***Fund raising report: Now, with just 4 days up we have a balance still at $505 that we still need and hope you will be able to contribute to bring that down within the next week and a half. I wish to thank the contributors so very much for their generous contribution and look forward to others who can jubilantly help us make our goal. The computer repair guy thanks you as well. This first batch goes toward paying him off.
We want to reassure you that we work very hard to find and ferret out truth and with so much deception, its been almost a full time job. While this is a work of love, we need your support to be able to continue. We will put up a fund raising report the next time donations come in to let you know how we are doing. Thanks and bless you all.
Vatic Note: I probably should have done this is two or three parts, but it just did not seem right to interrupt the continuity of the information since its EXPLOSIVE. Wait until you read all this. History as no one ever teaches it. How in the world has the commonwealth countries tolerated this perversion at the monarchy level? These people take the hard earned money of their subjects to pay for this voluntary sickness. These are the most useless feeders on the planet next to the Khazar bankers, but then they are related aren't they?
Its not just Prince Phillip, but he is the worst of them and he doesn't care that we know since we are nothing to him or to any of the royals except a pain in the butt. No wonder our forefathers risked everything to get away from these poeple and they are trying desperately to get us back again. Oh, heaven forbid.
Given the Bushies are related, it explains a lot of their perversions as well and it explains why Diana never fit in and was murdered by these cretin satanists. I am surprised David Icke has not exposed this before now? As we always say, " read and decide for yourselves. Me, personally, there is no way these people are going to every run America with their predilections toward pedophilia. Our children would never be safe, especially since the Queen and Phillip like killing them when they are through them as we saw in Canada.
Prince Phillip: Is this the Sickest Man in the UK? (VN: and they want to run the globe, heaven forbid!!!!)
Posted by admin On November - 10 - 2012
Chris Spivey.
Respectful: Britain’s Prince Philip, the Duke of Edinburgh visits the Field of Remembrance in the grounds of Westminster Abbey in central London on Thursday
Look at the photograph above? This picture will fill Millions of Brits with pride, nostalgia and patronism. Women, old and young will inevitably coo. Men, no doubt with a look of steely determination on their faces will give a quick nod at the photo and say to themselves; “Yes mate, you know”. I look at it and want to wring the hypocrites scrawny neck. The mere sight of him makes me want to puke.
You will not spot a single tear in this abomination’s eye. And for the Daily Mail newspaper and no doubt the vast majority of others to even suggest it, is tantamount to fraud. Worse still, it officially costs the tax payer nearly half a million pound a year to view propaganda like this. Unofficially, the true cost is in the millions.
You have no idea how hard I find it to write about The Duck of Edinburgh and his family of parasitic in-breeds without descending into a torrent of foul mouthed abuse.
Strange, that I cannot recall the old fart, pictured here all dressed up in his sailor suit so as to con the gullible nation into thinking he is some kind of battled hardened war hero, doing the same last year. Well certainly not with the same amount of press exposure as we see in the Daily Mail today. I may be wrong of course, but I doubt it.
In truth this is nothing more than a fake photo opportunity, staged by a nervous Royal family, who are acutely aware that if they are not very careful, their house of cards could quickly come tumbling down right about now. In fact, there is as much sincerity on show as there are tears in the perverted old git’s eyes. Cry for our heroic war dead? Don’t make me laugh.
The old pervert is doing nothing more than trying to get the nation on side before the truth comes out about him and his odious family. Why on Earth would the Lizard looking old bastard cry for our war dead? If he was going to cry for any war dead, it would be those who spoke German, not English. Not that he would do. The Duck of Edinburgh along with the other Royal Monsters despise us.
They despise all commoners, whatever their nationality, however they die. We are nothing more than an irritation to be endured while they fleece us for all they can get. Why would the man… I use the term very loosely, shed a tear when the people he is pretending to respect are exactly how he wants them and the rest of us, i.e. Dead.
Let me tell you about this racist old pervert. Phil the Greek as he is commonly known, should in fact be called Phil the Nazi. He has no affinity with the British people what so ever, let alone our war dead. To understand why, we need to go back as far as Queen Victoria, whom some refer to as the last English queen… Even though she was half German. Victoria, according to historians was hated by her countryman, some even say she was spat upon… Can’t imagine that amused her much.
Queen Vicky, as she wasn’t known, married the German Prince Albert:
Albert was born on August 26, 1819 in Rosenau, Germany. He was the second son of the Duke of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha, and was greatly influenced by his uncle Leopold, who became the king of Belgium in 1831. As a teenager Albert travelled to Britain and met the Princess Victoria, who was his COUSIN and nearly the same age as Albert. (Source- About.com) (VN: He was also an avowed gay, which is not the issue, rather he was not interested in siring any offspring which then left Victoria to seek such services elsewhere and that is where Rothschild came into the picture. We did a blog on this earlier)
Saxe-Coburg-Gotha was our Royal family’s name then, until Sticky Vicky’s grandson, King George V, who was married to the German Queen Mary, changed it to Windsor in 1917. This was only because there was a good deal of anti German sentiment in Britain before the First World War which became almost hysterical after 1916. There were in fact, anti German riots with shops owned by people with German names or German sounding names being smashed up. This also happened in other parts of the Empire such as Johannesburg in South Africa.
