Vatic Note: Our Maya prediction from the mouth of a Mayan Shaman himself states that 12/21/10 is the RETURN OF THE ANCESTORS AND RETURN OF THE MEN OF WISDOM. Keep that in mind during all of this and I believe you will see the connection as I did. We are now moving from the Universe, into the plasma of the sun as a small part of that which exists, and its interaction with humans on this planet even at a quantum level, and now into our DNA beginning with Where did we come from and why is our DNA so very tied into the sun and our water?
Who are those ancestors he discussed and "wisemen"? We did not evolve as we had been told, since too many gaps exist, so lets go down this rabbit hole for our next expedition. Is this where we came from? If so is this why our DNA and Consciousness is so deeply connected to the energy in the Universe??? Is this why the evil ones are doing everything they can to destroy or mutate our DNA? ARE WE THAT POWERFUL THAT THEY FEAR OUR DNA? Watch and you decide, we have much more coming on consciousness and our DNA.
Lloyd Pye's "Star Child" Project
Provided to Vatic Project by Jo L, Pagosa Springs, Co, USA
In Brief: A modified "shotgun" DNA recovery technique has been successfully used to recover coherent segments of the Starchild Skull's nuclear DNA. Of the (approx.) 3 billion base pairs in the skull's genome, several thousand have been recovered. These nuclear DNA fragments have been analyzed by the National Institutes of Health BLAST program, and a substantial percentage of that DNA has "no significant similarity" to any DNA previously found on Earth.
These results have been verified and repeated; however, more DNA needs to be recovered and analyzed before a formal report can be completed
BREAKING NEWS: update on genetic testing of Queen Shubad/Lady Pubai:
As many of you know, Zecharia Sitchin's dying wish was that the skeleton of Queen Shubad/Lady Pubai would be tested by geneticists to determine if her mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) could be recovered and compared to normal human mtDNA. Zecharia was convinced that Pubai descended directly from Anunnaki goddesses, and if that were true then her mtDNA would be of only those and not of humans. [A message from Lloyd Pye about Sitchin can be read HERE]
On my recent trip to England, I went to the Natural History Museum in London to meet with Dr. Margaret Clegg, the museum official in charge of overseeing all human remains. She was mentioned in Zecharia's last book, "There Were Giants Upon The Earth," as the person he had been dealing with, so I undertook to determine what the Museum would require to allow for invasive and destructive DNA testing of a small portion of Puabi's bones.
Dr. Clegg agreeably provided me with a list of the Museum's protocols, which are strict and thorough, but all of which can be met with sufficient rigor on the part of the Sitchin family trust that is charged with trying to carry out his last wish. Now the trust is moving forward to meet those protocols, and I would urge everyone reading this to refrain from pestering Dr. Clegg about the matter. At present she can do no more than she has done, nor can I. Now it's up to others to carry the process forward from this point.
The article is reproduced in accordance with Section 107 of title 17 of the Copyright Law of the United States relating to fair-use and is for the purposes of criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research.
"It is the greatest of all mistakes to do nothing because you can only do a little." ~ Sydney Smith
2010 Predictions from ..... Beyond (A retrospective view)
REMEMBER, ALL THESE UP FOR TODAY ARE CONNECTED TO OUR OTHER WORLD WE STRUGGLE WITH EVERY DAY. They are definitely not separate, rather our solutions lie in this realm we are covering and that is why I call it VATIC'S CHRISTMAS GIFT TO OUR READERS. This project is amazing. While we deal every day with the horrors and evil occuring on this planet, magic is going on outside the realm of the political, the satanical, rather its mysteries and magic of the universe are becoming unveiled and seriously reconsidered from all our old ideas of our universe. We have divided this into sections from the "Big picture" The universe and its role in our reality to the next which is the Sun and planets, then the earth, water and air, and finally our DNA, consciousness and spirituality down to the quantum level which reflects and is exactly like the Universe, ironically. The biggest to the smallest. It starts tonight with this one plus our regulars we normally do. Tomorrow it will be all these issues. Once done you will be able to see WHY THE DARK SIDE DOES WHAT IT DOES AND WHY SINCE THEY HAVE KNOWN THESE THINGS FOR THOUSAND OF YEARS. (THIS IS THE SECOND TIME TODAY THAT THEY MESSED ONLY WITH MY MERRY CHRISTMAS COMMENT, SO REREAD THIS and try to figure out what they are afraid of that was in here. I have an idea, but no proof. I will put my idea of what in green.
Vatic Note: I received this video on 1/2/2010 and held it to see how accurate it would be after the year was over. Well, the time is now. We are dedicating Christmas to presenting the new paradigm entering into our field of existance and its marvelous. We are using this blog to lead us into our series on Christmas day, so join us after your festivities to receive our Christmas gift to you. I did not realize it but when we created our first strategy on the People to People initiative, we put out there what you are going to hear on this video. This is a LOOK AT WHAT ACTUALLY OCCURRED IN RETROSPECTION and we can see it all happened as predicted. This is truly exciting. Its not over yet either. More is coming.
Given that Christmas Eve is the beginning of the holiday, we are starting our journey of discovery down this rabbit hole, tonight with this first blog about predictions made in 2009 about 2010 and you will be surprised at how prophetic it was as we end 2010.
The entire day, Dec 25th, will be with blogs to do with consciousness, energy, mayan Calendar and 2012 predictions. Its important as it gives a real serious explanation for so much going on in the planet as we speak. Europes cold spell. etc.... The bogus false flag to clear us out of the gulf, and Haiti, 7,000 soldiers in central America, etc. You will begin to see that the evil ones know all this and are in preparation for it. Arctic Circle seed bank, I couldn't figure out why the Arctic, but after watching all these, I know why now, and they have no idea if they will survive it either.
(Art work by P. Rydz)
Everything on this video has come true and we will be showing that to you with this series. We ask you visit us on Christmas when you have some free time or after christmas for that matter and check it out so you can see where we are going and leave the depression, fear, and hopelessness behind as its in the "OLD PARADIGM" and we will be leaving those of hate and fear of the old paradigm behind. We are pioneers on a journey of discovery from within that will manifest itself without. Welcome home. We will be doing even more pre New Years day and on New Years day. Remember we are in unknown territory now with all the earth changes, celestial changes and and energy changes, so be prepared for the ride of your life. We live in interesting and exciting times.
2010 Predictions from ..... Beyond
auradotca , Provided to Vatic Master by Jo L. of Pagosa Springs, Co. thank you, Jo.
December 26, 2009
A sneak-preview of life's coming attractions for the "mighty" year of 2010. Courtesy of our friends from the Unknown. All quotes are from the December 2009 edition of "The Sedona Journal".
The track is called, "Amazing" and the band is "One Eskimo".
While you are here, please see this video which is a MERRY CHRISTMAS GIFT FROM ONE OF OUR VIEWERS, MS KITTY...... please enjoy this beautiful Christmas gift. Thank you Ms kitty.
These below go with the video with the 2010 predictions that all came true for some if not all of us.
Comprehensive Credits + Links
The Sedona Journal
One Eskimo
AND check out, "KANDI"
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The article is reproduced in accordance with Section 107 of title 17 of the Copyright Law of the United States relating to fair-use and is for the purposes of criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research.
REMEMBER, ALL THESE UP FOR TODAY ARE CONNECTED TO OUR OTHER WORLD WE STRUGGLE WITH EVERY DAY. They are definitely not separate, rather our solutions lie in this realm we are covering and that is why I call it VATIC'S CHRISTMAS GIFT TO OUR READERS. This project is amazing. While we deal every day with the horrors and evil occuring on this planet, magic is going on outside the realm of the political, the satanical, rather its mysteries and magic of the universe are becoming unveiled and seriously reconsidered from all our old ideas of our universe. We have divided this into sections from the "Big picture" The universe and its role in our reality to the next which is the Sun and planets, then the earth, water and air, and finally our DNA, consciousness and spirituality down to the quantum level which reflects and is exactly like the Universe, ironically. The biggest to the smallest. It starts tonight with this one plus our regulars we normally do. Tomorrow it will be all these issues. Once done you will be able to see WHY THE DARK SIDE DOES WHAT IT DOES AND WHY SINCE THEY HAVE KNOWN THESE THINGS FOR THOUSAND OF YEARS. (THIS IS THE SECOND TIME TODAY THAT THEY MESSED ONLY WITH MY MERRY CHRISTMAS COMMENT, SO REREAD THIS and try to figure out what they are afraid of that was in here. I have an idea, but no proof. I will put my idea of what in green.
Vatic Note: I received this video on 1/2/2010 and held it to see how accurate it would be after the year was over. Well, the time is now. We are dedicating Christmas to presenting the new paradigm entering into our field of existance and its marvelous. We are using this blog to lead us into our series on Christmas day, so join us after your festivities to receive our Christmas gift to you. I did not realize it but when we created our first strategy on the People to People initiative, we put out there what you are going to hear on this video. This is a LOOK AT WHAT ACTUALLY OCCURRED IN RETROSPECTION and we can see it all happened as predicted. This is truly exciting. Its not over yet either. More is coming.
Given that Christmas Eve is the beginning of the holiday, we are starting our journey of discovery down this rabbit hole, tonight with this first blog about predictions made in 2009 about 2010 and you will be surprised at how prophetic it was as we end 2010.
The entire day, Dec 25th, will be with blogs to do with consciousness, energy, mayan Calendar and 2012 predictions. Its important as it gives a real serious explanation for so much going on in the planet as we speak. Europes cold spell. etc.... The bogus false flag to clear us out of the gulf, and Haiti, 7,000 soldiers in central America, etc. You will begin to see that the evil ones know all this and are in preparation for it. Arctic Circle seed bank, I couldn't figure out why the Arctic, but after watching all these, I know why now, and they have no idea if they will survive it either.
(Art work by P. Rydz)
Everything on this video has come true and we will be showing that to you with this series. We ask you visit us on Christmas when you have some free time or after christmas for that matter and check it out so you can see where we are going and leave the depression, fear, and hopelessness behind as its in the "OLD PARADIGM" and we will be leaving those of hate and fear of the old paradigm behind. We are pioneers on a journey of discovery from within that will manifest itself without. Welcome home. We will be doing even more pre New Years day and on New Years day. Remember we are in unknown territory now with all the earth changes, celestial changes and and energy changes, so be prepared for the ride of your life. We live in interesting and exciting times.
2010 Predictions from ..... Beyond
auradotca , Provided to Vatic Master by Jo L. of Pagosa Springs, Co. thank you, Jo.
December 26, 2009
A sneak-preview of life's coming attractions for the "mighty" year of 2010. Courtesy of our friends from the Unknown. All quotes are from the December 2009 edition of "The Sedona Journal".
The track is called, "Amazing" and the band is "One Eskimo".
While you are here, please see this video which is a MERRY CHRISTMAS GIFT FROM ONE OF OUR VIEWERS, MS KITTY...... please enjoy this beautiful Christmas gift. Thank you Ms kitty.
These below go with the video with the 2010 predictions that all came true for some if not all of us.
Comprehensive Credits + Links
The Sedona Journal
One Eskimo
AND check out, "KANDI"
#10 - Most Viewed (This Month) Entertainment - Canada
#14 - Top Favorited (This Week) Entertainment - Canada
#34 - Top Favorited (This Month) Entertainment Canada
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#62 - Top Rated (This Month) Entertainment - Canada
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#75 - Most Viewed (This Week) Entertainment - New Zealand
#92 - Most Viewed (This Week) Entertainment - Canada
The article is reproduced in accordance with Section 107 of title 17 of the Copyright Law of the United States relating to fair-use and is for the purposes of criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research.
