And the battle expands, the totally evil ones are increasing their lust for power and tyranny, while all they really need is a good shot of deep spiritual cleansing, so they can give up all the trauma that occurred in their lives when they were children. Masters of the cattle, trust me when I say you can heal yourselves of your pain and woundedness, if you just let go, and turn to the Healing One who loves you and its not Satan. If you can't find it in your hearts to heal yourselves, then we must protect ourselves from your pain..... so, Let the war begin.
Raise your hand if you knew that Germany's Chancellor Merkel was the daughter of Hitler! Read this and see if you don't think evil is programmed into these adults when they are children. Read this and understand this is the process the western hemisphere has yet to go through, before they finish "TRYING" to make a North American Union out of us. The EU has done what it was suppose to do, it extracted all the wealth from the productive countries and turned around and extracted all the assets of the less productive countries.
They intend here to break up the US into states, just like small countries and do the same thing. This is a great read and Ireland is coming through again as the resistance. Damn Irish, always making trouble ..... I am Irish, so I know from where I speak. Does this blog ring a bell? LOL
Hitler's Daughter Walks In Her Father's Footsteps
Hitler's daughter is reaching into the Eastern front, France already in the bag, Iran the flashpoint before NATO's next big push through Russia's southern flank. Britain has withdrawn from the Dunkirk beachhead, ready to destabilise Merkel once she's totally overreached herself, and met her monetary Stalingrad.
Yes history is repeating itself as usual....Is it a farce or another deadly programme taking place as planned? (VN: remember when they tried to kill her in that Helicopter accident that she was able to survive. If she is Hitlers daughter and they make it so she has nothing to lose, she could unravel their entire centuries planned domination of the globe.)
There is a fair likeness, you have to admit. Look at her eyes. Here's how Angela Hitler was created.
Germany's financial powerhouse will be smashed to pieces by the coming crash of the Euro, created by the withdrawal of Wall St (US) support at the critical moment, exactly as happened to Adolf in WW2. He was encouraged by his backers (the Bushes and Harrimans) to overreach himself, just as Angela has been persuaded to carry the Euro's hopeless march to oblivion (backed by her handlers the Bushes and Harriman descendants).
Don't worry, Adolf. We're only working for the bankers.
The currency's earlier backers never intended for it to succeed, but to use it to draw in the rest of Europe's formerly independent nations, and then drive them all over a financial precipice, with financial mayhem matching the continent's deliberately-created military catastrophe of 1945.
The bankers will finally appear again from the wings, as if from nowhere, and offer to bail out the continent on their terms. In 1945 they decided to draw the continent into a single political structure. This time they will be seeking the formation of One World Government deploying a One World Currency. (VN: I think this is one juncture where she could undermine the flooring beneath their feet. I think her making the announcment of the crash, but at the same time, INTRODUCE THE GERMAN MARK backed by gold, and that is where she gets them because they stole all of Germany 's gold when it was with the Fed Reserve. At this point, if Merkel JOINS THE PEOPLE IN THE CALL FOR THE OVERTHROW OF ALL INTERNATIONAL BANKERS WORLD WIDE. Then they are now in a different hot spot, it means the BOURGOISE has joined the war, and will lead it. I love it, since its exactly what they never wanted and were most afraid of.... like the American revolution.)
Britain is sidelined from the process as we escaped joining the Euro, and will now be an irrelevance to Germany's and continental Europe's total humiliation. Sterling can be tidied up later, once the USA has been subjugated. The new centre of coldness is not Moscow or Beijing, but Washington. Moscow and Beijing are still hoping to preserve the existence of private wealth to challenge the world hegemony of the Rothschilds.
In the US, this family, that controls more than half of all the world's wealth, have got the population in a vice like grip and won't be letting go. Europe and the US will be forged into one vast political/financial monolith, with Goldman Sachs employees converted into Prime Ministers of the satellites.
Italy and Greece show the political future with openly... banker-appointed Prime Ministers. Britain by somehow escaping the Euro, miraculously has sidestepped this ordeal for now....or have we? (VN: how funny, the Windsors are Rothschilds..... as if we did not know that or couldn't tell. LOL They didn't joing the EU because they are the ones that planned all this with the international bankers. It was no special insight, it was perfect knowledge of what the end result would be and all their wealth would have been lost. Didn't anyone ever ask, why would they threaten and intimate every other country into joining and yet, never threated Britain the same way? )
Borrowed from
Cameron is also an agent of the bankers like Churchill was before him His maternal family are the Jewish Levita's, who founded and own The Standard Bank. Hiding his true identity, (like Churchill who was the illegitimate son of Edward 7th and Jenny Jerome Churchill. He was also the great grandson of Nathan Mayer Rothschild, who was Queen Victoria's father) he will be permitted to patrol the airwaves as a national hero, claiming victory as he commits his people to a different form of subjugation by the elites.
We are thankfully not part of the Euro fiasco, but regardless, taxes continue to eliminate private wealth, and the 'peasantry' is progressively ground down in an over-regulated, debt-enslaved (VN: Eugenics driven) socialist ghetto. Only the tax-free super rich like Cameron himself enjoy any semblance of independent existence.
