"In Indiana Jones Temple of Doom, the cult is not worshipping Sheba. They are a Kali goddess cult called Thugees. The word Thug comes from this. What you are calling Sheba is Shiva - who is protrayed as a positive force in the film. Note though that Shiva in actual Hinduism is the destroyer. I know a lot about Hinduism. However, I won't elaborate. The information is readily available for you to research to support your points."
Vatic Note: This is a very very comprehensive analysis and presentation about the Bohemian Grove and since we are about to have world leaders show up here in Northern California, this month, its appropriate to put this up. Please ignore the fact that this research was done from a practicing Catholics perspective. (Note: The videos may start playing when you click on the article, so scroll down and turn them off while reading the above text. Sorry, tried to fix it but I am a ludite, so unable to do so. ) Otherwise the videos are very good and the last paragraph of this article is illuminating about Bush Sr and one of the members of the Grateful Dead.
That is not relevant to the analysis below. Ignore anything he says that is clearly a Catholic perspective. I just passed over those few comments that showed his clear bias on the issue of Catholism. I put in a series of periods like this ....... when I skipped over those irrelevant comments. I have been trying to get the attendees list for 2012. Will post it as soon as we can find it.
Usually if someone new is invited, he had to wait 10 to 15 years on a waiting list and that means the group has found a job for him. Time to get him into a blackmail situation and the Bohemian Grove would certainly be the place to do it. Wonder who the new boy on the block will be this time around.
"When anyone invokes the devil with intentional ceremonies, the devil comes and is seen. To escape dying from horror at that sight, to escape catalepsy or idiocy, one must be already mad." - The Doctrine of Transcendental Magic, Book I: page 73

"Children in search of illusions, are you disappointed because we offer you marvels? Once a man said to us, “Raise up the devil, and I will believe in you.” We answered, “You ask too little; we will not make the the devil appear but rather vanish from the whole world: we will chase him from your dreams!”
The devil is ignorance, darkness, chaotic thought, deformity. Awake, sleeper of the Middle Ages! See you not that it is day? See you not the light of God filling all Nature? Where now will the destroyed prince of perdition dare to show himself?" - The Doctrine of Transcendental Magic (1896), PART II: page 146

The Annual Cremation of Care Ceremony where an effigy (NBC Nightly News, 1982) is sacrificed to the Lord.
This type of activity is much more common than people realize. Here is a scene from Indiana Jones' Temple of Doom, portraying the same ceremony in India that is performed at the Bohemian Grove. Although staged in India, it is noteworthy that these Indian pagans are worshipping Sheba, the wife of Solomon, son of David, king of the Jews. Yes, even India is heavily into the occult. (VN: That is why they are so heavily tied into Britain Royalty, and Israel. Its their common bond)