13 Lies: An Abbreviated History of U.S. Presidents Leading Us to War
By: David Redick
Date: December 22, 2010
Those of you who long ago figured out that George Bush lied about, and twisted, 9-11, the role of Al-Qaeda, the Taliban, and Osama, and WMDs to justify the invasions of Afghanistan, and Iraq, and to create the War on Terror, will not be surprised to learn that our prior Presidents, and their complicit henchmen, have lied us into every war since our Revolution. Their true reasons have not been legal, constitutional, or politically acceptable, so they invent one or more false reasons that they can sell to the people. The recent WikiLeaks disclosures confirm how our foreign policy is riddled with lies. Surprise!
Sadly, most people, especially the troops and their families, believe the lies and proudly support these “wars for defense of our Liberties.” It doesn’t occur to them that our leaders would be so evil as to spend the lives of our troops to gain their hidden goals for Empire-USA (oil, power, land, etc.).
The secret plan of the Bush-Obama gang is to:
A. Take over all oil in the greater mid east (including the east of Caspian ‘xxstans’, and North Africa), which holds the world’s last reserves of easy-cheap oil, so we don’t have to share it with China, India, and others
B. Defend Israel at any cost (this helps congressmen and presidents get Israel’s AIPAC support for re-election). Control of oil was the hidden reason for the Balkans, Afghan, and Iraq wars.
Iran is their next target
Thus, the war drums are beating in DC to justify bombing Iran, so this is a good time to consider whether our leaders are lying again.
By: David Redick
Date: December 22, 2010
Those of you who long ago figured out that George Bush lied about, and twisted, 9-11, the role of Al-Qaeda, the Taliban, and Osama, and WMDs to justify the invasions of Afghanistan, and Iraq, and to create the War on Terror, will not be surprised to learn that our prior Presidents, and their complicit henchmen, have lied us into every war since our Revolution. Their true reasons have not been legal, constitutional, or politically acceptable, so they invent one or more false reasons that they can sell to the people. The recent WikiLeaks disclosures confirm how our foreign policy is riddled with lies. Surprise!
Sadly, most people, especially the troops and their families, believe the lies and proudly support these “wars for defense of our Liberties.” It doesn’t occur to them that our leaders would be so evil as to spend the lives of our troops to gain their hidden goals for Empire-USA (oil, power, land, etc.).
The secret plan of the Bush-Obama gang is to:
A. Take over all oil in the greater mid east (including the east of Caspian ‘xxstans’, and North Africa), which holds the world’s last reserves of easy-cheap oil, so we don’t have to share it with China, India, and others
B. Defend Israel at any cost (this helps congressmen and presidents get Israel’s AIPAC support for re-election). Control of oil was the hidden reason for the Balkans, Afghan, and Iraq wars.
Iran is their next target
Thus, the war drums are beating in DC to justify bombing Iran, so this is a good time to consider whether our leaders are lying again.
Inequalilty, Chile's Bicentennial Challenge
Vatic Note: In keeping with our look at other countries, we found this on Chile in South America. Remember the other day we dealt with Australia and the spying by Israel in that nation and today we are looking at Chile to see just how much like us they have become or we have become, which ever happened last. I suspect how much we have become like Chile and South America. Its a very beautiful and interesting country with an exceptionally long coast line. A fascinating place to visit, but it also reflects what is happening globally that we can attribute to the same cause. Greed and class rigidity that we are about to experience where mobility is no longer part of the American dream. We are seeing it already in college affordability for a disappearing middle class. Read this and see how much alike we are becoming.
Inequalilty, Chile's Bicentennial Challenge
by Daniela Estrada (santiago), Friday, September 17, 2010, Inter Press Service
Chile is celebrating 200 years of independence as one of the Latin American countries with the lowest proportion of poor people, but also one of the most unequal.
For a long time the Chilean economic model, founded on the neoliberal policies followed by the 1973-1990 dictatorship of Augusto Pinochet, 'has shown this duality of economic growth and inequality,' economist Raúl González of the private University Academy of Christian Humanism, told IPS.
Saturday Sept. 18 marks the bicentennial of the formation of the First National Government Junta and the beginning of the struggle for independence from Spain, achieved eight years later. The main official commemoration festivities are taking place Friday through Sunday.
Between 1990 and 2006, poverty fell from nearly 40 percent to 13.7 percent of the population, under successive governments of the centre-left Coalition of Parties for Democracy (Concertación), which ruled the country from 1990 to March 2010. In 2009 it increased slightly to 15.1 percent, mainly due to the international economic crisis.
Inequalilty, Chile's Bicentennial Challenge
by Daniela Estrada (santiago), Friday, September 17, 2010, Inter Press Service
Chile is celebrating 200 years of independence as one of the Latin American countries with the lowest proportion of poor people, but also one of the most unequal.
For a long time the Chilean economic model, founded on the neoliberal policies followed by the 1973-1990 dictatorship of Augusto Pinochet, 'has shown this duality of economic growth and inequality,' economist Raúl González of the private University Academy of Christian Humanism, told IPS.
Saturday Sept. 18 marks the bicentennial of the formation of the First National Government Junta and the beginning of the struggle for independence from Spain, achieved eight years later. The main official commemoration festivities are taking place Friday through Sunday.
Between 1990 and 2006, poverty fell from nearly 40 percent to 13.7 percent of the population, under successive governments of the centre-left Coalition of Parties for Democracy (Concertación), which ruled the country from 1990 to March 2010. In 2009 it increased slightly to 15.1 percent, mainly due to the international economic crisis.
Assange Admits Wikileaks a Fraud Run by Press for Israel
Vatic Note: This is difficult situation that could have easily divided the "Truth" community, but may well unite us like never before once it becomes even more evident that Assange works for Israel and the international power brokers. Anything touted and NOT IGNORED by the press serves their owners, the Zionist khazar rothschild intern'l bankers. Simple deductive reasoning could have shown us that, but many did not want to see, so it took it coming from his own mouth.
We are so desperate for any advantage that we grabbed on to Assange like a lifesaver and expected him to carry us to safety and salvation. It just wasn't going to happen. The reason the zionists do this is to continually instill a kind of Bi-Polar condition in the people, that eventually results in a form of mass depression. The ups and downs of the battle, where you lose everytime, eventually results in apathy and reduces the risk of the population fighting back. Just look at the Pals. Everytime they try to do ANYTHING for themselves, the Israeli's prove to them they are not in control of their lives and eventually they give up and stop fighting back. Its brilliant actually and with this Assange thing its starting to work on us the same way it works now on the pals.
Assange Admits Wikileaks a Fraud Run by Press for Israel
December 23, 2010 posted by Gordon Duff source
“it is one thing for the New York Times to edit their own stories but you let them censor everything for all of us”
Today, Julian Assange admitted that Wikileak material had been chosen by the press, not an independent organization after all. Wikileaks, in effect, admitted that it has always been a front for what Helen Thomas refers to as the Zionist controlled media. Assange, in a childish attempt at “spin” blamed the press for having too many “sensitivities ” to Israel and making Wikileaks look bad. HELLO!
We are so desperate for any advantage that we grabbed on to Assange like a lifesaver and expected him to carry us to safety and salvation. It just wasn't going to happen. The reason the zionists do this is to continually instill a kind of Bi-Polar condition in the people, that eventually results in a form of mass depression. The ups and downs of the battle, where you lose everytime, eventually results in apathy and reduces the risk of the population fighting back. Just look at the Pals. Everytime they try to do ANYTHING for themselves, the Israeli's prove to them they are not in control of their lives and eventually they give up and stop fighting back. Its brilliant actually and with this Assange thing its starting to work on us the same way it works now on the pals.
Assange Admits Wikileaks a Fraud Run by Press for Israel
December 23, 2010 posted by Gordon Duff source
“it is one thing for the New York Times to edit their own stories but you let them censor everything for all of us”
Today, Julian Assange admitted that Wikileak material had been chosen by the press, not an independent organization after all. Wikileaks, in effect, admitted that it has always been a front for what Helen Thomas refers to as the Zionist controlled media. Assange, in a childish attempt at “spin” blamed the press for having too many “sensitivities ” to Israel and making Wikileaks look bad. HELLO!
BEWARE: The Real (Domestic) Terrorists are Upping Their Chatter (and sealing their fate)
Vatic Note: PRINT THIS OUT AND PASS IT AROUND TO YOUR NEIGHBORS WHO DO NOT HAVE A COMPUTER. SPREAD THIS ALL OVER THE PLACE TO EXPOSE IT TO THE LIGHT OF DAY. INFORM THE SHEEP. This is all its going to take for action to begin here, and when that happens watch Europe explode. They have been waiting and its at a crucial time now. If we respond when they do their FALSE FLAG ATTACK, then Europe will bust out all over there as well. We have been tracking all the riots that are not shown on the MSM but are on the alternative press. Its just damn time the "people" took back what is theirs and does not belong to the slimey criminals running their mafia satanic organization.
This makes perfect sense, if you remember who is running our government known as the synagogue of Satan, Khazar Rothschild bankers who HATE CHRISTIANS and MUSLIMS alike. They proved that in Russia when they took them over and killed 60 million Christians. So now they take our holiday where we enjoy family and the spirit of the season of Christs Birth and use that to again attack this nation psychologically and through deception to wear us down. Once you accept who the real terrorist are, experienced for decades within their own country, then its an easy step to say "OK, ONE MORE TIME AND THAT IS THE END OF IT.... YOU DO IT NOW AND YOU ARE DEAD MEAT and we go after them like they would not believe, no more, now we GIVE instead of RECEIVE. NOT the government, rather that foreign occupiers of our gov. We can take care of the traitors later.
Everyone in agreement??? You now have your enemy and your targets. Focus like a laser beam on them until they are all gone. We just had a post up here proving Israel intended to nuke two american cities and blame it on the Pakistanis, so we know who will be doing the deed if its done. Watch out, you are awakening a sleeping tiger and I dont' think you want to do that unless your suicidal. NO more of their BS.
BEWARE: The "Real" Terrorists are Upping Their Chatter
December 21, 2010 by Alex
Eric Blair
Activist Post
Remember the buzzword chatter? When our criminal government kept the sheeple on the razor’s edge of fear because they’d say that chatter levels coming from Al-Qaeda were increasing?
Well, today, in this article, I’m going to openly fear monger to you, because the chatter by the real terrorists, the ruling elite, is getting louder and more urgent — prompting me to warn you that it seems like a terror attack is coming soon.
This makes perfect sense, if you remember who is running our government known as the synagogue of Satan, Khazar Rothschild bankers who HATE CHRISTIANS and MUSLIMS alike. They proved that in Russia when they took them over and killed 60 million Christians. So now they take our holiday where we enjoy family and the spirit of the season of Christs Birth and use that to again attack this nation psychologically and through deception to wear us down. Once you accept who the real terrorist are, experienced for decades within their own country, then its an easy step to say "OK, ONE MORE TIME AND THAT IS THE END OF IT.... YOU DO IT NOW AND YOU ARE DEAD MEAT and we go after them like they would not believe, no more, now we GIVE instead of RECEIVE. NOT the government, rather that foreign occupiers of our gov. We can take care of the traitors later.
Everyone in agreement??? You now have your enemy and your targets. Focus like a laser beam on them until they are all gone. We just had a post up here proving Israel intended to nuke two american cities and blame it on the Pakistanis, so we know who will be doing the deed if its done. Watch out, you are awakening a sleeping tiger and I dont' think you want to do that unless your suicidal. NO more of their BS.
BEWARE: The "Real" Terrorists are Upping Their Chatter
December 21, 2010 by Alex
Eric Blair
Activist Post
Remember the buzzword chatter? When our criminal government kept the sheeple on the razor’s edge of fear because they’d say that chatter levels coming from Al-Qaeda were increasing?
