Please be advised, that the Vatic Master will return with new blogs on Sunday, October 18, 2015. Our fund raiser continues from now until the first when the $350 deficit will be needed for the month of November. We wish to thank all those who have and will continue to contribute to our continued operation in doing research and exposing all that we find. We appreciate the distribution of our various blogs to other sites and to other readers and we ask that God bless you and your families for giving us this undying support for our work. Have a great weekend.
The article is reproduced in accordance with Section 107 of title 17 of the Copyright Law of the United States relating to fair-use and is for the purposes of criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research.
"It is the greatest of all mistakes to do nothing because you can only do a little." ~ Sydney Smith
Trump threatens to pull out of next GOP debate
Vatic Note: This is a good example of what I was talking about earlier. Notice it just says "Trump", but in fact, several of the candidates threatened to pull out including the doctor. So why did NOT the press include at least one other name???
I hope this is what it appears to be on the surface, and not what some others have rightly speculated..... which is, the Powers that be will use Donald, and try to manipulate him into running as an independant in order to split the vote of the GOP in the general election, which would ensure a Hitlary Clinton Presidency.
Remember, she is the top pick of the globalist/khazars and will do their bidding most willingly as benghazi and our dead ambassador and marines proved. Our country is currently controlled by a foreign government and has been for sometime now. I believe she is the "hammer" in this scam that is going down which would eradicate our sovereignty in favor of a globalist/khazar global New World Satanic Order.
When you look at the field being offered by the GOP, it becomes clear that those running would easily be beaten by Hillary, unless her anti-supporters prevail in discrediting her fully. The only candidate I see up there that could beat her is The "Donald" and for reasons that are not traditional.
He would beat her because he is unabashedly honest and she has a lot of trash to expose. Donalds "politically INCORRECT" spewing truth, is what will bring Hitlary down. Jeb Bush has too much corruption and treason to overcome, and that would make Hitlary "SEEM" more attractive.
FUND RAISING TIME AGAIN. Its one day past our normal time due to the internet being down here in my town for almost 2 days now. We could not do our blogs or fund raising campaign. Now we are back up and asking for donations toward our $350 deficit this month. If you can afford it, we appeal to you to donate to our cause to keep truth exposed and lies distroyed so we can prepare based on reality.... so help us do that so we can stay on the net to over come the treason being done by our MSM, both left and right.
Thank you for all your support over these many years. I am still trying to find a way to fund this deficit without fund raising. So far, no luck, but I am not giving up, so hang with us until we do. Thank you again and God bless you and your family.
Trump threatens to pull out of next GOP debate
By Hadas Gold and Eliza Collins, Politico, October 15, 2015
A Republican National Committee conference call to discuss plans for the Oct. 28 GOP debate with top advisers to the presidential campaigns spiraled into chaos Thursday afternoon as Donald Trump threatened to pull out of the debate if his demands for the format are not met.
At issue is whether CNBC, which is hosting the debate, to be held in Boulder, Colorado, will allow candidates to give opening and closing statements.
A day earlier, the RNC and CNBC held a conference call to discuss logistics that turned heated — with CNBC saying it wouldn’t allow opening and closing statements, and several campaigns saying they wanted them.
I hope this is what it appears to be on the surface, and not what some others have rightly speculated..... which is, the Powers that be will use Donald, and try to manipulate him into running as an independant in order to split the vote of the GOP in the general election, which would ensure a Hitlary Clinton Presidency.
Remember, she is the top pick of the globalist/khazars and will do their bidding most willingly as benghazi and our dead ambassador and marines proved. Our country is currently controlled by a foreign government and has been for sometime now. I believe she is the "hammer" in this scam that is going down which would eradicate our sovereignty in favor of a globalist/khazar global New World Satanic Order.
When you look at the field being offered by the GOP, it becomes clear that those running would easily be beaten by Hillary, unless her anti-supporters prevail in discrediting her fully. The only candidate I see up there that could beat her is The "Donald" and for reasons that are not traditional.
He would beat her because he is unabashedly honest and she has a lot of trash to expose. Donalds "politically INCORRECT" spewing truth, is what will bring Hitlary down. Jeb Bush has too much corruption and treason to overcome, and that would make Hitlary "SEEM" more attractive.
FUND RAISING TIME AGAIN. Its one day past our normal time due to the internet being down here in my town for almost 2 days now. We could not do our blogs or fund raising campaign. Now we are back up and asking for donations toward our $350 deficit this month. If you can afford it, we appeal to you to donate to our cause to keep truth exposed and lies distroyed so we can prepare based on reality.... so help us do that so we can stay on the net to over come the treason being done by our MSM, both left and right.
Thank you for all your support over these many years. I am still trying to find a way to fund this deficit without fund raising. So far, no luck, but I am not giving up, so hang with us until we do. Thank you again and God bless you and your family.
Trump threatens to pull out of next GOP debate
By Hadas Gold and Eliza Collins, Politico, October 15, 2015
A Republican National Committee conference call to discuss plans for the Oct. 28 GOP debate with top advisers to the presidential campaigns spiraled into chaos Thursday afternoon as Donald Trump threatened to pull out of the debate if his demands for the format are not met.
At issue is whether CNBC, which is hosting the debate, to be held in Boulder, Colorado, will allow candidates to give opening and closing statements.
