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Our deficit is at $80, (thanks to generous donors) and its due in2 days, so if you benefited in any way, from our blog, and wish to see us continue, then please contribute off to the right at the pay pal button. We thank you deeply for your continued support of our work. God bless and keep you and your family safe and healthy.
Vatic note: Show this to all your sheeple friends who laughed at you when you tried to tell them about the Illuminati and the 13 bloodlines. This is an excellent example of how well they market whatever they decide to sell us. Well, well, I guess the fear, false flags, and psychops didn't work, so now they are coming out of the closet to "rescue" you from all the chaos and horrors and violence they have created to set this up, as they suggested in the Protocols they wrote in 1897.
If we buy it, then it worked and its brilliant, if we don't then they are not so hot and it didn't and won't work. That would mean all those promises in the video below would not be provided by them, since they have shown they cannot pull off even a simple psychops. They need to realize, stripping a nation, culture, and civilization of their sovereignty is a clarion call to arms for that nation.
We currently exist under a duly approved and implemented Constitution and system of laws that has worked for 270 years, and just because they ignore them does not mean they have gone away. It simply takes enforcing them, whether by the system or the people, which ever one steps up to the task at hand. Iceland did it, so should we.
The Illuminati Organization is an elite collective of political leaders, business owners, entertainment celebrities, and other influential members of this planet. By uniting leaders of the world in an unrestrictive, private domain – free of political, religious, and geological boundaries – our organization helps to further the prosperity of the human species as a whole. (VN: unrestrictive and private domain, means "he who has the gold, rules". Is that what you want? Its why we have to kick them out of the country, as we have seen time after time, since they run our government and now we know EXACTLY what we can expect and what they describe in this ad is NOT IT, BY A LONG SHOT. EXperience is the best teacher and we learned well. We have experienced what they have to offer and we are not stupid either nor are we interested in more of the same.)
Managing the lives of over 7 billion humans is a daunting task. Our duty to this planet has spanned across centuries and survived even the most established government entities. To continue functioning throughout societal changes, The Illuminati’s operations require anonymity for both our members and our work.
You will not find us praised in any history book or document. However, The Illuminati has helped shape every major movement on this planet since the first human government was established. Our work is often marked by distinct symbols as a means of tracing our influence through history for those wishing to investigate.
With gentle and unknown guidance from our organization, the human species is allowed to function in their natural order while playing the part of gears in a machine for the betterment of the world. (VN: Aaaah two world wars and numerous other small wars for profit and gain, with massive deaths of our children to show for it and millions more maimed or DU poisoned, equals a "gentle guidance?" Puleese!!!!)
The article is reproduced in accordance with Section 107 of title 17 of the Copyright Law of the United States relating to fair-use and is for the purposes of criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research.
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Vatic Note: What is really interesting about this whole dynasty line is the fact that the baby that came recently will be Englands first khazar Jewish King. How about that? Both Kate and William are Jews. William a khazar and Kate a Sephardic Jewish person. You can imagine just how excited Israeli leadership was when it was announced that Obama was our first Jewish President from his mothers side of the family.
What fascinated me most about this article was the work and time the Queen spent on shoring up her faultering Commonwealth. Its speculated here that the heir currently in the oven will inherit a much different England, some say without all the commonwealth countries that are already questioning why they are under the commonwealth. Its going to be interesting to see how this all progresses under new rulership and time.
Definitely something to follow in the future. If I live that long, I will certainly update you as events occur with respect to the question of the British commonwealth and its fate.
In the frenzy of preparations for the latest arrival to the royal
family, great-grandmother Queen Elizabeth has been quietly laying the
groundwork for the succession to the throne, which eventually will put
the new baby as second in line to wear the crown.
The Duchess of Cambridge at a Princess Cruises' naming ceremony Photo: Duke and Duchess of Cambridge.org
The Queen, after all, is 87 years old. She’s been on the job for the
past 60 years, and although she still rides horses and presides over
royal ceremonies, she has cut her travel to distant lands and follows a
more controlled schedule of public commitments at home.
Last year, she honored 425 official engagements, but she also dealt
with some health issues. Over the winter, she was hospitalized for 24
hours with gastroenteritis. Her husband, Prince Philip, the Duke of
Edinburgh, who is 92, has also been hospitalized on different occasions.
This year, she began to delegate some important functions to her son
and next in line, Prince Charles. In May, for the solemn opening of the
parliamentary session, for the first time she wasn’t alone with her
husband. Charles and Camilla, in full pomp, were seated to the side in
smaller thrones.
Also, for the first time in 40 years the Queen will not attend the
summit of the heads of state of the Commonwealth in Sri Lanka in
November. Instead, Charles will represent the British Crown.
When Elizabeth lets go, according to court’s experts, it will be a
“soft takeover done with elegant subtlety.” For sure, it won’t be an
abdication ‘a la Belgian’, or a few months earlier in Holland. Frank
Prochaska, a history professor at Oxford University, told the French
daily Le Figaro that “it will be a seamless transition for the end of
Elizabeth’s reign as her health declines little by little.”
But the kingdom the royal baby may one day inherit will likely be
very different than that of great-grandmother Elizabeth for so many
years. A number of the Commonwealth countries have expressed their
desire to revise ties with the British crown once the Queen is out of
the picture. Australia and Jamaica, for example, have been questioning
the role of the queen as their symbolic head of state.
Until now, her global travel and diplomatic astuteness have kept
things as they are. For many Buckingham Palace observers, the coming
trip of Charles to Colombo, capital of Sri Lanka, will be critical in
the evolution of the situation.
What’s certain is that the succession will be in place and before
long, the new heir will be second in line behind grandfather Charles and
father William – and ahead of Uncle Harry.
In any event, should the new baby be a girl, legislation passed by
Parliament and awaiting approval by the other Commonwealth governments
will reverse a 312-year-old law that would require any future brother to
jump ahead of her in succession.
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Vatic Note: This is a MUST READ, if you care about your family, friends, farm animals and pets.... and view video at the end, as well.Pigs, in many ways are close to humans in organ functioning as well as other body and mind functions. There is information below that shocked even me.
The possible connection between GMO and Autism in children. Oops, they just flashed the sign that "an error" occurred and thus I can't publish my blog on this subject. We will see. I strongly suggest you follow this information carefully. I will keep my vatic note short, since this does a good job of making the important points. Read it all the way through.