Well, today, in this article, I’m going to openly fear monger to you, because the chatter by the real terrorists, the ruling elite, is getting louder and more urgent — prompting me to warn you that it seems like a terror attack is coming soon.
The 10 Greediest People of 2010 - Blankfein Makes The List
Vatic Note: Long overdue look at the greed brigade and notice a big chunk of them are Khazar wall street players and CEO's with major deaths of employees under their belts. Nice guys. Now this is who the real WW III enemies are. Lets not forget that when they try to sell us their bogus world war they want us to die in for them. Forget it. But I would be willing to die fighting them. That is at least something they managed to do, make someone like me so mad I would be willing to die taking them out. I am too old to do that, but that doesn't mean I can't help others fight them. I honestly don't remember, ever, in my long life, and plenty of times being mad, that I have ever been so angry as I am now. Not afraid, angry. They really botched this up good.
The 10 Greediest People of 2010 - Blankfein Makes The List
They came, they saw, they took it all. Welcome to the world where thieves have no honor, and those who hone their talents hammering the rest of us are lavishly rewarded. Hard times can be good times -- for the aggressively avaricious. Where others see pain, they see opportunity. In desperation, they delight. The grimmer the economic outlook, the more ghastly their grabbing.
And who grabbed the most outrageously in 2010? We offer below our annual take on America's ten greediest of the year.
The 10 Greediest People of 2010 - Blankfein Makes The List
They came, they saw, they took it all. Welcome to the world where thieves have no honor, and those who hone their talents hammering the rest of us are lavishly rewarded. Hard times can be good times -- for the aggressively avaricious. Where others see pain, they see opportunity. In desperation, they delight. The grimmer the economic outlook, the more ghastly their grabbing.
And who grabbed the most outrageously in 2010? We offer below our annual take on America's ten greediest of the year.
Israeli warplanes attack Gaza refuge
Vatic Note: This is the third attack by Israel on the Palestinians food supply in a very short time. Last week it was tearing up their olive trees which is worse than destroying the wheat fields they had growing, because next season they can still grow wheat on the land, but the trees were destroyed and thus no olives. Now they destroy their only source for milk and cheese and other dairy products, which sends a message here to me anyway. Is this attempted back door genocide going on here??? If so, this is another massive death penalty war crime. I emphasize death penalty because that might trigger some human response. Hard to know though with these unusually inhumane toxically angry people. They are a danger to every human on this planet and I am seeing this more and more every day. I had no idea until I truly got into this blog and started down various rabbit holes. The Khazars continually perform acts that reinforce that perception.
Israeli warplanes attack Gaza refuge
EI, December 22, 2010, Rami Almeghari
Palestinian men clean up the remnants of a destroyed dairy in Khan Younis after it was bombed by an Israeli air strike in the middle of the night. (Ismael Mohamad/UPI/Newscom)
A heap of ruins and dust is all that remains of a dairy that Israeli warplanes destroyed yesterday in the central Gaza Strip city of Khan Younis. The ruins of the dairy are adjacent to an amusement park in the Asdaa grounds which serves as a refuge to residents of the besieged Gaza Strip.
Adjacent to the amusement park in the Asdaa grounds in the central Gaza Strip city of Khan Younis stands a heap of ruins and dust. It is all that remains of a dairy that Israeli warplanes destroyed yesterday.
Before the bombing, the dairy had three production lines on 400 square meters. It produced milk, cheese and butter, providing income for forty Palestinian families in Gaza and distributing goods to various parts of the Gaza Strip.
Israeli warplanes attack Gaza refuge
EI, December 22, 2010, Rami Almeghari
Palestinian men clean up the remnants of a destroyed dairy in Khan Younis after it was bombed by an Israeli air strike in the middle of the night. (Ismael Mohamad/UPI/Newscom)
A heap of ruins and dust is all that remains of a dairy that Israeli warplanes destroyed yesterday in the central Gaza Strip city of Khan Younis. The ruins of the dairy are adjacent to an amusement park in the Asdaa grounds which serves as a refuge to residents of the besieged Gaza Strip.
Adjacent to the amusement park in the Asdaa grounds in the central Gaza Strip city of Khan Younis stands a heap of ruins and dust. It is all that remains of a dairy that Israeli warplanes destroyed yesterday.
Before the bombing, the dairy had three production lines on 400 square meters. It produced milk, cheese and butter, providing income for forty Palestinian families in Gaza and distributing goods to various parts of the Gaza Strip.
Is the Crackdown on Wikileaks and Threats of Julian Assange's Arrest Exactly What He Was Planning?
Julian Assange's stated goal is to provoke an over-reaction that will expose authoritarian governments. He may get his wish.
By: Joshua Holland
December 3, 2010 | Media speculation about the motives behind Wikileaks and its mercurial founder Julian Assange is somewhat entertaining in light of the fact that Assange has laid it out in great detail -- in essay form, no less.
Assange is an anarchist whose stated goal is to provoke an over-reaction on the part of the state that will expose its authoritarian nature, turn it inward in a spasm of paranoia and ultimately prevent it from functioning.
And he may get his wish. This week, Senator Joe Lieberman, I-Connecticut, persuaded Amazon to take down the “cable-gate” files it had been hosting on its servers. Reuters reports that “government lawyers working on the Justice Department investigation are trying to be ‘creative’ in their exploration of legal options” against Wikileaks and Assange. Rep. Peter King, R-New York, the incoming head of the House Homeland Security Committee, said Wikileaks should be designated as a terrorist organization. He wasn’t alone. Others, including an adviser to the Canadian prime minister, have called for Assange’s assassination.
All of this is part of a larger, and wholly irrelevant debate -- or series of debates -- over the importance of Wikileaks. Are these dispatches going to result in even more secrecy in the future? Will they cause a massive setback in diplomacy, leaving us only military options for influencing other states? Or maybe the cables will have a salutary effect, shining needed light on a murky and secretive function of government? Is secrecy a bad thing in and of itself? And what of Assange? Is he a dedicated whistleblower willing to risk everything to “speak truth to power,” or a malign narcissist whose goal is simply to turn himself into a worldwide media star.
Over 300 Pollutants in U.S. Tap Water
Vatic Note: Remember we covered water on this blog very very extensively, not only how scientifically water is important to our bodies, but also our DNA and consciousness which makes us who we are and makes us "human". Then we covered the Jesse Ventura program on what they are doing to our fresh water, that once you see how important water is to us, then you begin to realize what they are doing is dangerous and downright threatening to our health and our lives. I have to ask, "why"? Is it depopulation?
We certainly covered that as well in depth, but it doesn't matter why, it matters that we quit privatizing our public services and take control back again so we can be assured our lives are not at risk. This is especially true for our babies and our children and elderly. REMEMBER the movie Erin Brockovitch ? She found Chromium 6 in the public water supply and sued like crazy and won, well, guess what? Chromium 6 is in the water supply of innumerable city water systems right now as we speak. This is genuinely a crime now, since it was proven in court that it literally can kill people, which means they know about it and are doing it anyway regardless of the damage to our health, so now its with intent to do that harm, that its been put into the water. THAT FACT ALONE, MAKES THE ACT OF ADDING IT TO OUR WATER, CRIMINAL. Seriously, and the link above is to Erin Brockovitch own web site. I suggest you go visit it.
I believe its just another way for multiple agendas, they are trying to kill us off, especially seniors and "useless feeders" but also to help the chemical companies make a killing in not only our lives but in profits. Stock markets rule now, and humans are secondary. That will continue UNLESS WE CHOOSE TO DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT. This was fascinating in providing information we did not know. Its worth the time to read and to check out all the cities. By the way there are doggone near as many in bottled water as there are in the tap water, so shop carefully for bottled water.
Over 300 Pollutants in U.S. Tap Water
by admin, Environmental Working group,
Dec 2010
Since 2004, testing by water utilities has found 315 pollutants in the tap water Americans drink, according to an Environmental Working Group (EWG) drinking water quality analysis of almost 20 million records obtained from state water officials.
More than half of the chemicals detected are not subject to health or safety regulations and can legally be present in any amount. The federal government does have health guidelines for others, but 49 of these contaminants have been found in one place or another at levels above those guidelines, polluting the tap water for 53.6 million Americans. The government has not set a single new drinking water standard since 2001.
We certainly covered that as well in depth, but it doesn't matter why, it matters that we quit privatizing our public services and take control back again so we can be assured our lives are not at risk. This is especially true for our babies and our children and elderly. REMEMBER the movie Erin Brockovitch ? She found Chromium 6 in the public water supply and sued like crazy and won, well, guess what? Chromium 6 is in the water supply of innumerable city water systems right now as we speak. This is genuinely a crime now, since it was proven in court that it literally can kill people, which means they know about it and are doing it anyway regardless of the damage to our health, so now its with intent to do that harm, that its been put into the water. THAT FACT ALONE, MAKES THE ACT OF ADDING IT TO OUR WATER, CRIMINAL. Seriously, and the link above is to Erin Brockovitch own web site. I suggest you go visit it.
I believe its just another way for multiple agendas, they are trying to kill us off, especially seniors and "useless feeders" but also to help the chemical companies make a killing in not only our lives but in profits. Stock markets rule now, and humans are secondary. That will continue UNLESS WE CHOOSE TO DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT. This was fascinating in providing information we did not know. Its worth the time to read and to check out all the cities. By the way there are doggone near as many in bottled water as there are in the tap water, so shop carefully for bottled water.
Over 300 Pollutants in U.S. Tap Water
by admin, Environmental Working group,
Dec 2010
Since 2004, testing by water utilities has found 315 pollutants in the tap water Americans drink, according to an Environmental Working Group (EWG) drinking water quality analysis of almost 20 million records obtained from state water officials.
More than half of the chemicals detected are not subject to health or safety regulations and can legally be present in any amount. The federal government does have health guidelines for others, but 49 of these contaminants have been found in one place or another at levels above those guidelines, polluting the tap water for 53.6 million Americans. The government has not set a single new drinking water standard since 2001.
Vatic Note: Now this is amazing. Please read this since she does an excellent job of leading us down the rabbit hole. Criminality in Governments has been around a very long time, and is simply out in the open now, however, they may well go down for it and that would be wonderful. Read this, its the best read i have had in a long time, very satisfying and very informative. Globalizing has been taking place through various acts of centralizing and privatizing, unbeknownst to us since even before Bush Jr. so please read this.
By: watcher51445, Dec 22, 2010
As we stand on the thresh-hold of a GLOBAL Banking, Financial and Economc Crisis such as the 1340's.. brought about once again by Corruption in Banking and High Levels of Governments.. bringing devastation to BILLIONS of People around the world.. which would have never have happened had a DO NOT INVESTIGATE CRIMINAL ACTIVITY Inter-Office Memo not been issued by DOJ Deputy Jamie Gorelick which can be read here which led to the U.S. Secret Service, Omaha Ne. Field Office, Agent Kennedy's refusal to investigate as "Our only duty is to protect the president of the United States."
This begs the question: "Would we be on the brink of WWIII?"
Further begging other questions:
How many people would still be in their homes, on their farms, enjoying the benefits of their labor by actually receiving the Social Security Benefits, Medical Benefits etc under the American Social Security System? The American Social Security System, the health care, the hospitals etc.. were sold off under Executive Order 12803 in May, 1992. The American Social Security System was bought by England and accepted into law in 1997.
By: watcher51445, Dec 22, 2010
As we stand on the thresh-hold of a GLOBAL Banking, Financial and Economc Crisis such as the 1340's.. brought about once again by Corruption in Banking and High Levels of Governments.. bringing devastation to BILLIONS of People around the world.. which would have never have happened had a DO NOT INVESTIGATE CRIMINAL ACTIVITY Inter-Office Memo not been issued by DOJ Deputy Jamie Gorelick which can be read here which led to the U.S. Secret Service, Omaha Ne. Field Office, Agent Kennedy's refusal to investigate as "Our only duty is to protect the president of the United States."
