3RD UPDATE: 8:05 pm - Headline I just saw And hopefully I will be puttng up tomorrow. The reason I thought it important is Obama announced today he is going to confiscate guns. never going to happen. So, Here it is, and check out the photo of the assault rifle she carries, yet these Israeli's dual citizens who run our government, want to disarm us.... hmmm, wonder why?
“I Bet the Parents Would Give ANYTHING if Their Kids’ Teacher had been Armed That Day” Picture, Israeli School Teacher..
I swear, I will croak if the whole thing is another Benghazi theatrical performance. I am going down that rabbit hole on this one with the help of a friend. Remember the Griffins production in AZ Where a child born on 9/11/01 was killed and the Judge who would not allow the banks to complete their drug money laundering and he got killed as well, but Griffin (a dual Israeli citizen) lived, right and was up and around just fine after being shot in the brain, yeah, right? There is no doubt these bankers must be purged from our soil, just like Iceland did and now they are in recovery and doing well.
2nd UPDATE: Just got these three paragraphs off of CLG News. Now take that for what its worth. If it pans out, then what we published below about mind control appears to be true since the shooter always has the handler near by and these are the articles. As you read this keep in mind there were witnesses who saw 3 different people involved with the shooting in the theatre. Now read this below.
Now, since the MSM readership is dropping off and turning to the net, the zionist bankers are buying off alternative news sites, or taking them over, so if you believe CLG is a disinfo rag, then treat that information below accordingly since she has not put up any links to the source of that information which is a sure sign to be cautious.
Here are the three paragraphs that point to others involved in the shooting.... Keep in mind if this was mind control, then israel, britain and their agents infiltrated into our government will meet justice for these acts of barbarism against little innocent children. They are going to have to find other ways to make their blood sacrifices to Satan. The other options is that the entire episode is a theatrical production. We have had that before too.
1. Second person in custody (could be where they got the shooters brothers name before they ever got the shooters name, if he were the psychops handler.) Here are the paragraphs.
At least 27 killed in Newtown, CT school shooting; second person in custody--Students were told by authorities to 'line up and cover their eyes' --Several students and staff are dead --Shooter found dead on scene --Second person is in custody --Gunman, age 20, was wearing all black --
“I Bet the Parents Would Give ANYTHING if Their Kids’ Teacher had been Armed That Day” Picture, Israeli School Teacher..
I swear, I will croak if the whole thing is another Benghazi theatrical performance. I am going down that rabbit hole on this one with the help of a friend. Remember the Griffins production in AZ Where a child born on 9/11/01 was killed and the Judge who would not allow the banks to complete their drug money laundering and he got killed as well, but Griffin (a dual Israeli citizen) lived, right and was up and around just fine after being shot in the brain, yeah, right? There is no doubt these bankers must be purged from our soil, just like Iceland did and now they are in recovery and doing well.
2nd UPDATE: Just got these three paragraphs off of CLG News. Now take that for what its worth. If it pans out, then what we published below about mind control appears to be true since the shooter always has the handler near by and these are the articles. As you read this keep in mind there were witnesses who saw 3 different people involved with the shooting in the theatre. Now read this below.
Now, since the MSM readership is dropping off and turning to the net, the zionist bankers are buying off alternative news sites, or taking them over, so if you believe CLG is a disinfo rag, then treat that information below accordingly since she has not put up any links to the source of that information which is a sure sign to be cautious.
Here are the three paragraphs that point to others involved in the shooting.... Keep in mind if this was mind control, then israel, britain and their agents infiltrated into our government will meet justice for these acts of barbarism against little innocent children. They are going to have to find other ways to make their blood sacrifices to Satan. The other options is that the entire episode is a theatrical production. We have had that before too.
1. Second person in custody (could be where they got the shooters brothers name before they ever got the shooters name, if he were the psychops handler.) Here are the paragraphs.
