Vatic Note: It seems that the assaults upon our health are never ending. In fact, what this proves is how resilient our bodies are. With all this and chemtrails, and water attacked, its amazing anyone is alive and well. Well, we are not that well health wise. Medical and drug profits are up. Don't forget, this is the "Soft Kill". I suspect its to keep from having to deal with too many bodies after the hot kill is done. This way they are buried by their relatives, and not the government.
Do not get depressed, or fearful. This below is to empower you to take control of your own health. Now you can do the suggestions below that accompany many of these. A good for instance is canned tomatoes. Well, there are other options such as those packed in glass jars that solves the problem mentioned. Yes, I do read many of these. LOL Another suggestion is to make your own canned tomatoes using glass jars.
Canning is a lost art that we must get back. Just like everything else, we have to begin to take control of these things back as we used to do. Baking bread without a machine is another one. You would be surprised how fast it goes once you get used to it. Its worth it to know that you are controlling the ingredients and packaging of these food items.
Remember they are now using BP in the plastic wrapping of the bread. Its truly the only way to get out from under these fascist corporations. They hold no love for you. We need to start to hold love for ourselves and our bodies. We owe our bodies a debt of gratitude for having kept us alive under all these assault conditions.
Industry "Weapons" for Earth's Depopulation.....
by Bibliotecapleyades
- Lack of Security at Labs Handling World's Deadliest Pathogens Could Lead to Epic Pandemic
- Longer Life Expectancy? Are We Paying The Price For Longer Lives?
- Medical Authorities Attack Natural Medicine in Cyprus!
- Micro-Organisms... They "Built" Us - Avatar The Movie, Morgellons and The Global Warming Controversy
- Modern Medicine Had Betrayed The Public - Blinded by Science
- Mortality and Morbidity Trends - Is There Compression of Morbidity
- Most Modern Day Diseases Are Man-Made
- Nanotechnology - Main File
- Nanotechnology, Terraforming, Transhumanism, and You...
- New Model Predicts Human Health Risks From Over 80,000 Chemicals
- Oxford Professor Calls for Drugging Water Supply
(VN: Remember Oxford is the home of global secret societies. The Brits again.)
- Pandemic Charges Filed With FBI in NYC - Len Horowitz
- Perfluorooctanoic Acid, Perfluorooctanesulfonate, and Serum Lipids in Children and Adolescents
- Plutonium May Enhance Human Health - Junk Science Update
- Potassium Deficiency Scam Kills and Maims Millions
- Proliferation Warnings on Nuclear 'Wonder-Fuel', Thorium
- Protect Your Family From The Hidden Hazards in Air Fresheners
- Seasonal Flu Vaccines Increase Risk of Pandemic H1N1 Flu - Stunned
Scientists Discover
- Shocking Truth About AIDS Exposed on World AIDS Day With "House of Numbers" Un-Cut Footage
- SIDA - Hecho Por El Hombre - Main File
- Silver Hydrosol "Nanotechnology" Attacked - NanoScam Earns Mega-Profits - Environmental Groups Advance Genocide
- Surgical Ovary Removal Leads to Cognitive Decline
- Synthetic Life - Robotoids, Parasites and Artificial Humans - Main File
- Terminal Madness of The 'Endtime'
Chemical Attacks on Humanity
The Action of Fertilizers - Use of Chemical Fertilizers Accelerate the Domination of The World's Grain Supply by Large Corp...
- The Age of Treason - 1958 Book Exposes Chemical Attack on Humanity
- The AMA's Charge on The Light Brigade - from "Suppressed Inventions and Other Discoveries"
- The AUM Supreme Truth Sect - AUM Shinrikyo - Main File
- The CDC Votes in Favor of A Flu Vaccination Assault on Americans' Health
- The Government War on Raw Milk is An Attack Against Food Freedom
- The History of The "Business With Disease"
- The Most Mysterious Diseases Known To Man Are Not So Mysterious At All
- The Pacific Ocean - A Radioactive Garbage Dump
- The Specter of Biological Weapons
- The Use of Nanomaterials in Consumer Products
- The World's Rivers Are In a State of Crisis of Ominous Proportions
- Thousands of Americans Died From H1N1 Even After Receiving Vaccine Shots
- Time to Do More Than Worry - Impact of The Nuclear Disaster
- Toxic Waste Behind Somali Pirates - Top 25 Censored Stories for 2010
- Unholy Grail - The Quest for Genetic Weapons
- Vaccine Adverse Reactions Incidence - EMEA Document Reveals That Were Very Common in GlaxoSmithKline's Pandemrix...
- Vaccine Revolt! - Swine Flu Vaccine Support Crumbles as Flimsy Rationale for H1N1 Shots Becomes Apparent
- Weather War - Main File
- What "Skeptics" Really Believe About Vaccines, Medicine, Consciousness and The Universe
- What Vitamins to Take - Stop Throwing Your Money Away
- Why Almost Everything You Hear About Medicine Is Wrong
Beverages' Industry
- Agua De Botellas Plásticas Tiene Hormonas Capaces de Afectar Sistema Endocrino
- Are Coca-Cola and Pepsi Lobbying the FDA for a GMO Labeling Law?
- Biologist Calls Sodas and Fizzy Beverages 'Evil'
- Bolivia to Expel Coca-Cola in Wake of 2012 Mayan 'Apocalypse' - 'End of Capitalism'
- Brands to Boycott - 'Naked Juice' owned by PepsiCo and 'Odwalla' owned by Coca-Cola
- Cancer Causing Chemicals Found in Cola Coloring Ingredient
- Coca-Cola, The CIA and The Courts
- Destroy The Globalists - One Fat-Cat Corporation at a Time
- Diet Soda Now Promoted as Medicine to Stop Kidney Stones - Opinion
- How Cancer Feeds on Sugar - And Other Big Reasons to Avoid Refined Sweets
- Kids Get 7 Trillion Calories of Sugar from Cancer-Causing Beverages Each Year
- List of Bottled Water Without Fluoride
- New Research Shows Diet Soft Drinks Cause Stroke, Heart Attacks and Vascular Death
- Oklahoma Lawmaker Wants to Stop Pepsi From Using Aborted Fetus Cells in Soda Flavoring Research
- Poisonous Soft Drink Industry - Call it HFCS or Corn Sugar Its Still Dangerous to Public Health
- Soda Pop Industry Branded Baby Bottles With Soft Drink Logos
- Suffering From Soft Drinks - Grocery Products That Are Dangerous To Your Health
- Tell Coca-Cola to Stop The Violence! - Campaign to Stop Killer Coke
- The Bottled Water Industry - This Common Beverage Can Spike Brain Damage, Obesity, and Cancer Risk
- The Coke Machine - The Dirty Truth Behind The World's Favorite Soft Drink Revealed
- Think Before You Drink!
- To This Day, Coca-Cola Still Imports Coca Leaves Which Are Used to Manufacture Cocaine in The United States
- U.S. Group Flags Chemical Levels in Coca-Cola Sold Abroad
- We Know About Caffeine in Energy Drinks Like 'Monster,' but What About The Other Ingredients?
- Why Soft Drinks are Dangerous to Your Health - Hard Facts
- World Health Organization (WHO) 'Taking Cash Handouts from Coca-Cola to Plug Black Holes in Budget'
- Aspartame and Coca-Cola - A Closer Look
- Botellas de Plástico - La Batalla del Agua
- Still Drinking Coca Cola? Watch This!
- The Cost of A Coke - 2nd Edition
- The Murders in The Coca-Cola Case
Bisphenol A - BPA
- Are Bisphenol A (BPA) Plastic Products Safe?
- Bisphenol-S Disrupts Estradiol-Induced Nongenomic Signaling in A Rat Pituitary Cell Line
- BPA in Food Packaging - FDA to Decide by March 31
- BPA in Toilet Paper, Canned Soup… - Is Anything Safe Anymore?
- BPA Levels in Humans Far Higher Than Previously Thought
- Despite FDA Concern, American Chemistry Council Insists "Bisphenol A" is Safe for Everyone
- How Canned Foods Are Poisoning Us
Foods' Industry
- 3 Lies Big Food Wants You to Believe and The Truth Behind Factory-'Farmed' Meat
- 7 Foods That Should Never Cross Your Lips
Accelerated Biodegradation of Veterinary Antibiotics in Agricultural Soil - Following Long-Term Exposure, and Isolation of a...
- Artificial Hamburger Meat Successfully Grown in Vat of Bovine Fetal Cells
- Big Agriculture Creating New Generation of Antibiotic-Resistant Superbugs
- Cancer and Sugar
- Cereal Crimes - A Report by The Cornucopia Institute
- Cereal Crimes - Natural vs. Organic Cereal
- Changing The Future of Obesity - Science, Policy, and Action
- Chinese Health Deteriorating as Western Foods Become More Prominent
- Common Additive in Organic Food Triggers Significant Inflammation and Cancer - Carrageenan Approved by The USDA
- Cornstalks Everywhere But Nothing Else... Not Even A Bee
- Corporate Crimes in The Cereal Aisle - How Companies Are Fooling You Into Thinking Their Products Are Healthy
- Corporations Sneak Synthetic Preservatives Into Organic Food
The article is reproduced in accordance with Section 107 of title 17 of the Copyright Law of the United States relating to fair-use and is for the purposes of criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research.
"It is the greatest of all mistakes to do nothing because you can only do a little." ~ Sydney Smith
Brotherhood of the Bell: Black Arts and Black Science
Vatic Note: He has pegged this perfectly, almost..... but more perfect than anyone so far, as to who, what and how, the players are advancing their focused agenda. What this specifically pointed out is that this brotherhood, under the direction of their handlers, the families, and Britain, does more damage to humans AND THE PLANET, than any other group. Its with their nukes, chemical weapons, biological, haarp and other planet destroying weaponry, that most of what happens to this planet is largely due to their activities that no one monitors, controls, or even knows about. Its all done under National Security, so no accountability. That was an additional insight I had not thought about. Now I am.
This article also makes another point I had not thought about and I believe could well be true. Because of technological advancements, and robotics and other such advances, large populations are no longer needed since these creations are able to do the work that man used to do. So for these corporate fascists, man is simply cattle assets to be done away with when their functionality is over. They are just an added on going expense that can be done away with. All you need are enough to repair, monitor and quality control a whole plant full of these things. Nice, huh?
