Vatic Master will be taking this July 4th as her first official Holiday of the year for purposes of this blog.
We will continue to take Saturdays off, but those are not holidays, rather they are mental health days. LOL We will be back up with new commentary, articles and blogs on July 5, 2015. Have a very Happy Holiday to all Americans and a deep thank you to all our soldiers who gave so much and were lied to and deceived into doing the evil ones agenda. We count on you to protect and defend us against our foreign occupied domestic enemy. IF YOU STAND WITH US, WE WILL STAND WITH YOU.
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"It is the greatest of all mistakes to do nothing because you can only do a little." ~ Sydney Smith
Princess diana The secret Tapes Part 3 and 4 of 6
Uploaded by LadyDianaBaksh
Vatic Note: The video #3, gives a great indication of just how bad things were for Diana in the loveless marriage she was about to enter. Camilla was still in the picture and Charles was doing all the communication with her in front of Diana. At that point, I would have called the wedding off and let Charles deal with his mother who would have had a conniption fit. Diana designated as the brood mare for the royal family and they would have forced Charles to give her up or for go the crown as king.
But Diana was too insecure to do what was right for her. She puts all of it on tape, which includes all her insecurities, especially those brought on by Camilla's involvement with Charles. She was very candidate about all her own failings and Illnesses, and her cry for help that was completely ignored by the family. But then that is the same Khazar family that rejected their own sisters and children who were mentally handicapped due to incestuous breeding and hidden away in isolation from the general public. .
The article is reproduced in accordance with Section 107 of title 17 of the Copyright Law of the United States relating to fair-use and is for the purposes of criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research.
Uploaded by LadyDianaBaksh
Vatic Note: The video #3, gives a great indication of just how bad things were for Diana in the loveless marriage she was about to enter. Camilla was still in the picture and Charles was doing all the communication with her in front of Diana. At that point, I would have called the wedding off and let Charles deal with his mother who would have had a conniption fit. Diana designated as the brood mare for the royal family and they would have forced Charles to give her up or for go the crown as king.
But Diana was too insecure to do what was right for her. She puts all of it on tape, which includes all her insecurities, especially those brought on by Camilla's involvement with Charles. She was very candidate about all her own failings and Illnesses, and her cry for help that was completely ignored by the family. But then that is the same Khazar family that rejected their own sisters and children who were mentally handicapped due to incestuous breeding and hidden away in isolation from the general public. .
The article is reproduced in accordance with Section 107 of title 17 of the Copyright Law of the United States relating to fair-use and is for the purposes of criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research.
How the Jews (Khazars) Talk
Vatic Note: The one that struck me the most was the quote "An anti-semite is a person who exposes our crimes"! With this blog, I am finding that quote to be the straight forward, honest truth of the matter. The real Anti-semites are the khazars who hate the Jews as much as they do Christians and Muslims.
Since all three religions are "A loving God" based faith, but not so the dimurge worshipped by the khazar zionists, who believe in an eye for an eye, and other such satanic/luciferian beliefs that Christ overturned when He walked and taught us upon this earth.
He changed everything, including not judging others, forgiveness, mercy, service to the less well off, healing, and no more sacrificing of animals to The heavenly Father. He told us the two greatest commandments were LOVE, love our Heavenly father with our whole hearts and soul and LOVE they neighbor as thyself.
Read this below and see the massive difference in how they both talked.... the Khazars talk as hypocrites and Jesus talked as a loving Son of God. One had compassion and humanity in abundance and as you can see today, the others (Khazars) have absolutely none.
How the Jews Talk
By Brother Nathanael, Real Jew News,

By Brother Nathanael Kapner - Copyright 2007-2011 Articles May Be Reproduced Only With Authorship of Br Nathanael Kapner
& Link To Real Jew News (SM)
DEALING WITH THE JEWS requires a Jewish Primer on how the Jews talk and how they use certain words:
1) “Fascist.” Jews call someone a fascist when that person prevents the Jews from taking control of the politics of a particular nation. Famous and most honorable “fascists” that the Jews have smeared include the honorable Christians, General Francisco Franco; Tzar Nicholas II; and more recently, former Presidential candidate, Pat Buchanan, and Russian President Vladimir Putin.
1a) “Fascism.” The political status of a particular nation that keeps the Jews in their place and out of power.
2) “Anti Semite.” Jews, such as the racist Abraham Foxman of the Anti-Christian Anti Defamation League, call someone an Anti Semite when that person publicly exposes the agenda, lies, and crimes of the Jews. The Jews become especially enraged when the exposure includes facts such as specific names, dates, documents, locations, quotations, and circumstances. When this occurs the Jews call the person a “Nazi.”
~ Famous and most honorable “Anti Semites” that the Jews have smeared include the honorable Christians, Charles Lindberg and Henry Ford I. Most recently, the authors, John Mearsheimer and Stephen Walt, who wrote the best seller, The Israel Lobby, have been labeled by the Jews as “Anti Semites.”
3) “Schwartzas.”/”Shooks.” Jews call blacks “shwartzas” and “shooks” because as Maimonides their rabbi teaches them, (in his own words), “The nature of the blacks is like the mute animals. Their level among existing things is below that of a man and above that of a monkey.” (Maimonides, Guide To The Perplexed, Hebrew Version)
4) “Shiksa.” Jews call white Christian women shiksas. This is a derogatory term derived from the Hebrew word, “sheygetz” which means a “blemished and unclean animal.” The Talmud teaches that committing fornication with a “shiksa” is a “sin of bestiality” rather than a sin of adultery. This is because the Talmud teaches that the white Gentile Christian woman is an “unclean animal.” (Talmud, Tractate Berakhot).
5) “Happy Holidays!” The Jews wish to eradicate the Name of “Christ” from off the face of the earth. Thus The Lewer Company which owns Hallmark Cards and Papercraft, owned by the Katz family, began printing the Jewish phrase, “Happy Holidays!” on their Greeting cards in the late 1950’s.

6) “Righteous Gentile.” Jews call white Gentile Christians “righteous Gentiles” when they advance the agenda, lies, and crimes of the Jews. The famous Hollywood Jew movie director, Steven Spielberg, popularized this Jewish phrase, “righteous Gentile,” in his Jewish propaganda film, Schindler’s List.
~ “Righteous Gentiles” who promoted Jewish lies and crimes include Franklin Delano Roosevelt, Harry Truman, and most recently, President George Bush Jr.
~ Jews of the Jewish-controlled media oppose the true Biblical meaning of the term, “righteous Gentile.” The New Testament, which the Jews hate, teaches that a true
“righteous Gentile” is one who embraces Jesus Christ the Messiah and keeps His commandments. But the Jews of the media have given a different meaning to the phrase
“righteous Gentile” in opposition to what God says, making God out to be a liar.
7) “Democracy.” Jews simply love this word, “democracy.” That is why neocon Jews like Richard Perle and Douglas Feith of The Institute for Advanced Strategic and Political Studies, (!!!), have brainwashed (and bought) President George Bush Jr. to fight the war on terrorism with this Jewish weapon they use against Christian society, namely their deadly weapon called, “democracy.”
~ The reason why Jews like the neocons Richard Perle and Douglas Feith love the word “democracy” is because they fear a Christian aristocracy which once-upon-a-happy time ruled in various Christian nations like England, Spain, Russia, France, and Germany.
~ But now that the Jews have wiped out the Christian monarchys and aristocracys throughout the world, (Feith fancies himself as an “aristocrat” - ha ha), and have control of the Media which informs the opinion of the “equal” majority, and have the money to pay for political campaigns of politicians they have bought, “democracy” is their favorite word!

** Throw away your history books that the Jewish publishing houses like Simon & Shuster, Little Brown, and Random House put out.
** Read Internet historical Revisionists like Michael A Hoffman II and Dr. Kevin MacDonald of Culture of Critique fame who support their historical accounts with specific facts.
** Find alternative news sources on the internet such as The American Free Press.
** Tell the Jews and all your friends at every opportunity that you get that you will not believe Jewish lies anymore!
Brother Nathanael…Street Evangelist!
The article is reproduced in accordance with Section 107 of title 17 of the Copyright Law of the United States relating to fair-use and is for the purposes of criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research.
Charlie Hebdo Fits Zionist Template
Vatic Note: (This is basically an update on the Charlie Hebdo event ) What is new.... another false flag used to generate legislation that impinges further on the rights of residents of that nation. It was tried here with Sandy Hook and failed. Canada's Government is already under the control of the Zionists, so now it was time to bring the people along with their government and this was suppose to be the way to do it. As usual, they messed it up.
As we have pointed out before, if the Zionists use something on one instance, and it worked, then rather than try something new, they go ahead and use it again. That is how they got caught this time around. Read this and see what I mean.
Charlie Hebdo Fits Zionist Template
By Henry Makow

- See more at:
The article is reproduced in accordance with Section 107 of title 17 of the Copyright Law of the United States relating to fair-use and is for the purposes of criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research.
As we have pointed out before, if the Zionists use something on one instance, and it worked, then rather than try something new, they go ahead and use it again. That is how they got caught this time around. Read this and see what I mean.
Charlie Hebdo Fits Zionist Template
By Henry Makow

