VATIC MASTER: WE WILL BE BACK ON SUNDAY WITH NEW BLOGS AND EVERYDAY AFTER THAT, EXCEPT SATURDAY. Even VM needs a day off after almost 5 years. LOL The article is reproduced in accordance with Section 107 of title 17 of the Copyright Law of the United States relating to fair-use and is for the purposes of criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research.
Vatic Note: We have speculated through a variety of evidence since 9-11, that Rothschild's Israel did 9-11 and even bragged about how it was good for Israel that it happened. I do not want to rehash all the evidence pointing in that direction, but this belows makes a great case for what we have said all along. One point I do wish to make, these Israeli's are not the Jews of the Bible, they are the ashkenazi Jews of Europe who migrated into Eastern Europe and were Khazars, who then transplanted to Israel after Britain ensured Israel's existance and many came from Britain, France, Germany and America.
It's complicated, but if you have been following our trail of discovery, you will know that even many of the royal Muslim leaders are also Khazars who were also placed in their positions by the British after WW I, and that is why so many are allies of Israel.
So, please do not blame the real Jews who are primarily in America and Middle East. If their last name is German sounding, then they are the khazars. Goldstein, Rosenberg, etc. These names are simply being used as examples.
This is a good read and well worth the effort. If you did not have an opinion before reading this, you certainly will after reading the length of the FBI REPORT filed about the dancing Israeli's, and especially how many pages were redacted in meeting the FOIA request.
"All war is based on deception."- Sun Tzu "By way of deception, thou shalt do war." - former motto of the Mossad
The official 2001 FBI docs on Urban Moving Systems and the 9-11-2001 Dancing Israelis incident
Comment #2 goes over how anyone can get their own copies of these documents on a CD from the FBI (for those skeptics who claim this is "disinfo" - as if I have any time to slug this stuff together). Here is the boilerplate letter I received from the FBI after making the initial request and asking for a fee waiver (my personal info has been whited out).
I've saved many the trouble of getting their own documents by posting them on, links are in the notes area (in RED). Article begins here:
Section 5, page 42
Above: A snippet from the 2001 FBI files on Urban Moving Systems and the 9-11 Dancing Israelis incident. An employee of UMS dishes on the boss (Dominik Suter?) who not only cheats customers but seems to harbor a huge grudge against the United States.
Here are videos for those unfamiliar with the story:
The controversy around Urban Moving Systems (active as a business since approximately 1996) centers around the fact that it was a Mossad front company, and whether or not the "employees" (agents) knew what was about to go down on September 11th. There were also, according to the FBI report, traces of explosive in the van used in the Dancing Israelis incident. Were members of this group involved in rigging the towers for demolition? Were they part of a Sayeret Yahalom demolition team? (Hat tip to Niqnaq on that one).
Section 1, page 35
In section 5, page 25 of the FBI report, a male eyewitness who was painting the interior of an apartment spots the Dancing Israelis on a nearby roof "less than 5 minutes" after the first plane hits the WTC. The location of the roof, The Doric Apartments at 100 Manhattan Avenue in Union City, NJ, is a 5 minute drive from Urban Moving Systems at 3 W 18th Street in Weehauken. This contradicts the statements of the Israelis in the 4th video (starting at 3:55), who claim they began driving to that point after the first plane hit the towers.
Section 1, pages 36-37
There were a number of reasons I retrieved and posted the 4 page police report from the East Rutherford, NJ P.D. and these FBI documents on the 9-11-2001 Dancing Israelis incident (links are below). If any 9-11 researchers had seen them, they failed to make them available for public scrutiny. As a consequence, some individuals have concluded that the Dancing Israelis were an "urban legend", based only on researchers' opinions and a slew of seemingly disparate facts.
Section 5, page 41
Fill out an FOIA request, or write a letter, and these public records are yours for a few dollars, or free. So why have we not seen (until now) official documentation on these suspicious events - events that apparently never got a mention in the 9-11 Commission Report?
Section 5, pages 62-63
The FBI's investigation of the Dancing Israelis is close to 550 pages long - redacted pages (not included in the above count), had they been made available, would bring the actual report closer to 1800 pages. Of the released pages, many are partially blanked out. The investigation won't be completely declassified until 2030 at the earliest; however it appears that date was changed to 2035 (see above stamps that appear on most pages).
