Its why freedom of speech is so very important, as is an open mind to at least listen with good intentions. Lately that is impossible to do with the meanderings of the evil ones trying to bring the nation down, but I noticed our search for truth has actually crossed those lines and is bringing us more together in common welfare as a nation. That is a good thing.
Sometimes out of evil, comes good and this is one of the good results that are unexpected by us and even by the evil ones who are in deep panic over it. How sad for them and how good for us. I literally have seen a sea change just in my small community. Strangers are talking to each other, people are helping others who are faring much worse, we are coming together as a diverse community of different cultures, backgrounds and religions and loving our brother and helping him/her out when the need arises.
This below is truly excellent, and as I always say, take what you can use and leave the rest. Frankly, most of what she is saying is true of all truly spiritual practitioners of religions, philosophies, spiritualists, etc. Not all are manipulative or manipulated. Many have the same basic core beliefs, just a different way of expressing them and manifesting them. Keep that in mind as you read this. I enjoyed it since this author appears to have a real handle on the issues and the truth as we mostly know it. Enjoy the read and take from it what you will.
Humanity Is Transforming And Changing: The Great Awakening
by in5d Alternative News, June 10, 2013
The planet is going through a mass transformation. There are many aspects to this transformation, and in the end one must come to realize the basic building block for global change starts with us, humanity on a collective level, together.
We are being called to evolve past our current way of living, tap into our infinite potentiality, let go of our training wheels and fly. We continue to search for external factors like technology and alternative ways to function, which is great.
But humanity cannot evolve past its current paradigm unless the souls on Earth themselves change first. From that place of change we can begin to implement new ways of operating on this planet which can propel us past our current limitations and into an existence of abundance, peace , prosperity, and discovery.
Humanity must operate from a place of love, peace, cooperation, acceptance and understanding if it is to move on and expand past the current limitations and definitions it has placed upon itself. A portion of the paradigm change we are witnessing on planet Earth today is people waking up to what

This can be a tough process because many humans have been made to believe certain realities are true when they are not. Through the use of mainstream media, education and more, we have been programmed with false ideas and belief systems of how the world and the industries that govern it work.
We’ve also been programmed with the idea of how to be, how to act, and what to do in certain situations. This type of programming has taken us away from our soul’s voice, our heart, and our ability to be our true self. We are a young race, and we are only just discovering our hearts now.
Only a small group of people and the corporations they run are in control of all the world’s resources. When something new comes along and threatens these industries and multinational corporations they put a tremendous amount of effort into concealing and covering up information.
A part of this transformation is the apocalypse, which is an ancient Greek word that carries the meaning of “transparency.” This is not always an easy process. Sometimes it is hard for one’s mind to take in certain information when after carrying a specific belief system for almost all of one’s life.
We are an infant race of seven billion, separated by many different belief systems. The belief systems that once separated us are beginning to crumble, and we are all coming to the realization of oneness. That’s what we are: one human race. Imagine a race united in knowing instead of separated by belief systems. Someone once said that the mind works best like a parachute, when it is open!
Many find the idea of mass brainwashing hard to believe, but it’s really not. The brain and our consciousness is highly programmable. The way we perceive reality is directly correlated to the reality we create, you can read more about this here. Throughout human history intellectual authorities have affirmed their supremacy by purposely ridiculing ideas and new concepts of reality that did not fit the accepted framework.