Vatic Note: What I want to know is "WHO" in the Pentagon is the Traitor? is that why so many top level military leaders were purged from the pentagon by both Cheney and Obama??? They were either going to report this to the public, or resisted such plans and thus were released from duty? I think its time we put out names of the offenders, after verifying the fact they were culpable.
And now we find out that the DAILY BEAST is an Israeli/Khazar backed publicaton, so watch out for what they put out. Jane harmon is behind it and she is pure khazar Zionist, as we all know from her time in congress, when she worked for Israel and not her constituency.
I also remember, when this happened, the khazar zionist owned press said nothing about the gas having come from Israel or Turkey, rather it said that Assad gassed his own people. So the press is up for indictments and trials for role in all of this. I am sick of us having to dig up our own news and truth. That was the press's job and they are failing at it, miserably. They are proving that we don't even need a press anymore..... since we have been exposing so much ourselves. Its nice to have one you can trust, but not necessary now and more and more citizens are turning to the alternative press for truth and exposure of that truth. Our people are finally waking up, thank goodness. Its well past time.
I think we should have gone further with this and called for more than just an investigation on psychological operations, but on the entire ISIS FRAUD perpetrated by a foreign ally, using USA citizens tax resources to do it, especially resources in the pentagon and in the CIA and Homeland Security, that has been run by Dual Israeli citizens to insure Israel's interests in their actions.
***FUNDRAISING STATUS - Well, its that time of the month again. We
need to have help meeting our
monthly deficit of $150 due by the
first of the month
and as you usually do, we
know that you will help us to do that. We are eternally grateful for
the contribution that came in today, since it moves us closer to our
goal as we get closer to our deadline, and thus allows us to continue
our work.
We still need that last $150, so please, if
you can afford it, we ask that you contribute through pay pal off to the
right of this blog. What
is encouraging is the massive changes we are seeing in the power grab by
the khazars that is failing in many areas and all we can do is continue
to push until they fail completely. Unfortunately we need to meet our
deficit every month to stay up and continue what we are doing.
count on you to help us achieve
that agenda by using our EXPOSURE to all their deeds, as a weapon of
mass destruction, that means distribute this and make it go viral,
especially to your congressman and senators. So many people are truly
waking up that I have never
felt more encouraged as I do right now, so lets keep the heat on and
finish this once and for all. God Bless you all and keep you safe and
Whether you do anything or not, they intend to keep going until "we" put a stop to it. Its all up to us.
Pentagon Treason, Hoax Number 3 Today Alone
By Gordon Duff, Senior Editor, Veterans Today, Sept 3, 2015
From Israel's "Daily Beast," attempts to blame Assad for Turkish gas shells
Turkish intelligence unit firing poison gas into Syria
The Pentagon sent this article out to
all military, members of congress and military retirees in their Early
Bird “best of the news.” There have been nothing but hoaxes and lies
coming out of the Pentagon now indicating that those running the
Pentagon’s news service are in the pay of a foreign government. (VN: that is called "treason", pure and simple and it a death penalty offense in time of war. If we are not at war right now, then I don't when we have ever been at war as defined by our actions.)