Vatic Note: As bad as things are for us here, it became evidence they are a lot worse elsewhere and frankly, I was even shocked at what I was learning about the Phillipine Islands, and the horrible upheavel going on there worse than Europe, USA, Middle East and South America. It was as if they were considered the bottom of the heap in living rights. I asked this activist, Eric V. Encina, in the Phillipines to please write up for us a complete story of what they are going through right now, SO THAT WE KNOW WHAT FUTURE THE BANKERS/ZIONISTS/KHAZARS/GERMAN QUEEN HAS PLANNED FOR ALL OF US. The phillipines are like Haiti, they have islands and beautiful beaches and like our gulf, resort type properties owned by fishermen and their families for generations, now being stolen by robber barons for their own pleasure and investment. That is happening in the phillipines as well, check out this picture of wealth in that country.....
After reading what he wrote, I realized none of us should want this kind of life ever for ourselves or our children and that at some point BEFORE THEY FINISH ELECTRONICALLY WIRING THE ENTIRE COUNTRY, we better do something and now...... collect intel, share it, gather together, make plans etc, and be prepared to do as our forefathers did with the exact same crew of pigs that we are having to deal with right now. READ THIS BELOW AND BELIEVE IT......
Life & Debt/Death In The Philippines?
Commentary by Eric V. Encina, Phillipine Islands
"The aim of the economic and financial system is the service of man. The goal of an economic system should be the satisfaction of human needs, the production of goods (the role of the producing system) and the distribution of goods so that they may reach the people who need them (the role of the financial system). Social Credit proposes a technique that would make the production and financial systems serve their purpose." Eric V. Encina
With the global money system of the private, commercial, foreign and international bankers almost in total control, vultures and speculators creating more debt at compounded usury than real money, being protected by the money-poisoned politicians and their turn-coated political parties, the media-men--the intellectual prostitutes of the communication media, the burden of interest payments are undoubtedly and terribly overwhelming to every country and every citizen on Earth this very day and within the next few decades. There is no hope in sight to pay off the debts, not even the interest. If most nations can't pay off their interest payments, how could they pay the original debts? The viruses of debts have made us comatosed, and we're in great dying.
21st Century is certainly full of dreadful uncertainties, never ending crisis, debacles of man-made and natural calamities, more orchestrated or organically-made violence, protests and well-financed fake revolutions, and hugely expensive wars led by the axis of greedy, anti-life and anti-poor nations controlled by the super-rich and powerful global manipulators, and as some might usually say we are in the heavy process of apocalyptic super-disastrous events as we see crystal clear around, though others say still there is hope--the hope that is becoming less than .001% against the 99.99% despair.
However, unless present monetary system would be corrected and rectified, and would be changed into debt-free money creation system, into public banking for the service and for the benefits for all peoples across the planet without discrimination and inequality. That is simple mathematics that debt money system destroys us and and debt-free money creation can give us life and real decent survival for all peoples.
However, many countries and more than 90 countries are already suffering that savage cruelty of debts, inflationary and deflationary pressures, devaluations of currencies, hunger, starvation, unemployment, loss of pensions and extremely limited public services, homelessness of their citizens, violence, insurrections and revolutions both orchestrated and organic, and profit-based wars caused by other powerful nations for greed of wealth, resources, oil and controls, and militarilizations, and down to population control programs, and such intolerable hardships being heavily felt now under debt finance disaster capitalism and compounded usury.
We are in 2011 and entering 2012 very soon, and soon the year is usually going to an end for another vicious cycles of 2012 and another vicious cycles of deadly man-made crisis, and we wonder how could we survive in passing through the eye of a needle and litmus tests of survival difficulties, and and still we are facing with tremendous and uncertainties, predicaments and insurmountable difficulties, in the years to come under the present ironic system.
MAN-MADE PROBLEMS OF DEBT CAN ONLY BE REMEDIED BY ANOTHER MAN-MADE DEBT FREE MONEY SYSTEM CREATION. And I contest that it is possible. It is even possible to provide dividend or extra basic or supplementary to every man, woman and child in the world from debt-free money creation. I can prove by demonstrating the schemes.
One of the hindrances are those higher echelons and bigwig professional pundits who have supercillious educational and academic backgrounds who benefit from the broken system, that creating money debt-free is going to a disaster of run-away inflation while they themselves are too blind to see that the present deflationary-inflationary cycles nowadays are primarily caused by the fundamental flaws of debt finance disaster capitalism and compounded usury.
In Panay Island, in the Western Visayas alone, Roxas City , Capiz province, Philippines, I have led, and have been enormously and tortuously working against the unjust hardships, that the present financial system based on debt and compounded usury is placing upon Filipino impoverished citizens, the poorest of the poor without any sustainable aid from the Government (except mandatory door-to-door vaccinations of anti-measles of targeted 18 Million Filipino children in the countryside with their April 2011 funds close to P600 Million or more or less $11 Million from domestic and mostly foreign sources that do not help children's health but only worsen health,) the neglected indigenous native-villagers, the unemployed, the sick, the ageing poor peoples. Unfortunately, I am not recognized as credible by the Western-based peoples even those who are involved in the campaigns for reform and Social Credit groups and communities overseas.
I know, and I am aware that there are Western peoples who puke me, and those who try to derogate, destroy my name and discourage my works. All criminals are trying to destroy me whether physical, emotional, ,moral and even spiritual to demoralize and continue such demolition tactics against me. However, I have firm belief that, though I might go slowly and slow down sometimes or intermittently, and partially surrender and retreat, but I will never compromise the truths.
In poor regions of the Philippines such as this Capiz province, the local cultures have embraced the demoralizing Westernized ways of finance based on debt and usury long enough to become dependent upon them, believing in gullible in in the Western, 'first world' dreams, lifestyles and even disastrous diets and medical mafia-based drug medicines and heavily toxic-based vaccinations are better than the indigenous practices.
But the the local peoples have already taken the toxics of these practices and mostly are also zombies and stupid goyims addicted to American games and same like media entertainments and happy hours - contributing to miseries in the country. Now Filipinos find themselves at the harsh end of the deal, desperate and collapsing from debt at compounded interest, and dreadful poverty we did not actually create though with consent, participated in, nor benefit from.
It is indeed frightening to contemplate deaths caused by hunger-poverty-debt-related causes around in the region literally all over the country from starvation and disease - weather caused by malnutrition, hunger and or caused by man-made weaponized viruses created by the medical mafia for profits and or for the purpose of population extirpation or the so-called population control programs that reportedly according to the news-reports from HLI News, that Western Organizations such as USAID and UNPFA have already spent over US$600 Million promoting the reproductive health/right bills - which is the code words for abortion in the Philippines.
The belief to legalize abortion to cure poverty is a nightmare of great lie. Killing born and unborn children is not going to solve poverty while being intentionally blind to see the crimes of debt finance disaster capitalism and compounded usury.
And it is even more difficult to watch the children die because of such preventable diseases without proper nutrition that could have been likely cured if only there is available money debt-free for enough and nutritional food and for health and life-saving. There is no lack of food but the lack of means to obtain it. And this is one of the deadly effects of debt money system.
For nearly 20 years now, I have sought to educate Filipino people from the main cities, towns, provinces up to mountainous villages about how the debt-money system at compounded usury is the very root-cause and source of most man-made calamities in the country and in the world today. I experienced most of being ostracized, persecuted and demoralized even by the Hierarchy members of the Catholic Church and where I found out the involvement direct and indirect of this supposed to be divine institution to money power machines.
My works are also practical, setting up organic plantations to provide food for the future but the problem is our soil has been already poisoned by chemically-based farming and genetically modified organism practices induced and mesmerized by the multinational chemical corporations for profits that even our indigenous plants, trees, seeds, vegetables fruits and even our staple grains (rice and corns) have been already modified as I call it already genetically hijacked, and seemed to be beyond redemption. Organic/natural farming is declared dead already in the Philippines. Highly profit-based chemically-based and genetically modified based farming has already imperially taken us over. No wonder even our own brains have been already modified. "What you eat is what you are."
I have also attempted in the past years to lead with medical and health care through alternative/herbal methods, and organizing communities with several attempts on local alternative/complementary currencies so we can better help ourselves bit due to some difficulties, to be honest, such activities have been in fiasco. This kind of work is not easy, risky and laborious while the present survival is under heavy and constant pressures continuously every day with the means that is also continually losing its value in front of the rising prices of basic needs and services while we are stringently being put into austerity measures in trying to stretch out the means to the very limit. The last scheme I will try, without option under the present crisis, is to train children to eat or take their meals only once a day. Very soon 18 Million Filipino children in the countryside who are fully vaccinated will be forced to eat once a day, and or nothing or no food at all just to pay gargantuan interest to foreign and international bankers who hold and choke us up at the necks and skin us alive to death.
For the last 19 years I have been giving straight hard talks oftentimes dangerous on economic, monetary and political issues in the light of Social Credit philosophy on monetary reform policy either at the seminars, speaking engagements or through local television and radio broadcasting. I have tried to build up a network over a wide area, dedicated to bettering the lot of the average Filipinos so that they might also at live at a sustainable level but the attempts have not been successful with so many hindrances including the behavioral and attitudinal problems and common complacency of most other than betrayal against, but at least, I did and I am doing the best even at swamped pinched to educate the local and native peoples.
For almost 6 years, I have begun to break down as members have died, become terribly ill or financially desperate or left for other places or overseas for emergency job and survival usually to look for cash to support the poor family members suffering hunger in most impoverished villages.
In most Philippine villages, people are usually in th edge from hunger and starvation or easily curable illnesses as a direct result of the poverty imposed by the present debt-money system and usury. Even my own health has suffered dramatically due to CFS/ME/fibromyalgia and eye floater retinal damage health crisis always prone to relapse but I refuse to stop my works against the forces of finance and economics that are destroying my innocent people.
A vicious cycle makes the situation even worse. The most healthy and gifted villagers leave to find work elsewhere mostly in Metro Manila where situation is dehumanizing in the poverty-stricken squatter areas where people squat at the garbage areas and get foods from the nasty garbage. Some under graduates or unschooled work in Manila as helpers for $2-3 in Philippine Peso value to a day.
However, it is appreciated that Filipino call center agents working at US-based companies and or multinational companies are the highest paid like $5 to $7 up to $10 in Philippine Peso value a day but Filipino applicants must pass through the eye of the needle or litmus tests to get hired or employed under the most rigid screening processes, systems and policies and trainings.
Most are flooding overseas in order to find work so they could send money home for the survival of their poor family members in the impoverished villages and provinces to at least eat once or twice a day, if not thrice a day. This is often the only way most Filipino villagers can survive-which is very sad for many families left behind oftentimes result to broken homes and families and abandoned children. Children are always the victim.
Hundreds of thousands are leaving the country every year. Around 1,000 to 5,000 up to 10,000 Filipino applicants are in queu daily at the Middle East country embassies, also US, UK, Canadian and Australian Embassies applying for different types of visa mostly working visa though the EU Embassies are closing doors to Filipinos, there are persistent Filipino job applicants to get to any EU country.
Most Filipino applicants applying for works are at the Middle Eastern Country-embassies where physical and sexual abuses and maltreatment are daily reported, and to Japan as well where most Filipino women are working as entertainers or having illicit relationships with the Japanese, although with very few exceptions. The resultant 'brain drain' leaves those that remain in a more desolate situation. AT INITIAL ESTIMATE, THERE ARE ALREADY MORE THAN 10 MILLION FILIPINOS OVERSEAS SCATTERED WORKING BOTH OR PERMANENTLY.
