
Fluoride and its effect on human intelligence. A systematic review.

Vatic Note:  Maybe this explains what is happening to our leaders.   Too damn much Fluoride!!!!Remember, fluroide and GMO seeds have been banned in food and water for decades everywhere, including CHINA,  but not here in the US and we dropped from 2nd in education level to 39th, and I am sure its from a series of factors, but now we know this is at least one of them. And you think we are not under attack??? We should not be angry at our citizens for their apathy,  since now we know why, rather begin major movement to remove it from our water.   Remember also that Hitler used fluoride in the camps to keep the inmates lathargic and easy to handle and manage.  (Katrina victims still in camps should have their water checked to see if that is the case there, Gregg Palast could probably find that out)   What we discovered in our town, was, they were using flouride industrial waste from pesticide factory chimneys in Florida which is higly toxic and poisonous, and they did it for multiple purposes I am sure, but one was that it cost the pecticide company $400 per truck load as toxic waste to treat it in compliance with the EPA, (when they used to work for us) and now instead they sell it for $40 per truck load to water districts, MANY OF WHOM ARE PRIVATIZED (another good argument against privatizing our critical life affecting public systems).   This alone is a crime against humanity, not including just the simple pure use of it even if good grade for human consumption.   It is a hologen and thus extremely dangerous to the human body.   These are things we must not forget otherwise, they will slowly kill us off.
Fortunately back in 2005, our town through sheer threats to the water board, got fluoride taken out of our water and we have done much better ever since.

SOLUTION:    Also remember, that water and sewage treatment does not take fluoride out of the water nor any other chemicals, in fact they put them in. So we are in need of individual water filters for showers etc that does take it out. Be sure to check any filter you use has that ability since its quite a bit different than regular filters since the skin in absolutely involved in absorbing the fluoride into our systems. Not just the cooking with it or drinking it, but also showering. Check with your local water board and see if they still have flouride in their water, and if so, contact your local anti-flouride group and work to get it removed. That is forced medication without a doctors approval and that was one of the best arguments we were able to use to remove it.  Another argument we used was after showing the water board all the medical problems to our health if they kept it in the water, they had a responsibility to remove it, and if they voted to keep it in, then they did so personally with knowledge of the harm it was causing.  That meant we could not only sue the water board, but we could sue them personally and their own financial condition was then at risk.   That was the final hammer that got the fluoride out of our water.   This is a combination of actions that worked in our county.

Fluoride/Human IQ Studies

with high fluoride exposure
Fluoride Action Network
May 26, 2010

In the summer of 2008, the following two reports reviewed the published studies reporting an association of high fluoride exposure and reduced IQ. The fluoride levels in water in these studies range from 0.88 – 9.4 ppm.

Connett M, Limeback H.
Fluoride and its effect on human intelligence. A systematic review.
International Association for Dental Research 83rd General Session and Exhibition. Toronto, Canada.
Poster 2205. July 4, 2008.

Tang Q-Q, Du J, Ma H-H, Jiang S-J, Zhou X-J.
Fluoride and Children’s Intelligence: A Meta-analysis.
Biol Trace Elem Res. 2008 Aug 10. 2008.

The Tang et al. study cites 16 studies, including 5 Chinese studies that had not been translated into English. FAN plans to have them translated.

The Connett & Limeback review, published prior to Tang et al., found 18 out of 20 studies reporting an association to fluoride exposure and lowered IQ. Their results are reproduced below in the following Table.

The citations for the 23 studies are listed at the end with links to the Chinese and translated versions.

The Fluoride journal published 6 of the translated Chinese studies on fluoride's impact on IQ in its April-June 2008 edition (Qin-1990, Chen-1991, Guo-1991, Liu-2000, Hong-2001, Li-2003) and will publish more translated studies in later editions.

Twelve (12) of the human/IQ studies were originally published in Chinese. Julian Brooke translated these studies into English under contract with Fluoride Action Network.

In their review of the toxicology of fluoride, the committee who authored the 2006 National Research Council of the National Academies report on fluoride (NRC), cited only 3 of the 23 studies in its 'Findings on Human Cognitive Abilities', and cited 6 of the 23 studies in its references (Yang et al., 1994; Li et al., 1995; Lin et al., 1991; Zhao et al., 1996; Lu et al., 2000; Xiang et al., 2003). 5 studies (including one untranslated Chinese study) were published after the NRC report was released. The NRC report stated:

Human Cognitive Abilities.