A day earlier, the RNC and CNBC held a conference call to discuss logistics that turned heated — with CNBC saying it wouldn’t allow opening and closing statements, and several campaigns saying they wanted them.
Oregon Sheriff Gil Gilbertson Gives Federal Agents The Boot: Feds Have No Jurisdiction
Vatic Note: This is the most comprehensive treatment of this subject, that I have found to date and it was so well put together, that I find myself with nothing to add. Its clear, concise and right on. So please, to understand the level of encroachment going on under UN and globalist, Agenda 21, and the structural changes that would occur to our Constitution and its Bill of Rights, then its imperative you read this whole thing.
As we have said many times, "This is NOT a fast food information site", rather an educational site and that requires "reading" all that was researched and historically upheld as the case. If we wish to prevail in this battle for control of our nation, between the foreign occupiers of our nation, and the will of the people, then we best educate ourselves. If we do not wish to research, then we must begin reading those who do.
Its valid and legitimate to accept scholarly papers published by those with the expertise to do so. We can track over time, those who have been right on consistantly and on certain areas within their field of endeavor. Sheriff Gil Gilbertson in definitely one of those. He knows his field and his rights and responsibilities under his jurisdiction and has eloquently stated them with massive links to back it all up. That is why I say, this says it all, and I have nothing to add.
FUND RAISING TIME AGAIN. Its one day past our normal time due to the internet being down here in my town for almost 2 days now. We could not do our blogs or fund raising campaign. Now we are back up and asking for donations toward our $350 deficit this month. If you can afford it, we appeal to you to donate to our cause to keep truth exposed and lies distroyed so we can prepare based on reality.... so help us do that so we can stay on the net to over come the treason being done by our MSM, both left and right.
Thank you for all your support over these many years. I am still trying to find a way to fund this deficit without fund raising. So far, no luck, but I am not giving up, so hang with us until we do. Thank you again and God bless you and your family.
Oregon Sheriff Gil Gilbertson Gives Federal Agents The Boot: Feds Have No Jurisdiction
By Admin, Political Velcraft, October 19, 2011
In this climate it is utterly unheard of to have any official stand against the federal government. Typically, they stand with them – their hand out for more federal grants – no matter how much the federal government violates the U.S. Constitution and infringes on the public. Thankfully there are those few who take their oaths of office and to the Constitution, with sincerity, and instead they choose to fight for the people; fight for what is true and just.
As we have said many times, "This is NOT a fast food information site", rather an educational site and that requires "reading" all that was researched and historically upheld as the case. If we wish to prevail in this battle for control of our nation, between the foreign occupiers of our nation, and the will of the people, then we best educate ourselves. If we do not wish to research, then we must begin reading those who do.
Its valid and legitimate to accept scholarly papers published by those with the expertise to do so. We can track over time, those who have been right on consistantly and on certain areas within their field of endeavor. Sheriff Gil Gilbertson in definitely one of those. He knows his field and his rights and responsibilities under his jurisdiction and has eloquently stated them with massive links to back it all up. That is why I say, this says it all, and I have nothing to add.
FUND RAISING TIME AGAIN. Its one day past our normal time due to the internet being down here in my town for almost 2 days now. We could not do our blogs or fund raising campaign. Now we are back up and asking for donations toward our $350 deficit this month. If you can afford it, we appeal to you to donate to our cause to keep truth exposed and lies distroyed so we can prepare based on reality.... so help us do that so we can stay on the net to over come the treason being done by our MSM, both left and right.
Thank you for all your support over these many years. I am still trying to find a way to fund this deficit without fund raising. So far, no luck, but I am not giving up, so hang with us until we do. Thank you again and God bless you and your family.
Oregon Sheriff Gil Gilbertson Gives Federal Agents The Boot: Feds Have No Jurisdiction
By Admin, Political Velcraft, October 19, 2011
In this climate it is utterly unheard of to have any official stand against the federal government. Typically, they stand with them – their hand out for more federal grants – no matter how much the federal government violates the U.S. Constitution and infringes on the public. Thankfully there are those few who take their oaths of office and to the Constitution, with sincerity, and instead they choose to fight for the people; fight for what is true and just.
The Democratic presidential debate, by the numbers
Vatic Note: We had no internet service yesterday and part of today. I pointed out that it was a strange coincidence that outage coincided with our traditional first day of fund raising. That is why you did not find any blogs from us on here all day today, and they will be late coming up tonight for tomorrows blogs.
If you are going to attack someone, hitting them in the pocketbook, is a good place to start..... so now, the question is "Do I think this was done on purpose?" I genuinely do not know and cannot say one way or the other, however, stuff like this is happening frequently down here in Rural America.
The only place here, that does not seem to be affected by much is our very spanking brand new WALMART, recently injected into a town of only 6,000 people and a county, (one of the largest in land size, in Colorado,) with a population of only 12,000 people and many of those are 2nd homes for the summer time here.
Yes, this is the same Walmart that has Rothschild on their board of Directors, which is an indication of Rothschild ownership of stock, but also one of the guides for the direction of the company, so if it is true and they are actively participating in our selective censorship, then it must be true that the bankers have a very heavy hand into this for their illuminati Masters.
