***Fundraising - Our deficit isdown to $125from the original $350 and is needed by the first
of the month. We wish to thank the generous donors who helped to lower our deficit. If you can
afford it and wish to aid us as a team to take on exposing the
underbelly of the NWO beast, then we ask that you donate to the cause
off to the right of the blog at the pay pal button. We are also providing proof that they may well lose this battle.
appreciate your support in reading, distributing and contributing
financially to this blog. Without your help we could not do this work.
God bless you for your commitment to doing the right thing and
supporting those who do the labour. I truly believe we will prevail.
Vatic Note: This is great. Citizens arrest under the "Common Law Courts" because the regular civil and criminal system within these countries has been compromised at both the law enforcement police and judges level. They formed a Direct action investigators who actually exist legally. Apparently Canada has passed legislation that is called "Citizens Arrest" law. They even mention governments as being part of the criminal side of this and due process having been followed by the Common law system.
Under Common Law, if there is a threat to somebody, you are allowed to break the law, if it results in the common good. He says that the common law investigators emails had been intercepted by provocateurs and they mention NSA, and that makes sense to me, because NSA put up a huge facility in Israel, which means they are also monitoring what is going on in the USA and elsewhere, implying some government involvement in all of this.
Many of those that wanted to come forward and cooperate, were killed. Remember, Israel leaders are khazars and Satanists, and the Bohemian grove, according to Kathy O'Brien is where ritual sexual abuse of children and murder of those children has taken place. She was witness to it more than once. We posted a blog about it with a video interview she did.
Because of the success of this common law investigation, there has been a backing off of the child ritual murders, out of fear of being caught, which has saved the lives of children. Annett says they will need to mobilize the community in dealing with this and stopping these crimes from happening. These children are being sacrificed in the thousands.
It makes sense when you realize that just in the US alone there are 900,000 missing children. That is almost a million of them. When there was only 189,000 back in the 80's we had posters everywhere, TV sponsored calls and photos of the children asking people to report having seen them, and we had milk cartons with photos of these children on them. Today with 8 times the number missing there is NOTHING, no milk cartons, no press, nothing. Why?
What I am getting is that there is a growing desire to by pass the current system that is obviously not working, and replacing, the system with the peoples created common law systems. I would love to get a copy of that bill Canada passed which is a Citizens Arrest law. We could do that here. Its making a huge difference on those coming forward to spill what they know because they feel they will be safe.
This interview also deals with the attacks going on against the Common law system, including attacks on their funding as well as attacks against the replacement system, since the normal system is riddled with agents of these cults. So, its not working and something had to take its place.
Annett has been involved in all of this and says that we can do the same thing, but we must get our communities involved or it won't work. They have to not only support it, but actively participate in it. Our system used to be based on common law, but once our government was corporatized, it changed to a contract law system. That is for another discussion. Here is one site for educating ourselves so we can do the same thing. http://itccs.org/common-law-court-documents/. And here is another one that is a training manual. http://itccs.org/the-common-law-and-its-courts-a-community-training-manual/
Lets email our reps that we know give a damn and ask them to check out the Canadian system and Belgium which is where the common law court is located, and see about starting this ourselves, by harassing our congress people and senators to start acting like our representatives and DO SOMETHING about all this by passing a common law court system here, for the people to take charge and stop all this horror going on. Also, do not forget, "THIS IS A SPIRITUAL BATTLE" and its time we stepped up and chose sides to this. It must be stopped for the sake of the children.
We also did a blog about Georgia Senator Schaffer who tried to investigate CPS who were pimping for higher up officials, she was going international with all of this and she was killed, we also posted a blog on Andre Levays son who signed a sworn affidavit saying he saw high up officials in a suburb of Denver at a castle ritualistically sexually abusing children and murdering babies and drinking their blood.
That affidavit stands as fact unless proven wrong. So far no one has tried to prove it wrong. Andre Levay was the founder of the Church of Satan, and his son was brought with him to all these events, and that is why, at 10 years of age, he was subjected to watching all of this. He eventually rejected his fathers church and became a Christian and minister. No wonder these satanists kill Christians in the millions whenever they take over somewhere. They are the biggest threat to them. (There will be a follow up to this when Annett gets back from Montreal.)
Breaking Interview: Child sacrifice in Montreal disrupted, arrests made
Posted on August 17, 2014 http://itccs.org/
VIDEO – Kevin Annett: ITCCS takes down Satanic child sacrifice. Exposes Cargill, Sinclair Oil execs, Montreal Bishop & McGill University.
VANCOUVER, BC – In an ExopoliticsTV interview with Alfred Lambremont Webre from Kitchner, ON, Kevin Annett, field Secretary of the International Common Law Court of Justice disclosed that an August 15, 2014 takedown by trained Court Direct Action Units of a planned Satanic child sacrifice ritual in Montreal, QC resulted in the arrest of two Satanic Ninth Circle cult participants in the planned crime, as well as the exposure of participants Cargill Corporation executive Kerry Brick and Sinclair Oil, Ltd executive Stephen Holding, as well as an as yet unnamed Bishop of Montreal.
The two children to be used at the Satanic sacrifice are apparently being held at McGill University. As of this writing ITCCS interrogations of the two Ninth Circle cult participants in an effort to uncover the location of the children held at McGill for sacrifice, as well as more details about Ninth Circle operations in Montreal and elsewhere.
Child Sacrificial Cult Disrupted, Arrests made in Montreal
Posted on August 16, 2014 http://itccs.org/
Public Announcement of the Central Command of the Direct Action Units
established by the International Common Law Court of Justice
Global Communique No. 2: August 16, 2014 – Brussels
Striking in the early hours of Friday, August 15, one of our
trained Direct Action Units (DAU) in Montreal, Canada successfully
disrupted the preparations for a child sacrificial cult ritual at a
private residence in the fashionable Outremont district.