(VN: I decided to put the video up here to be watched first and that way you have the full background of GMO to lean on when reading the rest of this and viewing the stomachs as presented. So here is the video. Please watch it all the way through.)
(VN: now we can go on with the rest of the article for more information on recent tests published in a PEER REVIEWED JOURNAL.)
(GMO - Pig Intestines)
(NaturalNews) If you have stomach problems or gastrointestinal problems, a new study led by Dr. Judy Carman may help explain why: pigs fed a diet of genetically engineered soy and corn showed a 267% increase in severe stomach inflammation compared to those fed non-GMO diets.In males, the difference was even more pronounced: a 400% increase. (For the record, most autistic children are males, and nearly all of them have severe intestinal inflammation.)
The study was conducted on 168 young pigs on an authentic farm environment and was carried out over a 23-week period by eight researchers across Australia and the USA. The lead researcher, Dr. Judy Carman, is from the Institute of Health and Environmental Research in Kensington Park, Australia. The study has now been published in the Journal of Organic Systems, a peer-reviewed science journal.
The study is the first to show what appears to be a direct connection between the ingestion of GMO animal feed and measurable damage to the stomachs of those animals. Tests also showed abnormally high uterine weights of animals fed the GMO diets, raising further questions about the possibility of GMOs causing reproductive organ damage.
Proponents of corporate-dominated GMO plant science quickly attacked the study, announcing that in their own minds, there is no such thing as any evidence linking GMOs to biological harm in any animals whatsoever. And they are determined to continue to believe that, even if it means selectively ignoring the increasingly profound and undeniable tidal wave of scientific studies that repeatedly show GMOs to be linked with severe organ damage, cancer tumors and premature death. (VN: But the illums are here to save you from all that.....eyes rolling upward. That is what it says in their TV ad.)
Lead author of the study Dr. Judy Carman stated, "We found these adverse effects when we fed the animals a mixture of crops containing three GM genes and the GM proteins that these genes produce. Yet no food regulator anywhere in the world requires a safety assessment for the possible toxic effects of mixtures.
Our results provide clear evidence that regulators need to safety assess GM crops containing mixtures of GM genes, regardless of whether those genes occur in the one GM plant or in a mixture of GM plants eaten in the same meal, even if regulators have already assessed GM plants containing single GM genes in the mixture."
The following photo shows one of the pig intestines fed a non-GMO diet vs. a pig intestine fed a GMO diet. As you can see from the photo, the pig fed the GMO diet suffered severe inflammation of the stomach:
A scientific study published last year concluded that eating genetically modified corn (GM corn) and consuming trace levels of Monsanto's Roundup herbicide was linked with rats developing shockingly large tumors, widespread organ damage, and premature death.
That study was also criticized by corporate GMO trolls who argued that scientists should not show pictures of rats with large cancer tumors caused by GMOs because the pictures scare consumers into being afraid of GMOs.
Here are some of the pictures they don't want you to see, taken right from the public announcement of the study:
That study also found that rats fed GM corn suffered severe kidney damage as well as shockingly high rates of premature death.
Why weren't these studies done before GMOs were unleashed into the global food supply?
The GMO biotech industry was able to escape any meaningful regulation of GMOs in the United States by (ridiculously) claiming GMOs were substantially no different from non-genetically engineered crops. "They're all the same!" we were told. And the USDA bought it.
So how did Monsanto patent its GM corn, then? You're not supposed to be able to patent something unless it's uniquely different. Thus, the very fact that Monsanto has acquired patents on its GMO crop varieties is proof that the company itself believes its seeds are different.
And what's different about Monsanto's GM corn? It produces a deadly insecticide grown right into every kernel. That insecticide, of course, is what kills insects that try to eat the crop. And how does it kill those insects? It fatally damages their digestive systems. That same insecticide stays inside the corn even as the crop is turned into animal feed... or corn chip snacks... or flaked corn breakfast cereal.
GMOs are unfit for human consumption
This pig stomach inflammation study suddenly provides yet more credible evidence that GMOs are unfit for human consumption and may be causing severe damage to the digestive systems of both humans and mammals.
Naturally, the GMO industry and all its paid online trolls, on-the-take "scientists" and multi-million dollar P.R. machine will try to viciously attack this study from every angle. They absolutely hate real science when that science calls into question their poisonous, deadly seeds and genetic pollution.
That's why you won't read this news anywhere in the mainstream media -- the same media that utterly discredited itself a few weeks ago when it pretended the hugely successful global March Against Monsanto never even took place.
NOTE TO THE SELLOUT CORPORATE MEDIA: You have zero credibility remaining. Virtually no one believes what you print. Everyone knows you have sold out your editorial agenda to Big Pharma, Monsanto, weapons manufacturers and the surveillance state.
The reason why alternative media like GM Watch and Natural News is rising while your own numbers keep plummeting is because we print the real news that really matters on liberty, food freedom, farm freedom, health freedom and self-reliance.
Maybe if you stopped intentionally lying to your readers on a daily basis while censoring important news on grassroots liberty, you might see some readers return to your publication..
The article is reproduced in accordance with Section 107 of title 17 of the Copyright Law of the United States relating to fair-use and is for the purposes of criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research.
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Vatic Note: Let me begin by making this very very clear...... the training of these officers are done through the Federal Fusia Centers and that is who has militarized our local Law enforcement, the Dept of Homeland "Gestapo" Security. So, lets take a closer look at this. Notice the message is "we are prepared to be extremely violent with you if you do not do what we say".
Now, lets review the introduction to the 1897 Protocols of the Elders of Zion written by Khazar Zionist banker called Rothschild, based on elements developed by the Jewish international congress..... (Not the real Jews, rather the Ashkenazi Khazar pretend Jews.) The protocols were a method developed whereby the khazars could take over control of the globe from the goyim. VIOLENCE was key to that process. Read it yourselves here in this vatic note. Go the link to read more if you prefer.
1. ....Putting aside fine phrases we shall speak of the significance of each thought: by comparisons and deductions we shall throw light upon surrounding facts.