Section 5, page 30
The report is in 6 sections. The PDF "search" option does not seem to be working. A brief synopsis of some findings are below, section by section.
Section 1, page 33
Because of time constraints, I have not vetted everything. Please note in the comments area any section/page of interest found in these documents. I have posted some snippets, however, I may have missed a few things, and would appreciate any insights, help etc.
Section 5, page 47
From the official East Rutherford, New Jersey police report, page 4 - suspect claims they were in Manhattan on the West Side Highway during the attack on the WTC (stated as "the incident")
Section 1, page 65
Above: A female witness at 100 Manhattan Avenue spots the Israelis "high fiving" each other while watching the WTC burn. Were they really happy to see the WTC burn, or were they just fans of Seattle's "High Five'n White Guys"?:
The first 9 links below this article under "Related posts" are my own independent research. Some of these articles contain evidence that some actors in this group are still active in the US.
The Doric Apartments, 100 Manhattan Ave, Union City, NJ - "...the Doric stands on the cliffs of Union City offering non-obstructed breathtaking views of the New York City's skyline" - quote from Doric's website
Section 1, page 12. Flyer found for party at the Garage on 99 7th Avenue in Manhattan. The date "7-11" (exactly 2 months before 9-11) is prominent. Is the address (99 7th Avenue - 99 = 9x11) significant? Keren is a common Israeli women's name. What is being covered up on the right side of the flyer? Below a snippet from a Google search for DJ VanJee that refers to Jaffa, a city located in Israel.
Section 1, page 23. An "unscheduled" UMS van is spotted in Plymouth, MA on 9-11-2001 at 6:45 a.m.
Section 1, page 30. AA flight 11 was scheduled to depart Boston's Logan Airport at 7:45 a.m.
p. 36 and p. 52-53 - An "unscheduled" Urban Moving Systems van is stopped by Pennsylvania State Police as it is traveling toward the Shanksville, PA hijacked flight 93 crash site:
Section 1, page 36
Section 1, page 30
p. 36 - An "unscheduled" Urban Moving Systems van is found in Nashua, NH on 9-11:
Section 1, page 36
Section 1, page 34 Airline tickets with immediate travel dates found in NJ van.
Section 1, page 39
p. 61-77 - Tenants at 100 Manhattan Avenue apartments are questioned about sightings of Israelis prior to 9-11.
Section 1, page 61. One of the 5 Dancing Israelis was spotted at 100 Manhattan Ave. on 9-10-01. Was he helping the mysterious couple (below) move out of their apartment?
Section 1, page 71 - Manager at 100 Manhattan Ave.
regarding tenants moving out using a UMC truck on 9-10-01
Section 1, page 112 - Letter posted from Charlotte, NC. The Fox News video below at the 1:26 mark reports the presence of Israeli Mossad in North Carolina.
Are the numbers 6 and 8 significant (68 cents postage, sticker with 8 legged figure juggling 6 balls)?
Do some research on the zip + 4 number ("28210-5700") and you might find it links back to Union City, NJ.
Section 3, page 28. A 9-16-01 memo details a new UMS warehouse location at 73-75 Gould Street in Bayonne, NJ. I exposed this warehouse and the UMS connection to Israeli mall sales of Zoomcopters in an article in 2009 9-11, Mossad Mall Spies, Zoomcopters and Dominik Suter
P 21: female employee of UMS arrives at work at 8:58 am (shown on punched time card). A co-worker brings her some cookies - she estimates this happened about 5 minutes after she clocked in (9:03) She talks with co-worker for "a few more minutes" and then hears someone in the building shout "Oh my God a plane just hit the World Trade Center." She then heads into the dispatch room of Urban Moving Systems (where the shout came from) and sees "a still picture on a computer screen of a plane hitting one tower".
p. 25: A painter at the Doric Towers, 100 Manhattan Ave, Union City, NJ is informed by a partner of the disaster "less than 5 minutes" after the first plane hits the north tower". He "stands up from painting the baseboard, looks out of the window, and notices 3 young men taking video and still photographs from atop the roof of the parking garage adjoining Doric Towers. (ed. note: Urban Moving Systems is a 5 minute drive from 100 Manhattan Ave.)
p 8: foreign names and names of obscure towns in India and Nepal.