Charlie Hebdo has come to represent "free speech" for Zionists and Islamophobes. All others need not apply. The book's editor, Kevin Barrett last week was denied entry into Canada to deliver a speech.
Whether its Paris, Ottawa, Melbourne or Copenhagen, state-sponsored terrorism follows
a well-established pattern. In this excerpt, Laurent Guyenot shows how the Hebdo false flag was previewed by another French "terror" event in 2012 which bears an uncanny resemblance.
Both incidents were pretexts to enact repressive pro Zionist legislation.
Makow Comment- As with Sandy Hook, there are no pictures of bullet ridden cartoonists. I suspect no one died at Charlie Hebdo. The "victims"are enjoying a comfortable retirement under new identities in Herzliya, a posh suburb north of Tel Aviv. This article is from the book We are NOT Charlie Hebdo, a collection of essays by experts who deconstruct the event and its implications.
by Laurent Guyenot (translated by Kevin Barrett)
"The important thing to understand is that the trauma of Montauban and Toulouse struck deep in our country, a little--I do not want to compare the horrors--a little like the trauma that followed the events in the US and New York in September 2001 . . . September 11th."
-Nicolas Sarkozy, 23 March 2012, broadcast on Europe 1189
The Charlie Hebdo affair comes three years after the Mohamed Merah case. The two incidents have extremely disturbing similarities, as if they employed the same script, the same staging and the same troupe of actors.
First, consider the many factual similarities: the suspects' profiles, the two dubiously-connected episodes of each tragedy, the all-night sieges keeping the audience riveted to their television screens, the implausible executions of the suspects, and a whole series of inconsistencies in the official story.

(French patsy Mohammed Merah supposedly killed some Jewish
children and French soldiers in 2012)
Additionally, in both cases, the authorities have produced no convincing evidence that the executed suspects were actually involved in the crimes. Another connection: the four Jewish victims of the grocery store hostage episode "are buried in the same cemetery as the Jewish victims of Mohammed Merah."
But the most striking similarities are in the repercussions of the two cases--especially the virtually-identical government/media response. Two days after the killings in a Jewish school March 19, 2012, Foreign Minister Alain Juppé went to Jerusalem for the funeral of the victims.
There he met Shimon Peres in the presidential palace, where Juppé assured Peres of his support in the war on terror and anti-Semitism (both implicitly skillfully combined in this scene).
Then the next day, Juppé met Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to pledge his support. In a public tribute to the victims (and implicitly to Zionism) Alain Juppé, wearing the kippa, spoke of "a national tragedy, a catastrophe that has struck France. ( . . . ) When a Jew is targeted in France, the whole of France is affected. The attack on Jews in France is the business of 65 million French people. Your grief, your pain is ours ( . . . ) Anti-Semitism is unbearable for us. France will not yield to terrorism." Note the subtle equation that makes "terrorism" and "anti-Semitism" two interchangeable terms.

A similar swiftly-orchestrated response followed the deaths of Jewish hostages in the Hyper-Kosher grocery store in 2015, following the supposedly related shootings at the headquarters of Charlie Hebdo. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu took charge of France's officially- sanctioned nationwide demonstration, before going to the Great Synagogue of Paris where, before a cheering crowd, he gave a speech about his favorite topic: the fight against terrorism and anti-Semitism.
Each of the two cases took place shortly after brutal Israeli attacks against the Gaza Strip, and each was used to consign those atrocities to the memory hole--or at least to drown out the chorus of disapproval. Each also allowed Israel to remind the Jews of France (the largest Jewish community in Europe) that they live in a hostile land and would do well to emigrate to Israel.
Both affairs also gave Israel a pretext to oppress the Palestinians and attack unfriendly Arab and Muslim countries. In March 2012, Israel was seeking to launch a war against Iran, and the Merah affair drummed up French support. Likewise in 2015, Israel was trying to stop a G5+1 nuclear deal with Iran, and the Charlie Hebdo and supermarket shootings once again helped the Zionist cause.
Additionally, each of the two affairs helped terrorize French Jews (the largest Jewish community in Europe) to encourage them to emigrate to Israel. When, on October 31st 2012, Netanyahu made an official visit to France, he said at a press conference with Hollande (who would accompany him the next day to Toulouse for a ceremony honoring the victims): "In my role as Prime Minister of Israel, I always say to Jews everywhere: Come to Israel and make Israel your home."
Finally, in both cases, immediately after the event, a PATRIOT Act type of law censoring free speech and focusing on anti-Semitism-- equated with criticism of Israel--was imposed on the French public. In the days following the killings in 2012, President Sarkozy announced his plan to create a new criminal offense and place internet users under surveillance: "Any person who habitually visits websites that justify terrorism or incite hatred or violence shall be prosecuted and penalized."
Apparently the concept of "condoning terrorism" is almost limitless.
The new anti-terrorism acts were presented by Sarkozy to his Cabinet on April 11th, 2012, but were eventually rejected by Parliament. So, it seems, we had to start all over again in 2015.
And indeed, a few days after the killing of Charlie Hebdo, taking advantage of public emotion, François Hollande proposed a new law: to censor the Internet.
"To fight an enemy, you must first know and name it. Anti-Semitism has changed its face. It has not lost its ancient roots. Some of these springs have not changed since the dawn of time: conspiracy, suspicion, falsification. But today, it also feeds on hatred of Israel. It imports conflict from the Middle East. It claims that Jews are somehow responsible for people's misfortunes. It keeps alive conspiracy theories that spread without limits, even those that have led to the worst of horrors."

(Paris was considering recognizing Palestine.)
Hollande stressed the need to "be aware that conspiracy theories are propagated through the internet and social networks. But we must remember that it is words that prepare the way for mass extermination . . . We need to act at the European and even international levels to define a legal framework, so that the internet platforms running social networks face their responsibilities and are penalized for violations," he emphasized.
Hollande said his government will support the call of several Jewish organizations "against Holocaust denial on the Internet." It seems that the concept of negation or "denial," usually associated with Holocaust denial, has been curiously extended to include negation of the official account of the Charlie Hebdo case.
To underline the similarities between the two affairs, and gain a better perspective on the Charlie Hebdo incident, here is a reminder of the facts in the Merah case, highlighting anomalies and advancing a plausible hypothesis.
This excerpt was intended to inform you of this new book and provide a sample. Copies are available here.
Related- Merah Busted as Mossad Mole
First Comment from Dan:
There's an analytical tools that everyone in the world can and must apply to any media hyped shooting, bombing, riot, scandal, market crash, controversial court decision and all the rest of it.
'Cui bono' - who profits? who benefits?
Thinking back to the sequence of events that ensued, what actually happened? A couple of deranged young losers venting anger at magazine they'd seen plastered on magazine racks all over Paris, insulting Islam and God.
Deranged people fly off the handle and murder other toxic people every week. It was a senseless killing spree by a couple of lunatics.
Within a few days, World Media turned it into a grand standing photo op for the Prime Minister of Israel to declare himself the spokesman and defender of 'World Jewry' - during a CLOSE ELECTION CAMPAIGN. The French / UN referendum on the recognition of the State of Palestine wasn't the only thing at stake.
My jaw dropped to the floor in Disney cartoon fashion at the speed the thing was blown out of proportion - not merely to 'World Sympathy' for the French, for whom World Media said it was the 'French 911' (but with a lot less property damage and loss of life), to being about 'Antisemitism' and Netanyahu.
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What the Khazars Fear Most! CHRISTIANITY!!!
Vatic Note: Is that why The Khazars killed 63 million Christians after their take over of Russia and another 3.5 million Christians after WWII, with the Russian occupation of Germany? My next request is that everywhere you see the term "Jews", please substitute "Khazars". Real Jews follow the Torah and the non-Babylonian Talmud. The khazars carried much of their pagan religion with them into Israel and their version of the Jewish Zionist faith. Real Jews are not Zionists.
They have had to seek asylum in both London and NY from the khazars who are emigrating from Russia. They are the new settlers in Israel and are NOT SEMITES. Keep in mind that Brother Nathaneal is a real Jewish person who converted to Christianity, like many in ancient times had done when Christ was teaching on this planet. Remember also the same Jewish people were also the apostles and disciples of Christ.
What the Khazars Fear Most! CHRISTIANITY!!!
Brother Nathanel, Real Jew News,
By Brother Nathanael Kapner - Copyright 2008-2011
All Articles May Be Reproduced Only With Authorship of Br Nathanael Kapner
& Link To Real Jew News
JEWS FEAR CHRISTIANITY more than any other thing. Here’s Why:
1) Christianity tells Jews that their leaders committed Deicide against Jesus Christ. (Jews always blame others for their crimes.)
2) Christianity tells Jews that they must repent of their sins. (Jews consider “repentance” repulsive.)
3) Christianity tells Jews that all men can become “one in Christ.” (Jews wish to be an elite group.)
4) Christianity tells Jews that they must value Spiritual things above worldly things. (Jews are crass materialists.)
5) Christianity tells Jews that they are not to be trusted in spheres of influence because of their hatred of Jesus Christ. (Jews quake and tremble before such a reproof!)