In the course of the action and under the authority of warrants
issued by the Court, the DAU arrested two cult members who are being
held in protective custody prior to their questioning and possible
indictment before the Court.
The DAU Commander who headed the action has issued the following report to our Central Office:
“At 0700 hours EST yesterday, 15 August, our Alpha team moved into
action against the private residence in Outremont, Quebec that has
been under surveillance by us since 4 August. We met no opposition or
resistance from the single armed security guard at the said residence,
who was immediately detained along with a male cult employee engaged in
preparations for the upcoming midnight ritual.
“Under questioning, the private security guard identified the
location of the ritual as within a small sub-basement chamber that was
reconnoitered and filmed by our team. The chamber included two small
prison cells with wall shackles, and a central sound proof chamber
containing a stone altar awash with apparent blood stains that were
sampled and bagged for analysis. An adjoining room held locked cabinets
containing considerable child pornographic material, articles of
children’s clothing that was bagged for analysis, metallic torture
devices, ceremonial swords, and sophisticated film equipment.
“The male cult employee in our custody refused to answer any of our
questions, but in the course of our action a second cult member arrived
at the residence and was detained. This member, an older woman, was very
unnerved by our presence and combat attire. She therefore admitted to
the upcoming ritual that evening and identified three of its
participants: a ‘local catholic bishop’ whom she refused to name, a
Cargill corporation executive named Kerry Brick, and an American named
Stephen Holding from Sun Valley, Idaho, apparently with Sinclair Oil,
“This informant also claimed that the two children to be used at the
midnight ritual were being held at a separate facility at McGill
University, but she claimed not to know where. She said that the normal
procedure was to deliver them in a drugged condition just before the
ritual began, for security reasons. Finally, she confirmed that the cult
members describe themselves as part of the Ninth Circle society and
claim they all carry tattoos with a cult insignia of the said Ninth
“Our team restrained all three prisoners and locked down the
premises, while taking more videos and samples from the underground
chamber. We then secured a covert perimeter in the neighbourhood in
anticipation of the arrival of the cult participants and their victims.
Unfortunately, although we maintained our vigil until well after
midnight, no-one else arrived at the premises for the rest of that day
and evening. We must assume that the participants were somehow alerted
to our presence and aborted the ritual.
“The security guard in our custody was released by us after he proved
that he had been retained in a private commercial capacity. The two
cult members are being held in our DAU prison facility in Montreal prior
to their questioning by the Court Prosecutor and his Canadian
affiliates. All samples and film we obtained are in transit to Brussels
headquarters for analysis."
”We are maintaining our covert surveillance on these cult premises
in Outremont until further orders are received from Central Command. DAU Alpha Team Commander, Montreal 16/08/2014”
Supplementary Report of the Action at Pro Cathedral, Ireland by DAU Beta Team:
"Our DAU Beta Team in Dublin, Ireland encountered no ritualistic
activity at the Cathedral at the time and date reported by our two
Diocese informants. The latter claim that the ritual was either
cancelled or moved to another location, but could not confirm anything
However, the identity of a Ninth Circle adherent in Dublin was
shared by one of the Diocese informants: a priest named Damien O’Reilly
who is an assistant to the acting head of the catholic church in
Ireland, Dublin Archbishop Dermot Martin.
DAU Beta Team is continuing its surveillance procedures at the Pro
Cathedral and other reported cult centres in Ireland, and is assisting
the Common Law Court being established in Galway to investigate the
apparent ritual slaying of babies at the catholic facility in Tuam."
The Court is proceeding to authorize further follow up actions by our
DAU’s at other child sacrificial centres in Rome, Canada, the United
States, Ireland, England, Belgium and Holland. Updates are
CC-DAU Communique No. 2
Issued 16/08/2014
DAU Central Command Office
The article is reproduced in accordance with Section 107 of title 17 of the Copyright Law of the United States relating to fair-use and is for the purposes of criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research.
***Fundraising - Our deficit isdown to $125from the original $350 and is needed by the first
of the month. We wish to thank the generous donors who helped to lower our deficit. If you can
afford it and wish to aid us as a team to take on exposing the
underbelly of the NWO beast, then we ask that you donate to the cause
off to the right of the blog at the pay pal button. We are also providing proof that they may well lose this battle.
appreciate your support in reading, distributing and contributing
financially to this blog. Without your help we could not do this work.
God bless you for your commitment to doing the right thing and
supporting those who do the labour. I truly believe we will prevail.
Vatic Note: That is why I have a bit of a problem believing Putin is not one of them because he made it all the way up the khazar ladder to head of KGB, just like Bush did as head of CIA. Putin may well have changed his mind, and is now one of us, but then, how did that happen? It would have assumed he never knew the real agenda of the perpetrators of this massive global fraud.
As head of KGB, he would have to know, since black ops was always part of the larger agenda. Its why the funding went from Congress, to drug running and money laundering, so the Intel agencies would not have to report to Congress on their activities since they had nothing to do with our sovereign nation's best interests, rather it had to do with the global agenda.
The next question is "how is he still alive, if he betrayed his original benefactors?" We know how easy it is to reach a leader to do him in, as they proved with JFK and his son and brother. Most of what he spills the beans on here has been on the net already, so he is not really disclosing anything we did not know.
