Vatic Note: Just keep in mind we have a super secret top high tech military weapon floating around up there as well. Rumor is it’s a top of the line one of a kind laser, which would match that kind of hole if used to make it. Just a reminder. One never knows with these people what is real and what is not. It could also be exactly what they say it is, but since I do not trust NASA it would be great if an independent scientist confirmed what we are reading here. There are two related articles and both are real news at least to me who is not a scientist even though it is a hobby interest of mine, especially cosmic issues. We have had this happen before and it did not last 2 or 3 thousand years...... I am somewhat suspicious of that contention but then I do not know. Acheological records do not support that length of time of horror, although they do support "some" amount of time. Read it and watch the videos and decide for yourselves. Jesse Ventura does a good job in finding experts and science explanations are very good. However, once again, remember, use discernment since we already have had scientists lie to us for profit and gain. Its good to listen to this Jesse because he interviews scientists who expose an unknown fact NASA told us about it late.
Huge Coronal Hole on the Sun, Turning Towards Earth......also Solar Storm Warnings!
Posted on January 30, 2011 by The Extinction Protocol
January 30, 2011 - CORONAL HOLE: A dark croissant-shaped hole has opened up in the sun’s atmosphere, and it is spewing a stream of solar wind into space. NASA’s Solar Dynamics Observatory took this picture of the vast opening during the early hours of Jan. 30th. Researchers call this a “coronal hole.” Solar rotation is turning the coronal hole toward Earth. The stream of solar wind pouring from it will swing around and hit our planet in early February, possibly sparking polar magnetic storms. High-latitude sky watchers should be alert for auroras between Feb. 2nd and 4th. The coronal blast from the Sun storm’s arrival on Earth will coincide with a massive snow storm that will sweep across North America. -Space Weather
"It is the greatest of all mistakes to do nothing because you can only do a little." ~ Sydney Smith
How Food and Water are Driving a 21st - century African Land Grab (VN: this is the Fascist NWO)
Vatic Note: HOW DO YOU LIKE IT SO FAR? Remember, whatever they do in third world countries, they perfect and then do it here and in Europe and the other commonwealth countries, so PAY ATTENTION. Sounds like land grabbing is next. This fits very well with what Kissinger wrote back in 1974, I believe, with respect to depopulating Africa. Racist. Anyway, taking control of the African continent for a variety of reasons, has always been the objective. Natural resources abound there that the khazars have to pay to the countries to extract from the ground and given how greedy they have proven themselves to be, I suspect this is about taking ownership of the land for a variety of reasons and using food growth as the cover. Remember, these khazars believe in deception and using false fronts to hide their agenda. I believe this is no different. I am sure debeers is tired of paying royalties to the local government for his control of the diamond industry there. Also remember the queen of england is to uranium as debeers is to diamonds, so there are a lot of western wealthy elite that want more and more and this is one way to undermine the simple people who simply want to live and lead a simple life. Take away what little they have to increase the elites holdings which is already 50 percent of the worlds wealth ALREADY. Shoot, how much more can you spend or hold before it becomes obvious its an ego thing. Damn useless feeders!!!! sorry. I can't help myself when I read something like this. What is clear is that when they finish this, THEY WILL CONTROL ALL FOOD GLOBALLY. Remember also, they will control all fresh water as well. With the NWO, we will have no say in who takes our fresh water.
How Food and Water are Driving a 21st - century African Land Grab
John Vidal in Juba, Sudan , The Observer, Sunday 7 March 2010
An Observer investigation reveals how rich countries faced by a global food shortage now farm an area double the size of the UK to guarantee supplies for their citizens (VN: I don't necessarily agree with why they are doing it since they could care less about us, rather its about cheap costs and NO REGULATIONS on quality of food. I suspect its more about getting away with murder)
A woman tends vegetables at a giant Saudi-financed farm in Ethiopia.
We turned off the main road to Awassa, talked our way past security guards and drove a mile across empty land before we found what will soon be Ethiopia's largest greenhouse. Nestling below an escarpment of the Rift Valley, the development is far from finished, but the plastic and steel structure already stretches over 20 hectares – the size of 20 football pitches.
How Food and Water are Driving a 21st - century African Land Grab
John Vidal in Juba, Sudan , The Observer, Sunday 7 March 2010
An Observer investigation reveals how rich countries faced by a global food shortage now farm an area double the size of the UK to guarantee supplies for their citizens (VN: I don't necessarily agree with why they are doing it since they could care less about us, rather its about cheap costs and NO REGULATIONS on quality of food. I suspect its more about getting away with murder)
A woman tends vegetables at a giant Saudi-financed farm in Ethiopia.
We turned off the main road to Awassa, talked our way past security guards and drove a mile across empty land before we found what will soon be Ethiopia's largest greenhouse. Nestling below an escarpment of the Rift Valley, the development is far from finished, but the plastic and steel structure already stretches over 20 hectares – the size of 20 football pitches.
Aerial illusion: facts support 757 flying over and not into the Pentagon on 9/11
By: Craig McKee
You have to admire the creativity. And you have to admire the sheer scale of the deception.
One of the largest examples of misdirection ever attempted has, for the most part, worked. But that’s only because people haven’t looked closely at the evidence.
It seems clear that a large airliner did fly towards the Pentagon just after 9:30 a.m. on Sept. 11, 2001 (I’ll get to how we know this momentarily). It is also clear that there was a large explosion that rocked the outer ring of the building as the plane arrived at its supposed target. But there’s one more thing that is clear: the plane didn’t hit the building and didn’t cause the explosion.
American Airlines Flight 77, a Boeing 757, was supposedly flown into the Pentagon at 530 miles per hour by an incompetent pilot who was denied permission to rent a Cessna the month before because of his poor flying skills. After negotiating an incredible 330-degree spiral descent, alleged hijacker Hani Hanjour is supposed to have flown just a few feet above the ground, hitting five light poles before crashing into the ground floor of a newly renovated section of the Pentagon.
There are two main reasons why the evidence supports the conclusion that the plane the witnesses saw never hit the building – and that it flew over. One is that the Flight Data Recorder supposedly found in the Pentagon wreckage showed that the plane was too high to have hit the building, and that its flight path was inconsistent with knocking over the light poles. This was shown in an animation created by the National Transportation Safety Board that was based on the FDR.
By: Craig McKee
You have to admire the creativity. And you have to admire the sheer scale of the deception.
One of the largest examples of misdirection ever attempted has, for the most part, worked. But that’s only because people haven’t looked closely at the evidence.
It seems clear that a large airliner did fly towards the Pentagon just after 9:30 a.m. on Sept. 11, 2001 (I’ll get to how we know this momentarily). It is also clear that there was a large explosion that rocked the outer ring of the building as the plane arrived at its supposed target. But there’s one more thing that is clear: the plane didn’t hit the building and didn’t cause the explosion.
American Airlines Flight 77, a Boeing 757, was supposedly flown into the Pentagon at 530 miles per hour by an incompetent pilot who was denied permission to rent a Cessna the month before because of his poor flying skills. After negotiating an incredible 330-degree spiral descent, alleged hijacker Hani Hanjour is supposed to have flown just a few feet above the ground, hitting five light poles before crashing into the ground floor of a newly renovated section of the Pentagon.
There are two main reasons why the evidence supports the conclusion that the plane the witnesses saw never hit the building – and that it flew over. One is that the Flight Data Recorder supposedly found in the Pentagon wreckage showed that the plane was too high to have hit the building, and that its flight path was inconsistent with knocking over the light poles. This was shown in an animation created by the National Transportation Safety Board that was based on the FDR.
Cold Fusion getting hot with 10 kw Heater Prepping for market
Vatic Notes: Never let it be said that we don't publish good news sometimes. lol Finally, but lets hope he stays out of planes for a while until we can indict the khazars for doing 9-11. Then it will be ok to fly after that. Great news. Truly. I think you will enjoy this one. I actually enjoyed tremendously publishing something of good news for a change and in fact, what happened today was a good thing for that reason. Sometimes out of evil comes good. Even if their intent was the opposite. lol
Cold Fusion getting hot with 10 kw Heater Prepping for market
by Sterling Allan, Reporter, Before It's News
Andrea Rossi, left, demonstrates the 10 kW heat generating device during the Italian press conference last Friday.
Photo by Daniele Passerini, the who reported the day's proceedings in his blog.
Italian inventor, Andrea Rossi, claims to have an industrial product ready to manufacture that produces large amounts of energy reliably, safely, and much cheaper than coal or natural gas power. It utilizes the fusion of hydrogen and the common element nickel at relatively low temperatures.
Cold Fusion getting hot with 10 kw Heater Prepping for market
by Sterling Allan, Reporter, Before It's News
Andrea Rossi, left, demonstrates the 10 kW heat generating device during the Italian press conference last Friday.
