*** Like I promised, I am going to tell you every single time they mess with this. It was scheduled for 5 am this morning and they changed it to 6 pm, so here it is, I just caught it. Sorry. Then I discovered they had removed all references to Hitlers top leaders homosexual and pedophilia activities. Boy, they do not want anything out there to do with this pedophilia scandel, it must be either big or critical to their agenda. Don't know which it is yet, but if this unravels it all, then it must carry major ramifications to their plans. I suppose if arrests begin everywhere this is going on, then their entire internal structure would fall apart and result in possible whistle blowers and release of plans and agendas that could blow the entire system for them, and that must be why they do this.... so lets keep digging and exposing as much as possible.
Vatic Note: What a stroke of luck this is. We had put up a previous blog about the porno Scandals? An anonymous commenter provided this below and it was worth giving it a blog of its own rather than responding to it in the comments section. I am always amazed at what we don't know and what the press does not bother to look into or to tell us, but then if they did, it becomes part of history and they have already rewritten how they want future generations to read this period in time just like they did with nazi Germany. There was a holocaust alright, but someone forgot to mention it was the massacre not only of German POW's, which is a war crime in itself, but also a massacre of over 3 million ethnic Germans at the hands of the US and western countries along with the zionists, and that is a crime against humanity that no one has paid for yet. I say Yet. Read it all the way through, its not a fast food reading exercise, rather its an educational exercise the likes of which I had not seen before. Please do yourself and others a favor and read the whole thing. Thanks.
Sandusky, Pedophilila and the Titanic
Jerry Sandusky’s Case Touches Bigger Members Of America’s Power Elites
By Winsip Custer CPW News Service
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
While Jerry Sandusky maintains his innocence, his lawyer who reportedly impregnated an underage girl, agrees. Michael Jackson’s attorney, on the other hand, Mark Garegos, claims the case against Sandusky will fall apart because of assistant Penn State coach Mike McQueary’s equivocation. More victims are stepping forward, however...up to 10 new ones. Franco Harris says the Penn State Board of Directors acted prematurely in firing Joe Paterno and vouches his support even though it cost him his casino job at the Meadows Casino while Sandusky is claiming that a misinterpretation of his actions led to the criminal indictment.
Sandusky’s work beyond the college grid iron reveals the ties between American college sports and America’s historic power elites that is not being well-covered in the media frenzy according to one Penn State scandal watcher, Brian Laminature, of the citizen watchdog group, Better Than Bloodhounds.
“Pedophilia of this nature was rampant in Hitler’s Germany as evidenced by countless horror stories from Nazi concentration camps. Muscle, brawn, intimidation and repression of the weak is characteristic of a narcissistic and fascist mindset,” said Laminature.
"It is the greatest of all mistakes to do nothing because you can only do a little." ~ Sydney Smith
UPDATE 11/15/11 :"People to People" strategy #3 - Citizen Grand Juries
Vatic Diatribe: (Replacing the Vatic Note for this one blog. Warning, not for fast food information seekers.) Here is an update on where to begin with this process. Begin by kicking the prosecutor out of the jury room, if he resists or tries to block the defense when they have their turn and look at the defenses request for witnesses. The article below shows how justice was done when they kicked the controlling prosecutor out of the room. Our fellow citizens deserve no less. Then conduct your own investigation by calling those defense witnesses and look at the defences documents and proofs, then you can take control of that jury like it was intended as you will see below. Then determine if there is sufficient probable cause and if the law is fair AND TRULY CRIMINAL, NOT JUST SOME CRIMINALIZED CIVIL OFFENSE THAT USED TO BE HANDLE BY CIVIL COURTS LIKE IRS, WHICH DOES NOT REQUIRE JAIL TIME, and and determine if its a just law and if its being properly applied in that case and and does it do "JUSTICE" which is what the law is suppose to afford everyone, do all this BEFORE you issue an indictment. Once we do that , and get good at it, then we can enpanel grand juries on our own to prosecute those officials blatantly breaking the law. It was what the Grand Jury was intended to do. Keep government honest. Now because we don't do that anymore, they are more dishonest than ever as you will see with the blog we put up about lobbying and Abramoff who said it was rampid in congress.
So, Here is the reason we are pursuing this Concept of "Citizen Empaneled Grand Jury".... this below in this vatic note and in the article below that shows WHY and HOW BAD our judicial system has gotten. A man who was out of work and looking for work, I know, I used to give him rides because he lost his car, was sentenced to jail for not paying child support and the judge called it "contempt of court" for the victim, who has no criminal record, in order to throw him in jail.
The "contempt" charge according to the judge was because he disobeyed the judges order for him to pay the child support that he did not have. Now how just is that, if he is not working and has tried, in this economy, to find work? Otherwise, the law regarding this is not a criminal law in our state, rather a civil offense. This was a new judge sent to us by the powers that be. Now that the judge arbitrarily decided to criminalize being out of work, has insured that the man thrown in jail, can't find work, can't earn a living, and will probably lose the rental he is currently living in with landlord confiscation of his very few possessions including tools he needs, from his previous trade in construction.
Its impossible to find work when you are homeless. You can't take a shower, no phone, no food, no cooking, no laundry for clean clothes to search for work, and no tools to show for finding such work, etc. That sent me back to our previous strategy and I am going to try to find enough of us here that can do and practice trying to set up a rogue grand jury with an indictment against the judge for perverting the law to obtain the results he wanted against this man. I will let you know how it goes. In the mean time please read this below and see just how perversion and "interestingly coincidental" that this is happening all across the country to undermine the role of citizens in the Grand Jury and regular jury process. Is this another plank of the globalizing and now filtering down into local communities where we can do something about it? Here we are not as helpless as we feel at the international and national level. Here is where we can control, so lets see if we can do that.
Wall Street Does not Discriminate in Conducting their Fraud
Vatic Note: Listen carefully to the video. This really surprised me. The fraud must be even worse than we suspected when an experienced trader gets conned and ripped off, now I know why Keiser is so mad at Goldman Sachs. They finally went after the bigger money on the markets by taking down the moderately big traders who trade daily and give advice to other traders. What was done to them is worse than ripping them off, it also affects their client base and as much as can put them out of business. With Celente and Max Keiser, they have parlayed their knowledge into pointing out the game to us and how it works and for that they are heroes since that means they will always be targets for the internationalists.
Gerald Celente: 'Get Ready For The Big Crash'
by Gerald Celente, Revolutionary Politics
Summary: Gerald is right. However, he should have known not to play the futures market. All fortunes in paper will be destroyed. If you don't own physical, you don't own it
The article is reproduced in accordance with Section 107 of title 17 of the Copyright Law of the United States relating to fair-use and is for the purposes of criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research.
Gerald Celente: 'Get Ready For The Big Crash'
by Gerald Celente, Revolutionary Politics
Summary: Gerald is right. However, he should have known not to play the futures market. All fortunes in paper will be destroyed. If you don't own physical, you don't own it
The article is reproduced in accordance with Section 107 of title 17 of the Copyright Law of the United States relating to fair-use and is for the purposes of criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research.
Is Herman Cain connected to The Porno Scandals?
*** well they changed the time up for this one from 5 am to 5 pm, so I just found it and have changed it back. Sorry. Its probably going to be this way so just keep checking back. Thanks for putting up with all this.
Vatic Note: This is up to note how far across the pantheon, this whole issue of corruption travels. The amount Cain needed to buy the GF pizza was the same amount missing from the Franklin Credit Union. That is simply a coincidence, but as most scientists say, "there are no coincidences." Add the other scandal to the missing CU money, and you have a perfect storm of corruption. Now this is put together through deductive reasoning, so take this for what it s worth and decide for yourselves. No one is saying anything except the facts below. Its a coincidence that Cain has been accused of rape, its a coincidence King runs a pedophile ring, its a coincidence Cain gets $40 million to buy the pizza chain and King is missing the same amount from the credit union. Many more coincidences are given below. People are sitting in jail right now based on circumstantial evidence (coincidences) on a lot less evidence than we see below. The guy did a good job on this. It certainly raises questions. .
Anonymous contributor Note:
Well folks. Seems someone needs to back this clown into a corner with questions about his connections to Larry King and that whole pedo/porno/prostitution and massive multimillion dollar CU theft scandal. It appears ol Hermie got the cash from Franklin to purchase the GF chain from Pilsbury. He also did not "turn it around" as his mythos states. This guy needs to be locked up for crimes like accessory to embezzlement and fraud. The current Penn State pedo scandal is cross linked to this mess. More on that to surface soon..Last edited by Revolution9; 11-14-2011
Did Cain Buy GodFathers Pizza With Pedophile King's Stolen 40 Million from Franklins CU?
Two black Republicans walk into a restaurant... in Omaha... in 1986... could be either of their joints. They both are in the restaurant biz. One of them sang for two presidents. The other wants to be president. Well, maybe they've never been in each other's restaurants and even though they both would gain notoriety for their banking skills, maybe they have never traded one thin dime. But Omaha is a great big small town...
In Herman Cain lore, the man singlehandedly saved Burger King (and it still takes two hands for Chuck Norris to handle a Whopper!), and so impressed were the powers that be at Pillsbury that they made Cain head doughboy in charge of the faltering Godfather's Pizza chain. Cain was able (sorry) to turn Godfather's around in 14 months! So wildly profitable, goes the yarn, that Pilsbury sold the chain. (Scoobie say, "hhhrrrrrunnnnhhh???") You don't often see the name of the buyers in this tale of food and glory, but it was a group of manager-investors lead by one... Herman Cain.