* “We Jews don’t believe in Jesus Christ because he was a mere man who pretended to be God.”
Translate: “We Jews find it repugnant to believe as the goyim.”
* “We Jews have our own religion and the Gentiles have theirs.”
Translate: “We Jews don’t care about the Gentiles just as long as they put up Holocaust Museums.”
* “We Jews are God’s chosen people and do not need to convert.”
Translate: “We Jews have created our own god: ‘Jews!’”
A CHRISTIAN NATION would make the Jews second-class citizens.
This is something that the Jews fear. Jews want to be on the top of the ladder and be the leaders.
But this is a bad idea. Why? Because Jews hate Jesus Christ and who wants Christ-haters telling us what to do?
Jesus Christ was so beautiful. He taught us wonderful things like “love your enemies and do good to those who hate you.” But the Jews don’t like this teaching. Jews see all men as their enemies and wish to bomb them into annihilation.
The article is reproduced in accordance with Section 107 of title 17 of the Copyright Law of the United States relating to fair-use and is for the purposes of criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research.
They have had to seek asylum in both London and NY from the khazars who are emigrating from Russia. They are the new settlers in Israel and are NOT SEMITES. Keep in mind that Brother Nathaneal is a real Jewish person who converted to Christianity, like many in ancient times had done when Christ was teaching on this planet. Remember also the same Jewish people were also the apostles and disciples of Christ.
What the Khazars Fear Most! CHRISTIANITY!!!
Brother Nathanel, Real Jew News,

By Brother Nathanael Kapner - Copyright 2008-2011
All Articles May Be Reproduced Only With Authorship of Br Nathanael Kapner
& Link To Real Jew News
1) Christianity tells Jews that their leaders committed Deicide against Jesus Christ. (Jews always blame others for their crimes.)
2) Christianity tells Jews that they must repent of their sins. (Jews consider “repentance” repulsive.)
3) Christianity tells Jews that all men can become “one in Christ.” (Jews wish to be an elite group.)
4) Christianity tells Jews that they must value Spiritual things above worldly things. (Jews are crass materialists.)
5) Christianity tells Jews that they are not to be trusted in spheres of influence because of their hatred of Jesus Christ. (Jews quake and tremble before such a reproof!)

Translate: “We Jews find it repugnant to believe as the goyim.”
* “We Jews have our own religion and the Gentiles have theirs.”
Translate: “We Jews don’t care about the Gentiles just as long as they put up Holocaust Museums.”
* “We Jews are God’s chosen people and do not need to convert.”
Translate: “We Jews have created our own god: ‘Jews!’”
This is something that the Jews fear. Jews want to be on the top of the ladder and be the leaders.
But this is a bad idea. Why? Because Jews hate Jesus Christ and who wants Christ-haters telling us what to do?
Jesus Christ was so beautiful. He taught us wonderful things like “love your enemies and do good to those who hate you.” But the Jews don’t like this teaching. Jews see all men as their enemies and wish to bomb them into annihilation.
The article is reproduced in accordance with Section 107 of title 17 of the Copyright Law of the United States relating to fair-use and is for the purposes of criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research.
Princess Diana The secret Tapes Parts 1 & 2 of 6
Princess Diana The secret Tapes Part 1 & 2
uploaded by LadyDianaBaksh
Vatic Note: This is part 1 of a series and I am not even sure, just how many parts it has. So far I am up to part 5. This is an important series for understanding the occult/satanic nature of Diana's death and the underlying foundation laid for her death and how it will affect us in the long run. This gives us the inside story on the pain and agony that Diana went through with that Khazarian royal family.
Remember, recently Charles admitted they were decendants of Val the Impaler from Romania, which was part of Khazaria at one time. I personally believe that is why the Royal Family and the Rothschilds are so tight. They are both khazarian. Anyway, enjoy these first two foundational videos and be sure and watch the rest of them as they come up.
Part 1
Part II
The article is reproduced in accordance with Section 107 of title 17 of the Copyright Law of the United States relating to fair-use and is for the purposes of criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research.
uploaded by LadyDianaBaksh
Vatic Note: This is part 1 of a series and I am not even sure, just how many parts it has. So far I am up to part 5. This is an important series for understanding the occult/satanic nature of Diana's death and the underlying foundation laid for her death and how it will affect us in the long run. This gives us the inside story on the pain and agony that Diana went through with that Khazarian royal family.
Remember, recently Charles admitted they were decendants of Val the Impaler from Romania, which was part of Khazaria at one time. I personally believe that is why the Royal Family and the Rothschilds are so tight. They are both khazarian. Anyway, enjoy these first two foundational videos and be sure and watch the rest of them as they come up.
Part 1
Part II
The article is reproduced in accordance with Section 107 of title 17 of the Copyright Law of the United States relating to fair-use and is for the purposes of criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research.
Jade Helm: Hey Military Joe Where You Going With That Gun In Your Hand ~ To Shoot Lady Liberty?
Vatic Note: This below should be the reaction of every governor and not just Texas. To declare certain states as a threat and then do this kind of exercise is a message loud and clear that Americans in selective states are enemies of the feds and these exercises imply this training is for war against Americans. Whether true or not, the feds are responsible for the correct impression of such actions by the military on American soil, especially since the Posse Comitatus act prohibits such actions.
This also reminds me of the Bundy ranch episode, so that is how dangerous this whole exercise can be. Now that its being exposed out in the open, hopefully, it will stop it before any damage can be done and no turning back is the result. There have been way too many false flags that were done under the guise of "drills" or " training exercises". Its time it all stopped.
Jade Helm: Hey Military Joe Where You Going With That Gun In Your Hand ~ To Shoot Lady Liberty?
By Admin, Political Velcraft, June 6, 2015
Further, the lack of communication coming to them from both the Pentagon and the DoD is unusual and concerning.
Normally, a drill of this magnitude would carry operational rationale for at least the leadership and this rationale would represent the rules of engagement.
In this “drill” there are no uniform rules of engagement. In some theaters, the application of deadly force will be applied and in other theaters, non lethal force is to be practiced.
The Special Operations Forces will train in only Texas, Arizona, New Mexico, Utah and Colorado, reported ABC. In recent days, right-wing commentators and writers have pushed forward the idea that the military is planning to invade Texas, confiscate guns, arrest President Barack Obama’s political enemies, invoke martial law or some combination of any number of theories.
The operation was proposed in March, and the theories perhaps began when the UASOC released a map (via Slate) for Jade Helm that listed Texas, Utah and a part of Southern California as “hostile” territory. The demarcations were a part of the war games, an outline for the training exercise. The map, released in an unclassified presentation detailing the training exercise, was claimed as proof by critics that the government was planning to invade Texas.
Alex Jones, leader of the conspiracy-heavy site, especially jumped on the story, ABC reported. Jones was especially troubled by the phrase “Master the Human Domain,” which appears toward the end of the presentation alongside a logo of crossing arrows and a sword.
Last week, Texas Rep. Louie Gohmert released a statement that expressed concern as well. “Once I observed the map depicting ‘hostile,’ ‘permissive,’ and ‘uncertain’ states and locations, I was rather appalled that the hostile areas amazingly have a Republican majority, ‘cling to their guns and religion,’ and believe in the sanctity of the United States Constitution,” the statement read. Gohmert also called for the the names of the areas on the map to be changed and for the “tone” of the exercise to be “revamped.” Actor Chuck Norris also jumped into the fray, criticizing Jade Helm in an interview.
Others have spoken out against the theories, however, calling the backlash disrespectful to the military. One democratic leader was especially critical of the governor. “It’s dangerously irresponsible for a governor to fan the flames of conspiracy and paranoia against our own military and government,” Texas Democratic U.S. Rep. JoaquÃn Castro said. Texas Republican and House Armed Services Committee Chairman Rep. Mack Thornberry said to the Dallas Morning News that the concept of the military acting as Obama’s “private army” was “just silly.”