This is a good read and brings up much we had not thought about. My only concern is how this person totally ignores the role of the Khazar Zionists in all of this since they own the corporations and banks.... wonder why he didn't do that?
Scientists used to have a deep obligation to exercise integrity in everything they did since they had the capability to alter humanity at will and that could not be allowed. Today its no longer a restriction, as our "Industry Weapons and depopulation" shows... its an indictment on what these scientists are willing to do for a paycheck. That is a sad commentary on how far down we have come as a people. But then, that is normal for those running our institutions, governments etc. After all, 89 Microbiologists were murdered since 9-11 and they had DNA Sequencing experience, which means they could tell us which bioweapons facility the bug came from.
The majority of people worldwide do not know what the terms Black Operations and Black Sciences mean or how they are used.
Black Operations were developed after World War I, but really flourished after World War II during the Cold War. Congress allocated money to the Pentagon, the C.I.A. and other Defense Department sectors to make the United States military as strong as possible, but certain projects became more secretive than others. The more secret projects were funded by the civilian sector at first, such as pet peeve, with defense contractors already in the loop.
As time went on, the "privy“ developed into a real clique of not only specially screened corporations, but also choice individuals found by federal talent hunts. A new sub-culture was born with a new personality and belief system, completely cut off from mainstream Americans.
Cutting-edge technology such as the stealth aircraft, invisible hover-craft, extremely low frequency mind control (ELF) and weather control, in addition to the cloning or reproduction of identical species, became ”Secret Sciences’.
The deception grew like a cancer into every area of industrialized society. They moved into everything - from the Mafia, to Harvard University, to International Banking. They learned how to control the media, and thus, they controlled television, Hollywood, every newspaper, every educational institution and every person‘s mind... at least to a certain point.(VN: Yes, but that is where this gets a little bit deceptive. They do not create the agenda, they simply fulfill it as directed. We pay for it but they do not work for us.)
Accusations of abuse and inhuman acts by the C.I.A. and F.B.I. were investigated by Congress in 1977. These agencies used the excuse of ”national security" for every crime they committed. Under the guise of ”national security‘ there has not been an investigation of their highly illegal activities since 1977. Your Congress, your President and your Supreme Court are actually scared of them. A mountain of evidence points to the fact that they have killed thousands, including corporate executives and politicians - perhaps JFK.
This article also makes another point I had not thought about and I believe could well be true. Because of technological advancements, and robotics and other such advances, large populations are no longer needed since these creations are able to do the work that man used to do. So for these corporate fascists, man is simply cattle assets to be done away with when their functionality is over. They are just an added on going expense that can be done away with. All you need are enough to repair, monitor and quality control a whole plant full of these things. Nice, huh?
This is a good read and brings up much we had not thought about. My only concern is how this person totally ignores the role of the Khazar Zionists in all of this since they own the corporations and banks.... wonder why he didn't do that?
Scientists used to have a deep obligation to exercise integrity in everything they did since they had the capability to alter humanity at will and that could not be allowed. Today its no longer a restriction, as our "Industry Weapons and depopulation" shows... its an indictment on what these scientists are willing to do for a paycheck. That is a sad commentary on how far down we have come as a people. But then, that is normal for those running our institutions, governments etc. After all, 89 Microbiologists were murdered since 9-11 and they had DNA Sequencing experience, which means they could tell us which bioweapons facility the bug came from.

from TheUniversalSeduction Website
The majority of people worldwide do not know what the terms Black Operations and Black Sciences mean or how they are used.
Black Operations were developed after World War I, but really flourished after World War II during the Cold War. Congress allocated money to the Pentagon, the C.I.A. and other Defense Department sectors to make the United States military as strong as possible, but certain projects became more secretive than others. The more secret projects were funded by the civilian sector at first, such as pet peeve, with defense contractors already in the loop.
As time went on, the "privy“ developed into a real clique of not only specially screened corporations, but also choice individuals found by federal talent hunts. A new sub-culture was born with a new personality and belief system, completely cut off from mainstream Americans.
Cutting-edge technology such as the stealth aircraft, invisible hover-craft, extremely low frequency mind control (ELF) and weather control, in addition to the cloning or reproduction of identical species, became ”Secret Sciences’.
The new knowledge wasn‘t, and still is not, available to the regular Army, to Congress, or to any University. The most secret of the secret was in the hands of a power hungry few that tied itself to the World Bank for the future funding of its projects. They developed ”think-tanks‘ like Stanford Research Institute and Tavistock to keep the masses fooled about virtually everything. (VN: These belonged to the Illuminati who directed all intel services, including CIA, MI6 and Mossad to carry out their global domination agenda. These were the nazi's brought over from WW II with the aid of the Rothschild zionist bankers. Truman said "I wish I had never created the CIA. I don't know what they are doing, they simply do not report to me.")
The deception grew like a cancer into every area of industrialized society. They moved into everything - from the Mafia, to Harvard University, to International Banking. They learned how to control the media, and thus, they controlled television, Hollywood, every newspaper, every educational institution and every person‘s mind... at least to a certain point.(VN: Yes, but that is where this gets a little bit deceptive. They do not create the agenda, they simply fulfill it as directed. We pay for it but they do not work for us.)
Accusations of abuse and inhuman acts by the C.I.A. and F.B.I. were investigated by Congress in 1977. These agencies used the excuse of ”national security" for every crime they committed. Under the guise of ”national security‘ there has not been an investigation of their highly illegal activities since 1977. Your Congress, your President and your Supreme Court are actually scared of them. A mountain of evidence points to the fact that they have killed thousands, including corporate executives and politicians - perhaps JFK.
Thus, they are considered the "Invisible Government“!
Food Should Be Made With Love – That’s Real Survival Training
Vatic Note: This one has hit me right
where I live. I am seriously alive today because I changed my eating
patterns. I eat organic and that includes meats, veggies, fruits
etc. Out of a 31 day month I eat all but about 4 days cooking from
scratch and only eat something preprepared about 4 meals a week.
Its amazing the difference I feel just eating right. I also get real water from wells and kagen filtered water which takes out everything and rejuvenates water back into living water. I can't tell you enough what a huge difference that has made in my life. Look into it and see what your options are. I have friends with a well that let me fill up without paying for it.
You pay for the well water when you build the well and permit it. After that, no charge. Its how our "public water supply" used to be, until they started privatizing water. Now they are about to do the same thing with food. Agricorps will be the new monopoly as they are doing away with organic and family farms.
Before you do all that, read our series on "The mystery power of water". I believe that is the title. and watch all the videos and see just how important water is to ourselves, our bodies, our food, and our animals.
One good thing that has come out of all of this is the deep appreciation we are getting for the simple things that were a part of American life that we lost along the way. An appreciation of healthy soil, clean water, clean air and sunshine. All of which are being taken away from us. Lets get away from materialism and back to basics. Love, life and family.
Food Should Be Made With Love – That’s Real Survival Training
FionaBarbara H. Peterson, Farm Wars
One of the most intimate things you can do with your body is eat, and most of us do it several times a day. So, why do we think that we can shove just about anything made by anyone out of who knows what down our gullets and not expect to get back exactly what we put in?
We might not have much in the way of material possessions, but here at Farm Wars, we love our critters. We care for them, feed them, trim their tootsies, scritch them when they want, give them shelter, and keep them safe. They, in turn, provide us with eggs, milk, transportation, and affection. This is in stark contrast to today’s hustle and bustle lifestyle that leaves no room for anything but fast food and fast heartburn, not to mention the various ailments plaguing our “microwave” culture of “gotta have it now or never.”
It’s time to take a good, hard look at just what is important and what is not. Too much time is spent valuing the things that have no value, and discarding the things that do because we simply do not recognize their worth. We are blind to the consequences of our actions, running with tunnel vision to the next stop on a train leading to complete enslavement.
I want to control my own food choices, not have some mega-corporation with profit as its foremost concern, and genocide as an acceptable outcome feeding me and my family. I want to know what my animals have been fed. I want to be able to recognize what is real and good and what is artificial.
I don’t care what it says on the package, if it was processed for long-term storage and long distance transportation so that it still looks and tastes like food for months or even years, with ingredients intended to artificially enhance flavors that no longer exist in their natural form because real food simply does not last that long, just how much nutrition is it providing? Wonder why companies put added vitamins and minerals in their products? Because the naturally occurring ones simply are not there anymore.
All creatures on this earth were placed here with a purpose, and certain ones can live and work with us if we just take the time to listen, learn, and develop relationships with them. I have said for quite some time now, that a goat will keep you alive.
Its amazing the difference I feel just eating right. I also get real water from wells and kagen filtered water which takes out everything and rejuvenates water back into living water. I can't tell you enough what a huge difference that has made in my life. Look into it and see what your options are. I have friends with a well that let me fill up without paying for it.
You pay for the well water when you build the well and permit it. After that, no charge. Its how our "public water supply" used to be, until they started privatizing water. Now they are about to do the same thing with food. Agricorps will be the new monopoly as they are doing away with organic and family farms.
Before you do all that, read our series on "The mystery power of water". I believe that is the title. and watch all the videos and see just how important water is to ourselves, our bodies, our food, and our animals.
One good thing that has come out of all of this is the deep appreciation we are getting for the simple things that were a part of American life that we lost along the way. An appreciation of healthy soil, clean water, clean air and sunshine. All of which are being taken away from us. Lets get away from materialism and back to basics. Love, life and family.
Food Should Be Made With Love – That’s Real Survival Training
FionaBarbara H. Peterson, Farm Wars
One of the most intimate things you can do with your body is eat, and most of us do it several times a day. So, why do we think that we can shove just about anything made by anyone out of who knows what down our gullets and not expect to get back exactly what we put in?
We might not have much in the way of material possessions, but here at Farm Wars, we love our critters. We care for them, feed them, trim their tootsies, scritch them when they want, give them shelter, and keep them safe. They, in turn, provide us with eggs, milk, transportation, and affection. This is in stark contrast to today’s hustle and bustle lifestyle that leaves no room for anything but fast food and fast heartburn, not to mention the various ailments plaguing our “microwave” culture of “gotta have it now or never.”
It’s time to take a good, hard look at just what is important and what is not. Too much time is spent valuing the things that have no value, and discarding the things that do because we simply do not recognize their worth. We are blind to the consequences of our actions, running with tunnel vision to the next stop on a train leading to complete enslavement.
I want to control my own food choices, not have some mega-corporation with profit as its foremost concern, and genocide as an acceptable outcome feeding me and my family. I want to know what my animals have been fed. I want to be able to recognize what is real and good and what is artificial.
I don’t care what it says on the package, if it was processed for long-term storage and long distance transportation so that it still looks and tastes like food for months or even years, with ingredients intended to artificially enhance flavors that no longer exist in their natural form because real food simply does not last that long, just how much nutrition is it providing? Wonder why companies put added vitamins and minerals in their products? Because the naturally occurring ones simply are not there anymore.
All creatures on this earth were placed here with a purpose, and certain ones can live and work with us if we just take the time to listen, learn, and develop relationships with them. I have said for quite some time now, that a goat will keep you alive.
Attn: RH-negs: Sacred Nubian Teachings: The Anunnaki - Another Ancient Perspective
Vatic Note: This was fascinating to say the least. Its interesting to begin collecting these ancient writings about the same subject and from different cultural perspective. I think such writings, while different, also have much in common and some of the same history, which makes it easier to identify those things which we can assume are true.
Definitions of the terms used are also similar. The only problem I saw was the contention by Richard Hoagland about Mars. Since I have proven to myself that he is part of the disinfo class, I take whatever he says with a smiggen, grain of salt, unless its been stated and documented by others with credibility. What he says about Mars has not been confirmed by anyone in cosmic science or physics, astronomy etc. Only NASA... and I don't believe anything they say.
Keeping in mind that the moon landing was a hoax, I now believe nothing about Mars and their toy robots toodling around on some movie set. Sorry, but that is what happens when you prove yourself capable of lying. That then means you can't be trusted ever, since we never know when they lie and when they tell the truth. Its safer to believe nothing of what they say or do.
Remember, we are learning almost daily, all the lies and lack of truth we have been fed for centuries on just about everything to numerous to list, even though we have made the effort with our series in Industry weapons for depopulation.That alone should make one cautious on anything out of mainstream media, science, etc.
Definitions of the terms used are also similar. The only problem I saw was the contention by Richard Hoagland about Mars. Since I have proven to myself that he is part of the disinfo class, I take whatever he says with a smiggen, grain of salt, unless its been stated and documented by others with credibility. What he says about Mars has not been confirmed by anyone in cosmic science or physics, astronomy etc. Only NASA... and I don't believe anything they say.
Keeping in mind that the moon landing was a hoax, I now believe nothing about Mars and their toy robots toodling around on some movie set. Sorry, but that is what happens when you prove yourself capable of lying. That then means you can't be trusted ever, since we never know when they lie and when they tell the truth. Its safer to believe nothing of what they say or do.
Remember, we are learning almost daily, all the lies and lack of truth we have been fed for centuries on just about everything to numerous to list, even though we have made the effort with our series in Industry weapons for depopulation.That alone should make one cautious on anything out of mainstream media, science, etc.

by Dr. Malachi York
"The Nubian Prophet"
from BeyondTheIllusion Website"The Nubian Prophet"
Introduction: The mission (Ninqi, Nergal, & Ninti)
The Kiosk of Qertassi at Kalabsha Temple Site.
Nubia, Egypt
The Anunnaki is an ancient Sumerian term which was given to the beings who came down to earth and pro-created (BARA) homo sapiens.
The Anunnaki were sent out on a mission to find different minerals; gold, plutonium, uranium, etc. They mined several planets in our solar systems including Mars (Lahmu) and Earth (Tiamat). 900 of these Anunnaki were involved in the gold mission. 600 in all came to earth in groups of 50’s in small passenger crafts called SHAM.
The Kiosk of Qertassi at Kalabsha Temple Site.
Nubia, Egypt
The Anunnaki is an ancient Sumerian term which was given to the beings who came down to earth and pro-created (BARA) homo sapiens.
Anunnaki translates as “those who Anu sent from heaven to earth” They were also called NEPHILIM meaning “To fall down to Earth, to land” ELOHEEM in the bible meaning “These Beings”. In ashuric/syriac (arabic) they are called Jabaariyn meaning “the mighty ones” In Aramic (hebrew) Gibborim meaning “The Mighty or Majestic ones” They are also called NETERU which is an Egyptian term for Anunnaki
They are an elite race of beings who came from the 8th planet RIZQ in the 19th Galaxy ILLYUWN.
They travel through this galaxy by way of a planet ship named Nibiru: The Mother ship.
Nibiru was originally on a 25,920 year orbit called AAMS which was the distance from RIZQ to the planet Earth. Since the Anunnaki relocated to ORION it would now take them 3,600 years to travel to earth. This new orbit is called a SHAR.
The Anunnaki were sent out on a mission to find different minerals; gold, plutonium, uranium, etc. They mined several planets in our solar systems including Mars (Lahmu) and Earth (Tiamat). 900 of these Anunnaki were involved in the gold mission. 600 in all came to earth in groups of 50’s in small passenger crafts called SHAM.
And the rest, 300, the IGIGI stayed in and manned the craft MURDOQ or Nibiru also called MERKABAH. The Anunnaki were acting as intermediaries between earth and Nibiru. They stayed in Earth’s orbit because they were to deliver the process gold to the spaceships that would be stored on the dark side of Sheshqi (the moon) and Lahmu (mars).
This is where they constructed and loaded 30 mile long cylinder shaped crafts and transported gold and other resources back to their home planet RIZQ.
First landing: Mars
Vatic Note: This speaks for itself, however, in defense of this man, please read this link written by a Rabbi in 1948 and IF THERE WAS A HOLOCAUST this will point out who promoted it and why. Please, this is a must read document right after the war. It also makes clear that there is a major difference between what the "Jews, real ones" believe, and the Zionists and they are two different entities with the Zionists using Hitler as cover for their horrendous agenda of genocide of their supposedly own people in order to obtain an agenda, which was gaining control of Palestine. It Israeli's are becoming famous for bloodletting to gain political advantage. Just ask the survivors of the USS Liberty, the USS Cole and 9-11.
Its not their people and that is why they don't care. They do take care of their own people which are the Russian immigrants to Israel who are the brutal violent Khazars from southern Russia. They beat up on the real semitic Jews so bad, that those poor people had to seek asylum in London and NY. They are like the Palestinians, in that they are peaceful and non violent, which the zionists hate about them.... they consider them weak and wounded.
Before I read this link, I was a believer in the Holocaust and after reading it, I was shocked at the efforts Hitler went through to rid his country of those doing to him, similar to what those same zionists are doing to us today. He tried to get the Jews out of Germany and Europe by working with the Zionists and offering different options save the one they wanted which was "not to Palestine". That was Hitlers only condition that the Zionists wanted was to go to Palestine.
They willingly sacrificed their own supposed people (Not really, they hated the real semitic Jews as much as they hated Christians and Muslims because the Zionists were satanists and pagans as khazars). They brought their paganism with them and hid it behind the Bablylonian Talmud as you will see if you ever read it.
Posted on March 30, 2013 by Montecristo.
A condensed and edited version of an interview with Greek Holocaust denier Konstantinos Plevris, the first Holocaust denier in history to be tried in a court of law and found ‘Not Guilty’ — much to the anger and alarm of organized Jewry.
The full interview may be read in the Barnes Review under the title Interview with a Gutsy Greek Patriot.
Pictures, captions and comments by Lasha Darkmoon.
LD: Greek nationalist lawyer and self-confessed anti-Semite, Konstaninos Plevris, author of The Jews: The Whole Truth, was initially found guilty of inciting racial hatred against Jews in December 2007, this verdict being based entirely on outspoken quotations found in the above-mentioned 1400-page book.
Thus Plevris described Joseph Goebbels as “one of the brightest minds of the century, a philosopher with a deep understanding of mass psychology”. He called ZYKLON B gas “merely a poisonous gas used to fumigate the concentration camps … extensively publicized as the gas used to put Jews to death in special gas chambers which have not been found.” (VN: And ironically Goehring was Jewish. Khazar that is. Remember, Hitler was the illegit grandson of Solomon Rothschild of Vienna and the bankers were the ones that rose Hitler to power and did the false flag that raised Hitler to leadership and he worked for them until he betrayed them.)
Finally, Plevris’s praise of Adolf Hitler was not appreciated by the Jews who regard Hitler as the most evil man in history—second only in infamy to Jesus Christ, of course, who is now being burned in hot excrement in hell according to the Talmud. “The tragic leader of the German Third Reich is certainly the most impressive leadership figure of the modern age,” Plevris enthuses about Hitler, adding ruefully, “He could have rid Europe of the Jews, but he did not.”
Other complaints against Plevris is that he subscribed to “the myth of the Protocols of the Elders of Zion,” that he characterized Jewish children in the concentration camps as “very fat and well-fed”, and that he regarded Jews as “mortal enemies” and as “subhuman”. (See here)
Plevris appealed the court ruling, and on the 27th of March 2009 the court of appeals overturned all charges against him. His complete exoneration by the most distinguished legal brains in Greek jurisprudence was to prompt angry charges from Jewish sources that there had been a “miscarriage of justice”.
However, it was not easy to prove that admiration of Adolf Hitler or doubts about the Holocaust could in any way equate with incitement to violence against Jews; nor that failure to love Jews or hold them in high esteem was in itself a crime.
PETER PAPAHERAKLIS [TBR]: I am here at the home of Mr Konstantinos Plevris to interview him and learn about his beliefs. Specifically, about his very big and important book, “The Jews: The Whole Truth”, which is not yet available in English. Mr Plevris has some introductory remarks…
KONSTANINOS PLEVRIS: Three years ago, I published in Athens my book “The Jews: The Whole Truth.” (Picks up book and shows it to camera.) This is 1,400 pages long. This book is full of facts, proofs, references to 270 authors, writers, other books and of course photos. Immediately after the publication of my book, the Central Council of Jews in Greece and the European Jewish Congress started a campaign against me.