Photo by Daniele Passerini, the who reported the day's proceedings in his blog.
Italian inventor, Andrea Rossi, claims to have an industrial product ready to manufacture that produces large amounts of energy reliably, safely, and much cheaper than coal or natural gas power. It utilizes the fusion of hydrogen and the common element nickel at relatively low temperatures.
Breaking: Rumors on Twitter suggest Mubarak gone
UPDATE: 2/4/11 - Mubarack has agreed to step down in Sept when his term is up, according to english version of Russia Today TV. That is not acceptable to the Egyptian people, so they are still out in the streets in the millions. They are hoping today to get his agreement to step down for good NOW, not later.
Vatic Note: Ok, think about this, all the leaders so far are going away. Tunisia, Egypt, Obama decides to announce his citizenship and spec by the banker owned press is he is not going to run in 2012 and neither is Leiberscum per his own statement, and so lets watch who else disappears. Are they going underground early??? Is Nibiru here? Are they getting ready to release the killer monkey pox pandemic and thus they need to go underground??? What is going on? I have seen a lot weaker leaders crush a lot stronger rebellions than this one, so what is up???? Just asking. Its too weird. Remember in Khagykistan (?sp) where the President there did the same thing??? If this is for real, maybe we can do the same thing to our khazar international Rothschild bankers...... oh, what a dream that would be. LETS PONDER ON IT. If a big fat peaceful rebellion will get these guys out of the kitchen and into the fire, I am all for it.
Breaking: Rumors on Twitter suggest Mubarak gone
February 1, 2011, Aimee Kilgman, National Examiner
Today, my Twitter page is buzzing, especially around hash tags #Mubarak, #jan25 and #Egypt. Ten minutes ago, my eye caught a tweet from the UK Guardian's Ranj Alaaldin, which said that 'President Mubarak has apparently tendered his resignation according to a source.'
Ranj Alaaldin is is a Middle East political and security risk analyst based at the London School of Economics and Political Science. He visits the Middle East regularly and as part of his recent work on Iraq has visited the country on a number of fact-finding missions. Foreign Policy magazine recently listed him among its 100 best Twitter users in international affairs. He maintains a blog here.
Vatic Note: Ok, think about this, all the leaders so far are going away. Tunisia, Egypt, Obama decides to announce his citizenship and spec by the banker owned press is he is not going to run in 2012 and neither is Leiberscum per his own statement, and so lets watch who else disappears. Are they going underground early??? Is Nibiru here? Are they getting ready to release the killer monkey pox pandemic and thus they need to go underground??? What is going on? I have seen a lot weaker leaders crush a lot stronger rebellions than this one, so what is up???? Just asking. Its too weird. Remember in Khagykistan (?sp) where the President there did the same thing??? If this is for real, maybe we can do the same thing to our khazar international Rothschild bankers...... oh, what a dream that would be. LETS PONDER ON IT. If a big fat peaceful rebellion will get these guys out of the kitchen and into the fire, I am all for it.
Breaking: Rumors on Twitter suggest Mubarak gone
February 1, 2011, Aimee Kilgman, National Examiner
Today, my Twitter page is buzzing, especially around hash tags #Mubarak, #jan25 and #Egypt. Ten minutes ago, my eye caught a tweet from the UK Guardian's Ranj Alaaldin, which said that 'President Mubarak has apparently tendered his resignation according to a source.'
Ranj Alaaldin is is a Middle East political and security risk analyst based at the London School of Economics and Political Science. He visits the Middle East regularly and as part of his recent work on Iraq has visited the country on a number of fact-finding missions. Foreign Policy magazine recently listed him among its 100 best Twitter users in international affairs. He maintains a blog here.
Confirmed: Wikileaks is Government Disinfo Operation
Vatic Note: One of the reasons the Powers that be could not allow a real investigation into 9-11 (Besides the obvious reasons) was that would prevent another one from ever occurring and blaming it on the muslims. See, the truth would have come out in a real investigation such as Al Qaeda is funded by the CIA and mossad to do what they do and have done for our cretin private sector and public sector satanists khazars. They also fund the Taliban in Pakistan as well. Corruption is at historical levels. We must become and believe in being the most powerful beings that we are and they tried to hide from us. This article below shows how they operate, but more importantly just how clever and insidious these games they play, are.
Confirmed: Wikileaks is Government Disinfo Operation
Wednesday, February 02, 2011 8:00, by Kurt Nimo, Infowars
It is now obvious Wikileaks is an intelligence operation and its frontman Julian Assange is a useful idiot.
The corporate media today is chock full of stories about the latest round of supposed diplomatic documents purloined by a low level Army intelligence analyst. According to the documents, the CIA asset al-Qaeda has managed to acquire “workable and efficient” biological and chemical weapons and the West stands on the brink of a “nuclear 9/11.” It is said the documents detail a 2009 NATO meeting where security chiefs briefed member states that al-CIA-duh was readying “dirty radioactive IEDs” to be used against British troops in Afghanistan.
Confirmed: Wikileaks is Government Disinfo Operation
Wednesday, February 02, 2011 8:00, by Kurt Nimo, Infowars
It is now obvious Wikileaks is an intelligence operation and its frontman Julian Assange is a useful idiot.
The corporate media today is chock full of stories about the latest round of supposed diplomatic documents purloined by a low level Army intelligence analyst. According to the documents, the CIA asset al-Qaeda has managed to acquire “workable and efficient” biological and chemical weapons and the West stands on the brink of a “nuclear 9/11.” It is said the documents detail a 2009 NATO meeting where security chiefs briefed member states that al-CIA-duh was readying “dirty radioactive IEDs” to be used against British troops in Afghanistan.
Senate Committee Passes Plan for Internet "Kill Switch" in U.S.
Vatic Note: I do not call this bipartisan support, I call it unification of treason between two congresspeople, who also happen to be senators, one from the Likud Party which is Leiberscum and one from the Republican party which is the neocon party also funded and owned by the same people who fund and own the dem party. No difference.... just a game for our consumption. We aren't buying it. I think they are going underground for the bioweapon and chemical attack they have planned to be done by mossad and blame it on the iranians, pakistani's or some other poor muslim who has never done stuff like that. The professional and experienced terrorists are Israel and their khazar mossad terrorists that terrorize us all the time. the USS Liberty, the USS Cole, The Lavon affair that backfired on them, and finally 9-11. IF WE DO NOT PROSECUTE 9-11, THEY WILL DO IT AGAIN ONLY WORSE. Then watch out, its what they did in the Russian revolution, then will come the massacres of both muslm and christians. Forget it, do not give up your magazines or your guns. IF THEY GO UNDERGROUND THEY BETTER NEVER COME UP DURING THIS GENERATIONS LIFE TIME.
Senate Committee Passes Plan for Internet "Kill Switch" in U.S.
Posted on January 29, 2011 at 1:52pm by Meredith Jessup
Pending legislation that would grant the President of the United States the power to pull the plug on the country’s internet access in a declared “emergency” returned to the forefront this week on the same day Egyptians faced a nation-wide blackout designed to curtail widespread government protests. Egypt flipped it’s so-called “kill switch” — will the U.S.?
The bipartisan bill is sponsored by Maine Sen. Susan Collins, the ranking Republican on the Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee. The bill — called “The Protecting Cyberspace As A National Asset Act of 2010” S.3480 — was approved by a Senate panel this week.
S. 3480 would create a new government agency called the National Center for Cybersecurity and Communications. The NCCC would have sweeping powers to control the Internet, including the ability to shut down the web for a 30-day period. Considering that at least 60% of Americans get their daily news fix from the Internet, this is a staggering proposal.
Senate Committee Passes Plan for Internet "Kill Switch" in U.S.
Posted on January 29, 2011 at 1:52pm by Meredith Jessup
Pending legislation that would grant the President of the United States the power to pull the plug on the country’s internet access in a declared “emergency” returned to the forefront this week on the same day Egyptians faced a nation-wide blackout designed to curtail widespread government protests. Egypt flipped it’s so-called “kill switch” — will the U.S.?
The bipartisan bill is sponsored by Maine Sen. Susan Collins, the ranking Republican on the Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee. The bill — called “The Protecting Cyberspace As A National Asset Act of 2010” S.3480 — was approved by a Senate panel this week.
S. 3480 would create a new government agency called the National Center for Cybersecurity and Communications. The NCCC would have sweeping powers to control the Internet, including the ability to shut down the web for a 30-day period. Considering that at least 60% of Americans get their daily news fix from the Internet, this is a staggering proposal.