Or this black out could just be a typical internet blip that does happen on occasion and the timing is just a coincidence. As for this article below, its important because Hillary Clinton is the khazars choice for President. But first she has to leap the primary hurdle and then take on Donald Trump in the general, which may well be her downfall.
Both sides of the Political spectrum, GOP and Dems, are attacking "The 'truth telling Donald', like I had never seen before in any campaign or race for President and I am an old broad. The other side of that coin, is the deceptive agenda of the Khazars and overall, they have been very successful in that area. Keep in mind these Israeli Khazars own the press and that is who is attacking Trump.
The second debate was clearly a set up against Donald, but it was not possible to tell who the powers that be wanted to win the GOP nomination. The field is pretty pathetic indeed. Bush is a proven criminal, and traitor so he is out for sure. If he is not, then we get what we deserve. The rest are truly uninspiring.
Are the Powers that be, "pretending" to not want Donald, so that the GOP would split the vote for nomination which means it could go to one of the other GOP politico's/party hacks forcing Trump to go independent, and thus split the COP vote in the general election, which would ensure a Clinton win. That also seems to be a real possibility.
FUND RAISING TIME AGAIN. Its one day past our normal time due to the internet being down here in my town for almost 2 days now. We could not do our blogs or fund raising campaign. Now we are back up and asking for donations toward our $350 deficit this month. If you can afford it, we appeal to you to donate to our cause to keep truth exposed and lies distroyed so we can prepare based on reality.... so help us do that so we can stay on the net to over come the treason being done by our MSM, both left and right.
Thank you for all your support over these many years. I am still trying to find a way to fund this deficit without fund raising. So far, no luck, but I am not giving up, so hang with us until we do. Thank you again and God bless you and your family.
The Democratic presidential debate, by the numbers
By Cate Martel , Theodoric Meyer and Jesse Rifkin, Politico, October 13, 2015
Read more:
When the Republican presidential candidates have met to debate this cycle, they’ve repeatedly gone after Hillary Clinton.
But when the Democratic candidates squared off for the first time in Las Vegas on Tuesday night, they managed to mentioned the Republican frontrunner Donald Trump only twice. And Jeb Bush, Ben Carson and a dozen other GOP candidates weren’t mentioned at all.
If you are going to attack someone, hitting them in the pocketbook, is a good place to start..... so now, the question is "Do I think this was done on purpose?" I genuinely do not know and cannot say one way or the other, however, stuff like this is happening frequently down here in Rural America.
The only place here, that does not seem to be affected by much is our very spanking brand new WALMART, recently injected into a town of only 6,000 people and a county, (one of the largest in land size, in Colorado,) with a population of only 12,000 people and many of those are 2nd homes for the summer time here.
Yes, this is the same Walmart that has Rothschild on their board of Directors, which is an indication of Rothschild ownership of stock, but also one of the guides for the direction of the company, so if it is true and they are actively participating in our selective censorship, then it must be true that the bankers have a very heavy hand into this for their illuminati Masters.
Or this black out could just be a typical internet blip that does happen on occasion and the timing is just a coincidence. As for this article below, its important because Hillary Clinton is the khazars choice for President. But first she has to leap the primary hurdle and then take on Donald Trump in the general, which may well be her downfall.
Both sides of the Political spectrum, GOP and Dems, are attacking "The 'truth telling Donald', like I had never seen before in any campaign or race for President and I am an old broad. The other side of that coin, is the deceptive agenda of the Khazars and overall, they have been very successful in that area. Keep in mind these Israeli Khazars own the press and that is who is attacking Trump.
The second debate was clearly a set up against Donald, but it was not possible to tell who the powers that be wanted to win the GOP nomination. The field is pretty pathetic indeed. Bush is a proven criminal, and traitor so he is out for sure. If he is not, then we get what we deserve. The rest are truly uninspiring.
Are the Powers that be, "pretending" to not want Donald, so that the GOP would split the vote for nomination which means it could go to one of the other GOP politico's/party hacks forcing Trump to go independent, and thus split the COP vote in the general election, which would ensure a Clinton win. That also seems to be a real possibility.
FUND RAISING TIME AGAIN. Its one day past our normal time due to the internet being down here in my town for almost 2 days now. We could not do our blogs or fund raising campaign. Now we are back up and asking for donations toward our $350 deficit this month. If you can afford it, we appeal to you to donate to our cause to keep truth exposed and lies distroyed so we can prepare based on reality.... so help us do that so we can stay on the net to over come the treason being done by our MSM, both left and right.
Thank you for all your support over these many years. I am still trying to find a way to fund this deficit without fund raising. So far, no luck, but I am not giving up, so hang with us until we do. Thank you again and God bless you and your family.
The Democratic presidential debate, by the numbers
By Cate Martel , Theodoric Meyer and Jesse Rifkin, Politico, October 13, 2015
Read more:
When the Republican presidential candidates have met to debate this cycle, they’ve repeatedly gone after Hillary Clinton.
But when the Democratic candidates squared off for the first time in Las Vegas on Tuesday night, they managed to mentioned the Republican frontrunner Donald Trump only twice. And Jeb Bush, Ben Carson and a dozen other GOP candidates weren’t mentioned at all.