2. What I am about to set forth, then, is our system from the two points of view, that of ourselves and that of the GOYIM [i.e., non-Jews]. 3. It must be noted that men with bad instincts are more in number than the good, and therefore the best results in governing them are attained by violence and terrorisation, and not by academic discussions. Every man aims at power, everyone would like to become a dictator if only he could, and rare indeed are the men who would not be willing to sacrifice the welfare of all for the sake of securing their own welfare. (Which is what has happened with OKC, Boston bombing, and 9-11)
4. What has restrained the beasts of prey who are called men? What has served for their guidance hitherto?
5. In the beginnings of the structure of society, they were subjected to brutal and blind force; afterwards - to Law, which is the same force, only disguised. I draw the conclusion that by the law of nature, right lies in force.
6. Political freedom is an idea but not a fact. This idea one must know how to apply whenever it appears necessary with this bait of an idea to attract the masses of the people to one's party for the purpose of crushing another who is in authority. This task is rendered easier if the opponent has himself been infected with the idea of freedom, SO-CALLED LIBERALISM, and, for the sake of an idea, is willing to yield some of his power. It is precisely here that the triumph of our theory appears; the slackened reins of government are immediately, by the law of life, caught up and gathered together by a new hand, because the blind might of the nation cannot for one single day exist without guidance, and the new authority merely fits into the place of the old already weakened by liberalism. (VN: in otherwords, a plan of action, to undermine a government and then take over the reigns to direct it unbeknownst to the leaders of that gov.)
The sight of police in camouflage uniforms with assault rifles, grenade launchers, and mine-resistant armored vehicles advancing on protesters in Ferguson, Missouri has shocked a lot of people.
But it shouldn’t have.
Those paying attention know that law enforcement across America has been undergoing a transformation over the past two decades with the process accelerating noticeably since 9/11. This is thanks to the Pentagon and its “1033 program” (section 1033 of the National Defense Authorization Act), which allows it to transfer surplus military equipment to law enforcement agencies across the country.
The result is police forces being turned into small armies, officers into soldiers, and citizens into potential enemy combatants. The emphasis is no longer on protecting and serving – it’s now about controlling and intimidating. Meanwhile, dozens of movies and television shows in recent years have depicted this new style of law enforcement as being absolutely normal. Viewers, as a result, are coming to see it that way, too. And they see the continuing of this trend as being inevitable.
With the shooting of unarmed 18-year-old Michael Brown by police in Ferguson on August 9, the mainstream debate over the transfer of greater and greater firepower to police has finally begun. Is the outrage enough to make people demand a rollback of the advancing police state, or is this conflict just another step in the ongoing process?
With the continuing protests in Ferguson, the militarization of police has become so obvious that even the mainstream media are catching on. The New York Times, Newsweek, CNN, and many other major media are now openly covering the question of whether there is any justification for turning police services – often in small towns – into paramilitary units that possess mine-resistant armored vehicles, helicopters, grenade launchers, assault rifles, bulletproof vests, night vision equipment, and various other sorts of battle gear.
According to the New York Times: “The increase in military-style equipment has coincided with a significant rise in the number of police SWAT teams, which are increasingly being used for routine duties such as conducting liquor inspections and serving warrants.”
Newsweekadds: “By providing law enforcement agencies with surplus military equipment free of charge, the NDAA encourages police to employ military weapons and military tactics.”
In this video, a 68-year-old grandmother and her 18-year-old adopted daughter are traumatized by a raid that had to do with pirating of their wi-fi signal by someone else to make threatening statements. Police smashed the front door glass of their home, fired in a flash grenade and proceeded to handcuff and terrorize the two innocent people.
The media coverage of the events in Ferguson has looked at whether the equipment transfer policy should be “reviewed,” if not halted, but it has not looked deeper. It has not looked at why these transfers are taking place in the first place. Why would the Pentagon want police forces to become just like armies?
Is it that they want us to see law enforcement power differently? Is it that they want us to see ourselves differently – no longer the people who employ police to protect them but now the people who are to be ruled by those police? Or is it even more practical and sinister – that militarized police can be enlisted to help impose a wider martial law?
The raid against the woman and her daughter isn’t an isolated incident. It’s happening every day across the country. And it isn’t happening in a vacuum. It’s part of a long-term plan to control the population through disinformation, deception, fear, and force. In the bigger picture, this plan incorporates government-backed false flag operations like the Oklahoma City bombing, the 9/11 “attacks,” and the Boston Marathon bombing.
These “terror” events, and numerous others like them, were designed to create a false threat that would encourage people to accept the tightening fist of the police state. The elites who really run things are constructing this police state in ways that include the militarization of police as well as the increasing use of technology for surveillance and data gathering. The media occasionally raise mild “concerns” about this but do little else.
What is hard to understand is why people are alarmed to see the “military” police presence in Ferguson when they didn’t appear concerned 16 months ago when complete martial law was imposed in the Boston area. In that case, a city was shut down, businesses were forced to close, people were restricted to their homes, and police were allowed to go door to door, forcing the residents outside at gunpoint and searching their homes without warrants.
And all this was done as part of a search for 19-year-old Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, who has been accused of planting and detonating two bombs near the finish line of the Marathon. But the case made by authorities that he and his brother (now dead) were behind the bombings is paper thin and flatly contradicted by significant evidence.
This example of martial law in Boston was greeted with patriotic enthusiasm by many across the country who wanted to feel “Boston strong.” This happened at the very time when Constitutional rights were being suspended in response to what was clearly a staged, false flag operation designed to put us all more at ease with the coming police state.
The young Dzhokhar was caught, of course, while the question of whether martial law was justified was ignored by most.
The notion of “home-grown terrorism” (VN: protocol #1, Section 3 above in the Vatic note ) was brought into the spotlight with the bombing of Oklahoma City City’s Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building in 1995. While CIA operative Timothy McVeigh and his friend Terry Nichols got the blame, we know that the destruction of the building did not result from the explosives in the truck that McVeigh parked outside.
Instead, it resulted from explosives planted inside the building. It was taken for granted that McVeigh and Nichols had carried out the bombing alone and that they did so because they had an anti-government agenda (certain government pronouncements in the years since have equated those who challenge the government with “terrorists”).
And, of course, the climate of fear that has accelerated the country’s transformation into a police state was magnified many times by the biggest false flag operation in U.S. history – 9/11. This event was falsely portrayed as a terrorist attack by Muslim extremists under the command of Osama bin Laden (a CIA asset). But thanks to thousands of independent researchers and citizen activists, the lies of the official story of 9/11 are becoming better known each year. No thanks are due to the authorities or the mainstream media.