They went to the prime minister of Greece asking me to be condemned. They went to the Justice Department, and, after three years of legal fights, I have finally won 100 percent in the Supreme Court of Athens. Justice prevailed; the court proved itself to be independent and not under Jewish control.
TBR: What do you think of the Jewish “Holocaust” hypothesis?
Its not their people and that is why they don't care. They do take care of their own people which are the Russian immigrants to Israel who are the brutal violent Khazars from southern Russia. They beat up on the real semitic Jews so bad, that those poor people had to seek asylum in London and NY. They are like the Palestinians, in that they are peaceful and non violent, which the zionists hate about them.... they consider them weak and wounded.
Before I read this link, I was a believer in the Holocaust and after reading it, I was shocked at the efforts Hitler went through to rid his country of those doing to him, similar to what those same zionists are doing to us today. He tried to get the Jews out of Germany and Europe by working with the Zionists and offering different options save the one they wanted which was "not to Palestine". That was Hitlers only condition that the Zionists wanted was to go to Palestine.
They willingly sacrificed their own supposed people (Not really, they hated the real semitic Jews as much as they hated Christians and Muslims because the Zionists were satanists and pagans as khazars). They brought their paganism with them and hid it behind the Bablylonian Talmud as you will see if you ever read it.
Posted on March 30, 2013 by Montecristo.
A condensed and edited version of an interview with Greek Holocaust denier Konstantinos Plevris, the first Holocaust denier in history to be tried in a court of law and found ‘Not Guilty’ — much to the anger and alarm of organized Jewry.
The full interview may be read in the Barnes Review under the title Interview with a Gutsy Greek Patriot.
Pictures, captions and comments by Lasha Darkmoon.

LD: Greek nationalist lawyer and self-confessed anti-Semite, Konstaninos Plevris, author of The Jews: The Whole Truth, was initially found guilty of inciting racial hatred against Jews in December 2007, this verdict being based entirely on outspoken quotations found in the above-mentioned 1400-page book.
Thus Plevris described Joseph Goebbels as “one of the brightest minds of the century, a philosopher with a deep understanding of mass psychology”. He called ZYKLON B gas “merely a poisonous gas used to fumigate the concentration camps … extensively publicized as the gas used to put Jews to death in special gas chambers which have not been found.” (VN: And ironically Goehring was Jewish. Khazar that is. Remember, Hitler was the illegit grandson of Solomon Rothschild of Vienna and the bankers were the ones that rose Hitler to power and did the false flag that raised Hitler to leadership and he worked for them until he betrayed them.)
Finally, Plevris’s praise of Adolf Hitler was not appreciated by the Jews who regard Hitler as the most evil man in history—second only in infamy to Jesus Christ, of course, who is now being burned in hot excrement in hell according to the Talmud. “The tragic leader of the German Third Reich is certainly the most impressive leadership figure of the modern age,” Plevris enthuses about Hitler, adding ruefully, “He could have rid Europe of the Jews, but he did not.”
Other complaints against Plevris is that he subscribed to “the myth of the Protocols of the Elders of Zion,” that he characterized Jewish children in the concentration camps as “very fat and well-fed”, and that he regarded Jews as “mortal enemies” and as “subhuman”. (See here)
Plevris appealed the court ruling, and on the 27th of March 2009 the court of appeals overturned all charges against him. His complete exoneration by the most distinguished legal brains in Greek jurisprudence was to prompt angry charges from Jewish sources that there had been a “miscarriage of justice”.
However, it was not easy to prove that admiration of Adolf Hitler or doubts about the Holocaust could in any way equate with incitement to violence against Jews; nor that failure to love Jews or hold them in high esteem was in itself a crime.
PETER PAPAHERAKLIS [TBR]: I am here at the home of Mr Konstantinos Plevris to interview him and learn about his beliefs. Specifically, about his very big and important book, “The Jews: The Whole Truth”, which is not yet available in English. Mr Plevris has some introductory remarks…

KONSTANINOS PLEVRIS: Three years ago, I published in Athens my book “The Jews: The Whole Truth.” (Picks up book and shows it to camera.) This is 1,400 pages long. This book is full of facts, proofs, references to 270 authors, writers, other books and of course photos. Immediately after the publication of my book, the Central Council of Jews in Greece and the European Jewish Congress started a campaign against me.
They went to the prime minister of Greece asking me to be condemned. They went to the Justice Department, and, after three years of legal fights, I have finally won 100 percent in the Supreme Court of Athens. Justice prevailed; the court proved itself to be independent and not under Jewish control.
TBR: What do you think of the Jewish “Holocaust” hypothesis?
Living From The Heart
***Apparently there must be something to this below, since they have gutted the link since we put this up in prescheduling. Take heed very seriously to both the vatic note and the body and text of the article. We are going to be experimenting here in my little burg with some of these practices and I will let you know how it turns out.
Vatic Note: Yes, we are moving into a new era, and that is why the evil satanic ones are in panic mode. They are upping the ante and the only good thing to come out of it will be the finally awakening sheep who refused to see the big picture and the consequences of doing nothing. Now its too late for them, but at least they will know what is happening to them, since all the tin foil hat researchers told them. They can't deny it anymore.
Now there is a chance if we can do this before they do their thing. One element that is absolutely critical for this to work, is to "feel" it and "believe" it. Its why prayer works for Christians. A scientific study was done on the "healing Power of Prayer" and that is what was needed..... feeling it and believing it. Feeling is energy and that is the key, and believing it is the focus and laser like direction those feelings must follow.
Dimensional shifting through vibrational action can be done and was done by the Andes Indians when the Spanish were trying to kill them. They managed to simply shift so that bullets passed through them without killing them. However, they did not want the spanish to obtain that knowledge so the headed up into the andes where the Spanish would not follow. That is truly advanced work, so do not try that without the serious foundation that requires.
As I have mentioned more than once, this battle will not only be fought with guns and military weapons, it will also be fought with feelings and belief. These satanic worshippers doing this truly believe they are soul harvesting when they kill someone. They also believe its a gift to Satan to pedophile a child and rob it of its innocence. Yup, these are some seriously insane puppies. No offense to puppies. Its time to take this to another level while we also prepare for this three dimensional reality. Ignoring is not a choice.
Living From The Heart
By Susan Harper Todd, Guest Writer for Wake Up World
23rd March 2013
We are moving into a new era. One in which we are remembering who we really are. That we are unlimited Beings. That we are magnetic Beings. And it’s time to start realising this and living from this point of awareness.
We are not simply bodies, we are energy… energy through and through. The same energy as everything we see around us… and I mean everything. Hard as though that concept may be to grasp.
Vatic Note: Yes, we are moving into a new era, and that is why the evil satanic ones are in panic mode. They are upping the ante and the only good thing to come out of it will be the finally awakening sheep who refused to see the big picture and the consequences of doing nothing. Now its too late for them, but at least they will know what is happening to them, since all the tin foil hat researchers told them. They can't deny it anymore.
Now there is a chance if we can do this before they do their thing. One element that is absolutely critical for this to work, is to "feel" it and "believe" it. Its why prayer works for Christians. A scientific study was done on the "healing Power of Prayer" and that is what was needed..... feeling it and believing it. Feeling is energy and that is the key, and believing it is the focus and laser like direction those feelings must follow.
Dimensional shifting through vibrational action can be done and was done by the Andes Indians when the Spanish were trying to kill them. They managed to simply shift so that bullets passed through them without killing them. However, they did not want the spanish to obtain that knowledge so the headed up into the andes where the Spanish would not follow. That is truly advanced work, so do not try that without the serious foundation that requires.
As I have mentioned more than once, this battle will not only be fought with guns and military weapons, it will also be fought with feelings and belief. These satanic worshippers doing this truly believe they are soul harvesting when they kill someone. They also believe its a gift to Satan to pedophile a child and rob it of its innocence. Yup, these are some seriously insane puppies. No offense to puppies. Its time to take this to another level while we also prepare for this three dimensional reality. Ignoring is not a choice.
Living From The Heart
By Susan Harper Todd, Guest Writer for Wake Up World
23rd March 2013
We are moving into a new era. One in which we are remembering who we really are. That we are unlimited Beings. That we are magnetic Beings. And it’s time to start realising this and living from this point of awareness.
We are not simply bodies, we are energy… energy through and through. The same energy as everything we see around us… and I mean everything. Hard as though that concept may be to grasp.
So if you do find it hard to grasp, don’t try to analyse it, just take it as read. And know that it’s time to stop living in your head, in your mind – and that it’s time instead to start living from the heart… being guided by your feelings, your intuition, your inner knowing. That is where your power resides. That is where You reside. The all-knowing You.
Your heart space is your control centre. Let the focus of your awareness be there, rather than in your mind. This is where the true You resides – the truth of who you really are. Sometimes… no… often… there are things that your mind cannot understand but your heart ‘gets’ them and these things flow into and are assimilated by your heart.
These are things that you have an intuitive understanding of, that you cannot put into words. Words are limiting. We often cannot express what we feel because there are no words. And I know you know that feeling. That intense feeling of emotion, when you are overwhelmed with love, joy, amazement or gratitude at something that has occurred. That is often when we cry, or laugh, or jump up and down to express ourselves, because words are not sufficient.
These are things that you have an intuitive understanding of, that you cannot put into words. Words are limiting. We often cannot express what we feel because there are no words. And I know you know that feeling. That intense feeling of emotion, when you are overwhelmed with love, joy, amazement or gratitude at something that has occurred. That is often when we cry, or laugh, or jump up and down to express ourselves, because words are not sufficient.
When you have that overwhelming feeling of joy, love, gratitude or happiness (and happiness is probably all of those things combined), the feeling is so intense that it infuses your whole body doesn’t it? You can feel it infusing every cell and every molecule and it lights you up like a lighthouse.
You are overflowing with this incredible feeling which translates into light energy. As you are filled with this light, so you are beaming it out like a lighthouse. And as these waves of light energy beam out from you they are magnetically drawing in more of the same, in unlimited amounts. It’s a flow of energy, a circular flow. The more light you emit the more you draw in and the more you draw in the more you emit… This is the flow of life. It’s energy. It’s us.