Vatic Note: What an excellent analysis this is. He does a superb job in touching on the truly important points of these issues. I find it interesting that these SUV's and trucks, especially the white ones with or without logos, happen to be the same color and choices of SUV and trucks, as that bought by Homeland Security for use as a police state spying vehicle for use on American soil. I see them everywhere, all the time and I actually ask who ever is driving, if they work for Homeland Security and get a surprised look on their faces, and basically, a question that says "how did you know???"
I have said all along that Homeland Security is nothing less than the bogus terrorist group called "storm troopers" created by the Rothschild funded Zionazi's of Germany in WW II, to use against their own people and now they are proving it by their uses here. They are building a terrorist organization under the legal cover of government that is foreign occupied, like Germany was during WW II and ironically by the exact same khazar Rothschild bankers.
These are soul-less/spiritless people, so they lack ingenuity and creativity, thus they "always" use what has worked in the past for them, and drill it to death. Because of that, they get caught every time by those who study history. That is exactly the case here and now. No wonder they don't like RH neg blood.
By Black Catte, Four winds 10, October 8, 2015
October 08, 2015 "Information Clearing House" - "Off-Guardian" - SIS. Murky, masked, terrifying Bad Guys.
Islamic hardliners, doing unspeakably ghastly things in faraway sandy places. A horde poised to be unleashed on the innocent everywhere. They merge in the Jungian western mind with race memories of the Saracen, that other convenient boogey man from a previous and ultimately ill-fated bid to make strategic conquest into a moral Crusade.
I have said all along that Homeland Security is nothing less than the bogus terrorist group called "storm troopers" created by the Rothschild funded Zionazi's of Germany in WW II, to use against their own people and now they are proving it by their uses here. They are building a terrorist organization under the legal cover of government that is foreign occupied, like Germany was during WW II and ironically by the exact same khazar Rothschild bankers.
These are soul-less/spiritless people, so they lack ingenuity and creativity, thus they "always" use what has worked in the past for them, and drill it to death. Because of that, they get caught every time by those who study history. That is exactly the case here and now. No wonder they don't like RH neg blood.
By Black Catte, Four winds 10, October 8, 2015
October 08, 2015 "Information Clearing House" - "Off-Guardian" - SIS. Murky, masked, terrifying Bad Guys.
Islamic hardliners, doing unspeakably ghastly things in faraway sandy places. A horde poised to be unleashed on the innocent everywhere. They merge in the Jungian western mind with race memories of the Saracen, that other convenient boogey man from a previous and ultimately ill-fated bid to make strategic conquest into a moral Crusade.
Oregon Ranchers Declared Terrorists and Sent Back to Prison
Vatic Note: Well, our Agricultural industry has been under attack for a long time. I suspect they are trying to rid us of the "family farm" and family "ranches", and give the land to the "Agricorps" to replace them. That would certainly ensure total control of the population through food control. I keep thinking of the way the bankers play with the farmers, first by encouraging them into debt, then lending to them under terrible terms that almost ensure their loss of their ranch or farm and thus loss of the industry to families, locally.
The animals are worse off because of it, just by the unnatural way they are bred, raised and killed, by these agricorps. The animals used to be treated, by the family farmers as part of their family. That process, used by the agricorps, has had a direct affect on the condition of the food we are fed and thus will affect our health and our DNA as Monsanto has proven.
Ask yourselves, why was our food production shifted away from American farms and sent down to South America? Why is Saudi Arabia buying up huge tracks of land in Africa to grow plant food and raise cattle? Finally, how does all this below tie into the answers to those other questions?
Add to all of that, the obvious double standard laid down by the "Peoples owned government" and the actions of the depts under the government who did worse violations than these two ranchers. Just the standard of "Equal treatment under the law", was so blatantly violated, that the court should have thrown this out immediately.
What is worse, is the "intent to commit a felony" was not there at all and that means that standard for "we, the people" has also been discarded without the peoples consent. But then they are trying to globalize and what this is showing us, is just how bad for "The people".... globalizing is going to be.
Under our previous system, the "accident" would have been treated as negligence and thus it would be a civil action, and it would have been enforced across the board with both the people and the agency who also did the same thing. I would love to read the written decision on that case and compare it to the one against these two farmers.
You read and decide. Its coming to the point where we all have to decide just what kind of country we want to live in for all of us. I personally, am not interested in a dictatorial oligarchy, but then I was raised at the peak of this country's greatness and our freedoms. I want both back again. Then I want to see these foreign agents who have taken over our gov, thrown out of this country, sent packing and never let them back in again.
Oregon Ranchers Declared Terrorists and Sent Back to Prison
By Northern AGdotnet, October 8, 2015
The animals are worse off because of it, just by the unnatural way they are bred, raised and killed, by these agricorps. The animals used to be treated, by the family farmers as part of their family. That process, used by the agricorps, has had a direct affect on the condition of the food we are fed and thus will affect our health and our DNA as Monsanto has proven.
Ask yourselves, why was our food production shifted away from American farms and sent down to South America? Why is Saudi Arabia buying up huge tracks of land in Africa to grow plant food and raise cattle? Finally, how does all this below tie into the answers to those other questions?
Add to all of that, the obvious double standard laid down by the "Peoples owned government" and the actions of the depts under the government who did worse violations than these two ranchers. Just the standard of "Equal treatment under the law", was so blatantly violated, that the court should have thrown this out immediately.
