Vatic Note: (This was put up by the Vatic Master but for some reason its still showing Bruecke. I am 100% responsible for the content and form of this blog and poor Bruecke had nothing to do with it, so don't blame him if you have a problem with it. Thanks) Since there were connections made in the articles on Penn State sex scandal, to the Bush White House Franklin CU scandal, and in reading this one below that also makes a big connection between Mr. Ramsey and the Bush clan, it seemed appropriate to remind everyone that this case has never been solved and to see the threads and links to the same people that travel in the same circles. We have covered so much with respect to these issues, that there is little doubt anymore, that for "whatever" reason, its a serious problem and globalizing certainly won't cure it, it certainly has done nothing positive in Bosnia and other occupied countries that we have invaded. In every theatre, we showed the children were being discovered in various international sex slave trades and that is a serious crime against a child. One that is worse than death, because its a form of living death to that child, zombie movies sound familiar? Remember, they always tell us what they intend to do to us, so Zombies is an interesting message indeed.. I don't even want to tell you the punishment I would give for such horrors.
JonBenet Ramsey: CIA's Electroshocked Mind-Control Sex Slave
John Lee, executive producer Pirate News TV & Radio Show,
JonBenet Ramsey: CIA's Electroshocked Mind-Control Sex Slave
John Lee, executive producer Pirate News TV & Radio Show,
WARNING! The Manchurian Media Mafia is lying to you!Quoting from Cathy O'Brien's autobiography, "Access Denied for Reasons of National Security":
They (FBI agents Jeff Bennett and Chuck Crabtree) were aware of Huntsville's reliance on (Senator Robert) Byrd's Senate appropriations funds for their NSA opearations, yet had no inside knowledge of mind control operations. I explained how (US Army Ranger Colonel Michael) Aquino (founder of the Satanic Temple of Set) used me in the training video "HOW TO CREATE A MIND CONTROLLED SLAVE USING A STUN GUN" that was filmed in Huntsville [Alabama by NASA], and even provided details of local persons involved. (VN: We played a video interview with Aquino who made no bones about being second in command in the Synogogue of Satan and he did his eyebrows and hair as I would have imagined such a satanic person would look like. In another writing, Jon Bennet was said to have died during a satanic sex Ritual exercise so this connect does not seem that far fetched since Aquino is at the top of the pentagon chain of command)
Video by this title was reported to have been found at the JonBenet Ramsey householdafter her 1996 murder, and her autopsy proved stun prod marks on her 6 year old body, "STUN GUN USED IN RAMSY KILLING", December 20, 1997, Los Angeles Times.

billionheiress JonBenet Ramsey
A middle aged woman stood up, "Jon Benet Ramsey was murdered last December, and after reading TRANCE (Formation of America) it is clear to me that she was probably under mind control. Stun gun prod marks were found all over her body; she was dressed age inappropriately with a plastic smile and pupilary dilation; a perverse pedophilic sex act on Christimas killed her [suffocation to near death causes dissociation out of body experience and dissociated split personality]; her mother was Miss West Virgina; her father was a military subcontractor like your father; and the whole case is being covered up! Does your case tie in with hers in any way?"
"Yes", Mark answered, then turned to me. "Excuse me for answering this question first since it is directed to you." Turning back to the audience he continued, "Ongoing investigations make this a very sensitive subject right now since a copy of the military training film "HOW TO CREATE A MIND CONTROL SLAVE USING A STUN GUN" was found in the Ramsey house. Cathy was used in a military training film by that title. Also, a manifest from the ferry traveling between Traverse City, Michigan and Beaver Island registers JonBenet's father and Cathy's father on the same ferry ride."
I injected, "My younger brother was nicknamed 'Beaver' after this so-called religious [Catholic] retreat. Beaver Island is in close proximity to the Ramsey household in Charlevoix, where JonBenet also held the beauty pagent title."
