Vatic Note: Well, they erased my entire vatic note. Guess I am going to have to start saving these. lol Lets see if I can reconstruct it again. I honestly don't remember what I said at the time. I must be getting old. lol I believe I mentioned we did several blogs on Iceland and how they handled these international bankers... One was called "The Mouse that Roared". Iceland kicked these bankers out, gave the EU, the IMF and the World Bank the nose thumb, and declared themselves bankcrupt and would not privatize other government services or resources as the EU DEMANDED (leaders of EU working for corporations which is called FASCISM) and most importantly, THEY PROSECUTED THOSE BANKERS WHO WERE ARROGANT ENOUGH not to leave when told to. They are now convicted and sitting in Jail and Iceland is in the middle of an unprecedented economic recovery without the Rothschild Khazar bankers in there doing their fraud and confiscation of wealth from that nation. Iceland has reasserted her sovereignty with courage and penache, boldly, and right in the face of Europes khazar Rothschild controlled leaders. IT WAS THAT SIMPLE. Simply kick them out, take back control of the nations currency and credit and begin our recovery. Now, did these acts of courage cost them??? Yes, the PTB used Haarp to cause a volcanic eruption, but it backfired..... instead of hurting Iceland, Europe was grounded and could not do business by air because of the smoke and debri which made it dangerous to fly. How ironic is that? Anyway, this is an update, so follow their journey with them.
An Italian radio program's story about Iceland’s on-going revolution is a stunning example of how little our media tells us about the rest of the world. Americans may remember that at the start of the 2008 financial crisis, Iceland literally went bankrupt. The reasons were mentioned only in passing, and since then, this little-known member of the European Union fell back into oblivion.
As one European country after another fails or risks failing, imperiling the Euro, with repercussions for the entire world, the last thing the powers that be want is for Iceland to become an example. Here's why:
Five years of a pure neo-liberal regime had made Iceland, (population 320 thousand, no army), one of the richest countries in the world. In 2003 all the country’s banks were privatized, and in an effort to attract foreign investors, they offered on-line banking whose minimal costs allowed them to offer relatively high rates of return.
The accounts, called IceSave, attracted many English and Dutch small investors. But as investments grew, so did the banks’ foreign debt. In 2003 Iceland’s debt was equal to 200 times its GNP, but in 2007, it was 900 percent.
The 2008 world financial crisis was the coup de grace. The three main Icelandic banks, Landbanki, Kapthing and Glitnir, went belly up and were nationalized, while the Kroner lost 85% of its value with respect to the Euro. At the end of the year Iceland declared bankruptcy.
Vatic Note:Well, this is truly intriguing. Is it possible??? Well, anything is possible.... that is what we are learning this time around.... that all is not anything like it seems. That is a disorienting condition to find oneself in during these uncertain times..... however, the implications of this below are exciting as well. Think about it, aliens on the moon and on Mars. There are bad aliens and good aliens and we do not know which is which, so we must be very very careful in making decisions that could harm anyone. Read below and share your comments.... we would like to know what others are feeling about this subject. This is an older report, but nothing has been said about it since..... It would be nice to know if Red Ice has had any follow up on this. This is another one of those "Each has to decide for him or herself whether this is real or manufactured. I keep remembering Bill Coopers warning and reference to the Iron Mountain report where in 1966, the PTB recommended bogus alien findings archeologically to lay the foundation for the "bogus invasion" that would force the world to globalize under the ruling elite in order to fight these aliens. Remember, the government literally killed Bill Cooper and Schneider who continually reminded us that he had person contact with aliens already here on this planet at Dulcy NM. Both are now dead.
In 1926, Professor A. W. Bickerton declared the concept of shooting at the moon to be foolish and impossible. In 1935, the noted astronomer F. R. Moulton wrote that man could never travel in outer space. In 1957, Dr. Richard van der Riet Wooley (former Astronomer Royal) called the idea of space travel "utter bilge". Eight months later Sputnik I was orbiting the earth.
In a remote northern area of Tibet lie the ruins of the Hsing Nu capital, discovered by Duparc in 1725.
Within the city, Duparc came upon a mass of monoliths (once coated with silver), a pyramid, part of a tower of blue porcelain, and a royal palace, containing thrones with sun and moon images. There was also a large milky white stone surrounded by exquisite drawings.
In the article entitled The London Riots and How They Will be Used to the Elite’s Advantage, I described how the prolonged crises can be used to justify illegal actions and police state tactics – on a global scale. We saw a perfect example of this last Thursday when the Bay Area Rapid Transit (BART) in San Francisco shut down mobile communications when word got out that a protest was being planned against a police killing.
Here’s an article about this extreme response and its relation to the London riots.
*** be prepared to read, this is a long vatic note, but long overdue and now with time short, its seriously needed to be discussed, considered and begun planning and strategy making along with tactics planning. Those of you who are ex military or ex intel will definitely know what I am saying here.