What is worse, is the "intent to commit a felony" was not there at all and that means that standard for "we, the people" has also been discarded without the peoples consent. But then they are trying to globalize and what this is showing us, is just how bad for "The people".... globalizing is going to be.
Under our previous system, the "accident" would have been treated as negligence and thus it would be a civil action, and it would have been enforced across the board with both the people and the agency who also did the same thing. I would love to read the written decision on that case and compare it to the one against these two farmers.
You read and decide. Its coming to the point where we all have to decide just what kind of country we want to live in for all of us. I personally, am not interested in a dictatorial oligarchy, but then I was raised at the peak of this country's greatness and our freedoms. I want both back again. Then I want to see these foreign agents who have taken over our gov, thrown out of this country, sent packing and never let them back in again.
Oregon Ranchers Declared Terrorists and Sent Back to Prison
By Northern AGdotnet, October 8, 2015
Illuminati Whistleblower "They Worship lucifer"
Vatic Note: This woman is very courageous and has put forth information and confirms other info that we knew about. She goes through the indoctrination process she experienced and gets into serious detail about the Lucus Trust in the United Nations, and what it was like to be raised as an illuminati child. Its actually new information and appears to be very detailed and she even mentions an air force base, with prisons or cages they put these kids into when they were being "trained".
I won't expose any more since so much has been included with respect to the Satanism, and growing up and memories of what all happened to these kids. Its one of the most "illuminated" presentations I have ever heard. She does an excellent job doing this exposure. Please listen to the video all the way through. Some of these revelations are brand new for me and very detailed about Satan and Satanism, and possession of humans by these demonic beings.
Enough from me and now into the video itself.
Illuminati Whistleblower "They Worship lucifer"
Illuminati Whistleblower "They Worship lucifer"
Carolyn reveals how the Illuminati worship lucifer and are setting the stage for the antichrist to take control of "the new world order". Carolyn discusses mind control, child abuse, satanic rituals and reveals how the illuminati really feel about Jesus Christ.
"For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places."
Ephesians 6:12
I won't expose any more since so much has been included with respect to the Satanism, and growing up and memories of what all happened to these kids. Its one of the most "illuminated" presentations I have ever heard. She does an excellent job doing this exposure. Please listen to the video all the way through. Some of these revelations are brand new for me and very detailed about Satan and Satanism, and possession of humans by these demonic beings.
Enough from me and now into the video itself.
Illuminati Whistleblower "They Worship lucifer"
Published on Jul 18, 2013
Carolyn reveals how the Illuminati worship lucifer and are setting the stage for the antichrist to take control of "the new world order". Carolyn discusses mind control, child abuse, satanic rituals and reveals how the illuminati really feel about Jesus Christ.
"For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places."
Ephesians 6:12
A Decisive Shift In The Power Balance Has Occurred between Russia and the USA, with Russia as the Winner.
Vatic Note: I put this up because it highlights more than anything else I could put up, just how deceptive these foreign power mongers are and how effective they have been in playing the "CONTROLLED OPPOSITION". Its patently clear now, and sheeples are waking up like never before, just how and WHO is doing all of this. This is a very long and comprehensive Vatic Note, so please read it all the way through before getting into the body of the article.
That way, when you read the article you will see exactly how it fits with my contention that this below is simply controlled opposition with an agenda in favor of the bad guys. Its to get us to weaken our nation in favor of an enemy nation so we don't fight so hard to overcome them. The Russian people are as much victims of this BS as we are, so lets give each other a break and refuse to fight in their bogus wars.
Remember in the old days when everything was "MUSLIMS" are doing it, but those of us doing research knew it was not true, but could not get anyone to listen. That has all changed, Big time! Rockefeller was right, He said in his committee meeting "THE INTERNET IS RUINING EVERYTHING" and an illum insider exposed how far behind the powers that be are in achieving their goal of global domination.
They are currently 15 years behind. It was all suppose to be done by the year 2000 and they finally had to resort to 9-11 to break the log jam that the American people were putting up. Further, the protocols of the elders were PROVEN to be true and done by the International Jewish Congress, under the thumb of Rothschild, and Khazars, NOT JEWS. That 1897 document had a blueprint for global domination ourlined in it, and it is exactly what we are seeing today as it unfolds.
What has happened since then??? Every single false flag attempt to get our guns has, not only failed miserably, but has also exposed just how much the powers that be, "believe", they have to get those guns and it resulted in massive increases in gun and ammo purchases. I remember such record breaking sales continually happening over a one year period.
At the same time, the MSM got outted and they are now down to only 10% approval rating which is a record low. Look at the primary races at least in the GOP, where a complete outsider is out-polling all the insiders supported by our foreign occupying government. Whether you approve of Trump or not, his straight talking and honest disclosures have overpowered the politically correct and Israeli khazar manipulations within the primary races.
The party faithfuls/VOTERS and election workers, are taking a hard look at an outsider and that has not happened in decades. Its why the khazar owned press are beating him up viciously. That last debate proved it. The moderators of the debate blatantly tried to get the other candidates to beat up on trump and it didn't work.
