As we have mentioned before, I need at least one day a week to rest. I am not sure if I told you, but I spend about 8 hours a day reading all that I can get my hands on and then select 3 blogs for scheduling each day, during the week, and then put them up which takes at least 2 hours per blog.
So my week is about 13 hours a day and it has finally caught up to me. The reason is, the powers that be, mess with this blog and I always have to go back and fix it, so that is added time and now I need to have one day of pure rest and play.
I hope you will understand and bear with us on that day. It happened to be the day least read, so it made sense to do that at this point in time. Please donate off to the right of the blog so that we may continue this work that is so sorely needed. Without your support financially, we cannot continue this work. The balance of the deficit is $200. Please donate off to the right at the pay pal button. Thank you and God Bless you all.
The article is reproduced in accordance with Section 107 of title 17 of the Copyright Law of the United States relating to fair-use and is for the purposes of criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research.
"It is the greatest of all mistakes to do nothing because you can only do a little." ~ Sydney Smith
Israel - Occult Zionism - Hell on Earth - Documentary - WW3 - NWO
Vatic Note: If you "truly" want to know
the truth about our problems that are growing everywhere, but includes
us, then this is a must watch. Its only through knowledge of "truth",
that we can then determine solutions.
If we do not focus on truth, then we will come up with unrelated solutions that will not work and it will be too late to change them, once we find out after the fact, that those solutions available are gone. We cannot afford a mistake about this since we only get one shot at it. To be on target with solutions, we must be on target with truthful assessment of the problems.
He speaks about Zionists, but neglects to say that a majority of those who call themselves Jews are in fact, Not Jews at all, rather they are Khazarians and pagans with a Satanic base and a deep hatred of Christians. Watch this video and you will discover, as I did, why that hatred and the danger of the Noahide laws passed by congress as the basis for our legal system, changed from the previous base of the 10 commandments.
Bush signed that resolution so its now a fact in our country and explains why the 10 commandments have been taken out of our court houses. Its a lot more sinister than I had previously thought.
Israel - Occult Zionism - Hell on Earth - Documentary - WW3 - NWO
Published by Perexusrex on Nov 8, 2012
Original Video
Published 2012 by Nebulous1982
FAIR USE NOTICE: These Videos may contain copyrighted (©) material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. Such material is made available to advance understanding of ecological, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, moral, ethical, and social justice issues, etc. It is believed that this constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, this material is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior general interest in receiving similar information for research and educational purposes.
The article is reproduced in accordance with Section 107 of title 17 of the Copyright Law of the United States relating to fair-use and is for the purposes of criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research.
If we do not focus on truth, then we will come up with unrelated solutions that will not work and it will be too late to change them, once we find out after the fact, that those solutions available are gone. We cannot afford a mistake about this since we only get one shot at it. To be on target with solutions, we must be on target with truthful assessment of the problems.
He speaks about Zionists, but neglects to say that a majority of those who call themselves Jews are in fact, Not Jews at all, rather they are Khazarians and pagans with a Satanic base and a deep hatred of Christians. Watch this video and you will discover, as I did, why that hatred and the danger of the Noahide laws passed by congress as the basis for our legal system, changed from the previous base of the 10 commandments.
Bush signed that resolution so its now a fact in our country and explains why the 10 commandments have been taken out of our court houses. Its a lot more sinister than I had previously thought.
Israel - Occult Zionism - Hell on Earth - Documentary - WW3 - NWO
Published by Perexusrex on Nov 8, 2012
NEW For those with awakened hearts . . . take the time to learn and understand the truth.
Israel refers to the 12 tribes of Israel. The seed of Abraham through Jacob's 12 sons. This seed is scattered through the earth. It comprises all those who who have accepted the atoning sacrifice Jesus Christ of Jesus Christ. Israel (the place) today comprises mainly the tribe of Judah. Judah the tribe has been taken over by occult Zionists. Zionists hate Muslims and Jews. Zionists practice a system of apartheid . . . [Perexusrex]
Jews and Palestinians were like brothers before Zionism (secret society) -- Rothchild Zionism. Zionism is apostate Jews (Jews turned against God) practicing Luciferianism, demonology, and hidden Knowledge. The NOW is a Zionist Government that will eventually be ruled by the anti Christ.
Zionists will implement the 'Noahide Laws' -- These laws will enforce the decapitation of Christians because they consider the worship of Jesus Christ blasphemy punishable by death. They will kill Christians for the same reason they crucified Jesus Christ. . . . Jesus will save the tribe of Judah at Armageddon but not Zionist Jews who do not worship the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob . . . . please watch all the video and understand some of the truth . . [Perexusrex]
This powerful documentary exposes the hell that the palestinians have been going through since their land was stolen in 1948. From that day on, the world has been hijacked by a cabal of zionists/occultists, and the support given to them by governments has alienated much of the world. IsraHell on Earth looks at the origins of the abomination that is IsraHell and exposes its apartheid crimes.
Israel refers to the 12 tribes of Israel. The seed of Abraham through Jacob's 12 sons. This seed is scattered through the earth. It comprises all those who who have accepted the atoning sacrifice Jesus Christ of Jesus Christ. Israel (the place) today comprises mainly the tribe of Judah. Judah the tribe has been taken over by occult Zionists. Zionists hate Muslims and Jews. Zionists practice a system of apartheid . . . [Perexusrex]
Jews and Palestinians were like brothers before Zionism (secret society) -- Rothchild Zionism. Zionism is apostate Jews (Jews turned against God) practicing Luciferianism, demonology, and hidden Knowledge. The NOW is a Zionist Government that will eventually be ruled by the anti Christ.
Zionists will implement the 'Noahide Laws' -- These laws will enforce the decapitation of Christians because they consider the worship of Jesus Christ blasphemy punishable by death. They will kill Christians for the same reason they crucified Jesus Christ. . . . Jesus will save the tribe of Judah at Armageddon but not Zionist Jews who do not worship the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob . . . . please watch all the video and understand some of the truth . . [Perexusrex]
This powerful documentary exposes the hell that the palestinians have been going through since their land was stolen in 1948. From that day on, the world has been hijacked by a cabal of zionists/occultists, and the support given to them by governments has alienated much of the world. IsraHell on Earth looks at the origins of the abomination that is IsraHell and exposes its apartheid crimes.
Original Video
Published 2012 by Nebulous1982
FAIR USE NOTICE: These Videos may contain copyrighted (©) material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. Such material is made available to advance understanding of ecological, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, moral, ethical, and social justice issues, etc. It is believed that this constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, this material is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior general interest in receiving similar information for research and educational purposes.
The article is reproduced in accordance with Section 107 of title 17 of the Copyright Law of the United States relating to fair-use and is for the purposes of criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research.
Fear, deception and power: how we happily relinquish our freedoms
*** Fundraising - Well,
we are back again with our hand out, asking for help to continue our
work. Some months will be better than others, but right now, til the
economy improves, we will have to come to you for the needed help.
Our deficit this month coming up, is $250 that is due on the first of August. Its also my birthday month. Things are moving rapidly now, and its critical that we have timely and relevant information, including history as well as exposure in order to combat the attacks upon our nation.
Its a team effort, with us doing the research and exposing and the readers, hopefully, aiding us in that effort with donations. Its the only way we can keep going. God Bless you for your support so far, in distributing our blog and in sending in donations. If you can afford it, we ask that you continue that effort by donating off to the right of this blog and do so at the pay pal button on the site.Thank you again and God bless you all and your families.
Vatic Note: This is an amazing article given that it was written in 2010, and today we see exactly this that he discusses and how it has worked to manipulate us into inaction. That happened to be the year we started this blog. This brings it clearly into view for anyone with a brain, to see just how these evil ones have used these 3 tools to manipulate us into giving up our freedoms and many of us still don't even realize how much we have lost.
Worse, we have been losing these freedoms a little at a time over these past 2 centuries, using all the same tools and yet, somehow we don't learn from it and it continues on and on. Why is that? Because the khazars doing this are a country and act like a country without borders, using other nations resources, so they retain their wealth to use as they wish, and they infiltrate every government they intend to take over, and yet, still conspire with others of their ilk (khazars) as if they were a nation.
That is what the CFR, Trilateral Commission, Bilderberg are all for, to provide the structure for these khazars country borders and to have meetings in these orgs to plan, report and otherwise act like a real country at war. They are very far behind in their schedule. This globalizing was all suppose to be done by 2000
They plan and scheme and steal and destroy economies, and make war, using the countries they have infiltrated. Through these wars, they depopulate the aryan race, they also profit from weapons sales by their military industrial complex companies, and they loan war money to both sides of the conflict making a killing off the interest payments to them.
They do this without putting up a cent of their own resources, rather they simply create the money lent, out of thin air. I consider that a form of felony fraud. He puts this very well below, that makes it clear and understandable.
Fear, deception and power: how we happily relinquish our freedoms
By Craig McKee, Truth and Shadows, December 15, 2010

By Craig McKee
We’re being played like a fine musical instrument.
We often don’t know it, and we don’t want to know it. The truth about how we’re being controlled and manipulated is harsh and unpleasant to contemplate. Instead of accepting it, we prefer to reinforce the illusion of our own freedom.
With shocking events like 9/11, the Kennedy assassination, and numerous apparent acts of international terrorism, we are “traumatized” into willingly transferring what little power we have left to a small but powerful elite that has its own agenda. And the process is accelerating.
Imprisonment without trial, wiretaps without warrants, video surveillance, efforts to control and restrict the Internet, torturing of detainees, monitoring of private emails, and the innovation of airport “body” scanners, are all part of the increasing consolidation of control. And it’s all under the guise of “security.”
In the name of fighting terrorism, The Patriot Act and the creation of the Department of Homeland Security in the United States have ramped up the stakes. Obsessions with border security keep us focused on threats from the outside – so much so that we don’t see what we’re giving up.
Instead of trying to understand these events, we’d rather focus on our cell phones, laptops, and video games. As long as we have some flashy toys and a comfortable place to sleep, we won’t make waves. We’ll even defend the elite’s agenda, and ridicule those who stand against it.
This doesn’t mean we’re all consciously turning a blind eye to our own enslavement. But we’re manipulated easily because we’re not aware of the mechanisms of control; we don’t see the connections between events. We allow ourselves to be powerless because we don’t connect the dots.
And that’s just how the people who wield real power like it. But maintaining the illusion that we’re making free choices requires a great deal of manipulation on the part of the powerful. And what’s the key item in the elite’s bag of tricks?
Fear. It works every time.
As long as we can be kept constantly terrorized by external threats, we’ll willingly give up more and more of our freedoms, and we’ll support actions like the Iraq War that kill hundreds of thousands. When the truth of that agenda slips out, as it did in the case of Iraq, we accept explanations of “incompetence.”
This brings us to the ugly truth. Many of the horrible and depraved events that we’ve been confronted with are perpetrated not by terrorists who “hate our freedoms,” but by the people we trust to represent us and protect us.
Who benefited from 9/11? What was the result of the event? Two wars, which were already planned, went ahead. Hundreds of billions of dollars in profit were made, an oil pipeline through Afghanistan got the go-ahead, and our current bogeyman – the Islamic fundamentalist terrorist – took attention away from the real criminals.
George W. Bush drew a clear connection between Saddam Hussein and 9/11 even though he KNEW it was a lie. A significant percentage of Americans still believe there is a connection. In fact, a lot of people still think – incorrectly – that the 9/11 hijackers entered the United States from Canada. Sorry Sharron Angle, but that’s false too. But it makes a good story.
The fact that the FBI was told by the Bush administration to back off investigating supposed al-Qaeda threats in the U.S. (including alleged hijackers on 9/11) doesn’t fit with the official line.
If fear is the greatest weapon of this criminal elite, then the media is their most trusted accomplice. Major media outlets – owned by major corporations that have their own agenda – participate in the obscuring of the truth. And there’s no better example of this than 9/11. Huge, glaring, obvious questions about the holes in the official story are not even asked. And we accept this without getting the least bit angry.
As Peter Finch said in the film Network, “First you’ve got to get mad!. You’ve got to say ‘I’m human being, goddammit! My life has value!’”
How do you think the people that pulled off 9/11 feel about human life? What about the people who helped them cover it up? What about the rest of us?
We need to understand that our political and military leaders are not representing us, they’re working in the interests of the elite that put them in “power.” They create the problems that make us afraid, and then they come to the rescue with a solution that takes more freedom away.
