*** Fundraising update: We are almost there. I wish to think two donors who put us at a balance of the deficit of $75
remaining which is wonderful. The good news is we have til Monday
since the First fell on a Saturday, so if you benefit in anyway from our
work, please use the pay pal button off to the right and donate that
last amount to help us stay on the net.
are coming into intense
times now in both fear mongering and in real dangers we must stay on
top of, and now it becomes critical to discern which is which.
Remember their objectives right now, is getting our guns. They cannot
proceed without them. That is why we must stay up during this critical
time. Thank you and God Bless you for all you have done to support our
efforts on your behalf.
Vatic Project: This article will make you "MAD" as heck. But the good news is there is so much information that we knew nothing about. Its about time we found out what it is we should "fear" before allowing ourselves to get into a state of fear. I put this up because this is a massive effort to make radiation a boogy man for cheap energy and yet, we know there were serious side affects of the radiation from the bombs dropped by the USA in Japan during WW II.
So what is the truth about this source of power? Well, here is a video and text below the video that does an analysis of the dangers of radiation and whether Fukishima is the killer its being presented as. We have the nuke industry on one side saying no problem and we have the robber barons on the other side, saying "nuke energy is dangerous", both have a vested interest in their own side of the story, so who do we believe?
Guess who owns the uranium mines throughout the world? Guess who was
instrumental in setting up the UN? Guess who benefits with a nuke
policy for energy throughout the world? The answer to all those
questions is "THE QUEEN OF ENGLAND" and her family. She is to Uranium,
what DeBeers is to diamonds.
Listen and read this below and you decide. Our future will depend on your answer. Just keep in mind there were qualified scientists that did the Global Warming scam as well. By the same token there were honest scientists who tried to tell us there was no global warming, rather a solar system warming. Turns out the second batch were right. Trust no one and reseach for yourselves. Do not take even my word for anything. Find out for yourselves.
Fukushima and Chernobyl: Myth versus Reality
Published on Jun 28, 2012
Leading experts from the UN Scientific Committee on the Effects of Atomic Radiation (UNSCEAR), the International Commission on Radiological Protection (ICRP) and the Chernobyl Tissue Bank discuss the effects of radiation from a nuclear accident.
Fukushima: Just How Dangerous Is Radiation?
Written by
Ed Hiserodt

The situation in Japan is grim. Estimates of the dead or missing — and by now this latter group must be moved into the dead column — is above 25,000 souls. A half-million residents are homeless, with many in danger of starvation since roads and railroads have simply disappeared.
Yet the world’s media pays only lip service to the plight of Japanese citizens. It is almost entirely focused on the disabled nuclear reactors and the “leaks” of radiation that they have had, and will have virtually no effect on human health.
In the last few weeks, we have read reports of foreigners scrambling to leave the country, of levels of radioactive iodine in seawater that are seven-and-a-half million times the “legal” limit, and now the news that the recovery of bodies is being hampered because the dead are contaminated by radiation.
Interestingly, many of the expatriates “escaped” to areas where the background radiation was higher, in some cases much higher, than the areas in Japan they were evacuating owing to radioactive releases. An April 1 Bloomberg article by Stuart Biggs and Yuriy Humber gave the current background radiation measurements in Tokyo compared with other areas.
Even after the releases in Japan, the amount of background radiation in Tokyo is still below the world average. The article quoted Bob Bury of the UK’s Royal College of Radiologists,
“The situation in Japan looks set to follow the pattern of Chernobyl, where fear of radiation did far more damage than the radiation itself.”
Regarding the concentration of Iodine 131 in seawater, one might ask on what basis any legal limit is derived. The “normal” concentration of this isotope in seawater is zero, as only relatively tiny amounts are produced in nuclear reactors, and these for all intents and purposes cease to exist after 90 days because of radioactive decay. This seems to be a case of bandying huge numbers for no other purpose than to create fear — something all too common in journalism these days.