You are overflowing with this incredible feeling which translates into light energy. As you are filled with this light, so you are beaming it out like a lighthouse. And as these waves of light energy beam out from you they are magnetically drawing in more of the same, in unlimited amounts. It’s a flow of energy, a circular flow. The more light you emit the more you draw in and the more you draw in the more you emit… This is the flow of life. It’s energy. It’s us.
Scientists Prove DNA Can Be Reprogrammed by Words and Frequencies
Vatic Note: As my regular readers know, this is one of my favorite subjects. We have covered and have learned so much about DNA, the "Plasma Universe" that we covered on our blog in a video called "Thunderbolts of the Gods." I believe the powers that be gutted that blog about 4 times and finally the series of blogs we had on it. I think we finally got a summary video that encapsulated all the rest that were gutted.
I can understand why since, as I have said often, its the basis of our unknown power that has been kept from us as a secret by the ancient bloodlines. I have another blog coming up soon that also covers one of the energy sources we have that can be used, to do as you see below. Its called "Living from the Heart". If you remember correctly we did a series of blogs on the Heart including "the heart as a second brain" that is suppose to be a more powerful brain than our regular one in our heads.
Then we did one on the "heart Wall" and how to clear it. I have just run into these by chance and luck, when I was working on how to get our seminars going for the RH negs, and these fell into my lap. I suspect its what this says below about how that happens. Sychronicity is much more than we first thought it to be. Normally we see these subjects on questionable metaphysical sites which may or may not be legit.
So many are funded by the evil ones to manipulate us into a passive position where they are concerned, that its hard to know what to believe. However, I find that while science has proven it no longer can be trusted either, there is a process for determining the veracity of conclusions through the peer review process, so that is where I go for confirmation on these subjects, rather than just some metaphysical postulating. This is very well done and fits with the plasma Universe and soft physics. Enjoy and be sure and catch the one about the heart as an energy source.
What has finally convinced me this is true is the extraordinary effort these insane psychos make to instill fear in us daily, if not hourly so we are vibrating at the same level as the insane ones, to keep us out of our power. STAY OUT OF FEAR... IF NEED BE GO TO RIGHTEOUS ANGER, OR AGAPY ANGER. That vibrates at a much higher level, since it comes from the heart at the injustices being visited upon the innocent and helpless. Babies, children and old people.
Scientists Prove DNA Can Be Reprogrammed by Words and Frequencies
Photo By Grazyna Fosar and Franz Bludorf, Wake up World
THE HUMAN DNA IS A BIOLOGICAL INTERNET and superior in many aspects to the artificial one. Russian scientific research directly or indirectly explains phenomena such as clairvoyance, intuition, spontaneous and remote acts of healing, self healing, affirmation techniques, unusual light/auras around people (namely spiritual masters), mind’s influence on weather patterns and much more.
In addition, there is evidence for a whole new type of medicine in which DNA can be influenced and reprogrammed by words and frequencies WITHOUT cutting out and replacing single genes.
I can understand why since, as I have said often, its the basis of our unknown power that has been kept from us as a secret by the ancient bloodlines. I have another blog coming up soon that also covers one of the energy sources we have that can be used, to do as you see below. Its called "Living from the Heart". If you remember correctly we did a series of blogs on the Heart including "the heart as a second brain" that is suppose to be a more powerful brain than our regular one in our heads.
Then we did one on the "heart Wall" and how to clear it. I have just run into these by chance and luck, when I was working on how to get our seminars going for the RH negs, and these fell into my lap. I suspect its what this says below about how that happens. Sychronicity is much more than we first thought it to be. Normally we see these subjects on questionable metaphysical sites which may or may not be legit.
So many are funded by the evil ones to manipulate us into a passive position where they are concerned, that its hard to know what to believe. However, I find that while science has proven it no longer can be trusted either, there is a process for determining the veracity of conclusions through the peer review process, so that is where I go for confirmation on these subjects, rather than just some metaphysical postulating. This is very well done and fits with the plasma Universe and soft physics. Enjoy and be sure and catch the one about the heart as an energy source.
What has finally convinced me this is true is the extraordinary effort these insane psychos make to instill fear in us daily, if not hourly so we are vibrating at the same level as the insane ones, to keep us out of our power. STAY OUT OF FEAR... IF NEED BE GO TO RIGHTEOUS ANGER, OR AGAPY ANGER. That vibrates at a much higher level, since it comes from the heart at the injustices being visited upon the innocent and helpless. Babies, children and old people.
Scientists Prove DNA Can Be Reprogrammed by Words and Frequencies
Photo By Grazyna Fosar and Franz Bludorf, Wake up World
THE HUMAN DNA IS A BIOLOGICAL INTERNET and superior in many aspects to the artificial one. Russian scientific research directly or indirectly explains phenomena such as clairvoyance, intuition, spontaneous and remote acts of healing, self healing, affirmation techniques, unusual light/auras around people (namely spiritual masters), mind’s influence on weather patterns and much more.
In addition, there is evidence for a whole new type of medicine in which DNA can be influenced and reprogrammed by words and frequencies WITHOUT cutting out and replacing single genes.
Only 10% of our DNA is being used for building proteins. It is this subset of DNA that is of interest to western researchers and is being examined and categorized. The other 90% are considered “junk DNA.” The Russian researchers, however, convinced that nature was not dumb, joined linguists and geneticists in a venture to explore those 90% of “junk DNA.”
Their results, findings and conclusions are simply revolutionary! According to them, our DNA is not only responsible for the construction of our body but also serves as data storage and in communication. The Russian linguists found that the genetic code, especially in the apparently useless 90%, follows the same rules as all our human languages.
To this end they compared the rules of syntax (the way in which words are put together to form phrases and sentences), semantics (the study of meaning in language forms) and the basic rules of grammar. They found that the alkalines of our DNA follow a regular grammar and do have set rules just like our languages. So human languages did not appear coincidentally but are a reflection of our inherent DNA.
The Russian biophysicist and molecular biologist Pjotr Garjajev and his colleagues also explored the vibrational behavior of the DNA. [For the sake of brevity I will give only a summary here. For further exploration please refer to the appendix at the end of this article.] The bottom line was: “Living chromosomes function just like solitonic/holographic computers using the endogenous DNA laser radiation.”
This means that they managed for example to modulate certain frequency patterns onto a laser ray and with it influenced the DNA frequency and thus the genetic information itself. Since the basic structure of DNA-alkaline pairs and of language (as explained earlier) are of the same structure, no DNA decoding is necessary.
One can simply use words and sentences of the human language! This, too, was experimentally proven! Living DNA substance (in living tissue, not in vitro) will always react to language-modulated laser rays and even to radio waves, if the proper frequencies are being used.
ALERT: F-22 plans Stolen by Israel and Sold to China, AMOUNG OTHER THINGS.
Vatic Note: (Read this whole thing and all the links in the VN: but if you want to skip it and go directly to the F-22 treason, then scroll down about half way in the blog and its there. Its bad. The links in my VN: simply add fuel to the fire of the TREASON going on by our dual citizens in the Pentagon and Intel and with our beloved ally, Israel.
What Israel did ensures our loss in WW III. How they did it required the cooperation of traitors within the Pentagon and Lockheed/martin/Boeing who aided everyone involved by ceasing production on our F-22 without revising it to meet the changes made by China that is now shown to be superior to ours.) Treason at the highest levels of the military industrial complex and betrayal by an ally, Israel. DO NOT FIGHT IN ANY WORLD WARS.... FIGHT ONLY THE BANKERS and do so globally.
If a single Congressman/Senator ever says they would defend Israel over the USA again, than that congressman should be jailed immediately. Any signing of any letter by an elected official declaring "loyalty" to a foreign country, is acting treasonously. I am sick of these people and how they are harming our country and our citizens.
Remember, its dual Israeli citizens that run our White House, Pentagon and Intel, along with Homeland Security, so if there is treason, its right there in conjunction with a foreign power, Israel, a so called ally, in betraying our nation.
It was also Israel who did 9-11 and was given Immunity by their dual citizen, Chertoff, when he added that Immunity to the patriot act. Scum. If you are not outraged, you are not paying attention. I have said all along, this is all planned and we are the designated losers, well, not by a long shot, since we are invincible when we get PIS*ED. What did they do to ensure that we lose this war?
1. This below, providing missles to protect the proposed enemy designated by the bankers, and do so against us if they ever decided to war against us. That is pure treason. Read Zbigs book. Its all there.
2. Remember? China was awarded contracts, under protest by our citizens, to build our weaponry, and when we received it no one in the Pentagon did any qualilty control of the electronics included to make the weaponry work, so guess what? The weapons either had bogus electronic parts or completely the wrong parts. That rendered the weapons useless. Hmmmm.
How can you win a war like that??? That was not just one weapon either, it was a slew of them. It was intentional. The pentagon is riddled with Dual citizens of our foreign occupying nation, and many are in jail for spying, stealing our secrets and giving them to our tentative enemies. Does Pollard ring a bell? That is why the US Government will not and cannot release Pollack. He is the one that did the damage to us on stealing the F-22 plans. AIPAC employees ring a bell, AND THEY GOT OFF SCOTT FREE BY OBAMA AFTER HE GOT SWORN IN? Feith in the pentagon ring a bell and the only one to be jailed out of the entire AIPAC crew of spies who were as guilty as he was????
3. Remember, we did a blog on Holgren, Obama's Science "CZAR" who was never legally approved by congress and we showed how he wanted to provide our technological advancements to China to encourage good relations. Our Corporations are no better, the military industrial complex has also engaged in treason thus affecting our combat readiness and ensuring the death of our soldiers, or our children.
4. The Pentagon attacked the effectiveness and military "readiness" of our military fighting force, through massive extended tours of duty in battle field conditions, refusal to feed our troops properly as we showed on here in another blog, refusal to clean up the DU in Iraq and other fields of war making and attacking the health of our soldiers and combat readiness, and finally the military industrial complex and harmed our soldiers through their shower and bathing services that were either intentionally harming our men with faulty electric wiring etc. or carelessly and negligently doing so. Add that to poisoning, bad food, psychotropic drug experiments, etc All of which affects the combat readiness of our troops.