By the same token, it could be he is simply brave and courageous and responsible for single handedly taking on the Bankers regardless of consequences to his personal safety. We will know in the end, once we have no world war, since both sides of any world war in the past were controlled by the khazars. If Putin says "no world war", then he is a good guy. If he goes along with it, then he is simply the "controlled opposition" that these khazars always talk about in their plans.
Communist Mikhail Gorbachev. He had to resign because the people were
getting fed up with Rothschild’s communism bilking operations. Sovietism
aka; Communism aka; Rothschildism fell When Gorbachev Was Ousted In
Now This Son Of A B*tch Is In The U.S. Attempting To Institute
Depopulation Like Mao Tse Tung’s China did & The WWII Ukraine’s
Holodomor did Through Agenda 21. They must destroy our Bread Basket In
The Middle Of The U.S. This was set up using BP’s ecoterrorism in The
Gulf To Rattle The Salt Domes Which are Used To store Butane.
It is also
being implemented by deconstruction of our dams and water sources. Now I
ask You, why in the hell would anybody put highly explosive butane,
natural gas, nuclear waste etc etc. in Salt Domes near the Mississippi
Delta and call it America’s reserve? The Earth itself is already a
“natural reserve”.
Just read up on Louisiana’s Sink Holes, If These
Domes explode there goes America’s ‘bread basket’ and then comes
starvation like Mao Tse Tung’s China & Stalin’s Ukraine. Why is this
done? Well less for you and more for them. And also, Offense is better
than a Defense ~ the defense caught Mussolini, but not Rothschild, he
still hides and uses others for under the bus episodes.
Russian president Vladimir Putin has said that Jews made up “80 to 85
percent of the first government of the Soviet Union” following the
Bolshevik Revolution of 1917.
***Fundraising - Our deficit isdown to $125from the original $350 and is needed by the first
of the month. We wish to thank the generous donors who helped to lower our deficit. If you can
afford it and wish to aid us as a team to take on exposing the
underbelly of the NWO beast, then we ask that you donate to the cause
off to the right of the blog at the pay pal button. We are also providing proof that they may well lose this battle.
appreciate your support in reading, distributing and contributing
financially to this blog. Without your help we could not do this work.
God bless you for your commitment to doing the right thing and
supporting those who do the labour. I truly believe we will prevail.
Vatic Note: Is this so Citigroup won't have to pay back the TARP scam? This below is why Kaiser goes bonkers on his TV Financial News program. I knew there were a lot of irregularities and criminal actions in the markets by these Rothschild/Rockefeller players, but I had no idea until now, why Kaiser would literally foam at the mouth when discussing these guys and their criminality. I had no idea it was that bad. Kaiser is both informative and entertaining. I laugh as much as I cry. Here is a great example. (Watch this all the way through, and you would see why I say Putin is in with the bankers)
I highly recommend watching the Kaiser program since he was telling us all about this stuff well before anyone else and no one would take him seriously. I remember a program he did in Britain and the moderators made fun of him and yet, after reading this below, He was full on right about it all.
Please read this carefully and understand why the bankers want to take over the globe and make a one world order. They would control everything and could do whatever they felt like doing without regard to any consequences since they would be in charge and the SEC would simply become a rubber stamp, if it hasn't already.
Boy, did the taxpayer ever get ripped off. Add this to the missing gold from Fort Knox and the refusal of the Fed Reserve to allow an audit of our gold, and what we have here is a massive fraud and theft probably the biggest in world history. I bet that is the case. Read this below and see just how creative these guys are when it comes to criminal activity. Why can't they use that talent to do something good for society for a change. Oh, thats right, they are missing a soul/spirit, they can't feel, so they can't think about the context in which they exist. Too bad, what a waste.
Meet the new, slimmed down, less complex, more manageable Citigroup. Or not.
Figuring out what Citigroup owns and what it has sold is getting harder by the day as a vast number of its subsidiaries in the 160 countries in which it operates have up and vanished from its public filings but do not actually appear to have been sold in many cases.
One can understand why the global bank’s Federal regulators have thrown up their hands in despair and sent it back to the drawing board on its capital plans and so-called “living will” measures to unwind itself should its future insolvency threaten the financial system as it did in 2008.
According to Citigroup’s annual 10K filing with the Securities and Exchange Commission, the number of Citigroup’s subsidiaries have shrunk by a whopping 91.8 percent since December 31, 2008. Or not. (VN: was this a way to keep from paying back the TARP funds that were used to bail them out? Just asking)
Take the case of Automated Trading Desk (ATD). One could certainly see why Citigroup would like to forget it owns that company. Citigroup paid $680 million for the company when it bought it in 2007. Five years later, it paid another $590 million to settle a class action lawsuit by ATD’s key shareholders who alleged they had been defrauded.
Automated Trading Desk sounds like a principal subsidiary that should be included on Citigroup’s Exhibit 21-01 as part of the 10K filing with the SEC. ATD says on its web site that it’s a Citi company and describes itself thusly: “From our ever-expanding retail execution to the institutional markets to creating the first-ever automated pinks and bullies execution system, ATD is leveraging our technology to become a single source destination for all U.S. equity order flow.”
Automated Trading Desk also reports that it “trades in milliseconds” and “regularly” trades 200 million shares a day. That would mean it sees 1 billion share weeks — which suggests that it is a significant subsidiary of Citigroup.
Automated Trading Desk appears on Citigroup’s filing as a subsidiary for year-end 2007 and year-end 2008. It disappeared from the list in 2009 and has never made a comeback since.