Maybe someday we’ll get mad enough to do something about it – to stand up for what’s right. We certainly can’t wait for the media to do it for us.
The power is there if we want it. If we have the courage to take it.
The article is reproduced in accordance with Section 107 of title 17 of the Copyright Law of the United States relating to fair-use and is for the purposes of criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research.
Our deficit this month coming up, is $250 that is due on the first of August. Its also my birthday month. Things are moving rapidly now, and its critical that we have timely and relevant information, including history as well as exposure in order to combat the attacks upon our nation.
Its a team effort, with us doing the research and exposing and the readers, hopefully, aiding us in that effort with donations. Its the only way we can keep going. God Bless you for your support so far, in distributing our blog and in sending in donations. If you can afford it, we ask that you continue that effort by donating off to the right of this blog and do so at the pay pal button on the site.Thank you again and God bless you all and your families.
Vatic Note: This is an amazing article given that it was written in 2010, and today we see exactly this that he discusses and how it has worked to manipulate us into inaction. That happened to be the year we started this blog. This brings it clearly into view for anyone with a brain, to see just how these evil ones have used these 3 tools to manipulate us into giving up our freedoms and many of us still don't even realize how much we have lost.
Worse, we have been losing these freedoms a little at a time over these past 2 centuries, using all the same tools and yet, somehow we don't learn from it and it continues on and on. Why is that? Because the khazars doing this are a country and act like a country without borders, using other nations resources, so they retain their wealth to use as they wish, and they infiltrate every government they intend to take over, and yet, still conspire with others of their ilk (khazars) as if they were a nation.
That is what the CFR, Trilateral Commission, Bilderberg are all for, to provide the structure for these khazars country borders and to have meetings in these orgs to plan, report and otherwise act like a real country at war. They are very far behind in their schedule. This globalizing was all suppose to be done by 2000
They plan and scheme and steal and destroy economies, and make war, using the countries they have infiltrated. Through these wars, they depopulate the aryan race, they also profit from weapons sales by their military industrial complex companies, and they loan war money to both sides of the conflict making a killing off the interest payments to them.
They do this without putting up a cent of their own resources, rather they simply create the money lent, out of thin air. I consider that a form of felony fraud. He puts this very well below, that makes it clear and understandable.
Fear, deception and power: how we happily relinquish our freedoms
By Craig McKee, Truth and Shadows, December 15, 2010

By Craig McKee
We’re being played like a fine musical instrument.
We often don’t know it, and we don’t want to know it. The truth about how we’re being controlled and manipulated is harsh and unpleasant to contemplate. Instead of accepting it, we prefer to reinforce the illusion of our own freedom.
With shocking events like 9/11, the Kennedy assassination, and numerous apparent acts of international terrorism, we are “traumatized” into willingly transferring what little power we have left to a small but powerful elite that has its own agenda. And the process is accelerating.
Imprisonment without trial, wiretaps without warrants, video surveillance, efforts to control and restrict the Internet, torturing of detainees, monitoring of private emails, and the innovation of airport “body” scanners, are all part of the increasing consolidation of control. And it’s all under the guise of “security.”
In the name of fighting terrorism, The Patriot Act and the creation of the Department of Homeland Security in the United States have ramped up the stakes. Obsessions with border security keep us focused on threats from the outside – so much so that we don’t see what we’re giving up.
Instead of trying to understand these events, we’d rather focus on our cell phones, laptops, and video games. As long as we have some flashy toys and a comfortable place to sleep, we won’t make waves. We’ll even defend the elite’s agenda, and ridicule those who stand against it.
This doesn’t mean we’re all consciously turning a blind eye to our own enslavement. But we’re manipulated easily because we’re not aware of the mechanisms of control; we don’t see the connections between events. We allow ourselves to be powerless because we don’t connect the dots.
And that’s just how the people who wield real power like it. But maintaining the illusion that we’re making free choices requires a great deal of manipulation on the part of the powerful. And what’s the key item in the elite’s bag of tricks?
Fear. It works every time.
As long as we can be kept constantly terrorized by external threats, we’ll willingly give up more and more of our freedoms, and we’ll support actions like the Iraq War that kill hundreds of thousands. When the truth of that agenda slips out, as it did in the case of Iraq, we accept explanations of “incompetence.”
This brings us to the ugly truth. Many of the horrible and depraved events that we’ve been confronted with are perpetrated not by terrorists who “hate our freedoms,” but by the people we trust to represent us and protect us.
Who benefited from 9/11? What was the result of the event? Two wars, which were already planned, went ahead. Hundreds of billions of dollars in profit were made, an oil pipeline through Afghanistan got the go-ahead, and our current bogeyman – the Islamic fundamentalist terrorist – took attention away from the real criminals.
George W. Bush drew a clear connection between Saddam Hussein and 9/11 even though he KNEW it was a lie. A significant percentage of Americans still believe there is a connection. In fact, a lot of people still think – incorrectly – that the 9/11 hijackers entered the United States from Canada. Sorry Sharron Angle, but that’s false too. But it makes a good story.
The fact that the FBI was told by the Bush administration to back off investigating supposed al-Qaeda threats in the U.S. (including alleged hijackers on 9/11) doesn’t fit with the official line.
If fear is the greatest weapon of this criminal elite, then the media is their most trusted accomplice. Major media outlets – owned by major corporations that have their own agenda – participate in the obscuring of the truth. And there’s no better example of this than 9/11. Huge, glaring, obvious questions about the holes in the official story are not even asked. And we accept this without getting the least bit angry.
As Peter Finch said in the film Network, “First you’ve got to get mad!. You’ve got to say ‘I’m human being, goddammit! My life has value!’”
How do you think the people that pulled off 9/11 feel about human life? What about the people who helped them cover it up? What about the rest of us?
We need to understand that our political and military leaders are not representing us, they’re working in the interests of the elite that put them in “power.” They create the problems that make us afraid, and then they come to the rescue with a solution that takes more freedom away.
Maybe someday we’ll get mad enough to do something about it – to stand up for what’s right. We certainly can’t wait for the media to do it for us.
The power is there if we want it. If we have the courage to take it.
The article is reproduced in accordance with Section 107 of title 17 of the Copyright Law of the United States relating to fair-use and is for the purposes of criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research.
The Hidden History of Jesus and the Conspiracy of the Holy Grail, Part I of 3
*** Fundraising - Well, we are back again with our hand out, asking for help to continue our work. Some months will be better than others, but right now, til the economy improves, we will have to come to you for the needed help.
Our deficit this month coming up, is $250 that is due on the first of August. Its also my birthday month. Things are moving rapidly now, and its critical that we have timely and relevant information, including history as well as exposure in order to combat the attacks upon our nation.
Its a team effort, with us doing the research and exposing and the readers, hopefully, aiding us in that effort with donations. Its the only way we can keep going. God Bless you for your support so far, in distributing our blog and in sending in donations. If you can afford it, we ask that you continue that effort by donating off to the right of this blog and do so at the pay pal button on the site.
Vatic Note: Now, I understand all that we have been through and why there was such a commitment by the evil ones to destroy Christianity. Reading this will make it all clear. Pay attention to the role Britain plays in all of this and who these people really are. What has been exposed today was well known in Europe for centuries, and covered up by those wanting to control man kind. Otherwise, they would have been made free by this knowledge.
This is a very worthwhile read indeed. It talks a great deal about the early church prior to the Nicene conference and who the real apostles were and who were not. Again, Europe has been around centuries longer than the United States and has a lot more history than we do about anything.
This written below about the Holy Grail has been know by these Europeans far longer than we here in the states ever knew. We are only just now being educated on what these Europeans had known forever, until the "Dark Ages" ended that knowledge.
The article is reproduced in accordance with Section 107 of title 17 of the Copyright Law of the United States relating to fair-use and is for the purposes of criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research.
Our deficit this month coming up, is $250 that is due on the first of August. Its also my birthday month. Things are moving rapidly now, and its critical that we have timely and relevant information, including history as well as exposure in order to combat the attacks upon our nation.
Its a team effort, with us doing the research and exposing and the readers, hopefully, aiding us in that effort with donations. Its the only way we can keep going. God Bless you for your support so far, in distributing our blog and in sending in donations. If you can afford it, we ask that you continue that effort by donating off to the right of this blog and do so at the pay pal button on the site.
Vatic Note: Now, I understand all that we have been through and why there was such a commitment by the evil ones to destroy Christianity. Reading this will make it all clear. Pay attention to the role Britain plays in all of this and who these people really are. What has been exposed today was well known in Europe for centuries, and covered up by those wanting to control man kind. Otherwise, they would have been made free by this knowledge.
This is a very worthwhile read indeed. It talks a great deal about the early church prior to the Nicene conference and who the real apostles were and who were not. Again, Europe has been around centuries longer than the United States and has a lot more history than we do about anything.
This written below about the Holy Grail has been know by these Europeans far longer than we here in the states ever knew. We are only just now being educated on what these Europeans had known forever, until the "Dark Ages" ended that knowledge.
The Hidden History of Jesus and the Holy Grail, Part 1 of 3 By Sir Laurence Gardner, Extracted from Nexus Magazine, Volume 5, Number 2 (February-March 1998)
I did not decide to write the book Bloodline of the Holy Grail. The book happened by accident, not by design. It happened by virtue of the fact that for about the last ten years I have been the appointed historian and sovereign genealogist to thirty-three royal families. It happened because during those early periods I was documenting evidence on the history of those royal families and their noble offshoots, and the chivalric archives of those noble and sovereign families.
What I was doing was putting together written chronological accounts of things that these families knew the substance of but did not necessarily know the detail of. It is the reason why in Britain and Europe I necessarily spend far less time on this biblical aspect, because there’s a lot of what we’ll talk about tonight that in Europe is taken as read. It was never any secret when my book came out, for the majority of these people, that Jesus was married and that Jesus had heirs, because it was written as such in very many family archives, not necessarily just private but in the open domain. The published papers of Mary, Queen of Scots talk about it at length. The papers of James II of England, who was wasn’t deposed until 1688, talk of it at length.
In putting together the detail, generation by generation, of this story, we were actually compiling something for posterity that, at that point in time when I began the work, was locked away in boxes and cupboards, and I was actually in a position where I was presented with things and said, "Look, this says, ’Last opened in 1732!". So, some very, very old documentation, not only last opened in seventeen-whenever, but actually documented and written down hundreds of years before that.
The book happened by accident. Over a period of time-probably, looking back now, ten or twelve years ago-I began this work with separate commissions from separate families, doing work on these genealogies. What happened was they began to converge. It became very apparent-and it took a long time because genealogies have to be done backwards, put together backwards and constructed backwards-but what was happening was that a triangle, from a large top base with numerous family lines, was pulling in to a point.
I suddenly realized what this point was, and I said, "Wow, do you realize what I’ve found here?"; and they said, "Ah, you know the father of so and so?"; and I said, "No, no, no; I’m actually finding that this comes out of the House of Judah in the first century"; and they said, "Oh, yeah, we know all that; what we wanted you to do was for you..."; and I said, "Well, there are millions of people out there who do not know about it, so let’s turn this triangle upside down and turn it into a book!". So that’s how the book happened.
On top of that, for the last six years I have been Britain’s Grand Prior of the Sacred Kindred of Saint Columba, the royal ecclesiastical seat of the Celtic Church. So I had, also, access to Celtic Church records dating back to AD 37. By Sir Laurence Gardner, Extracted from Nexus Magazine, Volume 5, Number 2 (February-March 1998)
I did not decide to write the book Bloodline of the Holy Grail. The book happened by accident, not by design. It happened by virtue of the fact that for about the last ten years I have been the appointed historian and sovereign genealogist to thirty-three royal families. It happened because during those early periods I was documenting evidence on the history of those royal families and their noble offshoots, and the chivalric archives of those noble and sovereign families.
What I was doing was putting together written chronological accounts of things that these families knew the substance of but did not necessarily know the detail of. It is the reason why in Britain and Europe I necessarily spend far less time on this biblical aspect, because there’s a lot of what we’ll talk about tonight that in Europe is taken as read. It was never any secret when my book came out, for the majority of these people, that Jesus was married and that Jesus had heirs, because it was written as such in very many family archives, not necessarily just private but in the open domain. The published papers of Mary, Queen of Scots talk about it at length. The papers of James II of England, who was wasn’t deposed until 1688, talk of it at length.
In putting together the detail, generation by generation, of this story, we were actually compiling something for posterity that, at that point in time when I began the work, was locked away in boxes and cupboards, and I was actually in a position where I was presented with things and said, "Look, this says, ’Last opened in 1732!". So, some very, very old documentation, not only last opened in seventeen-whenever, but actually documented and written down hundreds of years before that.
The book happened by accident. Over a period of time-probably, looking back now, ten or twelve years ago-I began this work with separate commissions from separate families, doing work on these genealogies. What happened was they began to converge. It became very apparent-and it took a long time because genealogies have to be done backwards, put together backwards and constructed backwards-but what was happening was that a triangle, from a large top base with numerous family lines, was pulling in to a point.
I suddenly realized what this point was, and I said, "Wow, do you realize what I’ve found here?"; and they said, "Ah, you know the father of so and so?"; and I said, "No, no, no; I’m actually finding that this comes out of the House of Judah in the first century"; and they said, "Oh, yeah, we know all that; what we wanted you to do was for you..."; and I said, "Well, there are millions of people out there who do not know about it, so let’s turn this triangle upside down and turn it into a book!". So that’s how the book happened.
On top of that, for the last six years I have been Britain’s Grand Prior of the Sacred Kindred of Saint Columba, the royal ecclesiastical seat of the Celtic Church. So I had, also, access to Celtic Church records dating back to AD 37.
Because of my attachments to the families, to the knightly orders, I also had access to Templar documents, to the very documents that the Knights Templar brought out in Europe in 1128 and confronted the Church establishment with, and frightened the life out of them with, because these were documents that talked about bloodline and genealogy, and we’ll get on to that.
So tonight we’re going to embark on a time-honored quest. Some have called it the ultimate quest. The Christian Church has condemned it as a heresy, and it is, of course, the quest for the Holy Grail.
A heresy is described in all dictionaries as,
So tonight we’re going to embark on a time-honored quest. Some have called it the ultimate quest. The Christian Church has condemned it as a heresy, and it is, of course, the quest for the Holy Grail.
A heresy is described in all dictionaries as,
"an opinion which is contrary to the orthodox dogma of the Christian bishops",
and, in this regard, those other quests which comprise much of today’s scientific and medical research are equally heretical. The word "heresy" is, in essence, nothing more than a derogatory label, a tag used by a fearful Church establishment that has long sought to maintain control of society through fear of the unknown. A heresy can therefore define those aspects of philosophy, research, which quest into the realms of the unknown, and which from time to time provide answers and solutions that are quite contrary to Church doctrine.
Quests are by their very nature intriguing; history and historical research are enlightening; but the findings from neither are of any use whatsoever unless there are present-day applications which, like science and medicine, can sow the seeds of a better future.
History is no more than recorded experience-generally, the experience of its winners. It makes common sense to learn from the experience of yesterday. It’s that very experience which holds the moral, cultural, political, social keys of tomorrow, and it’s in this context that the Holy Grail supports that which we call "the Messianic Code". This is the code of social practice instituted by Jesus when he washed his apostles’ feet at the Last Supper.
Quests are by their very nature intriguing; history and historical research are enlightening; but the findings from neither are of any use whatsoever unless there are present-day applications which, like science and medicine, can sow the seeds of a better future.
History is no more than recorded experience-generally, the experience of its winners. It makes common sense to learn from the experience of yesterday. It’s that very experience which holds the moral, cultural, political, social keys of tomorrow, and it’s in this context that the Holy Grail supports that which we call "the Messianic Code". This is the code of social practice instituted by Jesus when he washed his apostles’ feet at the Last Supper.
It pertains to the obligations of giving and receiving service; it determines that those in positions of elected authority and influence should always be aware of their duties as representatives of society, obligated to serve society, not to presume authority over society. It is the essential key to democratic government. This is defined as government by the people, for the people. Without the implementation of the Grail Code, we experience the only-too-familiar government of the people. This is not democratic government.
Now, in the course of our journey we’ll be discussing many items which are thoroughly familiar, but we’ll be looking at them from a different perspective to that normally conveyed. In this regard it will appear that we are often treading wholly new ground, but in fact it was only the ground that existed before it was carpeted and concealed by those with otherwise vested interests. Only by rolling back this carpet of purposeful concealment can we succeed in our quest for the Holy Grail.
So our quest will begin in the Holy Land of Judaea in the time of Jesus and we’ll spend a good while there. I will not move from that era until we break, because it will take that long to set the emergent scene for the next 2,000 years of history.
We’ll be traveling through the Dark Ages then, to spend some time in mediaeval Europe. The Grail mystery will then be followed into King Arthur’s Britain and, eventually, in time, to the United States of America where the American fathers were among the greatest exponents of the Grail Code. Eminent Americans such as George Washington, John Adams, Benjamin Franklin, Charles Thompson, Thomas Jefferson were as much champions of the Holy Grail as were King Arthur, Sir Lancelot and Galahad.
Bloodline of the Holy Grail, the book, has been described as "the book of messianic descent". It was a radio interviewer who called it that; and it’s an apt description because the book carries the subtitle, The Hidden Lineage of Jesus Revealed. This of course indicates that Jesus had children and, by implication therefore, that he was married. So was he married? Did Jesus have children? If so, do we know what happened to them? Are there descendants alive today?
Now, in the course of our journey we’ll be discussing many items which are thoroughly familiar, but we’ll be looking at them from a different perspective to that normally conveyed. In this regard it will appear that we are often treading wholly new ground, but in fact it was only the ground that existed before it was carpeted and concealed by those with otherwise vested interests. Only by rolling back this carpet of purposeful concealment can we succeed in our quest for the Holy Grail.
So our quest will begin in the Holy Land of Judaea in the time of Jesus and we’ll spend a good while there. I will not move from that era until we break, because it will take that long to set the emergent scene for the next 2,000 years of history.
We’ll be traveling through the Dark Ages then, to spend some time in mediaeval Europe. The Grail mystery will then be followed into King Arthur’s Britain and, eventually, in time, to the United States of America where the American fathers were among the greatest exponents of the Grail Code. Eminent Americans such as George Washington, John Adams, Benjamin Franklin, Charles Thompson, Thomas Jefferson were as much champions of the Holy Grail as were King Arthur, Sir Lancelot and Galahad.
Bloodline of the Holy Grail, the book, has been described as "the book of messianic descent". It was a radio interviewer who called it that; and it’s an apt description because the book carries the subtitle, The Hidden Lineage of Jesus Revealed. This of course indicates that Jesus had children and, by implication therefore, that he was married. So was he married? Did Jesus have children? If so, do we know what happened to them? Are there descendants alive today?
The answer to each of these questions is yes. We shall be looking at the emergent family in some detail. We will follow the story, their story, century by century; the story of a resolute royal dynasty, the descendant heirs of Jesus who struggled against all odds through the centuries to preserve the Messianic Royal Code down to date.
Tonight’s story will be a conspiracy: usurped crowns, prosecutions, assassinations, and the unwarranted concealment of information from the people of the Western world. It’s an account of good government and bad government; about how the patriarchal kingship of people was supplanted by dogmatic tyranny and the dictatorial lordship of lands. It’s a compelling journey of discovery, a view of past ages, but with its eye firmly set on the future. This is history as it was once written but has never been told.
Let’s begin with the most obvious of all questions. What is the Holy Grail? How is the Holy Grail connected with the descendant heirs of Jesus? The fact that Jesus had descendants might come as a surprise to some, but it was widely known in Britain and Europe until the late Middle Ages, just a few hundred years ago.
In mediaeval times, the line of messianic descent was defined by the French word Sangréal. This derived from the two words, Sang Réal, meaning "Blood Royal". This was the Blood Royal of Judah, the kingly line of David which progressed through Jesus and his heirs. In English translation, the definition, Sangréal, became "San Gréal", as in "San" Francisco. When written more fully it was written "Saint Grail", "Saint", of course, relating to "Holy"; and by a natural linguistic process came the more romantically familiar name, "Holy Grail".
From the Middle Ages there were a number of chivalric and military orders specifically attached to the Messianic Blood Royal in Britain and Europe. They included the Order of the Realm of Sion, the Order of the Sacred Sepulchre; but
the most prestigious of all was the Sovereign Order of the Sangréal - the Knights of the Holy Grail. This was a dynastic Order of Scotland’s Royal House of Stewart.
Tonight’s story will be a conspiracy: usurped crowns, prosecutions, assassinations, and the unwarranted concealment of information from the people of the Western world. It’s an account of good government and bad government; about how the patriarchal kingship of people was supplanted by dogmatic tyranny and the dictatorial lordship of lands. It’s a compelling journey of discovery, a view of past ages, but with its eye firmly set on the future. This is history as it was once written but has never been told.
Let’s begin with the most obvious of all questions. What is the Holy Grail? How is the Holy Grail connected with the descendant heirs of Jesus? The fact that Jesus had descendants might come as a surprise to some, but it was widely known in Britain and Europe until the late Middle Ages, just a few hundred years ago.
In mediaeval times, the line of messianic descent was defined by the French word Sangréal. This derived from the two words, Sang Réal, meaning "Blood Royal". This was the Blood Royal of Judah, the kingly line of David which progressed through Jesus and his heirs. In English translation, the definition, Sangréal, became "San Gréal", as in "San" Francisco. When written more fully it was written "Saint Grail", "Saint", of course, relating to "Holy"; and by a natural linguistic process came the more romantically familiar name, "Holy Grail".
From the Middle Ages there were a number of chivalric and military orders specifically attached to the Messianic Blood Royal in Britain and Europe. They included the Order of the Realm of Sion, the Order of the Sacred Sepulchre; but

In symbolic terms the Grail is often portrayed as a chalice that contains the blood of Jesus; alternatively as a vine of grapes. The product of grapes is wine, and it is the chalice and the wine of Grail tradition that sit at the very heart of the Communion, the Mass, the Eucharist; and this sacrament, the Sacred Chalice, contains the wine that represents the perpetual blood of Jesus.
It is quite apparent that although maintaining the ancient Communion custom, the Christian Church has conveniently ignored and elected not to teach the true meaning and origin of that custom. Few people even think to enquire about the ultimate symbolism of the chalice and wine sacrament, believing that it comes simply from some gospel entry relating to the Last Supper. Well, it’s the significance of the perpetual blood of Jesus. How is the blood of Jesus, or anyone else for that matter, perpetuated? It is perpetuated through family and lineage.
It is quite apparent that although maintaining the ancient Communion custom, the Christian Church has conveniently ignored and elected not to teach the true meaning and origin of that custom. Few people even think to enquire about the ultimate symbolism of the chalice and wine sacrament, believing that it comes simply from some gospel entry relating to the Last Supper. Well, it’s the significance of the perpetual blood of Jesus. How is the blood of Jesus, or anyone else for that matter, perpetuated? It is perpetuated through family and lineage.
So why was it that the Church authorities elected to ignore the bloodline significance of the Grail sacrament? They kept the sacrament. Why was it they went so far as to denounce Grail lore and Grail symbolism as heretical?
The fact is that every government and every church teaches the form of history or dogma most conducive to its own vested interest. In this regard we’re all conditioned to receiving a very selective form of teaching. We are taught what we’re supposed to know, and we are told what we’re supposed to believe. But for the most part we learn both political and religious history by way of national or clerical propaganda, and this often becomes absolute dogma, teachings which may not be challenged for fear of reprisals.
With regard to the Church’s attitude towards the chalice and the wine, it is blatantly apparent that the original symbolism had to be reinterpreted by the bishops because it denoted that Jesus had offspring and therefore that he must have united with a woman.
But it was not only sacraments and customary ritual that were reinterpreted because of this: the very gospels themselves were corrupted to comply with the male-only establishment of the Church of Rome, much like a modern film editor will adjust and select the tapes to achieve the desired result, the result of the vested interest of the film-maker.
We’re all familiar with the gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John, but what about the other gospels? What about the Gospel of Philip, of Thomas, of Mary and of Mary Magdalene? What of all the numerous gospels and acts and epistles that were not approved by the Church councils when the New Testament was collated? Why were they excluded when the choices were made?
