Vatic Note: So my question is "Why did we create and spend billions on Homeland Security if there is no terrorist threat?" Once you read this below, you will have to agree, there is NO TERROR THREAT BY MUSLIMS AT ALL. If anything its by the Zionist Khazars, in house, who infiltrated and occupy our government and do the bidding of Israel and the khazar Zionist Bankers.
Just look at who has been disclosed as killing more Americans than all Muslim Countries put together, its been Israel, run by Khazars and not real Jews of the Bible. USS Liberty, the USS Cole, 9-11, JFK, Wellstone, JFK Jr, and now we find out recently and put up on a blog, that both WACO and OKC were war games to test Americans reactions to killing a hundred American People including a goodly number of unarmed children, using nerve gas and 4 delta force black ops who were inside when the military transport went into the building. ALL 4 DELTA OPS WERE KILLED AFTER THE OPERATION because they contacted alternative press and reported what happened since they could not live with what they had done.
So, read this and see what you think, let us know....
Delusional reality: Everything peddled by politicians, media, banks and television is a fiction
Thursday, September 06, 2012 by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger Editor of ![]() (NaturalNews)--The "War on Terror" is a complete fabrication. There is no terrorism other than what the government creates in order to sell its agenda of a police-state takeover. Click here to read Paul Craig Roberts' article that lays this out in brilliant detail. |
The "economic recovery" of America is a fairy tale. Over the last few days, the federal debt reached a jaw-dropping $16 trillion -- nearly $5 trillion of that debt has been incurred under one person: President Obama. Unemployment is at record highs. Half the population is on federal aid of one form or another. Food stamp costs have skyrocketed.
"Obamacare" is a fiasco. Dubbed the "Affordable Care Act," in reality health insurance costs have vastly increased after the passage of this ill-conceived law.
Peter Bergen: Bin Laden has aged 'enormously' - (VN: read this announcement of
Bin Ladens death on the NY times in 2002. )
This is a man who was clearly not well. I mean, as you see from these pictures here, he's really, by December [2001] he's looking pretty terrible. | ||
Bin Laden December 27, 2001 video
(these photos above are courtesy of Soda )
Bin Laden wasn't killed by U.S. Navy Seals [MM: He died on December 2001 of kidney failure!]. The war is a fake. The news is faked. The media is completely, utterly faked, running totally fictional stories. (VN: However, the Navy Seals that supposedly took him out this past year, are all dead, I believe it was twenty to 25 of them, but I could be wrong on the number. Checked and that is the number that "supposedly" killed Bin Laden, so add that to the numbers of Americans, in the thousands that Israel has killed, since they run our pentagon now. Over 100 pentagon top officers were retired or released and replaced with the khazar bankers men at the top, like Aquino, the Church of Satan second in command for the nation. Nice, huh? )
CNN is actually an elaborate theater operation, faking sets, locations, sound effects and everything else you can imagine. Don't believe me? Watch this totally faked CNN broadcast from the Gulf War, featuring "journalist" Charles Jaco:
The whole thing is so hilarious it's almost an SNL skit! At one point, a fake air raid siren sounds off, indicating a biological weapons attack (total fear mongering on CNN), and one of the guests in the fake studio frantically straps on a HELMET! Yeah, because helmets are the defense of choice against biological attacks, it seems. See if you can actually watch this CNN video and not laugh out loud...
Newspapers run fake news like "organic foods are no healthier than conventional foods." (
The FBI plans and carries out fake terror plots all across the USA (
All the ads of Big Pharma are completely faked, promoting dangerous prescription drugs that are approved by the FDA based on faked clinical studied.
The USDA, EPA, FDA, ATF, DEA are all fake operations, actually running their own scams and frauds rather than protecting the American public from anything. We'd all be better off to simply abolish every federal regulator and start over.
The history taught in public schools is wildly faked. The explanations of the Holocaust, who killed JFK and MLK are all faked. They don't want you to know real history.
Banking financial instruments are all faked. And the bank RATINGS are utterly faked. It's all complete fiction, and that fiction will soon unravel.
The food you buy is faked, by the way. Fake colors, fake flavors, fake marketing claims on the packaging, and even fake chemical ingredients. All the real nutrients are processed out, leaving "fake food."
Cities are fake ecosystems. City parks are faked with weed killer, pesticides, and non-native plants everywhere. Your tap water faucet is a "fake waterfall" in your kitchen. It's all illusion. Behind the mechanics, there is no real waterfall. It's all a series of electrical pumps and pipes that bring the water to you. Once the electricity stops, the illusion collapses.