Then there is LavaFlow, an unregulated stock exchange known as a dark pool that is operated by Citigroup. Last month, the SEC brought and settled a case against LavaFlow for the improper use of customer information. The SEC described the company as follows:
“As of December 31, 2013, the LavaFlow ECN [Electronic Communications Network] was the largest ECN and the largest ATS (Alternative Trading System) as measured by dollar volume executed with over $361 billion in total dollar volume of executions for the fourth quarter of 2013.” To be the largest dark pool on Wall Street with trade volume of $361 billion in one quarter sounds like a company Citigroup might want to mention in its 10K filing.
LavaFlow was present on Citigroup’s 2008 SEC filing on its subsidiary list but by year end 2009 it had disappeared from the list, never to be seen there again.
On April 13, 2011, Citigroup issued its own press release on Business Wire, boasting that another of its dark pools, Citi Match, had executed €22.8 billion worth of trades in the first quarter of 2011 and was “the largest dark pool in Europe during February,” according to a survey by Rosenblatt Securities.
***Fundraising - Our deficit isdown to $125from the original $350 and is needed by the first
of the month. We wish to thank the generous donors who helped to lower our deficit. If you can
afford it and wish to aid us as a team to take on exposing the
underbelly of the NWO beast, then we ask that you donate to the cause
off to the right of the blog at the pay pal button. We are also providing proof that they may well lose this battle.
appreciate your support in reading, distributing and contributing
financially to this blog. Without your help we could not do this work.
God bless you for your commitment to doing the right thing and
supporting those who do the labour. I truly believe we will prevail.
Vatic Note: I am bringing this up because it could very well be us shortly. I believe Furgeson was a test run to see how we would handle their military take over of our cities and towns. This genuinely speaks for itself and it has given me hope that we are reclaiming our care for the damaged and helpless and becoming the caring nation we once were and what is the miracle is IT IS HAPPENING WITHOUT LEADERSHIP.
Not a single elected official is involved in showing any kind of empathy OR leadership, whatso ever..... and yet, people, we are coming together without them. Its a different mentality and I am enjoying it tremendously. We are proving we can take care of ourselves and I find that very very freeing.
That is worth discovering which is, just how little we need our elected officials. They are useless appendages to our government. We need to start governing ourselves and do whatever WE DECIDE, needs to be done and ignore the government, corporations, lobbyists etc, altogether.
It can't be soon enough to suit me. Read this, its excellent and it restores the beginning of hope that we can reclaim our humanity. We must NEVER allow this all to happen ever again. I believe we are blessed that we saw all of this in time to stop it if we act now. If the tiny country of Iceland can boot these demons out and incarcerate the rest, then we can certainly do it.
In the meantime, lets get those ships into gaza for the children and destroy anyone who tries to stop it.
Five Hospital Ships Needed to Save Gaza’s Children
… by Franklin Lamb, … Palestinian camp, Baalbec, Lebanon
Ze’ev Jabotinsky – the founder of militant Zionism, carried on now by the Likuds
[ Editor's note:My
spirits are up, as we have an uprising in progress against the
Zio-Monsters. People are fed up with it. They know it will be a long
fight to erase the stain of Zionism from the earth, as it will
state-sponsored terrorism.
But these same folks are smart enough to know we need a big
support project for Gaza that can be done now for the media attention
and to keep the opposition movement becoming more active.
This hospital ship request is going to put anyone who can
provide help on the hot spot if they say no. It is going to take a long
time to bring Gaza back to being able to take care of over 10,000
wounded, many seriously. These hospital ships would go a long way toward
bridging the gap.
Sisi in Egypt - I suspect as part of his agreement with
Israel to keep the border shut - will wear the shame of not letting the
Gazan wounded out or the Iranians in with all their medical help. The
Egyptians literally blocked them from going in. It was an outrage, and
the United Nations should address the closing of borders in these
emergency cases.
I have a good feeling that when the Israelis stop shooting,
we will not this time. So let's take the fight to them, bombarding them
with boycott-rockets to disassociate ourselves from the criminal regime
AND all those who support them, including the Christian Zionists here in
the US. They also must pay for what they have done, like maybe 25-years
worth of tithes... Jim W. Dean ]
- First published August 15, 2014 -
Why has not the UN pushed for hospital ships during Gaza turkey shoots before?
The statistics are just beginning to be analyzed—by UN
agencies and a myriad of NGO’s whose mandates include salvaging young
lives from the nearly incalculable ravages of the five-week (and
counting) Zionist aggression upon Gaza.
It is of course the third aggression in six years against the
1.8 million Palestinians, sardine-canned into what is increasingly
referred to as history’s largest open air prison, but the outcome this
time is looking particularly cruel and grim.
As the Netanyahu regime announced (on 8/10/14) that its attacks on
Gaza would continue, increasing numbers of obscene calls—for Israel to
“finish the job” and “go all the way” etc.—are floating in the Zionist
state’s malodorous public echo-chamber, emanating from such figures as
the Knesset’s deputy speaker, who advocates driving Palestinians into
the Sinai desert and resettling Gaza with Jews.
In Khuza’a “the Israeli military had trapped at least 32 people in a
home and then prevented the Red Cross from evacuating them before
shelling the area,” reported Lebanese-American journalist Roqayah
Chamseddine. Hoping for safe haven, the people in the house sought
refuge in the basement of a neighbor’s home, where they found additional
families already inside.
“By that point we were 120 people, 10 men and the rest women and children,” Kamel al-Najjar recalled for Human Rights Watch.
After dawn and without warning (no polite leaflets or knocks on the
roof apparently), Israel struck the house, killing three people and
wounding 15 others.
The toll of the war on Gaza’s children has been “catastrophic,”
according to UN agencies. At least 450 have been killed, and those not
having their physical bodies buried have found their innocence entombed.