This begs the question: "Would we be on the brink of WWIII?"
Further begging other questions:
How many people would still be in their homes, on their farms, enjoying the benefits of their labor by actually receiving the Social Security Benefits, Medical Benefits etc under the American Social Security System? The American Social Security System, the health care, the hospitals etc.. were sold off under Executive Order 12803 in May, 1992. The American Social Security System was bought by England and accepted into law in 1997.
America: Why R Your Peeps So Dum?
By Joe Bageant
If you hang out much with thinking people, conversation eventually turns to the serious political and cultural questions of our times. Such as: How can the Americans remain so consistently brain-fucked? Much of the world, including plenty of Americans, asks that question as they watch U.S. culture go down like a thrashing mastodon giving itself up to some Pleistocene tar pit.
One explanation might be the effect of 40 years of deep fried industrial chicken pulp, and 44 ounce Big Gulp soft drinks. Another might be pop culture, which is not culture at all of course, but marketing. Or we could blame it on digital autism: Ever watch commuter monkeys on the subway poking at digital devices, stroking the touch screen for hours on end? That wrinkled Neolithic brows above the squinting red eyes?
But a more reasonable explanation is that, (A) we don't even know we are doing it, and (B) we cling to institutions dedicated to making sure we never find out.
As William Edwards Deming famously demonstrated, no system can understand itself, and why it does what it does, including the American social system. Not knowing shit about why your society does what it makes for a pretty nasty case of existential unease. So we create institutions whose function is to pretend to know, which makes everyone feel better. Unfortunately, it also makes the savviest among us -- those elites who run the institutions -- very rich, or safe from the vicissitudes that buffet the rest of us.
Directly or indirectly, they understand that the real function of American social institutions is to justify, rationalize and hide the true purpose of cultural behavior from the lumpenproletariat, and to shape that behavior to the benefit of the institution's members. "Hey, they're a lump. Whaddya expect us to do?"
Doubting readers may consider America's health institutions, the insurance corporations, hospital chains, physicians' lobbies. Between them they have established a perfectly legal right to clip you and me for thousands of dollars at their own discretion. That we so rabidly defend their right to gouge us, given all the information available in the digital age, mystifies the world.
Two hundred years ago no one would have thought sheer volume of available facts in the digital information age would produce informed Americans. Founders of the republic, steeped in the Enlightenment as they were, and believers in an informed citizenry being vital to freedom and democracy, would be delirious with joy at the prospect. Imagine Jefferson and Franklin high on Google.
The fatal assumption was that Americans would choose to think and learn, instead of cherry picking the blogs and TV channels to reinforce their particular branded choice cultural ignorance, consumer, scientific or political, but especially political. Tom and Ben could never have guessed we would chase prepackaged spectacle, junk science, and titillating rumor such as death panels, Obama as a socialist Muslim and Biblical proof that Adam and Eve rode dinosaurs around Eden. In a nation that equates democracy with everyman's right to an opinion, no matter how ridiculous, this was probably inevitable. After all, dumb people choose dumb stuff. That's why they are called dumb.
By Joe Bageant
If you hang out much with thinking people, conversation eventually turns to the serious political and cultural questions of our times. Such as: How can the Americans remain so consistently brain-fucked? Much of the world, including plenty of Americans, asks that question as they watch U.S. culture go down like a thrashing mastodon giving itself up to some Pleistocene tar pit.
One explanation might be the effect of 40 years of deep fried industrial chicken pulp, and 44 ounce Big Gulp soft drinks. Another might be pop culture, which is not culture at all of course, but marketing. Or we could blame it on digital autism: Ever watch commuter monkeys on the subway poking at digital devices, stroking the touch screen for hours on end? That wrinkled Neolithic brows above the squinting red eyes?
But a more reasonable explanation is that, (A) we don't even know we are doing it, and (B) we cling to institutions dedicated to making sure we never find out.
As William Edwards Deming famously demonstrated, no system can understand itself, and why it does what it does, including the American social system. Not knowing shit about why your society does what it makes for a pretty nasty case of existential unease. So we create institutions whose function is to pretend to know, which makes everyone feel better. Unfortunately, it also makes the savviest among us -- those elites who run the institutions -- very rich, or safe from the vicissitudes that buffet the rest of us.
Directly or indirectly, they understand that the real function of American social institutions is to justify, rationalize and hide the true purpose of cultural behavior from the lumpenproletariat, and to shape that behavior to the benefit of the institution's members. "Hey, they're a lump. Whaddya expect us to do?"
Doubting readers may consider America's health institutions, the insurance corporations, hospital chains, physicians' lobbies. Between them they have established a perfectly legal right to clip you and me for thousands of dollars at their own discretion. That we so rabidly defend their right to gouge us, given all the information available in the digital age, mystifies the world.
Two hundred years ago no one would have thought sheer volume of available facts in the digital information age would produce informed Americans. Founders of the republic, steeped in the Enlightenment as they were, and believers in an informed citizenry being vital to freedom and democracy, would be delirious with joy at the prospect. Imagine Jefferson and Franklin high on Google.
The fatal assumption was that Americans would choose to think and learn, instead of cherry picking the blogs and TV channels to reinforce their particular branded choice cultural ignorance, consumer, scientific or political, but especially political. Tom and Ben could never have guessed we would chase prepackaged spectacle, junk science, and titillating rumor such as death panels, Obama as a socialist Muslim and Biblical proof that Adam and Eve rode dinosaurs around Eden. In a nation that equates democracy with everyman's right to an opinion, no matter how ridiculous, this was probably inevitable. After all, dumb people choose dumb stuff. That's why they are called dumb.
Missing WikiLeaks: All roads lead to Tel Aviv
I made sure to buy The Guardian – one of five newspapers publishing the documents. With remote control in hand, I was browsing through Sky News, BBC, CNN, Al-Jazeera and Press TV. To the best of my recollection, it was Sky News which caught my eye. The breaking news referred to a planned Israeli nuclear attack on two American cities, which were to be linked to Pakistan. America would have had a cause to respond in kind and take out Pakistani nuclear sites. I couldn’t believe my eyes! I rewound the news to double check what I had just read. Thinking details would be published in the Guardian newspaper the following day I did not record it. Later, I rang a friend and told him about the mind boggling news. The bizarre news kept me awake most of the night.
I made sure to buy The Guardian – one of five newspapers publishing the documents. With remote control in hand, I was browsing through Sky News, BBC, CNN, Al-Jazeera and Press TV. To the best of my recollection, it was Sky News which caught my eye. The breaking news referred to a planned Israeli nuclear attack on two American cities, which were to be linked to Pakistan. America would have had a cause to respond in kind and take out Pakistani nuclear sites. I couldn’t believe my eyes! I rewound the news to double check what I had just read. Thinking details would be published in the Guardian newspaper the following day I did not record it. Later, I rang a friend and told him about the mind boggling news. The bizarre news kept me awake most of the night.
The next day I got the newspaper and went through it page by page. To my surprise, the “ticker news” could not be seen anywhere. I read it a couple of times but failed to find the particular piece. I could not understand how the newspaper missed such an important part of the leak? In pursuit, I opened the Wikileaks’ website and browsed through it carefully; no luck again. Then, I Googled relevant questions pertaining to Israel; still no luck! To make it more direct, I refined my search based on the information I had read on television. Again no reference. The news had just disappeared from cyberspace. Doubts started emerging whether I had really seen that segment which was embedded in my mind despite me vividly remembering its content. In fact I called a friend about it. So what happened to the news?
The only explanation I can think of is that the news item must have leaked out by mistake and then swiftly been retracted. After all it is common knowledge that the leaks are selective. I have no idea who else watched it during that brief period it was on the air. Was it a coincidence that at that very moment I was browsing through the channels? Many would say yes. But I don’t believe in coincidences. I call them part of ‘cosmic language’. All it means is that nature talks to us in its own language that has no syllabi. I may write on this subject some other time. But for now I had to find the ‘missing leak’.
Israel condemns Norway's upgrade of Palestinian standing in Oslo to 'diplomatic delegation'
Vatic Note: This is not the only country that is recognizing Palestine. Bolivia just announced its decision to recognize the country also by its 1967 borders and now they both join venezuela, Cuba, Brazil, Argentina and Uruguay; more than half of S. America. Its long past due and Brazil finally spoke up saying the US should not be taking the lead on this issue due to Israels' undue influence in this nation. I agree with them on that issue. They don't have influence here, they run the country. We better hurry up too, the settlers just burned a palestinian farmers sheep ALIVE .... barbarians. Truly, who are these people anyway? They are not like any Russians I ever heard about. Its about time the rest of the world put this issue to rest the way they have by recognizing them as a separate state.
Israel condemns Norway's upgrade of Palestinian standing in Oslo to 'diplomatic delegation'
Foreign Ministry official warns that Palestinians won't want to renew peace talks with Israel if they start attaining political goals without negotiations.
By Barak Ravid ,, Dec 16, 2010
Israel harshly condemned Norway on Thursday for upgrading the standing of the Palestinian representation in Oslo from a 'general delegation' to a 'diplomatic delegation'.
Naor Gilon, who heads the Western Europe division at the Foreign Ministry, summoned the Norwegian chargé d’affaires in Tel Aviv for a conversation, telling him the Norwegian move is not acceptable and is a step that will harm the peace process.
"If the Palestinians start thinking that they can achieve political accomplishments without negotiations with Israel, they will never renew peace talks," Gilon told the Norwegian diplomat.
The Norwegian envoy said that in contrast to media reports, Norway has not recognized a Palestinian state based on 1967 borders and the upgrading the standing of the Palestinian delegation in Oslo is simply a symbolic move without any practical consequences.
Over the past four months several countries have upgraded the standing of Palestinian representatives. The first country to have done so was none other than the United States. After the U.S., France, Spain, and Portugal also took similar steps. Despite this, the Foreign Ministry has yet to condemn these moves until now.

In the last two weeks more significant developments have occurred when several South American countries declared their recognition of a Palestinian state based on 1967 borders. The first was Brazil, and Argentina and Uruguay followed.
Bolivia is also expected to recognize an independent Palestinian state in the coming days, after Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas spoke with Bolivian President Evo Morales regarding the subject.
The article is reproduced in accordance with Section 107 of title 17 of the Copyright Law of the United States relating to fair-use and is for the purposes of criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research.
Israel condemns Norway's upgrade of Palestinian standing in Oslo to 'diplomatic delegation'
Foreign Ministry official warns that Palestinians won't want to renew peace talks with Israel if they start attaining political goals without negotiations.
By Barak Ravid ,, Dec 16, 2010
Israel harshly condemned Norway on Thursday for upgrading the standing of the Palestinian representation in Oslo from a 'general delegation' to a 'diplomatic delegation'.
Naor Gilon, who heads the Western Europe division at the Foreign Ministry, summoned the Norwegian chargé d’affaires in Tel Aviv for a conversation, telling him the Norwegian move is not acceptable and is a step that will harm the peace process.
"If the Palestinians start thinking that they can achieve political accomplishments without negotiations with Israel, they will never renew peace talks," Gilon told the Norwegian diplomat.
The Norwegian envoy said that in contrast to media reports, Norway has not recognized a Palestinian state based on 1967 borders and the upgrading the standing of the Palestinian delegation in Oslo is simply a symbolic move without any practical consequences.
Over the past four months several countries have upgraded the standing of Palestinian representatives. The first country to have done so was none other than the United States. After the U.S., France, Spain, and Portugal also took similar steps. Despite this, the Foreign Ministry has yet to condemn these moves until now.

In the last two weeks more significant developments have occurred when several South American countries declared their recognition of a Palestinian state based on 1967 borders. The first was Brazil, and Argentina and Uruguay followed.
Bolivia is also expected to recognize an independent Palestinian state in the coming days, after Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas spoke with Bolivian President Evo Morales regarding the subject.
The article is reproduced in accordance with Section 107 of title 17 of the Copyright Law of the United States relating to fair-use and is for the purposes of criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research.
Booze, Drugs, and Hookers: Hundreds of Offenses by the Afghan Contractors Uncovered- Dynacorp
Vatic Note: This fits in with our many blogs on the satanism, pedophilia, and protocols for undermining the moral fibre of the nation. And this is the result of their successful program of destroying the moral compass of our country through these corporations that have no conscience, no integrity, no purpose in life except to make money, profits, and indulge in their lude and licivious behavior.
Remember this, Dynacorp, is the same company that turned 14 and 15 year old bosnian girls into prostitutes using food and other survival essentials. (VN: This is what happens when there is only the survival masses and the wealthy, the choices become perversion vs survival, and that is not the life I want for our children and grandchildren, how about you?) The pentagon run by the Khazars were told by congress not to give anymore contracts to companies that engaged in these behaviors, but alas the pentagon ignored congress, so I guess they run the country and not congress. So satanic immorality and filth is our new image as a nation. How do you like it??? The Khazar bankers have managed to bring us down to their perverted level of existance (they are the same ones who used our bailout for prostitutes, remember, Goldman Sachs, etc?). Satanism is growing and rapidly replacing anything resembling morality and goodness and humanity and replacing it with evil, darkness, moral anarchy and disease as a result. Our children are in some serious danger here. Is this the future you had envisioned for them??? I suspect not.
Booze, Drugs, and Hookers: Hundreds of Offenses by the Afghan Contractors Uncovered- Dynacorp,_drugs_and_hookers:_Hundreds_of_offenses_by_Afghan_contractors_uncovered.html
Sunday, December 19, 2010, By Barracuda, Before Its News
At two in the morning on Sept. 9, 2005, five DynCorp International security guards assigned to Afghan President Hamid Karzai's protective detail returned to their compound drunk, with a prostitute in tow. Less than a week later, three of these same guards got drunk again, this time in the VIP lounge of the Kabul airport while awaiting a flight to Thailand.
"They had been intoxicated, loud and obnoxious," according to an internal company report of the incident, which noted that Afghanistan's deputy director for elections and a foreign diplomat were also in the lounge. "Complaints were made regarding the situation." DynCorp fired the three guards.
Such episodes represent the headaches that U.S. contractors can cause in Afghanistan, Iraq and elsewhere. They are indispensable to the State Department's mission overseas, handling security, transportation, construction, food service and more. But when hired hands behave badly — or break the law — they cast a cloud over the American presence.
Documents obtained by The Associated Press under the Freedom of Information Act describe previously undisclosed offenses committed by more than 200 contract employees in Afghanistan, Iraq and other countries between 2004 and 2008. They were working under a broad State Department security services contract shared by DynCorp of Falls Church, Va., Triple Canopy of Reston, Va., and the company formerly known as Blackwater Worldwide — Xe Services of Moyock, N.C.
Most of the infractions, which include excessive drinking, drug use, sexual misconduct, and mishandling weapons, were violations of corporate and U.S. policies that probably went unnoticed by ordinary Afghans and Iraqis. But other offenses played out in public, undermining U.S. efforts in both countries and raising questions about how carefully job candidates are screened.
Despite complaints from foreign capitals about reckless behavior and heavy-handed tactics, U.S. contractors are more important than ever.
In Iraq, the departure of U.S. combat forces has left a security and logistics support vacuum to be filled by the private sector. In testimony to the independent Wartime Contracting Commission in June, a State Department official said as many as 7,000 security contractors — more than double the current number — will be needed to guard the U.S. Embassy in Baghdad and other offices across Iraq.
Karzai had to back away from the Friday deadline he had set to ban security contractors after Western diplomats said the move threatened the completion of billions of dollars worth of critical reconstruction projects that need to be protected from insurgent attacks.
In 2009, DynCorp employees working under a separate State Department contract to train Afghan police would be the source of more trouble. A diplomatic report disclosed by the WikiLeaks organization described a panicked Afghan minister urging U.S. officials to stop The Washington Post from running a story about DynCorp workers who had hired an Afghan teenage boy to dance at a company party. Videotape of the event showed more than a dozen DynCorp workers cheering the teenage dancer on as he moved around a single employee sitting on a chair, according to the Post story, which ran in July 2009.
Interior Minister Hanif Atmar claimed the embarrassing publicity could cause a backlash in Afghanistan and "endanger lives."
DynCorp is one of the department's most prominent vendors. More than one-third of the company's $3.1 billion in 2009 revenues came from State Department contracts for armed security, law enforcement training and aviation services, according to the company's latest annual report. The police training contract alone is valued at $651 million.
DynCorp fired four senior managers for the dancing episode, which it said was "culturally inappropriate" and reflected poor judgment by the employees.
"No company can guarantee that their employees will behave perfectly at all times, under all conditions," DynCorp spokeswoman Ashley Burke said. "What we can guarantee is that we will clearly define expectations, train our employees according to those expectations and hold people accountable for their behaviors."
U.S. contractors have sought to improve their reputation through advocacy groups such as the Professional Services Council and the International Stability Operations Association, both based in Washington. In Geneva last month, more than 50 companies that work in war zones signed an international code of conduct to improve openness and accountability.
Ignacio Balderas, Triple Canopy's chief executive officer, said his company will push to ensure the code gains worldwide acceptance "and becomes an integral part of how the industry operates."
But reversing entrenched attitudes isn't easy. In a telling assessment of how U.S. contractors are viewed, Atmar, who Karzai dismissed as interior minister in June, reported that "these contractor companies do not have many friends."
The documents obtained by AP help to show why.
In March 2008, Blackwater guards forced an Afghan soldier to the ground and handcuffed him after he refused to let their vehicle pass through a checkpoint at the Kabul airport because they didn't have proper identification. A 13-page report by the U.S. Embassy in Kabul describes a tense confrontation between the Blackwater personnel and Afghan troops that could have resulted in a gun battle.
The confrontation caused "significant damage" to the embassy's reputation with the Afghan National Army, the report said. The embassy ordered the firing of the two Blackwater guards it said were most responsible.
In early 2006, when U.S. authorities were stressing the importance of cultural sensitivity in Iraq, a Blackwater contractor was openly hostile to Iraqis, according to a company record. During a detail at Iraq's ministry of water, he refused to shake hands with the ministry's chief of security, accusing the Iraqi official of being "part of the (expletive) Mahdi militia," a reference to a paramilitary force loyal to radical cleric Muqtada al-Sadr.
A month later, the same employee repeatedly disrupted a class on Iraqi culture, accusing the instructor of "spreading propaganda." He was fired after that for being "unable to act professionally" toward the Iraqis, State Department employees, and co-workers, according to the document.
In March 2005, a fired Blackwater contractor who was in a hotel in Jordan awaiting a flight back to the U.S. ignored a supervisor's order to stay in his room until his plane was ready to leave. He got drunk and fought with several Jordanians, spit at and tore down a picture of Jordan's King Abdullah, and was arrested. Blackwater managers escorted him from the jail to the airport.
Blackwater eventually lost its license to operate as guardian of U.S. diplomats in Iraq after its security guards were accused of killing unarmed Iraqi civilians in 2007.
In a written statement, Xe said it maintains high standards of conduct. When company policy is violated, "disciplinary actions are taken up to and including termination from employment," the company said.
On Friday, the investment group USTC Holdings announced it had bought Xe in a deal that includes the company's training facility in North Carolina. Terms of the deal were not disclosed.
Contractors behaving badly mean headaches for US
Contractors' bad behavior _ public drunkenness, teen hired to dance_ mean headaches for US
AP News
Dec 19, 2010 09:39 EST
At two in the morning on Sept. 9, 2005, five DynCorp International security guards assigned to Afghan President Hamid Karzai's protective detail returned to their compound drunk, with a prostitute in tow. Less than a week later, three of these same guards got drunk again, this time in the VIP lounge of the Kabul airport while awaiting a flight to Thailand.
"They had been intoxicated, loud and obnoxious," according to an internal company report of the incident, which noted that Afghanistan's deputy director for elections and a foreign diplomat were also in the lounge. "Complaints were made regarding the situation." DynCorp fired the three guards.
Such episodes represent the headaches that U.S. contractors can cause in Afghanistan, Iraq and elsewhere. They are indispensable to the State Department's mission overseas, handling security, transportation, construction, food service and more. But when hired hands behave badly — or break the law — they cast a cloud over the American presence.
Documents obtained by The Associated Press under the Freedom of Information Act describe previously undisclosed offenses committed by more than 200 contract employees in Afghanistan, Iraq and other countries between 2004 and 2008. They were working under a broad State Department security services contract shared by DynCorp of Falls Church, Va., Triple Canopy of Reston, Va., and the company formerly known as Blackwater Worldwide — Xe Services of Moyock, N.C.
Most of the infractions, which include excessive drinking, drug use, sexual misconduct, and mishandling weapons, were violations of corporate and U.S. policies that probably went unnoticed by ordinary Afghans and Iraqis. But other offenses played out in public, undermining U.S. efforts in both countries and raising questions about how carefully job candidates are screened.
Despite complaints from foreign capitals about reckless behavior and heavy-handed tactics, U.S. contractors are more important than ever.
In Iraq, the departure of U.S. combat forces has left a security and logistics support vacuum to be filled by the private sector. In testimony to the independent Wartime Contracting Commission in June, a State Department official said as many as 7,000 security contractors — more than double the current number — will be needed to guard the U.S. Embassy in Baghdad and other offices across Iraq.
Karzai had to back away from the Friday deadline he had set to ban security contractors after Western diplomats said the move threatened the completion of billions of dollars worth of critical reconstruction projects that need to be protected from insurgent attacks.
In 2009, DynCorp employees working under a separate State Department contract to train Afghan police would be the source of more trouble. A diplomatic report disclosed by the WikiLeaks organization described a panicked Afghan minister urging U.S. officials to stop The Washington Post from running a story about DynCorp workers who had hired an Afghan teenage boy to dance at a company party. Videotape of the event showed more than a dozen DynCorp workers cheering the teenage dancer on as he moved around a single employee sitting on a chair, according to the Post story, which ran in July 2009.
Interior Minister Hanif Atmar claimed the embarrassing publicity could cause a backlash in Afghanistan and "endanger lives."
DynCorp is one of the department's most prominent vendors. More than one-third of the company's $3.1 billion in 2009 revenues came from State Department contracts for armed security, law enforcement training and aviation services, according to the company's latest annual report. The police training contract alone is valued at $651 million.
DynCorp fired four senior managers for the dancing episode, which it said was "culturally inappropriate" and reflected poor judgment by the employees.
"No company can guarantee that their employees will behave perfectly at all times, under all conditions," DynCorp spokeswoman Ashley Burke said. "What we can guarantee is that we will clearly define expectations, train our employees according to those expectations and hold people accountable for their behaviors."
U.S. contractors have sought to improve their reputation through advocacy groups such as the Professional Services Council and the International Stability Operations Association, both based in Washington. In Geneva last month, more than 50 companies that work in war zones signed an international code of conduct to improve openness and accountability.
Ignacio Balderas, Triple Canopy's chief executive officer, said his company will push to ensure the code gains worldwide acceptance "and becomes an integral part of how the industry operates."
But reversing entrenched attitudes isn't easy. In a telling assessment of how U.S. contractors are viewed, Atmar, who Karzai dismissed as interior minister in June, reported that "these contractor companies do not have many friends."