The article is reproduced in accordance with Section 107 of title 17 of the Copyright Law of the United States relating to fair-use and is for the purposes of criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research.
This also reminds me of the Bundy ranch episode, so that is how dangerous this whole exercise can be. Now that its being exposed out in the open, hopefully, it will stop it before any damage can be done and no turning back is the result. There have been way too many false flags that were done under the guise of "drills" or " training exercises". Its time it all stopped.
Jade Helm: Hey Military Joe Where You Going With That Gun In Your Hand ~ To Shoot Lady Liberty?
By Admin, Political Velcraft, June 6, 2015
The drill is indeed about extractions of potential dissident leadership based upon a “list” given to ARSOF commanders. One very strong impression that I was left with is that the leadership of ARSOF is very uncomfortable with this drill because they DO NOT like the prospect of rounding up Americans on American soil.JADE HELM 15: The letters J-A-D-E stand for “Joint Assistant for Deployment and Execution.” The letters H-E-L-M stand for “Homeland Eradication of Local Militants.”
Further, the lack of communication coming to them from both the Pentagon and the DoD is unusual and concerning.
Normally, a drill of this magnitude would carry operational rationale for at least the leadership and this rationale would represent the rules of engagement.
In this “drill” there are no uniform rules of engagement. In some theaters, the application of deadly force will be applied and in other theaters, non lethal force is to be practiced.
DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.–That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, –That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness."
Texas Gov. Greg Abbot issued an order for the state guard to monitor the operation. The order, given to the state guard’s commander, asked for Jade Helm to be watched over because it is “important that Texans know their safety, constitutional rights, private property rights and civil liberties will not be infringed,” the New York Times reported.Jade Helm 15 is a training exercise set to take place in seven states from July 15 through Sept. 15. The exercise will feature U.S. Army Special Operations Command (UASOC) and service members from the military’s four branches.
The Special Operations Forces will train in only Texas, Arizona, New Mexico, Utah and Colorado, reported ABC. In recent days, right-wing commentators and writers have pushed forward the idea that the military is planning to invade Texas, confiscate guns, arrest President Barack Obama’s political enemies, invoke martial law or some combination of any number of theories.
The military’s report said Texas was chosen as the main base of activity because the exercise requires “large areas of undeveloped land with low population densities with access to towns.” Jade Helm was essentially set out to be a large war-game, and while domestic-based training is not uncommon, its scope is larger than usual.Further, the lack of communication coming to them from both the Pentagon and the DoD is unusual and concerning.
The operation was proposed in March, and the theories perhaps began when the UASOC released a map (via Slate) for Jade Helm that listed Texas, Utah and a part of Southern California as “hostile” territory. The demarcations were a part of the war games, an outline for the training exercise. The map, released in an unclassified presentation detailing the training exercise, was claimed as proof by critics that the government was planning to invade Texas.
Alex Jones, leader of the conspiracy-heavy site, especially jumped on the story, ABC reported. Jones was especially troubled by the phrase “Master the Human Domain,” which appears toward the end of the presentation alongside a logo of crossing arrows and a sword.
The theories surrounding Jade Helm were further legitimized when Texas Gov. Greg Abbot issued an order for the state guard to monitor the operation. The order, given to the state guard’s commander, asked for Jade Helm to be watched over because it is “important that Texans know their safety, constitutional rights, private property rights and civil liberties will not be infringed,” the New York Times reported. Abbott said last Monday that he was not legitimizing conspiracy theories with his order.- Scientific Study Reveals Conspiracy Theorists The Most Sane Of All.
Last week, Texas Rep. Louie Gohmert released a statement that expressed concern as well. “Once I observed the map depicting ‘hostile,’ ‘permissive,’ and ‘uncertain’ states and locations, I was rather appalled that the hostile areas amazingly have a Republican majority, ‘cling to their guns and religion,’ and believe in the sanctity of the United States Constitution,” the statement read. Gohmert also called for the the names of the areas on the map to be changed and for the “tone” of the exercise to be “revamped.” Actor Chuck Norris also jumped into the fray, criticizing Jade Helm in an interview.
Others have spoken out against the theories, however, calling the backlash disrespectful to the military. One democratic leader was especially critical of the governor. “It’s dangerously irresponsible for a governor to fan the flames of conspiracy and paranoia against our own military and government,” Texas Democratic U.S. Rep. JoaquÃn Castro said. Texas Republican and House Armed Services Committee Chairman Rep. Mack Thornberry said to the Dallas Morning News that the concept of the military acting as Obama’s “private army” was “just silly.”
This begs the question then, why does Department Of Homeland Security claim Right-Wing Violence bigger threat than ISIS while Obama refuses to call ISIS Islamist extremism?
Troubling implications;International Business Times
But it’s not paranoid to point out that the precedent being set could turn easily from innocuous to dark. It’s one thing to conduct training on such a minimal scale that the public doesn’t have to be briefed on or aware of it. It’s actually another thing – a significant shift in the proposition – to say that the public needs to be aware of it, and needs to give its assent and cooperation.
Related Articles:Hey Military Joe, Where You Going With That Gun In Your Hand ~ To Shoot Lady Liberty?
Where You Going To Run To Now Where You Can’t Be Free?
- How Obama Treats Illegal Aliens vs. Veterans
- Thousands of Iraq and Afghanistan veterans homeless
- Disturbing Trend: Obama Rids Military of Yet Another Top General
- Beware of Homeland Security Training for Local Law Enforcement, by An Insider

- Jade Helm Ten Supposed “Conspiracy Theories” Blasted By Corporate Media That Turned Out To Be TRUE
The article is reproduced in accordance with Section 107 of title 17 of the Copyright Law of the United States relating to fair-use and is for the purposes of criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research.
A VATIC MUST READ: ADL Creates Trail to Media Espionage Ring
Vatic Note: This is a very interesting article, to say the least. Outside of the GOP bashing I see on here, it appears to be fairly accurate. What Gordon does not know, is that many democrats write to us and send info showing that Obama is tied very heavily into Netanyahu, as are the Bush's and the Clintons. So are the neocon conservatives and neolibs. But his effort to whitewash Obama, is not working with the dems and the independents as well as moderate republicans who supported him during his 2009 win.
This so called "split" between Netanyahu and Obama, is a false flag, disinfo, controlled opposition effort on the Israeli, and neolibs part in order to salvage Obama's reputation as being a pawn of Israel. They wanted to use him to bring Americans together as adversaries of the Muslim world for WW III and its not working at all. So, they had to separate Israel from Obama in order to try it again. The Khazar Zionists and their Illluminati bloodline owners are the real problem and that is never going to change unless we do something about it.
The divide is NOT BETWEEN RIGHT AND LEFT GRASSROOTS AMERICANS. Its between the globalists who are 15 years behind in their goal to globalize this planet and have a World War III to replenish their diminishing resources and the continued failures to start WW III. We have been united as AMERICANS like never before with the left admitting the role Obama has played and is still playing in the Israel/Rothschild game, and the right admitting the role the Bush's have played in trying to bring this nation down. ITS NOT A RIGHT OR LEFT ISSUE, NOR A MUSLIM CHRISTIAN ISSUE. ITS A FASCIST, Zionist Illuminati, issue that is being frustrated by the continued exposure of all parties on both sides, by reliable and credible sources of research on the alternative press. .
EXAMPLE: Its been proven by many many credible alternative news sources that ISIS is an Israeli, USA, Saudi, British created, funded, armed and trained provocateuring group called "Iraq and Syrian REBELS" which is erroneous. They are "AGENTS" of the "controlled opposition" for the purposes of starting WW III, and these globalists all over the planet have even built underground facilities for their protection when they lower the hammer on us.
They truly do believe we are so stupid we will buy anything they tell us to buy, BUT NOT THIS TIME AROUND. Trust is a thing of the past. The awakening on this planet is impressive and I am proud of even the sheep who now seem to know what is truly going on. Its only the religious fundamentalists who are still asleep and operating in the dark. My only issue with Gordon is his unbelievable refusal to see Obama's role in all this as a puppet for the masters that control his White House. His party loyalty seems to override his ability to see the truth. What does that mean about Gordon??? I don't know, but I am beginning to question that point.
Jefferson warned Americans of the danger to our republic of political parties and all of this we have seen since 9-11 has convinced us that he was sooooo right. I could list numerous examples of both parties collusion with our globalist enemies, that it isn't even funny. Since we posted them on this blog, I won't bore you with doing it again, but like WW II where both sides leaders were all khazars, and worked together to bring about such a war and the profits they made from it, it just makes sense that they would do it again. If it worked once they assume it will work again. WRONG. So, go ahead and read all this, but keep this Vatic note in mind as you do and use it to discern the truth.
ADL Creates Trail to Media Espionage Ring
By Gordon Duff, Senior Editor, Veterans Today, April 5, 2015