Godfather's was a mess, but not on the brink of bankruptcy. Still, the mission statement on their website declares that they aim "To profitably provide consistently good food and great service." Now, I personally wouldn't target "profitability" as Job 1 on my customer-accessible website along with toppings and coupons, but I digress. Anyway, the truth is that Godfather's was only on the brink of not being worth Pilsbury's time, and it stayed that way for two years under Cain. Then they sold it to him and his investor friends for a rather curious sum (more on that later).
Who were these investors who had money for the slice? This was 1988, and restaurants were and remain dodgy investments, especially when a huge food conglomerate is giving them a vote of no confidence. When adjusted for inflation, Cain's long reign over Godfather's saw a 46% drop in profits and Godfather's went from the 5th to the 11th ranked pizza chain in the United States (which explains that mission statement, all campaign rhetoric aside).
Omaha is tornado country, so when I say it's a great big small town, I'm talking acreage versus gossipy connectivity. It's flat and spread out with few tall buildings, but everyone is a whisper away from everyone else's business. It's not so big as to be home to two up-and-coming black Republicans with strong ties with the bigwigs in the Republican Party who could never cross paths. Restaurant people of all colors make it a point to know each other. To know what secrets wandering waiters and chefs may have taken with them as they move from job to job, etc... Wealthy Republicans are an even tighter clique. Wealthy black Republican restaurateurs in Omaha Nebraska in the late '80s were more likely to have been twins than not to have social if not business ties.
Lawrence E. King was a fixture in the Omaha black community. He had seen his opportunity gathering up black folks' money in a credit union known as the Franklin Credit Union, which he'd taken over in 1970. By 1976 there where whispers about this 300-pound socialite living large. There were minor stabs at investigating him, but the police did not want to be seen as the big bad white guys picking on the little ol' great big black man.
Tales of King entertaining guests with cocaine, hookers and hustlers were pervasive, but Omaha has some strange code of silence. It had been for many years a sort of mob neutral zone. "Tony might whack Vinnie in Chicago," but in Omaha their kids and wives would peacefully shop, play and picnic together. Drawing attention is not acceptable. Bush flew to Omaha on 9/11 in a very standard emergency protocol, and not one in ten Americans ever knew. Lily Tomlin and her partner Jane Wagner were a known couple around "The Big O" long before Lily came out. Omaha had lots of stories and still does, but none of them are news.
(VN: I saw Bush Land in Omaha that day on raw live feed and must have been a hundred people there to greet him and they were clapping and celebrating and he gave that satanic salute he does. I was appalled at the celebrating mood of the crowd and why they were celebrating with the President, when 12,000 people (most Americans) had just died in the worst terrorist attack in history ever done. I did not know until later in the live news cast that those were all Goldman Sachs people in Omaha, and I wonder how very lucky they were to be there at a meeting instead of in the twin towers frying or jumping to death like the other innocents who knew nothing about any of it. I never saw that live report again on replay or nightly news. Remember, the building at that time of day only had about 15,000 people in it when at that time of day it usually had 50,000 in it. That is when I knew Goldman Sachs was in on it.).
King-- who had been recruited by the RNC to get out the black Republican vote-- in his rise through the Republican ranks, was able to be the sum of their black best friends, as it were. He sang the national anthem at the 1984 and 1988 Republican conventions. In 1986, the Franklin Federal Credit Union moved into brand-new digs that also served as headquarters for King's burgeoning catering and food-service empire. King began making donations to the Omaha Press Club, the Republican Party and even gay rights organizations (especially those funding area youth programs).
Upon being told he had no style by a ten-year-old boy, he went shopping and became a clothes junkie, big-time-- thus earning the nickname "Reverend Alice." People really began talking. Franklin Federal Credit Union seemed to be all right until an audit of King's taxes revealed what appeared to be some missing funds. A phony "certificates of deposit" scheme. Initially it was thought that $400,000 had disappeared. Then $4 million. Ultimately $40 million was determined to have vanished.
The FBI raid of the credit union sparked rumors that drugs and child pornography were discovered in the lower levels of the facility. It had been whispered that King had used the basement of the credit union as a "waiter academy" to train young men (twinks and blinks) in the fine art of waiting tables for what was hopefully to become his restaurant empire. In an Omaha World Herald interview, he spoke about how he wanted his places to be real elegant; the waiters would wear white dinner jackets. But King's deeper desires were rumored to be something quite different.
There was a lot of recruiting going on for guys to come be part of King's catering business. Many teens and young men talked of being expected to "put out," and rumors of pornographic video shoots circulated in the gay and black communities. After the raid there was an investigation into what had become of the missing funds. Eventually a private investigator was hired by the state legislature to look into stories of an international child prostitution ring. He interviewed dozens of waiters and folks around Omaha who had been curious about King's lavish gifts and extravagant ways. But things seemed tempered by the fact that King hung out with presidents, and area journalists. And owned a bank, and a sushi bar and...
The investigator is said to have flown to Chicago to meet with a person who had damning photographic evidence as to what was going on in the bowels of Franklin. That investigator never made it back to Omaha. His plane mysteriously blew up on the return flight. Primary witnesses suddenly changed their stories, and those who did not were convicted of perjury. One rent boy who testified that he was farmed out to several closeted power brokers in and around Omaha died mysteriously in New Mexico.
King was convicted of bank fraud and served nearly 10 out of the 15 years to which he was sentenced, but the grand jury concluded that all of the salacious allegations were merely "a big hoax" (wtf!). These allegations included supplying children for satanic blood rituals in Spain and supplying teens to a sex party in Washington, D.C., where some of those teens claimed they saw George W. Bush in attendance.
The story is larger and dirtier than what is within the scope of aDWT guest blog, and in fact was the subject of a Discovery Channel investigative report. Alas, that program was "purchased" a week before it was to air by some anonymous party...
Everybody in Omaha knew about this story, and everybody knew somebody connected to it. I almost opened an account in Franklin, until a friend who worked there told me not to put my money in "the booty bank."
In Herman Cain lore, the man singlehandedly saved Burger King (and it still takes two hands for Chuck Norris to handle a Whopper!), and so impressed were the powers that be at Pillsbury that they made Cain head doughboy in charge of the faltering Godfather's Pizza chain. Cain was able (sorry) to turn Godfather's around in 14 months! So wildly profitable, goes the yarn, that Pilsbury sold the chain. (Scoobie say, "hhhrrrrrunnnnhhh???") You don't often see the name of the buyers in this tale of food and glory, but it was a group of manager-investors lead by one... Herman Cain.
Godfather's was a mess, but not on the brink of bankruptcy. Still, the mission statement on their website declares that they aim "To profitably provide consistently good food and great service." Now, I personally wouldn't target "profitability" as Job 1 on my customer-accessible website along with toppings and coupons, but I digress. Anyway, the truth is that Godfather's was only on the brink of not being worth Pilsbury's time, and it stayed that way for two years under Cain. Then they sold it to him and his investor friends for a rather curious sum (more on that later).
Who were these investors who had money for the slice? This was 1988, and restaurants were and remain dodgy investments, especially when a huge food conglomerate is giving them a vote of no confidence. When adjusted for inflation, Cain's long reign over Godfather's saw a 46% drop in profits and Godfather's went from the 5th to the 11th ranked pizza chain in the United States (which explains that mission statement, all campaign rhetoric aside).
Omaha is tornado country, so when I say it's a great big small town, I'm talking acreage versus gossipy connectivity. It's flat and spread out with few tall buildings, but everyone is a whisper away from everyone else's business. It's not so big as to be home to two up-and-coming black Republicans with strong ties with the bigwigs in the Republican Party who could never cross paths. Restaurant people of all colors make it a point to know each other. To know what secrets wandering waiters and chefs may have taken with them as they move from job to job, etc... Wealthy Republicans are an even tighter clique. Wealthy black Republican restaurateurs in Omaha Nebraska in the late '80s were more likely to have been twins than not to have social if not business ties.
Lawrence E. King was a fixture in the Omaha black community. He had seen his opportunity gathering up black folks' money in a credit union known as the Franklin Credit Union, which he'd taken over in 1970. By 1976 there where whispers about this 300-pound socialite living large. There were minor stabs at investigating him, but the police did not want to be seen as the big bad white guys picking on the little ol' great big black man.
Tales of King entertaining guests with cocaine, hookers and hustlers were pervasive, but Omaha has some strange code of silence. It had been for many years a sort of mob neutral zone. "Tony might whack Vinnie in Chicago," but in Omaha their kids and wives would peacefully shop, play and picnic together. Drawing attention is not acceptable. Bush flew to Omaha on 9/11 in a very standard emergency protocol, and not one in ten Americans ever knew. Lily Tomlin and her partner Jane Wagner were a known couple around "The Big O" long before Lily came out. Omaha had lots of stories and still does, but none of them are news.
(VN: I saw Bush Land in Omaha that day on raw live feed and must have been a hundred people there to greet him and they were clapping and celebrating and he gave that satanic salute he does. I was appalled at the celebrating mood of the crowd and why they were celebrating with the President, when 12,000 people (most Americans) had just died in the worst terrorist attack in history ever done. I did not know until later in the live news cast that those were all Goldman Sachs people in Omaha, and I wonder how very lucky they were to be there at a meeting instead of in the twin towers frying or jumping to death like the other innocents who knew nothing about any of it. I never saw that live report again on replay or nightly news. Remember, the building at that time of day only had about 15,000 people in it when at that time of day it usually had 50,000 in it. That is when I knew Goldman Sachs was in on it.).
King-- who had been recruited by the RNC to get out the black Republican vote-- in his rise through the Republican ranks, was able to be the sum of their black best friends, as it were. He sang the national anthem at the 1984 and 1988 Republican conventions. In 1986, the Franklin Federal Credit Union moved into brand-new digs that also served as headquarters for King's burgeoning catering and food-service empire. King began making donations to the Omaha Press Club, the Republican Party and even gay rights organizations (especially those funding area youth programs).
