
Biblioteca Pleyades

Bruecke Note: A deep rabbit hole with lots of forks and twists and turns. Illuminati? Aliens? Deep Underground Military Bases (DUMB sites)? Protocols of Zion?

Good thing that as acting Vatic Clerk while the Vatic Master takes a break to "try" to earn money, I'm only posting two links a day. This one will keep you busy for a month.


Don't let the multi-lingual aspect throw you off. Explore. Search for truth.
  - Civilizaciones - (Civilizations)
  - Exopolítica - (Exopolitic)
  - Genética - (Genetic)
  - Investigadores - (Researchers)
  - La Tierra - (The Earth)
  - Libros, Tratados e Informes - (Books, Treaties, Reports)
  - Leyendas / Mitos - (Legends / Myths)

  - Misticismo - Evolución - (Misticism - Evolution)
  - Neo-Arqueología - (Neo-Archeology)
  - Neo-Astronomía - (Neo-Astronomy)
  - Nueva Visión de La Salud - (A New Vision of Health)
  - Paraciencia - (Parascience)
  - Pleyades - (Pleiades)
  - Profecías - (Prophecies)
  - Sociopolítica - (Sociopolitics)
  - Vida Alienígena - (Alien Life)
This site wants to emulate a Virtual Library, including information found on the Internet in connection with reports, news, treatises, studies, theories and findings made possible by a multitude of people and personalities (professors, teachers, scientists, researchers, experts in religion, politicians, philosophers, members of intelligence, etc.), who have been devoted for decades to informing the general public (most recently through the Internet) of "new information" and a new way of seeing and interpreting History, Sciences, Sociopolitics, Myths and Legends, Archeology, Astronomy, etc.

These explorations bring more light to mystical and "religious" information than we have received through a dogmatic system of education, often unclear, distorted and manipulated. Here, we have the opportunity to report on new chapters beyond current knowledge, such as Exopolitics, Neo-Archeology, Parascience, "Alternative" Medicine, Life in Our Universe and much more...
Everything on this Site has been obtained on the Internet. The articles in this site are in Spanish (15% approx.) and English (85% approx.). Nothing herein has been produced by us.
Our role is one as simple archivists.

We do not promote neither any "line" in particular,  nor any movement, doctrine, education or political thought. We are like all of you, Truth Seekers... Nothing more, nothing less.

We suggest you start with the section "Weekly News" on the top menu. In that section, we always add 30 or so articles weekly on different themes inherent to the Quest...

To look into various articles of the more than 10200 (and rising) stored on this Site, go to
"Index by Areas" on the top menu.

The article is reproduced in accordance with Section 107 of title 17 of the Copyright Law of the United States relating to fair-use and is for the purposes of criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research.


firefox said...

hi vatic project
lost you here in OZ had some bad virus problems and lost dutchsince and Vatic. I will resubscribe.

firefox said...

Have lost you in OZ, no more posts. Will re join. Had bad virus attacks

Vatic Master said...

I just now came across these comments, sorry it took so long to respond. I hope your virus problems are well in hand by now, and I know what you mean. I had the same problem.

Then with the PTB messing with the distribution list, the blog and my emails, I had to stop what I was doing, turn everything over to Bruecke for a while so I could rest from "burnout" from fighting the PTB's and to earn some much needed moohla. lol

If you wish to resign up, just send an email to vatic2011@gmail.com and when we resume the "Daily summary", you will be on the list.

Dutchsinse has been reestablished again since he had the same problem I did only worse since his blog is almost exclusively YouTube, so he was easier to bring down. He is back up again on a different website, but now back on Youtube. I noticed there was nothing about Haarp on this one, so maybe he had to make a deal to stay up. Too bad if that is the case.

No matter what, welcome back again and I hope you are healthy now.

Unknown said...

Great work. Keep it up.

Anonymous said...

Archive and post this about Catholic End Times, Reptilians explained, Conspiracy Fact: