This article, in trying to be nice, I suspect, is giving credit to Obama for backing off in Syria, when in reality it was the arising, like I had never seen before, of the people saying "enough is enough, no more". They are clearly waking up and realizing that nothing we have done over the past 11 years was EVER for America's best interest, if anything it was for Israel's best interest and to our detriment. So nothing has changed since the 1919 Military intel and congressional study filed in the Library of Congress that determine that international Jewry (Bankers) are a threat to American security. Subsequent Military studies have said and confirmed the same thing. Because the first study was "Classified top secret" from 1919 to 1973, Americans never knew about it. So, we are only learning now.
Vatic project predicted a few years ago that we were being set up by the foreign occupiers of our nation, to be the new nazi's on the block, Just like Germany was in WW II by these same bankers. They even designate before the war who the loser is going to be and then set it up. We also did a blog on that as well, proving we were being set up to lose to Russia, now PUTIN is being sold to the world as the New hero to fight the bad guy nazi's, except its him, and all western leaders including Britain who, in concert with the Rothschild bankers and Israel, are the deceivers behind the curtain trying to get WW III going and nothing is working, so they are hitting it from a different angle. Remember also that Putin would not be in power unless the Zios said so, since they have controlled Russia since 1917, when they took it over.
Remember, to get the entire world fighting the "NAZIS", there has to be a HERO and Putin has assumed the mantle. Deception is the expertise of these Zionists as proven by Mossads sign on its wall in Israel.... "AND BY DECPTION, WE WILL CONDUCT WAR". And they are!!! Someone just nominated Putin for a noble peace prize and after we saw Obama get the prize, after promising to do more wars on Pakistan, we knew then, that the whole Nobel prize was a hoax, to manipulate the global public and is controlled by the NWO psychologically damaged insane idiots. ITS NOT WORKING THIS TIME AROUND WITH A MAJORITY OF THE WORLD. Ask the Ukrainians and Chechen s. .
US waking up to threat of Israel
by Mark Glenn, Press TV
October 3, 2013

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu
Thu Oct 3, 2013 12:31PM GMT
By Mark Glenn
The good news however is that America is waking up to the danger which Israel poses to her continued existence as a world superpower and it is highly unlikely that the US, at the political, military and intelligence levels, would be willing to cooperate with the same depth and scope of cover-up as took place after 911."
To say it has been a month of political roller coasters powerful enough to give even the most seasoned veterans a case of severe whiplash is an understatement...
The beginning of September featured what looked for sure to be yet another military disaster in the Middle East for Israel's benefit. By all appearances, a nagging, needling Benjamin Netanyahu had finally gotten on US President Barack Obama's last nerve and pushed him into doing what he has resisted doing now for the last four years, meaning war with Syria. With up to the minute news reports featuring US military assets steaming towards the Syrian coast at breakneck speed and a doomsday clock counting down to D-Day and H-Hour, the drama surrounding the event was so thick one could cut it with a knife.
And then, almost as quickly as it all started, it ended as abruptly as someone slamming on the brakes. Suddenly, President Obama remembered that he swore an oath to defend the US Constitution and announced that there would be no military action without the US Congress being brought in on it, just as the law of land demands.(VN: I remember it slightly differently, It was the entire mass of USA humanity rose up and said "no, it takes an act of congress to declare war, no invasion until you get it." It was how Obama's memory got refreshed.... Then I remember the entire population calling their congressmen and saying "VOTE NO FOR WAR ON SYRIA". So my recollection says that the American people stopped the war in Syria, since Obama had to accede to the voting public.)