There were actually two main criteria for selection of gospels for the New Testament. These were determined at the Council of Carthage in the year 397. The first criterion was that the New Testament must be written in the names of Jesus’ own apostles. Mark was not an apostle of Jesus, as far as we know; nor was Luke. They were colleagues of the later St Paul. Thomas, on the other hand, was one of the original twelve, and yet the gospel in his name was excluded. Not only that, but along with numerous other gospels and texts it was destined and sentenced to be destroyed.
And so throughout the mediaeval world, Thomas and numerous other unapproved books were buried and hidden in the fifth century. Only in recent times have some of these manuscripts been unearthed, with the greatest find being at Nag Hammadi in Egypt in 1945, 1,500 years after the burial of these documents.
Although these books weren’t rediscovered until this present century, they were used openly by the early Christians. Certain of them, including the gospels mentioned, along with the Gospel of Truth, the Gospel of the Egyptians and others, were actually mentioned in writings by early churchmen. Clement of Alexandria, Irenaeus of Lyon, Origen of Alexandria - they all mention these other gospels.
So why were the gospels of Mark and Luke selected if they were not Jesus’ own apostles? Because Mark and Luke actually were apostles of Jesus, and the early Church fathers knew this. In those days before the New Testament was corrupted, they knew full well that Jesus survived the Crucifixion. In these early gospels there was no story of Resurrection; this was added later.
Why were other apostolic gospels not selected? Because there was a second, far more important criterion - the criterion by which, in truth, the gospel selection was really made. And this was a wholly sexist regulation. It precluded anything that upheld the status of women in Church or community, society.
Indeed, the Church’s own apostolic constitutions were compiled on this basis. They state,
The fact is that every government and every church teaches the form of history or dogma most conducive to its own vested interest. In this regard we’re all conditioned to receiving a very selective form of teaching. We are taught what we’re supposed to know, and we are told what we’re supposed to believe. But for the most part we learn both political and religious history by way of national or clerical propaganda, and this often becomes absolute dogma, teachings which may not be challenged for fear of reprisals.
With regard to the Church’s attitude towards the chalice and the wine, it is blatantly apparent that the original symbolism had to be reinterpreted by the bishops because it denoted that Jesus had offspring and therefore that he must have united with a woman.
But it was not only sacraments and customary ritual that were reinterpreted because of this: the very gospels themselves were corrupted to comply with the male-only establishment of the Church of Rome, much like a modern film editor will adjust and select the tapes to achieve the desired result, the result of the vested interest of the film-maker.
We’re all familiar with the gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John, but what about the other gospels? What about the Gospel of Philip, of Thomas, of Mary and of Mary Magdalene? What of all the numerous gospels and acts and epistles that were not approved by the Church councils when the New Testament was collated? Why were they excluded when the choices were made?
There were actually two main criteria for selection of gospels for the New Testament. These were determined at the Council of Carthage in the year 397. The first criterion was that the New Testament must be written in the names of Jesus’ own apostles. Mark was not an apostle of Jesus, as far as we know; nor was Luke. They were colleagues of the later St Paul. Thomas, on the other hand, was one of the original twelve, and yet the gospel in his name was excluded. Not only that, but along with numerous other gospels and texts it was destined and sentenced to be destroyed.
And so throughout the mediaeval world, Thomas and numerous other unapproved books were buried and hidden in the fifth century. Only in recent times have some of these manuscripts been unearthed, with the greatest find being at Nag Hammadi in Egypt in 1945, 1,500 years after the burial of these documents.
Although these books weren’t rediscovered until this present century, they were used openly by the early Christians. Certain of them, including the gospels mentioned, along with the Gospel of Truth, the Gospel of the Egyptians and others, were actually mentioned in writings by early churchmen. Clement of Alexandria, Irenaeus of Lyon, Origen of Alexandria - they all mention these other gospels.
So why were the gospels of Mark and Luke selected if they were not Jesus’ own apostles? Because Mark and Luke actually were apostles of Jesus, and the early Church fathers knew this. In those days before the New Testament was corrupted, they knew full well that Jesus survived the Crucifixion. In these early gospels there was no story of Resurrection; this was added later.
Why were other apostolic gospels not selected? Because there was a second, far more important criterion - the criterion by which, in truth, the gospel selection was really made. And this was a wholly sexist regulation. It precluded anything that upheld the status of women in Church or community, society.
Indeed, the Church’s own apostolic constitutions were compiled on this basis. They state,
"We do not permit our women to teach in the Church, only to pray and to hear those who teach. Our master, when he sent us the twelve, did nowhere send out a woman; for the head of the woman is the man, and is it not reasonable that the body should govern the head?".
This was rubbish, but it was for this very reason that dozens of gospels were not selected-because they made it quite clear that there were very many active women in the ministry of Jesus. Mary Magdalene, Martha, Helena-Salome, Mary Jacob Cleophas, Joanna. These were not only ministry disciples; they’re recorded as priestesses in their own right, running exemplary schools of worship in the Nazarene tradition.
In St Paul’s Epistle to the Romans, Paul makes specific mention of his own female helpers: Phoebe, for example, whom he called a sister of the Church; Julia; Priscilla, who laid down her net for the cause. The New Testament is alive with women disciples, but the Church ignored them all. When the Church’s precepts of ecclesiastical discipline were drawn up, they stated, "It is not permitted for a woman to speak in Church, nor to claim for herself any share in any masculine function". But the Church itself had decided that this was a masculine function.
The Church was so frightened of women that it instituted a rule of celibacy: a rule for its priests, a rule that became a law in 1138; a law that persists today. Well, this rule has never been quite what it appears on the surface, because, when one reads the rule, when one studies history, one can see that it was never, ever sexual activity as such that bothered the Church. The specific definition that made this rule possible was priestly intimacy with women. Why? Because women become wives and lovers. The very nature of motherhood is a perpetuation of bloodlines. It was this that bothered the Church: a taboo subject-motherhood, bloodlines. This image had to be separated from the necessary image of Jesus.
But it wasn’t as if the Bible had said any such thing. St Paul had said in his Epistle to Timothy:
In St Paul’s Epistle to the Romans, Paul makes specific mention of his own female helpers: Phoebe, for example, whom he called a sister of the Church; Julia; Priscilla, who laid down her net for the cause. The New Testament is alive with women disciples, but the Church ignored them all. When the Church’s precepts of ecclesiastical discipline were drawn up, they stated, "It is not permitted for a woman to speak in Church, nor to claim for herself any share in any masculine function". But the Church itself had decided that this was a masculine function.
The Church was so frightened of women that it instituted a rule of celibacy: a rule for its priests, a rule that became a law in 1138; a law that persists today. Well, this rule has never been quite what it appears on the surface, because, when one reads the rule, when one studies history, one can see that it was never, ever sexual activity as such that bothered the Church. The specific definition that made this rule possible was priestly intimacy with women. Why? Because women become wives and lovers. The very nature of motherhood is a perpetuation of bloodlines. It was this that bothered the Church: a taboo subject-motherhood, bloodlines. This image had to be separated from the necessary image of Jesus.
But it wasn’t as if the Bible had said any such thing. St Paul had said in his Epistle to Timothy:
- that a bishop should be married to one wife and that he should have children;
- that a man with experience in his own family household is actually far better qualified to take care of the Church.
Even though the Roman Church authorities claimed to uphold the teaching of St Paul in particular, they chose completely to disregard this explicit directive to suit their own ends, so that Jesus’ own marital status could be strategically ignored.
But the Church’s celibate, unmarried image of Jesus was fully contradicted in other writings of the era. It was openly contradicted in the public domain until the perpetuation of the truth was proclaimed a punishable heresy only 450 years ago in 1547, the year that Henry VIII died in England.
It’s not just the Christian New Testament that suffers from these sexist restrictions. A similar editing process was applied to the Jewish-based Old Testament, and this made it conveniently suitable to be added to the Christian Bible. This is made particularly apparent by a couple of entries that bypassed the editors’ scrutiny.
The books of Joshua and 2 Samuel both refer to the much more ancient Book of Jasher. They say it’s very important, the Book of Jasher. Where is it? Not in the Bible. Like so many other books, it was purposely left out. But does it still exist? Yes. The nine-foot Hebrew scroll of Jasher still exists. It has been historically important for a long, long time. It was the jewel of the court of Emperor Charlemagne, and the translation of the Book of Jasher was the very reason that the University of Paris was founded, in the year 800. That was about a century before the Old Testament that we know was actually put together.
Jasher was the staff-bearer to Moses. His writings are of enormous significance. The accounts relate to the story of the Israelites in Egypt, to their exodus into Canaan. But these stories differ considerably from the way we know the story today. They explain that it was not Moses who was the spiritual leader of the tribes who crossed the Red Sea to Mount Sinai. The spiritual leader was Miriam.
At that time the Jews had never heard of Jehovah; they worshipped the goddess Asherah. Their spiritual leaders were largely female. Miriam posed, according to the Book of Jasher, such a problem for Moses in his attempt to create a new environment of male dominance that he imprisoned her; and the Jewish nation rose against Moses with their armies to secure Miriam’s release. This is not in the Bible.
So let’s move to where the Christian story itself began. Let’s look at the gospels themselves and, in doing that, let’s see what they actually tell us, against what we think they tell us, because we have all learned to go along with what we are taught about the gospels in schoolrooms and churches. But is the teaching correctly related always? Does it conform with the written scriptures? It’s actually surprising how much we think we know, but we’ve learned it just from pulpits or from picture books, not from necessarily studying the texts.
The nativity story itself provides a good example. It’s widely accepted, and the Christmas cards keep telling us that Jesus was born in a stable. The gospels don’t say that. There is no stable mentioned in any authorized gospel. The nativity is not mentioned at all in Mark or John, and Matthew says quite plainly that Jesus was born in a house.
So where did the stable come from? It came from a misinterpretation, really, of the Gospel of Luke which relates that Jesus was laid in a manger-not born, but laid-and a manger was then, and still is, nothing more than an animal feeding box. One only has to study society history of the time to recognize the fact that it was perfectly common for mangers to be used as cradles, and they were often brought indoors for that very purpose.
So why has it been presumed that this particular manger was in a stable? Because the English translations of Luke tell us that there was no room in the inn. Must then have been in a stable! But the pre-English translations of Luke don’t talk about any inn; the manuscript of Luke does not say there was no room in the inn. In fact, there were no inns in the East in those days. There are very few inns there now; and if there are, they’re illegal! People lodged then in private houses. It was a common way of life. It was called family hospitality. Homes were open for travelers.
Come to that, if we’re really going to be precise about this, there were no stables in the region, either. In fact, "stable" is a wholly English word and it specifically defines a place for keeping horses; horses of a particular stable. Who on earth rode around on horses in Judaea? Oxen, camels; the odd Roman officer might have had a horse, but even the mules and the oxen, if kept under cover, would have been kept under some sort of a shed or out-house, not in a stable.
As for the mythical inn, the Greek text actually does not say there was no room at the inn. By the best translation it actually states that there was no provision in the room. As mentioned in Matthew, Jesus was born in a house and, as correctly translated, Luke reveals that Jesus was laid in a manger, an animal feeding box, because there was no cradle provided in the room.
If we’re on the subject of Jesus’ birth, I think we ought to look at the chronology here, because this is important as well; because the gospels, the two gospels that deal with the nativity, actually give us two completely different dates for the event.
According to Matthew, Jesus was born in the reign of King Herod, Herod the Great, who debated the event with the Magi and ordered the slaying of the infants. Well, Herod died in 4 BC, and we know from Matthew that Jesus was born before that. And because of that, most standard concordant Bibles and history books imply that Jesus’ date of birth was 5 BC, because that is before 4 BC and Herod was still reigning, so that’s a good date.
But in Luke, a completely different date is given. Luke doesn’t tell us about King Herod or anything like that. Luke says that Jesus was born while Cyrenius was Governor of Syria, the same year that the Emperor Augustus implemented the national census, the census which Joseph and Mary went to Bethlehem to be a part of.
There are relevant points to mention here, and they are both recorded in the first-century Jewish annals (such as The Antiquities of the Jews). Cyrenius was appointed Governor of Syria in AD 6. This was the very year recorded of the national census, put into operation by Cyrenius and ordered by Emperor Augustus. As Luke tells us, it was the first and only ever recorded census for the region.
So Jesus was born before 4 BC and in AD 6. Is this a mistake? No, not necessarily, because in the way it was originally portrayed we’re actually looking at two quite specific births.