Dugway Army Base on Lockdown -
Update: Is this the big bioweapons attack base, that they are planning on using for the big event the elite have planned for us that is being distracted by the news in Egypt, and weather news, etc? It appears it was a small bottle of nerve agent that got lost and caused the lock down. Nerve agent, huh??? THAT IS WHAT THEY "SAY"! And we know how much we can believe anything they say! khazars would not know the truth if it smacked them in the head. Well, either its the truth or a cover story for something more nefarious that got the cover blown and now they are scrambling to put a good face on it. Watch and read and you decide. If we don't end up needing all those items requested than we can certainly make some fairly close conclusions as to what may have really happened at Dugway or what is planned to happen using Dugway for the event. Watch your six on this one. Something big is going on and they do not want us talking about it, so now we have manufactured crisises that keep us distracted.
Vatic Note: This follow up is leading us into a very interesting rabbit hole, that we hope to present somewhat later when we finish, given the massive spamming and harrassing we are experiencing on my email outlook express and on the blog. It started happening on my regular email, immediately after a microsoft update was entered automatically on my computer. So we will work around that as best we can and try to get the results to you soon. Very interesting that this comes up at the same time that Homeland Insecurity (through FEMA) has also ordered 14 million meals and thousands of gallons of gas and deisel for some unknown event that they must have planned and thousands of BODY BAGS. Now we have this lockdown..... so what does go on in Dugway??? They are responsible for testing Biological & CHEMICAL WEAPONS. Is that what happened to our birds and fish? Was it the phosogene gas that was disclosed and that Wheeler may have tried to stop and was killed for his efforts??? Just asking questions that we all should be asking. I do not know the answer, but I sure as hell know the questions. Is there a tie in? . I just read that Mitre corp (this is where Wheeler worked at the time of his death and his briefcase went missing) has a contract with FAA and airforce for flight patterns for these chemtrail runs. Interesting. We also found a patent, but we are still going down that rabbit hole and will try to do something comprehensive when we finish. Remember, the very day it was announced that Wheeler had been killed before the video was even found showing him in strange condition, Vatic project speculated about his employer, Mitre Corp, and their connection to P-Tech whose connection to mossad AND 9-11 is well known.
Dugway Army Base on Lockdown -
Posted by James adap2k on January 27, 2011, By James adap2k, Snardfarkers
SALT LAKE CITY — The commander of an Army base in Utah, which works on how to protect troops against biological and chemical attacks, said it was on lockdown while trying to resolve a "serious concern."
Military weapons are tested at Dugway Proving Grounds, located about 85 miles southwest of Salt Lake City. Its primary mission is defending troops against biological and chemical attacks.
Colonel William E. King did not provide any details in a statement, but said food and beverages were being brought in.
Vatic Note: This follow up is leading us into a very interesting rabbit hole, that we hope to present somewhat later when we finish, given the massive spamming and harrassing we are experiencing on my email outlook express and on the blog. It started happening on my regular email, immediately after a microsoft update was entered automatically on my computer. So we will work around that as best we can and try to get the results to you soon. Very interesting that this comes up at the same time that Homeland Insecurity (through FEMA) has also ordered 14 million meals and thousands of gallons of gas and deisel for some unknown event that they must have planned and thousands of BODY BAGS. Now we have this lockdown..... so what does go on in Dugway??? They are responsible for testing Biological & CHEMICAL WEAPONS. Is that what happened to our birds and fish? Was it the phosogene gas that was disclosed and that Wheeler may have tried to stop and was killed for his efforts??? Just asking questions that we all should be asking. I do not know the answer, but I sure as hell know the questions. Is there a tie in? . I just read that Mitre corp (this is where Wheeler worked at the time of his death and his briefcase went missing) has a contract with FAA and airforce for flight patterns for these chemtrail runs. Interesting. We also found a patent, but we are still going down that rabbit hole and will try to do something comprehensive when we finish. Remember, the very day it was announced that Wheeler had been killed before the video was even found showing him in strange condition, Vatic project speculated about his employer, Mitre Corp, and their connection to P-Tech whose connection to mossad AND 9-11 is well known.
Dugway Army Base on Lockdown -
Posted by James adap2k on January 27, 2011, By James adap2k, Snardfarkers
SALT LAKE CITY — The commander of an Army base in Utah, which works on how to protect troops against biological and chemical attacks, said it was on lockdown while trying to resolve a "serious concern."
Military weapons are tested at Dugway Proving Grounds, located about 85 miles southwest of Salt Lake City. Its primary mission is defending troops against biological and chemical attacks.
Colonel William E. King did not provide any details in a statement, but said food and beverages were being brought in.
Alien Invasion? Or Just Another CON?
Vatic Note: This is a very interesting treatment of this subject. It rejects the passiveness of the New Age group promoting "do nothing" except contemplate your navel and embraces the use of and promotion of our life force power with in us. It definitely promotes the believe that the so called "alien invasion" is a hoax as most of us do, yet accepts the possibility that there are aliens and that we simply do not know, however, the khazar zionist bankers have infiltrated the New Age movement to promote a "DO NOTHING" stance to reduce their chances of being kicked out of the country enmass. But what I really like about this piece is the emphasis on our responsibility for our own salvation by changing within us who we are and finding ourselves again. The evil that has filtered down into our society is the grist of the mill of destruction that has brought us to the level of demise we have achieved so far. Read this, ITS EXCELLENT, again this is one of those that you read and each has to decide for himself. The link to their site is on here and is worth the visit. In the meantime, I will be checking them out myself to make sure they are as they seem. Thanks. Enjoy. My answer to the question is "just another damn con". Lets ignore these guys and get about our business of rebuilding without them. Non cooperation in all things. IF THERE IS EVEN ONE MORE 9-11 TYPE FALSE FLAG, WE KNOW WHO REALLY DID IT AND THAT IS WHO IS THE THREAT AND THE ENEMY AND MUST BE BROUGHT DOWN...... Power resides within us to do it. They are more afraid of us than we are of them. Right now, I am more angry then I have ever been afraid.
Alien Invasion? Or Just Another CON?
By Arthur & Fiona Cristian, Love For Life
3rd February 2011
It is interesting that there has been a gradual increase over the years of UFO sightings with videos springing up on You Tube and other places and articles "proving" that there is life on Mars, etc. Along with the New Age focus on "higher" levels and dimensions and contact with other worldly beings, our thoughts and focus are being massaged towards the acceptance of the possibility of alien intervention on Earth. UFO sightings are happening all over Earth, in Russia, Israel, Italy, Mexico, Brazil, South Africa, Australia and other countries, giving all of us in our different nations, something in common. As usual, when those behind "The System" want us to think that they are not controlling something, there is very little mention of the sightings in the mainstream media, getting those who want a remedy to "The System" to think they have stumbled onto something not of "The System" that is going to help bring an end to "The System".
Alien Invasion? Or Just Another CON?
By Arthur & Fiona Cristian, Love For Life
3rd February 2011
It is interesting that there has been a gradual increase over the years of UFO sightings with videos springing up on You Tube and other places and articles "proving" that there is life on Mars, etc. Along with the New Age focus on "higher" levels and dimensions and contact with other worldly beings, our thoughts and focus are being massaged towards the acceptance of the possibility of alien intervention on Earth. UFO sightings are happening all over Earth, in Russia, Israel, Italy, Mexico, Brazil, South Africa, Australia and other countries, giving all of us in our different nations, something in common. As usual, when those behind "The System" want us to think that they are not controlling something, there is very little mention of the sightings in the mainstream media, getting those who want a remedy to "The System" to think they have stumbled onto something not of "The System" that is going to help bring an end to "The System".
Rights NGO claims that Israeli Planes Carrying Crowd Dispersal Weapons have arrived In Egypt.
ALERT: We are having serious problems getting the daily summary out today. We are almost at a place where we are going to have to simply ask you to check the blog every day and we will send summaries when we can. I can no longer fight them for 3 hours every morning in order to get this out. So I am using this blog to at least give you the AUSTRALIAN CYCLONE UPDATE AND LOOK FOR THE SUMMARY LATER THIS MORNING AS I AM STILL WORKING ON IT.
Australian Cyclone update from the field:
From Gypsy Flame in Australia
A roar in the wind. Lights flickering.
Yasi moving in.
Will continue to post while power permits.
From Boldarn in Queensland, through an intermediary friend since I don't have a land line which is all she could call. This is her report. Its good news, and of course bad news.
Electricity off in Queensland, Storm first came in at 180 mile per hour winds, raged really bad for 8 to 10 hours during the night, almost impossible to sleep, and destroyed 90% of a coastal town in Queensland completely, only 10% of the town still standing. (waiting to hear from her again to get the name of the town)
Internet is down, only land line communication still up so far, but with electricity out, may go down soon. Good news is everyone had time to prepare and thus no loss of life reported so far. More good news, since the storm has hit land, its diminished in power after the 8 to 10 hours and has headed further down the coast of Australia at much reduced power. Brisbane still does not have power from before this storm as a result of the floods, and so she suspects with a shortage of electricians electricity will probably remain down for a while. They did not stay in the house, rather in a metal shipping container for the night. Safe in there but still scary stuff.
