statistic and not a proven fact they are killed by satanic ritual, however, it can be deduced that some are.   I had no idea it was that many, further, from other sources, that currently in the United States, there are listed over 800,000 children missing which is huge, and a bigger number than it was in the 80's when we had the milk cartons and the Magog Bush as President which had much to do with those children being used sexually for satanic work at the Bohemian grove as we learned from Cathy O'Brien.

We learned much about our own countries leaders,  the Khazar Leaders of Israel and their continuation of their paganism using the structure of the Talmud, and then the royalty of Europe, Britain, Denmark, etc.   Here below we are going to learn even more about how the practice of satanism has expanded beyond what we already knew,  which included the royalty of Europe, and our own military officially allowing satanism to be practiced, and in the NDAA bill last year sodomy was made legal in the military.  

It is a practice used on children to torture and extract information from the parents of the so called enemy.  Seymour Hersh covered that in the New  Yorker and those soldiers who did that were arrested since it was a crime to do that.   Now its legal and the soldiers won't be arrested if they should do it again.  That is how far down we have come. 

IF YOU GIVE UP YOUR GUNS, and they take you to camps, you can take it to the bank, they will practice these sexual rituals on you and your children.  That is sufficient for us to fight like crazy people  to never be sent to those camps.  

The satanists are definitely coming out of the closet.  Aquino, a general, I believe, actually wears his hair and eyebrows like Satan is imaged.... and he is active duty and the 2nd in command of the Church of Satan in the US.   Yes, a lot to be proud of,  indeed.  (sarcasm intended).  Look at the photo below and see how dead these people are inside.  No soul, no spirituality, no creativity and definitely no humanity.  This is definitely a spiritual battle.  Tap into your power and use it.  

By Paul McGuire
December 24, 2012

“MindWar is the deliberate, aggressive, convincing of all participants that in a war we will win that war.” 

-General Michael Aquino and Col. Paul E. Vallely “From PSYOP to MindWar: The Psychology of Victory

2013 is going to be the convergence of many events that have been more or less in a holding pattern. First of all, there exists a hidden and very powerful, Satanic elite that is largely controlling world events. 

This elite which goes all the way back to Nimrod and the Tower of Babel has changed names many times. Sir Francis Bacon, a Rosicrucian (the forerunner of the Illuminati,) planned for America to be the “New Atlantis” and head of the New World Order, long before 1776.

The Illuminati was officially formed in 1776 by Adam Weishaupt, the same year America was born. Many of our Founding Fathers who claimed to be Christians were actually members of the Illuminati. The architectural symbolism all over Washington D.C. is Illuminati and Freemasonry symbolism. (VN:  there is some dispute over this part of it. Another version is that the freemasonry work was perverted by the British and it forced the good masons to leave Europe and migrate to America to get away from them and the architecture was a way to ward off the evil ones remaining in Europe.  I do not know which of these arguments are correct, however, its clearly in the protocols by these luciferian/satanists, in their written word, they intended to use the freemasons and catholic church as the foils for their evil deeds and blame it on them.  Not my opinion, its actually in writing in those protocols.  Obviously, like most religions and institutions, they have been infiltrated, but that is not the same as running the show. you read and decide.)

For example, according to the historical legend of Nimrod and his wife Semiramis who built the Tower of Babel and created Babylon, there is a deep meaning behind architectural symbols such as the Washington Monument and the rest of the nation’s capital. Washington D.C. is a mirror city to the Vatican. The Washington Monument is a phallic symbol and the capital is the symbol of a womb. This is repeated in Egypt and many other cultures.

Nimrod married the beautiful Semiramis who was either a prostitute or a madam. Some legends indicate she was both Nimrod’s mother and wife. In a power struggle at Babylon, which was the world’s first one world government, one world economic system and one world religion, Semiramis murdered the powerful Nimrod. It appears Nimrod was far more than an ordinary man, he apparently was a Nephilim. 

                                                                                                                                   The Nephilim was the hybrid race that were produced when fallen angels (B’nai Elohim) had sexual relations with human women. This act of interspecies breeding, which was forbidden by God, produced a race of supermen who were called the “mighty men of old,” or the Nephilim. Apparently, they were physically giants and had highly advanced knowledge. 

The Nephilim were responsible for the advanced technology and science that produced the great megalithic structures such as the Egyptian pyramids, the Mayan and Incan ruins, Stonehenge and countless other architectural structures that would be impossible to build even with today’s technology. 