The documents obtained by AP help to show why.
In March 2008, Blackwater guards forced an Afghan soldier to the ground and handcuffed him after he refused to let their vehicle pass through a checkpoint at the Kabul airport because they didn't have proper identification. A 13-page report by the U.S. Embassy in Kabul describes a tense confrontation between the Blackwater personnel and Afghan troops that could have resulted in a gun battle.
The confrontation caused "significant damage" to the embassy's reputation with the Afghan National Army, the report said. The embassy ordered the firing of the two Blackwater guards it said were most responsible.
In early 2006, when U.S. authorities were stressing the importance of cultural sensitivity in Iraq, a Blackwater contractor was openly hostile to Iraqis, according to a company record. During a detail at Iraq's ministry of water, he refused to shake hands with the ministry's chief of security, accusing the Iraqi official of being "part of the (expletive) Mahdi militia," a reference to a paramilitary force loyal to radical cleric Muqtada al-Sadr.
A month later, the same employee repeatedly disrupted a class on Iraqi culture, accusing the instructor of "spreading propaganda." He was fired after that for being "unable to act professionally" toward the Iraqis, State Department employees, and co-workers, according to the document.
In March 2005, a fired Blackwater contractor who was in a hotel in Jordan awaiting a flight back to the U.S. ignored a supervisor's order to stay in his room until his plane was ready to leave. He got drunk and fought with several Jordanians, spit at and tore down a picture of Jordan's King Abdullah, and was arrested. Blackwater managers escorted him from the jail to the airport.
Blackwater eventually lost its license to operate as guardian of U.S. diplomats in Iraq after its security guards were accused of killing unarmed Iraqi civilians in 2007.
In a written statement, Xe said it maintains high standards of conduct. When company policy is violated, "disciplinary actions are taken up to and including termination from employment," the company said.
On Friday, the investment group USTC Holdings announced it had bought Xe in a deal that includes the company's training facility in North Carolina. Terms of the deal were not disclosed.
The article is reproduced in accordance with Section 107 of title 17 of the Copyright Law of the United States relating to fair-use and is for the purposes of criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research.
Remember this, Dynacorp, is the same company that turned 14 and 15 year old bosnian girls into prostitutes using food and other survival essentials. (VN: This is what happens when there is only the survival masses and the wealthy, the choices become perversion vs survival, and that is not the life I want for our children and grandchildren, how about you?) The pentagon run by the Khazars were told by congress not to give anymore contracts to companies that engaged in these behaviors, but alas the pentagon ignored congress, so I guess they run the country and not congress. So satanic immorality and filth is our new image as a nation. How do you like it??? The Khazar bankers have managed to bring us down to their perverted level of existance (they are the same ones who used our bailout for prostitutes, remember, Goldman Sachs, etc?). Satanism is growing and rapidly replacing anything resembling morality and goodness and humanity and replacing it with evil, darkness, moral anarchy and disease as a result. Our children are in some serious danger here. Is this the future you had envisioned for them??? I suspect not.
Booze, Drugs, and Hookers: Hundreds of Offenses by the Afghan Contractors Uncovered- Dynacorp,_drugs_and_hookers:_Hundreds_of_offenses_by_Afghan_contractors_uncovered.html
Sunday, December 19, 2010, By Barracuda, Before Its News
At two in the morning on Sept. 9, 2005, five DynCorp International security guards assigned to Afghan President Hamid Karzai's protective detail returned to their compound drunk, with a prostitute in tow. Less than a week later, three of these same guards got drunk again, this time in the VIP lounge of the Kabul airport while awaiting a flight to Thailand.
"They had been intoxicated, loud and obnoxious," according to an internal company report of the incident, which noted that Afghanistan's deputy director for elections and a foreign diplomat were also in the lounge. "Complaints were made regarding the situation." DynCorp fired the three guards.
Such episodes represent the headaches that U.S. contractors can cause in Afghanistan, Iraq and elsewhere. They are indispensable to the State Department's mission overseas, handling security, transportation, construction, food service and more. But when hired hands behave badly — or break the law — they cast a cloud over the American presence.
Documents obtained by The Associated Press under the Freedom of Information Act describe previously undisclosed offenses committed by more than 200 contract employees in Afghanistan, Iraq and other countries between 2004 and 2008. They were working under a broad State Department security services contract shared by DynCorp of Falls Church, Va., Triple Canopy of Reston, Va., and the company formerly known as Blackwater Worldwide — Xe Services of Moyock, N.C.
Most of the infractions, which include excessive drinking, drug use, sexual misconduct, and mishandling weapons, were violations of corporate and U.S. policies that probably went unnoticed by ordinary Afghans and Iraqis. But other offenses played out in public, undermining U.S. efforts in both countries and raising questions about how carefully job candidates are screened.
Despite complaints from foreign capitals about reckless behavior and heavy-handed tactics, U.S. contractors are more important than ever.
In Iraq, the departure of U.S. combat forces has left a security and logistics support vacuum to be filled by the private sector. In testimony to the independent Wartime Contracting Commission in June, a State Department official said as many as 7,000 security contractors — more than double the current number — will be needed to guard the U.S. Embassy in Baghdad and other offices across Iraq.
Karzai had to back away from the Friday deadline he had set to ban security contractors after Western diplomats said the move threatened the completion of billions of dollars worth of critical reconstruction projects that need to be protected from insurgent attacks.
In 2009, DynCorp employees working under a separate State Department contract to train Afghan police would be the source of more trouble. A diplomatic report disclosed by the WikiLeaks organization described a panicked Afghan minister urging U.S. officials to stop The Washington Post from running a story about DynCorp workers who had hired an Afghan teenage boy to dance at a company party. Videotape of the event showed more than a dozen DynCorp workers cheering the teenage dancer on as he moved around a single employee sitting on a chair, according to the Post story, which ran in July 2009.
Interior Minister Hanif Atmar claimed the embarrassing publicity could cause a backlash in Afghanistan and "endanger lives."
DynCorp is one of the department's most prominent vendors. More than one-third of the company's $3.1 billion in 2009 revenues came from State Department contracts for armed security, law enforcement training and aviation services, according to the company's latest annual report. The police training contract alone is valued at $651 million.
DynCorp fired four senior managers for the dancing episode, which it said was "culturally inappropriate" and reflected poor judgment by the employees.
"No company can guarantee that their employees will behave perfectly at all times, under all conditions," DynCorp spokeswoman Ashley Burke said. "What we can guarantee is that we will clearly define expectations, train our employees according to those expectations and hold people accountable for their behaviors."
U.S. contractors have sought to improve their reputation through advocacy groups such as the Professional Services Council and the International Stability Operations Association, both based in Washington. In Geneva last month, more than 50 companies that work in war zones signed an international code of conduct to improve openness and accountability.
Ignacio Balderas, Triple Canopy's chief executive officer, said his company will push to ensure the code gains worldwide acceptance "and becomes an integral part of how the industry operates."
But reversing entrenched attitudes isn't easy. In a telling assessment of how U.S. contractors are viewed, Atmar, who Karzai dismissed as interior minister in June, reported that "these contractor companies do not have many friends."
The documents obtained by AP help to show why.
In March 2008, Blackwater guards forced an Afghan soldier to the ground and handcuffed him after he refused to let their vehicle pass through a checkpoint at the Kabul airport because they didn't have proper identification. A 13-page report by the U.S. Embassy in Kabul describes a tense confrontation between the Blackwater personnel and Afghan troops that could have resulted in a gun battle.
The confrontation caused "significant damage" to the embassy's reputation with the Afghan National Army, the report said. The embassy ordered the firing of the two Blackwater guards it said were most responsible.
In early 2006, when U.S. authorities were stressing the importance of cultural sensitivity in Iraq, a Blackwater contractor was openly hostile to Iraqis, according to a company record. During a detail at Iraq's ministry of water, he refused to shake hands with the ministry's chief of security, accusing the Iraqi official of being "part of the (expletive) Mahdi militia," a reference to a paramilitary force loyal to radical cleric Muqtada al-Sadr.
A month later, the same employee repeatedly disrupted a class on Iraqi culture, accusing the instructor of "spreading propaganda." He was fired after that for being "unable to act professionally" toward the Iraqis, State Department employees, and co-workers, according to the document.
In March 2005, a fired Blackwater contractor who was in a hotel in Jordan awaiting a flight back to the U.S. ignored a supervisor's order to stay in his room until his plane was ready to leave. He got drunk and fought with several Jordanians, spit at and tore down a picture of Jordan's King Abdullah, and was arrested. Blackwater managers escorted him from the jail to the airport.
Blackwater eventually lost its license to operate as guardian of U.S. diplomats in Iraq after its security guards were accused of killing unarmed Iraqi civilians in 2007.
In a written statement, Xe said it maintains high standards of conduct. When company policy is violated, "disciplinary actions are taken up to and including termination from employment," the company said.
On Friday, the investment group USTC Holdings announced it had bought Xe in a deal that includes the company's training facility in North Carolina. Terms of the deal were not disclosed.
Contractors behaving badly mean headaches for US
Contractors' bad behavior _ public drunkenness, teen hired to dance_ mean headaches for US
AP News
Dec 19, 2010 09:39 EST
At two in the morning on Sept. 9, 2005, five DynCorp International security guards assigned to Afghan President Hamid Karzai's protective detail returned to their compound drunk, with a prostitute in tow. Less than a week later, three of these same guards got drunk again, this time in the VIP lounge of the Kabul airport while awaiting a flight to Thailand.
"They had been intoxicated, loud and obnoxious," according to an internal company report of the incident, which noted that Afghanistan's deputy director for elections and a foreign diplomat were also in the lounge. "Complaints were made regarding the situation." DynCorp fired the three guards.
Such episodes represent the headaches that U.S. contractors can cause in Afghanistan, Iraq and elsewhere. They are indispensable to the State Department's mission overseas, handling security, transportation, construction, food service and more. But when hired hands behave badly — or break the law — they cast a cloud over the American presence.
Documents obtained by The Associated Press under the Freedom of Information Act describe previously undisclosed offenses committed by more than 200 contract employees in Afghanistan, Iraq and other countries between 2004 and 2008. They were working under a broad State Department security services contract shared by DynCorp of Falls Church, Va., Triple Canopy of Reston, Va., and the company formerly known as Blackwater Worldwide — Xe Services of Moyock, N.C.
Most of the infractions, which include excessive drinking, drug use, sexual misconduct, and mishandling weapons, were violations of corporate and U.S. policies that probably went unnoticed by ordinary Afghans and Iraqis. But other offenses played out in public, undermining U.S. efforts in both countries and raising questions about how carefully job candidates are screened.
Despite complaints from foreign capitals about reckless behavior and heavy-handed tactics, U.S. contractors are more important than ever.
In Iraq, the departure of U.S. combat forces has left a security and logistics support vacuum to be filled by the private sector. In testimony to the independent Wartime Contracting Commission in June, a State Department official said as many as 7,000 security contractors — more than double the current number — will be needed to guard the U.S. Embassy in Baghdad and other offices across Iraq.
Karzai had to back away from the Friday deadline he had set to ban security contractors after Western diplomats said the move threatened the completion of billions of dollars worth of critical reconstruction projects that need to be protected from insurgent attacks.
In 2009, DynCorp employees working under a separate State Department contract to train Afghan police would be the source of more trouble. A diplomatic report disclosed by the WikiLeaks organization described a panicked Afghan minister urging U.S. officials to stop The Washington Post from running a story about DynCorp workers who had hired an Afghan teenage boy to dance at a company party. Videotape of the event showed more than a dozen DynCorp workers cheering the teenage dancer on as he moved around a single employee sitting on a chair, according to the Post story, which ran in July 2009.