Vatic Note: Watch both videos since there is a lot of information that you can use to shorten your research efforts. This is up at this time because in my area, in my state, where I live in the mountains is a cross roads to different parts of the state. Its really the only serious highway from west to east and vice versa in the southwest corner of the state and from north to south and vice versa. On these two major highways every single day all day long we see long hauls unmarked and many are brand new rigs, that are hauling shipping containers somewhere that we don't know. But the traffic is way more than normal and over the past few months has increase dramatically, as if they are in a major hurry and behind schedule. In fact recently it has almost tripled to the point where many sheep are even noticing which is an indicator that its increased so much as to draw attention to itself. Further we are seeing a huge number of dirt/gravel hauling trucks going down side streets and yet, due to the economy, we know there is no new construction going on. So where are those trucks coming from with the dirt and gravel or where are they going with it? We don't know if its extraction waste being hauled away or if its soil being delivered somewhere. Its up to us to begin intel gathering in a manner that ensures they do not know they are being observed. It appears we may have about a year to gather such intel and thus plan when there is no crisis to distract us. I think that is why they keep creating major fear crisis to distract us from what they are doing for their own survival. So, what this means is we have to consider two major issues that we, above ground, have to consider, plan for and execute:
1. What is happening that has required that something this major in building is going to be needed to protect those in power and wealth??? And how do WE prepare for it when those that know won't tell us about it. That alone is the crime, since its their duty to do so since we are their employers?? They have a fiduciary responsibility to those they have sworn to defend and protect. They are not telling us because they want population reduction and this is one way to do it. So what we must do now is follow these vehicles to their destinations, identify the entrances and possible exits to these facilities, as well as ventings, fibre optics that may have been laid for communications, satellite dishes for internet and computer manipulations of above ground weaponry. Check for water delivery underground, and venting.....venting is a must no matter what. Look for such vents. If the facilities are under existing buildings above ground, then that venting issue will be difficult. Check your local records for building permits on major government and Banker/corporate buildings constructed over the past 10 years. Then, once we have identified these facilities begin preparations and planning for supplies, equipment and work to make sure these people never come out again. One of the videos below says that many of these underground facilities were being built under above ground construction of gov and corporate new buildings being newly built so you can't tell what is going on below. Try to identify such new construction in your area. Once you have gathered all that info, then pass it along to all those who can do something about it. You will know who that is in your area. Example, Goldman sachs has built a brand new building in NYC as has the FBI so right there, New yorkers have a distinct advantage, how I know about this in Colorado is New Yorkers picked up on it right away, why? Because the Construction was being done at night and idle during the day. We maybe cattle but we are not stupid. So, They know where these facilities are located and simply have to plan how to prevent them from leaving that location. Force them to go to another location that hopefully someone else has identified and prepared for their emergence or attempted emergence. LOL
2. The second major issue we must consider after we consider preparations for our own suvival, is, do we want those who did not warn us and do their duty, to come out of this in better shape than they gave us? Do we want them in power again with a massively reduced population that they can better control? They are already doing forced sterilization on us, murdering us through our food, water and air.... many are dying from the planned actions of these people. They have already stripped us of our liberties and it gets worse every day as the Raw Milk and guitar company episodes proves. Gestapo nazi time in the USA.... So, we must consider, plan and prepare to make it impossible for them to come up out of their safe havens at all. If they want to be underground during the bad times, let them remain down there forever. Your imagination is your only limitation on HOW to do this. Military personnel who support the Constitution and are not included in these underground facilities must start collecting such equipment that can assist in ensuring that happens and other such items to be used by those remaining since they will be at risk once the criminals emerge from their bunkers. You can take that to one of those elitest scummy banks. Yup, its truly getting close to time and I believe these two items are critical at this point before we are unable to do these things in a calm and rational manner. Survival is a full time job so intel gathering, planning and execution of that plan, won't get much attention. Better to do it now everywhere. That way, once the intel gathering is done, facilities identified, preparations to ensure they do not leave those underground facilities are in place, then when it comes down, there is only the final steps to do and that is a lot easier under stress of survival than trying to do everything after the fact.
At great personal danger, fans have successfully infiltrated and taken photos of vast, underground government facilities. When government decides to "cull the herd" and by intentionally infecting us with bio-weapons, they plan on being protected while we are killed. My thanks to the countless men who risked their lives and their freedom to surreptitiously obtain this vital information.
Vatic Note 2 - Now here is another video by Jesse Ventura on the same issue but from a different perspective as he interviews eye witnesses involved in the building of these facilities who tell Jesse just what they have underground to ensure their survival and how they are hiding these facilites. The perps, go to work in those buildings or enter into those buildings without notice since it would seem like any other day, and voila, underground they go and we are none the wiser for it. So unless we come together, assign different people surveillance on these facilities identifed by the intel gatherers, we won't know when the time is near. That is a valuable piece of information we would need. Once they begin seriously going underground, then we must begin to put our own plan of survival into effect assuming preparations for keeping them underground has already been done. On this video, notice its the denver airport where the underground facilities are located and just a reminder, THIS LAND ITS BUILT ON IS OWNED BY THE QUEEN OF ENGLAND. So that should speak volumes about who is involved and how high up it goes. We put up a blog on this facility and got pics of the 'GAS CHAMBERS' they have built down below. Check it out. I believe its the second video that shows the chambers with the gas showers in the chamber which is huge.