Both gospels are correct. We’re looking at Jesus’ physical birth, and we’re looking at Jesus’ community birth. These were defined at the time as the first and second births, and they applied specifically to people of particular groups and certainly to dynastic heirs.
Second births for boys were performed by way of a ritual of rebirth. It was very physical: they were wrapped in swaddling clothes and born again from their mother’s womb. It was a physical ceremony. Second births for boys took place at the age of twelve.
So we know that Jesus was twelve in AD 6. Unfortunately, the latter-day transcribers of Luke completely missed the significance of this, and it was their endeavor to somehow tie in this event about swaddling clothes and being born then, that led to this mention of the nonsense about the stable.
So if Jesus was twelve in AD 6, this means that he was born in 7 BC, which ties in perfectly well with the Matthew account that he was born during the latter reign of King Herod.
But we now discover what appears to be another anomaly, because Luke says later in the gospel that when Jesus was twelve years old, his parents, Mary and Joseph, took him to Jerusalem for the day. They then left the city to walk home for a full day’s journey with their friends before they realized that Jesus was not in their party. They then returned to Jerusalem to find him at the temple, discussing his father’s business with the doctors. Well, what sort of parents can wander for a whole day in the desert, without knowing their twelve-year-old son’s not there?
The fact is that the whole point of the passage has been missed. There was a wealth of difference between a twelve-year-old son and a son in his twelfth year. When a son, on completing his initial twelve years-that is to say, when he was actually on his thirteenth birthday-was initiated into the community at the ceremony of his second birth, he was regarded as commencing his first year.
But the Church’s celibate, unmarried image of Jesus was fully contradicted in other writings of the era. It was openly contradicted in the public domain until the perpetuation of the truth was proclaimed a punishable heresy only 450 years ago in 1547, the year that Henry VIII died in England.
It’s not just the Christian New Testament that suffers from these sexist restrictions. A similar editing process was applied to the Jewish-based Old Testament, and this made it conveniently suitable to be added to the Christian Bible. This is made particularly apparent by a couple of entries that bypassed the editors’ scrutiny.
The books of Joshua and 2 Samuel both refer to the much more ancient Book of Jasher. They say it’s very important, the Book of Jasher. Where is it? Not in the Bible. Like so many other books, it was purposely left out. But does it still exist? Yes. The nine-foot Hebrew scroll of Jasher still exists. It has been historically important for a long, long time. It was the jewel of the court of Emperor Charlemagne, and the translation of the Book of Jasher was the very reason that the University of Paris was founded, in the year 800. That was about a century before the Old Testament that we know was actually put together.
Jasher was the staff-bearer to Moses. His writings are of enormous significance. The accounts relate to the story of the Israelites in Egypt, to their exodus into Canaan. But these stories differ considerably from the way we know the story today. They explain that it was not Moses who was the spiritual leader of the tribes who crossed the Red Sea to Mount Sinai. The spiritual leader was Miriam.
At that time the Jews had never heard of Jehovah; they worshipped the goddess Asherah. Their spiritual leaders were largely female. Miriam posed, according to the Book of Jasher, such a problem for Moses in his attempt to create a new environment of male dominance that he imprisoned her; and the Jewish nation rose against Moses with their armies to secure Miriam’s release. This is not in the Bible.
So let’s move to where the Christian story itself began. Let’s look at the gospels themselves and, in doing that, let’s see what they actually tell us, against what we think they tell us, because we have all learned to go along with what we are taught about the gospels in schoolrooms and churches. But is the teaching correctly related always? Does it conform with the written scriptures? It’s actually surprising how much we think we know, but we’ve learned it just from pulpits or from picture books, not from necessarily studying the texts.
The nativity story itself provides a good example. It’s widely accepted, and the Christmas cards keep telling us that Jesus was born in a stable. The gospels don’t say that. There is no stable mentioned in any authorized gospel. The nativity is not mentioned at all in Mark or John, and Matthew says quite plainly that Jesus was born in a house.
So where did the stable come from? It came from a misinterpretation, really, of the Gospel of Luke which relates that Jesus was laid in a manger-not born, but laid-and a manger was then, and still is, nothing more than an animal feeding box. One only has to study society history of the time to recognize the fact that it was perfectly common for mangers to be used as cradles, and they were often brought indoors for that very purpose.
So why has it been presumed that this particular manger was in a stable? Because the English translations of Luke tell us that there was no room in the inn. Must then have been in a stable! But the pre-English translations of Luke don’t talk about any inn; the manuscript of Luke does not say there was no room in the inn. In fact, there were no inns in the East in those days. There are very few inns there now; and if there are, they’re illegal! People lodged then in private houses. It was a common way of life. It was called family hospitality. Homes were open for travelers.
Come to that, if we’re really going to be precise about this, there were no stables in the region, either. In fact, "stable" is a wholly English word and it specifically defines a place for keeping horses; horses of a particular stable. Who on earth rode around on horses in Judaea? Oxen, camels; the odd Roman officer might have had a horse, but even the mules and the oxen, if kept under cover, would have been kept under some sort of a shed or out-house, not in a stable.
As for the mythical inn, the Greek text actually does not say there was no room at the inn. By the best translation it actually states that there was no provision in the room. As mentioned in Matthew, Jesus was born in a house and, as correctly translated, Luke reveals that Jesus was laid in a manger, an animal feeding box, because there was no cradle provided in the room.
If we’re on the subject of Jesus’ birth, I think we ought to look at the chronology here, because this is important as well; because the gospels, the two gospels that deal with the nativity, actually give us two completely different dates for the event.
According to Matthew, Jesus was born in the reign of King Herod, Herod the Great, who debated the event with the Magi and ordered the slaying of the infants. Well, Herod died in 4 BC, and we know from Matthew that Jesus was born before that. And because of that, most standard concordant Bibles and history books imply that Jesus’ date of birth was 5 BC, because that is before 4 BC and Herod was still reigning, so that’s a good date.
But in Luke, a completely different date is given. Luke doesn’t tell us about King Herod or anything like that. Luke says that Jesus was born while Cyrenius was Governor of Syria, the same year that the Emperor Augustus implemented the national census, the census which Joseph and Mary went to Bethlehem to be a part of.
There are relevant points to mention here, and they are both recorded in the first-century Jewish annals (such as The Antiquities of the Jews). Cyrenius was appointed Governor of Syria in AD 6. This was the very year recorded of the national census, put into operation by Cyrenius and ordered by Emperor Augustus. As Luke tells us, it was the first and only ever recorded census for the region.
So Jesus was born before 4 BC and in AD 6. Is this a mistake? No, not necessarily, because in the way it was originally portrayed we’re actually looking at two quite specific births.
Both gospels are correct. We’re looking at Jesus’ physical birth, and we’re looking at Jesus’ community birth. These were defined at the time as the first and second births, and they applied specifically to people of particular groups and certainly to dynastic heirs.
Second births for boys were performed by way of a ritual of rebirth. It was very physical: they were wrapped in swaddling clothes and born again from their mother’s womb. It was a physical ceremony. Second births for boys took place at the age of twelve.
So we know that Jesus was twelve in AD 6. Unfortunately, the latter-day transcribers of Luke completely missed the significance of this, and it was their endeavor to somehow tie in this event about swaddling clothes and being born then, that led to this mention of the nonsense about the stable.
So if Jesus was twelve in AD 6, this means that he was born in 7 BC, which ties in perfectly well with the Matthew account that he was born during the latter reign of King Herod.
But we now discover what appears to be another anomaly, because Luke says later in the gospel that when Jesus was twelve years old, his parents, Mary and Joseph, took him to Jerusalem for the day. They then left the city to walk home for a full day’s journey with their friends before they realized that Jesus was not in their party. They then returned to Jerusalem to find him at the temple, discussing his father’s business with the doctors. Well, what sort of parents can wander for a whole day in the desert, without knowing their twelve-year-old son’s not there?
The fact is that the whole point of the passage has been missed. There was a wealth of difference between a twelve-year-old son and a son in his twelfth year. When a son, on completing his initial twelve years-that is to say, when he was actually on his thirteenth birthday-was initiated into the community at the ceremony of his second birth, he was regarded as commencing his first year.
It was the original root of the modern bar mitzvah. His next initiation, the initiation of manhood in the community, took place in his ninth year, when he was twenty-one-the root of the age-twenty-one privilege. Various degrees followed, and the next major test was in his twelfth year-at the end of his twelfth year, at the age of twenty-four, on his twenty-fourth birthday. When Jesus remained at the temple in his twelfth year, he was actually twenty-four. Not surprising that they expected him not perhaps to be wandering around the desert with them!
So his discussion with the doctors related to his next degree. He would have discussed this at the time with the spiritual father, the father of the community; and indeed, he did. It was the father’s business he discussed; his father’s business. The father of this era is recorded. The spiritual father of the community at that time was Simeon the Essene, and if we look back a few verses in Luke we see that it was exactly this man, the just and devout Simeon, who legitimated Jesus under the law.
So can we trust the gospels? Well, as we can see, the answer is, yes, we can actually trust the gospels to a point, but what we can’t trust is the way that they’ve been convoluted and distorted, and taught to us by people who don’t understand what they actually said in the first place.
The present English-language gospels date back effectively to the Authorized Bible, compiled for the Stewart King James I of England in the early 17th century. This was published and set into print no more than 165 years before America’s Declaration of Independence; only a few years before the first Pilgrim Fathers set sail from England.
The gospels of the early Church were originally written in second and third century Greek. Along with the Bible as a whole, they were translated into Latin in the fourth century, but it was then to be more than a thousand years before any English translation was made.
Bible translation was risky then, though. Fourteenth century reformer John Wycliffe was denounced as a heretic for translating the Bible into English. His books were burned. In the early 16th century, William Tyndale was strangled as a form of execution, in Belgium, and then burned, just in case he wasn’t dead, for translating the Bible into English. A little later, Miles Coverdale, a disciple of his, made another translation; and by that time the Church itself had split up quite nicely, so Coverdale’s version was accepted by the Protestant Church-but he was still a heretic in the eyes of Rome.
The problem was that as long as the printed text remained obscure (and it wasn’t just ordinary Latin; this was an horrendous form of Church Latin), as long as only the bishops could understand it, they could teach whatever on Earth they wanted. If it were translated into the languages that other people could understand and maybe read for themselves, this would pose a problem because the Church could be called to question.
So his discussion with the doctors related to his next degree. He would have discussed this at the time with the spiritual father, the father of the community; and indeed, he did. It was the father’s business he discussed; his father’s business. The father of this era is recorded. The spiritual father of the community at that time was Simeon the Essene, and if we look back a few verses in Luke we see that it was exactly this man, the just and devout Simeon, who legitimated Jesus under the law.
So can we trust the gospels? Well, as we can see, the answer is, yes, we can actually trust the gospels to a point, but what we can’t trust is the way that they’ve been convoluted and distorted, and taught to us by people who don’t understand what they actually said in the first place.
The present English-language gospels date back effectively to the Authorized Bible, compiled for the Stewart King James I of England in the early 17th century. This was published and set into print no more than 165 years before America’s Declaration of Independence; only a few years before the first Pilgrim Fathers set sail from England.
The gospels of the early Church were originally written in second and third century Greek. Along with the Bible as a whole, they were translated into Latin in the fourth century, but it was then to be more than a thousand years before any English translation was made.
Bible translation was risky then, though. Fourteenth century reformer John Wycliffe was denounced as a heretic for translating the Bible into English. His books were burned. In the early 16th century, William Tyndale was strangled as a form of execution, in Belgium, and then burned, just in case he wasn’t dead, for translating the Bible into English. A little later, Miles Coverdale, a disciple of his, made another translation; and by that time the Church itself had split up quite nicely, so Coverdale’s version was accepted by the Protestant Church-but he was still a heretic in the eyes of Rome.
The problem was that as long as the printed text remained obscure (and it wasn’t just ordinary Latin; this was an horrendous form of Church Latin), as long as only the bishops could understand it, they could teach whatever on Earth they wanted. If it were translated into the languages that other people could understand and maybe read for themselves, this would pose a problem because the Church could be called to question.
The article is reproduced in accordance with Section 107 of title 17 of the Copyright Law of the United States relating to fair-use and is for the purposes of criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research.