p 30: report on Israeli art vendor arrested in Mercer county. Found traveling in the vicinity of the FAA center in Pomona, NJ and also taking pictures of bridges and freeways:
p 33: four Israeli nationals arrested by Mt. Holly Police dept on 8 14 2001
p 38: FBI declares Israelis innocent
p 40: phone number found in notes connected to individual in S. America with "ties to Islamic militants in the ME"
P 41: another phone number is connected to a hash dealer in NY - this info is considered moot.
p 43: FBI admits wide discrepancies in suspects stories
Section 6, page 45 - witness describes video camera
Section 6, page 47 Dancing Israelis, Classic International Movers and the 19 hijackers
Or did they go directly to the Doric apartments, a 16 minute drive, arrival time 8:04 a.m.? The van was spotted at the Doric at about 8 a.m. by a witness interviewed by the FBI.
p 63: FBI references
p 89: items not claimed by suspects destroyed
----------------------------------------------------------------------- And the aftermath continues: The article is reproduced in accordance with Section 107 of title 17 of the Copyright Law of the United States relating to fair-use and is for the purposes of criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research.
Vatic Note: This is so blatant, that indeed, I do believe a special prosecutor should be appointed. Is there one that I trust? Is there one that will stand against the globalists? It may well be, that we have to have one of our neighbors run for President and make a commitment to ourselves that NO PROFESSIONAL POLITICIAN should be elected to public office. Only then can we be sure that the "right" thing will be done.
If there is an assassination AGAIN then at least we know who did the first one now and we can go after them for the next one, if it occurs. We have to do something if we are to send a message that justice must never be ignored and make that clear as Iceland did, which I now realize was exceedingly brave of them as a nation. They proved it can be done. Read this below, and we all know who the Koch brothers are and what foreign entity they represent.
Michael Beckel, The Center for Public Integrity | November 29, 2014
As the Internal Revenue Service contemplates new rules to illuminate “dark money” in politics, a little-known nonprofit group is fighting back using money traceable to billionaire brothers Charles and David Koch, drug makers and the cable television industry.
The group, American Commitment, received 87 percent of its $13
million in funding between 2011 and 2013 from three Koch-connected
nonprofits: the Freedom Partners Chamber of Commerce, Center to Protect
Patient Rights and Free Enterprise America, according to tax filings
reviewed by the Center for Public Integrity.
The Freedom Partners Chamber of Commerce—which has been called “the Koch brothers’ secret bank” by Politico—has given $6.4 million to American Commitment, including $140,000 in 2013, according to tax records.
The Center to Protect Patient Rights—headed by Koch-connected political consultant Sean Noble—contributed about $4.8 million to American Commitment in 2012.
And another Koch network group headed by Noble, Free Enterprise America, contributed $103,000 to American Commitment in 2011—nearly half of the $216,500 American Commitment reported raising that year.
Meanwhile, additional tax records show two major trade associations
are also among American Commitment’s donors: the Pharmaceutical Research
and Manufacturers of America and the National Cable and
Telecommunications Association, both of which share policy positions
with American Commitment.
In 2013, PhRMA contributed $50,000 to American Commitment. That’s up
from the $25,000 the drug lobby group gave in 2012. And the National
Cable and Telecommunications Association has contributed $20,000 to
American Commitment—$10,000 in both 2012 and 2013. Donors to American Commitment
Source: Center for Public Integrity analysis of IRS filings covering financial activities from 2011 through 2013
As a “social welfare” nonprofit organized under Sec. 501(c)(4) of the
tax code, American Commitment is not required to publicly disclose its
donors, even though it overtly supports political candidates.
But separate IRS filings show the bulk of American Commitment’s money
has come from these nonprofits, which are legally required to disclose
grants they provide to other nonprofit organizations.
American Commitment itself disclosed, as required by law, that in
2013, it received between $100,000 and $150,000 each from four unnamed
Together, those four donors—one of which appears to have been the
Freedom Partners Chamber of Commerce—accounted for half of American
Commitment’s $1 million in income last year, according to records filed with the IRS earlier this week.
Led by Phil Kerpen—a veteran of
Americans for Prosperity, the Club for Growth and the Cato
Institute—American Commitment has vigorously opposed efforts to force
donor disclosure on social welfare nonprofit groups.