At least 27 killed in Newtown, CT school shooting; second person in custody--Students were told by authorities to 'line up and cover their eyes' --Several students and staff are dead --Shooter found dead on scene --Second person is in custody --Gunman, age 20, was wearing all black --
In CT, main school doors are locked when school is in session, so the question remains how the shooter [dressed all in black, mind you] was allowed to enter the building. CT State Police: 'Great deal of search warrant activity' underway --School and Danbury, CT, hospital with three injured, was placed on lockdown as a 'precaution' --FBI on scene --Shooting heard over school intercom --House being searched of second suspect --Officials 'not commenting' on second shooter --2nd deadliest school shooting in US history, VA Tech was first
--'Police were in every corner, with guns' 14 Dec 2012 A gunman opened fire at a Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown on Friday, shooting dozens of people, NBC has learned. WNBC has confirmed that the shooter is dead. Where this occurred was not immediately clear. According to NBC News, the shooter was an adult, and two handguns were recovered. No information has been released on the shooter, but NBC said it appears that the shooter was living in Connecticut and was might have originally been from New Jersey. (NBC, wires)
2. Curiouser and curiouser: Shooter carrying other person's ID, left 2 more guns in car --'We're drilling all the time, practicing all the time for these events' -Mayor of Danbury, CT --'New school safety measures' had been implemented--and yet, a man dressed in military garb will a bullet-proof vest gained entrance? --CT State Police: Bomb squad brought in --Shooting took place at three diffrerent locations inside the school 14 Dec 2012
3. Shooter wore military garb, carried three guns, December 14, 2012 by legitgov
UPDATE: Recent today on the Perp who killed the students at the Connecticut school. If the MSM is selling the lone gunman theory, its a lie to get your guns and after proving they are willing to kill our innocent children, there is NO WAY ANYONE SHOULD GIVE UP THEIR GUNS. ITS MASS SUICIDE IF YOU DO. Better to go down fighting than to succumb to their massacres and especially if you are Christian.
Lets remember the shooter who killed himself or was shot, HAD A BROTHER IN MILITARY PSYCH OPS AND WAS ON DRUGS AND HAD OTHER PROBLEMS, and I believe they were probably caused by the mind control through his brother. We already uncovered every single mass murder has been outted as being fabricated false flag done by mind control victims.
Since that is the norm, then we have to consider it here in this case and here is why! REMEMBER, THE CIA AND MOSSAD WORK FOR BRITAINS MI6, who are khazars and Rothschild controlled government, as we proved in a previous blog and mind control along with psych manipulation of masses of humanity were experimented with under the British Tavistock group. Here is the latest story:
How The CIA Trained Shooter In Connecticut! Shooting Tied To European Court Ruling Against The CIA!
We are going to start out with a video of Holmes, the Aurora shooter so you can see what Mind Control looks like.
Watch this first video to get the big picture, and the second video hows how it was used to brainwash a volunteer. It makes perfect sense that is what has happened here given his brother was military psychops.
By now, all of America has heard about the shocking school shooting in Connecticut; what most Americans have not yet realized is that this shooting is another ‘false flag’ event designed by the CIA and the SADISTIC criminals within the United States government to institute TOTAL CONTROL over the masses.
Yes, this shooting is another shocking example of exactly how EVIL these people are; the mere fact that they would MASSACRE school children to achieve their goals of the disarmament of the American public is absolutely attrocious. These people MUST be stopped at all costs!
