Contributors Note: This is a very powerful production. It contains an excellent discussion of the historical background of the Khazars, the Asiatic Mongol tribe who are known as the modern day jews from Europe, and it illustrates very well how they have become the Zionists of today. The film also contains an excellent illustration of the Protocols of Zion (done in the 1800's by Rothschild at the time), and the Talmud. This is the kind of film that could change the world---for the better. People everywhere are waking up to the satanic forces that are destroying this planet. Hopefully, it will not be too late.. Remember, Zionists are not religious.
Vatic Note: I concur with what I have seen. Its the (Zionists) comprehensive and global deception that has been perpetrated upon the American people and this puts that issue up front and all in one place, from the Fed reserve, to mind control, to bogus war, to drug companies, to monsanto (remember Monsanto just got bought out by the Depopulation through vaccines" advocate, Bill Gates) and the harm they are doing to this nation. We are on the verge of destruction without Zionist leaders firing a single shot. Why are they resigning in record numbers with no arrests? Are they going underground? Is this going to be their depopulation attempt that we will ensure backfires? Who is the real enemy of the American people??? Look at how they use the Chinese to help them suppress their own people! Nasty lot, they are.
Read "The Rothschild Octopus" if you don't believe me and see what they have already accomplished in Eastern Europe and Bosnia, Serbia, Montenegro and other areas of old Yugoslavia, and they used us to do it for them. These videos highlight how they use and abuse us viciously and continually. Listen to Louis Farrakhan who is turning out to be a real hero for those of you who think Obama is representing Black people... Louis disabuses you of that fantasy. This is an excellent series and well worth the time. It matches all of our research to date. Some small parts need to be taken in context as that is what is important rather than just the words, but the context in which they are presented. Also remember the gulf and who owns and runs those companies that are doing this to us. Also remember, not to judge all by what a segment of the population does. Remember there are good people who are Jews and Ashkenazi's who have done no harm or wrong, but those that have are the zionists. They have more a philosophy and a belief in Lucifer as their god. Evil is good and good is evil.
The Zionist Conspiracy - Parts 1 - 12
YouTube video presentations , Contributed to Vatic project by Alex James
November 03, 2009
"Only war and revenge will bring us redemption."
Part 1 - Khazars and Israel
In scenes reminiscent of wartime Britain, villages across China's countryside have emptied of all working-age adults, leaving only the elderly and young behind.
For three decades, Chinese workers have been migrating from the countryside to the cities in search of work. In the beginning, only the men left, their wives remaining to look after the family. But as the world demanded more and more Made-in-China goods, the women began to join them.
Now, a third of all kindergarten-age children in China have been left behind by both parents, often in the care of their grandparents or other relatives, according to Deng Li, an official at the All China Women's Federation, a government-run campaign group.
They see their mothers and fathers only once or twice a year, usually during national holidays. Their parents often work in a different province for several years, according to the AWCF.
It is the first time that China has released statistics broken down by age group, and the research raises questions about the social cost of China's rapid rise to wealth and about the problems being stored up for the future.
"The absence of their parents is a big problem for these young children. They do not get as much attention and care from their grandparents, some of whom might be quite old-fashioned, and might not have enough energy to run around after them," he said. "Also, some grandparents can be quite indulgent, and that is not necessarily what under-fives need." Chinese journalists in Hunan province found one small village called Shiping where 18 young children had been left behind by their working parents.
Wei Yankui, the mother of a four-year-old boy, told them that she was only able to see her son for two days over the October holidays. "I am so heartbroken when I have to leave, and I am concerned about his education. His grandparents are not really knowledgeable about how to teach him," she said.
Although each child in China is entitled to nine years of free schooling, the parents of migrant children are fined for enrolling their children in schools away from their home town. Many local governments also make it extremely difficult to complete the paperwork required to register a child in a new city. (VN: an accident? Not on your life, its planned, discouraged. After all these are cattle and only the ruling class will have easy access to education, not the plebs/cattle. Read the protocols if you don't believe its planned)
Zhou Xiaozheng, a professor of sociology at Renmin University in Beijing said the policy of discriminating against migrant workers had created a "two-tier society". (VN: Sound familiar? Are we not in the process of doing the same thing? The "1%" and the "99%"?)
"It is segregation, not along ethnic lines, but along geographical lines," he said. "They say one city person is worth four rural people." "These parents have no option. They have to make money. More than half of the economy in rural areas comes from migrants working elsewhere. (VN: I would like to know why that is? What happened to the farms? What happened to the agriculture? Why are they having to go into the cities to find work? we are beginning the same process. The latest was the Amish farm that was shut down and now where will those farm workers go for income?)
Without the money, their families would collapse. But for the kids there is little hope and their future is bleak. Of course they will grow up with defective personalities." Other researchers said there was no short-term solution to the problem. "Some provinces like Guangdong, Zhejing and Jiangsu have started investing in schools and kindergartens to encourage migrants to bring their children," said Liu Zhengqui at the Chinese Academy of Science.
"It is hard for both the children and the parents. Some children are even left behind twice. First, they are left at home until they become teenagers. Then they can join their parents in the city, but when they get old enough to study for the high-school exam they have to go home again because that is the regulation. They are fish out of water wherever they are." (VN: then the schools replace parents as important factors in their lives, and that, my friends in intentional, just think about our schools and the indoctrination our kids get there with respect to authority. We now arrest 5 year olds in kindergarten for fighting, HUH? Never heard of such a think until the Robber barons got control of our government and the khazars control of Homeland security)
WAKE UP! before its too late for your children.