Upon being told he had no style by a ten-year-old boy, he went shopping and became a clothes junkie, big-time-- thus earning the nickname "Reverend Alice." People really began talking. Franklin Federal Credit Union seemed to be all right until an audit of King's taxes revealed what appeared to be some missing funds. A phony "certificates of deposit" scheme. Initially it was thought that $400,000 had disappeared. Then $4 million. Ultimately $40 million was determined to have vanished.
The FBI raid of the credit union sparked rumors that drugs and child pornography were discovered in the lower levels of the facility. It had been whispered that King had used the basement of the credit union as a "waiter academy" to train young men (twinks and blinks) in the fine art of waiting tables for what was hopefully to become his restaurant empire. In an Omaha World Herald interview, he spoke about how he wanted his places to be real elegant; the waiters would wear white dinner jackets. But King's deeper desires were rumored to be something quite different.
There was a lot of recruiting going on for guys to come be part of King's catering business. Many teens and young men talked of being expected to "put out," and rumors of pornographic video shoots circulated in the gay and black communities. After the raid there was an investigation into what had become of the missing funds. Eventually a private investigator was hired by the state legislature to look into stories of an international child prostitution ring. He interviewed dozens of waiters and folks around Omaha who had been curious about King's lavish gifts and extravagant ways. But things seemed tempered by the fact that King hung out with presidents, and area journalists. And owned a bank, and a sushi bar and...
The investigator is said to have flown to Chicago to meet with a person who had damning photographic evidence as to what was going on in the bowels of Franklin. That investigator never made it back to Omaha. His plane mysteriously blew up on the return flight. Primary witnesses suddenly changed their stories, and those who did not were convicted of perjury. One rent boy who testified that he was farmed out to several closeted power brokers in and around Omaha died mysteriously in New Mexico.
King was convicted of bank fraud and served nearly 10 out of the 15 years to which he was sentenced, but the grand jury concluded that all of the salacious allegations were merely "a big hoax" (wtf!). These allegations included supplying children for satanic blood rituals in Spain and supplying teens to a sex party in Washington, D.C., where some of those teens claimed they saw George W. Bush in attendance.
The story is larger and dirtier than what is within the scope of aDWT guest blog, and in fact was the subject of a Discovery Channel investigative report. Alas, that program was "purchased" a week before it was to air by some anonymous party...
Everybody in Omaha knew about this story, and everybody knew somebody connected to it. I almost opened an account in Franklin, until a friend who worked there told me not to put my money in "the booty bank."
So what happened to the $40 million that King ripped off from the Franklin Federal Credit Union? It's not very clear, but the year Franklin was raided, a small group of restaurant managers and a future black Republican presidential candidate bought a chain of mafia-themed pizza joints from Pilsbury for $40 million
Last edited by Revolution9; 11-14-2011 at 11:23 PM.
The article is reproduced in accordance with Section 107 of title 17 of the Copyright Law of the United States relating to fair-use and is for the purposes of criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research.
German Bishops caught in massive porn scandal - why didn’t they listen to the faithful?
Vatic Note: This is so very reminiscent of the Protocols, that for me, it confirms the infiltration of the church by the Satanists. Think about it. Who would sell occult satanic perversions at that volume? Only those that have no conscience and no morality, so like other institutions that we are discovering, this one along with other churches and religious leaders have been infiltrated, or bribed, or blackmailed by these same foreign owned khazars who wrote the protocols. Remember, its the khazars that infiltrated the Catholic Church and brought their perverted Satanic sexual pedophilia ritual with them. We saw that with proof of the expansiveness of it and the church is just one more infiltrated institution, like the military is, of these pigs. THIS IS YOUR NEW WORLD ORDER, HOW DO YOU LIKE IT SO FAR. WAKE UP!!!!
Germany that is one of the countries that wants to legalize pedophilia of our children. I am telling you, we better get a handle on this before we can't and you won't be able to protect your children, STAY FOCUSED ON THE REAL ENEMY HERE. Its the BANKERS AND KHAZARS WHO BROUGHT THIS GARBAGE WITH THEM TO THE WESTERN WORLD from Russia, and Mongolia. They are the Zionist bankers, ISRAEL, corporate CEO's and infiltrated minions of the various institutions we used to trust.
Now if they declare war on anyone, we should focus on the few that are orchestrating this and pedophiling our children. I DO MEAN focus...... become obssessive like they are and never give up going after them. Go to their homes and forget the buildings.... find their residences, underground enterances to their tunnels, find the fiber power lines, water lines, sewer lines, assets etc. Identify all of these things through intel collection and work together to make sure that when they drop that first nuke on us we are prepared to fight back and specifically target those doing this to us. The gestapo nazi homeland zecurity, heil Hitler, is behind the coordination of violence against the OWS groups across the country, and who are they? SPLC AND ADL, the more visible khazar clowns representing our foreign occupiers. Every where they are so is choas and drama, its becoming obvious and they should not be allowed anywhere near an enforcement and policy dept such as HLS. They should be sent back to Israel.
German Bishops caught in massive porn scandal - why didn’t they listen to the faithful?
Vatic Note: This is so very reminiscent of the Protocols, that for me, it confirms the infiltration of the church by the Satanists. Think about it. Who would sell occult satanic perversions at that volume? Only those that have no conscience and no morality, so like other institutions that we are discovering, this one along with other churches and religious leaders have been infiltrated, or bribed, or blackmailed by these same foreign owned khazars who wrote the protocols. Remember, its the khazars that infiltrated the Catholic Church and brought their perverted Satanic sexual pedophilia ritual with them. We saw that with proof of the expansiveness of it and the church is just one more infiltrated institution, like the military is, of these pigs. THIS IS YOUR NEW WORLD ORDER, HOW DO YOU LIKE IT SO FAR. WAKE UP!!!!
Germany that is one of the countries that wants to legalize pedophilia of our children. I am telling you, we better get a handle on this before we can't and you won't be able to protect your children, STAY FOCUSED ON THE REAL ENEMY HERE. Its the BANKERS AND KHAZARS WHO BROUGHT THIS GARBAGE WITH THEM TO THE WESTERN WORLD from Russia, and Mongolia. They are the Zionist bankers, ISRAEL, corporate CEO's and infiltrated minions of the various institutions we used to trust.
Now if they declare war on anyone, we should focus on the few that are orchestrating this and pedophiling our children. I DO MEAN focus...... become obssessive like they are and never give up going after them. Go to their homes and forget the buildings.... find their residences, underground enterances to their tunnels, find the fiber power lines, water lines, sewer lines, assets etc. Identify all of these things through intel collection and work together to make sure that when they drop that first nuke on us we are prepared to fight back and specifically target those doing this to us. The gestapo nazi homeland zecurity, heil Hitler, is behind the coordination of violence against the OWS groups across the country, and who are they? SPLC AND ADL, the more visible khazar clowns representing our foreign occupiers. Every where they are so is choas and drama, its becoming obvious and they should not be allowed anywhere near an enforcement and policy dept such as HLS. They should be sent back to Israel.
German Bishops caught in massive porn scandal - why didn’t they listen to the faithful?
by John-Henry Westen
COLOGNE, October 31, 2011 (LifeSiteNews.com) - After ten years of being internally warned by faithful Catholics, including in a 70-page dossier sent to all of Germany’s main bishops, the scandal of the German bishops’ ownership of a publishing company that sells a large volume of porn has hit the mainstream media.
COLOGNE, October 31, 2011 (LifeSiteNews.com) - After ten years of being internally warned by faithful Catholics, including in a 70-page dossier sent to all of Germany’s main bishops, the scandal of the German bishops’ ownership of a publishing company that sells a large volume of porn has hit the mainstream media.

Pur magazine cover story on the scandal
Last week the mainstream media outed the fact that the German bishops are 100% owners of one of the most profitable book companies in Germany. The huge company, in addition to offering many religious and other ethical books and items, also peddles 2500 porn titles and additional books highly offensive to Christian principles.
A spokesman for the bishops promised immediate corrective action.
However, the false pretense of ignorance about the situation has only served to add to the scandal, especially for faithful Catholics who were treated with silence and even disdain when they repeatedly attempted for years to bring the scandal to an end out of public view.
Remains of US Soldiers Dumped in Landfill, Air Force Admits
Vatic Note: Hmmm, seems Kissinger is still running our government. He said, as the big fat khazar that he is, that all military men were simply fodder for his wars and that was all they were good for. Guess he is showing us that is now the prevalent attitude. This is why all khazars in power must be brought down rather than fighting some bogus world war they planned, financed and orchestrated. We can see it happening every day, troop movements like a chess game planned with everyone at the top level knowing how the game will be played and who will win and who will lose. They want a simultaneous revolution overthrowing our republic form of government so they can take over like Stalin and lenin did, and then use the war for massive profits like they did in Nazi Germany while also gaining power as well as wealth.
Well, as for the revolution they want, the powers that be have not been able to get the right to use their guns against anyone and they have not been able to get the left to be AFRAID of the right... so they would then do something to those on the right. They are not getting the revolution they need which would divide the country which they desperately need to stay safe themselves. I am bringing this up for a reason. RSN has come up with an article that feeds fear and anger. (See below) If I did not know what I do about this agenda, believe me, I would be buying into what they published... but because I know, I am not buying into it.