It is the assessment of counter-intelligence specialists affiliated with VT that the ADL has just published an attack on Iran’s Press TV in an attempt to cover for what appears to be an intelligence penetration of that publication by the Israeli security services.
This “cover and deception” operation contains key flaws. We searched for inclusion in the ADL “hit list” which I always head, inclusion of writers now virtually controlling Press TV that we have identified as potential Israeli agents. Their names were not included, a huge error by the ADL and Israeli intelligence.
Press TV provides travel money and stipends to authors who are willing to follow their now heavily censored “party line.” Other Press organizations in Iran are still well run and uncensored, unlike Press TV which, frankly, seems to be controlled out of Tel Aviv.
We have identified a number of instances where Press TV has been complicit in psychological warfare operations against Iraq and Syria on behalf of Israel or perhaps Saudi Arabia. We identify one in this article and the havoc it caused.
Moreover, quotes of statements made by me and others
as evidence of Press TV’s antisemitism are, in actuality, falsified.
In fact, the statements the ADL uses are almost gentle and quite
reasonable. They replaced real statements which were both scathing and
truthful with ones they wrote themselves. Mike Harris says the same,
the quotes are fabricated, silly and the charges of his involvement with
John McCain’s “National Socialist Movement” are pathetic. Mike is an
Obama supporter, as much as possible anyway.
There is a problem with this; some many months ago, after Hamid Emadi of Press TV’s newsroom took over all operations at that organization, a radical change came about. The Viewpoints section of Press TV, providing over 90% of their readership, was gutted.
Their most popular authors, always a 1-2-3 with me in the lead most often, or maybe Kevin Barret, followed by Jim W. Dean. Suddenly submitted articles were kicked out, censored, or listed as lost, not just a few but dozens. It was not atypical for articles to bring tens of thousands, sometimes hundreds of thousands of Facebook referrals. Suddenly almost everything was now from Paul Craig Roberts or Hamid Emadi himself.
We began discerning a pattern. As a nuclear settlement for Iran came closer and as relationships
between the Obama administration and Israel soured, for some reason Press TV relentlessly attacked Obama, a move that could only have sent messages to Washington that Iran could not be trusted.
When editors at VT saw the damage this would do to both Iran and the United States and how it would aid Israel, we contacted Emadi. His response was less than helpful.
This so called "split" between Netanyahu and Obama, is a false flag, disinfo, controlled opposition effort on the Israeli, and neolibs part in order to salvage Obama's reputation as being a pawn of Israel. They wanted to use him to bring Americans together as adversaries of the Muslim world for WW III and its not working at all. So, they had to separate Israel from Obama in order to try it again. The Khazar Zionists and their Illluminati bloodline owners are the real problem and that is never going to change unless we do something about it.
The divide is NOT BETWEEN RIGHT AND LEFT GRASSROOTS AMERICANS. Its between the globalists who are 15 years behind in their goal to globalize this planet and have a World War III to replenish their diminishing resources and the continued failures to start WW III. We have been united as AMERICANS like never before with the left admitting the role Obama has played and is still playing in the Israel/Rothschild game, and the right admitting the role the Bush's have played in trying to bring this nation down. ITS NOT A RIGHT OR LEFT ISSUE, NOR A MUSLIM CHRISTIAN ISSUE. ITS A FASCIST, Zionist Illuminati, issue that is being frustrated by the continued exposure of all parties on both sides, by reliable and credible sources of research on the alternative press. .
EXAMPLE: Its been proven by many many credible alternative news sources that ISIS is an Israeli, USA, Saudi, British created, funded, armed and trained provocateuring group called "Iraq and Syrian REBELS" which is erroneous. They are "AGENTS" of the "controlled opposition" for the purposes of starting WW III, and these globalists all over the planet have even built underground facilities for their protection when they lower the hammer on us.
They truly do believe we are so stupid we will buy anything they tell us to buy, BUT NOT THIS TIME AROUND. Trust is a thing of the past. The awakening on this planet is impressive and I am proud of even the sheep who now seem to know what is truly going on. Its only the religious fundamentalists who are still asleep and operating in the dark. My only issue with Gordon is his unbelievable refusal to see Obama's role in all this as a puppet for the masters that control his White House. His party loyalty seems to override his ability to see the truth. What does that mean about Gordon??? I don't know, but I am beginning to question that point.
Jefferson warned Americans of the danger to our republic of political parties and all of this we have seen since 9-11 has convinced us that he was sooooo right. I could list numerous examples of both parties collusion with our globalist enemies, that it isn't even funny. Since we posted them on this blog, I won't bore you with doing it again, but like WW II where both sides leaders were all khazars, and worked together to bring about such a war and the profits they made from it, it just makes sense that they would do it again. If it worked once they assume it will work again. WRONG. So, go ahead and read all this, but keep this Vatic note in mind as you do and use it to discern the truth.
ADL Creates Trail to Media Espionage Ring
By Gordon Duff, Senior Editor, Veterans Today, April 5, 2015
Uncovered: Links between
the ADL, Israeli intelligence and Press TV, a carefully staged attack
meant to restore the credibility of a "burned" asset

…by Gordon Duff, Senior Editor
It is the assessment of counter-intelligence specialists affiliated with VT that the ADL has just published an attack on Iran’s Press TV in an attempt to cover for what appears to be an intelligence penetration of that publication by the Israeli security services.
This “cover and deception” operation contains key flaws. We searched for inclusion in the ADL “hit list” which I always head, inclusion of writers now virtually controlling Press TV that we have identified as potential Israeli agents. Their names were not included, a huge error by the ADL and Israeli intelligence.
Press TV provides travel money and stipends to authors who are willing to follow their now heavily censored “party line.” Other Press organizations in Iran are still well run and uncensored, unlike Press TV which, frankly, seems to be controlled out of Tel Aviv.
We have identified a number of instances where Press TV has been complicit in psychological warfare operations against Iraq and Syria on behalf of Israel or perhaps Saudi Arabia. We identify one in this article and the havoc it caused.
The ADL “Fan Letter” to Press TV
- “Mr. Israel,” Senator John McCain with leader of NSM (National Socialist Movement),
- taken in North Carolina while they were traveling to a national convention
There is a problem with this; some many months ago, after Hamid Emadi of Press TV’s newsroom took over all operations at that organization, a radical change came about. The Viewpoints section of Press TV, providing over 90% of their readership, was gutted.
Their most popular authors, always a 1-2-3 with me in the lead most often, or maybe Kevin Barret, followed by Jim W. Dean. Suddenly submitted articles were kicked out, censored, or listed as lost, not just a few but dozens. It was not atypical for articles to bring tens of thousands, sometimes hundreds of thousands of Facebook referrals. Suddenly almost everything was now from Paul Craig Roberts or Hamid Emadi himself.
We began discerning a pattern. As a nuclear settlement for Iran came closer and as relationships
between the Obama administration and Israel soured, for some reason Press TV relentlessly attacked Obama, a move that could only have sent messages to Washington that Iran could not be trusted.
When editors at VT saw the damage this would do to both Iran and the United States and how it would aid Israel, we contacted Emadi. His response was less than helpful.
France Indicts Geezer David de Rothschild For Bank Fraud: Manhunt On As Judge Orders Police To Track Down Rothschild.
Vatic Note: Well, well, this means one of three possible things with respect to bringing this Rothschild down.....
1. He did the deed and all is as reported here and their protection in Europe is over.
2. There are two factions at the top as we have discussed before, Zionists and nazi's. They are now fighting and one side, the Nazi's are bringing down the Zionists (Rothschilds) in order to protect the bigger agenda from being totally exposed and stopped, which is "globalizing a new world order", that is NOT run by the people, rather by the Satanic elite.
3. The third is the possibility that this is a bogus disinfo piece put out by the khazars to distract attention away from the Khazar International bankers, while they complete what they intended in Europe which included taking over the EU.
France Indicts Geezer David de Rothschild For Bank Fraud: Manhunt On As Judge Orders Police To Track Down Rothschild.
By Admin, Political Velcraft, June 23, 2015
[Geezer] Baron David de Rothschild has been indicted over the allegations after the victims, mostly expats living in Spain, bought into his loan scheme.
The banking magnate will now be questioned in his native France, five years after a Marbella-based law firm began legal action against him.
French police have been told by a judge in Paris to track down the wealthy scion who has various homes in the country.
The case involves his company, the Rothschild Financial Services Group, which stands accused of falsely advertising an equity release loan scheme, bought into by more than 130 pensioners between 2005 and 2008.
More than 20 British pensioners in Spain took up legal action against Rothschild’s company after losing their dream properties and thousands of euros.
Paris-based liaison judge Javier Gómez Bermudez – famous for his role in prosecuting the Madrid bombers – announced the summons this week after the Denia Court issued the order.
The [Geezer] Baron is believed to be staying at his Normandy castle, or near to his Paris offices, and lawyers have provided state prosecutors in France with two possible addresses to find him.
Marbella-based lawyer Antonio Flores of Lawbird said the indictment was a ‘breakthrough moment’ in the case.
“It is a good step in the right direction,” Flores told The Olive Press. “The courts are now in agreement with us that there is enough evidence to interrogate [Geezer] Baron Rothschild.
“The first thing they will have to do is find him. Once they have done that they can begin to question him. “It is a real breakthrough moment for everyone involved.”
Rothschild’s product, the Credit Select Series Mortgage Loan, was sold to pensioners as a legal means to reduce the value of their homes for inheritance tax mitigation purposes. The Tax Agency ruled that such a scheme constitutes fraud and Flores believes that Rothschild should be held accountable.
“In short, independently of what happened to the investment, Rothschild advertised a loan aimed at reducing inheritance tax, which is a breach of tax law,” he said.
Flores, and two other prosecuting lawyers, will submit questions for Rothschild in relation to fraudulent advertising. The Rothschild Group has so far failed to comment.
Olive Press

