It has been a really incredible experience and I appreciate all those who have supported us in this journey over these past 4 years. If we do not make our deficit by the first, then we will have to borrow the money and will have to stop this blog at that time. If we do not make our goal this month, then we are committed to leaving the blog up as a reference for you to use as you see fit. At least you will have a reference library for all that we have published. Bless you all and good luck in all you do.
Vatic Note: Now this blew me away. These blondes are not dressed in the same garb as the Muslim women, and the children look blonde also, and seem to be dressed more colorfully, so who are these people? Why is the CIA and Mossad funded ISIS trying to mate with them to affect the bloodline? Which bloodline and why?
Why did the Kurds risk death and/or maiming, wounding etc to rescue these people, which they did? What connection if any do they have to them? These Kurds rescued 45,000 of them. This is a giant mystery to me. How come we have never heard of them before? After reading, it appears this very thing has happened before. Even though the Kurds are also Aryan, it still took a risk for them to save these people and how come we never hear about all this in the press? We heard about mountain top people under attack by the ISIS but nothing about who they were. Strange, why not? What is the big deal to the zionist controlled press?
These people are aryans, and now I understand a little bit more about Hitler's obsession with them. There is a group of Aryans located today in Moraco, which also surprised me, and they did not migrate down from Europe. We wondered how they got there. They are called the Berbers. Now this may finally tell us who they are. Are these the forerunners of the Danes? Scandinavian people?
Is there a connection between these blonds of their bloodline and the RH Negs? Just asking. It would be nice if someone who is an expert in blood science did a study of them from that perspective. Why do the Israeli Khazars want them gone? Why do they want to affect their bloodline? What is it they have that they are afraid of??? Lots of questions and no answers. This was interesting enough to put up anyway.
There must be something to this, since the PTB are messing seriously with my lay out, script, font, cursor and spacing. They won't let me correct them either, since they have some limited control over my cursor, so read anyway.
Dead Blondes On a Mountain Top
By Mike King, Tomato Bubble, August 14, 2014

The blonds of Iraq; hunted like dogs to the top of a mountain.
History Repeats:
Dead Blondes on a Mountain Top
By: Mike King
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The shocking headline from the August 14 London Daily Mail declared:
'ISIS wants to impregnate Yazidi women and smash our blond bloodline': Fears grow for the 300 women kidnapped from Sinjar'
The Yazidi minority of Iraq is of Aryan descent (like most Europeans)and has retained much of its fair skin, reddish and blond hair, and blue eyes by marrying among themselves. (VN: Does that sound like RH neg to you? It does to me based on hair color and issues with bloodlines. This is all so strange.
The Yazidi minority of Iraq is of Aryan descent (like most Europeans)and has retained much of its fair skin, reddish and blond hair, and blue eyes by marrying among themselves. (VN: Does that sound like RH neg to you? It does to me based on hair color and issues with bloodlines. This is all so strange.
The US-Israeli-Saudi controlled terror group known has ISIS vowed to impregnate the White hostages.
Some 45,000 thirsty and hungry Yazidi refugees were finally able to escape from the top of Mount Sinjar after Kurdish forces broke a 10 day siege imposed by Israel’s controlled Islamic militants. Kurdish militia have been calling on Western forces to give them arms, rather than plotting "rescue missions." But Obama and the rest of the anti-White West could care less about saving Aryan remnants.

When 250 Black girls in Nigeria were allegedly kidnapped, the First Beast made a 'cause celeb' out of it. Recall the "Bring Back Our Girls" mania? But she (or is it he?) sheds no crocodile tears for 300 kidnapped White Yazidi girls! / On Right: The Beast's unmistakable look of envious hatred for ex-Super Model Carla Bruni says it all.
Addressing the kidnapping of Yazidi women, Adnan Kochar, chairman of the Kurdish Cultural Centre in London, told the Daily Mail: “The Kurds and Yazidis are originally Aryans. But because the Yazidis are such a closed community they have retained a fairer complexion, blonder hair and bluer eyes. They don't marry non-Yazidis.”

Mossad's Proxies: "Marry ISIS scum or die along with your men, you White bitches!"
But the Yazidis weren’t the first Whites to be hunted to the mountain tops in a state of terror.
About 600 years ago, the tall, blond haired, blue eyed, fair skinned remnants of the “Chachapoya” people fled to the tops of the Andes Mountains in Peru. Their Incan tormentors dubbed them the “Cloud Warriors" (Chachapoya), but it is not known what this once great Aryan-blooded kingdom actually called itself.
Now, I can already hear some of you saying out loud, “Aryans in the pre-Columbus Americas? Mike! Please, stick to World War II and current events. This kooky stuff about blue-eyed blonds in the Andes Mountains is going to ruin your credibility.”
I assure you my beloved readers, I have not taken leave of senses. Given the state of the world, I am indeed headed in that mental direction, but not there yet! The Chachapoyas were described by Spanish Conquistador and Chronicler Cieza de León as follows:
“They (Chachapoyas) are the whitest and most handsome of all the people that I have seen in the Indies.”
Like the ancient Egyptians (also Aryan, as confirmed by DNA analysis), the Chachapoyas were highly skilled at building, embalming and mummification. The mummies that were left behind in their mountaintop getaway clearly reveal blond and also red hair.
Death masks even have blue eyes.
One female mummy has preserved a terrified woman in her moment of deathly fear. She evidently died in a horrific manner, most likely at the hands of the Incas. The London Standard issue of January 10, 2007 describes the amazing find in an article entitled:
'Moment 600 years ago that terror came to Mummies of the Amazon' (here)
“Hands over her eyes and her face gripped with terror, the woman's fear of death is all too obvious.
The remarkable mummy was found in a hidden burial vault in the Amazon. It is at least 600 years old and has survived thanks to the embalming skills of her tribe, the Chachapoyas or cloud warriors.
Eleven further mummies were recovered from the massive cave complex 82ft down. The vault - which was also used for worship - was chanced upon three months ago by a farmer working at the edge of northern Peru's rain-forest. He tipped off scientists who uncovered ceramics, textiles and wall paintings.
The Chachapoyas were a tall, fair-haired, light-skinned race that some researchers believe may have come from Europe. Little is known about them except that they were one of the more advanced ancient civilizations in the area. Adept at fighting, they commanded a large kingdom from the year 800 to 1500 that stretched across the Andes.”

What did the Incas do to the poor White woman on the left?...On right, a blond mummy.
"and their (Chachapoya’s) wives were so beautiful that because of their gentleness, many of them deserved to be the Incas' wives and to also be taken to the Sun Temple."
Not surprisingly, the Cloud Warriors were quick to support Spanish efforts to conquer the Incas. Unfortunately, the diseases that the Spaniards brought with them finished off most of the Cloud Warrior people as well. But their mummies and European-style buildings remain as a sad testament to a great people who lost their civilization and were killed off.
The London Standard article continues:
"They have, however, left behind a spectacular citadel, called Kuelap, 10,000ft up in the Andes. It has more than 400 buildings and defensive towers, many of them with decorated walls, cornices and friezes. Some experts rate Kuelap more highly than the Incan ruins at Machu Picchu.