The evidence that the twin towers and Building 7 were brought down with explosives is conclusive. It is also clear that both the Pentagon and Shanksville, PA were the scenes of faked plane crashes and that no actual hijackings ever took place.
This massive psy-op, which I believe was many years in the planning, was very effective in raising the threat level, justifying any number of repressive measures that were essential for the advancement of the police state. The induced fear of terrorism that resulted from 9/11 has been the “accelerant” in this process of manipulating the population into surrendering its civil liberties.
9/11 led to the creation of the Department of Homeland Security, the passage of the Patriot Act, and the intensification of a massive program of domestic surveillance by the National Security Agency. It also made possible the invasions of Iraq and Afghanistan, the drone bombing of civilians in Pakistan and Yemen, the full-scale bombing of Libya and ensuing regime change, and the arming of rebels in Syria.
Police and their new toys
The process of remaking law enforcement has been ongoing for more than 20 years now. The National Defense Authorization Act was passed in 1990, and section 1208 of the law allowed the Department of Defense to transfer material to federal and state police forces – supposedly to help them fight the “war on drugs.” In 1996, this section of the law was replaced with Section 1033 and the scope of the program was broadened.
We are told that this program is intended to transfer “excess” or “surplus” equipment from the military to police forces. It’s just extra stuff that would be going to waste if police forces didn’t take it off the military’s hands, we’re told. The cost so far: $4.3 billion. (“Oops, we goofed! Once again, we ordered too many anti-mine armored tanks, night vision goggles, and grenade launchers! But our incompetence means great savings for you!”)
The result has been the absurd spectacle of towns with just a few thousand residents having tanks at their disposal. Police in Bloomingon, Georgia, for example, picked up four grenade launchers thanks to the 1033 program. They have a population of 2,713. And in Watertown, Connecticut, with a population 22,514, police recently acquired a mine-resistant, ambush-protected (MRAP) vehicle with a price tag of $733,000.
In fact, the New YorkTimes published a map of the U.S. showing which counties had received military equipment since 1994. A quick glance shows that the vast majority of the country has received some of this “surplus” equipment.
All over America, we’re seeing that when you treat and equip police like they’re part of an invading army, then they’ll act accordingly.
In the days following the Michael Brown shooting we have seen this equipment put to very enthusiastic use. Verbal threats have been made against residents and journalists, tear gas and rubber bullets fired at people in their own yards, a midnight curfew imposed, and restrictions enacted on the rights of assembly and free speech.
We saw police firing tear gas at an al-Jazeera TV crew. When the journalists backed off to escape the gas, police moved in and began dismantling their lighting set up and taking down their camera. Apparently in police state America it is now a privilege to film on public streets – in fact a privilege to be on those streets at all.
We also saw the arrest of journalists from the Washington Post and the Huffington Post in a McDonald’s. Apparently they did not clear out quickly enough. Another journalist was threatened by an officer with being shot if he didn’t turn his camera off while another walked down the street pointing his rifle at unarmed individuals, including one cameraman who was told, “I’m going to fucking kill you!” Now that cop was probably scared himself, but in that case he should not be carrying a rifle at all.
Then there’s the Tuesday night arrest of Canadian journalist Tom Walters of CTV. Walters approached Capt. Ron Johnson and asked a question only to be wrestled to the ground and arrested. He was held overnight and released without charge.
But it’s not the behavior of individual cops that is central to why all of this is happening. What is important is that a police state infrastructure is being built and deployed, with the process seeming to advance more quickly with each passing year. It appears that people are being asked to accept that they now live under an increasingly “military” type of occupation and that an iron fist can come crashing down on them at any time whether they’ve done anything wrong or not.
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Vatic Note: This is definitely intriguing and I am going to try and track this as best I can. There is definitely a benefit to this company succeeding and taking off, especially for the consumer..... but also for the planet. No more oil and gas needed. No more carbon pollution, and no more need for a carbon tax.
Oh, dear, this is very bad for the powers that be. Maybe oil for parts to move smoothly and safely, but not for engine running and certainly not for fuel, since a Tesla car will obtain its energy from the atmosphere, FLASH: Unless that is the reason for the chemtrails that have been dumped on a geoengineering basis. I am wondering if that is the reason the powers that be are geoengineering our atmosphere?
That is where Tesla got his energy free from - our own atmosphere, but that has all changed now with the advent of Haarp, weather modification, and chemtrails. Are the cars that were produced having a problem caused by all this technological assault on our atmosphere? Its at a time like this, I wish I were a scientist so I could understand this better, but something seems wrong here.
Please listen carefully to this news broadcast and see if you can determine what the problem might be. If so talk to us in the comments section. I find this to be a real mystery of sorts, but that could be because of my lack of scientific expertise. Anyone with such expertise would be welcome to comment and let us know what is the case here.
Nov. 18 (Bloomberg) -- Bloomberg Businessweek’s Kyle Stock and
Bloomberg’s Cory Johnson examine the “mystery” of Tesla’s missing
vehicles. They speak on “Bloomberg West.” (Source: Bloomberg)
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able to continue this journey down this rabbit hole. Its been a brutal
4.5 years doing this and we hate to stop when we are so close to the
Our deficit is at $80, (thanks to generous donors) and its due in 3 days, so if you benefited in any way, from our blog, and wish to see us continue, then please
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Vatic Note: This pretty much speaks for itself. I put it up because I intend to follow up with natural treatments for this and other brain related diseases and to do so in future blogs. There are some wonderful treatments for memory loss, dimentia, etc. In fact, one of the cures actually cures alzheimers Disease.
So stay with us as we walk through this one with respect to the cures in future blogs.
A new blood test for Alzheimer’s appears to detect the disease as
many as 10 years before clinical diagnosis is possible -- far sooner
than other tests in development.
The test, described publicly
for the first time yesterday, could soon be used to identify and treat
patients with Alzheimer’s earlier in their disease progression. Those
people could participate in clinical trials to help find new treatments.
Already, the test distinguishes between patients and healthy elderly
with 100 percent accuracy.