Vatic Note: This war was the one that took my first love and my fiance. Nothing was ever the same after that, so I have a special feeling in my heart for those who sacrificed their lives to the traitors who poisoned and killed them after they served as required, while the children of the traitors did not have to serve, get maimed, poisoned or die. Remember, this was a draft military and thus many were not professional soldiers rather simply doing what they "thought" was the right thing until after they got there. So please watch this video and share it with others if your so inclined. I guess you might say this blog is for me this week.
(Veterans Today is in no way affiliated with any organization involved in this film)
YouTube - Veterans Today -
The article is reproduced in accordance with Section 107 of title 17 of the Copyright Law of the United States relating to fair-use and is for the purposes of criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research.
The loss of America’s AAA credit score has sparked panicked sell-offs on global markets. After several days of concern over whether France would retain its highest status, ratings giants reaffirmed its top billing on Wednesday. But investors remain unconvinced the country’s finances are solid enough. Problems in the Eurozone will be up for discussion by the French and German leaders next week
Vatic Note: We need to begin this blog with the definition of a Vulture Fund and take a hard look at how it works when its manipulated and not simply a result of normal market or business/investment considerations. Here is the definition :
"A fund that buys distressed debt of commercial companies or sovereign nations at a cheap price and then often sues them for the entire value of the debt. The resemblance to vultures is because these funds profit from the debt of failing companies or poor nations."So lets take a look at just such an example in the case of Liberia.... This is another compilation of the work done by Gregg on this most devastating issue which these vultures are now beginning to visit on the West beginning with Greece and probably eventually ending with the United States. The first video is excellent with Max "SAY IT LIKE IT IS" Keiser.... I love that man. LOL After this first video that lays out the big picture, we follow up with a full showing of how this works using Greggs investigations into the Liberian case that has devastated that nation for a debt the vultures bought today that was from back in 1978 (33 years ago). Its absolutely worth the effort to read this entire blog and watch both videos. When done, you will see what they intend to do to first world nations once they have destroyed us both financially and structurally through a WW III. AT that point we will not be able to pay back any debt since our infrastructure will be destroyed by war and if the bankers "POND SCUM" have their way, it will be a nuke war. This was a full eye opener for me. When I worked in this business, all of this was fully illegal and someone would be in jail right now for having done all this. Now its legal. "Don't worry about breaking the law,,,,, we will simply just change it to fit the scam we are doing," which is their mentality because it works. This must be stopped and they want to govern the globe???? over a lot of peoples dead bodies.
Investigative journalist, Greg Palast, talks to Max Keiser on "the Keiser Report" from RTV about the RICO case against US bankers and politicians and about vulture funds preying on the Third and First world economies. March 10, 2010.
VN: Now this below is the complete work that Greg did that shows not only what this does, how it works and why it should be illegal, but also shows the absolute devastation to a struggling third world country just coming out of war..... ah, a created war for just such a purpose???? That "rabbit hole" can be left to pursue for another time.... We know that scam since we lived it in Viet Nam and two gulf wars that were bogus false flag generated. These vultures scan the globe for very old debt that has languished in oblivion for decades, buy it up from the original lender for pennies on the dollar, then submit a demand for payment in full for the face value of the note plus all back interest, which could result in interest greater than the original face value of the note....... they can't pay, so the vultures go to court and get a judgement, once done they can confiscate state/national assets of the people like water systems, state parks and develop them, offshore drilling land, resort lands developed and billions in profits made. Read below and watch as he does a much better job of laying this all out.
Vatic Note: LOL, you would not believe the games they just played with this blog. I guess there must be something to it as they did worse than ever before. I won't go into the details, but now I am going to suggest you truly look carefully at the information and charts he gives below. Apparently HAARP is fully exposed now, so they can't really use it for really bad stuff, so they are experimenting with other mechanisms to do their false flags with and that means the domestic traitors are running scared. Thats good, they should. Now I am beginning to understand partially why they did Japan. They did it so they had cover for radiation...... clever little trolls.
My first thought upon hearing the news of the rare 5.9 magnitude earthquake in Virginia this week was that it was not a natural occurrence. After all, no one has ever felt or even heard of such a powerful temblor happening in this area ina lifetime. As is usual for my cynical instincts, I hoped that I was wrong. However, several anomalies indicate that something is not normal with the Virginia quake.
First, I spend a lot of time in the "Ring of Fire" zone and have experienced numerous earthquakes. By no means does this make me an expert, nor scientifically qualified to analyze earthquakes. But, as enthusiasts, we looked up every quake we felt over a five-year period -- the size, epicenter location, depth, and so on, to get a general sense of placing how it "felt" relative to the official data.