In assessing the potential health effects of fluoride at 2-4 mg/L, the committee found three studies of human populations exposed at those concentrations in drinking water that were useful for informing its assessment of potential neurologic effects. These studies were conducted in different areas of China, where fluoride concentrations ranged from 2.5 to 4 mg/L. Comparisons were made between the IQs of children from those populations with children exposed to lower concentration of fluoride ranging from 0.4 to 1 mg/L. The studies reported that while modal IQ scores were unchanged, the average IQ scores were lower in the more highly exposed children. This was due to fewer children in the high IQ range. While the studies lacked sufficient detail for the committee to fully assess their quality and their relevance to U.S. populations, the consistency of the collective results warrant additional research on the effects of fluoride on intelligence. Investigation of other mental and physiological alterations reported in the case study literature, including mental confusion and lethargy, should also be investigated.

Ref: bottom of page 220 to page 221

The NRC report also stated:

On the basis of information largely derived from histological, chemical, and molecular studies, it is apparent that fluorides have the ability to interfere with the functions of the brain and the body by direct and indirect means. To determine the possible adverse effects of fluoride, additional data from both the experimental and the clinical sciences are needed.


Table from Connett and Limeback 2008 review [comments in italics were not in original paper]
(VN:  Please click on link for full chart, contained below are summary of results of all the tests and it is massively disturbing if you have children and are wondering why they have problems.  Best to begin to get that fluoride out of your water, its my understanding that bottle water has it too)

“Disrupted child intellectual development” is “clearly much more serious” from a “ harmful environment containing both high fluoride and low iodine …than the effects of iodine deficiency alone”

“A child whose drinking water is above 2.0 mg/L or below 0.2 mg/L manifest intellectual deficits as compared to ‘normal’ control group.”

“children living in high fluoride areas have lower IQs”

“low iodine intake coupled with high fluoride intake exacerbates the central nervous lesions and the somatic developmental disturbance of iodine deficiency"

“fluoride has a direct connection with intellectual development of children”

“The average IQ scores of children in the high fluoride, high iodine area and the control area were 76.67±7.75 and 81.67±11.97 respectively. This difference is not significant, however the number of children showing moderately low IQ scores in the subject population is significantly higher than the control. See Table

“early prolonged high fluoride intake causes a decrease an a child’s mental work capacity”

High fluoride environment can adversely affect the development of intelligence in children

“high fluoride intake has a clear influence on the IQ of preschool children”

 “The intake of high fluoride drinking water before birth had a significant deleterious influence on children’s IQ. “

"exposure of children to high levels of fluoride may therefore carry the risk of impaired development of intelligence”

F makes I-deficiency worse, lowering IQ more than just with low Intelligence

Fluoride disrupts intellectual development

-- drinking water fluoride levels greater than 1.0 mg/L may adversely affect the development of children’s intelligence

“..Negative correlation between urine fluoride and intelligence”

“...The numbers of below-average IQ subjects from the two fluorosis groups were clearly higher than the control group. Further demonstrating that high fluoride intake has a damaging effect on intellectual ability. Even the control group had 16.3% of subjects in the low range, suggesting that even moderate levels of fluoride contamination such as were present in the control zone can still have a noticeable effect on the intellectual development of children.”

“High F may be associated with impaired development of intelligence.

 “Children exposed to either F or As have increased risks of reduced IQ scores”

“..the mean IQ level of students exposed to high F drinking water was significantly lower than that of the students to a lower F level drinking

“Children’s intelligence and growth can be affected by high concentrations of As or fluoride.”


Chen Y, Han F, Zhou Z, Zhang H, Jiao X, Zhang S, Huang M, Chang T, Dong Y. (2008)
Research on the intellectual development of children in high fluoride areas.
Chinese Journal of Control of Endemic Diseases 1991;6 Suppl:99-100. 1991.

English version published in Fluoride 41(2):120–124. April-June 2008.

Translated by Julian Brooke and published with the concurrence of the Chinese Journal of Control of Endemic Diseases.
• NRC did not have this study for review.
• Translation into English paid by Fluoride Action Network.
• Chinese version.

Guo X, Wang R, Cheng C, Wei W, Tang L, Wang Q, Tang D, Liu G, He G, Li S. (2008)
A preliminary investigation of the IQs of 7-13 year old children from an area with coal burning-related fluoride poisoning.

Chinese Journal of Endemiology 1991;10(2):98-100. 1991.

English version published in Fluoride 41(2):125–128. April-June 2008.

Translated by Julian Brooke and published with the concurrence of the Chinese Journal of Endemiology.
• NRC did not have this study for review.
• Translation into English paid by Fluoride Action Network.
• Chinese version.

Hong F, Cao Y, Yang D, Wang H. (2008)
Research on the effects of fluoride on child intellectual development under different environments.
Chinese Primary Health Care 2001;15(3):56-7. 2001.