It is another casualty in the war—a war against all things daring to
live and resist in Gaza. According to Chamseddine:
“Israel has forced the children of Gaza to lay
flowers atop headstones, and watch helplessly as coffins that are filled
with not only their most beloved family members, teachers, neighbors,
and friends but also their most treasured memories, lullabies, lessons
learned and those that will never come, descend into the belly of the
earth. Their lips will memorize and form prayers for the dead and the
stars that defied the siege that flickered freely high above them will
be snatched from their skies.”
Families are killed in their homes or UN centers… and Israel blames Hamas
Increasingly it is being heard from Gazans that “Israel has stolen everything beautiful in our lives,” and Israel’s barbarity confirms this sentiment. Middle East analysts point out that it is difficult to recall a time
in modern history when there has been so much sustained slaughter of
this region’s civilian population, with more than two-thirds of the
victims being women and children.
For the past year, UN agencies and other humanitarian organizations
have lamented a simple reality—that there is not a sufficient level of
international aid to save lives and treat those in need of emergency and
longer term medical care. But now something is changing.
The horrors we have just witnessed, especially with respect to
traumas inflicted on children, is producing, as should be the case, a
major and rapidly growing international focus on salvaging young lives.
Descriptions and evaluations of the consequences of Gaza wars are being
published and urgently discussed.
Some analysts and government
officials, including Pentagon planners, are calling for a ‘Medical
Marshall Plan,’ to save Gaza’s children. One proposed first step is the
dispatching of a humanitarian support group of hospital ships that would
sail to Gaza without further delay.
What can and must be done, by the United States
and other countries with the naval and medical capacity to do so, is to
organize a Hospital Ship flotilla to break the siege of Gaza, to anchor
offshore, and to begin caring for the medical needs of all, with a
special focus on children and their psychological well-being.
Call it a Mercy Mission. Initially it could include
the following countries—all well known for their hospital ships with
up-and-running medical staffs: the USA, UK, France, China, Russia,
Spain, Argentina, and Australia. Within this group of nations are ships
with hundreds of patient beds and fully stocked pharmacies. Moreover, it is a group not likely to be interfered with by those who
have imposed the inhumane blockade of Gaza (and of course it even
includes some of their collaborators in the region), but perhaps most
importantly, every country on the list possesses one or more hospital
ships that are fully staffed and available to act.
France is reportedly ready to join such an effort
and is also working on a related crisis—in Iraq, where it plans
delivery of first aid equipment “in the coming hours,” according to the
office of Francois Hollande. The French president has “reaffirmed the
will of France to stand by the side of civilian victims of continued
attacks” in Iraq, and his spokesmen said that “France will do the same
thing for Gaza.”
“The European Union is called upon to also take necessary measures
with great urgency to respond to immediate humanitarian needs,” the
spokesman added.
Obama needs to take action on this
Hundreds of EU citizens, with their specialized
skills in fields of pediatric medicine and child psychology, are
reportedly ready to help the children of Gaza.
Two fully stocked and staffed American medical ships, the USNS Mercy
and the USNS Comfort, could contribute greatly to the effort.
Each ship’s hospital is a full floating medical treatment facility,
containing 12 fully equipped operating rooms, a 1,000-bed patient
capacity, digital radiological services, medical laboratory, pharmacy,
optometry lab, and intensive care ward; each also has a dental clinic
with full services, CT scanner, and two oxygen-producing plants.
Helicopter landing decks are available as well, for patient
transports, and the ships also have side ports that could take on
patients from Gaza fishing boats and other crafts at sea. In addition to
these two mammoth-sized medical vessels, dozens of other US Navy ships
also have hospitals on board.
For example, in one year, the medical department of the USS George
Washington handled over 15,000 out-patient visits, drew almost 27,000
lab samples, filled almost 10,000 prescriptions, took about 2,300
x-rays, and performed 65 surgical operations—and nearly 100 other US
ships are capable of doing the same.
Just one example with respect to capacity is
illustrative. In April of this year, the USNS Comfort—a converted
70,000-ton tanker—sailed from Norfolk, Virginia carrying 900 doctors,
nurses, and engineers, including staff from the U.S. military, civilian
agencies, non-government charities, and even foreign navies.
The ship is designed to be deployed quickly for four month
intensive full service medical assistance; yet similar capacities obtain
in certain other US ships and in foreign navies as well. All of these
resources must be put to immediate use to save Gaza’s children.
Gaza cannot wait to rebuild its medical facilities
Looking at the longer term, the Pentagon should
seriously consider ordering a sufficient number of catamaran transports
and shallow-draft littoral ships to fill out the flotilla, vessels
capable of delivering aid by sea via the relatively shallow Gaza
The success of breaking the siege of Gaza will likely give impetus to
a UN Security Council decision to construct a seaport for Gaza, perhaps
with a shipping channel to Cyprus.
Similarly, the UK hospital ship, RFA Argus, designated as a ‘Primary
Casualty Receiving Ship,’ is moored in Falmouth, England, and is also
uniquely designed for this type of humanitarian crisis; and it, too, is
reportedly ready to sail once given the green light by Downing Street.
Five Hospital ships are urgently needed along Gaza’s shoreline at the
following locations: opposite Jabaliya and North Gaza, Gaza City, Deir
al-Balah, Khan Younis, and Rafah.
Although attacking a hospital ship is clearly a war
crime, the Israeli pattern of targeting medical facilities in Gaza is
well known, and threats from the settler movement and the right wing
Likud Party to “sink any ship that enters Gaza waters if judged to be
aiding the terrorists” must be taken seriously. Yet one imagines the
occupation regime would have to think carefully about sinking another US
Navy vessel as it did in 1967 with the repeated bombing of the USS
Instead of recycling raw combat power, the White
House can best meet the demands of a war-weary American public through
an emphasis on missions such as those the USNS Mercy and USNS Comfort
are designed for. Poll after US public opinion poll reveal that
Americans believe their humanitarian values are best reflected when our
navy is tailored for delivering humanitarian aid to places like Gaza,
and not by delivering munitions to occupying colonial regimes.