Mark continued, "Beaver Island is an identified mind control training center associated with the [Catholic] Jesuits. People working for the media mogul [Sir] Rupert Murdock [Jewish Knight of the British Empire, and current citizen of Australia] have this evidence. Let's see what he does with it."
"We'll never see what he does with it!" someone skeptically shouted.
"He'll investigate it the same way the CIA is investigating itself!" and "He'll cover it up!" were voiced.
"Recently when I saw my [CIA sexslave] daughter Kelly [lobotomized by DOD at Vanderbilt University Medical Center and incarcerated in the Tennessee foster jailhouse system and forced to suffer torture in Satanic rituals and human sacrifices under illegal orders of Tennessee judges], I quickly began in an effort to minimize the pandemonium, "she cried when she said, 'the only difference between me and JonBenet's murder is that she can't be abused anymore.' JonBenet's murder has prompted rumors of mind control and caused people to think to ask questions the media won't answer. People are learning that the media is as controlled as JonBenet appeared to be."
"Did her mother, Patsy Ramsey, kill her daughter like the media suggests?"
Mark answered the question with a question. "Isn't it ironic that John Ramsey married a 'Patsy'?"
"The precious child did not die in vain," I said solemnly. "Her memory lives on in all of us. How many more have to die before people in this country wake up and stop pedophilia, mind control, and New World Orders?" "Knowledge is your only defense against mind control," I said. "Please, help us spread the word for Kelly's sake, JonBenet's sake and for the sake of humanity's future."
MSNBC on 27 August 2006, again reported the fact that stun gun marks were found on JonBenet's body, and broadcast photographs of those 2-prong marks. MSNBC quoted TASER Corporation's admission that the marks indicated use of its product, which is a product routinely used daily by the US Govt's Police State for torture and murder of 1,000s of US citizens in USA.
Quote:The Intruder Theory
Newsweek, MSNBC
Examining autopsy photos, Smit noticed unusual sets of abrasions on JonBenet's back and face. Smit wondered if they had been made by a stun gunan unlikely weapon for a parent to use on a child. Smit measured the marks and discovered they matched a brand of stun gun called the Air Taser. He began to believe the killer may have used the stun gun on JonBenet as she slept, then carried her to the basement. The Boulder police were skeptical of Smit's stun-gun theory, and showed some of the autopsy pictures to Arapahoe County coroner Dr. Michael Doberson, who had researched stun-gun wounds. Doberson said he didn't think the marks were from a stun gun. But recently, NEWSWEEK asked Doberson to review Smit's stun-gun evidence. Doberson says the police never showed him Smit's pictures comparing the size and orientation of the marks with the electrical contacts on the Air Taser. He now calls Smit's stun-gun theory "compelling."
Quote:The Intruder Theory
Newsweek, MSNBC
Examining autopsy photos, Smit noticed unusual sets of abrasions on JonBenet's back and face. Smit wondered if they had been made by a stun gunan unlikely weapon for a parent to use on a child. Smit measured the marks and discovered they matched a brand of stun gun called the Air Taser. He began to believe the killer may have used the stun gun on JonBenet as she slept, then carried her to the basement. The Boulder police were skeptical of Smit's stun-gun theory, and showed some of the autopsy pictures to Arapahoe County coroner Dr. Michael Doberson, who had researched stun-gun wounds. Doberson said he didn't think the marks were from a stun gun. But recently, NEWSWEEK asked Doberson to review Smit's stun-gun evidence. Doberson says the police never showed him Smit's pictures comparing the size and orientation of the marks with the electrical contacts on the Air Taser. He now calls Smit's stun-gun theory "compelling."
"Secrecy is the beginning of tyranny. The hardest part of gaining any new idea is sweeping out the false idea occupying that niche. Most people can't think, most of the remainder won't think, the small fraction who do think mostly can't do it very well. The extremely tiny fraction who think regularly, accurately, creatively, and without self-delusion- in the long run these are the only people who count. The human race divides politically into those who want people to be controlled and those who have no such desire. A monarch's neck should always have a noose around it - it keeps him upright."