Now back to Israel delivering Crowd Dispersal weapons to Mubarak
Vatic Note: This fits perfectly with Vatics notes on previous articles to do with the Mubarek Regime, Israel is heavily involved with the leadership and has a vested interest in maintaining the status quo at the leadership level of all these middle east countries, especially Egypt as one of the biggest in the area. It always amazes me how these Khazars from Israel can get these countries leaders to betray their people and their nations (just like the US) is beyond me. This is no different than their countrol of leadership in Yemen, (where O'Neils investigation into the USS Cole attack led to Mossad and got undermined by the Yemen gov) and anywhere else that we see chaos and drama on a daily basis, in order to retain that control. If Mubarek falls, that control is in dire jeopardy if, like dominos, this rebellion spreads and people take back control of their countries, then Israel is in serious trouble. If these arab nations peoples see how very heavily involved with Israel their leaders are, there will be such an upwelling of rebellion that even I can't imagine how big this could get. Maybe we would then be able to motivate millions here to do the same thing, protesting in the millions is probably the only way anymore.
Rights NGO claims that Israeli Planes Carrying Crowd Dispersal Weapons have arrived In Egypt.
by Middle East Monitor, January 31, 2011
The International Network for Rights and Development has claimed that Israeli logistical support has been sent to Egypt's President Hosni Mubarak to help his regime confront demonstrations demanding that he steps down as head of state. According to reports by the non-governmental organisation, three Israeli planes landed at Cairo's Mina International Airport on Saturday carrying hazardous equipment for use in dispersing and suppressing large crowds.
Australian Cyclone update from the field:
From Gypsy Flame in Australia
A roar in the wind. Lights flickering.
Yasi moving in.
Will continue to post while power permits.
From Boldarn in Queensland, through an intermediary friend since I don't have a land line which is all she could call. This is her report. Its good news, and of course bad news.
Electricity off in Queensland, Storm first came in at 180 mile per hour winds, raged really bad for 8 to 10 hours during the night, almost impossible to sleep, and destroyed 90% of a coastal town in Queensland completely, only 10% of the town still standing. (waiting to hear from her again to get the name of the town)
Internet is down, only land line communication still up so far, but with electricity out, may go down soon. Good news is everyone had time to prepare and thus no loss of life reported so far. More good news, since the storm has hit land, its diminished in power after the 8 to 10 hours and has headed further down the coast of Australia at much reduced power. Brisbane still does not have power from before this storm as a result of the floods, and so she suspects with a shortage of electricians electricity will probably remain down for a while. They did not stay in the house, rather in a metal shipping container for the night. Safe in there but still scary stuff.
Now back to Israel delivering Crowd Dispersal weapons to Mubarak
Vatic Note: This fits perfectly with Vatics notes on previous articles to do with the Mubarek Regime, Israel is heavily involved with the leadership and has a vested interest in maintaining the status quo at the leadership level of all these middle east countries, especially Egypt as one of the biggest in the area. It always amazes me how these Khazars from Israel can get these countries leaders to betray their people and their nations (just like the US) is beyond me. This is no different than their countrol of leadership in Yemen, (where O'Neils investigation into the USS Cole attack led to Mossad and got undermined by the Yemen gov) and anywhere else that we see chaos and drama on a daily basis, in order to retain that control. If Mubarek falls, that control is in dire jeopardy if, like dominos, this rebellion spreads and people take back control of their countries, then Israel is in serious trouble. If these arab nations peoples see how very heavily involved with Israel their leaders are, there will be such an upwelling of rebellion that even I can't imagine how big this could get. Maybe we would then be able to motivate millions here to do the same thing, protesting in the millions is probably the only way anymore.
Rights NGO claims that Israeli Planes Carrying Crowd Dispersal Weapons have arrived In Egypt.
by Middle East Monitor, January 31, 2011
The International Network for Rights and Development has claimed that Israeli logistical support has been sent to Egypt's President Hosni Mubarak to help his regime confront demonstrations demanding that he steps down as head of state. According to reports by the non-governmental organisation, three Israeli planes landed at Cairo's Mina International Airport on Saturday carrying hazardous equipment for use in dispersing and suppressing large crowds.
We still don't have answers to these questions
Vatic Note: Is there no one in Government, wall street, corporate board rooms, that has even a smiggen of ethics and integrity??? Not one ounce of humanity for what is blatantly being down right in front of our faces. That inspector general basically said she does whatever the fed res tells her to do. Now how is that honoring your oath and doing the job for which you were hired??? I am wondering if that audit has ever been done? This video perfectly highlights the depths of depravity we have gone, in allowing all this to happen to our country. Cognitive Dissonance has taken hold and simply will not let go.
The article is reproduced in accordance with Section 107 of title 17 of the Copyright Law of the United States relating to fair-use and is for the purposes of criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research.
French GMO Researcher Vilified by Monsanto
Vatic Note: When you read this, I guarantee you will see it clearly for what it is. Its intentional murder of humans. A felony criminal act as well as an act of treason. The company should be completely shut down and all patents and locks they have on any of it should be seized by the government and destroyed. The seeds themselves should be gathered up and dumped by the truck loads into a blazing furnace and burned til there is not a single one of them left. I was shocked. It finally explained to me why the French had set fire to fields of monsanto crops that were being grown in France. I saw that a bit over done, but in fact, they knew becuase of their own scientist who told them these were in fact killer seeds. Our government knew, since the scientist warned the leaders of all nations, including the US, not just France. This is a MUST read. I knew these seeds were bad for organs etc, but I did not know that it was know since in the 90's and expressed to all powers that be, that these seeds were made to "resist" ready round up, and thus were killers of human cells. This scientist has been screaming about this for years. Its time we took them all down. Rockefeller, Rothschild, Zbig, Kissinger, Zeolnik, Cheney, etc, along with Turner, Soros, Gates and Monsanto, and do it so that they are never to rise again.... Damn, I am mad. AGAIN. Between the chemtrails, chemicals, heavy metals, and drugs in our water supply and this news now, its time we DEMAND that criminal investigations be instigated on all of them that have committed felony crimes by attempting to harm humans through acts which are resulting in the harming of the health and well being of our general population. VACCINES TOO, and that is where Bill Gates can take that long walk with the rest of them.
French GMO Researcher Vilified by Monsanto
provided to Vatic Project by Gypsy Fire, Australia
Mon, Jan 24, 2011
His research literally sends chills down the spines of people on both sides of the fence in the debate concerning genetically modified foods and use of the weed killer known as Roundup. Opponents of GMO food read his studies and openly weep as their worst fears of the pesticide's toxicity are confirmed; the proponents of GMOs and Roundup publicly and predictably call his very ethics into question as they privately fear a loss of revenue.
Through it all, Gilles-Eric Séralini, has remained steadfast for nearly 15 years. The professor of molecular biology at the University of Caen in France, and president of the scientific council for independent research on genetic engineering (CRIIGEN), knows for a fact that plants containing inserted genes for resistance to Roundup have the potential to kill us. He has tried to warn government officials worldwide - largely to no avail. He has witnessed a pattern of deceit since foods were genetically modified to resist Roundup in 1996, a scourge that has only worsened in the years since.
French GMO Researcher Vilified by Monsanto
provided to Vatic Project by Gypsy Fire, Australia
Mon, Jan 24, 2011
His research literally sends chills down the spines of people on both sides of the fence in the debate concerning genetically modified foods and use of the weed killer known as Roundup. Opponents of GMO food read his studies and openly weep as their worst fears of the pesticide's toxicity are confirmed; the proponents of GMOs and Roundup publicly and predictably call his very ethics into question as they privately fear a loss of revenue.
Through it all, Gilles-Eric Séralini, has remained steadfast for nearly 15 years. The professor of molecular biology at the University of Caen in France, and president of the scientific council for independent research on genetic engineering (CRIIGEN), knows for a fact that plants containing inserted genes for resistance to Roundup have the potential to kill us. He has tried to warn government officials worldwide - largely to no avail. He has witnessed a pattern of deceit since foods were genetically modified to resist Roundup in 1996, a scourge that has only worsened in the years since.
Radio Host Quit due to "Attempted" censorship of 12/30/10 - Interview with Vatic Master, archived.
Special: Millenialism 12/30/10 - Click on here and go to the 30th and click on the archive radio stream showing and listen to the program, the callers, and the Vatic Master and host Magnus Johnstone. He is a brave man and principled. I hope he does another show elsewhere where they do not censor. The big question is "WHY DID THE NE ESTABLISHMENT GET UPSET AT THIS OBSCURE RADIO PROGRAM? WHAT DID WE COVER THEY DID NOT WANT OUT THERE?"