Related Articles:
The article is reproduced in accordance with Section 107 of title 17 of the Copyright Law of the United States relating to fair-use and is for the purposes of criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research.
1. He did the deed and all is as reported here and their protection in Europe is over.
2. There are two factions at the top as we have discussed before, Zionists and nazi's. They are now fighting and one side, the Nazi's are bringing down the Zionists (Rothschilds) in order to protect the bigger agenda from being totally exposed and stopped, which is "globalizing a new world order", that is NOT run by the people, rather by the Satanic elite.
3. The third is the possibility that this is a bogus disinfo piece put out by the khazars to distract attention away from the Khazar International bankers, while they complete what they intended in Europe which included taking over the EU.
France Indicts Geezer David de Rothschild For Bank Fraud: Manhunt On As Judge Orders Police To Track Down Rothschild.
By Admin, Political Velcraft, June 23, 2015
French police have been told by a judge in Paris to track down the wealthy scion who has various homes in the country.Many may also remember another famous banking mafia member being indicted and convicted in 2012 France for fraud. His name was George Soros!
- Soros Criminal Conviction Exposes “Human Rights” Scam Soros leverages “human rights” for personal gain – as does his mafia global NGO empire.
- Lawsuit Filed Against Convicted Felon George Soros & Donald Trump ~ Colluded In Multi $Billion Money Laundering/Bankruptcy Fraud Scheme
[Geezer] Baron David de Rothschild has been indicted over the allegations after the victims, mostly expats living in Spain, bought into his loan scheme.
The banking magnate will now be questioned in his native France, five years after a Marbella-based law firm began legal action against him.
French police have been told by a judge in Paris to track down the wealthy scion who has various homes in the country.
The case involves his company, the Rothschild Financial Services Group, which stands accused of falsely advertising an equity release loan scheme, bought into by more than 130 pensioners between 2005 and 2008.
More than 20 British pensioners in Spain took up legal action against Rothschild’s company after losing their dream properties and thousands of euros.
Paris-based liaison judge Javier Gómez Bermudez – famous for his role in prosecuting the Madrid bombers – announced the summons this week after the Denia Court issued the order.
The [Geezer] Baron is believed to be staying at his Normandy castle, or near to his Paris offices, and lawyers have provided state prosecutors in France with two possible addresses to find him.
Marbella-based lawyer Antonio Flores of Lawbird said the indictment was a ‘breakthrough moment’ in the case.
“It is a good step in the right direction,” Flores told The Olive Press. “The courts are now in agreement with us that there is enough evidence to interrogate [Geezer] Baron Rothschild.
“The first thing they will have to do is find him. Once they have done that they can begin to question him. “It is a real breakthrough moment for everyone involved.”
Rothschild’s product, the Credit Select Series Mortgage Loan, was sold to pensioners as a legal means to reduce the value of their homes for inheritance tax mitigation purposes. The Tax Agency ruled that such a scheme constitutes fraud and Flores believes that Rothschild should be held accountable.
“In short, independently of what happened to the investment, Rothschild advertised a loan aimed at reducing inheritance tax, which is a breach of tax law,” he said.
Flores, and two other prosecuting lawyers, will submit questions for Rothschild in relation to fraudulent advertising. The Rothschild Group has so far failed to comment.
Olive Press

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- Chairman Of Rothschild Federal Reserve Board Confesses To $2 Trillion Swindle Against The American People: Iceland Puts The Corrupt In Jail.
The article is reproduced in accordance with Section 107 of title 17 of the Copyright Law of the United States relating to fair-use and is for the purposes of criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research.
Trends in hospitalizations and mortality among infants by the number of vaccine doses and age, based on the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS), 1990-2010.
Vatic Note: Basically, what this supports is what we have reported all along, that there is a correlation between vaccine shots at certain ages, and deaths and hospitalizations of our children. This is serious and a parents right AND OBLIGATION is to protect that child from known damage.
This society has not changed yet from the loss of rights as an individual in favor of increased rights of society, or the majority. Until they bury or burn our Constitution, its still the ruling document and since babies cannot defend themselves, its the obligation of parents to do so. This is what you can expect from the NWO or one world order with these satanists at the top who use babies, during ritual sacrificing, to obtain power and wealth from Satan and this MUST stop.
Add this below to abortions propogated by the globalists, and you have a MAJOR attack on the population of this planet. Its called soft kill by adults with bioweapons against helpless unarmed babies who cannot defend themselves and the state trying to take away the parents right to defend their child from them. When would we have ever tolerated such behavior that is criminal in its nature and intent. Someone needs to investigate the CDC and get back to us. Same with the FDA where testing of these vaccines lack credible and trustworthy oversight to protect us from these psychos.
Don't get me started!!!!!!!!!
Relative trends in hospitalizations and mortality among infants by the number of vaccine doses and age, based on the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS), 1990-2010.
By GS Goldman1 and NZ Miller, 2



The article is reproduced in accordance with Section 107 of title 17 of the Copyright Law of the United States relating to fair-use and is for the purposes of criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research.
This society has not changed yet from the loss of rights as an individual in favor of increased rights of society, or the majority. Until they bury or burn our Constitution, its still the ruling document and since babies cannot defend themselves, its the obligation of parents to do so. This is what you can expect from the NWO or one world order with these satanists at the top who use babies, during ritual sacrificing, to obtain power and wealth from Satan and this MUST stop.
Add this below to abortions propogated by the globalists, and you have a MAJOR attack on the population of this planet. Its called soft kill by adults with bioweapons against helpless unarmed babies who cannot defend themselves and the state trying to take away the parents right to defend their child from them. When would we have ever tolerated such behavior that is criminal in its nature and intent. Someone needs to investigate the CDC and get back to us. Same with the FDA where testing of these vaccines lack credible and trustworthy oversight to protect us from these psychos.
Don't get me started!!!!!!!!!
Relative trends in hospitalizations and mortality among infants by the number of vaccine doses and age, based on the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS), 1990-2010.
By GS Goldman1 and NZ Miller, 2
This article has been corrected. See Hum Exp Toxicol. 2012 November; 31(11): 1190.
This article has been cited by other articles in PMC.
In this study, the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) database, 1990–2010, was investigated; cases that specified either hospitalization or death were identified among 38,801 reports of infants. Based on the types of vaccines reported, the actual number of vaccine doses administered, from 1 to 8, was summed for each case.
Linear regression analysis of hospitalization rates as a function of (a) the number of reported vaccine doses and (b) patient age yielded a linear relationship with r 2 = 0.91 and r 2 = 0.95, respectively. The hospitalization rate increased linearly from 11.0% (107 of 969) for 2 doses to 23.5% (661 of 2817) for 8 doses and decreased linearly from 20.1% (154 of 765) for children aged <0 .1="" 0.9="" 1.3="" 1.4="" 1.5="" 10.7="" 1="" 3.2="" 3.6="" 5.2="" 5.5="" 5="" 801="" a="" aged="" associated="" children="" ci="" confidence="" deaths="" doses.="" doses="" for="" from="" increase="" indicating="" interval="" is="" male-to-female="" mortality="" nbsp="" of="" p="" rate="" ratio="" rr="" significant="" statistically="" the="" to="" vaccine="" was="" with="" year.="" year="">0>
Our findings show a positive correlation between the number of vaccine doses administered and the percentage of hospitalizations and deaths. Since vaccines are given to millions of infants annually, it is imperative that health authorities have scientific data from synergistic toxicity studies on all combinations of vaccines that infants might receive. Finding ways to increase vaccine safety should be the highest priority.
Keywords: VAERS, vaccine, childhood vaccines, immunization, epidemiology, infant mortality, SIDS, drug toxicology, human toxicology
In 1986, Congress passed the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act (PL-99-660) requiring health care providers to report suspected vaccine reactions to a centralized reporting system. As a result, the Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS), cosponsored by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), was established in 1990. VAERS is a postmarketing safety surveillance program that collects information about possible adverse reactions (side effects) that occur after the administration of vaccines licensed for use in the United States. Current and historic VAERS data are public access, available to health care providers, vaccine manufacturers, and the general public.
VAERS receives approximately 30,000 reports annually. Since 1990, VAERS has received over 350,000 reports, most of which describe mild side effects, such as fever and local reactions. About 13% of all reactions are classified as serious, involving life-threatening conditions, hospitalization, permanent disability, or death. By monitoring such events, VAERS helps to identify unusual patterns of reports and important safety concerns.
Several factors could contribute to whether an infant will have an adverse reaction to vaccines, including a genetic predisposition, illness (which may be a contraindication to vaccine administration), quality of vaccines (which can vary by manufacturing methods), and sensitivity to one or more vaccine components. Some infants might be more likely to experience an adverse reaction due to biochemical or synergistic toxicity associated with concurrent administration of multiple vaccines. Yet, studies have not been conducted to determine the safety (or efficacy) of administering multiple vaccine doses during a single physician visit based on the CDC’s recommended vaccine schedule.
To explore the correlation between the total number of vaccine doses administered and serious adverse events reported, a statistical analysis was performed. Cases that specified either hospitalization or death were identified among infants, defined as children aged <1 1990="" 2010.="" a="" actual="" age="" and="" as="" based="" be="" case.="" could="" database="" doses="" each="" end="" filed="" for="" from="" function="" hospitalization="" in="" investigated.="" mortality="" number="" of="" on="" p="" quantity="" rates="" relative="" reported="" reports="" summed="" the="" through="" thus="" trends="" types="" vaccine="" vaccines="" vaers="" was="" were="" whom="" year="">1>
VAERS is a national passive reporting system managed by the CDC and FDA—agencies of the US Department of Health and Human Services. VAERS reports are filed by vaccine manufacturers (37%), health care providers (36%), state immunization programs (10%), vaccine recipients or their parent/guardians (7%), and other sources (10%). Each report includes information about the patients’ demographics, vaccine/vaccines administered, and symptoms related to their adverse event. The public access VAERS database, 1990 through 2010, was downloaded from the Internet ( on April 20, 2011, as comma-separated value (CSV) files (Figure 1). Records associated with 1990 were incomplete, containing only about 20% of the cases typically represented by each subsequent full year’s report. Foreign reports in the nondomestic VAERS database were not considered.