“We will need replication and
validation, but I’m very optimistic this work will hold,” Dimitrios
Kapogiannis, the study’s lead author and a neuroscientist at the National Institute on Aging, said after a presentation at the Society for Neuroscience conference in Washington yesterday.
blood test is still in the early stages of development and has only
been evaluated in 174 individuals, requiring a larger, long-term study
before widespread use, the authors said in a statement. NanoSomiX, an
Aliso Viejo, California-based biotech company that develops blood assays
for neurodegenerative diseases and is sponsoring the study, plans to
produce a commercial version of the test, the company said in a separate
Two other potential Alzheimer’s blood tests were announced
earlier this year. One measures 10 fats in the bloodstream that appear
to predict dementia with 90 percent accuracy within three years of its
onset. Another uses 10 proteins in the blood to predict onset with 87
percent accuracy within a year.
At the National Institute on
Aging, Kapogiannis and his team identified a single protein in the brain
involved in insulin signaling, called IRS-1, that appears to be
defective in Alzheimer’s patients.
Exosome Pool
researchers gathered blood samples from 70 individuals with Alzheimer’s
disease, 20 cognitively normal elderly with diabetes, and 84 healthy
adults. Of the participants, 22 of the Alzheimer’s patients provided
samples taken one to 10 years before diagnosis.
From the
samples, the researchers isolated exosomes, little lipid sacs that bud
off cell membranes and carry signals to other cells and tissues. From
the resulting pool of exosomes, they identified just those originating
in the brain, which contain IRS-1, and measured the levels of the
They found that patients with Alzheimer’s had higher
amounts of the inactive form of the protein and lower amounts of the
active form than healthy individuals. The diabetics had intermediate
These levels were so consistent that the team could
predict whether a blood sample came from an Alzheimer’s patient, healthy
individual, or a diabetic -- with no errors. This was true even for
samples from Alzheimer’s patients taken 10 years before they were
“We were able to perfectly classify patients and controls,” Kapogiannis said during his presentation.
The article is reproduced in accordance with Section 107 of title 17 of the Copyright Law of the United States relating to fair-use and is for the purposes of criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research.
We are still working on alternative sources for revenues. We
want to thank those that contributed so far. Here we are again heading
toward the deadline and not close to meeting our deficit for this
coming month.
we have no choice at this time, but to partner with our readers to be
able to continue this journey down this rabbit hole. Its been a brutal
4.5 years doing this and we hate to stop when we are so close to the
Our deficit is at $175, due in 4 days, so if you benefited in any way, from our blog, and wish to see us continue, then please
contribute off to the right at the pay pal button. We thank you
deeply for your continued support of our work. God bless and keep you
and your family safe and healthy.
Vatic Note: We have covered this subject about this British country leaders pedophiling children, many times on blogs here and analyzed who, why, what and where. Its a true ongoing scandel that never stops. Attempts to get to the root of it, have all been foiled either through missing witnesses, dead witnesses, or those that changed their minds.
With the police actively involved now, I doubt this will continue, but then I maybe too naive at this point. It truly does appear that the upper crust of all western societies now have carte blanche to commit any crime that suits them. I suppose that is one of the main reasons they want a one world government, so they can "DO AS THEY WILL" as put out by the Satanists.
An alleged victim of a high level sex ring claims that a
Conservative MP killed a young boy during a depraved sex party that was
attended by the rich and powerful of England in the 1980’s.
Elm Guest House in south London, reputedly a centre of paedophile activity. Click to enlarge
The recent scandals emanating from Great Britain involving high
level politicians, businessmen and celebrities (see Jimmy Savile)
provide us a glimpse of the dark, twisted world of the occult elite. One
of their favorite kinks : Preying on innocent children, violating them in
horrific ways and feeding on their youth as if it was a source of life
force. These crimes are not the product of a few deviant individuals,
they are the result of a high level and highly institutionalized group
that was dubbed by the Westminster paedophile ring.
An alleged victim of the Westminster ring, who is now over 40 years
old, has recently came forward claiming to have been one of 15 boys who
were abused at the hands of the powerful network. According to The Telegraph:
A Conservative MP murdered a young boy
during a depraved sex party in the 1980s, an alleged victim of the
Westminster paedophile scandal has claimed.
The 12-year-old boy, who was being
abused by a group of men, was strangled by the politician at a luxury
townhouse in front of other victims, it has been alleged.
On another occasion, the victim claims a
young boy, who was around ten-years-old, was deliberately run down and
killed by a car being driven by one of his abusers.
The alleged murders are among three that
are now being investigated by the Metropolitan Police as part of a
major probe into claims that a powerful ring with links to Westminster
was operating in Britain in the 1970s and 1980s.
He claims after being handed to the
group by his father, he was regularly picked up in cars and taken to
hotels and apartments, where he was physically and sexually abused by
“senior military and political” figures.
Some of the abuse allegedly took place
at flats in the Dolphin Square development in Pimlico, where a number of
politicians have London homes.
The man, who has spoken at length to
Scotland Yard detectives, said he had witnessed two murders of abuse
victims by members of the group.
He told the Sunday People that he had been in the same room as a 12-year-old boy, when a Tory MP throttled him to death.
The murder was allegedly witnessed by another abuse victim who was in the room at the same time.
He said: “I watched while that happened.
I am not sure how I got out of that. Whether I will ever know why I
survived, I am not sure.”
On another occasion he claims a member
of the gang deliberately ran over one of the victims, in what he
described as an effort to demonstrate their power.
A third boy was murdered during a depraved orgy at which another Tory MP was present, the man has told detectives.-
The Telegraph, Tory MP ‘murdered’ boy at orgy, abuse victim claims.
The situation lived by these young victims is akin to mind control slaves. According to the accuser :
“They were very powerful people and they
controlled my life for the next nine years. They created fear that
penetrated every part of me, day in day out. You didn’t question what
they wanted, you did as they asked without question and the punishments
were very severe.”
“They had no hesitation in doing what
they wanted to do,” Nick said. “Some of them were quite open about who
they were. They had no fear at all of being caught, it didn’t cross
their mind.”
As you can see, these claims bear all of the hallmarks of the occult
elite. Young children given up by their parents to high powered
circles; Repeated and ritualistic abuse; Gratuitous murders that could
be blood sacrifices. And this is only the tip of the iceberg.