5. Pentagon has used our soldiers as test subjects for drug companies who needed guinia pigs for testing dangerous drugs and did so without their permission or knowledge.
6. Highest suicide rate ever in the US military and that is not by accident. Murdering Tillman was not an accident. So we can assume there is a purpose to it and was it to harm the combat readiness of our troops so the Chinese would win???? Was it because they were refusing to follow illegal orders? Was it because they were being treated the way Kissinger described them? "...As dumb animals, as fodder for the elites wars?"
7. Refusal to medically care for our troops when sick or injured and charging them when in the hospital for their food.
8. Refusal to armour their humvees even after begging for that protection. They had to do it themselves, BY ASKING THEIR PARENTS TO GET FLAP JACKETS FROM POLICE STATESIDE AND ARMOURING THEIR OWN HUMVEES WITH MAKESHIFT MATERIALS... and when the pentagon finally did it years later, they left the humvees sitting in Kuwait for another 6 months while more of our boys died. Because of treason within the Pentagon by dual Israeli citiznes, we now have over 1.5 million permanently MAIMED CHILDREN for life. Bast*rds.
9. Refusal by the Pentagon to supply our boys with Flack jackets and finally when they were made available, the officers took them and still left the soldiers with squat, and the officers are not out in the danger zones.
10. Last but not least, we have allowed China to use our space facilities to aid them in testing their space weapons, huh? This is so bizarre as to be beyond treason. Its in the realm of the Twilight Zone.
What does all this above do to the combat readiness EMOTIONALLY AND PSYCHOLOGICALLY of our soldiers??? IT HARMS MORALE to the point of no fight in them. Then we wondered why such a high rate of suicide? I don't wonder. Frankly, I believe some of those suicided were probably killed intentionally especially those that wore the "oath keepers" badge on their uniform. I don't know that for a fact, but I bet its true. Many would also reject the Satanism being introduced into the military and I am sure that has an impact on them as well.
Remember, Hitler was the designated loser in WW II, and Britain leadership, bankers, and Zionists located in Switzerland sitting out the war, all the Zionists colluded to ensure his loss after setting him up to be the leader of Germany's destruction AND contributor to the creation of Palestine into "ISRAEL" for a base of operations for global take over by the Rothschilds. That is exactly what they are doing here and its the same players, The Illum families, Britain, Rothschild international bankers, Rockefeller, and Israel or I should say Zionists. Read the rest of this and decide for yourselves.
Breaking: Patriot Missiles (and F-22 plans) Seized, Sold To China by Israel (Updates)
…by Gordon Duff, Senior Editor
Iron Dome Defense Missiles Seized by Finland, Labeled “Fireworks”
69 Newest Patriot Missiles Bound For Reds
“…Thorco Shipping representative, Thomas Mikkelsen said he was unaware any such cargo was on board his vessel”…a statement that categorically “debunks” attempts at denial – Editor)
HELSINKI — “A British-registered ship (editor’s correction, ship is not “British-registered”) that was held in a Finnish port after authorities discovered 69 surface-to-air [Anti-ballistic] missiles and 160 tons of explosives onboard has permission to travel again, but without those materials or its captain, a port official said Monday.
The M/S Thor Liberty was headed to China
and had docked in the southern Finnish port of Kotka to pick up anchor
chains when police last week discovered and seized the missiles and
explosive piric acid on board.”
Finnish authorities have confirmed the seizure of 69 Patriot missiles manufactured by Raytheon Corporation today. (VN: High Treason that is blatant if there is a World War declared and if so then Raytheon, being a "person" legally, can then be executed for High Treason. If the Justice dept does not prosecute after war is declared then they are traitors as well)
During a routine search of the MS Thor Liberty, a ship flagged by the Isle of Man, at the Finnish port of Kotka, authorities found 69 Patriot missiles of a type capable of intercepting ICBMs, the most modern available and America’s most sensitive military technology. (VN: this is how we are scheduled to lose that war. Get it now???)
What Israel did ensures our loss in WW III. How they did it required the cooperation of traitors within the Pentagon and Lockheed/martin/Boeing who aided everyone involved by ceasing production on our F-22 without revising it to meet the changes made by China that is now shown to be superior to ours.) Treason at the highest levels of the military industrial complex and betrayal by an ally, Israel. DO NOT FIGHT IN ANY WORLD WARS.... FIGHT ONLY THE BANKERS and do so globally.
If a single Congressman/Senator ever says they would defend Israel over the USA again, than that congressman should be jailed immediately. Any signing of any letter by an elected official declaring "loyalty" to a foreign country, is acting treasonously. I am sick of these people and how they are harming our country and our citizens.
Remember, its dual Israeli citizens that run our White House, Pentagon and Intel, along with Homeland Security, so if there is treason, its right there in conjunction with a foreign power, Israel, a so called ally, in betraying our nation.
It was also Israel who did 9-11 and was given Immunity by their dual citizen, Chertoff, when he added that Immunity to the patriot act. Scum. If you are not outraged, you are not paying attention. I have said all along, this is all planned and we are the designated losers, well, not by a long shot, since we are invincible when we get PIS*ED. What did they do to ensure that we lose this war?
1. This below, providing missles to protect the proposed enemy designated by the bankers, and do so against us if they ever decided to war against us. That is pure treason. Read Zbigs book. Its all there.
2. Remember? China was awarded contracts, under protest by our citizens, to build our weaponry, and when we received it no one in the Pentagon did any qualilty control of the electronics included to make the weaponry work, so guess what? The weapons either had bogus electronic parts or completely the wrong parts. That rendered the weapons useless. Hmmmm.
How can you win a war like that??? That was not just one weapon either, it was a slew of them. It was intentional. The pentagon is riddled with Dual citizens of our foreign occupying nation, and many are in jail for spying, stealing our secrets and giving them to our tentative enemies. Does Pollard ring a bell? That is why the US Government will not and cannot release Pollack. He is the one that did the damage to us on stealing the F-22 plans. AIPAC employees ring a bell, AND THEY GOT OFF SCOTT FREE BY OBAMA AFTER HE GOT SWORN IN? Feith in the pentagon ring a bell and the only one to be jailed out of the entire AIPAC crew of spies who were as guilty as he was????
3. Remember, we did a blog on Holgren, Obama's Science "CZAR" who was never legally approved by congress and we showed how he wanted to provide our technological advancements to China to encourage good relations. Our Corporations are no better, the military industrial complex has also engaged in treason thus affecting our combat readiness and ensuring the death of our soldiers, or our children.
4. The Pentagon attacked the effectiveness and military "readiness" of our military fighting force, through massive extended tours of duty in battle field conditions, refusal to feed our troops properly as we showed on here in another blog, refusal to clean up the DU in Iraq and other fields of war making and attacking the health of our soldiers and combat readiness, and finally the military industrial complex and harmed our soldiers through their shower and bathing services that were either intentionally harming our men with faulty electric wiring etc. or carelessly and negligently doing so. Add that to poisoning, bad food, psychotropic drug experiments, etc All of which affects the combat readiness of our troops.
5. Pentagon has used our soldiers as test subjects for drug companies who needed guinia pigs for testing dangerous drugs and did so without their permission or knowledge.
6. Highest suicide rate ever in the US military and that is not by accident. Murdering Tillman was not an accident. So we can assume there is a purpose to it and was it to harm the combat readiness of our troops so the Chinese would win???? Was it because they were refusing to follow illegal orders? Was it because they were being treated the way Kissinger described them? "...As dumb animals, as fodder for the elites wars?"
7. Refusal to medically care for our troops when sick or injured and charging them when in the hospital for their food.
8. Refusal to armour their humvees even after begging for that protection. They had to do it themselves, BY ASKING THEIR PARENTS TO GET FLAP JACKETS FROM POLICE STATESIDE AND ARMOURING THEIR OWN HUMVEES WITH MAKESHIFT MATERIALS... and when the pentagon finally did it years later, they left the humvees sitting in Kuwait for another 6 months while more of our boys died. Because of treason within the Pentagon by dual Israeli citiznes, we now have over 1.5 million permanently MAIMED CHILDREN for life. Bast*rds.
9. Refusal by the Pentagon to supply our boys with Flack jackets and finally when they were made available, the officers took them and still left the soldiers with squat, and the officers are not out in the danger zones.
10. Last but not least, we have allowed China to use our space facilities to aid them in testing their space weapons, huh? This is so bizarre as to be beyond treason. Its in the realm of the Twilight Zone.
What does all this above do to the combat readiness EMOTIONALLY AND PSYCHOLOGICALLY of our soldiers??? IT HARMS MORALE to the point of no fight in them. Then we wondered why such a high rate of suicide? I don't wonder. Frankly, I believe some of those suicided were probably killed intentionally especially those that wore the "oath keepers" badge on their uniform. I don't know that for a fact, but I bet its true. Many would also reject the Satanism being introduced into the military and I am sure that has an impact on them as well.
Remember, Hitler was the designated loser in WW II, and Britain leadership, bankers, and Zionists located in Switzerland sitting out the war, all the Zionists colluded to ensure his loss after setting him up to be the leader of Germany's destruction AND contributor to the creation of Palestine into "ISRAEL" for a base of operations for global take over by the Rothschilds. That is exactly what they are doing here and its the same players, The Illum families, Britain, Rothschild international bankers, Rockefeller, and Israel or I should say Zionists. Read the rest of this and decide for yourselves.
Breaking: Patriot Missiles (and F-22 plans) Seized, Sold To China by Israel (Updates)
…by Gordon Duff, Senior Editor
Iron Dome Defense Missiles Seized by Finland, Labeled “Fireworks”
69 Newest Patriot Missiles Bound For Reds
“…Thorco Shipping representative, Thomas Mikkelsen said he was unaware any such cargo was on board his vessel”…a statement that categorically “debunks” attempts at denial – Editor)
HELSINKI — “A British-registered ship (editor’s correction, ship is not “British-registered”) that was held in a Finnish port after authorities discovered 69 surface-to-air [Anti-ballistic] missiles and 160 tons of explosives onboard has permission to travel again, but without those materials or its captain, a port official said Monday.