It is not a coincidence that this has occurred the same day that a European Court has handed down a ruling against the CIA, labeling them as torturers and condemning extraordinary rendtion. Freedom in America and therefore the entire world will not survive as long as these EVIL henchmen are permitted to continue to implement their agenda. From Wikipedia:
Project MKUltra was the code name for a covert research operation experimenting in the behavioral engineering of humans through the CIA’s Scientific Intelligence Division. The program began in the early 1950s, was officially sanctioned in 1953, was reduced in scope in 1964, further curtailed in 1967 and officially halted in 1973.[1] The program engaged in many illegal activities[2][3][4]; in particular it used unwitting U.S. and Canadian citizens as its test subjects, which led to controversy regarding its legitimacy.[5][6][7][8]
MKUltra involved the use of many methodologies to manipulate people’s individual mental states and alter brain functions, including the surreptitious administration of drugs (especially LSD) and other chemicals, hypnosis,sensory deprivation, isolation, verbal and sexual abuse, as well as various forms of torture.[9]
The scope of Project MKUltra was broad, with research undertaken at 80 institutions, including 44 colleges and universities, as well as hospitals, prisons and pharmaceutical companies.[10] The CIA operated through these institutions using front organizations, although sometimes top officials at these institutions were aware of the CIA’s involvement.[11] MKUltra was allocated 6 percent of total CIA funds.[12]
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Original blogVatic Note: I do not believe I know a single soul that will ever give up their guns after all we have seen, experienced and now know about these evil perveyors of satanism and crimes who are running our industries, banks, and government. Talk about hearing a "second shot heard round the world".... truly I believe no one will give them up! Not now, and not ever, since we now know what the agenda is and to do so would be like committing suicide. Can you even imagine?
I also believe those drugs are killing our children, I mean who they are inside is being destroyed and this is the result. I also read that the perps brother was military psychops, so there may be some mind control involved here. You read and decide.
Who really killed the Connecticut children?
by Kevin Barrett

When something unbelievably evil happens in one of our schools, like the recent murder of 27 children and teachers at the Newtown School in Connecticut, the media always tells us the same thing: blame the lone nut(s).
But history suggests that many if not most schoolyard massacres, like other large-scale acts of domestic terrorism, have a much more sinister agenda.
Sheriff Pat Sullivan, who ran the Columbine investigation, was arrested last year and convicted of coercing sexual favors from a child in exchange for methamphetamine. His ridiculously short sentence, served in the jail that bears his name, amounted to a slap on the wrist.
Rumor has it that Sullivan is part of a pedophile network along the lines of the Finders of Lost Children and the perpetrators of the Franklin Scandal child sex ring.
Some Columbine victims’ family members suspect that Sheriff Sullivan was involved in a “butt rape” incident involving the alleged Columbine shooters. Were those shooters mind-controlled sex-abuse victims?
Rogue intelligence agents and their psychiatrist colleagues have been brainwashing “lone nuts” to commit murder at least since the CIA’s MK-Ultra program achieved its objectives circa 1960.
Why would such “rogue networks” want to send brainwashed Manchurian Candidates into schools to massacre children?
Let’s allow one of the terrorists themselves to answer that question.
Remember Operation Gladio? The Pentagon, through NATO, organized bombings and shootings in the streets of Europe.
When one of the terrorists got caught, he explained at his trial: “You had to attack civilians, the people, women, children, innocent people, unknown people far removed from any political game. The reason was quite simple. They were supposed to force these people, the Italian public to turn to the State to ask for greater security.”
He later explained the “strategy of tension” to the BBC: “To create tension within the country to promote conservative, reactionary social and political tendencies.”
Google “Brabant massacre” for more gory details.
So the answer to the question, WHY? is really very simple: When you terrorize the population, you open the door for fascist, authoritarian politicians.
Operation Gladio never ended. It’s still happening, right here in America.
Wade Michael Page, the “man with a 9/11 tattoo” blamed for the Wisconsin Sikh temple shooting, turned out to be a US Army psy-ops specialist.
The “DC Sniper” – the US Army Special Forces whiz who changed his name to “Muhammad” just in time to go on a shooting spree – was another government-sponsored false-flag operation.
So whenever an event like today’s Connecticut massacre screams out at you from your screen: BE AFRAID, BE VERY AFRAID, you should tell the mainstream media brainwashers to go to hell, then join those of us who are exposing the false flag terrorists and setting the stage for a world in which they will no longer ply their bloody trade.
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Posted by Kevin Barrett on Dec 14 2012, With 4564 Reads, Filed under Politics. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can skip to the end and leave a response. Pinging is currently not allowed.
Posted by Kevin Barrett on Dec 14 2012, With 4564 Reads, Filed under Politics. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can skip to the end and leave a response. Pinging is currently not allowed.
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