I can categorically state that, of the dozen or so earthquakes that I've experienced, including a powerful 6.2, all of them started gently, none of them were over 50 miles away, all of them had depths of several kilometers, and the big ones seemed to have multiple aftershocks reported. Again, I say this as an observer, not as a scientist, and I'm only providing this background simply to qualify my immediate skepticism.
Vatic Note: If you read and watch the video, it should make you sick to your stomach. I had read fiction about people like this, but had no idea they existed in real life. I have gotten a huge education these past years since 9-11, that those same Khazars also did and got away with it. I love Greg Palast just for this reason. He shows what is real. You ask, "Is their really a Class Warfare going on in this country?" Well, the answer is below in this excellent analysis and write up. Of course there is a class warfare in the works,,,, its the fascist bankers/elite warring against the little people and talk about racism..... this below highlights just how racist those bankers and their paid off, blackmailed or threatened congressional, White House, and Cabinet level minions really are. The Khazars hate blacks and Palestinians as much as they hate the goyim. At least in that manner, they are equal opportunity racists.....yet they are the ones always yelling about hate and race, when in fact this proves WITHOUT A DOUBT, who the real racist hate mongers really are....It makes sense when you realize it was the same Khazar bankers that financed the slave trade way back when it all happened out of Africa in the very beginning. I and many others, did not know that was the case.... I was shocked to find it out. They owned the banks that financed the slave trade and the shipping companies that hauled the booty to various ports for sale. Amazingly unbelievable "hypocritical" group of racists, I must say.
Nation of Change Don't worry: the bankers are safe. The sub-prime sharks, derivatives divas, media mavens and their hairdressers, their trophy wives and their trophies' personal trainers, the movers and shakers and money-makers, are all out of danger. Despite the warning that in a couple of days Hurricane Irene could well hit The Hamptons, the beach of the best of the ruling class will not lose a tan line.
I made sure they're safe. A couple decades ago, I worked on an emergency evacuation plan for the county of Suffolk, New York, home of the Hamptons. It's the wealthiest county in the United States.
The Hamptons' hurricane plan is six volumes thick. The police and the politicians, the fire department and the first responders have their copies, their orders, their equipment and they are ready to roll before a single fake-blonde curl is ruffled by untoward weather.
The last hurricane to hit Long Island, far fiercer than Katrina, took two lives, not 2,000. But then, the Hamptons isn't New Orleans, is it?
Originally triggered by a case of police brutality, the London riots soon became a generalized expression of malcontent from today’s young proletariat. The cramming of the unprivileged into neighbourhoods resembling ghettos combined with continued police oppression has always been an explosive combination. The Los Angeles riots of 1992 and the French riots of 2010 took place in very similar circumstances. While it is obvious that many rioters have absolutely no political agenda except for the looting of a few bottles of liquor, the riots are nevertheless the accumulated result of years of segregation of the poor and minorities in conjunction with the type of police oppression not found in well-to-do suburban areas.
A whopping 14% of Americans approve of the way Congress is handling themselves, while an incredible 82% of Americans realize that our so-called representatives are not doing their jobs properly.
In a New York Times and CBS poll released today, it was revealed that the vast majority of Americans are now conscious of Congressional crimes and corruption.
Apparently the debt ceiling debacle, charade though it was, has made many in the United States aware of the fact that Congress has not been fulfilling their duties.
I just wish the poll told us how many Americans realized that raising the debt ceiling will do absolutely nothing for our debt rating or the economy.
Vatic Note: OH, MY GAWD, THIS IS A MUST LISTEN...... LOL, THIS MAN IS UNBELIEVABLE.... HE IS SO HONEST AND BLUNT AND BRUTALLY TRUTHFUL THAT IT HIGHLIGHTS THE DECEPTION we are experiencing BY THE KHAZARS controlling our own government. with serious ramifications for our nation and its suvival. I prefer the name "Khazars" since that is truly what they are and not Jewish by a long shot. I love this man. He is one brave, courageous Jewish person who is standing up all by himself against the khazars who calls themselves Jews, and he also happens to be a Christian. Listen carefully to what he is telling you as TRUTH and its raw, honest, and out there for all to hear and understand. HE IS CALLING A SPADE A SPADE, NO MATTER WHICH KHAZAR IT HITS SMACK IN THE FACE..... I LOVE IT. Its the Khazars and he is so right about what he is saying. Its the leaders of Israel and the dual Israeli khazar citizens of our country and industries who are doing all of this and who are NOT JEWISH by a long shot, either religiously (they are practicing satanists) or DNA wise.... they are decendants of the khazars of the disbanded Khazarian nation (in other words, Mongolians), who are doing all of this that he outlines.... what a guy. Listen to it more than once..... I usually do because he is not afraid to name names big time. .
Follow up with these links and see just how bad it has gotten and how we much do something about it like Iceland recently did.... they declared independance from international bankers.... that will be good for a good blow from their volcano.