Finnish authorities have confirmed the seizure of 69 Patriot missiles manufactured by Raytheon Corporation today. (VN: High Treason that is blatant if there is a World War declared and if so then Raytheon, being a "person" legally, can then be executed for High Treason. If the Justice dept does not prosecute after war is declared then they are traitors as well)
During a routine search of the MS Thor Liberty, a ship flagged by the Isle of Man, at the Finnish port of Kotka, authorities found 69 Patriot missiles of a type capable of intercepting ICBMs, the most modern available and America’s most sensitive military technology. (VN: this is how we are scheduled to lose that war. Get it now???)
Assault on America's Health - The CDC Votes in Favor Of Flu Vaccination
Vatic Note: When will these people get it. We have lived for generations as a free nation with no other experience and to try and change that is going to be the fight of their lives. We WILL make our own health decisions, our own defense decisions, our own right to speak our minds, and associate with who we wish. None of that will be accepted by the general population since "control" is not going to be accepted. We will NOT cooperate in any such tyrannical efforts.
They make a very good point in this article, but miss another point which I will discuss after I point out the good one. Its about the issue of "WHO DOES THE CDC WORK FOR?" Is it the people or the drug companies? Is it about our health or their profits??? If they do not work for us, then let the drug companies pay them and we hire others to work for us. I am finally beginning to believe its going to take recall elections to start getting this message through to these elected officials about who they hire to protect us.
If they are unable to see that an ex CEO of a drug company is not the person to hire for the regulatory agency in question, then we need to vote in someone who does know the problem with it. Conflict of interest does not take an intellectual giant to figure it out. Heck, even 96 IQ George Jr Bush knew the difference.
This is up to reinforce the issue of danger this policy creates. Many died during this season covered in this article and now they are talking about it for the 2013 season. I would rather have a natural death from a naturally occurring event, then to have them poke us putting the bug in us and then dying. So, this is not really about medical choices.... its about 'soft kill' to get these numbers of our population down. THEN, they can do their "Agenda 21 Land Grab".
Forget it. I am getting to the point where I just want to say..... MIND YOUR OWN BUSINESS, AND LEAVE US ALONE. Go back to your own country and play these games. If we ever wondered who the real fascists are, simply look at the 10 companies that own all the international corporations and then look at who is the only country on the planet right now, that has a massive concentration camp with concrete walls?
Finally, who is the only country doing a land grab by sheer force? Who has violated international law time and time again? Who has committed Crimes against humanity time and time again? This below is peanuts compared to the other crimes they have committed against the globe and its people. So, did we expect anything different? NO! That is why we cannot give up our guns.
Assault on America's Health - The CDC Votes in Favor Of Flu Vaccination
They make a very good point in this article, but miss another point which I will discuss after I point out the good one. Its about the issue of "WHO DOES THE CDC WORK FOR?" Is it the people or the drug companies? Is it about our health or their profits??? If they do not work for us, then let the drug companies pay them and we hire others to work for us. I am finally beginning to believe its going to take recall elections to start getting this message through to these elected officials about who they hire to protect us.
If they are unable to see that an ex CEO of a drug company is not the person to hire for the regulatory agency in question, then we need to vote in someone who does know the problem with it. Conflict of interest does not take an intellectual giant to figure it out. Heck, even 96 IQ George Jr Bush knew the difference.
This is up to reinforce the issue of danger this policy creates. Many died during this season covered in this article and now they are talking about it for the 2013 season. I would rather have a natural death from a naturally occurring event, then to have them poke us putting the bug in us and then dying. So, this is not really about medical choices.... its about 'soft kill' to get these numbers of our population down. THEN, they can do their "Agenda 21 Land Grab".
Forget it. I am getting to the point where I just want to say..... MIND YOUR OWN BUSINESS, AND LEAVE US ALONE. Go back to your own country and play these games. If we ever wondered who the real fascists are, simply look at the 10 companies that own all the international corporations and then look at who is the only country on the planet right now, that has a massive concentration camp with concrete walls?
Finally, who is the only country doing a land grab by sheer force? Who has violated international law time and time again? Who has committed Crimes against humanity time and time again? This below is peanuts compared to the other crimes they have committed against the globe and its people. So, did we expect anything different? NO! That is why we cannot give up our guns.
Assault on America's Health - The CDC Votes in Favor Of Flu Vaccination
A central principle of democracy is freedom of choice.
We can choose our political party, our religion, and the food we eat, but this does not seem to be the case when it comes to our medical choices and our freedoms to make them.
The recent unanimous 11-0 vote by the members of the Centers for Disease Control’s Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) favoring every American over the age of six months receive the flu influenza vaccine is one more attempt by our federal health officials to open up our bodies to the free market capitalism of pharmaceutical coffers.
It is another step to mandate a vaccine across the nation, a policy that has many supporters in the pro-vaccine science community.
The vote raises an alarm about our federal government’s scientific integrity, and calls into question its true allegiance and purpose: to protect the health of American citizens or increase Big Pharma profits. If the recommendation were ever enforced, the US would be the only nation in the world with mandatory flu vaccination.
The recent unanimous 11-0 vote by the members of the Centers for Disease Control’s Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) favoring every American over the age of six months receive the flu influenza vaccine is one more attempt by our federal health officials to open up our bodies to the free market capitalism of pharmaceutical coffers.
It is another step to mandate a vaccine across the nation, a policy that has many supporters in the pro-vaccine science community.
The vote raises an alarm about our federal government’s scientific integrity, and calls into question its true allegiance and purpose: to protect the health of American citizens or increase Big Pharma profits. If the recommendation were ever enforced, the US would be the only nation in the world with mandatory flu vaccination.
However, what our investigations show and what differentiates the US health agencies from the health ministries in other nations, is that in the US federal health system Big Pharma money, lobbying and corporate favors are what shape drug and vaccine policies and this is rampant throughout the system.
Mandatory influenza vaccination has been tried before across a nation.
Mandatory influenza vaccination has been tried before across a nation.
During the 1980s, Japan had mandatory flu vaccination for school children. Two large scale studies that enrolled children from four cities with vaccination rates between 1 and 90 percent discovered no difference in the incidences of flu infection. As a result, in 1987, Japanese health authorities ruled that flu vaccination was ineffective and was no more than a serious financial and legal liability if it was to continue.
The mandatory policy was quickly overturned. By 1989, the number of Japanese taking the flu vaccine dropped to 20 percent. A follow up study at that time found that there was statistically insignificant change in influenza infection rates compared to when the vaccine was mandatory.[1]
Now we are hearing that for the forthcoming 2010-2011 flu season, the H1N1 flu strain will be included in the seasonal flu vaccine. This will be a quadravalent vaccine comprised of four strains including the H1N1.
Now we are hearing that for the forthcoming 2010-2011 flu season, the H1N1 flu strain will be included in the seasonal flu vaccine. This will be a quadravalent vaccine comprised of four strains including the H1N1.
As of this month, the World Health Organization (WHO) continues to evaluate the H1NI virus at a 5 level pandemic and issues warnings to deaf ears now that people realize the WHO’s word is disreputable. Nevertheless, we should still brace ourselves for another year of old yarn, fear-mongering, media spin and more voodoo science.
A brief overview of the past H1N1 pandemic boondoggle will help us to understand the addiction of denial permeating the ranks of the CDC’s advisory committee. It presents a picture of a delusional bubble, unrelated to medical facts, that the CDC has found comfort to float within. The simple fact remains that the CDC is disconnected from anything resembling legitimate science thereby making their recent decision ludicrous and criminally irresponsible.
The CDC’s predictions of particular strains during past flu seasons has never been especially accurate. In fact, often it has been extraordinarily dismal.
A brief overview of the past H1N1 pandemic boondoggle will help us to understand the addiction of denial permeating the ranks of the CDC’s advisory committee. It presents a picture of a delusional bubble, unrelated to medical facts, that the CDC has found comfort to float within. The simple fact remains that the CDC is disconnected from anything resembling legitimate science thereby making their recent decision ludicrous and criminally irresponsible.
The CDC’s predictions of particular strains during past flu seasons has never been especially accurate. In fact, often it has been extraordinarily dismal.
TREASON IS AFOOT: Pentagon - US weapons 'full of fake Chinese parts' -
Vatic Note:
This is up because the North Koreans are beginning the movement toward
WW III and at the same time that the Israeli dual citizens are
TREASONOUSLY planning, funding and orchestrating moves toward WW III,
the powers that be are beginning the push toward murdering millions if
not billions of us through this war.... and its
resulted in what we put up below in this article and my note about why
they have designated us the losers and Germany to be the new arisen
industrial economic global power. HOME OF ROTHSCHILD AND THE ILLUMINATI, I bet that ticks off the Queen. LOL
Oh, my goodness, I could not have asked for more proof of the
conspiracy involved in throwing us into WW III and proving we are the
designated losers.
You read this below and the evidence is right there and perfect for a trial of high treason among bankers, dual foreign citizens running our government in the Pentagon, military industrial complex etc. Don't forget the shipment of stolen weapons stopped by finland and it was determined the Israeli's sold them to the Chinese. Hmmm. Our ally ensuring we lose that war they have planned?? Therefore prosecution can be done by the "people" of all those involved. What do we know for sure based on this article below.....
1. Quality control is an imperative in defence spending on weapons systems etc. That includes all companies products that come into the pentagon, and especially electronics, so they knew these were faulty pieces of equipment. Once determined to be faulty or inoperative, then the company who won the contract has to redo them and replace them at no cost to the tax payer until they are right. Or worse, they intentionally did no quality control on the end products OR even worse, our treasonous leaders in the Pentagon/corporations, gave faulty plans to the Chinese intentionally. That is a major crime. High treason.
2. Goldman Sachs and other companies have a strong relationship that can be documented with the Chinese Government. Goldman Sachs is China's "Exclusive" international brokerage firm, and unofficial consultant to Putin in Russia. Both countries top leadership were educated at Oxford, which is the school of the Illuminati. The Pentagon has contracted out much of the manufacturing of our top secret military technology jobs to China and Russia and thus has a strong business relationship with them, called A CONFLICT OF INTEREST. In fact, Goldman Sachs was instrumental in setting up our companies doing top secret business with them and giving them our high technology. What??? This company must never be allowed to operate on American soil ever again. They cannot protect every single asset they own and need to function globally.