Franklin Lamb is a visiting Professor of
International Law at the Faculty of Law, Damascus University and
volunteers with the Sabra-Shatila Scholarship Program (sssp-lb.com).
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Vatic Note: This is a must read. He has compiled all the EO's that have been drafted and signed by the President, by passing congress. This is definitely treason now. He did this well in advance in preparation for their martial law and gun confiscation. I guess these are our lines in the sand IF WE HAVE ANY.
Well, we knew this was coming, it was just a matter of time, but now its here and its decision time. She published this the day before the Missouri governor declared martial law in Missouri. In case you don't know this, THIS IS A TEST of our commitment to Americans, regardless of race, religion or color.
If we do nothing over the tyrannical way these people in Missouri have been treated and yet we stood tall for Bundy out in Nevada, then that will divide the country, if we do not do the right thing.
The first test by these foreign occupiers, was the torture test, then came the rendition test, then the assassination of Americans in foreign countries, and finally, here at home, the murder of a black 18 year old teen by the Israeli trained police done through our fusia centers run by Homeland security. I call this is the "Racism" test.
Now you see why we should never have allowed that dept to exist. Experts have said that DHS resembles the storm troopers used by Hitler, and of course it does, after all, Hitler was a Rothschild and worked for those that hired him, which were the international bankers. I just wonder if he knew that he worked for Germany's enemy? Every single person who points a gun at an American, in service to the foreign occupiers of our government, is an automatic traitor and subject to the penalties for treason. Either prosecuted and punished through the system, or through the underground, resistance movement, Just a reminder.
We have all heard the anaolgy of the frog in the kettle but is there any truth to that tail? When a frog is placed in a pot of cool water, which is slowly heated, will it boil to death or leap out to save its life? As it turns out, once the water gets hot enough the critter will hop out of Dodge.
At what point will America finally ‘hop out of Dodge?’ Will the continuous growth and intrusiveness of government make the people wake up? Or will they sit in the kettle of hot water boiling to death?
Since Obama’s presidency he has successfully brought America to her knees in debt and destroyed her economy. FEMA camps have gone up across the nation and NSA spying has become an accepted norm of society. When are we going to wake up? Will it be too late? Or will we be like the frog in the kettle jumping out at the boiling point…
“But before all these things, they will lay their hands on you and will persecute you, delivering you to the synagogues and prisons, bringing you before kings and governors for My name’s sake.” Luke 21:12
The verbiage states: “SECTION 1. Scope. The Secretary of the Interior (hereinafter referred to as the Secretary) shall prepare national emergency plans and develop preparedness programs covering (1) electric power; (2) petroleum and gas; (3) solid fuels; and (4) minerals. These plans and programs shall be designed to provide a state of readiness in these resource areas with respect to all conditions of national emergency, including attack upon the United States.” EO 10997
The verbiage states: “SECTION 1. Scope. The Secretary of Agriculture (hereinafter referred to as the Secretary) shall prepare national emergency plans and develop preparedness programs covering: Food resources, farm equipment, fertilizer, and food resource facilities, as defined below; rural fire control; defense against biological warfare, chemical warfare, and radiological fallout pertaining to agricultural activities; and rural defense information and education. These plans and programs shall be designed to develop a state of readiness in these areas with respect to all conditions of national emergency, including attack upon the United States.” EO 10998
The verbiage reads: “The President is authorized by the Act to establish by Executive order a safety council composed of representatives of Government departments and agencies to serve as an advisory body to the Secretary of Labor in furtherance of the safety program carried out by the Secretary pursuant to section 33 of the Act and to undertake such other measures as he deems proper to prevent injuries and accidents to persons covered by the Act.” EO 10990
The verbiage states: “SEC. 2. Subject to the authority and control of the President, the Director of Telecommunications Management shall:
(a) Coordinate telecommunications activities of the executive branch of the Government and be responsible for the formulation, after consultation with appropriate agencies, of overall policies and standards therefor. He shall promote and encourage the adoption of uniform policies and standards by agencies authorized to operate telecommunications systems. Agencies shall consult with the Director of Telecommunications Management in the development of policies and standards for the conduct of their telecommunications activities within the overall policies of the executive branch.
SEC. 3.The authority to assign radio frequencies to Government agencies, vested in the President by section 305 of the Communications Act of 1934, as amended (47 U.S.C. 305),including all functions heretofore vested in the Interdepartment Radio Advisory Committee, is hereby delegated to the Director of the Office of Emergency Planning, who may redelegate such authority to the Director of Telecommunications Management. Such authority shall include the power to amend, modify, or revoke frequency assignments.” EO 10995
Executive Order 10999 (grants government control over transportation, highways, seaports, waterways)
The verbiagestates: “SECTION 1. Scope. The Secretary of Commerce (hereinafter referred to as the Secretary) shall prepare national emergency plans and develop preparedness programs covering:
(a) Development and coordination of over-all policies, plans, and procedures for the provision of a centralized control of all modes of transportation in an emergency for the movement of passenger and freight traffic of all types, and the determination of the proper apportionment and allocation of the total civil transportation capacity, or any portion thereof, to meet over-all essential civil and military needs.