Distribution of infant cases reported to Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) by year, 1990–2010. Note: 1990 was a partial year of VAERS reporting.
Of the total 327,331 cases contained in the downloaded VAERS files, 28,707 (8.7%) cases specified no age and another 10 cases (0.003%) specified an age of 100 years or older and thus were discarded. One VAERS case showed 0 vaccines, but this was corrected to indicate receipt of measles, mumps and rubella (MMR) vaccine (counted as 3 vaccine doses). Thus, 298,614 (91.2%) case reports of individuals aged <100 281="" 298="" 38="" 39="" 9="" a="" age="" analyses="" analysis.="" and="" are="" available="" by="" case="" cases.="" cases="" class="fig-table-link fig figpopup" concurrently="" cumulative="" deaths="" distributions="" doses="" especially="" excluded="" fewer="" for="" from="" further="" hospitalization="" hospitalizations="" href="" imported.="" in="" infant="" insufficient="" more="" mortality="" number="" of="" or="" performed="" rates.="" receiving="" reported="" reporting="" reports="" respect="" results="" shown="" significant="" statistically="" stratified="" target="figure" than="" the="" there="" therefore="" these="" thus="" to="" total="" vaccine="" vaers="" various="" were="" when="" with="" year="" years="" yield="">Figure 2100>

Distribution of infant cases reported as hospitalized or as a death to Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) by year, 1990–2010. Note: 1990 was a partial year of VAERS reporting.
A Web-based (online) program (available at was written (in HTML, Javascript, and PHP) to convert all specified vaccines for any given case to the equivalent number of doses (i.e., DTaP is administered with one injection but contains three separate vaccine doses for diphtheria, tetanus, and pertussis; Table 1). The data were then analyzed by inspecting the age of each case, summing the dose equivalents for each vaccine specified to obtain the total number of vaccine doses (1–8 doses) associated with each case. The hospitalization rate corresponding to each dose was computed by dividing the number of reported hospitalizations among infants for a given dose by the total number of VAERS reports received having that same given dose. The mortality rate was similarly computed, and both hospitalization and mortality rates were multiplied by a factor of 100 to yield a percentage figure.
The linear regression line for hospitalization rates versus the number of vaccine doses and the coefficient of determination (r2) were generated using GraphPad Prism, version 5.04 (GraphPad Software, San Diego, California, USA, A similar procedure was used for hospitalization rates versus age and number of vaccine doses. Additionally, the F statistic and corresponding p value were computed to test whether each linear regression slope was statistically significantly nonzero. The 95% confidence intervals (CIs) reported for hospitalization and mortality rates are based on the Poisson distribution, which for large sample sizes approximates the normal distribution. A 2-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) was performed using factors of age (in 0.1-year increments) and number of vaccine doses (2–8 doses) to investigate the percentage of variance contributed by these factors.
Linear regression analysis of hospitalization rates as a function of (a) the number of reported vaccine doses and (b) patient age yielded a linear relationship with r 2 = 0.91 and r 2 = 0.95, respectively (Figures 3 and and4).4). The hospitalization rate increased linearly from 11.0% (107 of 969) for 2 doses to 23.5% (661 of 2817) for 8 doses (Table 2), and decreased linearly from 20.1% (154 of 765) for children aged <0 .1="" 0.9="" 10.7="" 801="" a="" aged="" children="" class="fig-table-link table figpopup" for="" href="" of="" target="true" to="" year="">Table 30>
Hospitalization rate (%), stratified by number of vaccine doses reported among infants, VAERS 1990–2010 database
Hospitalization rate (%) among infants receiving 1–8 reported vaccine doses, stratified by age (in 0.1 year increments), VAERS 1990–2010 database

Hospitalization rate (%) versus the number of vaccine doses among infants, Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS), 1990–2010.

