Why did Cheney do what no other VP in the history of this nation had ever done? He took control of "War games" that day, away from the military, and controlled them himself. No questioning about that part of it. Was Cheney working for Israel and Mossad as such? It appears so, and after Mineta's testimony before the 9-11 commission, I am thoroughly convinced it is so.
He testified that Cheney ignored all the continued warnings by the working military men, in the war room, that the planes, flight 93, and the flight to hit the pentagon, were getting closer and closer and asked Cheney if he wanted to rescind his "Stand down" order.
Cheney finally yelled at the poor soldier and said "If I wanted to change my order, I would have said so"! What kind of a response is that from a VP that knows full well what is happening and he is purposely chosing to do nothing about it. There is only one conclusion anyone can make from such behavior. Even the courts say "Given the circumstances described, WHAT WOULD A REASONABLE MAN DEDUCE?", and that is accepted as a valid consideration in a court of law during a jury trial and is part of the judges instructions to the jury.
That is basically, the only problem I had with this entire analysis since I believe it highlights just how serious it was to ignore Cheneys role in all of it. It takes it out of the realm of a foreign power harming the US and puts it into a conspiracy of a treasonous nature on the part of the administration at the time. You read and decide. If this is as we analyzed, then all that is happening now is no less deceptive including what is going on in Syria and we must believe NOTHING of what these Israeli's say or their dual citizens within this administration.
Mossad, Wolfowitz & The Strangely Defenseless Pentagon On 911
By Leland Lehrman, At Rense.com
The Case Against The Mossad And Israeli Partisans

Although the Mossad's warnings regarding 9/11 appear to exonerate it, that is not the case. Former Mossad case officer Victor Ostrovsky in his two excellent books By Way of Deception and The Other Side of Deception demonstrates that the Mossad often uses useless warnings as a way of making themselves look innocent when in fact the opposite is true:
"Admony, then the head of Mossad, decided they would simply give the Americans the usual general warning, a vague notice that they had reason to believe someone might be planning an operation against them. But this was so general and so commonplace, it was like sending a weather report; unlikely to raise any particular alarm or prompt increased security precautions.
In the six months following receipt of this information, for
example, there were more than 100 general warnings of car-bomb attacks. One more would not heighten US concerns or surveillance."
"Admony, in refusing to give the Americans specific information on the truck, said, "No, we're not going to protect the Americans. They're a big country. Send only the regular information."
Once one understands the methodology of the Mossad and its management of false flag attacks - as well as the massive involvement of the US - Israeli axis in manufacturing the "War on Terror" - to accept the idea that the Mossad is innocent because it gave weak and useless warnings to its well-infiltrated sister the CIA becomes absurd.
Read Michael Collins Piper's work on James Angleton and the Mossad in his book Final Judgment for an understanding of just how deep the connection between the two agencies really is.
Here's the article from the Jerusalem Post about the Mossad warnings:
Note that they gave no targets, fingered bin Laden and *implicated Iraq,* and we all know how involved Iraq was in 9/11...
"Mossad warned CIA of attacks" - report By Douglas Davis
LONDON (September 17) - Mossad officials traveled to Washington last month to warn the CIA and the FBI that a cell of up to 200 terrorists was planning a major operation, according to a report in the Sunday Telegraph here yesterday.
The paper said the Israeli officials specifically warned their counterparts in Washington that "large-scale terrorist attacks on highly visible targets on the American mainland were imminent."