Now for this below, its simply more of the "CONTROLLED OPPOSITION" effort on the khazars part. First, lets take a hard look at Putin. He was head of the KGB at the same time Bush Sr was head of the CIA. Further, it was the khazars that, with the financing of Wall Street Bankers, conducted and took control of the so called revolution and murdered the czar and his entire family so they could not rise again to threat them. That is how much power and control they have had since that revolution.
Putin would not be sitting where he is today and alive and well, if he were truly opposing these khazars. Like another wealthy traitor in Russia, he would have been assassinated. So, this is like WW II, where both sides are controlled by the khazar bankers and the entire war is scripted to maximize the results wanted by the banking elite. Albert Pike, in 1871 gave us in writing the need for 3 world wars and listed the objectives of each. The last world war, which is III, is for the purposes of having the Muslims and Christians kill each other off and leave the Zionists standing.
That not only achieves their depopulation goals, they listed in 1974 on the Georgia guidestones, but it also brings in mega profits in lending to both sides of the war, weapons manufacturing, planes, etc, as well as massive destruction of civilian infrastructure, that would need to be rebuilt, and resulting in the banker/corporate owners of all of this, receiving massive profits from such enterprise with massive debt from which these bankers would receive massive interest payments off our taxes.
That does not include the drug companies making a killing (sorry for the pun) off the maiming, wounded, dying and dead on both sides, from the bogus false flag war. It also reduces the resistance by religious people to the satanic ones perversions of unprecedented levels. Remember, they murdered millions of Christian people after the Russian revolution and Germans after WW II. And recently, using our military, murdered millions of Muslims in many different Muslim countries. So they are moving forward without a hitch. Having said that let me also make it clear that the "hitch" is coming soon.
A Decisive Shift In The Power Balance Has Occurred
By Paul Craig Roberts, October 11, 2015
The world is beginning to realize that a seachange in world affairs occured on September 28 when President Putin of Russia stated in his UN speech that Russia can no longer tolerate Washington’s vicious, stupid, and failed policies that have unleashed chaos, which is engulfing the Middle East and now Europe. Two days later, Russia took over the military situation in Syria and began the destruction of the Islamic State forces.
The world is beginning to realize that a seachange in world affairs occured on September 28 when President Putin of Russia stated in his UN speech that Russia can no longer tolerate Washington’s vicious, stupid, and failed policies that have unleashed chaos, which is engulfing the Middle East and now Europe. Two days later, Russia took over the military situation in Syria and began the destruction of the Islamic State forces.
India Permits Free Energy Technology Despite Threat from UK, US, Saudi Arabia (and Israel????)
Vatic Note: We did a blog confirming that George HW Bush was in fact the infiltrating nazi Zionist, Sherff, and these people below in Nazi Germany confirm that George HW was the one who was an assistant to Tesla. Tesla's technology is the basis, with additional science, for free energy, and shortly after his discovery, The Nazi's of the USA's project paperclip murdered Tesla to prevent his technology from being aired publically.
Since then, another genius from India, taking Teslas foundation and making into a useable, saleable commodity, which really got the dirty energy crowd mad and of course Sherff, or as we know him here, Mr. Bush, saw to it that Sherf disappear for good. This was the most fascinating read, and one of the most hopeful I have read in a long time. Taking control of energy away from the globalists was not only a "good" idea, but is proving to be essential.
This is very educational, and a real possibility in our near future. Can you imagine what it will be like when energy is free or a minimal charge at the best. Did the Egyptians have free energy in their country very early on??? After you read this you will see just how strong that possibility is.
India Permits Free Energy Technology Despite Threat from UK, US, Saudi Arabia
posted by Tapestry, Tap News Wire, September 24, 2015
considers its own free energy program a matter of national pride, and
is very much willing to risk antagonizing Petrodollar countries with its
support on Reactionless AC Synchronous Generator (RLG) invented by its
own Paramahamsa Tewari, an electrical engineer and former Executive
Director of Nuclear Power Corporation of India.
Since then, another genius from India, taking Teslas foundation and making into a useable, saleable commodity, which really got the dirty energy crowd mad and of course Sherff, or as we know him here, Mr. Bush, saw to it that Sherf disappear for good. This was the most fascinating read, and one of the most hopeful I have read in a long time. Taking control of energy away from the globalists was not only a "good" idea, but is proving to be essential.
This is very educational, and a real possibility in our near future. Can you imagine what it will be like when energy is free or a minimal charge at the best. Did the Egyptians have free energy in their country very early on??? After you read this you will see just how strong that possibility is.
India Permits Free Energy Technology Despite Threat from UK, US, Saudi Arabia
posted by Tapestry, Tap News Wire, September 24, 2015

Zionist Ted Cruz Praises Rothschild’s “State” Of Israel: Gets Booed Off Stage At D.C. Conference.
Vatic Note: Well, that certainly clarifies Zionist Ted Cruz's stand with respect to the international Khazar bankers..... he is definitely owned. The good news is the public is waking up big time and now realizes the only way around the foreign nations that control our elected officials, is to NOT VOTE for either of the khazar candidates, rather vote for the non affiliated GOP or dem in the next general election..
Notice, once again, not one word about Khazars, by either the MSM or the Khazar owned Alternative press and they also forgot to mention the "REAL JEWS" had to seek asylum in London and New York from the khazar zionists of Israel.