(b) Federal emergency operational responsibilities with respect to: highways, roads, streets, bridges, tunnels, and appurtenances; highway traffic regulation; allocation of air carrier aircraft for essential military and civilian operations; ships in coastal and intercoastal use and ocean shipping, ports and port facilities; and the Saint Lawrence Seaway; except those elements of each normally operated or controlled by the Department of Defense.” EO 10999
Executive Order 11000 (grants government control to mobilize civilians into work brigades under their supervision) (VN: slavery/serfdom. well, we told ya, for years now this was coming.)
The verbiage states: ” SECTION 1. Scope. The Secretary of Labor (hereinafter referred to as the Secretary) shall prepare national emergency plans and develop preparedness programs covering civilian manpower mobilization, more effective utilization of limited manpower resources including specialized personnel, wage and salary stabilization, worker incentives and protection, manpower resources and requirements, skill development and training, research, labor-management relations, and critical occupations. These plans and programs shall be designed to develop a state of readiness in these areas with respect to all conditions of national emergency, including attack upon the United States.” EO 11000
Executive Order 11001 (grants government control over health, education and welfare)
The verbiage states: ” SECTION 1. Scope. The Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare (hereinafter referred to as the Secretary) shall prepare national emergency plans and develop preparedness programs covering health services, civilian health manpower, health resources, welfare services, and educational programs as defined below. These plans and programs shall be designed to develop a state of readiness in these areas with respect to all conditions of national emergency including attack upon the United States.” EO 11001
Executive Order 11002 (grants government control over postmaster and creates a national registration of all persons)
The verbiage states: ” SECTION 1. Scope. The Postmaster General shall assist in the development of a national emergency registration system. These plans and programs shall be designed to develop a state of readiness in this area with respect to all conditions of national emergency including attack upon the United States.” EO 11002
Executive Order 11003 (grants government control over airports, airways, and aviation)
The verbiage states: ” ECTION 1. Scope. The Administrator of the Federal Aviation Agency (hereinafter referred to as the Administrator) shall prepare national emergency plans and develop preparedness programs covering the emergency management of the Nation’s civil airports, civil aviation operating facilities, civil aviation services, and civil aircraft other than air carrier aircraft. These plans and programs shall be designed to develop a state of readiness in these areas with respect to all conditions of national emergency, including attack upon the United States.” EO 11003
Executive Order 11004 (create new locations for population, relocate communities, designate areas to be abandoned)
The verbiage states: ” SECTION 1. Scope. The Housing and Home Finance Administrator (hereinafter referred to as the Administrator) shall prepare national emergency plans and develop preparedness programs covering all aspects of lodging or housing and community facilities related thereto. These plans and programs shall be designed to develop a state of readiness in these areas with respect to all conditions of national emergency, including attack upon the United States.
SEC. 2. Housing Functions. The Administrator shall:
(b) Communities. Develop plans for the selection, acquisition, development, and disposal of areas for civilian uses in new, expanded, restored, or relocated communities; and for the construction of housing for new or restored communities.” EO 11004
Executive Order 11005 (grants government control over railroads, public storage facilities, and shipping)
The verbiage states: ” SECTION 1. Scope. The Interstate Commerce Commission (hereinafter referred to as the Commission shall prepare national emergency plans and develop preparedness programs covering railroad utilization, reduction of vulnerability, maintenance, restoration, and operation in an emergency; motor carrier utilization, reduction of vulnerability, and operation in an emergency; inland waterway mutilization of equipment and shipping, reduction of vulnerability, and operation in an emergency, excepting the St. Lawrence Seaway; and also provide guidance and consultation to domestic surface transportation and storage industries, as defined below, regarding emergency preparedness measures, and to States regarding development of their transportation plans in assigned areas. These plans and programs will be designed to develop a state of readiness in these areas with respect to all conditions of national emergency, including attack upon the United States.” EO 11005
Executive Order 11051 (gives authorization to put all executive orders into effect in times of increased international tensions, economic and financial crisis)
The verbiage states: “ECTION 101. Resume of responsibilities. The Director of the Office of Emergency Planning (hereinafter referred to as the Director) shall:
(a) Advise and assist the President in the coordination of and in the determination of policy for the emergency plans and preparedness assignments of the Federal departments and agencies (hereinafter referred to as Federal agencies) designed to make possible at Federal, State and local levels the mobilization of the human, natural and industrial resources of the nation to meet all conditions of national emergency, including attack on the United States.
(b) Under the direction of the President, be responsible for the preparation of nonmilitary plans and preparedness programs with respect to organization and functioning of the Federal Government under emergency conditions and with respect to specific areas of Federal activity necessary in time of war which are neither performed in the normal operations of the regular departments and agencies nor assigned thereto by or under the authority of the President.” EO 11051
Executive Order 11921 (allows FEMA to develop plans to establish control over money. Additionally it states that congress cannot review the action for 6 months, meaning it will last at least that long!)
You can also find these Executive Orders in the Government National Archive.
The article is reproduced in accordance with Section 107 of title 17 of the Copyright Law of the United States relating to fair-use and is for the purposes of criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research.
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financially to this blog. Without your help we could not do this work.
God bless you for your commitment to doing the right thing and
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Vatic Note: Hmmm, is this the Zombification of our youth so they grow up into compliant non thinking, non resisting slaves? Just asking. At the young age we see below, you can assume they will not develop their normal brain chemistry that makes them functioning, unique individuals, while they are on the drugs prescribed for them. Their "Maturation stages" are interfered with by the drugs.
Instead when they are taken off the drugs at 18, they will not feel normal, so they will turn to illegal drugs to feel normal again. I met a woman in church, who had been on these ADHD drugs all her childhood and when she turned 18 and they took her off, her personal chemical development did not kick in and thus she did not feel normal. She then turned to illegal drugs and felt normal again.