If we analyze for a moment the MSNBC.com story
“Japan faces another dilemma: Radiation-contaminated bodies,” we should remember that exposure to radiation does not make one radioactive, e.g., you don’t become radioactive from an X-ray. So any contamination would have had to settle out from the atmosphere onto the bodies. One might ask how the radioactive particles know how to zero in on the corpses and avoid the area that surrounds them.
Even more irony comes from the land of liberals, California — home to Barbara Boxer, Dianne Feinstein, and Governor Jerry Brown — where many residents are fearful of the effects of radioactive particles carried on the winds from Japan.
UConn physics professor emeritus Howard Hayden points out in his newsletter,
The Energy Advocate, that the joke is on the Californians who are now gobbling down potassium iodine pills to saturate their thyroids in an attempt to block an accumulation of radioactive iodine.
The “K” in KI pills is potassium, a small percentage of which is radioactive Potassium 40. In an attempt to avoid barely detectable amounts of Iodine 131, they are ingesting easily measurable amounts of bone-seeking Potassium 40.
Actually this radiation won’t bother them either, although the pills are not gentle on the digestive system and give the same symptoms — nausea and cramping — as does real radiation sickness, which has afflicted no one in Japan, let alone thousands of miles away in the United States.
Why the Outcry?
Fear of radiation is a learned behavior. Moreover, it’s not something we learn from personal experience or observation. We have no way to sense it and must be told by others that we are in danger. As noted above, we receive plenty of information from the media on the dangers of radiation, and this is nothing new.
Professor Bernard Cohen of the University of Pittsburgh looked at the New York Times Information Bank, which allows access to numerous publications, and found over the period 1974 to 1978 that there were about 120 stories per year on automobile accidents that killed some 200,000 people. But there were 200 stories per year on radiation that killed no one.
Do you know anyone who died or was sickened by radiation? Do you know anybody who knows anybody who was such a victim? The odds are a million to one against it.
Another major reason for the fear is a lack of understanding about what levels of radiation are dangerous and where we might encounter them. Let us establish then how to quantify radiation and relate that to the harm it might cause us. First, though, be aware that we are talking about
ionizing radiation from nuclear reactions, X-rays, cosmic rays, or emissions from elements that are naturally radioactive or have been made radioactive from exposure to neutrons in a nuclear reactor. We are not referring to microwave, infrared, or ultraviolet radiation.
Our first hurdle is to understand the units of radiation exposure. Unfortunately, there are two systems and each has different units to express intensity. In the United States the terms more commonly used by medical professionals are the
rad and the
rem. The rad is a measurement of radiation energy absorbed by matter, while the rem (Roentgen equivalent man) considers not only the amount of radiation, but its biological effect on humans and other animals. For gamma radiation and X-rays, the types of primary interest here, the two terms are equivalent. A rem, however, is a large dose of radiation; hence, to avoid lots of zeros to the right of the decimal point, the term we will be using is the
millirem (mrem), one-thousandth of a rem.
The International System (S.I.) — abbreviated from French: Systèm International d´unités — uses two other terms for radiation measurement. The
gray (Gy) is equal to 100 rads, and the
sievert (Sv) is equal to 100 rems. This is mentioned here because much of the information from other countries and in current news stories is cited in mSv — a millisievert equal to 100 times the exposure of a mrem, i.e., 1 mSv = 100 mrem.†

So we now have a unit of measurement — the mrem — that we can use to compare different levels of radiation. Table 1 shows a few examples. Note that one must be exposed to something in the area of 100,000 mrems of radiation in a short period to suffer symptoms of acute radiation exposure, and even more than that to risk death.
Mutation Scares
Survivors of the Hiroshima and Nagasaki bombs were forced participants in a huge epidemiological study of long-term radiation effects. The 86,572 individuals (including pre-born babies) within 10 kilometers (6.2 miles) radius of the blasts were required to carry a “Health Handbook” that recorded even the slightest details of the victim’s health history. Of particular concern to the Japanese was the expectation of thousands of mutations in future births, but such worries were misplaced. While fruit flies that are exposed to radiation are mutated in odd ways (extra legs, eyes, etc.), humans are either not so susceptible, or the degree of mutation is so small as to be lost in the host of normal mutations common to our species.