Interior Minister Hanif Atmar claimed the embarrassing publicity could cause a backlash in Afghanistan and "endanger lives."
DynCorp is one of the department's most prominent vendors. More than one-third of the company's $3.1 billion in 2009 revenues came from State Department contracts for armed security, law enforcement training and aviation services, according to the company's latest annual report. The police training contract alone is valued at $651 million.
DynCorp fired four senior managers for the dancing episode, which it said was "culturally inappropriate" and reflected poor judgment by the employees.
"No company can guarantee that their employees will behave perfectly at all times, under all conditions," DynCorp spokeswoman Ashley Burke said. "What we can guarantee is that we will clearly define expectations, train our employees according to those expectations and hold people accountable for their behaviors."
U.S. contractors have sought to improve their reputation through advocacy groups such as the Professional Services Council and the International Stability Operations Association, both based in Washington. In Geneva last month, more than 50 companies that work in war zones signed an international code of conduct to improve openness and accountability.
Ignacio Balderas, Triple Canopy's chief executive officer, said his company will push to ensure the code gains worldwide acceptance "and becomes an integral part of how the industry operates."
But reversing entrenched attitudes isn't easy. In a telling assessment of how U.S. contractors are viewed, Atmar, who Karzai dismissed as interior minister in June, reported that "these contractor companies do not have many friends."
The documents obtained by AP help to show why.
In March 2008, Blackwater guards forced an Afghan soldier to the ground and handcuffed him after he refused to let their vehicle pass through a checkpoint at the Kabul airport because they didn't have proper identification. A 13-page report by the U.S. Embassy in Kabul describes a tense confrontation between the Blackwater personnel and Afghan troops that could have resulted in a gun battle.
The confrontation caused "significant damage" to the embassy's reputation with the Afghan National Army, the report said. The embassy ordered the firing of the two Blackwater guards it said were most responsible.
In early 2006, when U.S. authorities were stressing the importance of cultural sensitivity in Iraq, a Blackwater contractor was openly hostile to Iraqis, according to a company record. During a detail at Iraq's ministry of water, he refused to shake hands with the ministry's chief of security, accusing the Iraqi official of being "part of the (expletive) Mahdi militia," a reference to a paramilitary force loyal to radical cleric Muqtada al-Sadr.
A month later, the same employee repeatedly disrupted a class on Iraqi culture, accusing the instructor of "spreading propaganda." He was fired after that for being "unable to act professionally" toward the Iraqis, State Department employees, and co-workers, according to the document.
In March 2005, a fired Blackwater contractor who was in a hotel in Jordan awaiting a flight back to the U.S. ignored a supervisor's order to stay in his room until his plane was ready to leave. He got drunk and fought with several Jordanians, spit at and tore down a picture of Jordan's King Abdullah, and was arrested. Blackwater managers escorted him from the jail to the airport.
Blackwater eventually lost its license to operate as guardian of U.S. diplomats in Iraq after its security guards were accused of killing unarmed Iraqi civilians in 2007.
In a written statement, Xe said it maintains high standards of conduct. When company policy is violated, "disciplinary actions are taken up to and including termination from employment," the company said.
On Friday, the investment group USTC Holdings announced it had bought Xe in a deal that includes the company's training facility in North Carolina. Terms of the deal were not disclosed.
The article is reproduced in accordance with Section 107 of title 17 of the Copyright Law of the United States relating to fair-use and is for the purposes of criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research.
Bye Bye Ms. American Empire -- Can We Talk About Seccession Now?
The following is an excerpt from BIll Kauffman's Bye, Bye Miss American Empire (Chelsea Green, 2010).
Norman Mailer, the novelist and pugilist whose 1969 campaign for mayor of New York City was the most articulate and pugnacious and inspiring secession episode of the twentieth century, called himself a "left conservative." He was not playing the goofy juxtaposition game. Rather, Mailer acknowledged that "the Left has been absolutely right on some critical problems of our times, and the conservatives have been altogether correct about one enormous matter -- which is that the federal government has no business whatever in local affairs."
For Mailer, secession is neither left nor right but a vivifying amalgam of both. Or maybe it is a refreshing embrace of neither. One cannot, after all, stand on two feet while listing badly to either side.
From Greenwich Village to Canarsie, Mailer preached the righteousness of local self-government to bemused urban leftists, who were not always receptive audiences. "Radicals seem forever unable to understand that states' rights can be invoked and honored to create a Socialist community as well as to defend slavery (or other conservative and reactionary objectives)," wrote William Appleman Williams, exasperation rising from the page.2 So wed has the modern left been to centralized authority that it hesitates to use the most efficacious tools at hand to Fight the Power on a variety of fronts, from the deployment of oxymoronical state National Guards to desert sands to the federal nullification of state drug laws. In the 1990s, inspired by the magnificent dissolution of the Soviet Empire, Americans started asking hard but edifying questions about self-determination for places as diverse as Northern California, West Kansas, and Upstate New York. These corners of America were not seeking to leave the country. Instead, they wanted to redeem certain American promises whose redemption was not possible for citizens in, say, Yreka (population seven thousand), in a California of thirty-five-million-plus people.
The following is an excerpt from BIll Kauffman's Bye, Bye Miss American Empire (Chelsea Green, 2010).
Norman Mailer, the novelist and pugilist whose 1969 campaign for mayor of New York City was the most articulate and pugnacious and inspiring secession episode of the twentieth century, called himself a "left conservative." He was not playing the goofy juxtaposition game. Rather, Mailer acknowledged that "the Left has been absolutely right on some critical problems of our times, and the conservatives have been altogether correct about one enormous matter -- which is that the federal government has no business whatever in local affairs."
For Mailer, secession is neither left nor right but a vivifying amalgam of both. Or maybe it is a refreshing embrace of neither. One cannot, after all, stand on two feet while listing badly to either side.
From Greenwich Village to Canarsie, Mailer preached the righteousness of local self-government to bemused urban leftists, who were not always receptive audiences. "Radicals seem forever unable to understand that states' rights can be invoked and honored to create a Socialist community as well as to defend slavery (or other conservative and reactionary objectives)," wrote William Appleman Williams, exasperation rising from the page.2 So wed has the modern left been to centralized authority that it hesitates to use the most efficacious tools at hand to Fight the Power on a variety of fronts, from the deployment of oxymoronical state National Guards to desert sands to the federal nullification of state drug laws. In the 1990s, inspired by the magnificent dissolution of the Soviet Empire, Americans started asking hard but edifying questions about self-determination for places as diverse as Northern California, West Kansas, and Upstate New York. These corners of America were not seeking to leave the country. Instead, they wanted to redeem certain American promises whose redemption was not possible for citizens in, say, Yreka (population seven thousand), in a California of thirty-five-million-plus people.
Israeli spy ring in Australia EXPOSED Jun 09 (Part 1 of 3)
Vatic Note: In keeping with our commitment to cover similar problems we are having, in other nations, we found this piece of interesting news from the southeast asian news with a reporter called Steve Johnson. He was following up on a story about an arrested man in Australia when he came across the news that Israel has a deep spy ring and control similar to the USA, and its right in Australia. He decided to go down that rabbit hole and these videos are the result of his research and interviews he did with people who are suppose to be working for the Austrailian people and government.
Its shades of us, for sure. Same khazars from Israel working the spy ring in Australia. Its becoming more and more clear who the global enemy is. Israel. It also appears that Austrailia is also funding Israel. Wow, what a scam they have going here. WE, all countries, get to pay for our own demise and finance our own enemies to take us over. How ORWELLEAN IS THAT??? At the end there is a recommendation to boycott Israel and the bar code on products that are made in Israel is given below so we know what to look for in such a boycott.
Israeli spy ring in Australia EXPOSED Jun 09 (Part 1 of 3)
June 04, 2009
Arrested man Brendan O Connell did a lot more than make a video about the racist verses in the Talmud. He uncovered an Israeli mall kiosk operation in Australian Shopping centers..
He Uncovered a VERINT Spy network at play with Australias Defence Communications with:
1) NSW Sydney CityRail
2) Elite SAS Soldiers
3) Collins Class Submarines
But exactly how reliable is this info? Steve Johnson calls the companies and Depts involved to verify Brendans vital work. (VN: Remember this is an Israeli company that was caught spying on communications in the USA as well, we covered this extensively on our blog a while back.)
Part I of 3
Part 2 of 3
Part 3 of 3
Here are some very illuminating comments from this presentation that are very educational and relevant.
"Israel has spying in almost every country in the world. They spy on the US, England, Europe, Africa, South America, Mexico and others. I think we should throw the out. I am Boycotting Israel.
"For those who want to boycott Israel -- any barcode that begins with 729 means it's made in Israel."
Look up "boycott Israel" for more details
VN: Finally, the reporter was able to confirm Verint involvement in critical communications spying.
Verint Spy System in Sydney Rail - CONFIRMED June 2009
The article is reproduced in accordance with Section 107 of title 17 of the Copyright Law of the United States relating to fair-use and is for the purposes of criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research.
Its shades of us, for sure. Same khazars from Israel working the spy ring in Australia. Its becoming more and more clear who the global enemy is. Israel. It also appears that Austrailia is also funding Israel. Wow, what a scam they have going here. WE, all countries, get to pay for our own demise and finance our own enemies to take us over. How ORWELLEAN IS THAT??? At the end there is a recommendation to boycott Israel and the bar code on products that are made in Israel is given below so we know what to look for in such a boycott.
Israeli spy ring in Australia EXPOSED Jun 09 (Part 1 of 3)
June 04, 2009
Arrested man Brendan O Connell did a lot more than make a video about the racist verses in the Talmud. He uncovered an Israeli mall kiosk operation in Australian Shopping centers..
He Uncovered a VERINT Spy network at play with Australias Defence Communications with:
1) NSW Sydney CityRail
2) Elite SAS Soldiers
3) Collins Class Submarines
But exactly how reliable is this info? Steve Johnson calls the companies and Depts involved to verify Brendans vital work. (VN: Remember this is an Israeli company that was caught spying on communications in the USA as well, we covered this extensively on our blog a while back.)
Part I of 3
Part 2 of 3
Part 3 of 3
Here are some very illuminating comments from this presentation that are very educational and relevant.
"Israel has spying in almost every country in the world. They spy on the US, England, Europe, Africa, South America, Mexico and others. I think we should throw the out. I am Boycotting Israel.
"For those who want to boycott Israel -- any barcode that begins with 729 means it's made in Israel."
Look up "boycott Israel" for more details
VN: Finally, the reporter was able to confirm Verint involvement in critical communications spying.
Verint Spy System in Sydney Rail - CONFIRMED June 2009
The article is reproduced in accordance with Section 107 of title 17 of the Copyright Law of the United States relating to fair-use and is for the purposes of criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research.
Snub for Obamas as Royal sources Reveal They will Not Be Invited to Prince William's Wedding
Vatic Note: I don't understand why Obama is being snubbed. Both are funded and basically controlled by the satanic Rothschild international banking cartel, so what is going on? Is there a breach in the global world order conspiracy? Has Obama done something that is in opposition to the elites agenda??? Are the Rothschild controlled Israeli's unable to manipulate or control him as they had in the past? Its worth asking since this is considered a serious snub especially since Sarkozy is invited and he is Khazar Mossad and the queen is Rothschild's minion, so its not about gov or official business. Its a blatant snub. Its a message, we just don't know what or why that message. Add to that the leaving of the White House by Ezekiels brother, Rahm, and it appears Israel is possibly getting ready to set Obama up for something. Hmmm. We do live in interesting times.
Snub for Obamas as Royal sources Reveal They will Not Be Invited to Prince William's Wedding
By BARRACUDA (Reporter)
Friday, December 17, 2010 12:15
President Obama and his wife Michelle will not be invited to Prince William's wedding next year.