Zionist Ted Cruz Praises Rothschild’s “State” Of Israel: Gets Booed Off Stage At D.C. Conference.
By Admin, Political VelCraft, September 11, 2015
Notice, once again, not one word about Khazars, by either the MSM or the Khazar owned Alternative press and they also forgot to mention the "REAL JEWS" had to seek asylum in London and New York from the khazar zionists of Israel.
Zionist Ted Cruz Praises Rothschild’s “State” Of Israel: Gets Booed Off Stage At D.C. Conference.
By Admin, Political VelCraft, September 11, 2015
US Gov’t Agents Involved In Almost Every Major Terror Plot Since 9/11
Vatic Note: Remember, the FBI of this country is under the control AND DIRECTION OF HOMELAND SECURITY. And who runs DHS??? You guessed it, the Israeli Khazars as evidenced by the ADL and the SPLC sitting on its advisory board, and by the billion rounds of ammo they bought. Who is that for? What enemy is the DHS preparing to attack?
The first two Secretarys of DHS were both Khazars. I am sure we all remember Paulson.... CEO of Goldman Sachs here in the US, became our US Secretary of our Treasury and Chertoff and Napolitano, both Khazars, were the first DHS secretaries of that dept. That explains everything they have done since being appointed, and it includes this below.
US Gov’t Agents Involved In Almost Every Major Terror Plot Since 9/11
By Kit O'Connell, Mint Press News, Sept 8, 2015
“The FBI is much better at creating terrorists than it is at catching terrorists,” said an investigative journalist that specializes in these cases.
WASHINGTON — Since 9/11, agencies like the FBI have been tasked with preventing the next terrorist attack. However, in their zeal to catch terrorists before they strike, they’ve created more terrorist plots than any actual terror groups.
The first two Secretarys of DHS were both Khazars. I am sure we all remember Paulson.... CEO of Goldman Sachs here in the US, became our US Secretary of our Treasury and Chertoff and Napolitano, both Khazars, were the first DHS secretaries of that dept. That explains everything they have done since being appointed, and it includes this below.
US Gov’t Agents Involved In Almost Every Major Terror Plot Since 9/11
By Kit O'Connell, Mint Press News, Sept 8, 2015
“The FBI is much better at creating terrorists than it is at catching terrorists,” said an investigative journalist that specializes in these cases.
WASHINGTON — Since 9/11, agencies like the FBI have been tasked with preventing the next terrorist attack. However, in their zeal to catch terrorists before they strike, they’ve created more terrorist plots than any actual terror groups.
Roseburg Oregon Residents Stun Obama With Unexpected Message
Vatic Note: Does this surprise me? Not really, since we can't prove, but we suspect, that this was just another false flag in a series of false flags to try and take our guns, its unlikely they will welcome him with open arms and his blatant show of a lack of humanity and compassion for the victims families, was the icing on the psychopathic cake. Thats a khazar for ya!!!! You can tell, since they have absolutely no clue how to fake behaving human toward such tragedies.
He is just going to show up for the backdrop for announcing his EO he intends to sign for gun control. The good news is, our country banned gun control and our state Constitution gives local laws precedence over both state and federal laws to do with the county.
Bad news is, we don't know our sheriff well enough to know if he will stand with "the people" and not the power structure..... but I suspect we will find out soon enough. The next question is "what will his sheriffs that live here do? Will they defend us or the power structure, or stand with the sheriff? Going to be an interesting test. If he signs an EO banning guns, then game, set, match, if we do nothing.
Roseburg Oregon Residents Stun Obama With Unexpected Message
Members of the Roseburg, Oregon community have spoken out about a potential visit from President Obama, and they are not overly welcoming. In an interview with Bill O’Reilly (FOX News), a well respected community member spoke out against a visit from Obama. Resident David Jaques has said that much of the community feels this way.
He is just going to show up for the backdrop for announcing his EO he intends to sign for gun control. The good news is, our country banned gun control and our state Constitution gives local laws precedence over both state and federal laws to do with the county.
Bad news is, we don't know our sheriff well enough to know if he will stand with "the people" and not the power structure..... but I suspect we will find out soon enough. The next question is "what will his sheriffs that live here do? Will they defend us or the power structure, or stand with the sheriff? Going to be an interesting test. If he signs an EO banning guns, then game, set, match, if we do nothing.
Roseburg Oregon Residents Stun Obama With Unexpected Message
Members of the Roseburg, Oregon community have spoken out about a potential visit from President Obama, and they are not overly welcoming. In an interview with Bill O’Reilly (FOX News), a well respected community member spoke out against a visit from Obama. Resident David Jaques has said that much of the community feels this way.
“I think the president will not be welcomed into the community,” said Jacques, publisher of the Roseburg Beacon. “And that is not just my opinion.”
Jacques explained that his staff had spoken to “dozens upon dozens of citizens,” including family members of the victims, elected officials, Douglas County commissioners, the Douglas County sheriff and the local chief of police.
“(They) all came to consensus language about him not being welcome here to grandstand for political purposes,” Jacques continued.President Obama wasted no time the day of the shooting to once again take a stand for gun control. Much of the details had not even been sorted out yet before he spoke, leaving a bad impression with town residents.