Proof that Alex Jones is on the Side of Right: Alex Jones Predicted 9/11 (July 25,2001)
*** Fundraising - Well,
we are back again with our hand out, asking for help to continue our
work. Some months will be better than others, but right now, til the
economy improves, we will have to come to you for the needed help.
Our deficit this month coming up, is $350 that is due on the first of August. Its also my birthday month. Things are moving rapidly now, and its critical that we have timely and relevant information, including history as well as exposure in order to combat the attacks upon our nation.
Its a team effort, with us doing the research and exposing and the readers, hopefully, aiding us in that effort with donations. Its the only way we can keep going. God Bless you for your support so far, in distributing our blog and in sending in donations. If you can afford it, we ask that you continue that effort by donating off to the right of this blog and do so at the pay pal button on the site.
Vatic Note: This is a must watch. Until we get evidence to the contrary, I will consider Alex viable, even though he is married to a Jewish person and his kids are Jewish, that does not mean he isn't correct on about almost all of what he has predicted. After all, we have had several attacks on facilities over the past 20 years, such as the earlier attack on the twin towers that failed and the USS Liberty, along with others most of us know about.
I do believe he is light on exposing the khazars, but that can be explained by his family and his concern for the well being of his family at this juncture. I try to see how I would feel if it were my family and I immediately understood his situation. I am giving him the benefit of the doubt for now until something comes up that proves otherwise. Watch and read and see what you think?
Proof that Alex Jones is on the Side of Right: Alex Jones Predicted 9/11 (July 25,2001)
Alex Jones from the Austin Access TV show from July 25, 2001 where he predicted the US would use Bin Laden as a patsy for a false flag terrorist attack.
The article is reproduced in accordance with Section 107 of title 17 of the Copyright Law of the United States relating to fair-use and is for the purposes of criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research.
Our deficit this month coming up, is $350 that is due on the first of August. Its also my birthday month. Things are moving rapidly now, and its critical that we have timely and relevant information, including history as well as exposure in order to combat the attacks upon our nation.
Its a team effort, with us doing the research and exposing and the readers, hopefully, aiding us in that effort with donations. Its the only way we can keep going. God Bless you for your support so far, in distributing our blog and in sending in donations. If you can afford it, we ask that you continue that effort by donating off to the right of this blog and do so at the pay pal button on the site.
Vatic Note: This is a must watch. Until we get evidence to the contrary, I will consider Alex viable, even though he is married to a Jewish person and his kids are Jewish, that does not mean he isn't correct on about almost all of what he has predicted. After all, we have had several attacks on facilities over the past 20 years, such as the earlier attack on the twin towers that failed and the USS Liberty, along with others most of us know about.
I do believe he is light on exposing the khazars, but that can be explained by his family and his concern for the well being of his family at this juncture. I try to see how I would feel if it were my family and I immediately understood his situation. I am giving him the benefit of the doubt for now until something comes up that proves otherwise. Watch and read and see what you think?
Proof that Alex Jones is on the Side of Right: Alex Jones Predicted 9/11 (July 25,2001)
Published on Sep 12, 2014
Alex Jones from the Austin Access TV show from July 25, 2001 where he predicted the US would use Bin Laden as a patsy for a false flag terrorist attack.
The article is reproduced in accordance with Section 107 of title 17 of the Copyright Law of the United States relating to fair-use and is for the purposes of criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research.
Was Robin Williams Death, a Murder Bombshell?
*** Fundraising - Well,
we are back again with our hand out, asking for help to continue our
work. Some months will be better than others, but right now, til the
economy improves, we will have to come to you for the needed help.
Our deficit this month coming up, is $350 that is due on the first of August. Its also my birthday month. Things are moving rapidly now, and its critical that we have timely and relevant information, including history as well as exposure in order to combat the attacks upon our nation.
Its a team effort, with us doing the research and exposing and the readers, hopefully, aiding us in that effort with donations. Its the only way we can keep going. God Bless you for your support so far, in distributing our blog and in sending in donations. If you can afford it, we ask that you continue that effort by donating off to the right of this blog and do so at the pay pal button on the site.
Vatic Note: I am suspect of this scenario explanation of Robins death. Could it be possible that he did commit suicide? Yes, I believe, even with the facts as outlined that a suicidal person could have done all that was suspicious, and each act was explainable in meeting his end.
Having said all that, its also possible that he was murdered, but the author does not provide us with any reason why someone would want to murder Robin at this point in time of his life. Even though it is pretty obvious to me that he committed suicide and there has no reason given as to why anyone would want him dead, I still believe the reasons for suicide are pretty clear.
First of all, he was not getting any parts to play in either comedic or serious roles and films. He was just recently diagnosed with Parkinsons' disease, and third, he was investigating another possible illness he may have had that has very little history of being cured and that was "dementia".
I am also somewhat suspicious of the source of the story, which is the National Enquirer. A source somewhat known for its titillating headlines and questionable credentials when it comes to story lines and secondary sources. So, I decided to put this story before you and let you decide what you think or believe is the case.
In addition to one of those theories – the strong possibility Robin, 63, could have been ambushed during a robbery – these are among the key issues that Dan and other experts believe should have been explored further before the sensational rush to judgment: ROBIN WAS DRUGGED … AND THEN KILLED!
At the time of his death, the “Good Will Hunting” star was prescribed a cocktail of potent medications with potentially fatal side effects, and the drugs could easily have been manipulated to make him black out. Then, when Robin was unconscious, his body could have been set up to look as if he’d committed suicide.
In another troubling conclusion, the coroner noted that the door to the bedroom where Robin’s body was found was locked from the inside. “But the report also noted that the door had a push-button lock that anyone could have opened with a bobby pin!” said Dan. “So, anyone who wanted to set up a suicide scene could have gone in, arranged it the way they wanted and then locked the door behind them! “And the coroner apparently didn’t ask who else knew the layout of the house.”
The actor had been diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease, and in his final 24 hours, he frantically began looking up drugs on the Internet. A post-mortem exam showed he had an undiagnosed case of dementia – a condition that could explain his bizarre behavior. Dr. Richard Shepherd, a pathologist, said on the British TV series, “Autopsy,” that Robin’s online research suggested he knew “there was something else wrong with him … something that he couldn’t put his finger on.”
Robin’s wife, Susan Schneider, told police that when he left their bedroom for the final time around 11:30 p.m. on Aug. 10, he seemed “excited” and had rummaged through the closet to retrieve his iPad. Also, according to the sheriff’s report, at 6:53 p.m. on Aug. 10, Robin “called [name redacted] and made plans to drop off his wrist watches for safekeeping … He was reportedly worried about them and wanted to keep them safe.” The “Mrs. Doubtfire” actor put his watches in a sock and “drove to the unnamed person’s house between 9 and 9:30 to drop off the watches,” the report said. Those activities “don’t appear to be those of someone who is readying to commit suicide,” said Dan, 68, a licensed private investigator.
Even more shocking, the coroner’s report contained “little evidence” that the beloved star died a violent death, which would be expected with a hanging, Dan pointed out. “Hanging oneself is a violent process with writhing, but there is little to show that occurred,” he said. “The ligature marks are not especially demonstrative, and there was little or no hemorrhaging. “That suggests that he was asleep or incapacitated at the time that his oxygen supply was cut off.” In conclusion, Dan said: “Was it murder? I think that has to be looked into. “Could he have had an overdose? “Possibly, but we don’t see any kind of results from the lab. “I think the coroner’s office was a little quick to say that Robin hanged himself, was on medication and was battling a major illness instead of doing a thorough job and seeing where the facts led them.”
The article is reproduced in accordance with Section 107 of title 17 of the Copyright Law of the United States relating to fair-use and is for the purposes of criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research.
Our deficit this month coming up, is $350 that is due on the first of August. Its also my birthday month. Things are moving rapidly now, and its critical that we have timely and relevant information, including history as well as exposure in order to combat the attacks upon our nation.
Its a team effort, with us doing the research and exposing and the readers, hopefully, aiding us in that effort with donations. Its the only way we can keep going. God Bless you for your support so far, in distributing our blog and in sending in donations. If you can afford it, we ask that you continue that effort by donating off to the right of this blog and do so at the pay pal button on the site.
Vatic Note: I am suspect of this scenario explanation of Robins death. Could it be possible that he did commit suicide? Yes, I believe, even with the facts as outlined that a suicidal person could have done all that was suspicious, and each act was explainable in meeting his end.
Having said all that, its also possible that he was murdered, but the author does not provide us with any reason why someone would want to murder Robin at this point in time of his life. Even though it is pretty obvious to me that he committed suicide and there has no reason given as to why anyone would want him dead, I still believe the reasons for suicide are pretty clear.
First of all, he was not getting any parts to play in either comedic or serious roles and films. He was just recently diagnosed with Parkinsons' disease, and third, he was investigating another possible illness he may have had that has very little history of being cured and that was "dementia".
I am also somewhat suspicious of the source of the story, which is the National Enquirer. A source somewhat known for its titillating headlines and questionable credentials when it comes to story lines and secondary sources. So, I decided to put this story before you and let you decide what you think or believe is the case.
Robin Williams Murder Bombshell
Published on: July 1, 2015
In addition to one of those theories – the strong possibility Robin, 63, could have been ambushed during a robbery – these are among the key issues that Dan and other experts believe should have been explored further before the sensational rush to judgment: ROBIN WAS DRUGGED … AND THEN KILLED!
At the time of his death, the “Good Will Hunting” star was prescribed a cocktail of potent medications with potentially fatal side effects, and the drugs could easily have been manipulated to make him black out. Then, when Robin was unconscious, his body could have been set up to look as if he’d committed suicide.
In another troubling conclusion, the coroner noted that the door to the bedroom where Robin’s body was found was locked from the inside. “But the report also noted that the door had a push-button lock that anyone could have opened with a bobby pin!” said Dan. “So, anyone who wanted to set up a suicide scene could have gone in, arranged it the way they wanted and then locked the door behind them! “And the coroner apparently didn’t ask who else knew the layout of the house.”
According to the coroner’s report, Robin “had
enough drugs in his system to at least fall asleep,” added Dan. “So the
scenario of drugging him first would make sense because then you can
manipulate him very easily, and place him in any position you want.”
The actor had been diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease, and in his final 24 hours, he frantically began looking up drugs on the Internet. A post-mortem exam showed he had an undiagnosed case of dementia – a condition that could explain his bizarre behavior. Dr. Richard Shepherd, a pathologist, said on the British TV series, “Autopsy,” that Robin’s online research suggested he knew “there was something else wrong with him … something that he couldn’t put his finger on.”
Robin’s wife, Susan Schneider, told police that when he left their bedroom for the final time around 11:30 p.m. on Aug. 10, he seemed “excited” and had rummaged through the closet to retrieve his iPad. Also, according to the sheriff’s report, at 6:53 p.m. on Aug. 10, Robin “called [name redacted] and made plans to drop off his wrist watches for safekeeping … He was reportedly worried about them and wanted to keep them safe.” The “Mrs. Doubtfire” actor put his watches in a sock and “drove to the unnamed person’s house between 9 and 9:30 to drop off the watches,” the report said. Those activities “don’t appear to be those of someone who is readying to commit suicide,” said Dan, 68, a licensed private investigator.
Even more shocking, the coroner’s report contained “little evidence” that the beloved star died a violent death, which would be expected with a hanging, Dan pointed out. “Hanging oneself is a violent process with writhing, but there is little to show that occurred,” he said. “The ligature marks are not especially demonstrative, and there was little or no hemorrhaging. “That suggests that he was asleep or incapacitated at the time that his oxygen supply was cut off.” In conclusion, Dan said: “Was it murder? I think that has to be looked into. “Could he have had an overdose? “Possibly, but we don’t see any kind of results from the lab. “I think the coroner’s office was a little quick to say that Robin hanged himself, was on medication and was battling a major illness instead of doing a thorough job and seeing where the facts led them.”
The article is reproduced in accordance with Section 107 of title 17 of the Copyright Law of the United States relating to fair-use and is for the purposes of criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research.
Vaccine Safety - Remove aluminium by drinking Spritzer!
*** Fundraising - Well,
we are back again with our hand out, asking for help to continue our
work. Some months will be better than others, but right now, til the
economy improves, we will have to come to you for the needed help.
Our deficit this month coming up, is $350 that is due on the first of August. Its also my birthday month. Things are moving rapidly now, and its critical that we have timely and relevant information, including history as well as exposure in order to combat the attacks upon our nation.