Because Prince William is not yet heir to the throne, his wedding to Kate Middleton is not classed as a ‘state occasion’ – and the couple feel under no pressure to fill the 2,000-strong guest list with heads of state, the Mail understands.
They are more eager to ask ordinary citizens and charity workers than foreign dignitaries and VIPs to what will be the first royal ‘people’s wedding’, courtiers suggested.
A handful of heads of state are likely to be invited in line with previous royal weddings, possibly including France’s President Nicolas Sarkozy and his wife Carla Bruni.
But the decision to exclude the American premier and his wife Michelle from the celebrations marks a break from tradition.
Prince Charles and Princess Diana invited then-American president Ronald Reagan and his wife Nancy to their 1981 ceremony – though she came alone because the president was too ill to travel following an assassination attempt on him.
A senior courtier said: ‘It is certainly not the case that all foreign heads of state will be excluded. The guest list is still being drawn up and could change, but as things stand it’s right (to say Mr Obama will not be invited).’
A St James’s Palace spokesman said: ‘The wedding will not be a formal state occasion since Prince William is neither the sovereign nor the heir to the throne.’
The decision is an example of William’s single-minded desire to hold the first ever ‘people’s wedding’ by packing the pews with members of the public who have worked with his 21 charities.
Read more:
The article is reproduced in accordance with Section 107 of title 17 of the Copyright Law of the United States relating to fair-use and is for the purposes of criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research.
Snub for Obamas as Royal sources Reveal They will Not Be Invited to Prince William's Wedding
By BARRACUDA (Reporter)
Friday, December 17, 2010 12:15
President Obama and his wife Michelle will not be invited to Prince William's wedding next year.
Because Prince William is not yet heir to the throne, his wedding to Kate Middleton is not classed as a ‘state occasion’ – and the couple feel under no pressure to fill the 2,000-strong guest list with heads of state, the Mail understands.
They are more eager to ask ordinary citizens and charity workers than foreign dignitaries and VIPs to what will be the first royal ‘people’s wedding’, courtiers suggested.
A handful of heads of state are likely to be invited in line with previous royal weddings, possibly including France’s President Nicolas Sarkozy and his wife Carla Bruni.
But the decision to exclude the American premier and his wife Michelle from the celebrations marks a break from tradition.
Prince Charles and Princess Diana invited then-American president Ronald Reagan and his wife Nancy to their 1981 ceremony – though she came alone because the president was too ill to travel following an assassination attempt on him.
A senior courtier said: ‘It is certainly not the case that all foreign heads of state will be excluded. The guest list is still being drawn up and could change, but as things stand it’s right (to say Mr Obama will not be invited).’
A St James’s Palace spokesman said: ‘The wedding will not be a formal state occasion since Prince William is neither the sovereign nor the heir to the throne.’
The decision is an example of William’s single-minded desire to hold the first ever ‘people’s wedding’ by packing the pews with members of the public who have worked with his 21 charities.
Read more:
The article is reproduced in accordance with Section 107 of title 17 of the Copyright Law of the United States relating to fair-use and is for the purposes of criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research.
Riots In EU 2010 & Exposure of the Villians who Created the Problem
Riots in EU 2010, including Russia!
December 15, 2010
Riots in whole of EU and Russia! Is year 2010 when the Revolution starts?
VN: Russia Today TV put this together to show all the riots that even the alternative press did not have and its surprising how many there were and how violent they all got in response to the viciousness of the police in responding. The Rioters responded right back and I believe it shocked many in europe and russia as to the level of response that occurred. If it moves up one more level, then I doubt the police will be able to handle it and it will then go military, but then that jeopardizes their plans in afghanistan, Iraq, pakistan, yemen and Iran. So the elite are between a rock and a hard place, guess they better pull out those aliens now instead of after WW III.
VN: I am including this additional video to show and remind everyone about how we got here and its important to really understand in order to fix the problem, not to place blame, but to literally try and save the nation from these who have an agenda CONTRARY TO THE BEST INTERESTS OF THE UNITED STATES. Please watch and study those faces and names and who they are since they are the key to all of this now. Its their agenda that we had outted back in 1919 and it got classified for 50 years by a blackmailed President Wilson, and that is how this was allowed to continue.
Its the target of how we stop it and what war we agree to fight once this begins, both in the political arena and in the "WAR" arena. Any world war will be the global people against the globalist bankers and fascists corporate CEO's who aided and abetted such as Bill Gates, Monsanto and Blackwater, GE, Food companies, Drug companies, AND MOST OF ALL THE TREASONOUS MSM, etc. Remember, those of our good leaders that stood up to them were assassinated, and now they must pay for that.
Fascist Zionist Khazar Control of America, The Death of the Republic
antizionistpatriot, January 01, 2009, Music by Kevin Macleod
Map of SCO
Another map that expands on US-Israel-UK's ambition to control Middle East/Central Asia to exploit oil
The article is reproduced in accordance with Section 107 of title 17 of the Copyright Law of the United States relating to fair-use and is for the purposes of criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research.
December 15, 2010
Riots in whole of EU and Russia! Is year 2010 when the Revolution starts?
VN: Russia Today TV put this together to show all the riots that even the alternative press did not have and its surprising how many there were and how violent they all got in response to the viciousness of the police in responding. The Rioters responded right back and I believe it shocked many in europe and russia as to the level of response that occurred. If it moves up one more level, then I doubt the police will be able to handle it and it will then go military, but then that jeopardizes their plans in afghanistan, Iraq, pakistan, yemen and Iran. So the elite are between a rock and a hard place, guess they better pull out those aliens now instead of after WW III.
VN: I am including this additional video to show and remind everyone about how we got here and its important to really understand in order to fix the problem, not to place blame, but to literally try and save the nation from these who have an agenda CONTRARY TO THE BEST INTERESTS OF THE UNITED STATES. Please watch and study those faces and names and who they are since they are the key to all of this now. Its their agenda that we had outted back in 1919 and it got classified for 50 years by a blackmailed President Wilson, and that is how this was allowed to continue.
Its the target of how we stop it and what war we agree to fight once this begins, both in the political arena and in the "WAR" arena. Any world war will be the global people against the globalist bankers and fascists corporate CEO's who aided and abetted such as Bill Gates, Monsanto and Blackwater, GE, Food companies, Drug companies, AND MOST OF ALL THE TREASONOUS MSM, etc. Remember, those of our good leaders that stood up to them were assassinated, and now they must pay for that.
Fascist Zionist Khazar Control of America, The Death of the Republic
antizionistpatriot, January 01, 2009, Music by Kevin Macleod
Map of SCO
Another map that expands on US-Israel-UK's ambition to control Middle East/Central Asia to exploit oil
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Wikileaks - A Big, Dangerous US Government Con Job
By F. William Engdahl
The story on the surface makes for a script for a new Oliver Stone Hollywood thriller. A 39-year old Australian hacker holds the President of the United States and his State Department hostage to a gigantic cyber "leak," unless the President leaves Julian Assange and his Wikileaks free to release hundreds of thousands of pages of sensitive US Government memos. A closer look at the details, so far carefully leaked by the most ultra-establishment of international media such as the New York Times, reveals a clear agenda. That agenda coincidentally serves to buttress the agenda of US geopolitics around the world from Iran to Russia to North Korea. The Wikileaks is a big and dangerous US intelligence Con Job which will likely be used to police the Internet.
It is almost too perfectly-scripted to be true. A discontented 22-year old US Army soldier on duty in Baghdad, Bradley Manning, a low-grade US Army intelligence analyst, described as a loner, a gay in the military, a disgruntled "computer geek," sifts through classified information at Forward Operating Base Hammer. He decides to secretly download US State Department email communications from the entire world over a period of eight months for hours a day, onto his blank CDs while pretending to be listening to Lady Gaga. In addition to diplomatic cables, Manning is believed to have provided WikiLeaks with helicopter gun camera video of an errant US attack in Baghdad on unarmed journalists, and with war logs from Iraq and Afghanistan.
By F. William Engdahl
The story on the surface makes for a script for a new Oliver Stone Hollywood thriller. A 39-year old Australian hacker holds the President of the United States and his State Department hostage to a gigantic cyber "leak," unless the President leaves Julian Assange and his Wikileaks free to release hundreds of thousands of pages of sensitive US Government memos. A closer look at the details, so far carefully leaked by the most ultra-establishment of international media such as the New York Times, reveals a clear agenda. That agenda coincidentally serves to buttress the agenda of US geopolitics around the world from Iran to Russia to North Korea. The Wikileaks is a big and dangerous US intelligence Con Job which will likely be used to police the Internet.
It is almost too perfectly-scripted to be true. A discontented 22-year old US Army soldier on duty in Baghdad, Bradley Manning, a low-grade US Army intelligence analyst, described as a loner, a gay in the military, a disgruntled "computer geek," sifts through classified information at Forward Operating Base Hammer. He decides to secretly download US State Department email communications from the entire world over a period of eight months for hours a day, onto his blank CDs while pretending to be listening to Lady Gaga. In addition to diplomatic cables, Manning is believed to have provided WikiLeaks with helicopter gun camera video of an errant US attack in Baghdad on unarmed journalists, and with war logs from Iraq and Afghanistan.
TSA has met the enemy - and it's us
Vatic Note: Another clear example of an Israel/Rothschild banker pervert idea for more jollies on a mass scale. If the Khazars could just put that creative energy toward something productive, they would not have to be fighting all the time, and perverting all the time... they could quit acting like the barbarians they are. This is all a game to try and get the sheep to agree to be tagged, and bagged by the powers that be for control. They are anal retentive and fearful, so they need that control and that is what this has been all about. Well, I do not believe they intended to also add to our growing anger over these people. As JEFFERSON once said, "the American people slow to react, but when they do, they will be a powerful force"
Keep an eye on all the videos today as they start to make the pieces of the puzzle into a very big picture and see where this is going. They will not attack Iran at this point because the people of both sides of the BOGUS WW III they have planned and are financing, will be fought by their own children since the citizens of the world will not cooperate and in fact we will go after the bankers who are the actual enemy of all the people of the globe. THE CATTLE, as they like to call us. Take down all perverts and psychopaths. That is the only way.
TSA has met the enemy - and it's us
By Adam Geller, The Associated Press
Posted: 11/21/2010 07:27:33 PM PST
Updated: 11/21/2010 07:33:16 PM PST
After nine years of funneling travelers into ever longer lines with orders to have shoes off, sippy cups empty and laptops out for inspection, the most surprising thing about increasingly heated frustration with the federal Transportation Security Administration may be that it took so long to boil over.
Even Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton, who is not subjected to security pat-downs when she travels, understands the public's irritation. She, for one, wouldn't want to go through such scrutiny.
Keep an eye on all the videos today as they start to make the pieces of the puzzle into a very big picture and see where this is going. They will not attack Iran at this point because the people of both sides of the BOGUS WW III they have planned and are financing, will be fought by their own children since the citizens of the world will not cooperate and in fact we will go after the bankers who are the actual enemy of all the people of the globe. THE CATTLE, as they like to call us. Take down all perverts and psychopaths. That is the only way.
TSA has met the enemy - and it's us
By Adam Geller, The Associated Press
Posted: 11/21/2010 07:27:33 PM PST
Updated: 11/21/2010 07:33:16 PM PST
After nine years of funneling travelers into ever longer lines with orders to have shoes off, sippy cups empty and laptops out for inspection, the most surprising thing about increasingly heated frustration with the federal Transportation Security Administration may be that it took so long to boil over.
Even Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton, who is not subjected to security pat-downs when she travels, understands the public's irritation. She, for one, wouldn't want to go through such scrutiny.
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