The FDIC's insurance of your bank deposits is an illusion. When the banks go bankrupt -- an event that's coming very, very soon -- the FDIC will go bankrupt right along when them. Your deposits will be lost.
Your "pension" is an illusion. It's nothing more than a fabricated promise to pay you some amount of money at some future date. It does not exist in the real world, and it can vanish literally overnight.
Geopolitical lines are also fake. The thick red line that outlines your state on a map doesn't exist in the real world. Drive out there and see for yourself: there is NO LINE. So why do we pretend there is?
AIDS is not real. It's a completely fictional disease used by the CDC to scare everybody into giving it more funding and more power. HIV tests are completely bogus, as even the scientists who run the tests readily admit. (
The "cure for cancer" is not real, at least not as hyped by the pink ribbon non-profits. They aren't even looking for a cancer cure, folks. It would put the entire cancer industry out of business! (
Vaccine mythology is completely faked. It's all a fairy tale. There is no immunity granted by the injection of "attenuated" viral strains combined with stealth cancer viruses and chemical adjuvants. Vaccines are "medical theater" that don't even work. The "vaccine science" is all faked by the drug companies, and this is now a matter a public record from whistleblower scientists who worked on those vaccines and took part in spiking the clinical blood samples with animal antibodies! (
Airport security is fake. It's all "security theater." All the TSA molestations in the world still haven't caught a single terrorist.
Government power is an illusion. It's all a bluff. The government only has power because people believe it does. Hence the need for costumes (uniforms) and sparkly, shiny objects (badges) to mesmerize the gullible masses.
Entitlements are an illusion which will soon end. The U.S. government is now $16 trillion in debt, meaning the money the government has been spending is FAKE. When reality comes due, entitlement programs will collapse.
The stock market as a fair investment device is faked. As the Facebook IPO proved, Wall Street is really just a rigged game for insiders to loot gullible investors.
Your DVD player is faked. Remember when VCRs simply played the tape when you inserted the tape? Now your DVD player has to connect to the "cloud" somewhere, download updates, reboot, decode, sync, run a bunch of algorithms and then if you're lucky it actually plays a movie. But this entire process is "virtual" (digital) and not real(analog).
In fact, your email doesn't exist. Your saved files and documents don't exist. The web page you're reading right now doesn't exist. Your bank account doesn't exist. One electromagnetic pulse burst is all it would take to wipe out all electronic devices (and most data storage) across the country. Imagine your entire Facebook history, Twitter history and email history wiped clean in a microsecond. (For many, that wouldn't be such a bad thing, actually.)
Most of your life is played out in a virtual world, almost as if you were an animated character in a computer simulation... something like The Matrix.
You are living in a dream world, Neo.
So what's real?
• Physical books. No batteries required.• Family, including pets.
• Dirt (soil).
• Gardening, permaculture, seeds.
• Gold and silver.
• Consciousness, free will, awareness.
• The sun. Warmth and light. Energy for life.
• Liquid water. Perhaps the most miraculous substance in the universe.
• Honeybees, insects and pollinators.
• Sea salt. Minerals. Elements for health.
• Love, compassion, forgiveness, humility.
• Firearms, hammers and other purely mechanical devices that don't need "firmware" to operate.
Words of wisdom from the Health Ranger
• Start trading your VIRTUAL things for REAL things. At the moment, for example, you can "spend" your virtual electronic money (in your electronic bank account) in order to buy real things such as seeds, garden tools and silver.• Do not put all your eggs in the "virtual" basket. Even if you think your financial assets are diversified by being held in different funds or banks, they're all still 100% virtual! (Fiat money isn't REAL.)
• Make yourself learn how to navigate reality. Instead of playing Farmville, grow a real garden with real dirt and real seeds. Learn real skills and familiarize yourself with the real (natural) world. Turn off your GPS and learn to read a map, for starters.
• Kill your TV! There is nothing more stupid, insidious and mind-numbing than the TV. Nothing will separate you from reality faster than television. If you have cable TV, cancel it. If you have satellite TV, disconnect it. Remove this insidious technology from your life or it will dominate your mind, your beliefs, your emotions and your reactions to everything that happens in the world. Television is a pathway to total zombification. It's not just the ads either; the programs are also laced with propaganda, violence, perversion and negative influence.
And keep reading and other alternative news websites. We are the last safe harbor of truthful information left on the planet. We aim to report what's REAL, not the fictions peddled by the delusional institutions that attempt to dominate your mind and stuff it full of falsehoods.