Alert: Magnus Johnstone said this was the best millenium program he had done, (up to that point he had done 16 of these programs) and that was reinforced by the callers into the program the last half hour and he informed me that because of our interview something happened whereby, he was told by the management of the radio station, to change his program and so he quit. That is when I decided we should listen to it again and find out what the powers that be did not want out there. REMEMBER, THIS IS AN EAST COAST REGIONAL RADIO STATION AND IS HEARD AND LISTENED TO ALL ACROSS THE NORTHEAST. That means NY, and Wa DC. I suspect that is why the station and he, got harrassed and why we had massive hits from Wa DC and NY right after the program. Here is the streaming archived for you to listen to it. Because he had to give up his program for "principles", it became important we revisit the program and find out why and what truth we fell on that they did not want out there. He is certainly a man of principle and he had an excellent show.
Guest: “Vatic Master” from the Vatic Project
The article is reproduced in accordance with Section 107 of title 17 of the Copyright Law of the United States relating to fair-use and is for the purposes of criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research.
Alert: Magnus Johnstone said this was the best millenium program he had done, (up to that point he had done 16 of these programs) and that was reinforced by the callers into the program the last half hour and he informed me that because of our interview something happened whereby, he was told by the management of the radio station, to change his program and so he quit. That is when I decided we should listen to it again and find out what the powers that be did not want out there. REMEMBER, THIS IS AN EAST COAST REGIONAL RADIO STATION AND IS HEARD AND LISTENED TO ALL ACROSS THE NORTHEAST. That means NY, and Wa DC. I suspect that is why the station and he, got harrassed and why we had massive hits from Wa DC and NY right after the program. Here is the streaming archived for you to listen to it. Because he had to give up his program for "principles", it became important we revisit the program and find out why and what truth we fell on that they did not want out there. He is certainly a man of principle and he had an excellent show.
Guest: “Vatic Master” from the Vatic Project
The article is reproduced in accordance with Section 107 of title 17 of the Copyright Law of the United States relating to fair-use and is for the purposes of criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research.
A New Truth Dawns On the Arab World
Vatic Note: I am not sure why anyone is suprised over this. Remember, Jordon, Egypt, and Saudi Arabia have all been in bed with Israel and I am unsure why their people did not know that when the rest of the world knew. As the Israeli leaders have said time and time again, the pals will never get their own land. Why should they be any different than we are. Israel has been running our gov for a long time now as evidenced by the SIMULTANEOUS ANNOUNCEMENT TO CUT SOCIAL SECURITY FOR OUR SENIORS WHILE INCREASING ISRAELI'S FOREIGN AID BY GIVING THEM BILLIONS. SO who runs our government??? WHOSE INTERESTS ARE PRIMARY? GOOD BYE LIEBERSCUM.... I AM GOING TO BE GLAD TO SEE HIM GO. If you had any doubt before now, then you should be fully disabused of it. If they can run our government, what makes you think they haven't been doing the same thing in the arab countries???? Remember, Israel created HAMAS. It was not for no reason they did that. THIS WHAT THEY ARE GOOD AT..... DECEPTION AND BY IT THEY WILL WIN WARS.
A New Truth Dawns On the Arab World
Wednesday, 26 January 2011
Leaked Palestinian files have put a region in revolutionary mood
The Palestine Papers are as damning as the Balfour Declaration. The Palestinian "Authority" – one has to put this word in quotation marks – was prepared, and is prepared to give up the "right of return" of perhaps seven million refugees to what is now Israel for a "state" that may be only 10 per cent (at most) of British mandate Palestine.
And as these dreadful papers are revealed, the Egyptian people are calling for the downfall of President Mubarak, and the Lebanese are appointing a prime minister who will supply the Hezbollah. Rarely has the Arab world seen anything like this.
A New Truth Dawns On the Arab World
Wednesday, 26 January 2011
Leaked Palestinian files have put a region in revolutionary mood
The Palestine Papers are as damning as the Balfour Declaration. The Palestinian "Authority" – one has to put this word in quotation marks – was prepared, and is prepared to give up the "right of return" of perhaps seven million refugees to what is now Israel for a "state" that may be only 10 per cent (at most) of British mandate Palestine.
And as these dreadful papers are revealed, the Egyptian people are calling for the downfall of President Mubarak, and the Lebanese are appointing a prime minister who will supply the Hezbollah. Rarely has the Arab world seen anything like this.
NASA Caught Doctoring Near Sun UFO Image - Red Handed
Vatic Note: Now I wonder why NASA would want to hide that, given it would fit with their plan to stage a bogus alien invasion in order to globalize, so why are they trying to hide it? Well, could be they aren't really, but pretending to hide it. It appears they allowed this to unfold as it is, which means its been EXPOSED to the world that an alient craft is up there, which is what they would want given the agenda noone disagrees with anymore. The elite and all institutions now know we do not trust them, so now they simply have to be more clever than in the past and feed it through others to do for them. That is one option. The other is, the space craft is really that Top Secret Military mission that went up months ago back in April and was there for very top secret weapons testings according to the mainstream press. If the Airforce has now finished testing their UFO crafts for project Blue beam and for the recommended invasion by aliens of this planet in order to globalize, then it maybe NASA is simply getting us ready for the false flag planned, using their advanced technology military planes/flying saucers or triangles etc.....Remember, they have a whole "secret" space division mentioned by the hacker into the pentagon who got caught. The more I think about it the more I am sure they are creating the new threat, ONE OF MANY they throw at us all the time. I call them the "fear brigade". Here is the plane pictured kicking in the antigravitational field. Awesome, looks like a plasma ball. Can't really see the shape of it, but it appears the AF has several different shaped vehicles. This could be the same image we saw on the 2nd photo only moving a lot slower so more detail is available, this one is much more distorted from the transition to anti-gravity.
NASA Caught Doctoring Near Sun UFO Image - Red Handed
by Barracuda, Before its News, Monday, January 31, 2011
On January 22nd, 2011 Youtube user "BeePeeOilDisaster' had posted the down below video and in his testimonial he said " Go to the NASA STEREO website, input 20110122 and 20110122 using Behind EUVI 195 then after it loads scroll to the time frame 10:46:10 and there is the original... You can save it to your PC and adjust the Zoom, Brightness and Contrast to bring out the detail of the image
I made this video to show what can be missed just by glancing at these pictures from the STEREO website. With the proper knowledge and techniques so much detail can be brought out by adjusting the zoom, brightness and contrast. I am just amazed at this picture"
NASA Caught Doctoring Near Sun UFO Image - Red Handed
by Barracuda, Before its News, Monday, January 31, 2011

Egyptian Army Says It Will Not Fire on Protesters
Vatic Note: Wow, lot of distraction going on right now. This plus the cyclone heading toward Australia, like they need just one more thing to bang over their heads. I can't figure out why the powers that be are trying to clear out that island??? Will be putting something up about that shortly. Now on to the subject at hand, the Egypt crisis. On one of our strategy and tactics we discussed this very point. Remember we discussed visiting our local law enforcement and family members of those we know are serving in our military to discuss and promise them we will not fire on them, and tell them not to fire on us since we are simply standing up for our inalienable rights and protections under the constitution. Remind them and their families of their oath that they are to only follow legal orders, and tell them we are all in this together and must stand together and this is what happens if we do. Tell them we love them for their commitment to defend and protect us AGAINST ALL ENEMIES BOTH FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC, THEN We win. So pass this on to those local law enforcement types in your community to show what can happen when we stand together.
Egyptian Army Says It Will Not Fire on Protesters
Anthony Shadid, David D. Kirkpatrick and Kareem Fahim
Monday 31 January 2011
Cairo - The Egyptian Army announced Monday for the first time that it would not fire on protesters, even as tens of thousands of people gathered in central Liberation Square for a seventh day to shout for the ouster of President Hosni Mubarak.
The announcement came after the opposition dismissed Mr. Mubarak’s cabinet reshuffle as inadequate and as concerns over violence were heightened by the presence of security police officers clustered near the square’s entrances, their first deployment there in three days.
Since the demonstrations began last Tuesday, Mr. Mubarak has stayed mostly out of sight, apparently intent on waiting for the protesters’ passions to cool. But opposition organizers called for the largest demonstrations yet — a “march of millions” and a general strike — on Tuesday, and the Egyptian economy showed more signs of shutting down, while one benchmark price of crude rose to a two-year high of just over $100 on fears of disrupted flow from the region.
Egyptian Army Says It Will Not Fire on Protesters
Anthony Shadid, David D. Kirkpatrick and Kareem Fahim
Monday 31 January 2011
Cairo - The Egyptian Army announced Monday for the first time that it would not fire on protesters, even as tens of thousands of people gathered in central Liberation Square for a seventh day to shout for the ouster of President Hosni Mubarak.