Our subjugation continues apace. The bankers get increasingly powerful with every turn of history's wheel, as they have done over the centuries. The only difference is that today we can find out who they are, and start to understand how the world really works. That is new.
Otherwise, the same old tricks play out, following exactly the same pattern. It's uncanny, you may think. Or are these events planned this way right from the start. National leaders are nothing more than players in a theatrical production, acting out their given roles.
The Directors and Producers still hide in the shadows unseen and unmentioned, except on blogs like The Tap, where their existence is confirmed by many contributors who have seen parts of their hidden evil empire and its methods.
How much longer can they steer events from the shadows, and persuade billions of people to believe their impossible, frankly hilarious narratives, the starring roles enacted by their illegitimate offspring?
UPDATE - The news narrative develops along with the unfolding of events. Suddenly euro-compliant Cameron, under pressure from his own MPs who rebel in increasing numbers, is eurosceptic Cameron, and Britain is getting a moment of rare eurosceptic news play. Kept within the cabinet and shadow cabinet, as the token real eurosceptic for five long years, Sec Of State for Northern Ireland Owen Paterson MP has been discovered, as if he never previously existed. Here he is being interviewed on CoffeeHouse
SPECTATOR INTERVIEW - .......Paterson remarks that the problem for the Irish Taoiseach Enda Kenny is that ‘when he went to Berlin it was embarrassing to find that German politicians were all over his budget, the Irish budget, and this is where you come to the conundrum of what is happening in the eurozone is that there is dictation by people who have not been elected on people’s living standards, lives and taxes.’
Turning to the plan for greater integration between the Euro-17, Paterson comments, ‘There is no question, if they effectively create a new country, that is absolutely their right to do so. It does run counter, of course, to 300 years of British foreign policy in trying to avoid that happening. But if that is the way out of the conundrum on the euro, I think we have to respect that. But they have to respect the fact that it will create a brand-new relationship for us.’ All this is said in a matter-of-fact manner from across the breakfast table.
Paterson is refreshingly free of the pomposity that grabs so many Eurosceptics when the subject of Europe comes up. But his message is clear. He warns that the EU17 would become ‘a new and very powerful country which can dominate us’. His concern is that a fiscally united eurozone will spend as a bloc, tax as a bloc — and, when it comes to European summits, vote as a bloc.
As he points out, thanks to the Lisbon Treaty, the eurozone bloc will be big enough to get its own way on all issues that are governed by qualified majority voting. ‘Under Lisbon the voting threshold is dropped to 65 per cent, and the existing eurozone countries are 66 per cent — and they have significant allies outside the euro at the moment who intend to go into the euro later.’
But he thinks it is not certain that this new bloc will be created, because it ‘will be difficult to deliver because they have got to consult their own people. Some of the German people have got to decide whether they want to pay for this, they have got to get this past politicians and, as you’ve seen in Greece, serious civil strife where people from outside Greece are imposing really drastic sanctions on ordinary people who haven’t voted for them. So there is an inherent conundrum in the whole thing, that it is not democratically legitimate.’
If the Franco-German plan succeeds, though, it would pose serious problems for the United Kingdom. ‘It is wholly unacceptable to have a new bloc in which we would be permanently outvoted,’ Paterson says. He, like Cameron, is particularly concerned about what this might do to the City of London, a financial district without equal anywhere in Europe. ‘Bluntly, they may well go ahead and in effect create a new country, with very central control of taxation and transfer of funds to weaker areas. But if they want to go ahead and form their new country, we want to get the power to run our country back.’
Such language is all the more striking from Paterson because this Cambridge history graduate is the very opposite of the Little Englander. He is fluent in French and German and his idea of fun is spending the summer holidays racing across Mongolia on horseback with his wife. There’s a genuine sense of sadness in his voice as he reflects that ‘having spent years in business and spent a huge amount of time travelling, not just in Europe but in eastern Europe after the wall came down, all over Asia and all over the States, for me it is tragic to see the caricatures and all the national antagonisms that we all thought had been put to bed, reviving. It is absolutely appalling that Herr Reichenbach is going down to Greece and being caricatured as Herr Third Reichenbach and dreadful cartoons in the Greek papers but there is a real problem of democratic legitimacy on the whole project.’
Paterson represents the new Eurosceptic mainstream of the Conservative party — and is not embarrassed about it. ‘We have got to get away from this caricature that it is boring Tories banging on about Europe. This affects every single person whether they are in Enniskillen, Edinburgh or Eccleshall. It is not Europe, it is our daily government.’ The EU, he says, ‘affects every single activity from the moment we get up in the morning to the time we go to bed at night’. The phrase ‘banging on about Europe’ was, of course, popularised by David Cameron himself.
Yet it would be wrong to cast Paterson as a rebel. Throughout our interview, almost every point is buttressed by his belief that he is at one with the Prime Minister. ‘David Cameron said change brings opportunities,’ he says. ‘This is an opportunity to begin to refashion the EU, so it better serves the nation’s interests and the opportunity in Britain’s case for powers to ebb back instead of flow away. I entirely agree with the Prime Minister — this is a great opportunity.’ There are at least half a dozen such references.