About the author: Mike Adams is an award-winning journalist and holistic nutritionist with a passion for sharing empowering information to help improve personal and planetary health He has authored more than 1,800 articles and dozens of reports, guides and interviews on natural health topics, and he has published numerous courses on preparedness and survival, including financial preparedness,emergency food supplies, urban survival and tactical self-defense. Adams is a trusted, independent journalist who receives no money or promotional fees whatsoever to write about other companies' products. In 2010, Adams created, a natural living video sharing site featuring thousands of user videos on foods, fitness, green living and more. He also launched an online retailer of environmentally-friendly products ( and uses a portion of its profits to help fund non-profit endeavors. He's also the founder of a well known HTML email software companywhose 'Email Marketing Director' software currently runs the NaturalNews subscription database. Adams volunteers his time to serve as the executive director of the Consumer Wellness Center, a 501(c)3 non-profit organization, and regularly pursues cycling, nature photography, Capoeira and Pilates. Known by his call sign, the 'Health Ranger,' Adams posts his missions statements, health statistics and health photos at
The article is reproduced in accordance with Section 107 of title 17 of the Copyright Law of the United States relating to fair-use and is for the purposes of criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research.
so, ...when you say that everything "peddled" by communicatory vehicles is fiction, are you including yourself, as this a confessional? or are you warning us about THEM being liars, as opposed to you? you must understand, that with all these FANTASTIC horror stories about missing children being devoured by, well, monsters to hybrid human-? "entities" ten feet tall practically GOVERNING our nations...that, you as well, come under suspicion as being a purveyor of disinfo. i am not accusing you of any wrongdoing, but you have done your job well, perhaps too well. you apparently have well placed connections feeding you information from somewhere....but then so does "pastor" lindsey graham, and alex jones. and we all suspect how and why....but you are somehow sacrosanct and above the fray of such obvious hucksters? the info you are giving to us is absolutely TERRIFYING in its implications, is that your goal? i'm trying to connect the dots here, ok? not start an argument. if 1 plus 1 is always two, then it follows that anyone trying to tell me the equation is really eleven must be "part of the plan", right? if you are really legit, then how is it possible that your information is real while others giving out equally shocking info turn out to be paid informants for "the man"...but not you?
obviously i've been reading too much and i will confess to being "blown away" by the shocking contents of your blog. i truly hope you are not sitting there laughing at how well you have succeeded at converting my known reality to mush. then again, a small part of me almost wishes you really were an agent, because at least none of this would be true. i love someone whose children have been abducted by the state, we don't know where they are. years have gone by, without a trace. your shocking revelations have taken my mind to places i would rather not go. i have not shown the previous articles about the alien threat to my loved one, for obvious reasons. no parent wants to hear about this possibility, of those that exist, these allegations are THE WORST
and now you come out with this piece about how what we're being told by the various news agencies are all i guess i'm hoping that maybe you too?
Wow, lots to respond to and its very late for me right now. How about I start off with just a general statement. No, we are not sacrosanct here. I have been fooled more than once and learned my lesson. Now I seek more than one source for information. I am still holding articles in draft until I can confirm the information and that does not mean, someone sometime will still catch me off guard. What I am saying, if you read this article and visited the links he provided, is, I do not manufacture bogus news reports like CNN did. Someone who I consider a hero, leaked the video clips of when they were rehearsing for the news program and it was right in the studio instead of in Riahd, Saudi arabia as advertised by CNN and it was so badly done, anyone could have caught it anyway without the leak.
If you did not read this and the links all the way through than that is fast food news reading and that would result in you feeling the way you do. Information and facts are just that. We proved it on here. When and if I make a mistake, it will be because it was a mistake and not intentionally manufactured news reporting like the MSM does and we proved they do it. I will try to get back to this tomorrow when I get up and finish responding. OK?
Many things are totally fake. It is starting to seem like maybe too many things are fake.
And just like Alice in Wonderland you have to look at The Wizard of Oz as see that we are being led down the yellow brick road trying to eventually find reality.
Or better yet watch ZARDOZ which is a futuristic take on the Wizard of Oz with Sean Connery.
Spoiler alert: Maybe the elite are trapped in a perpetual hell and some of them are secretly subverting themselves to get us to take them all out.
Here's a potential take on the entire Aurora shooting being fake with no death. Still a possibility but maybe possible. Needs more detailed investigation on the people that allegedly died. I did find the attending hospital nurse dying very odd. Many reported facts didn't make sense at all.
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