She finally, after several years, kicked the illegal drugs, but now, without any drugs, she is a recluse. She cannot be around other people or what we would call her peers group development was skipped because of the drugs. She can work at a job, but that is it. Perfect for our elites purposes.
Now she is isolated and can't go out anywhere. I tried befriending her, but she just can't take the stress of social interaction. This almost seems like a scam to hook the kids on these drugs at an early age, to ensure a market for the illegal drugs later on and a guaranteed slave work force that will not resist or complain, live in those ant colonies they have planned for us. etc.
We have covered these issues for quit a few years now. Here is a recent blog we did on this issue......http://vaticproject.blogspot.com/2014/04/creativity-and-non-conformity-now.html Then read this about the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders that has generated an enormous amount of controversy over the scientific nature of the elements within it. Also when you read this, you will see the connection to the military. What are they doing in the middle of all this?
There is more, but what you will figure out, like everything else lately, we can no longer trust our medical profession and after the Bush/Cheney purging of our military with Obama's purging, means we can't trust the Pentagon military that is left. All of this is so far outside of our experience that we can't comprehend just what we are seeing here. We better get educated since I believe they are trying to do away with humanity as we know it.
Think about what this will do in creating adults of the future that will not resemble anything human. We are caring, loving creatures and all of that will go away. Violence to self and others will replace it and add the IPOD's, TV violence, Movies, etc. to the mix and you have the makings of a mind control zombie, assassin with absolutely no value placed on human life or uniqueness, and thus to be used when and where ever needed by the elite. That is called "SERFDOM". We need to take this below very very seriously. This below, proves my point and he is an advisor to our President of these United States. That is a scary thought. We have a massive amount of treason going on right before our eyes. Its time we stopped it cold.
Thousands of Toddlers Are Medicated for A.D.H.D., Report Finds, Raising Worries
Susanna N. Visser presented a report on Friday at the Georgia Mental Health Forum in Atlanta on the diagnosis and medication for A.D.H.D. in young children.Credit Dustin Chambers for The New York Times
The report, which found that toddlers covered by Medicaid are particularly prone to be put on medication such as Ritalin and Adderall, is among the first efforts to gauge the diagnosis of A.D.H.D. in children below age 4. Doctors at the Georgia Mental Health Forum at the Carter Center in Atlanta, where the data was presented, as well as several outside experts strongly criticized the use of medication in so many children that young.
The American Academy of Pediatrics standard practice guidelines for A.D.H.D. do not even address the diagnosis in children 3 and younger — let alone the use of such stimulant medications, because their safety and effectiveness have barely been explored in that age group. “It’s absolutely shocking, and it shouldn’t be happening,” said Anita Zervigon-Hakes, a children’s mental health consultant to the Carter Center. “People are just feeling around in the dark. We obviously don’t have our act together for little children.”
Dr. Lawrence H. Diller, a behavioral pediatrician in Walnut Creek, Calif., said in a telephone interview: “People prescribing to 2-year-olds are just winging it. It is outside the standard of care, and they should be subject to malpractice if something goes wrong with a kid.”
Vatic Note:Alright, some of the system is still working. Yahooooo...... Keep those good thoughts coming. Keep working on preparation and organizing, and preparing your equipment, but hopefully we never have to finish doing so. Hopefully that organization will file a class action law suit for the citizens of Missouri. If the judge there rules as the one in New York did, then we are home free. Then we pick up our marbles and never, ever allow this to happen again.
We change all the negative social engineering that has been in place since the 50's that allowed this to happen to us. We are responsible by remaining ignorant of what tyrants can do when we are not vigilant. First stage would be to get MTV off the air, do away with digit TV sets, go back to analogue, bring our schools back under the jurisdiction of local school boards.... and begin teaching our children higher values such as truth, justice, fair play, etc ALSO MAKE ETHICS, CIVICS, & GOVERNMENT/CONSTITUTION AND BILL OF RIGHTS, part of the school curriculum.
Major Free Speech Court Victory in Brooklyn Bridge Occupy Mass Arrest Class Action. Federal Court Rules for Protestors
In a major victory for free speech rights, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit issued aruling today denying the City of New York’s effort to dismiss the lawsuit challenging the NYPD’s mass false arrest of 700 Occupy Wall Street demonstrators on the Brooklyn Bridge in October 2011.
The class action lawsuit was filed by the Partnership for Civil Justice Fund, a non-profit public interest legal organization, within days of the mass false arrest. The case Garcia, et al. v. Bloomberg, et al., 11 Civ. 6957 (JSR), was argued before the Second Circuit in April 2013.
Carl Messineo, Legal Director for the Partnership for Civil Justice Fund and attorney for the protestors, said: “This is a major victory upholding the fundamental constitutional rights of people to engage in First Amendment-protected activity in New York City without being trapped and detained, and unlawfully arrested.”
Mara Verheyden-Hilliard, Executive Director for the Partnership for Civil Justice Fund and attorney for the protestors, said: “The decision by the NYPD high command to illegally trap and arrest 700 peaceful protestors was a disgrace. It is one of the largest mass arrests and mass violations of civil liberties in U.S. history. This is a critical victory for justice and the right to dissent in America.”
“The NYPD command officials executed a mass false arrest. They knew they had to warn protestors, but they chose to use one tiny bullhorn for a march that stretched for blocks on end. Then, they turned and led marchers across the bridge. As the District Court found, this was an implicit invitation to follow, and, as the Second Circuit observed, protestors predictably followed them across. This ruling allows us to proceed to secure justice for their actions,” stated Carl Messineo.
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