So there you have another case of this closely interbred, dysfunctional family pulling out all the stops to save their own necks… But I digress.
Now, as well as the name changing King George V being the grandson of Sticky Vicky, so was our German opponent in the first world war, Kaiser Wilhelm II… Getting the picture yet? No? Fair enough, I will continue.
Our present Queen, Bizzy Lizzy and her husband Phil the Sauerkraut are both the great, great grandchildren of Queen StickyVicky. Or put another way, they are 2nd cousins, once removed… By then it was surprising that the in-breeds didn’t resemble the cast of ‘the Hills have eyes’. They did, and still do however, behave like them.
Further more, madness and genetic problems are common place within the Royal family, thanks entirely to their in-breeding. Everyone knows about King George the III. He was mad as a hatter. Sticky Vicky herself was a Haemophiliac, which resulted in the death of her son Prince Leopold at the age of 30. The Duck’s own mother was mad as a hatter and had to be sectioned, which might explain a lot.
However, the more modern day Royal family tend to do what all Monsters do with their mad relations. Lock them away and pretend they don’t exist. That is what happened with the Queen’s first cousins,Nerissa and Katherine, who were both nieces of the Queer Mother:
The Queen’s cousin Nerissa was 22 and the Queen’s look-alike cousin Katherine was 15 when they were sent to the grim Royal Earlswood Mental Hospital. Both were severely handicapped and virtually unable to speak. They were said to have a mental age of six.
Cousin Nerissa is now deceased but cousin Katherine, aged 86, is still alive as of 2012, although severely mentally retarded. She is neglected and never visited. Burke’s Peerage which records the “who’s who” lineage of the British aristocracy, recorded false information that the first cousins of Queen Elizabeth II died in 1940 and 1961.
Despite the Queen’s fabulous wealth, she spent not one penny on cousin Nerissa’s burial. Nerissa was buried like a pauper in an unceremounious grave marked by a 6-inch-high plastic tag bearing a serial number and the name ”Bowes-Lyon”. (VN: I think they did that because they did not want to be reminded of what INBREEDING CAN DO TO THE RESULTING OFFSPRING. NOW WE KNOW WHY THE CURRENT CROP OF ROYALS ARE SO INSANE, EVEN THOUGH THEY ARE FUNCTIONAL, AT LEAST IN APPEARANCE. )
Cousin Katherine who spent decades in the Royal Earlswood Asylum, was moved to Ketwin House for the mentally disabled. Following allegations that male staff members were washing female patients, Ketwin House was forced to shut down. Witnesses found bruises on Katherine’s hand and hip.
Despite the Queen’s fabulous wealth, she spent not one penny to keep her cousin Katherine at Ketwin House. The cost ? About 770 pounds per patient per year. According to a former staff member, Katherine is alert, understands what she’s being told and communicates by pointing and smiling. Not one member of the Royal family has visited her in 60 years. (VN: given what they have done to their own children, its not surprising they have no human feelings for any of their relatives. Its why they do not understand us at all and why they will lose this war against us.)
It turns out that the Queen’s mother also had cousins who were locked away in the same mental institution on the same day in 1941 as Nerissa and Katherine.
An ‘out of sight, out of mind’ approach to family members with “embarrassing” problems like mental illness and epilepcy is nothing new in the royal household.
In 1905, George V(Of name change fame) and Queen Mary had a son, Prince John. Until the age of four, Prince John was just as much in the spotlight then as Prince William was in 1986 at the age of four.
When Prince John suffered his first epileptic fit, his royal parents excluded him from official family photographs.He wasn’t even allowed to attend his own father’s coronation as King of England in 1911. In 1917, the King hid his epileptic son by sending him to die in an isolated farmhouse. John never saw his parents again. He died two years later – reportedly in his sleep. (VN: Now you know why they can do to us what they do. If they can do this to their own son, you can deduce what life would be like under these royals. Its starting here already, food stamps were cut in Colorado for the permanently handicapped, so they will die off. I had never seen that in this country and now I understand where this inhumanity comes from. )
Another propaganda Oscar winner, The Kings’ Speech, focused on the Queen’s father and his speech impediment. There was no mention in the movie that the cause may have been from generations of royal inbreeding.
Monarchy blockbusters are designed to sell the image of the filthy rich royals as sensitive, caring, human and deserving of adoration and taxpayer support. No one would dare make a Hollywood movie about the King’s nazi brother, Edward VIII who abdicated.