The announcement came after the opposition dismissed Mr. Mubarak’s cabinet reshuffle as inadequate and as concerns over violence were heightened by the presence of security police officers clustered near the square’s entrances, their first deployment there in three days.
Since the demonstrations began last Tuesday, Mr. Mubarak has stayed mostly out of sight, apparently intent on waiting for the protesters’ passions to cool. But opposition organizers called for the largest demonstrations yet — a “march of millions” and a general strike — on Tuesday, and the Egyptian economy showed more signs of shutting down, while one benchmark price of crude rose to a two-year high of just over $100 on fears of disrupted flow from the region.
How to build a human! Professor Silver just loves the idea of making your own HUMAN.
Vatic Note - This first video in this series we put together below, is the most scary when you realize that this technology will be in the hands and control through funding, of the satanic khazar elite. I cannot imagine..... remember Princeton, Havard etc are all controlled through funding and hiring, by the elite, khazars, royalty etc..... training ground for the sold out corrupt university system at Ivy League level. No way do I want these cretins controlling the human race and acting as God to decide what is acceptable and what is not. Remember also, the goal of the elite is DEPOPULATION, SO WHY ARE THEY TRYING TO SELL US THIS TECHNOLOGY? Because they can use it to dehumanize us, to do away with what threatens them, our consciousness and ability to evolve to higher levels, while they are stuck where they are. With this technology they can do that while also creating themselves into "super beings", which they currently are not. We have seen examples of what they want to do to us.... make us into cattle as they continually say and here is a good example of how they intend to do it and apparently doing it in third world countries where they have no ethics concerns, laws, or other hindrances to their agenda. Is this sick or what? And they want to rule the globe?? Over everyones dead body, I am sure. lol
How to build a human!
Professor Silver just loves the idea of making your own HUMAN.
Eugenics Kingpin - Lee M. Silver - Princeton University
December 14, 2007
Lee M. Silver
Eugenics Princeton Kingpin - "It is individuals and couples who want to reproduce themselves in their own images, who want their children to be happy and successful, who will seize control of these new technologies." (see video)
How to build a human!
Professor Silver just loves the idea of making your own HUMAN.
Eugenics Kingpin - Lee M. Silver - Princeton University
December 14, 2007
Lee M. Silver
Eugenics Princeton Kingpin - "It is individuals and couples who want to reproduce themselves in their own images, who want their children to be happy and successful, who will seize control of these new technologies." (see video)
Vatic Alert: Cyclone on the way to Australia - Latest Mean Sea Level Pressure Analysis -
Vatic Note: My first thought was, "Why do the international elite want to see that Island abandoned? Why are they going after them so viciously?" See contributors note below who lives in Australia and these are her thoughts on what is happening and how bad it looks. This definitely looks like a big one and maybe even a haarp one. Those of you that track HAARPS signals please watch for any unusual activity by haarp over these next fews days and let us know what, if anything, it is doing
Contributors Note: Now this huge cyclone is on it's way to blow us away . 4 years ago cyclone Larry devastated the North and this one makes Larry look like a picnic ! I'm putting a lot of stuff in my shipping container in case my roof gets blown off . Lets hope for the best . When this comes in , we are likely to loose all power and end up like Brisbane . All coastal communities could get flooded and we could get blown away here and then sit here in chaos. Here is my landline Ph . number in case our internet communication fails and you feel like calling . If that fails as well , we are in deep sh*t. Will keep you updated, but very busy going into lock-down right now , so can't research and contribute anything at the moment . Take care, my Dear Friend .
2ND UPDATE: The schools are closing down for the rest of the week . Residents on beaches and low lying areas are asked to evacuate ( voluntary) . The mines and lots of businesses ( perhaps all ) are in lock down . People are stocking up on essentials , petrol and securing all loose items around homes and yards . EVERYBODY is franticly preparing for the worst and hoping for the best . Power is expected to go down for who knows how long . People are realizing the danger this cyclone poses and taking necessary steps . Hotels are booking out fast to people from the coast . People with shipping containers are storing their possessions in them for safety . Dentists , courts , doctors etc are all cancelling appointments . Major preparation effort are taking place everywhere .
More later as updates come in . This is said to be the biggest cyclone in QLD recorded history . May God help us .
Cyclone on the way to Australia - Latest Mean Sea Level Pressure Analysis -
Australian Gov, Bureau of Meteorology, Contributed to vatic by Boldarn, Australia
Bureau Home > Australia > National Warnings Summary
National Warnings Summary
About Warning Services
This page provides a summary of the valid weather warnings issued in each State.
This page automatically refreshes every 2 minutes. Click on the warning link for more information.
Contributors Note: Now this huge cyclone is on it's way to blow us away . 4 years ago cyclone Larry devastated the North and this one makes Larry look like a picnic ! I'm putting a lot of stuff in my shipping container in case my roof gets blown off . Lets hope for the best . When this comes in , we are likely to loose all power and end up like Brisbane . All coastal communities could get flooded and we could get blown away here and then sit here in chaos. Here is my landline Ph . number in case our internet communication fails and you feel like calling . If that fails as well , we are in deep sh*t. Will keep you updated, but very busy going into lock-down right now , so can't research and contribute anything at the moment . Take care, my Dear Friend .
2ND UPDATE: The schools are closing down for the rest of the week . Residents on beaches and low lying areas are asked to evacuate ( voluntary) . The mines and lots of businesses ( perhaps all ) are in lock down . People are stocking up on essentials , petrol and securing all loose items around homes and yards . EVERYBODY is franticly preparing for the worst and hoping for the best . Power is expected to go down for who knows how long . People are realizing the danger this cyclone poses and taking necessary steps . Hotels are booking out fast to people from the coast . People with shipping containers are storing their possessions in them for safety . Dentists , courts , doctors etc are all cancelling appointments . Major preparation effort are taking place everywhere .
More later as updates come in . This is said to be the biggest cyclone in QLD recorded history . May God help us .
Cyclone on the way to Australia - Latest Mean Sea Level Pressure Analysis -
Australian Gov, Bureau of Meteorology, Contributed to vatic by Boldarn, Australia
Bureau Home > Australia > National Warnings Summary
National Warnings Summary
About Warning Services
This page provides a summary of the valid weather warnings issued in each State.
This page automatically refreshes every 2 minutes. Click on the warning link for more information.
A Cow Most Sacred, Why Military Spending is Untouchable
Vatic Note: Is the reason this funding of our military is because of the objectives that have been outlined for global domination? I know it says the "American Empire Building", but in fact that is not who this empire building is for, as we can see by the destruction of our nation in almost every field. We are now 39th in education, we are very much behind in scientific application for civilian purposes of new technology. We only spend and invest in technological advances in military weaponry. Why don't they allow civilian recipients to adapt it for civilian uses??? We used to do that which is what made us the greatest nation on earth. And we shared the technology with others so everyone could have access to it. No more. Why??? Because we are the "front country" at this point for the international bankers Rothschild/rockefeller, who are in fact working toward empire building for themselves. They have amassed wealth equal to 50% of the earths GDP, which means these few men and women control 50% of the wealth of 6.5 billion people and they want it all. That is classic GREED and Satanism. Zbig is the protoge of Rockefeller and he has written a book that is a must read. Substitute Khazar bankers for "American Primacy" and you will see its really falling into place what he has written. Its called "The Grand Chessboard: American Primacy and Its Geostrategic Imperatives". Substitute bankers primacy and their geostrategic imperatives. Like what they have done with the Jewish people, they are simply "using" the United States of America as a front for their actions in achieving their agenda. We, America, will not benefit in anyway in this game, therefore we should not use our military to aid them in their global domination of the cattle upon this planet. My two cents worth.
CUT MILITARY SPENDING AND REDIRECT IT TO REBUILDING AMERICA. Cut foreign MILITARY AID to Israel, and cut all bases and bring the troops home. Educate them, start rebuilding our economy with changes in our entire social fabric back to those values we used to hold so dear, like integrity, honesty, loyalty, friendship, truth, ethics, etc. Lets get our country back again and rein in the military and their masters from going any further anymore. Its really time.
A Cow Most Sacred
Why Military Spending is Untouchable
In defense circles, "cutting" the Pentagon budget has once again become a topic of conversation. Americans should not confuse that talk with reality. Any cuts exacted will at most reduce the rate of growth. The essential facts remain: U.S. military outlays today equal that of every other nation on the planet combined, a situation without precedent in modern history.
The Pentagon presently spends more in constant dollars than it did at any time during the Cold War -- this despite the absence of anything remotely approximating what national security experts like to call a "peer competitor." Evil Empire? It exists only in the fevered imaginations of those who quiver at the prospect of China adding a rust-bucket Russian aircraft carrier to its fleet or who take seriously the ravings of radical Islamists promising from deep inside their caves to unite the Umma in a new caliphate. (VN: These radical Islamists are also proven paid by the CIA and Mossad, so that problem could be solved by cutting the budget to the military, cia black ops, and Mossad through military foreign aid.)