—Robert A. Heinlein
"'They're hurting us. Get me out!' The Government was playing with her brain. They opened up her skull and cut into her brain. The only reason you do that is to lobotomize somebody. They did it over, and over..."
-Dr T, Serentiy
Abbie Bernstein: Do you believe a government can be shamed into or out of what it's doing by the actions of individuals?
Joss Whedon: The idea was to say that people can make a difference, they can show the wrongs that are being done. They can speak out against them and make people aware of them. They can even create giant scandals. Sometimes they can topple governments. The point is that the truth is always more important than the power structure, and whether you make a dent or not, the fact that you succeeded in trying is a victory.
How fast will this story disappear down the Memory Hole?
"Secrecy is the beginning of tyranny. The hardest part of gaining any new idea is sweeping out the false idea occupying that niche. Most people can't think, most of the remainder won't think, the small fraction who do think mostly can't do it very well. The extremely tiny fraction who think regularly, accurately, creatively, and without self-delusion- in the long run these are the only people who count. The human race divides politically into those who want people to be controlled and those who have no such desire. A monarch's neck should always have a noose around it - it keeps him upright."
—Robert A. Heinlein
"'They're hurting us. Get me out!' The Government was playing with her brain. They opened up her skull and cut into her brain. The only reason you do that is to lobotomize somebody. They did it over, and over..."
-Dr T, Serentiy
Abbie Bernstein: Do you believe a government can be shamed into or out of what it's doing by the actions of individuals?
Joss Whedon: The idea was to say that people can make a difference, they can show the wrongs that are being done. They can speak out against them and make people aware of them. They can even create giant scandals. Sometimes they can topple governments. The point is that the truth is always more important than the power structure, and whether you make a dent or not, the fact that you succeeded in trying is a victory.
How fast will this story disappear down the Memory Hole?
JonBenet suspect won't be charged
By JON SARCHE, Associated Press Writer
August 28, 2006
BOULDER, Colo. - Prosecutors abruptly dropped their case Monday against John Mark Karr in the slaying of JonBenet Ramsey, saying DNA tests failed to put him at the crime scene despite his insistence he sexually assaulted and strangled the 6-year-old beauty queen.
Just a week and a half after Karr's arrest in Thailand was seen as a remarkable break in the sensational, decade-old case, prosecutors suggested in court papers that he was just a man with a twisted fascination with JonBenet who confessed to a crime he didn't commit.
"The people would not be able to establish that Mr. Karr committed this crime despite his repeated insistence that he did," District Attorney Mary Lacy said in court papers.
The 41-year-old schoolteacher will be kept in jail in Boulder until he can be sent to Sonoma County, Calif., to face child pornography charges dating to 2001.
Almost makes you think Karr was arrested by Bush and given billions of dollars in free advertising, just to keep Bush Jr's name out of the news for his genocidal crimes in Iraq, Lebanon and NY City on 9/11/2001, which were the previous headlines before Karr appeared. Especially when Israel's diversionary invasion of Lebanon turned out to be another lie by the Media Mafia, when in fact the 2 Israeli soldiers are first arrested inside Lebanon, during Israel's unprovoked first strike invasion, following their prearranged orders from Jr Bush and the Pentagon.
The fact that Cathy O'Brien was never interviewed on Tee Vee News about the JonBenet case proves the Media Mafia is completely untrustworthy and incapable of telling the truth about anything else.
The article is reproduced in accordance with Section 107 of title 17 of the Copyright Law of the United States relating to fair-use and is for the purposes of criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research.
I did some checking on the Air Taser stun gun mentioned in the article. The Air Taser Model 34000, which came out in 1994, had an anti-felon identification (AFID) system. Minute pieces of paper were released when it was used. I have been unable to find information on an Air Taser that existed before that date. JonBenet Ramsey was killed in 1996. If an Air Taser was used on her, there should be some AFID evidence. It's curious that no one seems to have investigated that angle.
Interesting point, until you realize who the perps are. They have access to such items long before the public
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