They are advanced and giant instruments of technology which transmit energy and they are constructed to line up with stars and galaxies and are built in accordance with celestial mathematical equations that modern science has yet to discover. 

In addition, they seem to indicate direct contact with advanced civilizations from outer space, an idea being considered by a growing body of scientists.

Finally these Nephilim-built structures were occult and Satanic temples of worship which involved human sacrifice. Nimrod designed the Tower of Babel to allow men to project themselves into the stars in order to become gods and to worship the hosts of heaven, which would have been stars and fallen angels.

In the Biblical account Lucifer wants to become God and leads a revolution of one third of the angels against the throne of God, so that Lucifer can seize God’s throne and become God. When Nimrod, whose DNA was a combination of fallen angel DNA and human DNA, built the Tower of Babel it was to contact and worship these fallen angels.

Throughout the Old Testament we read about the mighty men of old, which refers to the Nephilim. The giant Goliath and his brother were Nelphilim. In the story of Joshua and Caleb fighting all the giants in the land of Canaan, they were actually fighting the Nephilim. 

The Nephilim founded the Canaanite religion which was adopted by the pagan cultures of the time, and all versions included similar styles of Satanic worship. For example, the ancient Canaanites burned their children alive in the white-hot metallic hands of the god Moloch or Baal. They indulged in the most perverse sexual orgies, Satanic worship, and drug taking.

But, what is most interesting is that these Satanic religions are alive and well today and growing. The secret society ceremonies at places like the Bohemian Grove feature drug taking, orgies and the sacrifice of child-like effigies which burned in the hands of a giant statue of Moloch, who looks like an enormous owl. 

Why would Presidents, Vice Presidents, Prime Ministers, leading scientists, the wealthiest men in the world, and other members of the elite worship Moloch even in what appear to be mock ceremonies? (VN:  Why?  Because they are nothing more than low class, low level, sick perverts and nothing more.  They have us and themselves convinced that they are something special, and what we are discoving is they are lower than the cheapest thief, car thief, burglar, robber, and forgerer, who would never pedophile a child, in fact they do in those who are serving for violating little children.  So we have to rid ourselves of any notion that these people are "elite".  We need to start calling them what they are, "Perverts".  They even do their own children to intentionally make them mentally ill in order to control them. That is why I believe they are lower than the most base animal on this planet, does a slug sound right?  Apologies to the slug.)    

Throughout Europe a very powerful and secretive elite participate in Satanic rituals, human sacrifice and sexual orgies in giant underground caves. Some of the world’s leading financiers and heads of government and culture participate in these rituals. In fact, at one time these rituals were sponsored by what was called the Hell Fire Club, which Benjamin Franklin participated in.

All of the ancient mystery or occult-based religions began at Babylon. Semiramis murdered her husband Nimrod, and to conceal this murder from the population of Babylon she told them that Nimrod had ascended into the heavens and become the sun-god Ra, who was to be worshipped. 

However, after Nimrod’s death, Semiramis became pregnant because she was carrying on an illicit affair. To conceal her affair, she told the people that she became supernaturally pregnant (a counterfeit of the Virgin Birth.) Semiramis claimed she became pregnant by using a phallic symbol upon herself. This began the countless architectural phallic symbols and womb symbols that have been built around the world, including Cleopatra’s Needle in Manhattan, New York.

That is very difficult for some people to accept because they have been indoctrinated into what is called a “scientific-materialistic” world view. Although, this view is not scientific, it is the perception that has been programmed into the American consciousness through media, education and social engineering and was planned by the Fabian socialists over one hundred years ago and who were secretly involved in the occult.

The Fabian socialists designed the new world order, but they also inspired secret occult societies and the Society for Psychical Research, founded in the UK. Past and current members include Frederick Myers, Alfred Russell Wallace, Sigmund Freud, W. B. Yeats, C. G. Jung, William James, Peter Underword and Charles Tart. This group has ties to the Illuminati and the development of mind control. Sigmund Freud and others helped establish the Tavistock Institute, which has implemented scientific mind control and social engineering worldwide.

In the Book of Revelation it talks about “sorcery,” which comes from the word pharmakeia, from which we get the word pharmacy. It talks about a global government which maintains control through drugs, the occult and scientific mind control. This global government will eventually be controlled by the Antichrist and the False Prophet, who will head a one world religion and a one world economic system and who will place the mark of the beast on their subjects.