For Paterson, this is as much about economic recovery as sovereignty. His experience as managing director of the British Leather Company in the 1990s and his Shropshire-born-and-bred common sense — at one point in the interview he refers to ‘metropolitan smartypants’ — explains a very practical Euroscepticism.
‘Hardly a Cabinet meeting goes past when an issue isn’t raised where we are being stopped by some form of European regulation,’ he observes. He also isn’t confident that EU rules are fairly applied. ‘I have constituents who are enormous egg producers, they have invested £25 million in making their cages compliant [with new EU regulations] by January.
They know perfectly well that a significant number of their competitors across the continent are going to be illegal. But there is no proposal to bring those people to heel. So if we can’t even control the market on the egg industry, how are we going to trust them on financial derivatives when we are going to be in a minority?’ This is a question that even Mr Cameron’s safeguards will struggle to answer.
So what will happen next? Despite Paterson’s protestations, the Prime Minister is simply pledging that he’ll demand ‘safeguards’ for the City of London it is far from certain that Cameron will use this moment to bring powers back to Britain. At the momentat this week’s European Council meeting. He appears unwilling to obstruct anything that might be seen as a solution to the eurozone crisis. He is also in coalition with the most pro-European party in British politics. How does Paterson see the conflict?
‘I am not sure the Liberal Democrats are quite as homogenous as everyone makes out,’ he says. ‘They are great supporters of localism and I would have thought having more decisions made locally would be something they would go along with.’ Intriguingly, he suggests that the coalition could survive an EU referendum that pitted the two partners against each other.
‘We went through an AV referendum which was completely binary — the Conservative party said it was black and the Liberals said it was white. We couldn’t have been more opposed to each other. There were a few ups and downs. But the coalition survived.’
Unlike the Prime Minister, Paterson does not accept the logic that a treaty change to create even closer union between the eurozone countries would not affect the balance of power between Westminster and Brussels. ‘If there was a major fundamental change in our relationship, emerging from the creation of a new bloc which would be effectively a new country from which we were excluded, then I think inevitably there would be huge pressure for a referendum.’
When I push him on whether a referendum would be required, he replies: ‘I think there will have to be one, yes, because I think the pressure would build up. This isn’t going to happen immediately because these negotiations are going to take some months. But I think down the road that is inevitable. ‘
Again, all of this is said with approving references to Mr Cameron’s speeches. Paterson argues that now is the moment for the Prime Minister ‘to pursue his aims which have been very publicly declared’. Paterson says that the Prime Minister has ‘made it very clear he’s a Eurosceptic and that there will be opportunities emerging for change. He’s made it absolutely clear, he doesn’t like pointless rules and regulations that stifle growth and we entirely agree with that.’
Addressing the EU would, he argues, be a way to make Britain more competitive. ‘Unless we do this we are going to slip further and further behind. It is going to be harder to deliver our deficit reduction targets. China and Brazil and Turkey and India are all growing gangbusters. There is a geopolitical shift and there is no point being stuck with the current arrangement if they’re just simply not working.’ (VN: I hope he is just being naive, but its hard to swallow, when the average joe out here on the net sees the plan and the truth, which is this is all intentional and the outward appearances of angst is all a show for the plebs. I am sorry, but that is so obvious to me. I was married to a brit... a great guy for 15 years and that is how I can tell, he used to tell me how this all works in britain and by golly, so far he has been spot on right about it. )
Regulation, he says, is not just a headache but the thief of time. ‘Government can wreck a business by confiscating its money by taxation. But confiscating its time is absolutely critical too, and I think, sadly, not enough people in government have tried to run a small business. Time that small businesses devote to regulation is time they are not ringing up a customer, not looking at the product or visiting a supplier. And that I think that is not understood.’ He doesn’t say by whom. (VN: More importantly, he does not carry this further, because if the businesses don't do it, then government must, so somewhere in there its a benefit to the powerbrokers. Facism means reduction in regulations and protections of the consumer. So lets make a prediction.... somewhere along the way the PTB will reduce or do away with regulation that protects the consumer, but RETAINS or EXPANDS regulations that protects the corporations. Lets watch and see.)
When I ask him if he thinks Cameron will deliver on Europe, he replies, ‘Yes because he has made it completely clear in public and in private that he does understand this.’ He believes that ‘at least 80 to 90 per cent’ of the Tory party want some form of renegotiation. Citing among other things the recent Commons rebellion by 81 Conservative MPs on the EU referendum motion, he observes that ‘the mood has really changed and has definitely hardened up and has to be respected’.
If Cameron does not appreciate this new reality, then he could be about to enter the most dangerous period of his premiership.
TAP - Cameron runs to save his political skin. Paterson's been let loose with this purpose in mind. His Spectator interview was quoted in every major newspaper the next day. (VN: and he is still alive, so that should speak volumes about what he is saying out if either naivete or out of support for the PTB.... We will find out which and since we now see the game, we can be ready here when it arrives, since they always use the same strategy and tactics.
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