Alice Battenberg was the mother of the Queen’s husband – Prince Philip. Alice was near deaf and a religious zealot. As the years went by, she began to have visions that she was Christ’s bride. She was declared a paranoid schizophrenic and committed to an asylum by force in 1930. Alice is Prince William’s great grandmother.
(Source T. Stokes)
Now, moving on, Queen Bizzy Lizzy’s uncle Eddie the Duke of Windsor, the one who married the American slut Wallis Simpson (I believe Homer was her nephew, but I may be wrong), was great friends with Adolf Hitler. The fact Eddie did marry Wallis was much to the annoyance of Bizzy Lizzy’s Alcoholic, Paedophile, mother (Various Sources such as Bill Maloney), who also wanted him.
Never the less, in the end the Queer Mother was forced to settle for the younger brother… Affectionately referred to as ‘the backward one’.
In fact, according to files released in 2003, high ranking Nazi officials considered Rock steady Eddie to be “no enemy to Germany”. They also considered him to be the “logical director of England’s destiny after the war”.
Eddie, who was also a paedophile and part time bum bandit, gave up the million pound hat to marry the much passed around slapper Simpson. I cannot imagine why, unless it was the fact that she would indulge Ed the Ball in his passion for being pushed around in a pram while dressed only in a nappy… I kid you not.
So, is it just a coincidence then, that Willie and Kate got married on the 29th of April 2011, sixty six years to the day that Hitler married Eva Braun? Remember, dates and numbers are extremely important to these freaks. Willie was in fact induced so as his birthday fell on the Summer Solstice, although the official line is that he was induced so as not to interfere with his father, Prince Big ears’ Polo Tournament.
Course, according to the Help Free the Earth website, the Royal family didn’t just offer moral support to those who were killing the British soldiers Philip is pictured shedding Crocodile tears over. That moral support also stretched to financial:
The British monarchy, and the City of London’s leading Crown bankers, enthusiastically backed Hitler and the Nazis, bankrolled the Fuhrer’s election, and did everything possible to build the Nazi war machine, for Britain’s planned geopolitical war between Germany and Russia. Support for Nazi-style genocide has always been at the heart of the House of Windsor policy. Long after the abdication of King Edward VIII, the Windsors maintained their direct Nazi links. (VN: We find out later the reason they backed him was because he was the illegit grandson of a vienna Rothschild, and thus they assumed he would be managed and grateful for the rise up out of poverty he was experiencing. They were wrong.)
Meanwhile, Phil the Duck was sent to a German boarding school that specialised in bringing up mini Adolfs. In fact, as Phil put it himself, there was much heel clicking and Heil Hitlering. At the same time, his 4 sisters all married members of the Nazi Party.
His sister Sophie in fact, went on to marry Prince Christoph of Hesse, a colonel in the SS on Himmler’s personal staff and head of the Forschungsamt, an elite intelligence operation controlled by Hermann Goering.
Christoph, as coincidence would have it was also the great grandson of Queen Victoria and a paedophile… I’m lying. It wasn’t really a coincidence, but the other two facts are true. The 30 year old Christoph had become engaged to Prince Phillips sister, Sophie when she had only just turned 15 – Hmmm.
Mind you, Filthy Phil began dating the queen when she was only 13 years old. Then again, the Royals like to keep everything within the family. But I digress.
Now, as I have just said, what eventually happens when families are continually polluting their own gene pool is madness begins to occur and that is what happened to Phil’s mum, Slack Alice.
So when she was carted off to the mad house and his father fucked off with some old sort, Philip, much to his delight, was left in the care of his uncle Lord Louie Mountbatten. The Mountbatten’s were also German’s who changed their name from Battenberg… As in the Marzipan cake that people pretend to like, but don’t really… Much in keeping with the way people feel about the Royals in general really.
Now, pay attention here. Lord Louis the Cake was also the Great Grandson of Sticky Fuckin’ Vicky and 2nd cousin of the name changing King George V. Louis was also a predatory paedophile.
The Authors of the controversial book
‘The War of the Windsor’s’ which was serialised in the Daily Mail state:
Lord Louis Mountbatten had the nickname “Dickie” …and for good reason. Philip’s uncle Dickie was the last viceroy in India where he was a known paedophile who sexually exploited young working class Indian peasant boys”.
Mountbatten is also linked to the paedophile ring who abused boys living at the Kincora Care Home in Belfast Northern Ireland. An excellent website, dedicated to exposing the Royal Family
http://www.helpfreetheearth.com/index.html, have this to say about a book written on that paedophile ring entitled ‘The Kincora Scandal’:
“The Kincora Scandal connects Lord Dickie Mountbatten to a child prostitution vice ring in Belfast, Ireland. Authorities failed to intervene at the Kincora care home for boys until 1981, despite reports over the years of child sexual abuse”.
