My ex's Great grandfather was the Field Marshall during WW II that lead the polish soldiers on horseback with rifles from WWI that went out to meet the German Blitzgreig. They disappeared into this forrest and never returned. No one knew until the Berlin Wall fell, what happened to them. Mass graves were found in the forest and his great grandfather was among them. These Zionist bankers have done this to almost every country except those in China and Asia, but that is going to change in the future, once they make them wealthy and then time comes to extract that wealth as they are doing to us now and did to Europe in WW II, then they will end up like us unless they prepare in advance against it. NO MORE WARS FOR THE BANKERS. Please. China best be warned, "YOUR LEADERS, 3000 OF THEM, WERE TRAINED IN OXFORD and work for the international khazar bankers. Be vigilant and aware and never lose site of them and their actions.
Was Katyn Massacre Zionist Revenge? Part 2 of 2
February 7, 2012
[Editor's note: We cannot confirm the accuracy of this information and urge you to use your judgment.]
Part One - Polish Jew Exposed Zionist Subversion
See Polish translator's comment below article.
by Marek Finkelstein-Dobrowolski
(Translated from the Polish by
Dated: June 16, 1999
(The original appeared here, the website of a Chicago Polish radio program. Marek F-D is half Jewish and half Polish.When he was in Israel, they treated him as Jewish, and they openly revealed various secrets to him, which were hidden from Poles and other Gentiles.)
The case of mass murder in Katyn, is a riddle in Poland. In Israel I met a few individuals - repatriates from the former USSR, who boasted that they were the perpetrators of this murder commented on those "anti-Semites."
Here is their version of the liquidation of 15,000 Poles by Jewish NKVD in Soviet Russia. After the Soviet Army's embarrassment in the war with Finland in Dec.-Jan.1939-40, the camps were taken over in March 1940 by Jewish NKVD primarily composed of crypto zionists, who decided to bring to justice those "Sanation bandits," who sold Poland along with the Jews to Hitler himself.
[Sanation (moral "healing") was the name of the dominant political movement in Poland from 1926 until 1939. "Sold out" to Hitler? Have they forgotten Stalin made a pact and invaded half of Poland?]
There is some truth to this. The Sanation Polish Army, 3/4 of generals bore German surnames, with the exception of Gen. Monda, who was a genuine Jew. Zionists accused "Sanation bandits" of flirting with Hitler (Colonel Beck and General Kasprzycki) with regard to central Europe, and as a result of it, they were sold into the bloody hands of Hitler and they were doomed as early as 1940.
They blamed the Sanation elite - captured by the Soviets - for the fate of the Jews, and therefore the Jews desired revenge against the elite, i.e. professional and reserve officers, judges and the "Navy-Blue" Police (the popular name of the collaborationist police in the German occupied area of the Second Polish Republic.)
Taking advantage of the evacuation of imprisoned Polish officers, who were transported from Kozielsk and two other camps, they secretly headed those transports to Katyn, where they could murder several thousands civilian and military prisoners.
All the investigations carried out in relation to executors and commanders of the crime never led to figuring out the reasons for burying the corpses in full uniforms, including coats, just the way those people were pulled out of the wagons.
Now, (as I found out) the reason for such waste of material goods was the fact, that none of the victims' personal belongings could remain unburied, because it would cause disclosure of the crime and its perpetrators.
Therefore, the secret was so strictly hidden from the whole world and Soviet authorities as well - which could be accused primarily of this mass murder, at least because of the longstanding hatred for Pilsudski's attack on Kiev, and also revenge for defeat in the 1920 war, by Polish Marshal Tuchaczewski.
Zionists on the international stage led by the CIA, Jewish Council, Mossad and Zionist activists all over the world, plus Jewish policy in Europe, plan to cause riots all over Europe, bringing the so-called Gentiles to mutual slaughter.
Now they sparked the war in former Yugoslavia, in order to cause mutual slaughter of Slavs with the help of bribed [President of Croatia] Franjo Tudjmann - also a Jew.
Another Zionist - Krzysztof SkubiszewskiIn also took part in this game. Skubiszewski along with Michnik, also mobilized Lithuanian Riflemen (Union of Lithuanian Riflemen) in the east of Poland against the Polish population in Lithuania.
Similarly, Michnik and Geremek operated in Ukraine organizing Ukrainian followers of UPA created by [Ukrainian nationalist] Stepan Bandera, [1909-1959] and other murderers of Jews to fight against Russia.
Both of these activists blinded by hatred against the Slavs, bring to life the worst memories of fascism: Lithuanian Riflemen, who murdered over million Lithuanian Jews (extermination camp in Banarach), the murderers of UPA plus Ukrainian divisions that are responsible for slaughtering over a million people.