(VN: WELCOME TO YOUR NEW WORLD ORDER, how do you like it so far???) The article is reproduced in accordance with Section 107 of title 17 of the Copyright Law of the United States relating to fair-use and is for the purposes of criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research.
We are still working on alternative sources for revenues. We
want to thank those that contributed so far. Here we are again heading
toward the deadline and not close to meeting our deficit for this
coming month.
we have no choice at this time, but to partner with our readers to be
able to continue this journey down this rabbit hole. Its been a brutal
4.5 years doing this and we hate to stop when we are so close to the
Our deficit is at $175, due in 4 days, so if you benefited in any way, from our blog, and wish to see us continue, then please
contribute off to the right at the pay pal button. We thank you
deeply for your continued support of our work. God bless and keep you
and your family safe and healthy.
Vatic Note: The parallels to what is going on in this country to the Gun Powder Plot is mind boggling. Again, I have to say, its amazing how history repeats itself even as much as 400 years later. Something that has come to my attention. There has never been an incident in history where tyrants gave up power without violence. That fact shocked me as I believed that many would do so if they were outnumber, but that has proven not to be the case. But what else shocked me, was how easy it was for the tyrants to gain the power without violence by using deception and this article's analysis of the Guy Fawkes plot is a prime example and spookily matches what is going on today. Was it a false flag plot to achieve and agenda based on greed?
That brought home just what is coming down the road for us in the not too distant future and what has happened in the past through false flags and deception for us to buy off on tyrannical behavior by our leaders using bogus terrorists who are really our own insiders. We have seen training of our police by the fusia centers and now we have cops killing unarmed normal American citizens without a trial. I think back on our revolution that the founding fathers tried to settle with the British without war or violence and the British would have none of it. I looked at the Roman empire and how readily, for a loaf of bread and gladiator games that the people readily gave up their rights and freedoms to tyrants without a fight, without batting an eyelash.
Now it explains all the disinfo sites today that promote our passivity in the face of this threat that is without a doubt a real one. So, what do we do and how many of us does it take to do what is needed, IF we do not use violence??? Ironically, in the American revolution, we were so passive that even armed we would not resort to conflict or aggression. It took the fact that the British were coming to Concord to confiscate our guns, to get the people to rise up and finally deal with their reality. It was die either as a slave to the British empire or die fighting it. They chose the latter and won.
This was an interesting piece as it brought back something Jefferson said and he has proven to be right in the many things he had to say, more times than not.... He said "The Garden of Liberty must, from time to time, be watered with the blood of tyrants and patriots." Now given the clever manipulation of the shadow government ruled by a foreign infiltrating country, do you think they will come violently to try and disarm us? If so, will that be the second shot heard round the world??? Or will they do a Guy Fawkes and pretend as they did with 9-11? Will they create another false enemy to take blame for their deceptions and violence to manipulate us into not acting at all?
This Guy Fawkes piece will make your brain cells go crazy. There is a lot of serious points made that will make us think, ponder, and finally decide where we rest in this discussion. We already know what kind of world they have planned for us, so the question for us is "Do I want to die a slave with no life, no future, for either me, my family or my children, or do I want to take the serious risk of fighting for my ideal of a future for all those I love??? This is a very tough question and soon will require and answer. I can feel it coming. If nothing else this was a doggone suprising and interesting story of this man and the plot he was accused of doing. I had never heard this before. Its well worth the read just for the perspective it gives us.
A portrait of Guy Fawkes, who was executed for ‘the gunpowder plot.’
Remember, remember, the 5th of November, Gunpowder, treason and plot. I see no reason why the gunpowder treason Should ever be forgot. -Old English folk rhyme (anonymous)
By Barrie Zwicker (Special to Truth and Shadows)
Today, November 5th, is Guy Fawkes Day, also known as Gunpowder Day. In 2012 it’s the 407th anniversary of The Gunpowder Plot or Gunpowder Treason, as it was first called.
It also happens to be my 78th birthday. So I’ve been more
aware of Guy Fawkes Day than most. I’m especially happy about how
ubiquitous the Guy Fawkes mask has become.
“V for Vendetta may be the most revolutionary film ever made. Its
obvious message is: Let’s get out there and visit some rough justice on
the treasonous bastards who created the 9/11 and 7/7 media spectaculars,
and destroyed the freedoms for which we’ve been fighting for centuries."
Watch (on YouTube)V for 9/11 Vendetta: Past, Present and Future It is also possible to read the film from an interior,
psychological perspective: Rather than just a call to action, it’s about
the psychological process of coming to terms with the 9/11 and 7/7
inside jobs, by allowing oneself to feel the overwhelming anger that is
the natural response. Once one has faced the facts, overcome fear, and
come to terms with one’s own righteous anger, THEN it’s time for
real message of the V mask is simple: We know you bastards blew up the
Trade Center. We know you’re blowing up the economy. We know you’re
lying to us 24/7/365. We know you’re trying to keep us poor and weak and
fearful and impotent.
Well, guess what? We’re not afraid of you. We’re
not afraid to die. And we’re coming to get you.
No wonder the BBC is afraid to admit what the V mask really means.”
Yet for the first 71 years of my life I had entirely the wrong idea
about the gunpowder plot: what happened, who was really behind it, and
its impact on history. An impact that continues to this day.
It was in
2005 that I read Webster Tarpley’s superb book9/11 Synthetic Terror: Made in USA right after it came off the press. He introduced me to the historical element. True, the brazen events of 9/11 and the mind-boggling cover-up that
followed opened my eyes to state-executed terror frauds and the power
they deliver to the dark forces that order them. But I didn’t know from
nuthin’ about the Gunpowder Plot.
Nor at that time did I appreciate that it and 9/11 are but two
examples from thousands of false flag operations that have changed
history. False flag ops are the least-recognized, highest-impact category of
human deceit. In terms of emotional wallop, even the most brilliant lies
perpetrated by the most talented demagogues pale, in comparison to a
big false flag op, for the power to manipulate the public.
On this
anniversary let’s look more closely at this particular false flag op for
some lessons. As William Faulkner put it in his Requiem for a Nun:
“The past is never dead. It’s not even past.” Then we will touch
briefly on one of the most recent false flag ops – a leading edge
digital one that perversely misappropriates the Fawkes name.