The article they did was how the airforce has dumped American soldiers bodies into land fills etc. And that would affect both right and left against the government and our military. Dems have as many soldiers serving in theatre as the right does. Remember Russia and the revolution that was instigated against that nations government and overthrew it and murdered the entire family including children, along with 60 million Christians since taking over the nation, these are the khazars we have wanting us to be their cattle slaves ZOMBIES (remember the movies?) .
Well, in the protocols that is the objective, its to infiltrate the government, do acts so horrific that the people will rise up and overthrow their government and voila, the khazars are standing ready with someone we don't know about right now, to arise into a leadership position to then take over the government and then we would end up exactly like Russia did. I can assure you murdering and executing with no trial was the norm, and not the exception, long lines for just stupid toilet paper and other necessities including food. It was awful and that is why an underground economy became the norm and the people willingly dumped them.... also they will legalize pedophilia if we allow them to globalize. We are seeing how pervasive it is at the time of the crap heap we call "our elite". What a misnomer that is. .
Well, with a global system, you would not be able to have an underground economy at all and they passed all the bills they needed but have not enforced, until they get that revolution and control of our country, then they will enforce the food bill and the NAIS domestic animal bill which means no food at all unless you behave. They NEED OUR GUNS AND THEY NEED US DIVIDED AND AGAINST OUR OWN MILITARY SO THEY WILL BE AFRAID AND NOT STAND WITH US. THAT IS WHY THEY RELEASED THIS HORRIBLE ARTICLE THROUGH THEIR MAIN STREAM PRESS WHICH MEANS THE BANKERS ORDERED IT. Its to turn the country against the grunts who have nothing to do with any of this. Its the infiltrated khazars into the upper levels of the pentagon.
Notice the violence being increased on the streets against students, and add on this, coming out at this very moment, and then add on the fact that we have CIA black ops troops coming back from Iraq and elsewhere and they are getting ready to black ops violence and blame the people for it here and thus declare martial law which suspends the protections we have in courts against such tyranny. These bad guys are not moving their agenda as they had planned and are way late in achieving their goals. They are beginning to panic (especially now that the sheriffs are fully waking up) and will push this if we support it because they convinced us our government is bad. Its not the government, its the people in it that have infiltrated it, like Iceland, we must purge them from not only our government but forever, from our country. Have them go back to Israel.
By: Craig Whitlock and Greg Jaffe
Date: 2011-11-10
he Dover Air Force Base mortuary for years disposed of portions of troops' remains by cremating them and dumping the ashes in a Virginia landfill, a practice that officials have since abandoned in favor of burial at sea.
Well, as for the revolution they want, the powers that be have not been able to get the right to use their guns against anyone and they have not been able to get the left to be AFRAID of the right... so they would then do something to those on the right. They are not getting the revolution they need which would divide the country which they desperately need to stay safe themselves. I am bringing this up for a reason. RSN has come up with an article that feeds fear and anger. (See below) If I did not know what I do about this agenda, believe me, I would be buying into what they published... but because I know, I am not buying into it.
The article they did was how the airforce has dumped American soldiers bodies into land fills etc. And that would affect both right and left against the government and our military. Dems have as many soldiers serving in theatre as the right does. Remember Russia and the revolution that was instigated against that nations government and overthrew it and murdered the entire family including children, along with 60 million Christians since taking over the nation, these are the khazars we have wanting us to be their cattle slaves ZOMBIES (remember the movies?) .
Well, in the protocols that is the objective, its to infiltrate the government, do acts so horrific that the people will rise up and overthrow their government and voila, the khazars are standing ready with someone we don't know about right now, to arise into a leadership position to then take over the government and then we would end up exactly like Russia did. I can assure you murdering and executing with no trial was the norm, and not the exception, long lines for just stupid toilet paper and other necessities including food. It was awful and that is why an underground economy became the norm and the people willingly dumped them.... also they will legalize pedophilia if we allow them to globalize. We are seeing how pervasive it is at the time of the crap heap we call "our elite". What a misnomer that is. .
Well, with a global system, you would not be able to have an underground economy at all and they passed all the bills they needed but have not enforced, until they get that revolution and control of our country, then they will enforce the food bill and the NAIS domestic animal bill which means no food at all unless you behave. They NEED OUR GUNS AND THEY NEED US DIVIDED AND AGAINST OUR OWN MILITARY SO THEY WILL BE AFRAID AND NOT STAND WITH US. THAT IS WHY THEY RELEASED THIS HORRIBLE ARTICLE THROUGH THEIR MAIN STREAM PRESS WHICH MEANS THE BANKERS ORDERED IT. Its to turn the country against the grunts who have nothing to do with any of this. Its the infiltrated khazars into the upper levels of the pentagon.
Notice the violence being increased on the streets against students, and add on this, coming out at this very moment, and then add on the fact that we have CIA black ops troops coming back from Iraq and elsewhere and they are getting ready to black ops violence and blame the people for it here and thus declare martial law which suspends the protections we have in courts against such tyranny. These bad guys are not moving their agenda as they had planned and are way late in achieving their goals. They are beginning to panic (especially now that the sheriffs are fully waking up) and will push this if we support it because they convinced us our government is bad. Its not the government, its the people in it that have infiltrated it, like Iceland, we must purge them from not only our government but forever, from our country. Have them go back to Israel.
By: Craig Whitlock and Greg Jaffe
Date: 2011-11-10

The mortuary in Delaware, the main point of entry for the nation's war dead and the target of federal investigations of alleged mishandling of remains, engaged in the practice from 2003 to 2008, according to Air Force officials. The manner of disposal was not disclosed to relatives of fallen service members.
Air Force officials acknowledged the practice Wednesday in response to inquiries from The Washington Post. They said the procedure was limited to fragments or portions of body parts that were unable to be identified at first or were later recovered from the battlefield, and which family members had said could be disposed of by the military.
Lt. Gen. Darrell G. Jones, the Air Force's deputy chief for personnel, said the body parts were cremated, then incinerated, and then taken to a landfill by a military contractor. He likened the procedure to the disposal of medical waste.
So, Who was Judge Roll that Was Killed in the AZ Giffords Shoot?
*** Well, they just bolded the first paragraph so it reads funny, then they purged half of what I said in the vatic note out. Then they purged 4 blogs scheduled for the 18th and 19th with the only ones left that they didn't care about. I made the mistake of not copying them, so I will have to try and find them again. Sorry! They are really getting serious now about censorship, slow but sure, so going out into the field is becoming something to think and plan for. Its soon going to be your only option until the Sheriffs are well organized and ready to deputize us for taking back control of our local areas. In the meantime, begin identifying assets for the bankers, oil companys, corporations etc....Keep hanging in there.
Vatic Note: Remember how Vatic Project wondered how Gifford could have been shot in the brain and made a full recovery with no damage of any kind in such a short amount of time? Well, after you read this it will all make sense. Was she really the target??? Was she reallly shot at all? Was this a cover for another murder and using Anti-Semitism once again to cover up the real satanic agenda? Was this why there were two shooters??? Remember a little girl whose birthday was 9/11/2001 was also killed. Was that a satanic sacrifice shot for success? The location was also satanic occult as well. We pointed all this out about the occult numbers and names at the time of the shooting, and now we discovered this information that would explain all of it easily.
You could have knocked me over with a feather after I had just posted a blog about the nation saving work that Sheriff Mack is doing to curtail the illegal usurpation of the federal (foreign occupied) government upon the citizens of our nation. He is an incredible man with an integrity and courage that is beyond belief. I sincerely believe he may have fallen on a legal way to stop all of this that is going on as we speak including what is happening to our citizens in the OWS movement. The blog prior to this one about Sheriff Mack explains it all very well and we should get behind and support him in every way we possibly can, both financially and pressuring our sheriffs, watch out for banker money flowing in on elections, keep a close eye on the ethics and money trails and yell it out as loud as you can if you see bankers tinkering with your elections.
Arizona Judge Stood Firm with Sheriff Mack
During the hours following the Tucson tragedy, as the details slowly emerged and we learned that a relatively unknown congresswoman was seriously wounded and a federal judge had been among the six killed, many Americans wondered if there was a specific target and who that might have been.
More importantly, why was Rep. Gabrielle Giffords (D-Ariz.) getting all the ink while Judge John Roll remained virtually unnamed for a whole day? In this business, we at AFP long ago learned to read the white part of the newspaper.
We were in good company. Even Texas Republican Rep. Ron Paul’s daily Internet news release was asking the same questions the following week. Next, former Arizona Sheriff Richard Mack* came forward with illuminating information that none of us remembered:
Judge Roll was one of the few “good guys” on the federal bench. He had ruled favorably in Mack’s case against the Brady Bill in 1994 when Mack had sued the federales for trying to force him and all the other sheriffs in America to do their work for them.
Mack took it all the way to the Supreme Court where he finally got the reversal in 1997 and forced the rewriting of the far less intrusive Brady Bill.
But earlier in the game, he found himself in Roll’s federal courtroom fighting a provision in the new statute that threatened to put him in federal prison. Mack says that Roll seemed sincerely concerned about federal power to arrest any sheriff that failed to comply with the federal mandate, even though then-Attorney General Janet Reno had said that the bill’s language was aimed at gun shop owners and not the sheriffs.
Roll granted Mack’s injunction against the government for any arrest for failing to comply. Then the prosecutor told the judge that in only the first four months of enforcing the Brady Bill the government had prevented over a quarter million felons from gaining access to handguns. Disregarding the audacious exaggeration of numbers, Roll further impressed Mack by telling the prosecutor, “Counselor, do not pretend in this courtroom that your statistical analysis somehow equates to constitutionality.”
Mack tells us what Roll included in his ruling on the Mack v. US case:
"The court finds that in enacting [the Brady bill] Congress exceeded its authority under Article 1, section 8 of the United States Constitution, thereby impermissibly encroaching upon the powers retained by the states pursuant to the Tenth Amendment.