(VN: Defacto Globalization includes the relocation of a culture, country, religion etc into alien territory in all areas in order to remove the root stability of that population both moving in as well as the one being invaded economically by taking of jobs through slave labor. Further, these are third world workers who have no choice but to do what it takes to survive, and that is the CRIME AGAINST HUMANITY THAT THE BANKERS NEED TO GO DOWN FOR AS DO THE CORPORATIONS DOING THIS, BUT THEN THEY ARE THE SAME AREN'T THEY? Maybe rebelling would be more lucrative than slaving, something for all populations to think about and consider, sometimes its better to die fighting than on your knees as a slave, its not a "life", its an existance on the same level as an ant in a work colony, forget it. )
Reportedly in 2009, about US$17.348 billion in remittances was sent to the Philippines by overseas Filipinos, the highest in previous years. Despite of crisis in the Middle East countries and in Japan, the Filipino workers are still resiliently working overseas and sending money to the Philippines. The statistics of the 2010-2011 remittances has not yet been recorded in public but these income funds from the hardships of Filipinos is used by the Philippine Government as touted to be as country's reserves to claim that Philippines is still in economic stability.
This year of 2011, thousands everyday are still applying for overseas jobs mostly for domestic helpers to Hong-kong, Singapore, Brunei, Malaysia, Saudi Arabia and to most Middle East/Islamic countries. Some are called lucky who are permanently settled who passed through migration and immigration requirements. Filipinos who are already secured in foreign lands or migrants or immigrants do not have plans to go back to Philippines. They only visit the country, visit and meet their relatives.
Even Filipinos in Libya under attack by the axis of greedy nations, are not interested to go back to the Philippines because they say " they are going to die in hunger in the Philippines."
Most Filipino villagers are also distraught that their deadly plight has been kept from the media - in terms of the very root-cause of poverty which is debt finance at compounded usury. The Philippine government is paying skyrocketing endless interest on horrendous borrowed money from the commercial, foreign and international bankers with the blood and lives of its own innocent people, yet the country's media and even the world media remain(s) strangely silent about the very root-cause as though this desperate situation does not exist at all.
The interest-debt burden terribly oppressing the Philippines is on the verge of destroying Filipino nation. Destruction is very much underway. Debt-finance at usury is merciless and conscienceless. However, as 'developing nations' such as the Philippines crash, it poses an immediate and fatal problem for the 'first world' nations.
At present, 'first world' nations led by USA are exporting their debts to 'developing nations' like the Philippines. When these nations inevitably collapse or on the process of total collapsing from the cobweb of debts, the 'first world' will have to cover their debts alone, which is impossible under the cycle of debt finance and usury as we can see the bailing out of USA, and EU nations to their private banking industry that only makes matters deadly worse than ever while taxpayers are deprived and even losing their pensions.
The global economy, and probably global civilization, will quickly collapse after these 'developing nations' begin to collapse---as underway and speaking about collapse, PHILIPPINES IS ONLY ON COLLAPSED ECONOMY based on the evaluations of the Social Crediters and Monetary Reformers. Only a change in the global money system can remedy this nightmarish situation, because the present global economic system is extremely flawed and unworkable and even deadly to humanity. Mark my words: "There is no hope under the system."
But nothing is certain since the present system has almost made us comatosed. We can can see around that we're in great dying under the system.
Anyone who is supportive and in line to my ideas and the important matters mentioned in this article, please contact me.
While First world-nation situation has been included here to give a human face to the articles about debt-money system and its terrible effects, if you would like to offer practical help to our cause, mission, struggles and survival in the Philippines, please do so for another wrestling year of 2008. THERE IS NO ANY GUARANTEE OF CHANGE OF THE SYSTEM but at least you let us or help us survive in the midst of life-killing system.
The article is reproduced in accordance with Section 107 of title 17 of the Copyright Law of the United States relating to fair-use and is for the purposes of criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research.