On the Throne of England in 1605 sits James the First, a Protestant,
the King who ordered the translation of the Christian Bible that bears
his name.
As midnight approaches on November the 4th – the eve of the
traditional opening of Parliament – armed agents of the King raid a
basement room of the Houses of Parliament.
They discover and apprehend
one Guy Fawkes. His age, 36, coincides with the number of barrels of
gunpowder they find with him. They find a tunnel leading to the room.
Fawkes is a known agitator for the rights of English Roman Catholics. In
his possession are a pocket watch (a rarity in those days).
Had he succeeded in detonating the gunpowder, the next morning King
James and his queen would be mangled bodies, as would all the members of
the House of Lords and the House of Commons. Smoking rubble would be
all that would remain of the Palace of Westminster complex, including
historic Westminster Abbey.
So goes the palace version of the events of the late evening of November the 4th, 1605. The English public is stunned. It’s the equivalent of 9/11. “A cataclysm,” Adam Nicolson describes it in his book God’s Secretaries: The Making of the King James Bible. Upon his arrest, according to the official account, Fawkes admits his purpose was to destroy king and Parliament.
That there was some kind of plot is not in doubt. By November the 8th,
on the rack, Fawkes names 12 co-conspirators. Those not killed where
they are tracked down are found guilty of treason later in a trial
lasting less than a day. They and Fawkes are hanged, drawn and
The following Sunday, November the 10th, the King James
Version of the plot is broadcast from the leading pulpit of the Church
of England, that of William Barlow, Bishop of Rochester. Barlow thunders
that the enemy, meaning papists, is satanic in its wickedness. The
King, their hoped-for victim, on the other hand is, Mr. Nicolson writes,
characterized as an unqualifiedly good man . . . virtually a
Soon all the pulpits of England echo the official account. Between
1606 and 1859 the Fifth is remembered in an annual service of
thanksgiving in every Anglican church, writes James Sharpe in Remember, Remember: A Cultural History of Guy Fawkes Day.Until 1959, it was against the law in Britain not to celebrate Guy Fawkes Day. Celebrate, because
from the beginning the public was giving thanks that the realm was
saved and the treasonous conspirators dispatched. For centuries effigies
of Fawkes were burned.
The palace version becomes historical truth for humankind including me – duped again! – for most of our lives. Mr. Nicolson and others now cast serious doubt on that version. Many anomalies concerning the events have surfaced.
Fawkes was not apprehended in a basement room but rather a ground
floor room, one remarkably easily rented by the plotters. There was,
accordingly, no tunnel. The authorship of the letter by which the King
learned of the plot is murky. It was turned over to the King by the
Royal Chancellor, Sir Robert Cecil, the Earl of Salisbury.
Sir Cecil I would characterize as the Dick Cheney of his day. Because
plots were common at that time Cecil had an efficient network of spies
seeded among Roman Catholic dissidents. He kept tabs on all plots the
spies discovered. This one featured a large cast of characters from
several cities.
Cecil kept the King in the dark about the plot except for the obscure
letter. The gunpowder, it turned out, was of an inferior nature,
unlikely to have achieved much result. This was odd, as Fawkes
definitely knew a thing or two about gunpowder. He had developed
expertise with it while serving with distinction in Spain’s army against
Protestant rebels in the Netherlands. It’s conceivable the gunpowder
could have been switched by someone; loads of it existed because of all
the hostilities. Some handwriting on Fawkes’s confession differed from
the rest.
Ignored until recently is a book by Jesuit historian John Gerard, What Was the Gunpowder Plot: The Traditional Story Tested by Original Evidence.
Gerard died in 1606 but his book was not published for almost three
centuries, in 1897, an interesting temporal fact in itself. While it’s
true, as Sharpe writes, that accounts of the plot differ as per the
biases of the authors, I find Gerard’s account pretty compelling. He
“When we examine into the details supplied to us as to the progress
of the affair, we find that much of what the conspirators are said to
have done is well-nigh incredible, while it is utterly impossible that
if they really acted in the manner described, the public authorities
should not have had full knowledge…”
Exactly. The evidence points to a particular kind of false-flag
operation. There are many variations. In some (9/11 being the leading
example) an outrageous event is carried out by the perpetrators and
blamed on the chosen enemy. In others (example, Gulf of Tonkin) nothing
happens but a fiction blames the chosen enemy. The Gunpowder Plot is
midway: a plot was underway but the precise intentions of the plotters
can never be known. The main feature is that, with or without taking a
hand in the plot, the Cecil elements manipulated events brilliantly.
Cecil was heavily involved in an influential London group known as
“the war party.” It wanted to push James into a confrontation with the
Spanish Empire, from which the group’s members hoped, among other
things, to extract great personal profit. (VN: wow, amazing how some things never change)
The war party considered it politically vital to keep persecuting
Roman Catholics. Sir Cecil set out, writes Tarpley, to sway James to
adopt his policy by means of terrorism. (VN: well, this is a great example of how they use something more than once to achieve these satanic goals of global domination and greed.)
James himself had negotiated peace with Spain the previous year. His
other advisors told him there was no chance of a general Catholic
uprising and that no foreign Catholic powers were involved in the plot.
The King knew, Sharpe writes, that “the reality of Catholicism in
England around 1600 was very different from the image conjured up in
government propaganda and contemporary Protestant myth.” Sharpe again:
“…even in the face of … persecution it seems that most of England’s
Catholics remained loyal to their monarch and wanted nothing more than
to be allowed to practice their faith unmolested.” (The parallel with
most Muslims living in the UK and Canada today springs to mind.) (VN: same with the USA.)
For his part, James downplayed the plot. “James and his ministers,”
Sharpe writes, “showed more restraint than many modern regimes faced
with similar problems.”
Nevertheless, the power of the imagery of what might have happened burned itself into the public’s psyche, and was repeatedly fanned by the Protestant and war promoting establishments. (VN: my, that does sound like us today)
The outcomes of this ongoing propaganda campaign are incontestable.
Tolerance for English Roman Catholics is replaced by a period of
terrible bloodletting for them. Numbers are killed. Catholics’ homes are
burned. A string of laws is passed restricting their rights and
The English become “fixated on homeland security,“ Nicolson writes.