The court further finds that the provision, in conjunction with the criminal sanctions its violation would engender, is unconstitutionally vague under the Fifth Amendment of the United States Constitution."
“Judge Roll,” writes Mack, “of all the dozens of judges who had heard this case from me and the other six sheriff defendants, was the only one who ruled that the Brady Bill violated the Fifth Amendment as well as the Tenth. It was pursuant to Judge Roll’s insight and sensitivity to the threat this ‘law’ posed to us, the sheriffs, that this case made it to the U.S. Supreme Court.”
Further into the decision, Mack saw Roll display another principle and said, “It truly brought me to understand how astonishing this man really was.”
Roll had said, “Mack is thus forced to choose between keeping his oath or obeying the act, subjecting himself to possible sanctions.”
“I have to say that Roll’s understanding of principles amazed me,” Mack writes today. “He was so professional and knowledgeable. He took his job and the Constitution so seriously.”
Pima County, Ariz. Sheriff Clarence Dupnik’s ridiculous blaming of conservative talk show hosts was reminiscent of the same cover-up ploy at Oklahoma City in 1995, but his public statements regarding Roll having just dropped by to say “Hi” and his being “in the wrong place at the wrong time” may merit further examination considering there have been some questions about who will have jurisdiction over the crime—the state or the federal government.
FBI Agent Tony Taylor filed an affidavit with the court swearing that he saw Roll chatting with Gifford’s congressional aide, Ron Barber, for several minutes prior to the shooting, and that Roll had been notified by
telephone of the Saturday rally on Friday.
Roll was apparently at the rally to discuss illegal immigration and the extreme caseload imposed on federal judges in Arizona largely related to immigration cases.
Full credit to American Free Press.
The article is reproduced in accordance with Section 107 of title 17 of the Copyright Law of the United States relating to fair-use and is for the purposes of criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research.
Vatic Note: Remember how Vatic Project wondered how Gifford could have been shot in the brain and made a full recovery with no damage of any kind in such a short amount of time? Well, after you read this it will all make sense. Was she really the target??? Was she reallly shot at all? Was this a cover for another murder and using Anti-Semitism once again to cover up the real satanic agenda? Was this why there were two shooters??? Remember a little girl whose birthday was 9/11/2001 was also killed. Was that a satanic sacrifice shot for success? The location was also satanic occult as well. We pointed all this out about the occult numbers and names at the time of the shooting, and now we discovered this information that would explain all of it easily.
You could have knocked me over with a feather after I had just posted a blog about the nation saving work that Sheriff Mack is doing to curtail the illegal usurpation of the federal (foreign occupied) government upon the citizens of our nation. He is an incredible man with an integrity and courage that is beyond belief. I sincerely believe he may have fallen on a legal way to stop all of this that is going on as we speak including what is happening to our citizens in the OWS movement. The blog prior to this one about Sheriff Mack explains it all very well and we should get behind and support him in every way we possibly can, both financially and pressuring our sheriffs, watch out for banker money flowing in on elections, keep a close eye on the ethics and money trails and yell it out as loud as you can if you see bankers tinkering with your elections.
Arizona Judge Stood Firm with Sheriff Mack
By Pat Shannan
9/28/11During the hours following the Tucson tragedy, as the details slowly emerged and we learned that a relatively unknown congresswoman was seriously wounded and a federal judge had been among the six killed, many Americans wondered if there was a specific target and who that might have been.
More importantly, why was Rep. Gabrielle Giffords (D-Ariz.) getting all the ink while Judge John Roll remained virtually unnamed for a whole day? In this business, we at AFP long ago learned to read the white part of the newspaper.
We were in good company. Even Texas Republican Rep. Ron Paul’s daily Internet news release was asking the same questions the following week. Next, former Arizona Sheriff Richard Mack* came forward with illuminating information that none of us remembered:
Judge Roll was one of the few “good guys” on the federal bench. He had ruled favorably in Mack’s case against the Brady Bill in 1994 when Mack had sued the federales for trying to force him and all the other sheriffs in America to do their work for them.
Mack took it all the way to the Supreme Court where he finally got the reversal in 1997 and forced the rewriting of the far less intrusive Brady Bill.
But earlier in the game, he found himself in Roll’s federal courtroom fighting a provision in the new statute that threatened to put him in federal prison. Mack says that Roll seemed sincerely concerned about federal power to arrest any sheriff that failed to comply with the federal mandate, even though then-Attorney General Janet Reno had said that the bill’s language was aimed at gun shop owners and not the sheriffs.
Roll granted Mack’s injunction against the government for any arrest for failing to comply. Then the prosecutor told the judge that in only the first four months of enforcing the Brady Bill the government had prevented over a quarter million felons from gaining access to handguns. Disregarding the audacious exaggeration of numbers, Roll further impressed Mack by telling the prosecutor, “Counselor, do not pretend in this courtroom that your statistical analysis somehow equates to constitutionality.”
Mack tells us what Roll included in his ruling on the Mack v. US case:
"The court finds that in enacting [the Brady bill] Congress exceeded its authority under Article 1, section 8 of the United States Constitution, thereby impermissibly encroaching upon the powers retained by the states pursuant to the Tenth Amendment.
The court further finds that the provision, in conjunction with the criminal sanctions its violation would engender, is unconstitutionally vague under the Fifth Amendment of the United States Constitution."
“Judge Roll,” writes Mack, “of all the dozens of judges who had heard this case from me and the other six sheriff defendants, was the only one who ruled that the Brady Bill violated the Fifth Amendment as well as the Tenth. It was pursuant to Judge Roll’s insight and sensitivity to the threat this ‘law’ posed to us, the sheriffs, that this case made it to the U.S. Supreme Court.”
Further into the decision, Mack saw Roll display another principle and said, “It truly brought me to understand how astonishing this man really was.”
Roll had said, “Mack is thus forced to choose between keeping his oath or obeying the act, subjecting himself to possible sanctions.”
“I have to say that Roll’s understanding of principles amazed me,” Mack writes today. “He was so professional and knowledgeable. He took his job and the Constitution so seriously.”
Pima County, Ariz. Sheriff Clarence Dupnik’s ridiculous blaming of conservative talk show hosts was reminiscent of the same cover-up ploy at Oklahoma City in 1995, but his public statements regarding Roll having just dropped by to say “Hi” and his being “in the wrong place at the wrong time” may merit further examination considering there have been some questions about who will have jurisdiction over the crime—the state or the federal government.
FBI Agent Tony Taylor filed an affidavit with the court swearing that he saw Roll chatting with Gifford’s congressional aide, Ron Barber, for several minutes prior to the shooting, and that Roll had been notified by
telephone of the Saturday rally on Friday.
Roll was apparently at the rally to discuss illegal immigration and the extreme caseload imposed on federal judges in Arizona largely related to immigration cases.
Full credit to American Free Press.
The article is reproduced in accordance with Section 107 of title 17 of the Copyright Law of the United States relating to fair-use and is for the purposes of criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research.
Sandusky Part of Illuminati Pedophile Network
Vatic Note: As you know we have covered and warned about pedophilia and Satanism (which is a big part of the whole picture, along with the blackmail aspect as we also discussed) for a year now. We posted so many articles on this issue and proved it went straight to the top in both international governments such as Britain and the United States, and how it was used to coopt others in government who could not be bought or killed. In other words, Blackmail which was then exposed when the victim would not cooperate with the foreign countries infiltrated USA Shadow Government.
That is why overthrowing our government won't change anything since its not under our control, rather that of a foreign nation. The objective here is to make us the new Nazi's on the block for WW III and the "designated Losers" like Hitler,, while simultaneously break our financial backs, fight their wars, use our children to do so, destroy our religions while shoving Satanism down our throats and call it something pretty so good people can accept it as a one world religion. Its all been written up many times in the protocols of the Rothschilds and the 13 black nobility bloodlines, all of which we put up on this site long before anyone broke these stories. Thank goodness its now all coming out of the closet for us to understand how important it is for us to fight this evil for the sake of our children.
We also said it was not about sex per se, rather about mind control of children at an early age. The sick part is they even do this to their own offspring so pedophilia is passed on generation to generation. That is why they can continue toward control of this planet without a hitch with no deviation and no adjustments to the plan. This is the first time I have seen this all put together which usually happens when the dam starts to leak and this one has burst out and flooded the elite with sludge that they will never be able to clean off. THIS IS YOUR NEW WORLD ORDER, HOW DO YOU LIKE IT SO FAR????
Ask the Libyans how they like it and we are arrogant not to realize they will do the same to us as they do to any cattle they own. That is why it doesn't bother them to kill the children and pregnant women. Its a satanic bonus for he who does it. This does go a lot deeper than any of us ever realized and Bush was just baptized "SON OF MAGOG" which means he is the orchestrator world wide for all of this.
Sandusky Part of Illuminati Pedophile Network
November 13, 2011

By Hayden Fox
The Penn State-Jerry Sandusky scandal may just be getting started. Undisclosed allegations implicate Sandusky in a massive homosexual pedophile ring. There is a report Sandusky "pimped out" boys to donors and that list includes powerful politicians.
The Penn State scandal is part of a worldwide Illuminati pedophile network where powerful homosexuals (VN: I do not believe this is related to homosexuality, rather to pedophilia which makes no distinction between boys or girls, its the fact they are "innocent and pure" which makes them valuable to the "Satanists") prey on vulnerable youths. This includes the Franklin Cover-Up (1988-1991) where boys from Omaha Nebraska's Boys Town were trafficked to Washington politicians.