It has derided liberal politicians for what it calls “shameful
efforts to amend the Constitution to empower politicians to regulate
political speech” and “backdoor regulatory efforts to limit the First
Amendment at federal agencies.”
Earlier this year, after the IRS unveiled a proposal to regulate
politically active nonprofits organized under Sec. 501(c)(4) of the tax
code, American Commitment co-wrote a letter to the agency’s commissioner calling for the new rules to be “withdrawn and abandoned.”
According to its website,
it’s also helped thousands of people flood the inboxes of their
lawmakers with the message: “Don’t let the IRS gut the First Amendment!”
Given its involvement in elections, American Commitment ranks high
among social welfare nonprofits that would be affected by any new IRS
rules governing so-called dark money—cash from publicly undisclosed
donors used to boost or bash political candidates.
Ahead of the 2014 midterms, American Commitment promoted Republican U.S. Senate candidate Thom Tillis of North Carolina in radio ads. In 2013, it backed Republican
US Senate candidate Steve Lonegan in his race against Democrat Cory
Booker. And Sen. Jeff Flake (R-AZ) was among politicians American
Commitment supported in 2012.
Groups such as Crossroads GPS on the right, which was co-founded by GOP strategist Karl Rove, and Patriot Majority USA on
the left, which is run by allies of Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid
(D-NV) have proliferated—all while legally keeping their donors’ names
Industry lobbying groups such as PhRMA and the National Cable and
Telecommunications Association (NCTA) have also found an ally in
American Commitment.
One of NCTA’s top issues: opposing “Net neutrality” policies that
would regulate the Internet like a utility—a move the trade group says would be “disastrous.”
American Commitment’s Kerpen, meanwhile, has argued that “regulating and taxing the Internet is obviously a terrible idea.” Joy Sims, an NCTA spokeswoman, declined to comment about the group’s donation to American Commitment.
American Commitment further describes itself as
“committed to fully repealing” President Barack Obama’s health care law
and replacing it in a way that “empowers patients and doctors” and
unleashes “American ingenuity and creativity to cure diseases.”
Robert Zirkelbach, a spokesman for PhRMA—which supported the passage of Obama’s Affordable Care Act but has also funneled money to groups like
American Commitment that want it scrapped—aid the trade group often
gives out money to “organizations that share PhRMA’s goals of improving
the quality of patients’ lives” and “supporting the discovery of new
treatments and cures.”
Other donors to American Commitment remain unknown—exactly how the group wants them to be.
“We agree with the Warren Court’s landmark 1958 ruling in NAACP v.
Alabama that protecting the privacy of our members is critical to their
core First Amendment rights of free speech and free association,” Kerpen
wrote in an email to the Center for Public Integrity.
(Update, 7:02 p.m., Nov. 20: This story has been updated to include Kerpen’s reference to the NAACP v. Alabamacase.)
In recent years, the American Future Fund has spent tens of millions of dollars advocating against federal lawmakers, including about $81,000 in late 2013 against Rep. Collin Peterson, the ranking Democratic member of the House Agriculture Committee.
Like American Commitment, it has done so without disclosing its funders.
The article is reproduced in accordance with Section 107 of title 17 of the Copyright Law of the United States relating to fair-use and is for the purposes of criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research.
Vatic Note: This was fascinating and very very educational. I knew a lot about the British involvement in dividing up the Ottoman empire after WW I, but I had no idea about the details of that venture. This gives us the big picture and yet a detailed and serious picture of what they did in Lebanon.
This can then be overlaid onto Syria and Iraq. Remember, they are both heavily endowed with energy resources as is Gaza and the Ukraine, so now you know why the Western nations, especially Britain, were so involved in the past. Today, its the foreign occupied USA, Rothschild, Britain and Israel, our foreign occupier. I intend to follow this with great interest to see just how close he is to the end results.
Like I keep saying, this is not a fast food info site, its an educational site and this below is just one more piece of information that we did not know, but do now. Keep this in mind as things unfold over there. Remember, UNITED WE STAND, AND DIVIDED WE FALL.
was created out of the Sykes-Picot Agreement. This agreement between
Britain and France reshaped the collapsed Ottoman Empire south of Turkey
into the states we know today —
Lebanon, Syria and Iraq, and to some
extent the Arabian Peninsula as well. For nearly 100 years, Sykes-Picot
defined the region. A strong case can be made that the nation-states
Sykes-Picot created are now defunct, and that what is occurring in Syria
and Iraq represents the emergence of post-British/French maps that will
replace those the United States has been trying to maintain since the
collapse of Franco-British power.