But this is just the tip of the iceberg! Planet earth is controlled by a Satanic Elite which has now come out in the open and begun letting people know they exist. Think of the blatant occult symbols that have been projected to six billion people through the media. America and the nations of the earth are being herded into a global government, global economy and a global religion. 

The global currency will probably be called the Phoenix, which is the bird on the back of the U.S. dollar that many people think is an eagle. The primary method of tricking hundreds of millions into accepting this new world order is through occult-based mind control. Mass mind control uses trauma-based programming just like an individual mind control program. 

The collective consciousness of the human race, primarily through the mass media is being fed a constant series of images of horror, chaos, violence and destruction. Therefore the Illuminati slogan “Order Out of Chaos” is being implemented before our eyes. Another way of putting it is “manufactured crisis.”  (VN: its also in the protocols, thus that connection between the illums and the Zionists is now clear with such similarities.)

2013 will be an acceleration of these manufactured crises. The secretive Satanic elite are guiding the nations of the world into the global Luciferian government, economic system and religion that the Apostle John predicted on the Isle of Patmos when writing the Book of Revelation. It must be remembered that often things like social engineering, neurological sciences, economics and politics are the handmaidens of Luciferianism. 

As I have stated earlier, the entire counter-culture revolution of the 1960’s was a massive mind control experiment. But if you listen to certain key words from the counter culture leaders themselves you see its direct connection to Satanism. For example, a shadowy figure who worked for British Intelligence and influenced Adolph Hitler was Aleister Crowley, the Great Beast 666. Crowley’s name and face pop up all over the place among rock and roll groups and filmmakers, and the LSD drug prophet, Dr. Timothy Leary from Harvard, openly said he was carrying out Crowley’s work.

What most people fail to understand is that in the realm of wars, social movements and revolutions, we have entered into an entirely different kind of battlefield. For example, in their book “From PSYOP to Mind War: The Psychology of Victory” General Michael Aquino and Col. Paul E. Vallely, discuss using ESP (extra-sensory perception), "telepathic behavior modification," para-psychology, psychokinesis ("mind over matter"), remote viewing, out of body experiences, and other New Age and occult practices in U.S. military intelligence. Their definitive statement is: “MindWar is the deliberate, aggressive, and convincing of all participants that in a war we will win that war.”

In “Mind War” the authors talk about using subliminal brainwashing technologies and weapons that directly attack the targeted population's central nervous systems and brain functioning: "There are some purely natural conditions under which minds may become more or less receptive to ideas, and Mind War should take full advantage of such phenomena as atmospheric electromagnetic activity, air ionization, and extremely low frequency waves.” That would suggest that EMF waves could be used against foreign enemies and theoretically U.S. citizens.

The co-author of “Mind War” was General Michael A. Aquino, a PSYOP Research & Analysis Team Leader who had helped found the Temple of Set, an allegedly Satanic organization which was the successor to Anton Szandor LeVay's Church of Satan. Those who would dismiss Aquino as some kind of occult nut should think twice. After reading his papers and research it is obvious that the man has a highly sophisticated understanding of history and the neurological sciences.

What many people do not understand in our nation and world is that they live in the illusion that battles are being fought with conventional warfare. The reality is that military warfare, social movements, religious movements and political campaigns are being fought by implementing neurological science that is 50 years beyond what we are seeing in science fiction novels.

In the Christian community you hear a great deal of talk about spiritual warfare and praying and fasting against the forces of darkness. But the level of understanding among Christians regarding spiritual warfare is on the level of a Kindergarten classroom. The kind of spiritual warfare outlined by the Apostle Paul can only be employed by understanding the integration of Biblical spiritual warfare with highly advanced neurological sciences and occult-based science. Otherwise, so-called spiritual warriors are coming against a 21st Century army with loin cloths and primitive spears.

In addition, modern Evangelical theology has been largely formed not by the Bible, but by highly advanced and scientific methodologies of personal and social transformation. For example, the Seeker Friendly Movements and the Emergent Church Movement have been synthetically created with mind-science technologies that began at the Frankfurt School in Germany in the late 1800’s and have evolved into neurological sciences which can program reality through the creation of new neurological pathways and the re-programming of DNA. 

The article is reproduced in accordance with Section 107 of title 17 of the Copyright Law of the United States relating to fair-use and is for the purposes of criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research.

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