It includes the 1996 Detroux Affair in Brussels when a sex predator serial killer implicated much of the Belgian elite and many European aristocrats.
It includes the Casa Pia scandal. Casa Pia is state orphanage in Portugal. Witnesses broke silence in 2004. Since then 800 witnesses came forward in the longest trial in Portuguese history. Several elite members were convicted last year of involvement with a pedophile ring dating back several decades.
The convicted included Portuguese TV anchorman Carlos Cruz, former Casa Pia governor Manuel Abrantes, and former UNESCO ambassador Jorge Ritto. (VN: he left out one of the biggest one of all, Scotlands' "the Dunblane Massacre", just google it and look for the non cover up coverage, I found one but there was more written on it at the time. Their were two agendas for that one, gun confiscation and two, covering up the use of those children to high up politicians in Britain and it was done by a Satanist mind control subject, that is how high up this all goes)
Penn State assistant football coach Jerry Sandusky (left) was indicted on 40 counts of sexual assault on boys ages ten to 15. The indictment is the result of a three-year investigation triggered by a mother pressing charges of sexual harassment of her 15 year old son.
The smoking gun was an affidavit by Mike McQueary, another assistant coach who walked in on Sandusky anally raping a 10 year old boy in the Penn State locker room.
The witness informed head coach Paterno. The only action taken by top school officials was to tell Sandusky not to bring his victims on campus.
None of the coaches or school officials reported a thing to police.
How could an assistant coach caught penetrating a 10 year old boy get away with it? Why did the university protect him?
Sandusky founded Second Mile in 1977 as a "foster home dedicated to helping troubled boys with absent or dysfunctional families."
That's what members of NAMBLA (North American Man Boy Love Association) would call a "chicken ranch".
The victim in the 2002 anal rape in the Penn State locker room was a boy housed at Second Mile.
Here it gets interesting - "The Second Mile Foundation was recognized as one of President Bush's 1000 Points of Light. Marvin P. Bush is on the National Collegiate Athletic Association Board of Directors "
This is how child trafficking in plain sight works in America.
Children and teenage minors without parental care become 'wards of the State'. It means CPS (Child Protective Services) has custody of them and juvenile court judges can hand them over to whomever they deem fit. (VN: Remember our coverage of the murdered Georgia Senator who was going international with the investigation into the sex trade and the role of CPS in providing victims to the elite, here it is confirmed)
If you've ever known people that were trapped in the 'Juvie' system, they'll tell you rapes and exploitation happen all the time, and rarely does anybody get in trouble.
In 2004, Georgia State Senator Nancy Schaefer found evidence of deep corruption within the Federal 'child protective services' system which handles children designated as 'wards of the State'.
She reported, "The Adoption and the Safe Families Act, set in motion by President Bill Clinton, offers cash "bonuses" to the states for every child they adopted out [to] foster care.
In order to receive the "adoption incentive bonuses" local child protective services need more children." Clinton's Federal changes to CPS and the Juvenile Justice System rewards corruption and shelters molesters. She realized the Federal government has been part of the international trafficking of children.
Gives new insight into the Bush education initiative, "No child left behind".......or was it, "No behind left alone?"
Schaefer was 'suicided' in March 2010, after speaking at the World Conference of Families in Amsterdam in 2009.
Though foster care is usually living hell for children trapped in the CPS system, high profile group homes are often a wonderful reprieve that offer children a safe haven and real chances to aspire to a decent future.
But some are owned and operated as fronts for the elite pedophile rings.
Sandusky was charged with sexually abusing eight boys over a 15-year period. During the entire time, Sandusky was running a foundation for "throw-away boys".
Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation (GLAAD) issued the bizarre statement that "a suspected pedophile backed by a powerful institution was allowed to have foster children, while same-sex couples, who can provide loving families, are often denied that opportunity."
According to LGBT logic, Sandusky isn't a homosexual - he's a pedophile heterosexual. GLAAD stressed that Sandusky is married and that most pedophile cases involve "straight, married men." Thus they try to transfer the stigma of gay pedophilia to heterosexuals!
Let's be honest. Heterosexuals are repulsed by same-sexual activity. Saying that men that rape boys aren't homosexual is absurd.
A homosexual demands intimate contact with members of the same sex. The history of homosexuality carries with it a strong connection to pederasty, and a disproportionate link between homosexuality and pedophilia. Why else are most child molestation victims boys when less than 2% percent of the population is homosexual?
The mass media is afraid of the "H" word because it is run by the Illuminati, and it is afraid of gay lobbies.
The Illuminati use pedophilia to blackmail and control their members. Perhaps the public can wield the stick.
The Penn State scandal demonstrates that the Illuminati are made extremely vulnerable by their sadistic pedophile practices. So far they have been able to cover up the extent of this network. Further investigation and public pressure could expose and neutralize more Illuminati perverts.
There are many more Jerry Sandusky's in the Halls of Power, and this is a way to identify and remove them.
The article is reproduced in accordance with Section 107 of title 17 of the Copyright Law of the United States relating to fair-use and is for the purposes of criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research.
That is why overthrowing our government won't change anything since its not under our control, rather that of a foreign nation. The objective here is to make us the new Nazi's on the block for WW III and the "designated Losers" like Hitler,, while simultaneously break our financial backs, fight their wars, use our children to do so, destroy our religions while shoving Satanism down our throats and call it something pretty so good people can accept it as a one world religion. Its all been written up many times in the protocols of the Rothschilds and the 13 black nobility bloodlines, all of which we put up on this site long before anyone broke these stories. Thank goodness its now all coming out of the closet for us to understand how important it is for us to fight this evil for the sake of our children.
We also said it was not about sex per se, rather about mind control of children at an early age. The sick part is they even do this to their own offspring so pedophilia is passed on generation to generation. That is why they can continue toward control of this planet without a hitch with no deviation and no adjustments to the plan. This is the first time I have seen this all put together which usually happens when the dam starts to leak and this one has burst out and flooded the elite with sludge that they will never be able to clean off. THIS IS YOUR NEW WORLD ORDER, HOW DO YOU LIKE IT SO FAR????
Ask the Libyans how they like it and we are arrogant not to realize they will do the same to us as they do to any cattle they own. That is why it doesn't bother them to kill the children and pregnant women. Its a satanic bonus for he who does it. This does go a lot deeper than any of us ever realized and Bush was just baptized "SON OF MAGOG" which means he is the orchestrator world wide for all of this.
Sandusky Part of Illuminati Pedophile Network
November 13, 2011

By Hayden Fox
The Penn State-Jerry Sandusky scandal may just be getting started. Undisclosed allegations implicate Sandusky in a massive homosexual pedophile ring. There is a report Sandusky "pimped out" boys to donors and that list includes powerful politicians.
The Penn State scandal is part of a worldwide Illuminati pedophile network where powerful homosexuals (VN: I do not believe this is related to homosexuality, rather to pedophilia which makes no distinction between boys or girls, its the fact they are "innocent and pure" which makes them valuable to the "Satanists") prey on vulnerable youths. This includes the Franklin Cover-Up (1988-1991) where boys from Omaha Nebraska's Boys Town were trafficked to Washington politicians.
It includes the 1996 Detroux Affair in Brussels when a sex predator serial killer implicated much of the Belgian elite and many European aristocrats.
It includes the Casa Pia scandal. Casa Pia is state orphanage in Portugal. Witnesses broke silence in 2004. Since then 800 witnesses came forward in the longest trial in Portuguese history. Several elite members were convicted last year of involvement with a pedophile ring dating back several decades.
The convicted included Portuguese TV anchorman Carlos Cruz, former Casa Pia governor Manuel Abrantes, and former UNESCO ambassador Jorge Ritto. (VN: he left out one of the biggest one of all, Scotlands' "the Dunblane Massacre", just google it and look for the non cover up coverage, I found one but there was more written on it at the time. Their were two agendas for that one, gun confiscation and two, covering up the use of those children to high up politicians in Britain and it was done by a Satanist mind control subject, that is how high up this all goes)

The smoking gun was an affidavit by Mike McQueary, another assistant coach who walked in on Sandusky anally raping a 10 year old boy in the Penn State locker room.
The witness informed head coach Paterno. The only action taken by top school officials was to tell Sandusky not to bring his victims on campus.
None of the coaches or school officials reported a thing to police.
How could an assistant coach caught penetrating a 10 year old boy get away with it? Why did the university protect him?
Sandusky founded Second Mile in 1977 as a "foster home dedicated to helping troubled boys with absent or dysfunctional families."
That's what members of NAMBLA (North American Man Boy Love Association) would call a "chicken ranch".
The victim in the 2002 anal rape in the Penn State locker room was a boy housed at Second Mile.
Here it gets interesting - "The Second Mile Foundation was recognized as one of President Bush's 1000 Points of Light. Marvin P. Bush is on the National Collegiate Athletic Association Board of Directors "
This is how child trafficking in plain sight works in America.
Children and teenage minors without parental care become 'wards of the State'. It means CPS (Child Protective Services) has custody of them and juvenile court judges can hand them over to whomever they deem fit. (VN: Remember our coverage of the murdered Georgia Senator who was going international with the investigation into the sex trade and the role of CPS in providing victims to the elite, here it is confirmed)
If you've ever known people that were trapped in the 'Juvie' system, they'll tell you rapes and exploitation happen all the time, and rarely does anybody get in trouble.

In 2004, Georgia State Senator Nancy Schaefer found evidence of deep corruption within the Federal 'child protective services' system which handles children designated as 'wards of the State'.
She reported, "The Adoption and the Safe Families Act, set in motion by President Bill Clinton, offers cash "bonuses" to the states for every child they adopted out [to] foster care.