3. When the Pentagon began contracting out with a potential enemy which was a communist country, people rose up warning of the sabotage China would do in such a system and the theft of our technological advancements that would be done by China and Russia to advance and improve and move their own military into preeminance globally, thereby ensuring their win over us in any potential conflict. That, not only made no difference to the "foreign occupying" traitors in the Pentagon, but it increased their dependance on China & Russia for all our manufacturing military spending. They increased their treason instead of mitigating it.
4. In reading this below, remember our senators and congressmen like McCain received campaign contributions and fundraising money from foreign gov such as Britain which is run by a major black nobility family heavily tied into Rothschilds criminal cabal. Last election cycle that McCain was in, the Rothschilds held a fund raiser for him in a foreign country which use to be a crime. I include Mr. Lieberscum in that category, along with senators from NY that have proven who they are loyal to and its not New Yorkers. In fact, I believe personally, given a choice they would probably pick their own city to have a major hit on. No, they are loyal to ISRAEL. Bloomberg is fully included in that, since he is disarming his state as we speak to aid the enemy in our midst, of which he is one.
5. Why is the Denver area designated as the New White House? Because they know where, what and who is going to be destroyed in this WW III that they are creating, funding, organizing and setting up for America to lose just like these zionists bankers did in Nazi Germany and Russia in 1917. If a ploy works they just keep using it over and over again and this is at least their third time doing this. See? History does repeat itself and that is how we can bring our enemies down right here in this country. Its way past time. Once war is declared, and begun, ALL THIS TREASON becomes a death penalty offense.
6. We put up a blog on here proving Obama gave islands off of Alaska to Russia. OK, that gives them a forward military base to take us on. ISN'T THAT TREASON? From there they can slip into Alaska, identify targets and population and then strike once they have all the intel they need. Nasty piece of work on the part of the Satanic zionist infiltrators to our gov and military. (Obama is simply a puppet, so that is why I don't mention him that often since it reinforces his function as the bad guy, when in fact, he has no say in anything and never has.) Lets keep our eye on the ball, the real perps and never let them out of our sight or conversation.
7. Last but not least, China is exporting through American companies, that are also quality controlled so those companies know about this and are committing treason as well.... that the products are full of lead and Dr. Mercola gave us that information here
I put this up on a separate blog and Rumormills picked it up and now the entire blog has been gutted. So go directly to Dr. Mercola on this issue and see how the TRAITORS ARE COOPERATING AND WORKING WITH OUR SO CALLED ENEMY TO KILL OFF AMERICANS AND POISON THEM.
Its not the "Chinese", its their OXFORD EDUCATED LEADERS WORKING FOR BRITAIN to try and reclaim their dominion over us and revert our revolution back to commonwealth status. Just so you know the game plan and then finally globalization, but WE ARE THEIR BIGGEST OBSTACLE TO THIS ACT.
US weapons 'full of fake Chinese parts'
By: Malcolm Moore,
of United States' warplanes, ships and missiles contain fake electronic
components from China, leaving them open to malfunction, according to a
US Senate committee.
The US Senate Armed Services Committee said its researchers had uncovered 1,800 cases in which the Pentagon had been sold electronics that may be counterfeit.
In total, the committee said it had found more than a million fake parts had made their way into warplanes such as the Boeing C-17 transport jet and the Lockheed Martin C-130J "Super Hercules".
"A million parts is surely a huge number. But I want to repeat this: we have only looked at a portion of the defence supply chain. So those 1,800 cases are just the tip of the iceberg," said Senator Carl Levin. (VN: Carl Levin, Mr. NDAA, is one of the first to be investigated for treason, so he better speak up. He has a lot to overcome, just like Lieberscum).
In around seven in 10 cases, the fake parts originated in China, while investigators traced another 20 per cent of cases to the United Kingdom and Canada, known resale points for Chinese counterfeits. (VN: What??? This country, China, has always been our nemisis, if we listen to the MSM pumping fear about them through their sold out press. So, does that mean Canada and Britain do no quality control on parts either??? I have never heard of such a thing. Quality control is normal in every company, but its even more important when your potential enemy in your third WW is doing the manufacturing. No, this is just another scam and proof of a RICO conspiracy to bring down the US, which means we can confiscate their assets in our country. Time to do exactly that. Identify and confiscate assets. We do not need a trial to confiscate assets merely on suspicion, our foreign occupied government does it all the time.)
You read this below and the evidence is right there and perfect for a trial of high treason among bankers, dual foreign citizens running our government in the Pentagon, military industrial complex etc. Don't forget the shipment of stolen weapons stopped by finland and it was determined the Israeli's sold them to the Chinese. Hmmm. Our ally ensuring we lose that war they have planned?? Therefore prosecution can be done by the "people" of all those involved. What do we know for sure based on this article below.....
1. Quality control is an imperative in defence spending on weapons systems etc. That includes all companies products that come into the pentagon, and especially electronics, so they knew these were faulty pieces of equipment. Once determined to be faulty or inoperative, then the company who won the contract has to redo them and replace them at no cost to the tax payer until they are right. Or worse, they intentionally did no quality control on the end products OR even worse, our treasonous leaders in the Pentagon/corporations, gave faulty plans to the Chinese intentionally. That is a major crime. High treason.
2. Goldman Sachs and other companies have a strong relationship that can be documented with the Chinese Government. Goldman Sachs is China's "Exclusive" international brokerage firm, and unofficial consultant to Putin in Russia. Both countries top leadership were educated at Oxford, which is the school of the Illuminati. The Pentagon has contracted out much of the manufacturing of our top secret military technology jobs to China and Russia and thus has a strong business relationship with them, called A CONFLICT OF INTEREST. In fact, Goldman Sachs was instrumental in setting up our companies doing top secret business with them and giving them our high technology. What??? This company must never be allowed to operate on American soil ever again. They cannot protect every single asset they own and need to function globally.
3. When the Pentagon began contracting out with a potential enemy which was a communist country, people rose up warning of the sabotage China would do in such a system and the theft of our technological advancements that would be done by China and Russia to advance and improve and move their own military into preeminance globally, thereby ensuring their win over us in any potential conflict. That, not only made no difference to the "foreign occupying" traitors in the Pentagon, but it increased their dependance on China & Russia for all our manufacturing military spending. They increased their treason instead of mitigating it.
4. In reading this below, remember our senators and congressmen like McCain received campaign contributions and fundraising money from foreign gov such as Britain which is run by a major black nobility family heavily tied into Rothschilds criminal cabal. Last election cycle that McCain was in, the Rothschilds held a fund raiser for him in a foreign country which use to be a crime. I include Mr. Lieberscum in that category, along with senators from NY that have proven who they are loyal to and its not New Yorkers. In fact, I believe personally, given a choice they would probably pick their own city to have a major hit on. No, they are loyal to ISRAEL. Bloomberg is fully included in that, since he is disarming his state as we speak to aid the enemy in our midst, of which he is one.
5. Why is the Denver area designated as the New White House? Because they know where, what and who is going to be destroyed in this WW III that they are creating, funding, organizing and setting up for America to lose just like these zionists bankers did in Nazi Germany and Russia in 1917. If a ploy works they just keep using it over and over again and this is at least their third time doing this. See? History does repeat itself and that is how we can bring our enemies down right here in this country. Its way past time. Once war is declared, and begun, ALL THIS TREASON becomes a death penalty offense.
6. We put up a blog on here proving Obama gave islands off of Alaska to Russia. OK, that gives them a forward military base to take us on. ISN'T THAT TREASON? From there they can slip into Alaska, identify targets and population and then strike once they have all the intel they need. Nasty piece of work on the part of the Satanic zionist infiltrators to our gov and military. (Obama is simply a puppet, so that is why I don't mention him that often since it reinforces his function as the bad guy, when in fact, he has no say in anything and never has.) Lets keep our eye on the ball, the real perps and never let them out of our sight or conversation.
7. Last but not least, China is exporting through American companies, that are also quality controlled so those companies know about this and are committing treason as well.... that the products are full of lead and Dr. Mercola gave us that information here
I put this up on a separate blog and Rumormills picked it up and now the entire blog has been gutted. So go directly to Dr. Mercola on this issue and see how the TRAITORS ARE COOPERATING AND WORKING WITH OUR SO CALLED ENEMY TO KILL OFF AMERICANS AND POISON THEM.
Its not the "Chinese", its their OXFORD EDUCATED LEADERS WORKING FOR BRITAIN to try and reclaim their dominion over us and revert our revolution back to commonwealth status. Just so you know the game plan and then finally globalization, but WE ARE THEIR BIGGEST OBSTACLE TO THIS ACT.
US weapons 'full of fake Chinese parts'
By: Malcolm Moore,
Date: 2011-11-08

The US Senate Armed Services Committee said its researchers had uncovered 1,800 cases in which the Pentagon had been sold electronics that may be counterfeit.
In total, the committee said it had found more than a million fake parts had made their way into warplanes such as the Boeing C-17 transport jet and the Lockheed Martin C-130J "Super Hercules".
also found fake components in Boeing's CH-46 Sea Knight helicopter and
the Theatre High-Altitude Area Defence (THAAD) missile defence system.
"A million parts is surely a huge number. But I want to repeat this: we have only looked at a portion of the defence supply chain. So those 1,800 cases are just the tip of the iceberg," said Senator Carl Levin. (VN: Carl Levin, Mr. NDAA, is one of the first to be investigated for treason, so he better speak up. He has a lot to overcome, just like Lieberscum).
In around seven in 10 cases, the fake parts originated in China, while investigators traced another 20 per cent of cases to the United Kingdom and Canada, known resale points for Chinese counterfeits. (VN: What??? This country, China, has always been our nemisis, if we listen to the MSM pumping fear about them through their sold out press. So, does that mean Canada and Britain do no quality control on parts either??? I have never heard of such a thing. Quality control is normal in every company, but its even more important when your potential enemy in your third WW is doing the manufacturing. No, this is just another scam and proof of a RICO conspiracy to bring down the US, which means we can confiscate their assets in our country. Time to do exactly that. Identify and confiscate assets. We do not need a trial to confiscate assets merely on suspicion, our foreign occupied government does it all the time.)
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