Have the Illums infiltrated the Vatican??? It appears so, just Listen to This Pope
Vatic Note: Notice, the Pope thanks "Congress" (controlled by the Khazars) for the "INVITATION" to speak. So why? I am sure he did not give what would be a normal address of a religious figure, because he was probably told NOT TO mention God or to pray. The Khazars are Satanist and would not want God invoked. If Pope francis is a plant of the Khazars, which may well be the case, then, of course, he will not invoke God or Jesus.
It is clearly in the protocols linked on this site off to the right, that the khazars intend to blame the vatican and freemasonry for all the khazars do to achieve domination over this world and its population. In fact, they intend to do away with Christianity altogether and thus RELIGIOUS FREEDOM.
Its in the Noahide Laws of the Khazars that mentioning Christ is a "crime" and punishable by "DECAPITATION". Bush Sr signed the resolution that removed the American legal system from the 10 commandments, to the Noahide laws.
That was how I knew that those decapitating Syrian Christians were not Jewish, Muslim or anything, other than Khazars calling themselves Jews. They are tired of the global rule that says "acts that harm others are a crime and punishable by a prison term."
Well, they infiltrated both Catholic Church and Freemasonry, similar to their infiltration of all first world top level governments and military, so this could very well be true, but lets keep our eye on WHO THE REAL PERPS ARE and not their deceptive fronts that they control.
If we go after anyone it should be the international khazar bankers and Their conspiracy partners who are traitors to our various nations, and no one else. No third world war.
By Geoffrey Grider, Fourwinds10, September 26, 2016
In an ironic twist. he left out the fact that the Vatican is the world’s richest corporation and has incalculable riches within it’s vaults.
“And I saw three unclean spirits like frogs come out of the mouth of the dragon, and out of the mouth of the beast, and out of the mouth of the false prophet.” Revelation 16:13 (KJV)
In an ironic twist. he left out the fact that the Vatican is the world’s richest corporation and has incalculable riches within it’s vaults.
Pope Francis speaking before Congress this morning did something highly unusual for a “man of God”, he didn’t open up in prayer. He did not invoke God in any way, shape or form. Instead, he jumped right into preaching the Laodicean gospel of social justice.
It is clearly in the protocols linked on this site off to the right, that the khazars intend to blame the vatican and freemasonry for all the khazars do to achieve domination over this world and its population. In fact, they intend to do away with Christianity altogether and thus RELIGIOUS FREEDOM.
Its in the Noahide Laws of the Khazars that mentioning Christ is a "crime" and punishable by "DECAPITATION". Bush Sr signed the resolution that removed the American legal system from the 10 commandments, to the Noahide laws.
That was how I knew that those decapitating Syrian Christians were not Jewish, Muslim or anything, other than Khazars calling themselves Jews. They are tired of the global rule that says "acts that harm others are a crime and punishable by a prison term."
Well, they infiltrated both Catholic Church and Freemasonry, similar to their infiltration of all first world top level governments and military, so this could very well be true, but lets keep our eye on WHO THE REAL PERPS ARE and not their deceptive fronts that they control.
If we go after anyone it should be the international khazar bankers and Their conspiracy partners who are traitors to our various nations, and no one else. No third world war.
By Geoffrey Grider, Fourwinds10, September 26, 2016
In an ironic twist. he left out the fact that the Vatican is the world’s richest corporation and has incalculable riches within it’s vaults.
“And I saw three unclean spirits like frogs come out of the mouth of the dragon, and out of the mouth of the beast, and out of the mouth of the false prophet.” Revelation 16:13 (KJV)
In an ironic twist. he left out the fact that the Vatican is the world’s richest corporation and has incalculable riches within it’s vaults.
Pope Francis speaking before Congress this morning did something highly unusual for a “man of God”, he didn’t open up in prayer. He did not invoke God in any way, shape or form. Instead, he jumped right into preaching the Laodicean gospel of social justice.
Jewish Ritual Murder Revisited:The Hidden Cult [FULL & HD]
Vatic Note: This is a must watch video and its going to be important to ponder the info, and my vatic comments throughout below. The evil ones have an agenda or they would not have published Barrack Obama's gun control message and since all violent episodes using guns were proven to be false flags, then its important for us to understand just how badly they need to collect these guns or they are done here with their agenda and they know it and now so do we.
Keep vigilant and steady and LET THEM FIRE THE FIRST SHOT and we simply respond. Do not start anything. if they try, then they will have succeeded in pushing us into disarming through martial law. I wonder how they plan on getting around the "Dick Act"....? Anyway, read this below and watch.
Jewish Ritual Murder Revisited:The Hidden Cult [FULL & HD]
Keep vigilant and steady and LET THEM FIRE THE FIRST SHOT and we simply respond. Do not start anything. if they try, then they will have succeeded in pushing us into disarming through martial law. I wonder how they plan on getting around the "Dick Act"....? Anyway, read this below and watch.
Jewish Ritual Murder Revisited:The Hidden Cult [FULL & HD]
Published on Dec 2, 2014
Jewish Ritual Murder Revisited: The Hidden Cult.
It is an in-depth study that cites Dals study of this matter, as well as many other respected investigators who have researched this rather grisly topic. Complete documentary on the ritual abuse crimes of Jews (VN: Khazars.....) over the centuries.
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