*** Warning!!! This information is sexually explicit to some degree, and must be in order to convey the seriousness of the situaiton. They have already cut this from Henry Makows site. I can't find it and the link now goes to his front page where you cannot find the blog he did.Thank goodness I put the text up when I did or this would not be up here now. They do not want you to see what they have planned.
ITS ALL IN THE PROTOCOLS and this is just another step in demonizing and perverting our children to make them into the kind of adults they want them to be without morals, conscience and sanity. These children who are pedophiled are then turned into multiple personalities and mind controlled. They hope that eventually the society will reflect this instead of the old days of higher and more admirable thoughts and ideals, creativity, and caring for our fellow man. Now everything is perversion, brutality, ruthlessness, and mind altering substances.
Their hope is to make us no longer human in the best sense of humanity just as they are now more inhuman than human.
Vatic Note: This is no surprise to me. I simply did not know how far down these insane addict proned perverts were willing to go to destroy our religion, culture and our nation. It appears they are willing to go down as far as they can to achieve their goal. Along the way, they are engaging, themselves, in the same practices as our TARP bail out bill proved.
Remember, they spent a 3 day weekend at a quarter of a million dollar cost, at a high end resort, and they were hiring prostitutes at $40,000 per night. You know, for that price, it was not just some recreational hooopla. It has to be bad for them to be required to pay that amount of money for one night. This below may well explain it. They also gutted the photos so I can't put them up again, except maybe the first one. We will see.
Henry Makow did an excellent job on this in allowing this author to put this information up. As you know, the PTB always tell us in advance what they plan to do to us. They control the movie industry and use it to tell us in movies. The gulf blow out was exposed one year prior to the happening. It was disclosed to us in the movie "The Knowing".
This below was disclosed in the movie "The Soldier with Kurt Russell" a full 5 or 6 years before this is happening. As Ron Paul, so prophetically called it.... "If these people prevail in their plans, it will usher in a Dark Ages, the likes of which the world has never seen before". By Golly, he is right, if they are allowed to continue down this path without our stopping it.
Sexual Revolution: Bestiality & Pedophilia are Next
The desire to have sex with animals is just another sexual orientation. That approach worked with homosexuality and it's now being used to promote and normalize incest, bestiality, and pedophilia. TThe Illuminati plan is to normalize everything that is degenerate and corrupt.
"From vagina surgery to breast implants to pole dancing for six-year-olds to twerking for teens, the porn industry is the beast devouring our culture and along with it our lives and the lives of our children. Unless we recognize the plague and all its forms, we are doomed."
by Ron
Henry, I've read at least a dozen books about pornography that when put together do not make the case against this Satanically inspired "opiate of the masses" as effectively as you do in this essay. Still, there are a few more things that can be added.
If at first you don't succeed, try again, and so the Illuminati are trying a different approach this go round. The wikipedia entry on zoophilia discusses this subject in some detail, including the marketing of dildos in the shape of animal penises. A woman Ph.D. originally from Israel named Hani Miletski is among those leading the charge to normalize bestiality today.
Not surprisingly, she has strong connections to think tanks and government agencies that suggest Illuminati entanglements. Her promotion of bestiality in her book "Understanding Bestiality and Zoophilia" takes the form that you might expect--the desire to have sex with animals is just another sexual orientation. That approach worked with homosexuality and it's now being used to promote and normalize incest, bestiality, and pedophilia.
If you search the word "naughty" on Vine you will see videos posted by everyday adult women and men, not porn stars. These women and men are exposing themselves, with tight close-ups of their genitals. Most masturbate for Vine. There are also websites picking up these videos for viewing on the Internet.
My own theory about these amateur porn star wannabes is that they are driven by narcissism. Many of the posters of this material post new videos over and over, thus seeking external validation due to their weak sense of self. Creating that weak sense of self among children while they are in school, thus driving humanity to narcissism, is part of the New World Order agenda. Social media, like Facebook, helps to create that need for external validation through acquiring so-called friends.
You also bring up the subject of flashing vaginas in public, and how it may become common. Before I left my career in academia, I had as early as 2003 seen panty-less, pruned private parts being flashed in class. Narcissism, the addiction to thrills, and the influence of the porn industry played a part, in my opinion.
There was a "celebrity" at the time named Paris Hilton who was flashing her shaved lady bits to the papparazi, and I think this behavior also influenced a number of females on campus. Since then a wide variety of these untalented "celebrities" have engaged in similar exposure. It's no longer shocking for them to do it, so why should anyone be shocked when the girl next door does it?
Many celebrities are creations of the Illuminati, themselves enslaved by mind-control methods invented by the New World Order. They not only promote pornographic lifestyles, but also Satanism. From Madonna to Lady Gaga, and now to poor Miley Cyrus, these and other entertainers are cogs in a larger Illuminati machine that practices cultural engineering on a vast scale--all of it intended to enslave us to our carnal appetites.
I consider these toys to be an entrée to necrophilia porn, porn portraying sex with the dead. As children graduate from playing with their Monster High dolls, there on the Internet Goths and emos in pornographic poses suggesting necrophilia will be there for them. I suppose some corrupt academic will come along and claim that's just a sexual orientation too. Part of the Illuminati plan is to normalize everything that is degenerate and corrupt.
Which leads me to the subject of anal sex. My impression is that the porn industry is pushing anal sex beyond what the typical porn consumer would like to see. In the real world, anal sex is not that popular--yet. But by pushing it on the Internet, the porn industry is trying to create a new sexual ethic revolving around anal sex.
Let's be clear. Anal sex is inconsistent with natural law. It is associated with Satanic rituals throughout history. Satanists believe that the act of anal sex opens up the receiving partner to be entered by demonic forces. Thus, it's reasonable to suspect that the industry itself is under the direction of Satan and his earthly representatives.
I am not a prude. Tasteful nudity does not offend me. But the porn industry goes far beyond mere nude photos and videos, taking consumers on a ride leading to their enslavement. From vagina surgery to breast implants to pole dancing for six-year-olds to twerking for teens, the porn industry is the beast devouring our culture and along with it our lives and the lives of our children. Unless we recognize the plague and all its forms, we are doomed.
Related - Satanist Explains the Rites of Sodomy --------Bestiality brothels are 'spreading through Germany' warns campaigner as abusers turn to sex with animals as 'lifestyle choice'
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