Translated by Julian Brooke and published with the concurrence of Chinese Primary Health Care.

English version published in Fluoride 41(2):156–160. April-June 2008.
• NRC did not have this study for review.
• Translation into English paid by Fluoride Action Network.
• Chinese version.
Li Y, Li X, Wei S. (2008)
Effects of high fluoride intake on child mental work capacity: and preliminary investigation into mechanisms involved.

The Journal of West China University of Medical Sciences 1994: 25(2): 188-191. 1994.
English version published in Fluoride 41(4):331-335. October-December.

• NRC did not have this study for review.

• Translation into English paid by Fluoride Action Network.
• Chinese version.

Li Y, Jing X, Chen D, Lin L, Wang Z. (2008)
The effects of endemic fluoride poisoning on the intellectual development of children in Baotou.

Chinese Journal of Public Health Management 2003:19(4):337-8. 2003.

Translated by Julian Brooke and published with the concurrence of the Chinese Journal of Public Health Management.

English version published in Fluoride 41(2):161–164. April-June 2008.
• NRC did not have this study for review.
• Translation into English paid by Fluoride Action Network.
• Chinese version.

Qin L, Huo S, Chen R, Chang Y, Zhao M. (1990)

Using the Raven’s standard progressive matrices to determine the effects of the level of fluoride in drinking water on the intellectual ability of school-age children.

Chinese Journal of the Control of Endemic Diseases 5:203-204.

Translated by Julian Brooke and published with the concurrence of the Chinese Journal of Control of Endemic Diseases.

English version published by Fluoride 41(2):115–119. April-June 2008.
• NRC did not have this study for review.
• Translation into English paid for by Fluoride Action Network.
• Chinese version.

Ren D, Li K, Liu D. (2008)
A study of the intellectual ability of 8-14 year-old children in high fluoride, low iodine areas.
Chinese Journal of Control of Endemic Diseases Vol. 4, No. 4, p 251. 1989.

English version publised by Fluoride 41(4):319-320. October-December.
• NRC did not have this study for review.
• Translation into English paid by Fluoride Action Network.
* Chinese version.

Wang G, Yang D, Jia, Wang H. (2008)
A study of the IQ levels of four- to seven-year-old children in high fluoride areas.

Endemic Diseases Bulletin, Vol. 11, No. 1, 60-6. February 1996.

English version published by Fluoride 41(4)340–343. October-December.
• NRC did not have this study for review.
• Translation into English paid by Fluoride Action Network.
• Chinese version.

Wang S, Zhang H, Fan W, Fang S, Kang P, Chen X, Yu M. (2008)

The effects of endemic fluoride poisoning caused by coal burning on the physical development and intelligence of children.

Journal of Applied Clinical Pediatrics 20(9): 897-898. September 2005.

English version published in Fluoride 412(4)344-348. October-December.
• NRC did not have this study for review.
• Translation into English paid by Fluoride Action Network.
• Chinese version.

Li XS, Zhi JL, Gao RO. (1995)
Effect of fluoride exposure on intelligence in children.
Fluoride 28(4): 189-192. 1995.
• NRC cited this study in its references.

Lin FF, Aihaiti, Zhao HX, Lin J, Jiang JY, Maimaiti, and Aiken (1991)
The relationship of a low-iodine and high-fluoride environment to subclinical cretinism in Xinjiang.
Xinjiang Institute for Endemic Disease Control and Research;
Office of Leading Group for Endemic Disease Control of Hetian Prefectural Commitlee of the Communist Party of China; and County Health and Epidemic Prevention Station, Yutian, Xinjiang.
• NRC cited this study in its references.

Lu Y, Sun ZR, Wu LN, Wang X, Lu W, Liu SS. (2000)
Effect of high-fluoride water on intelligence in children.
Fluoride 33(2): 74-78. 2000.
• NRC cited this study in its references.

Rocha-Amador D, Navarro ME, Carrizales L, Morales R, Calderón J. (2007)
Decreased intelligence in children and exposure to fluoride and arsenic in drinking water.
Cad. Saúde Pública, Rio de Janeiro, 23 Sup 4:S579-S587. 2007.
• NRC did not have this study for review.

Trivedi MH, Verma RJ, Chinoy NJ, Patel RS, Sathawara NG . (2007)
Effect of high fluoride water on intelligence of school children in India.
Fluoride 40(3):178–183. July-September. 2007.
• NRC did not have this study for review.