CUT MILITARY SPENDING AND REDIRECT IT TO REBUILDING AMERICA. Cut foreign MILITARY AID to Israel, and cut all bases and bring the troops home. Educate them, start rebuilding our economy with changes in our entire social fabric back to those values we used to hold so dear, like integrity, honesty, loyalty, friendship, truth, ethics, etc. Lets get our country back again and rein in the military and their masters from going any further anymore. Its really time.
A Cow Most Sacred
Why Military Spending is Untouchable
In defense circles, "cutting" the Pentagon budget has once again become a topic of conversation. Americans should not confuse that talk with reality. Any cuts exacted will at most reduce the rate of growth. The essential facts remain: U.S. military outlays today equal that of every other nation on the planet combined, a situation without precedent in modern history.
The Pentagon presently spends more in constant dollars than it did at any time during the Cold War -- this despite the absence of anything remotely approximating what national security experts like to call a "peer competitor." Evil Empire? It exists only in the fevered imaginations of those who quiver at the prospect of China adding a rust-bucket Russian aircraft carrier to its fleet or who take seriously the ravings of radical Islamists promising from deep inside their caves to unite the Umma in a new caliphate. (VN: These radical Islamists are also proven paid by the CIA and Mossad, so that problem could be solved by cutting the budget to the military, cia black ops, and Mossad through military foreign aid.)
(Victory): Britian Rolls Back Some Unpopular Post - 9-11 Security Restrictions
Vatic Note: Hmmm, lets see why Britian is getting nervous.... first of all they are a solid minority of the population, that is clearly one reason, but also, Chile getting in the face of Rockefeller, calling their own president a traitor, Egypt going up in smoke, Bombs going off in Davos, Switzerland during a high powered meeting, Dimond of JP Morgan losing it about bashing the banks, Israel getting out of control which reflects fully on the elite, investigations into various international crimes being pursued, etc etc etc..... yes, resistance is increasing both outright and planned and black ops type activities. Exposure of all their warts, satanism, pedophilia, organ harvesting, false flags, bogus world wars, transparency through the net, no one reading the msm controlled by the elite anymore, all that social engineering gone to waste ..... profits getting hit hard, and so it goes. Gee, I wonder why they decided to back off. LOL It warms the cockles of my heart. They need to do a lot more than just roll back some..... after all THE TERRORISTS ARE THEM AND THUS THE ONLY DANGER IS FROM THE ELITE. No need to have security measures for the government, since they are the ones doing it all at the behest of their owners, Rothschild et al. None of their plans are working, their timeline is toast, etc. Keep it up everyone and spread it even further....... we need them to take us very very seriously. Meanwhile make friends with your local law enforcement and military. And remember the by word here ..... NON COOPERATION IN ALL THINGS GLOBAL AND ENGINEERED TO MANIPULATE US. I TOLD YOU WE WERE POWERFUL, we just didn't know it. Now lets get rid of chemtrails, poisoning our water, air and soil, and make it clear WE WILL NOT EAT CAKE.
(Victory): Britian Rolls Back Some Unpopular Post - 9-11 Security Restrictions
Sunday, January 30, 2011 6:20, by Zen Gardner, Before It's News
Britain's government announced Wednesday that it was overturning some of their unpopular anti-terrorism laws. The measures, put in place after the attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, were widely thought to be some of the toughest in the West.
A review published by British Home Secretary Theresa May acknowledged that the laws had been "out of step with other Western democracies." As a part of the changes, the amount of time a suspect can be detained without being charged was reduced from 28 days to 14 days. In comparison, suspects in the US can only be held for seven days.
(Victory): Britian Rolls Back Some Unpopular Post - 9-11 Security Restrictions
Sunday, January 30, 2011 6:20, by Zen Gardner, Before It's News
Britain's government announced Wednesday that it was overturning some of their unpopular anti-terrorism laws. The measures, put in place after the attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, were widely thought to be some of the toughest in the West.
A review published by British Home Secretary Theresa May acknowledged that the laws had been "out of step with other Western democracies." As a part of the changes, the amount of time a suspect can be detained without being charged was reduced from 28 days to 14 days. In comparison, suspects in the US can only be held for seven days.
Rockefeller's Luciferian NYC Temples
Vatic Note: So, this is for the unbelieving who chocks everything up to coincidence and simplistic and coincidental events. Not so. Remember they killed Bill Cooper for exposing all this. He even predicted 9-11 years before they did it. I inserted his video in this article becuase they go together. Please read and watch the video. All that he is telling us can be verified. He was an intel officer for navy intel, and that is how he came to know all this. This is only #31 of the series. I intend to try and post the rest later.
Rockefeller's Luciferian NYC Temples
By Wm Ramsey, for, provided by Barracuda, Before It's News
In the 20th century, the vast wealth of the Rockefeller family was put to use building the monolithic Rockefeller Center, the United Nations and the World Trade Center in New York City. Each building complex is suffused with occult symbolism and meaning. When one analyzes the artwork associated with these structures, their design and purpose are clearly Luciferian.
The Rockefeller Center
In the Sunken Plaza of the Rockefeller Center is a golden statue of Prometheus, a Titan of Greek mythology. He betrayed Zeus, the Father of the Gods, by stealing fire and giving it to mankind. Behind the gilded statue, etched in granite, are the following words:
"Prometheus, teacher in every art, brought the fire that hath proved to mortals a means to mighty ends."
Rockefeller's Luciferian NYC Temples
By Wm Ramsey, for, provided by Barracuda, Before It's News
In the 20th century, the vast wealth of the Rockefeller family was put to use building the monolithic Rockefeller Center, the United Nations and the World Trade Center in New York City. Each building complex is suffused with occult symbolism and meaning. When one analyzes the artwork associated with these structures, their design and purpose are clearly Luciferian.
The Rockefeller Center
In the Sunken Plaza of the Rockefeller Center is a golden statue of Prometheus, a Titan of Greek mythology. He betrayed Zeus, the Father of the Gods, by stealing fire and giving it to mankind. Behind the gilded statue, etched in granite, are the following words:
"Prometheus, teacher in every art, brought the fire that hath proved to mortals a means to mighty ends."
Wayne Madsen says, "Viktor Bout knows too much about 9-11,"
Vatic Note: When I saw Wayne Madsen had done a piece on this on video, I was immediately intrigued as to who this person was causing American officials (Khazars/Israel) so much grief and then I dug further and sure enough, he was Israel's biggest competitor in the arms sales race, which was cutting into their illicit and questionable profits. Also on this blog we published proof of Israel doing 9-11, titled "......ALL THE PROOF IN THE WORLD". So that made sense. What was interesting is the fact that Thailand has succumb to our foreign occupiers advancements to them and gave in without a peep, so we know that Thailand is gone as an independant and ethical country. So many dictators and so many leaders we control now, or I should say "Israel/Khazars" bankers control now. It makes it somewhat discouraging after seeing the deep and close relationship Rockefeller had with Chile's President. It seems no matter where we look, they are all put in power by our foreign occupying country. No wonder they got kicked out of Mongolia. Its my fervent wish they get kicked out of here as well. Enjoy Wayne and his take on this about 9-11 and also the article that follows giving us a very good look into who Viktor Bout really is and why he would be tied into 9-11.
Wayne Madsen says, "Viktor Bout knows too much about 9-11,"
January 25, 2011, By Russian TV
Wayne Madsen says, "Viktor Bout knows too much about 9-11," therefore he had to be RENDITIONED from the Thailand which is a 'military dictatorship US-stooge' according to Madsen.
Wayne Madsen says, "Viktor Bout knows too much about 9-11,"
January 25, 2011, By Russian TV
Wayne Madsen says, "Viktor Bout knows too much about 9-11," therefore he had to be RENDITIONED from the Thailand which is a 'military dictatorship US-stooge' according to Madsen.
Skin Rash Anyone? Don't Watch This then.
