Is that possible? Would DARPA DO THAT?
Well, below is the first article on DARPA's intent to do research on manipulating Lightning and when you finish reading this, follow the links after the article with the designation "UPDATE" for the progression from researching manipulating lightning, to using lasers to "create, direct and Hold lightning" where they want it.
That sounds more like a weapon than a high ideal research project to mitigate the damaging affects of lightning. YOu read it all and decide. I think, if we do not get rid of these generationally wounded MPD's who now are psychopathic adults, we are in for the ride of a life time with some serious threats to the human race called genocide.
As usual, I have a story to tell about this. About two days ago we had a so called "Storm" with lightning and THUNDER like I have never heard before. The sound was ear drum busting. It was not that close, but it was pervasive. I never thought about it until I read this below and the updates, especially about the laser from space. THEN I REMEMBERED ALL THE DEAD FISH, CRABS, BIRDS and specific to certain areas, then it went from say Alabama, to global or the east coast of Maryland, to coasts everywhere. If you look at what died, it was all those things that exist in an environment seriously affected by "sound and light waves". Fish under water, birds in the air in flight....etc. Just wondering out loud.
Were they experimenting with this laser? I do not know, but its getting strange out here. Remember, they have lasers in space they are experimenting with as well. Check this out about lasers that they have finally done. Its amazing what "we do not know about our world"! Was the an end result of the call for research proposals on controlling lightning? Read the last link below. You decide.
As usual, I have a story to tell about this. About two days ago we had a so called "Storm" with lightning and THUNDER like I have never heard before. The sound was ear drum busting. It was not that close, but it was pervasive. I never thought about it until I read this below and the updates, especially about the laser from space. THEN I REMEMBERED ALL THE DEAD FISH, CRABS, BIRDS and specific to certain areas, then it went from say Alabama, to global or the east coast of Maryland, to coasts everywhere. If you look at what died, it was all those things that exist in an environment seriously affected by "sound and light waves". Fish under water, birds in the air in flight....etc. Just wondering out loud.
Were they experimenting with this laser? I do not know, but its getting strange out here. Remember, they have lasers in space they are experimenting with as well. Check this out about lasers that they have finally done. Its amazing what "we do not know about our world"! Was the an end result of the call for research proposals on controlling lightning? Read the last link below. You decide.
Add to that, the fact they are trying to make babies without humans, and human like robots that look, act and think like humans, and Israel has got the "blue Brain" project going trying to grow an artificial brain and do so biologically. Notice, not a word in those three links in this paragraph, about a soul, or consciousness, etc. In fact, I believe they intend to do everything they can to eliminate a "soul" AND "consciousness" from the human race. Since the architects of this abomination have no soul, they think its ok. But they then will be at risk from those they create, just like they are a risk to us. How stupid can they be.
This is all zombie sounding kind of stuff and given their satanism, occult and depopulation plans, I believe we best wake up and stop it all before we can't. If we do not, history will record that we once existed and make up whatever they want to say about what we were and what we did. That means only the psychos will be breeding..... heaven forbid. Well, maybe that would be poetic justice, now that I think about it.
The offspring could turn out to be their worst nightmare. Then they would be wishing for the good ole days with us cattle. LOL
This is all zombie sounding kind of stuff and given their satanism, occult and depopulation plans, I believe we best wake up and stop it all before we can't. If we do not, history will record that we once existed and make up whatever they want to say about what we were and what we did. That means only the psychos will be breeding..... heaven forbid. Well, maybe that would be poetic justice, now that I think about it.
The offspring could turn out to be their worst nightmare. Then they would be wishing for the good ole days with us cattle. LOL
Out of the Blue, DARPA Seeks Means to Manipulate Lightning
Posted 12.21.2009

Lightning Mother Nature has it. DARPA wants it.