The operators of the Kincora child prostitution ring were eventually convicted in 1981 of the RITUAL sexual abuse of defenceless young boys who were sold like prostitutes.
No charges were ever brought against the VIP customers made up of Royals, Politicians, lawyers, and Judges. However, Belfast citizens finally had reason to celebrate when Prince Philip’s paedophile uncle was killed by an IRA bomb planted in his boat”.
It is alleged by many that Louis the Cake had at least two boys on the boat, possibly three, when they were all blown to kingdom come. It is further alleged by many, that Phil got his first taste of Cock, courtesy of Uncle Louis, who was almost certainly also shagging Bizzy Lizzy’s Uncle, Ed the Baby.

Other members of the ohhh sooo British Royal family, but who are in reality closet Nazi’s include; Marie Christine Reibnitz AKA Princess Michael of Kent. Then there is the brother of Princess Alice, a great-aunt to the Queen, who was a Nazi and said that Hitler had done a “wonderful job”.
Princess Michael of Kent’s (Sounds like a tranny doesn’t she) father, was Baron Gunther von Reibnitz, who just so happened to be a member of the Nazi party and an honorary member of the SS.
Slightly diverting away from the main topic, but relevant none the less, Princess Michael, who is married to the Queens Cousin Prince Michael of Kent was caught out shagging a toy-boy in 2006. As it happens, Prince Michael also looks extremely like my friend Terry from Cyprus. But I’m fairly sure that is just a coincidence.
Never the less, having his wife publicly identified as shagging about obviously pissed Prince Mick off. Now everyone knows, cept my good self of course, that you shouldn’t upset a Freemason. Especially not the highest wanking Freemason in the country, which is apparently who Prince Micky Boy is (Sorry about the speech impediment in that sentence. I was just trying out my impression of Bizzy Lizzy’s old man). He is also the Grandson of the name changing, half German King George V and the full German Queen Mary, don’t cha know.
Having said that, any inference you draw from the following is strictly down to your own over active imaginations. You see, this toy-boy Mikhail Kravchenko, who shared a 4 day break in a Venice hotel with Mick’s slapper wife Princess Michael, met a very sticky end when he was machine gunned to death while sat in his Mercedes. Not that he was the only one whom the Royal family had the hump with, to die in a Mercedes.
Anyway, an actress called Marina Golub who was a close friend of Mikhail Kravchenko started asking questions about his death and after getting too near to the truth, she was apparently warned off. Whether or not she took any notice of the warnings is unknown, but she did claim to have uncovered startling new details about the murder. However, before she could reveal what she knew she was killed in a ‘car crash’… Just saying.
Right, getting back onto the main thread. All these people, who were and are supposedly part of the English Royal family, were in reality aligned with the German War Machine. As an example of just how deep that involvement was, consider the following also taken from the Help Free The earth website:
Prince Philip’s uncle and sponsor, Lord Louis Mountbatten (originally, Battenberg of the House of Hesse) was a central figure in the 1930s Nazi-British channel. Until he was forced to abdicate, King Edward VIII enjoyed the full backing of Dickie Mountbatten. Through much of World War II, secret channels of communication were maintained between the British royal family and their pro-Hitler cousins in Germany, by Lord Mountbatten, through his sister Louise, who was crown princess of pro-Nazi Sweden. Louise was Prince Philip’s aunt.
The spin doctors at Buckingham Palace have tried to depict the wartime collaboration of the British royal family with the Nazi enemy as just family correspondence but the messages from Prince Philip’s secret ally, the Duke of Windsor (former King Edward VIII) are impossible to cover up.
On Nov. 20, 1995, the Washington Times reported that the Duke of Windsor had been in close collaboration with the Nazis in Spain and Portugal to foment a revolution in wartime Britain, that would topple the Churchill government, depose his brother King George VI, and allow him to regain the throne.
Starting with an exchange between King George VI and President Eisenhower, the House of Windsor has been desperate to keep incriminating documents collected from Kronberg Castle classified. The incriminating documents fell into American Army hands.
With that in mind, now take a look at the photo below. This is Phil the Duck in his Nazi Sister Cecile’s funeral cortège. In the row behind and slightly to the left is Louis The Cake, wearing an old style sailor hat. This was taken a couple of years before the War.
Jews were already being persecuted and slaughtered. Philip admitted himself that his family had a problem with Jews. That leaves me to wonder how he feels about his grand-daughter in law Kate, who is Jewish.
(VN: And his wife is also a khazar Jew, but then he is willing to trade in his racism for power. Kate being Jewish is no accident. She was selected. That is the only weakness in this analysis, otherwise it is excellent. Remember, the Jews now run Britain as well. Its the money the royals like. Its also a sure sign they have complete control of the commonwealth royalty now. Is it blackmail? Who knows.)
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