Skin Rash Anyone? Don't Watch This then.
by Fox , Slovakia, Wednesday, January 19, 2011
Vatic Note: I found this interesting, because like the gulf blow out, it was announced in advance in a movie called "The Knowing" with Nicholas Cage. There are other movies that we have discussed that announced the satanists intentions which is pure evil. Don't forget other indicators we have experienced over the past few years as well. Remember the Polish Health Workers convicted of injecting disease into homeless people who then died from those injections? Testing vaccines for these deadly diseases they plan on using on us. They want us to know, so they can take no responsibility for the end result. After all, they told us and we didn't say anyting. That is exactly how they think. Given that 89 Microbiologists have died since 9-11 AND given that war games have been played which is also another indicator, of a biological attack, and given that Wheeler specialized in Bioweapons as a weapon of Mass Destruction, and he died around the same time the birds and fish all died, then I suspect this might be another tell all tale to take a gander at our reaction. Lets not disappoint them. Send this video to your congressman and senator and ask them if this is something they have planned for us??? I am doing it along with the trailer from "THE KNOWING" showing the gulf blow out and the date of release of the film many many months in advance of the blow out. That should get some energy flowing in the right direction.
by Fox , Slovakia, Wednesday, January 19, 2011
Vatic Note: I found this interesting, because like the gulf blow out, it was announced in advance in a movie called "The Knowing" with Nicholas Cage. There are other movies that we have discussed that announced the satanists intentions which is pure evil. Don't forget other indicators we have experienced over the past few years as well. Remember the Polish Health Workers convicted of injecting disease into homeless people who then died from those injections? Testing vaccines for these deadly diseases they plan on using on us. They want us to know, so they can take no responsibility for the end result. After all, they told us and we didn't say anyting. That is exactly how they think. Given that 89 Microbiologists have died since 9-11 AND given that war games have been played which is also another indicator, of a biological attack, and given that Wheeler specialized in Bioweapons as a weapon of Mass Destruction, and he died around the same time the birds and fish all died, then I suspect this might be another tell all tale to take a gander at our reaction. Lets not disappoint them. Send this video to your congressman and senator and ask them if this is something they have planned for us??? I am doing it along with the trailer from "THE KNOWING" showing the gulf blow out and the date of release of the film many many months in advance of the blow out. That should get some energy flowing in the right direction.
Chemical warfare,
Raw Milk Dairy Farm Fights Back and Wins! (See? We are Powerful)
Vatic Note: SEE??? WE ARE POWERFUL, and we can win this thing. All it takes is a belief that we can and staying united and have some righteous anger to stoke our energy to action. Its OUR government, not the otherway around, and that must be remembered when doing all of this. We are the owners of this government and not ISRAEL. It also will take courage and do not kid yourself about that. Remember, these satanist Rothschild Khazar Bankers have invested a huge amount of years into this agenda that they are attempting to complete and they will not give up easily. FASCISM globally, is the goal. So our commitment, courage, stamina, and focus can be NO LESS THEN THEIRS..... in fact, it must be MORE..... because they beat us on 'time' while we are only just beginning. So begin talking with your neighbors, relatives, friends, etc. I can assure you after the bird, fish, cattle and crabs all dying, that they know there is something seriously wrong. They also know they are getting sick, and they know its from the chemtrails now. They know that our institutions are failing us, so you have a lot to work with here as all your neighbors need is some support and structure for brainstorming, creative thinking outside the box and all of it must begin locally. WE CAN DO IT. Just read about this farm family that had the courage to do it and won. Bless you all and good luck.
Raw Milk Dairy Farm Fights Back and Wins!
Submitted by Annie White on January 22, 2011 – 12:31 pm
With all the troubles that raw milk producers have had recently as the FDA hones in on the rise of its sale, it is certainly refreshing to see a win on the side of food freedom.
During the summer last year the agency intensely hounded small farms that provide raw milk and their products, many of which have excellent, if not perfect, records. The infuriating thing about the raids is they are doing nothing to promote safety and everything to do with the FDA’s desire to have total control of the market. Most of the ongoing investigations and heavily armed raids were carried out over licensing or regulatory infractions, not contaminated product, the approach by the agency was complete overkill.
Raw Milk Dairy Farm Fights Back and Wins!
Submitted by Annie White on January 22, 2011 – 12:31 pm
With all the troubles that raw milk producers have had recently as the FDA hones in on the rise of its sale, it is certainly refreshing to see a win on the side of food freedom.
During the summer last year the agency intensely hounded small farms that provide raw milk and their products, many of which have excellent, if not perfect, records. The infuriating thing about the raids is they are doing nothing to promote safety and everything to do with the FDA’s desire to have total control of the market. Most of the ongoing investigations and heavily armed raids were carried out over licensing or regulatory infractions, not contaminated product, the approach by the agency was complete overkill.
Pres. Obama, We Know How to Help Cut the Deficit--End Aid to Israel
Vatic Note: I received this email from US Campaign to End the Israeli Occupation, and its a good campaign. So I am sharing this with everyone since it directly deals with our deficit situation and a good place to make those cuts that would result in some good being done all the way around for everyone including Israel, since they cannot legitimately be a country until they can act like a country and a "Good Neighbor" among the community of countries. If they cannot, then, like the "REAL JEWS" say, they should not BE a country. I have suggested numerous times that we should simply trade debt.
Pres. Obama, We Know How to Help Cut the Deficit--End Aid to Israel
Last night, President Obama drew bipartisan applause during his State of the Union address when he called for reducing our country’s growing deficit and staggering debt.
We agree with these goals and want to do our part to help. As the President prepares to send his FY2012 budget request to Congress next month, we recommend that he cut the deficit by eliminating his anticipated, record-breaking request for $3,075,000,000 in military aid to Israel.
Pres. Obama, We Know How to Help Cut the Deficit--End Aid to Israel
Last night, President Obama drew bipartisan applause during his State of the Union address when he called for reducing our country’s growing deficit and staggering debt.
We agree with these goals and want to do our part to help. As the President prepares to send his FY2012 budget request to Congress next month, we recommend that he cut the deficit by eliminating his anticipated, record-breaking request for $3,075,000,000 in military aid to Israel.
Vatic Note: this is live streaming watching this as it unfolds. Both sides have upped the anti, and the US is backing off of Mubark. We do not know how this will play out, but if the people prevail, this could be a serious break through for resistance and the NWO agenda. this may well harm the powers that be globalizing agenda. Israel has lost control over Egypt. As I was putting this out to my 10 lists news came in that Clinton SOS is saying the US supports free and fair democratic elections. THAT IS A CHANGE. I initially believed this was a watershed event but some of the commenters below convinced me that it may well just be another game they play with us. In addition, even fair and open elections mean nothing if corruption is ruling the system AS WE KNOW BETTER THAN ANYONE given our own elections and resulting continuation of the elitests agenda. We are watching history being made live.... as its unfolding. The UNITY OF THE PEOPLE IS WHAT IS MAKING THE DIFFERENCE..... They had confrontations with Mubaracks police forces who have so far killed 150 people, however, the military is now in control and they have a good relationship with the people. SO, NO CONFRONTATION BETWEEN SOLDIERS OR PROTESTORS. AN ENTIRELY DIFFERENT REACTION BY THE SOLDIERS AS PEOPLE WERE KISSING THE SOLDIERS AND HUGGING THEM, MUCH DIFFERENT INTERACTION BETWEEN THEM AND THE PEOPLE. THEY WERE GIVEN FLOWERS ETC. NO SHOOTING AFTER REGULAR POLICE, KILLED 100 PEOPLE SEVERAL DAYS AGO.
This is very good news for us and the rest of the globe. please watch the streaming as it unfolds. History in the making, live.
The article is reproduced in accordance with Section 107 of title 17 of the Copyright Law of the United States relating to fair-use and is for the purposes of criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research.
Vatic Note: this is live streaming watching this as it unfolds. Both sides have upped the anti, and the US is backing off of Mubark. We do not know how this will play out, but if the people prevail, this could be a serious break through for resistance and the NWO agenda. this may well harm the powers that be globalizing agenda. Israel has lost control over Egypt. As I was putting this out to my 10 lists news came in that Clinton SOS is saying the US supports free and fair democratic elections. THAT IS A CHANGE. I initially believed this was a watershed event but some of the commenters below convinced me that it may well just be another game they play with us. In addition, even fair and open elections mean nothing if corruption is ruling the system AS WE KNOW BETTER THAN ANYONE given our own elections and resulting continuation of the elitests agenda. We are watching history being made live.... as its unfolding. The UNITY OF THE PEOPLE IS WHAT IS MAKING THE DIFFERENCE..... They had confrontations with Mubaracks police forces who have so far killed 150 people, however, the military is now in control and they have a good relationship with the people. SO, NO CONFRONTATION BETWEEN SOLDIERS OR PROTESTORS. AN ENTIRELY DIFFERENT REACTION BY THE SOLDIERS AS PEOPLE WERE KISSING THE SOLDIERS AND HUGGING THEM, MUCH DIFFERENT INTERACTION BETWEEN THEM AND THE PEOPLE. THEY WERE GIVEN FLOWERS ETC. NO SHOOTING AFTER REGULAR POLICE, KILLED 100 PEOPLE SEVERAL DAYS AGO.
This is very good news for us and the rest of the globe. please watch the streaming as it unfolds. History in the making, live.
The article is reproduced in accordance with Section 107 of title 17 of the Copyright Law of the United States relating to fair-use and is for the purposes of criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research.
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