The article is reproduced in accordance with Section 107 of title 17 of the Copyright Law of the United States relating to fair-use and is for the purposes of criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research.
Bruecke Note: This has enough nuggets of truth to pass the smell test. Yes, courts were one victim of 9/11, although they were compromised well beforehand to assist the Bush younger getting into office at all. Ms.Greenberg writes:
Needless to say, this backing away from courts of law as institutions appropriate for handling terrorism suspects began in the Bush-Cheney years. Top officials in the Bush administration believed civilian courts to be far too weak for the Global War on Terror they had declared.
When I read this, I think that the truth doesn't have to do with courts being far too weak, but that their premise for the Global War on Terror was far too weak and would have fallen down like a house of cards upon far and objective examination.
Crisis of Confidence How Washington Lost Faith in America’s Courts
As the 10th anniversary of 9/11 approaches, the unexpected extent of the damage Americans have done to themselves and their institutions is coming into better focus. The event that “changed everything” did turn out to change Washington in ways more startling than most people realize. On terrorism and national security, to take an obvious (if seldom commented upon) example, the confidence of the U.S. government seems to have been severely, perhaps irreparably, shaken when it comes to that basic and essential American institution: the courts.
If, in fact, we are a “nation of laws,” you wouldn’t know it from Washington’s actions over the past few years. Nothing spoke more strikingly to that loss of faith, to our country’s increasing incapacity for meeting violence with the law, than the widely hailed decision to kill rather than capture Osama bin Laden.
Clearly, a key factor in that decision was a growing belief, widely shared within the national-security establishment, that none of our traditional or even newly created tribunals, civilian or military, could have handled a bin Laden trial. Washington’s faith went solely to Navy SEALs zooming into another country’s sovereign airspace on a moonless night on a mission to assassinate bin Laden, whether he offered the slightest resistance or not. It evidently seemed so much easier to the top officials overseeing the operation -- and so much less messy -- than bringing a confessed mass murderer into a courtroom in, or even anywhere near, the United States.
TSA screeners are about to implement Orwellian behavioral inspections at airport security checkpoints. Who are these TSA screeners? These are the same low-level, incompetent, scandalous, molesting, abusive, and in some cases criminal people who have been creating one scandal after another. So what will these scandalous, incompetent and criminal police be doing to detect suspicious behavior? Most likely you have guessed it right. They will be watching you and maybe questioning you to determine whether you are suspicious, a suspect, or not. How are they going to do that, and based on what guidelines? According to their vague description, they will be looking for your “micro expressions,” such as lack of eye contact, acting agitated or nervous, that might “hint” at nefarious intent. How much hint is needed to be pulled over as a suspect? They don’t say. How agitated is considered suspiciously agitated? They don’t say that either. How much eye-aversion would count as a suspicious level of eye-aversion? They say nothing on that. How do the odds of being chosen by them increase by their own mood, biases, and various psychoses? Well, they don’t mention that either.
Basically, a bunch of already-proven incompetent, abusive, biased, and criminal people who have been high on their government-given limitless powers will be freely using their subjective judgment on whether you look or act suspicious, or not. Now I want you to think about agitation, eye-aversion, nervousness, being stressed out, being shy …Think about it, and then calculate the odds of you being determined a suspect, thus one of their chosen ones:
If you are one of those Starbuck’s addicts used to running on several shots of espresso, then place a good size bet on being one of the many TSA chosen ones. You know you are going to be jittery, and TSA will probably read your jitteriness as an ultimate indicator of your suspiciousness. You’ll be chosen.
If you are one of many ladies out there (like myself) with temperament-changing and mood-swinging monthly menstruation cycles, quickly check out the calendar and make sure your next flight does not coincide with that time of the month.
If you are one of those parents travelling with children, some of them in their terrible twos-threes or fours, see if you can ship the kids via cargo. We all know how frustrating and agitating it can be to travel and handle kids that age-especially when we go through shoe-removing, belt-removing, patting and groping checkpoints. Your frustrated and agitated state will probably land you in the circle of TSA’s chosen ones.
If you are one of the racial minorities …well, need I say more? Think of those abusive bigot cops incidents, multiply that several times, and there: those are the odds of you being selected as one who looks suspicious, thus a suspect, and therefore a chosen one.
If you happen to be shy, then you are totally out of luck. You know you most definitely will avert your eyes…at least once or twice while being watched-interpreted-detected. Do yourself a favor and cancel all your air travel. You ain’t gonna make it; you’ll definitely be a chosen one. …
Actually, when it comes right down to it, if you are an ‘American,’ you may as well put all your bets on being TSA’s chosen one; at one point or another. Because the American Government has designated you, every single one of you as a ‘suspect.’ When it comes to your communications-phone, e-mail, etc. every single one of you is a suspect, according to your government, thus, under phone wiretaps and other communication related surveillance. Think about it, even the ‘ordinary’ airport security procedures you are forced to undergo are meant to screen you, check you out, as a suspect. Whether you engage in some sort of a suspicious behavior or not is actually a moot quandary. We, my friend, all of us, were designated as suspects nearly a decade ago. We may as well return that ticket, forget that darn flight, and drive while we can. Before the suspicious behavior detection police take over the roads and make that humiliating or impossible too.