In order to receive the "adoption incentive bonuses" local child protective services need more children." Clinton's Federal changes to CPS and the Juvenile Justice System rewards corruption and shelters molesters. She realized the Federal government has been part of the international trafficking of children.
Gives new insight into the Bush education initiative, "No child left behind".......or was it, "No behind left alone?"
Schaefer was 'suicided' in March 2010, after speaking at the World Conference of Families in Amsterdam in 2009.
Though foster care is usually living hell for children trapped in the CPS system, high profile group homes are often a wonderful reprieve that offer children a safe haven and real chances to aspire to a decent future.

Sandusky was charged with sexually abusing eight boys over a 15-year period. During the entire time, Sandusky was running a foundation for "throw-away boys".
Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation (GLAAD) issued the bizarre statement that "a suspected pedophile backed by a powerful institution was allowed to have foster children, while same-sex couples, who can provide loving families, are often denied that opportunity."
According to LGBT logic, Sandusky isn't a homosexual - he's a pedophile heterosexual. GLAAD stressed that Sandusky is married and that most pedophile cases involve "straight, married men." Thus they try to transfer the stigma of gay pedophilia to heterosexuals!
Let's be honest. Heterosexuals are repulsed by same-sexual activity. Saying that men that rape boys aren't homosexual is absurd.
A homosexual demands intimate contact with members of the same sex. The history of homosexuality carries with it a strong connection to pederasty, and a disproportionate link between homosexuality and pedophilia. Why else are most child molestation victims boys when less than 2% percent of the population is homosexual?
The mass media is afraid of the "H" word because it is run by the Illuminati, and it is afraid of gay lobbies.
The Illuminati use pedophilia to blackmail and control their members. Perhaps the public can wield the stick.
The Penn State scandal demonstrates that the Illuminati are made extremely vulnerable by their sadistic pedophile practices. So far they have been able to cover up the extent of this network. Further investigation and public pressure could expose and neutralize more Illuminati perverts.
There are many more Jerry Sandusky's in the Halls of Power, and this is a way to identify and remove them.
The article is reproduced in accordance with Section 107 of title 17 of the Copyright Law of the United States relating to fair-use and is for the purposes of criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research.
OCW: Targeted, But Who Is The Enemy?
Vatic Note: As usual, Gordon does a good job but misses a few things that I generously include in "VN:'s" so watch for them. WHO is the enemy? Update, it looks as if it may not turn out the way its presented below, if Sheriff Mack has a say. Watch for it today, its coming up.
Tuesday, October 11th, 2011 | Posted by Gordon Duff , Veterans Today
OCW: Targeted, But Who Is The Enemy?

Where What Was Your Money Now Lives (photo by G. Duff)
Expect Infiltration and Counter Attack, War is Coming
By Gordon Duff, Senior Editor
Our first real sign of political violence was during the disturbance at the Smithsonian when Patrick Howley of the nocon rag, American Spectator, led an attack of agent provacateurs on the Smithsonian.Our thanks to Charlie Grapski for catching Howley, one of many preparing to push peaceful protest into political violence on behalf of corporate greed. (VN: and martial law to confiscate our guns)
Here at Veterans Today, we are running a pool, waiting how long it will be before SITE Intelligence, the Mossad mouthpiece or Canada’s National Post begin publishing articles of support from Al Qaeda that they conveniently “find on the internet.” (VN: Well, we proved those operatives were Israeli dual citizens of the US related to ADL board members, lol)
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Our other pool is when the Molotov cocktails and rock throwing starts, funded by the Wall Street thugs, Bloomberg and his cohorts in Boston and now nearly a hundred other cities. They have billions to spend, our money looted from the banks, money from illegal credit card fees, money from mortgage fraud and, especially, the flood of cash we gave them because we were told “they are too big to fail.”
The answer is simple, Darwin applies here. Wall Street is gone, the banks are gone and it isn’t that we want to stop living in a nation run for the benefit of the corporate welfare state, we want our money back.
Every cent on Wall Street is stolen, none of it honestly earned. We want it all back. They killed to get it, they killed to keep it and they are willing to kill, all of us if they think its necessary, to keep stealing. These are parasites, nothing more.
We want back the trillions in defense overruns, the gasoline pricefixing tens of billions, the hundreds of billions in mortgage fraud, the trillions in insurance fraud, every cent the crooked medical industry has bilked America out of for decades, we want it all back.
What Veterans Today has learned is that our neocon friends are trying to recreate the militias of the 80s and 90s. Their plan? Somehow they believe the “knuckle dragging scum” (VN: We already know I believe grassroots of both parties are harmed by these neocon dual Israeli infiltrating hustlers that work for a foreign nation and not America and anyone who has researched this and been around all this daily like we both have, knows that is the case, all you have to do is visit real sites run by real Americans, both left and right, to know its not either right or left, dem or republican that are the issue, its those that infiltrated at the leadership level that are the scum sucking pond filth floating to the top and not GOOD AMERICANS ON BOTH SIDES, and anyone who speaks against other Americans only because of their politics, is a collaborator and aiding and abetting the foreign occupying enemy, now can I make that any clearer?
That is one thing we all have to stop doing, is talking division within the nation or we lose this war for sure and damn it, you all know it, one day you will be happy to have those gun totting right wing patriots who love their country more than life itself including you and everyone on the left) and now the neocons that makes up the heart of the
Start watching, start listening. Meetings are going on today. Think tanks, cabals of thieves, mercenaries, terror squads, the tools of Wall Street are being “tasked” with stopping America from waking up and taking their country back.
It also looks like we can expect some terrorism too, not just the minor scuffles they staged at the Smithsonian but car bombs or something bigger. When you threaten gangsters, expect them to strike back and this is organized crime we are dealing with, police thugs, corporate criminals and the heart of the
If only Obama had the guts. (VN: I believe its not guts he needs, he needs another brain surgery to remove his hard wired mind control and then let see what happens)
I do so love depending on the media to report on what has become a civil war in the United States, real people against the corporations. The problem in getting the truth is that the worst of the corporations are the news media.
It is so important for the thugs and thieves, the drug cartel fronts who are the conservative movement in the US to label their owned and operated press as “liberal controlled.”
The Supreme Court, the 5 criminal justices that have managed to escape arrest and imprisonment because of the rogue military hit squads Vice President Cheney assembled under the guise of the “Joint Special Operations Command,” who gave corporations full control over America’s political system, were only a beginning.
People say “globalization” but few know what it means.
Yesterday, a study in Britain found that 98% of their corporations weren’t British at all but operating out of tax shelters. Britain is going broke because corporations are paying no taxes there anymore.
The same numbers apply in the US. 98% of corporations use offshore tax shelters. How does it work?
We never know where corporations really live. One small tax shelter town with less than 1000 people, a town in Switzerland, is home for thousands of American corporations.
The island republic of Vanuatu has more banks than New York. People who sit on the boards of these corporations couldn’t find where their headquarters are located, not even using Google Earth. Anyone know where Vanuatu is? (VN: He disappeared right after disclosing that ISRAEL KILLED JFK, (obviously with a lot of peoples help, like Johnson) and probably JFK Jr as well, oh, sorry, that was Vanuhu who spent 18 years in jail for telling the world Israel had nuclear weapons, my mistake, hehehe)
Anyone ever been to Lichtenstein? (VN: another monarchy and black nobility bloodline family)
It’s a small country about the size of a Walmart parking lot filled with banks. These aren’t big buildings but tiny offices, many no more than a card table and folding chair. The phone? Rotary dial, black, 1950′s stuff. On the door, yes, a masonite door, the name of a multi-billion dollar corporation. Nobody has ever been in the office, there are days you don’t see two dozen cars in the entire country but the equity in your home, the money that used to be in your 401k is there, some of it held by corporations but most of it, put into very very private bank accounts of “high net worth” individuals, many of them Americans.
This is one of dozens of such places, where oil companies keep their untaxed profits, where the billions in hidden fees on your debit card are hidden from the tax man by your friendly local bank. It is where your cable company keeps their money, where drug companies hide the billions given them for drug research.
Money isn’t real, corporations aren’t real nor are the places they live.
Poverty is real, tyranny is real and the guns and bombs used by corporations around the world, too often wielded by our sons and daughters, told they are defending us from “terrorism,” those are real as are the dead left behind and the walking dead that return to the United States that used to be our children.
War and terrorism are very real. They just aren’t what you are told. There is no “Al Qaeda magazine,” no comic terrorists “spokesmen,” (VN: Except for the ADL board members son, dual israeli citizen, pretending to be Al Qaeda and threatening America) only Wall Street and Zurich and Tel Aviv and a dozen other staging grounds for the debasement and exploitation of humanity by the psychopaths, the human cockroaches that we have allowed to rule the world, most of it at least. (VN: Until now, Now its going to begin to cost them)
All wars are corporate wars, all terrorism is staged for corporate profit. For years we have been saying it over and over. 9/11 was staged for corporate profit and we can prove it. The invasion of Iraq was staged for corporate profit and we did prove it. Afghanistan is a paradise for drug cartels. Who are these cartels? Look around you, they are
How can they operate so freely, why do drugs flood our streets, why are there 30 million illegal aliens in the US?
The most powerful nation in history can’t defend a few miles of border? Anyone believe a word of it?
“Operation Fast and Furious,” the Obama plan to arm the drug cartels, supposedly in some bizarre plan to do something, nobody understands it, there is no explanation, is one time when we get a glimpse behind the curtain. Decades ago, we heard stories about Mena, Arkansas and planeloads of cocaine and how American politicians were involved.