An inclusive, irenic idea of mutual benefit between Spain and England –
trade between the two countries, because of the peace treaty, had been
growing –“is replaced in England by a defensive/aggressive complex.” All
Catholics, of all shades, never mind their enthusiasm or not for the
planned attack, are identified as the enemy.
Most significantly, war with Spain ensues. England’s course is set
for a century of wars against the Spanish and Portuguese empires.
England for various reasons comes out victorious and on these war
victories the British Empire is founded in blood, deception and
There’s no way of knowing whether the British Empire – and all the
consequences of its rule from Capetown to Canada to Iraq to its American
colonies — would have emerged anyway or in what form or at what pace,
but we can see in retrospect that the Gunpowder Plot was pivotal in what did transpire.
It would be a failure of imagination not to see the parallels with
9/11 and society in our day of blanket war propaganda, teeming with
covert agents, ever-encroaching surveillance, ever decreasing civil
rights and liberties, and either helpless or conniving leaders.
Let’s look at false flag ops generically.
It’s difficult in my
opinion to over-estimate their terrible place in history, and their
place in making history terrible. Think of the wars and millions of
deaths that followed the Gunpowder Plot, the sinking of the Maine in
Havana Harbour in 1898 that kick-started the US Empire’s expansion to
the Philippines and beyond, the sinking of the Lusitania that brought
the USA into World War I, the torching of the German Reichstag that
boosted Hitler to power and enabled his bloody grab for world
domination, the assassination of John F. Kennedy that yanked U.S.
foreign policy onto a warpath, the alleged attacks during LBJ’s
presidency the next year by North Vietnamese torpedo boats on U.S.
warships in the Gulf of Tonkin — attacks that simply did not take place
but that provided the basis for the Tonkin Gulf Resolution, passed 88-2
in the US Senate.
That resolution constituted the “legal” basis for
escalating the Vietnam War with an eventual death toll of more than
3-million. And 9/11. To name a few.
Without false flag ops most wars would be harder to launch. Some
would barely be possible. Think of the unprecedented millions of peace
marchers who took to the streets prior to the invasion of Iraq. If the
deceptions are used to justify such wars were exposed earlier by a
skeptical, independent, ferociously investigative media, we all would be
living in a different world. Millions of horrible deaths and all the
accompanying grief could have been avoided. And the military would have
to put on bake sales to raise funds.
There always has been a yearning for peace among the normal everyday
citizenry: finding meaningful work, marrying and raising a family,
tilling the soil, writing poetry, inventing things, or — as Pierre
Berton said was his favourite thing – “getting smashed with your
There are exceptions, but the horrible norm is that for wars to be
launched, maintained or expanded the people have to be fooled. And
history proves beyond a reasonable doubt that the most surefire way to
accomplish that is to lumber them with an iconic outrage allegedly
perpetrated by the designated “enemy” of the day.
And we go on sinking
ever further into the mire of deaths – the deaths of innocents, the
death of promise for a better future, the death of honest history, the
death of coming to grips with reality – because each new false flag op
draws power from the fictions planted about all the previous ones.
And so the elites continue to hide their four aces in a rigged game.
Their most closely guarded secret retains the potency of the first one.
Remember, remember, the 5th of November, the 11th of September, Faulkner, and George Santayana’s comment that “those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.”
But today we also have to remember the future. Added to the false
flag ops, false flag agents and false flag organizations of old are
false flag digital organisms, sent to infect particular publics. One of
the most recent of which I’ve become aware is a rogue individual or
group identified as ” This tricky entity “FawkesSecurity” on Monday,
October 22, released via YouTube and Pastebin a bomb threat against an
unidentified U.S. Government building.
I for one smell digital gunpowder.
“FawkesSecurity” claims to be associated with the Anonymous
collective. The threat of violence, however, goes against everything
Anonymous says it stands for. Sources at Anonymous are denouncing
“FawkesSecurity” and its bomb threat.
A report on this, from which I am quoting, can be found at Examiner.com Following is an excerpt from the message of “FawkesSecurity:”
Dear citizens of the world, We are anonymous. As of
today 200 kilograms of composite Nitroglycerin and commercial
explosives have effectively been concealed in a government building,
situated in the united states of America. on the 5th of November 2012 …we are anonymous, we are legion, we do not forget, we do not forgive, on the 5th of November, you will expect us.
As the Examiner report says, “the video displays many of the standard
trappings of associated with Anonymous [and yet] the threat of violence
is completely out of step with the ethos that guides Anonymous.” The
Examiner report adds: “Multiple social media accounts have denounced FawkesSecurity and
their bomb threat. Many speculate FawkesSecurity is a false flag
operation conducted by government agents in an attempt to discredit
Anonymous. Others speculate that FawkesSecurity is simply misguided, and
unfamiliar with the bullet proof idea that is Anonymous.” (VN: there is a fourth possibility, its a set up false flag to be able to declare martial law and grab our guns. This is the same as our first revolution..... only this time, its our government or one of our less trustworthy allies doing this. I keep remembering the USS Liberty, being blamed on Egypt so we would attack her for one of our questionable allies.)
Whatever the case, those who wrote the text above can’t punctuate or capitalize worth a damn.
The digital and physical worlds are not separate. Agents of the state
infest both. Although unlikely, if the threat by “FawkesSecurity” were
to be carried out today, one outcome could be to seriously besmirch
Anonymous. (The question of whether Anonymous itself might be a false
flag op, or is, or could be infiltrated or otherwise manipulated, is one
to be asked and answered further down the rabbit hole. Such is the
ultra-elusive nature of “reality” today.)
We’ve come a long way from 1605 technically, but the general scheme is the same: deception rides high, wide and ugly. (VN: its what happens when psychopaths lack imagination.... and are control freaks. They resort to what has always worked in the past, and those who study history always point it out. Thus these cretins NEVER retain control over anything. They will fail this time, just as they have continually in the past since the tower of Babel. Nothing will change except the chaos and drama will be gone, when they are gone. Iceland had the right idea. LOCK THEM ALL UP. )
Segments of this post were originally published in an op ed page piece the author had published on November 5th, 2005 in The Globe and Mail; others come from notes for a talk given by the author in London, Ontario November 5th, 2011.
The article is reproduced in accordance with Section 107 of title 17 of the Copyright Law of the United States relating to fair-use and is for the purposes of criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research.