Hospitalization rate (%) versus age (in 0.1 year increments) among infants receiving 1–8 vaccine doses, Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS), 1990–2010.
When the outlier associated with the hospitalization rate for 1 dose is included, the linear correlation using 1–8 doses is weakened with a reduced coefficient of determination, r 2 = 0.57 (F = 8.0; p < 0.03).
A two-way ANOVA using the number of vaccine doses (2–8) and age, ranging from 0.1 to 0.9 years in 0.1 increments, was unproductive due to the too large an interaction between age and dose, particularly with those aged 0.6–0.9 years. When restricted to ages 0.1–0.5 years, the number of vaccine doses accounted for 85.3% of the total variation (F = 25.7, p < 0.001), the age factor was not significant at 1.4% (p = 0.64), and the residual was 13.3%.
The rate ratio (RR) of the mortality rate for 5–8 vaccine doses to 1–4 vaccine doses is 1.5 (95% CI, 1.4–1.7), indicating that the mortality rate of 3.6% (95% CI, 3.2–3.9%) associated with low vaccine doses is statistically significantly lower than 5.4% (95% CI, 5.2–5.7%) associated with higher vaccine doses (Table 4).
Mortality rate (%) among infants, stratified by the number of vaccine doses, VAERS 1990–2010 database
The RR of the mortality rate for children aged <0 .5="" 0.5="" 1.8="" 2.1="" 2.6="" 3.0="" 5.9="" 6.1="" a="" aged="" associated="" children="" ci="" class="fig-table-link table figpopup" higher="" href="" indicating="" is="" mortality="" of="" rate="" significantly="" statistically="" target="true" than="" that="" the="" those="" to="" with="" years="">Table 50>
With respect to the <1 0.98="" 1.03="" 15.5="" 16.1="" 16.6="" 17="" 20="" 2831="" 3348="" age="" and="" ci="" females="" group="" hospitalization="" hospitalized="" is="" male-to-female="" males="" not="" of="" out="" p="" rates="" reports="" respectively.="" rr="" significant.="" statistically="" the="" there="" were="" year="" yielding="">1>
The 1133 reported male deaths out of a total of 20,174 male cases and 723 reported female deaths out of 17,630 female cases yield mortality rates of 5.6% (95% CI, 5.3–5.9%) and 4.1% (95% CI, 3.8–4.4%), respectively. The male-to-female mortality RR of 1.4 (95% CI, 1.3–1.5) is statistically significant (Table 6).
When stratified by year, there was no correlation in hospitalization rates (r 2 = 0.03) and a weak correlation in mortality rates (r 2 = 0.40) during the studied time period, 1990–2010. The mean hospitalization rates in VAERS for the period 1990–2000 and 2001–2010 were 15.8% (3219 of 20,377) and 16.6% (3060 of 18,424), respectively. The RR is 0.95 (95% CI, 0.91–1.00), indicating a slightly lower mean hospitalization rate in VAERS for 1990–2000 relative to 2001–2010. The mean mortality rates in VAERS for the periods 1990–2000 and 2001–2010 were 5.6% (1135 of 20,377) and 4.0% (746 of 18,424), respectively. The RR is 1.38 (95% CI, 1.25–1.51), indicating a statistically significant higher mean mortality rate in VAERS for 1990–2000 relative to 2001–2010.
In 1990, infants received a total of 15 vaccine doses prior to their first year of life: 3 DPT injections (9 vaccine doses), 3 polio, and 3 Hib vaccines—5 vaccine doses at 2, 4, and 6 months of age. By 2007, the CDC recommended 26 vaccine doses for infants: 3 DTaP, 3 polio, 3 Hib, 3 hepatitis B, 3 pneumococcal, 3 rotavirus, and 2 influenza vaccines. While each childhood vaccine has individually undergone clinical trials to assess safety, studies have not been conducted to determine the safety (or efficacy) of combining vaccines during a single physician visit as recommended by CDC guidelines. For example, 2-, 4-, and 6-month-old infants are expected to receive vaccines for polio, hepatitis B, diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis, rotavirus, Haemophilus influenzae type B, and pneumococcal, all during a single well-baby visit—even though this combination of 8 vaccine doses was never tested in clinical trials.
An article written by Guess, representing a vaccine manufacturer, claimed that it is “impractical to conduct preapproval studies of all combinations [of vaccines] in clinical practice.”1 However, a recent study by Miller and Goldman found that among the developed nations, infant mortality increased with an increase in the number of vaccine doses.2 Similar associations have also been found with respect to other serious adverse outcomes. Delong reported that the higher the proportion of children receiving recommended vaccinations, the higher the prevalence of autism or speech and language impairment.3 A CDC report on mixed exposures to chemical substances and other stressors, including prescribed pharmaceuticals, found that they may produce “increased or unexpected deleterious health effects.” In addition, “exposures to mixed stressors can produce health consequences that are additive, synergistic, antagonistic, or can potentiate the response expected from individual component exposures.”4 Administering six, seven, or eight vaccine doses to an infant during a single physician visit may certainly be more convenient for parents—rather than making additional trips to the doctor’s office—but evidence of a positive association between infant adverse reactions and the number of vaccine doses administered confirms that vaccine safety must remain the highest priority.
Single-dose outlier
There are several possible explanations why the hospitalization rate corresponding to one dose is an outlier and therefore excluded from the linear regression analysis:
- The distribution of cases aged <1 0.1="" 0="" 1115="" 273="" a="" age="" among="" and="" are="" as="" deaths="" disproportionately="" dose="" either="" highest="" hospitalizations="" in="" infant="" infants.="" infants="" is="" more="" narrow="" neonate="" newborn="" of="" older="" one="" or="" out="" predisposed="" range.="" receive="" reported="" reports="" sup="" than="" that="" the="" to="" total="" vaers="" who="" with="" year="" years="" youngest="">51>
A disproportionate number of hospitalizations were due to the administration of the at-birth dose of the hepatitis B vaccination: 809 (73%) of the 1115 VAERS cases reported the receipt of hepatitis B vaccine; 242 (30%) of these 809 were reported as hospitalized. Several studies provide evidence of correlations between hepatitis B vaccination and serious adverse reactions, including pediatric multiple sclerosis.6–12 Thus, the newborn dose of hepatitis B vaccine, administered at a time when the immune system is most immature, may be contributing to increased vulnerability to serious adverse reactions causing disproportionately high rates of hospitalizations during the neonatal period.
Infants who were sensitive to their first vaccine might have been urged by the child’s physician or concerned family members to avoid subsequent vaccines, especially multiple doses administered concomitantly.
Physicians might have failed to report that two or more doses were actually given.
Accuracy of reports
VAERS is a passive surveillance system, and the large number of reports to VAERS increases the likelihood that some reports may not be adequately checked for accuracy, especially the less serious ones. Some reports to VAERS do not include full medical record documentation and may contain errors. The VAERS forms often have missing or incorrect data, including age, sex, vaccines administered, and adverse events.
Anyone can file a VAERS report regardless of a true cause-and-effect relationship between the administration of a vaccine and an adverse event that succeeds it. Thus, some reports are likely to be unrelated to vaccinations. In addition, erroneous diagnoses may cause some adverse events in the VAERS database to be inaccurate descriptions of the event that occurred. For example, a seizure may be reported as a simple case of fainting and vice versa.
For limited periods of time (with specific starting and stopping points), the FDA required a select group of physicians and vaccine manufacturers to participate in ‘phase 4’ postmarketing, active surveillance of possible adverse vaccine reactions, resulting in temporary spikes of reported VAERS cases. Such mandatory reporting often follows the release of a new vaccine and changes to the recommended childhood immunization schedule. Some of the variations in annual reported cases (Figures 1 and and2)2) are due to these factors.
Since VAERS is a passive system, it is inherently subject to underreporting. For example, a confidential study conducted by Connaught Laboratories, a vaccine manufacturer, indicated that “a fifty-fold underreporting of adverse events” is likely.13 According to David Kessler, former commissioner of the FDA, “only about one percent of serious events [adverse drug reactions] are reported.”14 Less serious vaccine adverse events (e.g., swelling, fever, or redness at the vaccination site) are more underreported than more serious vaccine adverse events (e.g., hospitalizations and death).15 The current analysis made no attempt to quantify underreporting due to age, type of adverse event, or other factor since only relative trends were utilized.
According to Ottaviani et al., ‘Any case of sudden unexpected death occurring … in infancy, especially soon after a vaccination, should always undergo a full necropsy study,’ otherwise a true association between vaccination and death may escape detection.16 A recent study by Kuhnert et al. demonstrated a 16-fold increase in unexplained sudden unexpected death after the fourth dose of a penta- (5-in-1) or hexavalent (6-in-1) vaccine.17 Similarly, Zinka et al. reported 6 cases of sudden infant death syndrome that occurred within 48 hours following the administration of a hexavalent vaccine. At postmortal examination, these cases showed “unusual findings in the brain” that appeared compatible with an association between hexavalent vaccination and sudden infant death syndrome.18 These examples provide additional evidence that cases of vaccine-related mortality are likely underreported in VAERS.
Methodological limitations
The methodological limitations inherent to the VAERS database are discussed in detail in other studies.19–21 The correlation of increasing hospitalizations and deaths with increasing number of vaccine doses is based solely on the number of vaccine doses associated with each VAERS case report, without differentiating between the types or composition of vaccines administered. Common vaccine substances include antigens (attenuated viruses, bacteria, and toxoids), preservatives (thimerosal, benzethonium chloride, 2-phenoxyethanol, and phenol), adjuvants (aluminum salts), additives (ammonium sulfate, glycerin, sodium borate, polysorbate 80, hydrochloric acid, sodium hydroxide, and potassium chloride), stabilizers (fetal bovine serum, monosodium glutamate, human serum albumin, and porcine gelatin), antibiotics (neomycin, streptomycin, and polymyxin B), and inactivating chemicals (formalin, glutaraldehyde, and polyoxyethylene). For the purposes of this study, all vaccine doses were equally weighted.
Approximately 85% of the variation in mean hospitalization rates for children aged 0.1–0.5 years was accounted for on the basis of the number of vaccine doses. If the quantity and severity of adverse vaccine events is, in fact, related to the accumulated total number of vaccine doses, then methodology that includes the complete age-specific vaccination history of the patient might enhance the analysis. Furthermore, while vaccines may appear to be the causal factor leading to adverse vaccine events, other underlying patient medical conditions, including latent mitochondrial disease or vitamin deficiencies, may ultimately play a role. Some reports have postulated that environmental factors, including vaccine administration, can trigger an adverse reaction due to its various components or agents that deplete body resources and/or cause immune insults.22–24
Unfortunately, VAERS does not provide information regarding background incidence of adverse events in the general population nor does it provide historical information such as the age-specific vaccine doses actually administered to the patient. These methodological limitations require supplementary information from vaccine manufacturers that is often proprietary, or novel approaches to handling VAERS data. Thus, in our analysis the total number of VAERS reports used in the rate calculations serves as a surrogate denominator that is proportionately related to the actual number of vaccine doses distributed or administered.25 The 1.5 male-to-female ratio demonstrated in cases of sudden infant death syndrome reported in other studies26 ,27 closely compares with the 1.4 (95% CI, 1.3–1.5) ratio demonstrated in VAERS among infants. This correspondence with other studies is a strong evidence that the total number of adverse events reported to VAERS, used in the denominator of the rate calculations, credibly reflects the number of vaccine doses administered.
VAERS is one of the largest databases containing adverse reactions reported in temporal association with vaccination. While some adverse events that are reported to VAERS may be unrelated to the recent vaccination, the VAERS database is an important postmarketing safety surveillance tool that is periodically analyzed by the CDC, FDA, and other vaccine researchers to discover potentially adverse vaccination trends.
Using linear regression, several statistically significant trends were derived from the VAERS database:
(a) a positive correlation between hospitalization rates and the number of vaccine doses (r 2 = 0.91);
(b) a negative correlation between hospitalization rates and age (r 2 = 0.95);
(c) an increased mortality rate associated with 5–8 vaccines relative to 1–4 vaccines;
(d) a decreased mortality rate associated with children aged 0.5 to <1 aged="" and="" b="" nbsp="" relative="" those="" to="" year="">1>
(e) a 1.4 male-to-female infant mortality ratio. These trends not only have a biological plausibility but are supported by evidence from case reports, case series, and other studies using entirely different methodologies and specific population cohorts.
Studies have not been conducted to determine the safety (or efficacy) of administering multiple vaccine doses in a variety of combinations as recommended by CDC guidelines. Our findings show a positive correlation between the number of vaccine doses administered and the percentage of hospitalizations and deaths reported to VAERS. In addition, younger infants were significantly more likely than older infants to be hospitalized or die after receiving vaccines.
Since vaccines are administered to millions of infants every year, it is imperative that health authorities have scientific data from synergistic toxicity studies on all combinations of vaccines that infants are likely to receive; universal vaccine recommendations must be supported by such studies.
Adverse reaction trends detected in VAERS have important implications for vaccine recipients and health care providers. Finding ways to increase vaccine safety should be the highest priority. Further inspection of potential correlations between increasing vaccine doses, hospitalizations, and death is essential. Health care policy makers have an obligation to determine whether immunization schedules are achieving their desired goals.
The authors wish to thank Walter Schumm, PhD, and Paul G King, PhD, for their evaluations.
Conflict of Interest Statement: Neil Z Miller is associated with the ‘Think Twice Global Vaccine Institute’.
Funding: This work is funded by the National Vaccine Information Center (NVIC) who donated $2,500 towards the SAGE Choice Open Access fee for this article.
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