Vatic Note: Its official then, World War III is in the planning and war games are to commence in this bogus planned, financed, orchestrated and profit driven war, with a winner and loser already determined and that is why the war games.... how to lose it. (Reminds me of the McCain, Obama election where McCain was the designated loser even before the primary was over.) THIS IS classic HIGH TREASON OF THE WORST KIND. Come on, people, stop and think about this, its way worse than we could imagine and this time they plan on using nukes (if the aliens let them lol). That is why the seed bank and DNA bank of every living thing on the planet which was not built by our gov, rather by Rockefeller and his bast*rd offspring, Gates. That tells you who is doing all this. THE INTERNATIONAL BANKERS. Its is so far past time to bring them down and stop all this insanity.
What is one possible way to war game in the Samoan Islands? Identify those supporting the US and get them off the islands. Also notice in this article below, the heavy use of DIVIDE AND CONQUOR being set up, just like they do here. Who knows, but we do know we are the designated losers as will be everyone associated or those that get in the way of the war.
When you read about Clintons trips to these islands, you will be disgusted at the level of deception being used to manipulate these poor innocent unsophisticated people. They will be decimated in any such war. And the Zionists want us to believe they care about Global Warming, with the destruction they plan on doing in the pacific theatre??? Yeah, right!
This is no conflict between people, rather a collaboration between leaders, just like WW I and WW II. Its treason on both sides with the intent to kill their own people and destroy their nations assets. Now how insane is that? A global governance guarantees perpetual war for any number of reasons and that is why the entire globe has to fight against such global governance, at least by these psychopathic insane people.
I like the Chinese people and they, as a people, have done nothing to us. Its the international bankers and they must be devolved into the component toxic parts that they are. I was so mad when I read this, as I am sure you can tell... and it brought it home to me even more, just how important it is to rid the planet of these people.
Jail is where they belong for a very very long time. We can start by arresting Rockefeller, JD, and Jay Rockefeller, and then Henry Kissinger, and finally Rothschild in London, and the rest of the Rothschilds, if they do not give up everything to repay the planet for their pillaging and ravaging of it in the name of profits and then retire somewhere that makes it impossible for them to get back into any society.
The Pacific Islands are Pentagons next War Games for WW III with China!
By Wayne Madsen, Strategic Culture News

The Pentagon planners and their paid anthropologist shills are gearing up for the Pentagon’s next battle: the one for the Pacific that will ensure that the island nations that dot the vast maritime expanse will remain a part of the Anglo-American sphere of influence and not become part of a «Chinese lake».
The Pacific Ocean has been a favorite stomping ground for U.S. government-financed anthropologists ever since Margaret Mead ‘s 1928 treatise on the Samoan people, Coming of Age in Samoa, laid the groundwork for the intelligence-related anthropological study of the peoples of the Pacific Ocean by the U.S. military and intelligence services.
Mead later became a researcher for the CIA-connected RAND Corporation and became a supporter of CIA funding of anthropologic surveys and studies via laundered academic research grants from the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID).
USAID / CIA/Special Operations projects with names like Phoenix, Prosyms, Sympatico, and Camelot used anthropologists and social scientists to reconnoiter targeted tribal areas in South Vietnam, Indonesia, Pakistan, Colombia, and Chile to determine how U.S. Special Forces and intelligence agents could use indigenous peoples to further American military goals. The operations in the cases of Phoenix in South Vietnam and Prosyms in Indonesia resulted in genocide on a massive scale…
Today, the military’s tribal and native peoples targeting programs fall under the nomenclature of «human terrain systems» or HTS. Brought back to life in Afghanistan and Iraq, these genocidal programs now have their eyes on the Pacific in order to gear up for what the Pentagon and Langley planners believe is an inevitable war with China. (VN: The international bankers and CEO's "planned" with China war, just like WW II, with all leaders in on it to make money and profits from the blood of our children and our wealth that we work so hard for. These innocent pacific Island peoples will be the next depopulation victims of this insanity. TIME TO QUIT PAYING TAXES, do not cooperate in any World War, instead conduct guerrilla war against the bankers, their properties, like their homes assets, etc, same with corporate boards of directors and the corporations themselves. They want a World war, and destruction and depopulation, well, then give it to them, war against "them" and no one else. etc. That is the only war anyone on this planet should be fighting.)
It is fitting, therefore, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers are now looking for up to 15,000 acres of land to lease on American Samoa. The U.S. military wants to establish a major training base on American Samoa for at least five years and probably longer.
The base is to provide 24-hour road access that will permit 60 full days of training per year. The Army also wants the base to permit the use of pyrotechnic and blank ammunition during daytime and nighttime training. It is certain that the U.S. is looking at building a simulated rural and village tropical environment for the use of U.S. and future «coalition of the willing» armies to practice battling an enemy in the Pacific region. That «enemy» is China. (VN: Hear that CHINESE PEOPLE.... your country's leaders are collaborating with the Zionist bankers to conduct war for profit. WE ARE NOT YOUR ENEMY AND YOU ARE NOT OURS EITHER. We have a joint enemy and should join together to fight them. If sent here to fight us, we can both sit and talk and turn on our leaders and take control of our nations. Its time. Same message to the PACIFIC ISLAND PEOPLE. DO NOT COOPERATE ANYWHERE IN THE WORLD WITH THESE TOTALLY INSANE PEOPLE)
The United States obviously foresees the Pacific as a future battleground between American and its allied forces and China for control of the important trade routes that crisscross the vast maritime region. Not since the U.S. military campaign against Japan during World War II has the Pacific seen such an American military projection of power. (VN: Remember people, we are the designated losers of this war coming up and these efforts are to see how to best undermine our sons and daughters in the battle field. You know, the very "FODDER THAT IS DISPENSIBLE ACCORDING TO KISSINGER" I now understand why they sent our daughters to be on the front lines, Its part of the depopulation agenda. If you join the military, its a death sentence, just ask those who are dead which now exceeds those killed in Viet Nam, either through war or suicide. DO NOT JOIN, IF DRAFTED DO NOT GO, REFUSE, HIDE, ETC.)