The Invention of Middle East Nation-States
Sykes-Picot, named for French diplomat Francois Georges-Picot and his
British counterpart, Sir Mark Sykes, did two things. First, it created a
British-dominated Iraq. Second, it divided the Ottoman province of
Syria on a line from the Mediterranean Sea east through Mount Hermon.
Everything north of this line was French. Everything south of this line
was British. The French, who had been involved in the Levant since the
19th century, had allies among the region's Christians. They carved out
part of Syria and created a country for them. Lacking a better name,
they called it Lebanon, after the nearby mountain of the same name.
The British named the area to the west of the Jordan River after the
Ottoman administrative district of Filistina, which turned into
Palestine on the English tongue. However, the British had a problem.
During World War I, while the British were fighting the Ottoman Turks,
they had allied with a number of Arabian tribes seeking to expel the
Turks. Two major tribes, hostile to each other, were the major British
allies. The British had promised postwar power to both. It gave the
victorious Sauds the right to rule Arabia — hence Saudi Arabia.
other tribe, the Hashemites, had already been given the newly invented
Iraqi monarchy and, outside of Arabia, a narrow strip of arable ground
to the east of the Jordan River. For lack of a better name, it was
called Trans-Jordan, or the other side of the Jordan. In due course the
"trans" was dropped and it became Jordan.
And thus, along with Syria,
five entities were created between the Mediterranean and Tigris, and
between Turkey and the new nation of Saudi Arabia. This five became six
after the United Nations voted to create Israel in 1947. The Sykes-Picot
agreement suited European models and gave the Europeans a framework for
managing the region that conformed to European administrative
principles. The most important interest, the oil in Iraq and the Arabian
Peninsula, was protected from the upheaval in their periphery as Turkey
and Persia were undergoing upheaval. This gave the Europeans what they
What it did not do was create a framework that made a great deal of
sense to the Arabs living in this region. The European model of
individual rights expressed to the nation-states did not fit their
cultural model. For the Arabs, the family — not the individual — was the
fundamental unit of society. Families belonged to clans and clans to
tribes, not nations. The Europeans used the concept of the nation-state
to express divisions between "us" and "them." To the Arabs, this was an
alien framework, which to this day still competes with religious and
tribal identities.
The states the Europeans created were arbitrary, the inhabitants did
not give their primary loyalty to them, and the tensions within states
always went over the border to neighboring states. The British and
French imposed ruling structures before the war, and then a wave of
coups overthrew them after World War II. Syria and Iraq became
pro-Soviet states while Israel, Jordan and the Arabians became
pro-American, and monarchies and dictatorships ruled over most of the
Arab countries. These authoritarian regimes held the countries together.
Reality Overcomes Cartography
It was Lebanon that came apart first. Lebanon was a pure invention
carved out of Syria. As long as the Christians for whom Paris created
Lebanon remained the dominant group, it worked, although the Christians
themselves were divided into warring clans. But after World War II, the
demographics changed, and the Shiite population increased.
this was the movement of Palestinians into Lebanon in 1948. Lebanon thus
became a container for competing clans. Although the clans were of
different religions, this did not define the situation. Multiple clans
in many of these religious groupings fought each other and allied with
other religions.
Moreover, Lebanon's issues were not confined to Lebanon. The line
dividing Lebanon from Syria was an arbitrary boundary drawn by the
French. Syria and Lebanon were not one country, but the newly created
Lebanon was not one country, either. In 1976 Syria — or more precisely,
the Alawite dictatorship in Damascus — invaded Lebanon. Its intent was
to destroy the Palestinians, and their main ally was a Christian clan.
The Syrian invasion set off a civil war that was already flaring up and
that lasted until 1990.
Lebanon was divided into various areas controlled by various clans.
The clans evolved. The dominant Shiite clan was built around Nabi Berri.
Later, Iran sponsored another faction, Hezbollah. Each religious
faction had multiple clans, and within the clans there were multiple
competitors for power. From the outside it appeared to be strictly a
religious war, but that was an incomplete view. It was a competition
among clans for money, security, revenge and power. And religion played a
role, but alliances crossed religious lines frequently.