Wang SX, Wang ZH, Cheng XT, Li J, Sang Z-P, Zhang X-D, Han L-L, Qiao X-Y, Wu Z-M, Wang Z-Q. (2007)
Arsenic and fluoride exposure in drinking water: children’s IQ and growth in Shanyin County, Shanxi Province, China.
Environmental Health Perspectives115(4):643-647. April 2007.
• NRC did not have this study for review.

Xiang Q, Liang Y, Chen L, Wang C, Chen B, Chen X, Zhou M. (2003)
Effect of fluoride in drinking water on children's intelligence.
Fluoride 36(2): 84-94. 2003.
• NRC cited this study in its references.

Zhao LB, Liang GH, Zhang DN, Wu XR. (1996)
Effect of high-fluoride water supply on children's intelligence.
Fluoride 29(4): 190-192. 1996.
• NRC cited this study in its references.


Seraj B*, Shahrabi M, Falahzade M, Falahzade F, Akhondi N. (2007)
Effect of high fluoride concentration in drinking water on children's intelligence.

• English translation forwarded by lead author: (B. Seraj, Department of Pediatric Dentistry, Faculty of Dentistry,Tehran University of Medical Sciences)

Journal of Dental Medicine 19(2):80-86. 2007.
• NRC did not have this study for review.
• Persian version

The Tang et.al. study cited the following 5 studies as reporting lowered IQ from fluoride exposure.
(FAN intends to translate these papers into English.)

Title: Effect of high level of fluoride on children’s intelligence.
Authors: An JA, Mei SZ, Liu AP et al.
Published in: Zhong Guo Di Fang Bing Fang Zhi Za Zhi 7(2):93–94. 1992. (in Chinese)

Title: Effect of fluoride on children’s intelligence.
Authors: Xu YL, Lu CS, Zhang XN
Published in: Di Fang Bing Tong Bao 9:83–84. 1994. (in Chinese)

Title: Comparison of children’s health and intelligence between the fluorosis area with altering water source and those without altering water source.
Authors: Yao LM, Deng Y, Yang SY et al (1997) Yu Fang Yi Xue Wen
Published in: Yu Fang Yi Xue Wen Xian Xin Xi 3(1):42–43. 1997. (in Chinese)

Title: Effect of high level of fluoride and arsenium on children’s intelligence.
Authors: Zhang JW, Yao H, Chen Y.
Zhong Guo Gong Gong Wei Sheng Xue Bao 17(2):119. 1998. (in Chinese)

Title: Effect of high fluoride exposure on children intelligence.
Authors: Fan ZX, Dai HX, Bai AM et al.
Published by: Huan Jing Yu Jian Kang Za Zhi 24(10):802–803. 2007. (in Chinese)

2 CHINESE STUDIES that Connett & Limeback did not list as finding an association between fluoride exposure and reduced IQ:

Hu Y, Yu Z , Ding R. (1989)

Research on the intellectual ability of 6-14 year old students in an area with endemic fluoride poisoning.

Collection of papers and abstracts of 4th China Fluoride Research Association 6:73. 1989.

• Translation into English by Julian Brooke. (English translation not yet published)

• NRC did not have this study for review.

• Translation into English paid by Fluoride Action Network.

• Chinese version.

Yang Y, Wang X, Guo X, Hu P. (1994)

The effects of high levels of fluoride and iodine on child intellectual ability and the metabolism of fluoride and iodine.

Chinese Journal of Epidemiology 15(4). October 1994.

• Translation into English by Julian Brooke. (English translation not yet published)

• NRC cited this study in its references.

• Translation into English paid by Fluoride Action Network.

• Chinese version.

• FAN note: The paper states, “The average IQ scores of children in the high fluoride, high iodine area and the control area were 76.67±7.75 and 81.67±11.97 respectively. This difference is not significant, however the number of children showing moderately low IQ scores in the subject population is significantly higher than the control. See Table 2.”

... In humans, only five substances have so far been documented as developmental neurotoxicants: lead, methylmercury, polychlorinated biphenyls, arsenic, and toluene. From this evidence, including our own studies on some of these substances, parallels may be drawn that suggest that fluoride could well belong to the same class of toxicants, but uncertainties remain. At least 200 industrial chemicals are known to cause brain toxicity in humans, mainly adults, and they must also be suspected to harm the developing brain. Because of the individual and societal importance of optimal brain function, recognition of developmental neurotoxicity is a public health priority, and further evidence on fluoride is needed.

Potentials for Developmental Fluoride Neurotoxicity by Anna L. Choi and Phillippe Grandjean

XXVIITH Conference of the International Society for Fluoride Research, October 9-12, 2007, Beijing China

Fluoride Action Network

The article is reproduced in accordance with Section 107 of title 17 of the Copyright Law of the United States relating to fair-use and is for the purposes of criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research.

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