In Czechoslovakia, the Jewish-Zionist clique: Vaclav Havel and Klaus Diensthiar[Czech Foreign Minister] sold out the whole Bohemia and Slovakia into the hands of Jewish and German capital earning huge commissions for making such transactions possible.
Zionist Jews in Poland, who lead the Democratic Union and Liberal-Democratic Congress, organized the plunder of Polish wealth for the benefit of the Jewish dominated Western corporations.
Jewish-Austrian, Jewish-German and Jewish-French mafias are buying Polish companies for one tenth of their value.To make this possible, they destroy them by providing high-interest loans of 90%, using taxes and interest revenue, bringing them collapse as a result of fabricated, fictitious debt against the state.
The collapse of companies in this way, is a typical symptom of a massive economic crisis deliberately caused by frantically insane economists such as Balcerowicz and Lewandowski, by selling businesses to foreign capital for a minimum price.
Jews and their agents working in Polish departments make millions of U.S. dollars for each successful transactions, which then are transferred to coded accounts in Swiss and American banks.
The heroic Polish nation saved tens of thousands of Polish Jews, thanks to the joint fight against the Soviet Army. Also it saved three million Jews from the territories of Russia and Ukraine, where the fascist General Wlasow came to power in 1941 in Russia. Nobody would have survived.
Therefore, the Polish nation cannot become a victim of the Jewish conspiracy, which intends Poles to be extinct in the fashion of Indians by Anglo-Saxons in America or the slaughter of seven tribes of the Jordan Valley by Jewish invaders in the XII - VI centuries BC.
II. The mad triumphalism of the Jewish society.
During my last, eight months stay in Israel, I became terrified by lunatic triumphalism of the Hasidim and even by the intelligent wing of the Jewish society.
Fed with the insane idea of biblical Chosen People, they proclaim to all, the successes of Jewish financiers who robbed Gentiles according to the pattern of Jews fleeing from Egypt, after robbing of gold, silver and clothes their befriended Egyptians, claiming to follow the advice of their God Jehovah....
For the reason of being half-Polish (my mother was Polish) and coming from the Polish Nation, which has never been blamed for aggression against other nationalities, ) on the contrary, repeatedly defended Poland and the entire West from the flood of the Mongols, Tartars and Turks,) I believe it is my duty to warn the Polish nation against the danger of its enslavement by the Jewish and Western capital.
It is stained with the blood and plunder of the colonized peoples and nations of Europe, chocked by international financial deception, perfecting in the plunder and enslavement, while Poles fought in Legnica and Vienna, in defense of European civilization.
Poland is rich in raw materials, self-sufficient in natural resources, and in terms of production, energy, and having good conditions for growing plants, has all the conditions to be the richest country in Europe, and to become economically independent body, free from financial and economic enslavement.
Polish Translator's Note on Poland Today:
This is What the NWO Looks Like I cannot verify this document as the truth but according to what is happening in Poland now and how average people are struggling to survive financially, how the wages in Poland have been kept low for years with average $500 or less a month while the prices are growing continually reaching the level of US prices and even higher.
The gap between the rich and the poor is very wide and growing ,with all the previous top 'Solidarity' members in power, and very rich. Most former communist leaders and party members are still in power and in the government, and are also very rich.
The government, courts and other public offices are corrupted; the government doesn't care about the people. The mass media are manipulating the public and practically people are cut off from independent information, especially those who don't use, or don't have the internet and don't know English.
Independent journalists are ostracized and have to work underground. Millions of Poles have left the country to work abroad, not being able, to support their families.
The media destroys Polish identity and tries to pit the Poles against each other, making them fight and hate Poland.
I am prone to think that this warning to Polish nation is absolutely true.
There are hands pulling strings in Poland and outside to keep Poles working as slaves, to cut them off from vital and basic information on what is going on in the country and in the world, to lower the education level, and to brainwash them with miserable and extremely low level of Polish tv.
The overall goal is to weaken the nation, to destroy unity and pride of being Polish, to rob the country (which has been mostly done) to flood the people with porn, sex and gay promotion and violence, to weaken family bonds, which has been done systematically since 1989.
This is how Poland looks like now, after the fall of Communism, after over 20 years of so called transformation when people thought they had been set free to work, to act, to live with dignity. This is how all the nation has been duped and deceived.
International Commission: Polish Expats Investigate Smolensk
The article is reproduced in accordance with Section 107 of title 17 of the Copyright Law of the United States relating to fair-use and is for the purposes of criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research.
1 comment:
Just one small note; The Chinese have already had this done to them as well. I have on my hard drive (don't ask me where) some very interesting pictures of Mousey Tongue having a meeting with the dreaded Bolshevik Turds back in '17 or so and then BAM! 50,000,000 corpses. They sure do get around, don't they?
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