The state became far less powerful than the clans. Beirut, the
capital, became a battleground for the clans.
The Israelis invaded in
order to crush the Palestinian Liberation Organization, with Syria's
blessing, and at one point the United States intervened, partly to block
the Israelis. When Hezbollah blew up the Marine barracks in Beirut in
1983, killing hundreds of Marines, U.S. President Ronald Reagan,
realizing the amount of power it would take to even try to stabilize
Lebanon, withdrew all troops. He determined that the fate of Lebanon was
not a fundamental U.S. interest, even if there was a Cold War under
The complexity of Lebanon goes far beyond this description, and the external meddling from
Israel, Syria, Iran and the United States is even more complicated. The
point is that the clans became the reality of Lebanon, and the Lebanese
government became irrelevant. An agreement was reached between the
factions and their patrons in 1989 that ended the internal fighting —
for the most part — and strengthened the state.
But in the end, the
state existed at the forbearance of the clans. The map may show a
nation, but it is really a country of microscopic clans engaged in a
microscopic geopolitical struggle for security and power. Lebanon
remains a country in which the warlords have become national
politicians, but there is little doubt that their power comes from being
warlords and that, under pressure, the clans will reassert themselves.
A similar process has taken place in Syria. The arbitrary
nation-state has become a region of competing clans. The Alawite clan,
led by Bashar al Assad (who has played the roles of warlord and
president), had ruled the country. An uprising supported by various
countries threw the Alawites into retreat. The insurgents were also
divided along multiple lines. Now, Syria resembles Lebanon.
There is one
large clan, but it cannot destroy the smaller ones, and the smaller
ones cannot destroy the large clan. There is a permanent stalemate, and
even if the Alawites are destroyed, their enemies are so divided that it
is difficult to see how Syria can go back to being a country, except as
a historical curiosity. Countries like Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Israel and
the United States might support various clans, but in the end, the
clans survive.
Something very similar happened in Iraq.
As the Americans departed, the government that was created was
dominated by Shia, who were fragmented. To a great degree, the
government excluded the Sunnis, who saw themselves in danger of
marginalization. The Sunnis consisted of various tribes and clans (some
containing Shiites) and politico-religious movements like the Islamic
State. They rose up in alliance and have now left Baghdad floundering,
the Iraqi army seeking balance and the Kurds scrambling to secure their
It is a three-way war, but in some ways it is a three-way war with
more than 20 clans involved in temporary alliances. No one group is
strong enough to destroy the others on the broader level. Sunni, Shiite
and Kurd have their own territories. On the level of the tribes and
clans, some could be destroyed, but the most likely outcome is what
happened in Lebanon: the permanent power of the sub-national groups,
with perhaps some agreement later on that creates a state in which power
stays with the smaller groups, because that is where loyalty lies.
The boundary between Lebanon and Syria was
always uncertain. The border between Syria and Iraq is now equally
uncertain. But then these borders were never native to the region. The
Europeans imposed them for European reasons.
Therefore, the idea of
maintaining a united Iraq misses the point. There was never a united
Iraq — only the illusion of one created by invented kings and
self-appointed dictators. The war does not have to continue, but as in
Lebanon, it will take the exhaustion of the clans and factions to
negotiate an end.
The idea that Shia, Sunnis and Kurds can live together is not a
The fantasy is that the United States has the power or interest
to re-create a Franco-British invention crafted out of the debris of
the Ottoman Empire. Moreover, even if it had an interest, it is doubtful
that the United States has the power to pacify Iraq and Syria. It could
not impose calm in Lebanon. The triumph of the Islamic State would
represent a serious problem for the United States, but no more than it
would for the Shia, Kurds and other Sunnis. As in Lebanon, the
multiplicity of factions creates a countervailing force that cripples
those who reach too far.
There are two issues here. The first is how far the disintegration of
nation-states will go in the Arab world. It seems to be under way in
Libya, but it has not yet taken root elsewhere. It may be a political
formation in the Sykes-Picot areas. Watching the Saudi peninsula will be
most interesting. But the second issue is what regional powers will do
about this process. Turkey, Iran, Israel and the Saudis cannot be
comfortable with either this degree of fragmentation or the spread of
more exotic groups. The rise of a Kurdish clan in Iraq would send
tremors to the Turks and Iranians.