Its a team effort, with us doing the research and exposing and the readers, hopefully, aiding us in that effort with donations. Its the only way we can keep going. God Bless you for your support so far, in distributing our blog and in sending in donations. If you can afford it, we ask that you continue that effort by donating off to the right of this blog and do so at the pay pal button on the site.
Vatic Note: Given all the soft kill elements the khazars are sending our way, its time to seriously look at tools we can use to defend ourselves that harms no one else. Keeping our commitments to being good neighbors, community supporters and uniters of all, we must find ways that can help us defend against the attack on us, while retaining our integrity and ethics.
If we have to use violence then we must make sure its effective and targeted such that only those warring against us are at risk. This below is one of the ways to fight the attack on our brains by the Aluminium being used in both vaccines and geo-engineering chemtrail drops.
Vaccine Safety - Remove aluminium by drinking Spritzer!
The article is reproduced in accordance with Section 107 of title 17 of the Copyright Law of the United States relating to fair-use and is for the purposes of criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research.
Our deficit this month coming up, is $350 that is due on the first of August. Its also my birthday month. Things are moving rapidly now, and its critical that we have timely and relevant information, including history as well as exposure in order to combat the attacks upon our nation.
Its a team effort, with us doing the research and exposing and the readers, hopefully, aiding us in that effort with donations. Its the only way we can keep going. God Bless you for your support so far, in distributing our blog and in sending in donations. If you can afford it, we ask that you continue that effort by donating off to the right of this blog and do so at the pay pal button on the site.
Vatic Note: Given all the soft kill elements the khazars are sending our way, its time to seriously look at tools we can use to defend ourselves that harms no one else. Keeping our commitments to being good neighbors, community supporters and uniters of all, we must find ways that can help us defend against the attack on us, while retaining our integrity and ethics.
If we have to use violence then we must make sure its effective and targeted such that only those warring against us are at risk. This below is one of the ways to fight the attack on our brains by the Aluminium being used in both vaccines and geo-engineering chemtrail drops.
Vaccine Safety - Remove aluminium by drinking Spritzer!
Published on Mar 9, 2012
Mentioned by Professor Christopher Exley during Vaccine Safety Conference in Jamaica (January 2011), it's recommended to drink water that's rich in silicon (silicic acid) to remove aluminium toxic from the human body. Spritzer, is rich in such mineral.
Drink Spritzer!
Drink Spritzer!
The article is reproduced in accordance with Section 107 of title 17 of the Copyright Law of the United States relating to fair-use and is for the purposes of criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research.
Put Britain on the List of States Sponsoring Terrorism
*** Fundraising - Well, we are back again with our hand out, asking for help to continue our work. Some months will be better than others, but right now, til the economy improves, we will have to come to you for the needed help.
Our deficit this month coming up, is $350 that is due on the first of August. Its also my birthday month. Things are moving rapidly now, and its critical that we have timely and relevant information, including history as well as exposure in order to combat the attacks upon our nation.
Its a team effort, with us doing the research and exposing and the readers, hopefully, aiding us in that effort with donations. Its the only way we can keep going. God Bless you for your support so far, in distributing our blog and in sending in donations. If you can afford it, we ask that you continue that effort by donating off to the right of this blog and do so at the pay pal button on the site.
Vatic Note: As you well know by now.... this is not a FAST FOOD INFO SITE with titillating headlines, so be prepared to read AND BE EDUCATED TO OUR REALITY. Now this was news to me and very well documented. As anyone who reads this blog knows, I have always had a problem with Britain as an ally. I saw them as I saw Israel, not as allies, but enemies of the globe including the United States. They have NEVER forgiven us for obtaining our freedom and independence from them. They lost their global empire status after that revolution. This below explains so much about Britains role in all of the current happenings around the globe. It lists the Muslim groups that are so called "Rebels and terrorists" and yet they are protected and sheltered by Britain. Now why is that?
Also, we published evidence that the royal line of Britain are Germans who migrated into eastern Europe from Khazaria. In 1919, they changed their name from the German name into a more British sounding name, Winsor, and that is how they are viewed today, as British. The real royal line of Britain actually resides in Australia, to protect himself from the existing royal family.
Lets also remember, that Prince Charles recently came out admitting their ancestry line was from Val the Impaler, of Romania, and that was once part of Khazaria, and is one of the places in Eastern Europe that their family migrated into from Khazaria way back in the 1100's AD.
Doing this blog, I am discovering how little we truly know about the world around us, and the history that has been recorded has been manipulated. Who had ever heard of Khazars prior to this time frame since 9-11? Yet, they have had the most dramatic impact on world financing and political affairs of almost all western nations. They have raped and pillaged the third world countries, and have been responsible for the introduction of slavery into our world. Yes, indeed, we even did a blog on that subject as well.
Notice that this list was propagated a solid year before 9-11. I bet it got lost in the aftermath of that horrific event, now proven to have been perpetrated by Rothschild's Israel with the cooperation of the Bush/Cheney cabal and all of them related to the British Monarchy.
Put Britain on the List of States Sponsoring Terrorism
By Admin, Executive Intelligence Review, January 21, 2000
Our deficit this month coming up, is $350 that is due on the first of August. Its also my birthday month. Things are moving rapidly now, and its critical that we have timely and relevant information, including history as well as exposure in order to combat the attacks upon our nation.
Its a team effort, with us doing the research and exposing and the readers, hopefully, aiding us in that effort with donations. Its the only way we can keep going. God Bless you for your support so far, in distributing our blog and in sending in donations. If you can afford it, we ask that you continue that effort by donating off to the right of this blog and do so at the pay pal button on the site.
Vatic Note: As you well know by now.... this is not a FAST FOOD INFO SITE with titillating headlines, so be prepared to read AND BE EDUCATED TO OUR REALITY. Now this was news to me and very well documented. As anyone who reads this blog knows, I have always had a problem with Britain as an ally. I saw them as I saw Israel, not as allies, but enemies of the globe including the United States. They have NEVER forgiven us for obtaining our freedom and independence from them. They lost their global empire status after that revolution. This below explains so much about Britains role in all of the current happenings around the globe. It lists the Muslim groups that are so called "Rebels and terrorists" and yet they are protected and sheltered by Britain. Now why is that?
Also, we published evidence that the royal line of Britain are Germans who migrated into eastern Europe from Khazaria. In 1919, they changed their name from the German name into a more British sounding name, Winsor, and that is how they are viewed today, as British. The real royal line of Britain actually resides in Australia, to protect himself from the existing royal family.
Lets also remember, that Prince Charles recently came out admitting their ancestry line was from Val the Impaler, of Romania, and that was once part of Khazaria, and is one of the places in Eastern Europe that their family migrated into from Khazaria way back in the 1100's AD.
Doing this blog, I am discovering how little we truly know about the world around us, and the history that has been recorded has been manipulated. Who had ever heard of Khazars prior to this time frame since 9-11? Yet, they have had the most dramatic impact on world financing and political affairs of almost all western nations. They have raped and pillaged the third world countries, and have been responsible for the introduction of slavery into our world. Yes, indeed, we even did a blog on that subject as well.
Notice that this list was propagated a solid year before 9-11. I bet it got lost in the aftermath of that horrific event, now proven to have been perpetrated by Rothschild's Israel with the cooperation of the Bush/Cheney cabal and all of them related to the British Monarchy.
Put Britain on the List of States Sponsoring Terrorism
By Admin, Executive Intelligence Review, January 21, 2000
The following memorandum, dated Jan. 11, 2000, was prepared for delivery to U.S. Secretary of State Madeleine Albright. It is a request to launch an investigation, pursuant to placing Great Britain on the list of states sponsoring terrorism. To: Hon. Madeleine Albright, Secretary of State From: The Editors, Executive Intelligence Review C.C.: Hon. William Cohen, Secretary of Defense Hon. Janet Reno, Attorney General Hon. George Tenet, Director of Central Intelligence Hon. Louis Freeh, Director, Federal Bureau of Investigation Hon. Jesse Helms, Chairman, Senate Foreign Relations Committee Hon. Joseph Biden, Ranking Democrat, Senate Foreign Relations Committee Hon. Benjamin Gilman, Chairman, House International Relations Committee Hon. Sam Gejdenson, Ranking Democrat, House International Relations Committee This is a formal request for you to initiate a review of the role of the government of Great Britain in supporting international terrorism, to determine whether Britain should be added to the list of nations sanctioned by the United States government for lending support to international terrorist organizations. This issue has been recently highlighted, as the result of the December 1999 Indian Airlines hijacking, and the response of the British government to the request of one of the freed Kashmiri terrorists, Ahmed Omar Sheikh, to be given safe passage to England. Mr. Sheikh, a British national, was tried and convicted in India, for his role in the kidnapping of four British nationals and an American in 1995. He was sentenced to five years in prison in November 1998. Initially, the British government announced that it would provide Mr. Sheikh with safe passage to Britain, and would not prosecute him or make any effort to extradite him back to India. However, long before the Sheikh case, Executive Intelligence Review has documented a pattern of British involvement in harboring international terrorists, dating back to 1995. As of this writing, no fewer than a dozen governments—many of them leading allies of the United States—have filed formal diplomatic protests with the British Foreign Office, over specific instances of British official support for terrorist groups, targetting those nations.
Criteria for evaluating whether
U.S. Government policy on sanctions against states sponsoring terrorism has been set by a series of Congressional acts, including, but not limited to: the Export Administration Act of 1979 (EAAA), the Anti-Terrorism and Arms Export Amendments Act of 1989 (ATAEAA), the Arms Export Control Act (22 U.S.C. 2780), the Foreign Assistance Act of 1961, the Omnibus Appropriations Act of 1996, and the Antiterrorism and Effective Death Penalty Act (AEDPA) of 1996. |
Vicious Vendetta Against Illuminati Defector
Vatic Note: Due to a discovered interference with our fund raising effort, I was not able to finish a vatic note on this blog. However, this article says it all, and is not the first victim of the anti-whistleblower crowd. Please see our gutted fund raising appeal right after this VN and understand why I ran out of time. We REALLY DO NEED YOUR HELP NOW THAT THIS IS GOING ON.
*** Fundraising - Well, the powers that be have found a new line of attack on us, by taking down our fund raising appeal on all the blogs we put up for the beginning of the fundraising period which is 7/15/15 period until the beginning of the month of August. If I had not come back and checked on the blogs, I would not have known about it. So, I am putting it up again.
So here is the appeal again. Please help us meet our deficit this month coming up, of $350 that is due on the first of August. Its also my birthday month. Things are moving rapidly now, and its critical that we have timely and relevant information, including history as well as exposure in order to combat the attacks upon our nation. Its a team effort, with us doing the research and exposing and the readers, hopefully, aiding us in that effort with donations. Its the only way we can keep going. God Bless you for your support so far, in distributing our blog and in sending in donations. If you can afford it, we ask that you continue that effort by donating off to the right of this blog and do so at the pay pal button on the site.
Vicious Vendetta Against Illuminati Defector
By Henry Makow, April 2015
The article is reproduced in accordance with Section 107 of title 17 of the Copyright Law of the United States relating to fair-use and is for the purposes of criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research.
*** Fundraising - Well, the powers that be have found a new line of attack on us, by taking down our fund raising appeal on all the blogs we put up for the beginning of the fundraising period which is 7/15/15 period until the beginning of the month of August. If I had not come back and checked on the blogs, I would not have known about it. So, I am putting it up again.
So here is the appeal again. Please help us meet our deficit this month coming up, of $350 that is due on the first of August. Its also my birthday month. Things are moving rapidly now, and its critical that we have timely and relevant information, including history as well as exposure in order to combat the attacks upon our nation. Its a team effort, with us doing the research and exposing and the readers, hopefully, aiding us in that effort with donations. Its the only way we can keep going. God Bless you for your support so far, in distributing our blog and in sending in donations. If you can afford it, we ask that you continue that effort by donating off to the right of this blog and do so at the pay pal button on the site.
Vicious Vendetta Against Illuminati Defector
By Henry Makow, April 2015

(Rahul Manchanda, formerly a media mouthpiece for war.)
NYC Attorney Rahul Manchanda
refused to sell his soul to the devil.
Now, the devil is taking revenge.
His story exposes how an occult secret society
exercises control using the CIA, courts
and the mass media.