The article is reproduced in accordance with Section 107 of title 17 of the Copyright Law of the United States relating to fair-use and is for the purposes of criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research.
Vatic Note: This below is a compilation of many different rabbit holes with respect to Enoch and his 5 books that never made it into the Bible. The Book of Enoch has always fascinated me not only because of his references to the giants, but also the implications of alien beings on this planet and the fact it was completely removed after the Catholic Church was formed and functioning and the Books of the Bible were put together at the Nicene Conference in 360 AD. Here is a description referencing Enoch in the Bible in the Old Testament so you know where this comes from. It was the Dead Sea Scrolls that gave us the text of the five books written by Enoch. We would never have discovered this treasure had it not been for the Dead Sea Scrolls. Very fascinating stuff since it matches much of what the Summarians wrote about the "Gods" who interacted with man. I can see why the organized Church banned such a book since it was even more realistic and detailed and descriptive of what was going on then we otherwise have in the Bible. Pay attention to the last sentence where he says that "...... the Lord cometh with ten thousands of his saints". That matches what the Mayan Shaman said about 2012 that we put up on the blog back in Dec 2010 and january 2011. He said that the Mayan Calendar referencing 2012 was not to be feared, rather it was the return of the "Ancestors and wisemen". We also did a rabbit hole on RH negative blood which is more a physical proof of the "alien" blood in our species, or about 15% of our species. All very fascinating stuff. As you can see we are going down diverse rabbit holes that are bring us back to one point in each of these which is the influence of alien existance, and possible breeding in our history. Will we see our "ancestors" this time around??? Will they come to rescue us from the evil ones??? All very interesting questions with obviously no firm answers except those we deduce from the writings and evidence garnered so far. Good luck and decide for yourselves. I borrowed a commentary from other site about the book of Enoch since it had references in the Bible you can check out for yourself.
"Genesis 5:24
And Enoch walked with God: and he was not; for God took him. Hebrews 11:5By faith Enoch was translated that he should not see death; and was not found, because God had translated him: for before his translation he had this testimony, that he pleased God. Jude 1:14And Enoch also, the seventh from Adam, prophesied of these, saying, Behold, the Lord cometh with ten thousands of his saints."
Sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but it’s not looking good for this 10th anniversary of 9/11. All the indicators are there to tell us they need a massive distraction and excuse to take this idiotic war on terror to horrific new levels and even more Orwellian internal controls and crackdowns.
Why They’ll Do It Now
1. The illusion is wearing thin and ratings show it.
Obama’s ‘house of corporate banking thugs’ administration is tanking in public perception. The matrix-generated veil of lies is disintegrating as economic realities hit home. His and congress’ ratings are at record lows. His political opponents have even announced publicly to watch out for a false flag.
2. They’ve done it before at similar times.
Clinton did Waco then used it to justify Oklahoma City. Now there’s an interesting precedent. Bush 2 was just a neocon nincompoop stooge, but his ratings were in the basement on 9/10 and soared on 9/11…another two-termer like the criminal Clinton shoed in by false flag catastrophe.
3. The demonization of all Americans as potential terrorists.
As we’ve seen with the Norway patsy repeat, the enemy is now arch-anythings. Arch conservatives, activists, Christians, militia, military vets, religious whack jobs, disgruntled taxpayers, people who don’t want to get x-rayed or fondled by the TSA, people with guns, cars with Ron Paul stickers, children selling lemonade without a license…it’s beyond wrong.
4. Martial law is just a click away.
Now, how would a leader (really cabal) in power possibly stay in power with an election he (the staged figurehead) appears bound to lose….WHILE the PTBs have this craving need to abolish the last vestiges of civil liberties in the name of “homeland security”? Got any ideas?
Now don’t give Obummer one iota of credit for anything except being a perfect patsy and mind control subject. He’s a ‘keeper’ in those categories…which is why they’ll wanna “keep” him in.
Nothing’s written in stone, but it sometimes gets close.
I will be shocked if there are elections next year. It’s way too easy to find a way around them in this climate. They’re gonna declare martial law, for a constitutional convention which is as close to a political oxymoron as you’ll ever get. It’s got to look “democratic” after all. Ha.
Never mind “Homeland Security” antics, FEMA’s activities and the militarization zones appearing around the country are a dead giveaway. This “global unrest” they’re pointing to now as a precedent to prepare American police I’m not sure is organic at all. Yes, people are mad, but they’re being instigated and herded into a form of expression that only spells more fascism worldwide.
5. 9/11 – Build on the emotional impact
Never before events promoting the 9/11 myth are being scheduled around the country. Bad sign. Who would do that? In Dallas for example a big event is scheduled for 9/10. Why this year? Are mainstream people really in the mood to celebrate death and destruction and war and more war while their worlds crumble about them? What are they rallying for? More Islamophobia, support for killing innocent Libyans, and then jack ‘em up to endorse wars with Syria, Saudi Arabia and Iran?
