Vatic Note: Oh, my gosh, that is reminiscient of what happend here over the past 30 years, its bizarre to see it written up in advance, what happened here by slow burning and incremental implimentation without us realizing what happened. They are not even giving Brazil the courtesy of doing it slowly. Its all in place as if no time had passed at all. So, it appears, that Brazil is the new target for the bankers, I knew it even before the election when I saw that she was from Hungary which is the area that Rothschild had taken over before when it was communist. Remember, it was the khazars who created and implimented the concept of communism and as soon as the people were sold on it, the hammer came down, bamm, 60 million dead and everyone a slave. If the people do not kick them out of the country it will be horrible for them. As you read my blog you can see full well how perfectly similar what happened to us, will happen to Brazil in the long run. It will be hard to believe. Even now after all they have done and we watched them do it there are many here who still cannot fathom the danger that rides our way ONLY IF WE DO NOTHING.
I can assure you these international bankers doing this are fully insane and one never truly appreciates the insane until they have gained wealth and power to match their insanity and then watch them finance their insanity to the point of degrading themselves to the most base sexual pervert criminals on the planet. I am so sorry.
KEEP A FIRM EYE ON OUR CHILDREN SINCE MOST OF THESE MENTAL RETARDS ARE PEDOPHILES. Britian and the US have had their fill of such exposures of our high ranking elected officials engage in the same thing.
Also remember, Germany, the home of the Illuminati, has requested to make pedophilia legal in their country. The illiminati as represented by Rothschild who wrote the protocols has addressed this issue in the protocols of
immorality and how to use it beginning with the children, to bring the nation down. Be careful, these are truly insane, evil people. I am talking international bankers. I have no knowledge of your personal bankers in the Rothschild Bank of Brazil. I hope he is wrong about all this below and that by the time it comes around to Brazils turn we will have taken care of them ourselves. That would be poetic justice indeed. If not, I hope brazilians do not hesitate to deal with them immediately. We made the mistake of trusting our government who was already owned by the bankers, and we encourage you not to make the same mistake as we did.
Brazilians Now Face Illuminati "Gang Rape"
by Sam Peyo
(for )
Minister Paulo Vannuchi, coordinator of the PNHD-3, and President Lula
The Brazilian people are about to be gang-raped by a cultural and judicial revolution which goes by the innocent name of "National Program of Human Rights" (PNDH-3)
Brazilians have just elected die-hard Marxist Dilma Rousseff as President. Had the other candidate won (José Serra, a life-long Fabian socialist masquerading as "conservative" to make the political scenario appear balanced), Brazil certainly would not have been saved from becoming a NWO-streamlined socialist republic.
Much more importantly, the Brazilian people are about to be gang-raped by a cultural and judicial revolution which goes by the innocent name of "National Program of Human Rights" (PNDH-3), the first edition of which was proposed in 1996 by Serra's mentor and former president Fernando Cardoso. The current version of the program, approved by president Lula in December 2009, is said to be the outcome of "50 conventions and 137 meetings attended by 14,000 participants". I must have been absent that day!
The document ( ) is a tour-de-force in tricky newspeak and typically Brazilian brain-congesting poppycock, things like "promoting actions stimulating efforts at implementing improvements in processes and structures..." Could mean "nothing will be done" or "watch it, sucker, we will steamroll you real good".
Below is a translation (the ugly style preserved) of some of the items in the PNHD-3 which Brazilians should start worrying about. I have made no comments because I believe readers are familiar with the true meaning of euphemisms like civil society and human rights. The headings are mine.
Abortion shoved down our throats
- Support the approval of bill proposing the decriminalization of abortion, considering the autonomy of women to make decisions regarding their bodies (III, 9)
- Implement mechanisms for monitoring medical services of legally authorized abortion, ensuring compliance and easy access (IV,17).
If someone grabs your real estate, you can no longer reclaim it through the Courts
- Propose bill to institutionalize mediation as the initial act in the solving of rural and urban conflicts, prioritizing the holding of collective hearings with the parties, in the presence of representatives from the DA's office, the local government, specialized public agencies and the Military Police, as a preliminary measure to evaluate the concession of injunctions, without ruling out other institutional forms of conflict solving (IV, 17).
Death to Christianity
- Develop mechanisms to prevent the ostentation of religious symbols in public federal establishments (III, 10).
End of "hetero-normativity"
- Recognize and include in public information systems all family configurations constituted by lesbians, gays, bisexuals, transvestites and transsexuals, based on the deconstruction of hetero-normativity (III, 10)
- Promote actions oriented towards ensuring the right of adoption by homo-affective couples (III, 10)
- Support bill regulating civil marriage between people of the same sex (III, 10).
- Make campaigns and educational actions in order to deconstruct stereotypes related to ethnicity/race, age, sexual identity and orientation, disability and socially discriminated professionals (III, 10).
Prostitution is no different from carpentry or cooking
- Guarantee labor and social security rights to sex professionals by regulating the profession (III, 7).
- Support access to health protection and preventive health programs for sex professionals (III, 7).
- Make campaigns and educational actions in order to deconstruct stereotypes related to sex professionals (III, 9).
How large is large? Regulate the taxation of large fortunes, as outlined in the Constitution (II, 5).
Teenage assassins no longer "in conflict"
Develop information campaigns on adolescents in conflict with the law, preventing the lowering of the age of criminal responsibility to under 18 years (III, 8).
We won't even know what hit us
- Propose change of the constitutional text to the effect that the Military Police will no longer be considered auxiliary to the Army, but will be maintained solely as a reserve force (IV, 11).
- Undertake permanent actions to stimulate the disarmament of the population (IV, 17).
Censorship in so many words
- Propose the creation of a legal framework regulating Article 221 of the Constitution, establishing respect for Human Rights by broadcasting services (radio and television) as a condition for license concession and renewal, with application of administrative penalties such as warnings, fines, discontinuation of programs and loss of license to broadcast, according to the severity of the offence (V, 22).
Empowerment and legal protection of people's commissars
- Encourage partnerships with state and federal public defenders for the judicial defense of Human Rights advocates in law suits filed against them (V, 15).
- Make nationwide publicity for the work of Human Rights advocates and militants, encouraging the emergence of a culture of respect and appreciation for their role in society (V, 15).
- Strengthen networks of channels of denunciation (hotlines) in cooperation with Human Rights institutions (IV, 17).
- Improve the system of inspection of Human Rights violations by improving the framework of administrative sanctions (IV, 17).
- Expand teams of inspection of Human Rights violations in cooperation with the civil society (IV, 17).
Perpetuation of the "evil generals vs. heroic freedom fighters" myth
Encourage the production of films and similar materials for education in Human Rights, including the reconstruction of the recent history of authoritarianism in Brazil and the popular initiatives of organization and resistance (V, 22).
If you look at
Adam Weishaupt's original agenda from the 1770s, things begin to make sense:
abolition of monarchies and all ordered governments, abolition of private property and inheritances, abolition of patriotism and nationalism, abolition of family life and the institution of marriage, along with the establishment of communal education of children, and abolition of all religion. What else is there to say?
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