Anyone who doubts the Illuminati's determination to provoke a third world war should heed the story of NYC immigration attorney, Rahul Manchanda, 42, who refused to demonize Iran.
In 2000, while still in law school, Manchanda, American-born of Indian descent, applied for a job with the CIA. He was interviewed but the work came in a different form. He often appeared on CNN and Fox selling the Administration line. He was given "talking points" and groomed and supervised from afar by the likes of Frank Gaffney and Oliver North.
At the same time, his law firm mysteriously flourished, growing to a staff of 20. He became a millionaire with a beautiful wife and two kids. It was the American Dream.
The dream turned into a nightmare after a fact-gathering trip to Iran in 2006, sponsored by what may have been a CIA-front group called "Network 2020." Manchanda found that contrary to Iran's image as a fanatic terrorist state, Iranians actually love the USA and just wanted to enjoy the American Dream as well. They were so crippled by sanctions they could barely keep their economy running, let alone pose a threat. They were friendly, intelligent, moderate people.
Manchanda's "whole world changed." When he returned, he was pressured to write a report which vilified Iran. Instead, he urged the US to abandon adversarial colonial approaches and support democratic change in Iran. He says his report possibly influenced the 2007 "National Intelligence Estimate" which determined that Iran was not a threat.
(With President Bush in happier times.)
Manchanda was a "star" being groomed for higher things. His ethnicity made war mongering more credible to Americans.
Similarly, he says "Obama has killed more brown people than any other president. If McCain had done it, he would be a war criminal."
But after writing this report, the Cinderella Carriage quickly turned into a pumpkin. A series of scurrilous and defamatory lies appeared at "Rip Off Report" online, and both clients and staff fled his law firm in droves. He was subjected to many nuisance tax, labor and disciplinary audits.
"Overnight, I became a pariah," he says. Suddenly, he was persona non grata in the mainstream media. In 2010, he filed for bankruptcy. A one-man law firm today, he is still one of the top immigration attorneys in the United States.
A George-Soros-funded feminist group, "Sanctuary for Families" got to his wife and she divorced him, taking their two children and involving him a protracted legal battle that was unwinnable because top NYC law firms donated their staff to this agency. Judges live in fear of it. All of his motions were denied. His appeals to higher legal authorities fell on deaf ears.
But the Illuminati weren't finish yet. A young woman, Kate Bose, left, who has connections with the NYPD Intelligence Dept. entrapped him in a romantic relationship. After they moved into together, she accused him of "menacing" her during a verbal argument. He now faces a year in jail for having an argument with a woman and he is convinced he will be murdered in prison.
Meanwhile Kate Bose, who was practically insolvent, was rewarded with a $100K job with Ralph Lauren.
Assistant District Attorney Gilbert Rein refuses to dismiss the case or arrest Bose although she admitted in multiple notarized documents faxes and emails that she lied. Manchanda also charged her with poisoning him and his children but Rein refused to act. Manchanda was denied a Protective Order against Bose although she called him 30 times. Manchanda is in court Monday.
The judge Tandra Dawson, left, is reportedly on the Board of "Sanctuary for Families."
Manchanda, a Freemason, is also being expelled from his lodge for "unMason-like behavior," the first person to be expelled in one hundred years. He says Freemasons have no love for Jews and are just using them to ethnically cleanse the Holy Land so they can rebuild Salomon's Temple. He says Netanyahu and the top Israeli leadership are all Freemasons.
Manchanda is one of a score of Indian-American celebrities being persecuted as a way of pressuring India to take a more anti-Iranian foreign policy. These include banker Rajat Gupta, intellectual Dinesh S'Souza, Indian ambassador Devyani Khobrogade, developer Lakhinder Vohra, hotelier Vikram Chatwal, Mathew Martoma, Indian Ambassador Prabhu Dayal, Indian Ambassador Daughter Krittika Biswas, noted human rights lawyer Chaumtoli Huq, Indian actor Shah Rukh Khan, United States India Political Action Committee CEO Sanjay Puri, and countless others - all in New York City.
I asked about the recent nuclear deal the US signed with Iran. Manchanda says the Neo Con lunatics do not yet have a complete lock on US foreign policy. Many loyal Americans in government are fed up with wars and waste. Indeed, Obama's popularity shot up after he defied the Zionist warmongers. This issue may be the only thing that can elect Hillary Clinton.
Rahul Manchanda thinks the Illuminati want him to commit suicide. He will never do so. His predicament exposes the invisible tyranny that controls America and sucks its life blood.
Latest (Monday April 27)
Dear Commission on Judicial Conduct et al:
Once again Judge Tandra Dawson of IDV Court today treated me in an extremely biased and unfair manner wherein she allowed my counsel Herman Kaufman to withdraw from my trial without any notice to me, again waived my accuser Kate Bose from having to appear to be present in accordance with my due process rights, again refused to provide an order of protection for me and my children who I have tried to protect from Kate Bose after jumping through hoops to get her served with court ordered alternate methods of service and successfully served her 8 months ago, and once again spoke to me and treated me in a horrible and disrespectful manner in a case where Kate Bose already admitted in writing several times to the court and ADA Gilbert Rein that she lied about the entire incident leading to my arrest last August 2014.
She also refused to explain to me what a 3030 was since one of the last things my traitorous attorney Herman Kaufman did today before abruptly withdrawing was waive my 3030 rights which again I have no idea what this even is.
This continued travesty of justice and dragging me over the coals is further proof and evidence of the horrific treatment I am receiving at the hands of the judge and the district attorney's office.
Please investigate and advise.
Hello Departmental Disciplinary Committee First Department:
Once again the above referenced prosecutor refuses to dismiss this case or offer any plea deal on a case wherein the accuser Kate Bose has stated in multiple notarized and signed voluntary letters and emails that she lied about the entire incident leading up to my arrest last August 2014 for a simple verbal argument we had where she alleged that I menaced her, which was false and that she admitted she lied about.
This is an abuse of his office and is highly unethical and is further grinding me into the dirt and ruining me and my children's lives who I haven't seen for 8 months due to this trumped up set up fake case and transparently biased IDV criminal proceeding.
Furthermore he keeps driving lawyers off my case by threatening them and me and not budging at all in his vengeful and politically motivated campaign of torture against me and my kids.
Please investigate, help me, and advise.
- See more at: Attorney Rahul Manchanda
refused to sell his soul to the devil.
Now, the devil is taking revenge.
His story exposes how an occult secret society
exercises control using the CIA, courts
and the mass media.
Anyone who doubts the Illuminati's determination to provoke a third world war should heed the story of NYC immigration attorney, Rahul Manchanda, 42, who refused to demonize Iran.
In 2000, while still in law school, Manchanda, American-born of Indian descent, applied for a job with the CIA. He was interviewed but the work came in a different form. He often appeared on CNN and Fox selling the Administration line. He was given "talking points" and groomed and supervised from afar by the likes of Frank Gaffney and Oliver North.
At the same time, his law firm mysteriously flourished, growing to a staff of 20. He became a millionaire with a beautiful wife and two kids. It was the American Dream.
The dream turned into a nightmare after a fact-gathering trip to Iran in 2006, sponsored by what may have been a CIA-front group called "Network 2020." Manchanda found that contrary to Iran's image as a fanatic terrorist state, Iranians actually love the USA and just wanted to enjoy the American Dream as well. They were so crippled by sanctions they could barely keep their economy running, let alone pose a threat. They were friendly, intelligent, moderate people.
Manchanda's "whole world changed." When he returned, he was pressured to write a report which vilified Iran. Instead, he urged the US to abandon adversarial colonial approaches and support democratic change in Iran. He says his report possibly influenced the 2007 "National Intelligence Estimate" which determined that Iran was not a threat.

Manchanda was a "star" being groomed for higher things. His ethnicity made war mongering more credible to Americans.
Similarly, he says "Obama has killed more brown people than any other president. If McCain had done it, he would be a war criminal."
But after writing this report, the Cinderella Carriage quickly turned into a pumpkin. A series of scurrilous and defamatory lies appeared at "Rip Off Report" online, and both clients and staff fled his law firm in droves. He was subjected to many nuisance tax, labor and disciplinary audits.
"Overnight, I became a pariah," he says. Suddenly, he was persona non grata in the mainstream media. In 2010, he filed for bankruptcy. A one-man law firm today, he is still one of the top immigration attorneys in the United States.
A George-Soros-funded feminist group, "Sanctuary for Families" got to his wife and she divorced him, taking their two children and involving him a protracted legal battle that was unwinnable because top NYC law firms donated their staff to this agency. Judges live in fear of it. All of his motions were denied. His appeals to higher legal authorities fell on deaf ears.

Meanwhile Kate Bose, who was practically insolvent, was rewarded with a $100K job with Ralph Lauren.
Assistant District Attorney Gilbert Rein refuses to dismiss the case or arrest Bose although she admitted in multiple notarized documents faxes and emails that she lied. Manchanda also charged her with poisoning him and his children but Rein refused to act. Manchanda was denied a Protective Order against Bose although she called him 30 times. Manchanda is in court Monday.

Manchanda, a Freemason, is also being expelled from his lodge for "unMason-like behavior," the first person to be expelled in one hundred years. He says Freemasons have no love for Jews and are just using them to ethnically cleanse the Holy Land so they can rebuild Salomon's Temple. He says Netanyahu and the top Israeli leadership are all Freemasons.
Manchanda is one of a score of Indian-American celebrities being persecuted as a way of pressuring India to take a more anti-Iranian foreign policy. These include banker Rajat Gupta, intellectual Dinesh S'Souza, Indian ambassador Devyani Khobrogade, developer Lakhinder Vohra, hotelier Vikram Chatwal, Mathew Martoma, Indian Ambassador Prabhu Dayal, Indian Ambassador Daughter Krittika Biswas, noted human rights lawyer Chaumtoli Huq, Indian actor Shah Rukh Khan, United States India Political Action Committee CEO Sanjay Puri, and countless others - all in New York City.
I asked about the recent nuclear deal the US signed with Iran. Manchanda says the Neo Con lunatics do not yet have a complete lock on US foreign policy. Many loyal Americans in government are fed up with wars and waste. Indeed, Obama's popularity shot up after he defied the Zionist warmongers. This issue may be the only thing that can elect Hillary Clinton.
Rahul Manchanda thinks the Illuminati want him to commit suicide. He will never do so. His predicament exposes the invisible tyranny that controls America and sucks its life blood.
Latest (Monday April 27)
Dear Commission on Judicial Conduct et al:
Once again Judge Tandra Dawson of IDV Court today treated me in an extremely biased and unfair manner wherein she allowed my counsel Herman Kaufman to withdraw from my trial without any notice to me, again waived my accuser Kate Bose from having to appear to be present in accordance with my due process rights, again refused to provide an order of protection for me and my children who I have tried to protect from Kate Bose after jumping through hoops to get her served with court ordered alternate methods of service and successfully served her 8 months ago, and once again spoke to me and treated me in a horrible and disrespectful manner in a case where Kate Bose already admitted in writing several times to the court and ADA Gilbert Rein that she lied about the entire incident leading to my arrest last August 2014.
She also refused to explain to me what a 3030 was since one of the last things my traitorous attorney Herman Kaufman did today before abruptly withdrawing was waive my 3030 rights which again I have no idea what this even is.
This continued travesty of justice and dragging me over the coals is further proof and evidence of the horrific treatment I am receiving at the hands of the judge and the district attorney's office.
Please investigate and advise.
Hello Departmental Disciplinary Committee First Department:
Once again the above referenced prosecutor refuses to dismiss this case or offer any plea deal on a case wherein the accuser Kate Bose has stated in multiple notarized and signed voluntary letters and emails that she lied about the entire incident leading up to my arrest last August 2014 for a simple verbal argument we had where she alleged that I menaced her, which was false and that she admitted she lied about.
This is an abuse of his office and is highly unethical and is further grinding me into the dirt and ruining me and my children's lives who I haven't seen for 8 months due to this trumped up set up fake case and transparently biased IDV criminal proceeding.
Furthermore he keeps driving lawyers off my case by threatening them and me and not budging at all in his vengeful and politically motivated campaign of torture against me and my kids.
Please investigate, help me, and advise.
The article is reproduced in accordance with Section 107 of title 17 of the Copyright Law of the United States relating to fair-use and is for the purposes of criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research.
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