So wrong on so many levels. But they’re already doing this in the mainstain media. It’s a set up.
All this is fabricated by bastards behind the scenes who see the rest of us a dumb cattle. This is misdirection. Complete social engineering at its worst. But it works. We’ve been asphyxiated from truth, and the effects are setting in.
But see the “opportunity”? What if on that very day, while these limp attempts to arouse fading emotions are on display and heightened by a complicit media, there IS an event?!
6. The Demonization of “Truthers” and an alternative media crackdown
OK, we’ve seen this coming for a long time. But just imagine who they’d blame an “event” on–especially in such an emotionally super-charged environment. Don’t have to be a prophet to see the potential.
Norway set the stage. White man goes ape-shit with clear conscience…due to political views. Huh?
They’ve wanted to get a stronger handle on the internet and clamp down on truth-spreading websites and blogs for a long time. They just need an excuse. Wikileaks softened the ground on this in the public mind, as have other alternative media issues, but watch them run the gamut if something big does take place. They’re trigger happy and getting their ducks in a row.
That’s what they do. And the Truthers need to be demonized and silenced..they’re getting too close now. The 9/11 Truth movement has gained monumental momentum….BECAUSE it’s the Truth! And they know it.
7. Not A Reason–Just please be prepared–for anything.
I don’t mean to bring on negative intentions and manifest anything by pointing out these possibilities….BUT…to be forewarned is to be forearmed. And if it’s not now, it’s soon.
Don’t get hung up on the date or any details. I just think people should be prepared…and now….and I mean not only psychologically and spiritually, but practically. Where are you and your family gonna be on that day? Do you have a plan on where to meet loved ones in the case of calamity? Do you have food and water, protection, community?
These should all be in place now, but if you haven’t done these things yet, DO! It gives peace of mind at the least.
“Better to have it and not need it, than to need it and not have it.”
In Love, Zen
The article is reproduced in accordance with Section 107 of title 17 of the Copyright Law of the United States relating to fair-use and is for the purposes of criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research.
Choice architecture has been around for several decades or more. It’s the art of arranging selections so that people tend to select pretty much what you want them to make.
Let’s say your company was hired to run a high school cafeteria. What do you want the students to do when they go through the serving line? Select the foods that are healthiest for them? Select the foods that cost your company the least to provide? Make selections on according to some other criteria?
You already know that foods placed near the beginning of the serving line are more likely to be selected than those at the end; that foods placed at eye level are more likely to be selected than foods placed some other way; and that foods set apart from the natural flow of the serving line are less likely to be selected.
What if you were running a newspaper? Unless you had no opinions on anything, you would probably use some form of choice architecture in your editorial policies whether you realized it or not.
Vatic Note: There are people from the US now on site in Egypt and telling us what is "really" going on on the ground. Its nothing like what our press is reporting. WE are so finally at a point where we can believe nothing that this barren and treasonous press publishes. If I were a corporation, I would not buy ad space with these liars and cheats. People are catching on big time and when you boycott something you begin with boycotting the products of those who advertise with these cretins. Read this below and celebrate. lol
Libya: NATO Psy-Op Collapses – Qaddafi Prevails Again By Tony Cartalucci The Intel Hub
Aug 23, 2011
Once again a defiant Qaddafi has prevailed against the full might of NATO aggression including a murderous bombing campaign followed by NATO special forces on the ground supporting mobs of US/UK/French/Qatari backed Al Qaeda thugs which swarmed Tripoli over the weekend.
“Illustrious” news agencies from the Qatari government’s AlJazeera, to the now exposed frauds at CNN, BBC, Reuters, AP, AFP have been caught perpetuating a concerted war propaganda campaign in order to break the will of both Libya and in particular Tripoli.
Photo: Taken overnight, Qaddafi’s son Saif Al-Islam “confirmed” to be captured and ready to be transferred to the Hague by the illegitimate International Criminal Court, is actually very much free and leading efforts to drive out NATO backed Al Qaeda thugs from Tripoli.
Reports that Qaddafi’s son Saif Al-Islam was “captured” by Libyan rebels by the disingenuous media outlets and “confirmed” by the Fortune 500 contrived International Criminal Court (ICC), who went as far as saying preparations were already under way to transfer Saif to the Hague,are now confirmed lies with Saif Al-Islam very much free, appearing to journalists at the Rixos Hotel in southern Tripoli flanked by Libyan military forces and very much leading what appears to be a significant Libyan government counterattack.