The historical precedent, of course, would be the rise of a new
Ottoman attitude in Turkey that would inspire the Turks to move south
and impose an acceptable order on the region. It is hard to see how
Turkey would have the power to do this, plus if it created unity among
the Arabs it would likely be because the memories of Turkish occupation
still sting the Arab mind.
All of this aside, the point is that it is time to stop thinking
about stabilizing Syria and Iraq and start thinking of a new dynamic
outside of the artificial states that no longer function. To do this, we
need to go back to Lebanon, the first state that disintegrated and the
first place where clans took control of their own destiny because they
had to. We are seeing the Lebanese model spread eastward. It will be
interesting to see where else its spreads.
The article is reproduced in accordance with Section 107 of title 17 of the Copyright Law of the United States relating to fair-use and is for the purposes of criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research.
Vatic Note: In the first protest/demonstration, there were foreign occupying government agents who were stirring up the pot and were brought in from somewhere else. This is exactly what they did in every single Middle East country the powers that be took over. Same with the Ukraine and since they have war gamed it all now, they are finally getting around to us.
I know the black leaders are smart enough to know who the bad guys really are and how horrible these foreigners have been to blacks from day one when they first started kidnapping them out of Africa and bringing them to America as slaves. These are the same khazar players from back then. They are not your friends. Your best hope is to stay united, no matter what.
They need a civil war in order to declare an emergency and put in Martial law, collect the guns and begin to take over for real. America is the last bastion for standing against these khazar Zionists and their owners, the bloodlines. Their best and only bet was to try and pit blacks against whites using the militarized and probably mind controlled police in that state since the governor there cooperates with the feds, like a whore on a holiday.
What we can do now is to pressure the congress with the information we have found finding that this whole thing is a false flag being used to start a war so we will be weakened and disarmed when they start their needed WW III that we are designated to lose.
I have been in contact with a source which, along with Sgt.
Maj. Dan Page on the John Moore Show below, confirm that while many of
the protesters in Ferguson are from Ferguson, Missouri, those
choreographing events are government agents, professional provocateurs,
all playing from the same “script.”
Sgt. Maj. Page states to Moore that what we are seeing is a
“orchestrated nationwide event that is coming right out of Washington,
DC. … Warfare on the American people.”
This matches exactly what my source familiar with the Ferguson “plans” emailed to me on Tuesday, which in part states “The
enemy is the government who is causing this entire game. It is a “war
game” to them, all written and scripted and has been for years.“ (VN: what he means is "The enemy is the "foreign occupied and controlled" government..... CONTROLLED BY MEANS OF BLACKMAIL, THREATS and bribery if they are dual citizens of both Israel and America.)
My source follows up with information about what is next in the “playbook”:
The New AG and Obama will preach about it being ok to
peacefully demonstrate. This is all staged as the proper thing to do
would be to stop all protesting immediately and put a curfew of 6PM in.
They will not do this as they want to get to Martial Law and they are
pushing for more destruction. This limit will be reached after a
“shoot-out which will come. After there is a growing spread of the
rioting in to other major, pre planned and staged cities which we
already named last week. They will reach “impact point”, declare Martial
law. [...] There may be a few wild cards as people are unpredictable
and some are unstable, so their behavior can not be exactly planned for
but expect a few nut jobs to go crazy with assault weapons. They call
these “wild card players.” They always work towards the means. To be
clearer. These nut cases will help make the False Justification for the
Page goes on to inform listeners what was observed in
Ferguson, as well as the type of issues that are being seen among
protesters and police, in Ferguson still. Page claims there have been
multiple attacks among Caucasians that have not been reported.
Two noteworthy points here before listening to the John
Moore Show below; 1) My source rarely agrees with Mr. Moore, yet in
this, the information provided by both is almost identical and; 2) over
the last weeks my source has provided me with multiple warnings about
what is coming, with exact dates, all of which played out exactly as I
was warned…… this is why I am making his warning over what is coming,
available now, as well as the purpose behind these events.
"They are seeing what it takes to start violence between
white and blacks as you will see in the coming days, again all planned
out ahead."
My source also assures me that martial law, nationwide, is
NOT coming yet, this is more of a beta-test, for lack of a better word,
to prepare for a bigger event in the near future.
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