Now we have a hundred, maybe a thousand times the drugs that were around then. New drugs, cheaper drugs, everywhere you look.
They are carried across our border, a border protected by radar, by satellites, by thousands of ICE agents. They come to the US in planes from Afghanistan, not just CIA contractors but the good old C130 Hercules, not in coffins but by the container load.
This is the real corporate world, flooding America with drugs, rigging voting machines, appointing judges, not just local but Supreme Court Justices, buying police departments, renting congress from the Israeli lobby that owns it.
What we are going to face is a war. We have found the “third rail.”
Wall Street.
We have recognized the enemy of humanity. For 60 years we fought communism and woke up in a nightmare, slaves in our own country. Now it is America building the gulags, millions in prison, half of America facing poverty, hundreds of thousands sent off to endless wars. Even Orwell never imagined this.
Every year we are poorer and work harder while 1% steals it all helped by our courts, our government, our police and millions of dupes willing to destroy the future of their nation, of their children, based on the bizarre messages they get.
Emails, websites, newspapers, rumors, conspiracies, plots, terrorism, “comic book villains” invented by a cabal of gangsters to turn attention from what they have done, from what they continue to do.
Finally Americans are standing up.
If the movement to restore freedom to America, to rid America of its corporate overseers gets strong enough, this will turn into a war. (VN: No, its been a war all along, however, what will change is WE WILL BEGIN FIGHTING BACK instead of it being just one way. DON'T EVEN TRY TO COME GET OUR GUNS, OR YOU WILL GET THEM, BUT NOT THE WAY YOU INTEND)
VATIC ALERT: US Sheriff's Rise Up Against Federal Government: Sheriff Threatens Feds With Swat Teams ~ Grass Roots Take Charge
Vatic Note: Well, They just gutted this one and I could not even get back on to reinput it, so now I am using a different computer to try and get this out to you. It's important now to support this movement, its happening rapidly and expanding and is in our favor and THROUGH THE LEGAL SYSTEM, therefore the evil ones cannot call for martial law. I LOVE IT.
So please read below and work with this organization to reach your own sheriffs and tell them its imperative they go to that conference in Las Vegas. Just think about the poetic justice of the ATF, HLS, etc providing the various law enforcement with all that expensive equipment and protective gear and vehicle mounted weapons, ammo, state of the art weapons, training, etc as well as strategies and planning that they can then use against those that gave it to them. What poetic justice is that. Bout time.
Thanks, Also know that the Sheriff can deputize the entire county's armed citizens as legal deputies to aid him and his officers in their duties and do so legally and thus negate any illegal call for martial law or gun confiscation. I LOVE IT. I told ya we were going to win. Oops, they found me here. Got to go now.
So please read below and work with this organization to reach your own sheriffs and tell them its imperative they go to that conference in Las Vegas. Just think about the poetic justice of the ATF, HLS, etc providing the various law enforcement with all that expensive equipment and protective gear and vehicle mounted weapons, ammo, state of the art weapons, training, etc as well as strategies and planning that they can then use against those that gave it to them. What poetic justice is that. Bout time.
Thanks, Also know that the Sheriff can deputize the entire county's armed citizens as legal deputies to aid him and his officers in their duties and do so legally and thus negate any illegal call for martial law or gun confiscation. I LOVE IT. I told ya we were going to win. Oops, they found me here. Got to go now.
Contributors Note: OK, here we go. This upheaval of the status quo, the FED's calling the shots to the states, is fast growing and is a result of the efforts of Sheriff Mack and his tireless dedication to getting in front of the sheriffs and the people across the country. He is not finished by a long shot not until this country's control is securely back in the hands of the people. It is absolutely imperative that the County Sheriff Project get funded so that we can get 200 sheriffs to Las Vegas in January. PLEASE Give $5 , $10, or whatever you can afford. We must take advantage of the momentum that is sweeping across the country NOW!!!
US Sheriff's Rise Up Against Federal Government: Sheriff Threatens Feds With Swat Teams ~ Grass Roots Take Charge
November 14, 2011 by Volubrjotr , Political Velcraft
Sheriff Threatens Feds With SWAT Team
As more people became dissatisfied with federal government controls and land grabs, it was inevitable that local law enforcement would eventually see the bigger picture. At the northern California fairgrounds of Yreka last month, seven California sheriffs and another from Oregon gathered with a large group of citizens to say that they are finally going to do something about it.“A giant has been awakened,” said Plumas County, Calif. Sheriff Greg Hagwood, “and they didn’t count on that,” speaking of the federal bureaucracy.
With exposure of the Emergency Management Center in San Luis Obispo a few decades ago, California began to offer the rest of the nation some evidence of the psychological conditioning aimed from the federal level at state, county and city law enforcement.
- Nevada Sheriff Tony DeMeo Stops Federal Government: Feds Engaging In Illegal Confiscation Of Cattle And Water Rights Of County Property Owner.
- Oregon Sheriff Gil Gilbertson Gives Federal Agents The Boot: Feds Have No Jurisdiction!
- Obama’s Federal Stooges Beginning To Understand The Power Of Sheriffs: Sheriff Warns Federal Agents They Will Be Arrested If They Interfere!
- Arizona Sheriff: ‘If Decapitating Police Officers Is Not Terrorism, What is?’: More Troops At Korean Border Than Deadly U.S. Mexican Border.
“I had spent a good part of my life enforcing the penal code, but not understanding my oath of office,” he told the audience. “I was ignorant and naïve, but now I know of the assault against our people by the federal government.”

Host sheriff John Lopey of Siskiyou County, speaking about the federal environmental intervention, said: “I have told federal and state officials over and over that, yes, we want to preserve the environment, but you care more about the fish, frogs, trees and birds than you do about the human race. When will you start to balance your decisions to the needs of the people?” Later he told the audience, “We are right now in a fight for our survival.”
Glenn Palmer, sheriff of Grant County, Oregon, said, “If an elected official has not taken an oath of office, he does not belong in office.”
AFP readers are familiar with the work of former Arizona Sheriff Richard Mack, who has spent the latter half of his life teaching sheriffs that they are the top law enforcement officers in their counties despite continuing federal intervention attempts. The ears that were deaf for so long may finally be starting to hear.
His plans to take this movement national will be launched at a January meeting, where he anticipates 200 sheriffs will be in attendance.
“The county sheriff is the last line of defense guarding our people’s liberty,” he said.
Retired USAF Col. Richard Niemela of Reston, Va. has been exposing the federal monster for years.
He told AFP: “It’s the surreptitious domination by international globalists insidiously using unauthorized and illegal tactics to render null and void those historic and unique powers of the sheriff.”
American Free Press

Host sheriff John Lopey of Siskiyou County, speaking about the federal environmental intervention, said: “I have told federal and state officials over and over that, yes, we want to preserve the environment, but you care more about the fish, frogs, trees and birds than you do about the human race. When will you start to balance your decisions to the needs of the people?” Later he told the audience, “We are right now in a fight for our survival.”
Glenn Palmer, sheriff of Grant County, Oregon, said, “If an elected official has not taken an oath of office, he does not belong in office.”
AFP readers are familiar with the work of former Arizona Sheriff Richard Mack, who has spent the latter half of his life teaching sheriffs that they are the top law enforcement officers in their counties despite continuing federal intervention attempts. The ears that were deaf for so long may finally be starting to hear.
- States Of The Republic: Correcting Their Wayward Child ~ New Laws Constraining The Federal Government.
- Stop Homeland Security Agents Cold In Tennessee: McNairy County Sheriffs!
His plans to take this movement national will be launched at a January meeting, where he anticipates 200 sheriffs will be in attendance.
“The county sheriff is the last line of defense guarding our people’s liberty,” he said.
Retired USAF Col. Richard Niemela of Reston, Va. has been exposing the federal monster for years.
He told AFP: “It’s the surreptitious domination by international globalists insidiously using unauthorized and illegal tactics to render null and void those historic and unique powers of the sheriff.”
American Free Press
- Police Lock Down Bank Of America: Florida Homeowner Forecloses On Bank Of America ~ Police, Movers, & Lawyer Orders Furnishing To Be Removed From Bank For Auction!
- U.S. District Federal Judge Aleta Trauger Orders Police To Stand Down: Orders Tennessee Police To Stop Arresting Occupy Protesters!
- High Noon Sheriffs In America: Battle Against Rothschild’s Richest 1% ~ The International Wall Street Banking Cartel.
- Arizona Sheriff Babeu: ATF, DOJ Accomplice to Murder – Holder Had Knowledge Of Project Gunrunner In 2009.
- The States Nullify Unconstitutional Federal Laws, Even When Endorsed By Supreme Court: Public Opinion & Support Make It Easy To Resist Federal Tyranny.
- Nullification 10th. Amendment
- Rothschild’s Obama ~ Establishes Domestic Terrorism Group By Signing His 86th. Executive Order #13575 : U.S. Farmers & Landowners Stripped Of Their Liberty & Given To Communist RURAL “Stake Holders”. Agricultural Dams Being Removed In The USA U.N. Agenda 21
- Obama’s Natural Born Status To Enter Senate Ethics Committee!
- BREAKING => “April 2, 2009″ DOJ Document Condemns Eric Holder: Brags At Mexican Conference In 2009 ABOUT Obama’s Stimulus Funding Of 2009 Gunrunner Project.
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- Obama’s High Noon: Sheriff’s Eligibility ‘Posse’ Sparks Media Whirlwind. (politicalvelcraft.org)
- Arizona Judge Stood Firm With Sheriff Mack (unmasker4maine.wordpress.com
The article is reproduced in accordance with Section 107 of title 17 of the Copyright Law of the United States relating to fair-use and is for the purposes of criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research.
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