Vatic Note: OK, if we are going to do this "Right/Left" division on this blog, then I am going to jump in with both feet and show you with this article, WHY, I do not like it. I could not have asked for a more perfect example of what is called "CONTROLLED OPPOSITION PRESS". Notice the term "CONTROLLED opposition" press. What that means and is standard in the mass media manipulation field is its a press generally funded by the controllers from behind the "curtain" who are unknown, and they use that right or left press to then lead and direct the opposition to their agenda and this below is more than a perfect example showing how it works. the article below after reading this vatic note and keep all these points in mind as you read and I believe you will clearly see what it is I object to, and why, as I outline it here in this note. Remember, liberals and progressives already believe corps are bad and corrupt, and the powers that be know this, so it costs them nothing to agree with that position, but its also an opportunity to promote their real agenda which is a divide and hate position between Americans on issues that we would normally agree on, if our political arena was normal. Its not, since Carl Rove gave us hate between the two parties that was not there before he arrived on the scene. Why do they need that hate???? Because only divided do this small number of elite succeed by using one half of the population on their side, fighting the other half FOR THEM.....THE POWERS THAT BE, IRONICALLY IN THIS INSTANCE IT WOULD BE THE LEFT PROTECTING THE BAD GUYS AGAINST THOSE BULLY RIGHT WINGERS WITH GUNS. Now you know why, the right is armed, believe me, if it were the opposite, then it would be the left that would be attacked and villified. They would be called Domestic terrorists, etc.... just like the right is being called that now. Remember, fascists have no party affiliation beyond their own class. That is all they are loyal to, their class internationally. Here is what we do know about this so far........
1. Truthout is a Left publication alternative press.
2. ALEC is exactly as described, a powerful front group for corporations.
3. Using the words "Right wing" in the title, is the "controlled opposition" emphasis that the powers that be want your attention directed to in this article. I would say it succeeded in that attempt.
4. But what is the real truth? There are both left and right members in that org. and all of them are supportive of global governance or a New World Order.
5. Review this article carefully and notice the author successfully avoided calling this what it really is. It is a fascist organization which has no left or right, rather corporations controlling government. DOES THE AUTHOR SAY A WORD ABOUT THAT? DOES HE USE THE FASCIST WORD THAT ANY LIBERAL WOULD USE IN DISCUSSING SUCH AN ARRANGEMENT? Did the blogger give a note to point that out???? No, why? BECAUSE THE BANKER DIRECTION OF THIS CONTROLLED OPPOSITION IS TO PROMOTE THE DIVIDE BETWEEN AMERICANS BASED ON RIGHT AND LEFT, conservative vs liberal, and thus attack the ability of Americans (grassroots voters) to come together, UNITED, in something both sides agree on, which is fascism is bad for this nation and harmful to both the left and right and to all Americans.
This is exactly why I do not like articles from a political partisan point of view. It DIRECTS OUR ATTENTION AWAY FROM THE REAL ISSUES THEY DO NOT WANT US TO VIEW (FASCISM) AND REDIRECTS IT TO THE SECONDARY CONSIDERATION WHICH IS IRRELEVANT (POLITICAL PARTIES). It reminds me of the coliseum games during roman times used to keep the citizens distracted from the real problems they faced. These bogus gladiator games between right and left are exactly the same thing, just a different venue is the only difference. Keep that in mind anytime you read a "right or left" alternative publication. My first question would be who runs Truthout and where do they get the bulk of their funding and I know what it takes to run such an operation and what funds are necessary at that level they function in and I can assure you there is some funding from institutional sources that would control just such agenda. I bet Soros or someone comparable, maybe even ford foundation, Gates foundation or Rockefeller which is the case with Alternate News on the left and Newsmax on the right.....IRONICALLY SUCH FOUNDATIONS ARE NEITHER RIGHT OR LEFT, RATHER KHAZAR BANKER BACKED FASCIST CORPORATIONS AND BANKS. WALL STREET MONEY. Its why they contribute to campaigns on both the left and right...... hello, anybody home??? Why contribute to campaigns on both left and right if its a partisan issue??? It isn't, that's why. Partisanship is irrelevant at this level of corruption. OK Rant over.
This week, the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) is holding its annual meeting in New Orleans, Louisiana. ALEC is a powerful corporate front group that allows big corporations to help write legislation that it then delivers to state legislators across the country. The organization is so influential that as many as a third of all state legislators nationwide, mostly Republicans, are members of its legislative outreach network. Much of the nation’s most dangerous right wing legislation, like laws decimating collective bargaining and promoting climate denial, have come from ALEC.
Now, a source who attended ALEC’s annual meeting has passed on a list of its corporate financiers. The documents detail different levels of funding, ranging from “Presidential” to “Trustee” level sponsors. According to the source, “If the funding levels have not changed since last year’s meeting,” then that means that Presidential sponsors gave $100,000, Chairman sponsors gave $50,000, Vice-Chairman gave $25,000 and Director sponsors gave $10,000. Trustee-level sponsors appear to be new this year.
Confidence in the U.S. Congress is at a historic low, more than half of Americans think that the Republican and Democratic parties are doing such a bad job that a third party is needed, and the word “dysfunction” has been common currency in the drawn-out debate over the national debt.
Does this mean the bells are tolling for the Republican-Democratic duopoly which has dominated American political life for more than 150 years?