Ohhhh, looky here in the picture.... a "black Helicopter". You don't say. That is not military, that is homeland security. What the heck are they doing running an operation in the gulf? Oh, thats right, Israel runs Homeland Security through the ADL and SPLC membership on the "Citizens" advisory council. I am glad they admit they are citizens of the USA, so when time comes treason is the call, and not foreign invasion.
This is the lead up to the bogus war they want to use to depopulate us, profit from it through our blood and guts, and loss of our children and wealth through war taxation..... well, I keep saying, the only World war we should fight is against the international bankers all over the world. Oh, thats right, they all resigned and went "where?" They have not been arrested, not a single word about where they are...... so I bet, they went underground were we said they were going. 20,000 bankers just disappear off the face of the planet and not a word from the Banker owned MSM press. Gee, what a surprise.
The only way to stop this MPD insanity is to have everyone REFUSE TO FIGHT IN THEIR BOGUS WAR. or agree to fight in it, get your guns and ammo and turn around and arrest every single officer above lieutenant. Then arrest every single banker you can find, then find the entrances to the underground facilities and block them in until we recover above. After that, hold trials for treason, felony theft, murder in the first degree for all the assassinations, etc.
U.S. Navy expands 5th Fleet's gulf base
by UPI
The U.S. Navy is doubling the size of its Persian Gulf naval base at Manama which officials say will greatly enhance the capabilities of the U.S. 5th Fleet headquartered in the island state.

030327-N-3235P-512 (March 27, 2003) -- .Boatswains' Mate Petty Officer 1st Class Jeremy M. Bangs signals to the pilot, Luitennant Junior Grade Bryce C. Kammeyer that personel are on both sides of his SH-60B Magnum 444 helecopter, attached to Squadron HSL-44, Detachment Six "Swamp Fox" (HSL-44) as it prepares to lift off the flight deck of USS Cape St. George (CG-71). Cape St George is currently on a six-month deployment in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom. Operation Iraqi Freedom is the multinational coalition effort to liberate the Iraqi people, eliminate Iraq's weapons of mass destruction and end the regime of Saddam Hussein. (FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY, NOT CLEARED FOR PUBLIC RELEASE) Awaiting CENTCOM 5th Fleet approval. .U.S. Navy photo by Photographer's Mate 1st Class (AW) Michael W. Pendergrass.
License photo
(UPI) -- The U.S. Navy is doubling the size of its Persian Gulf naval base at Manama, which officials say will greatly enhance the capabilities of the U.S. 5th Fleet, which has headquarters in the island state.
Officials are reluctant to link the $580 million expansion to the confrontation with Iran across the gulf.
They say the project has been in the works since 2003 in the wake of the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks. But it coincides with a sharp increase in Iranian naval activity in the gulf in recent weeks.
Work on the upgrade began late in May and is scheduled for completion in five years. The expansion will allow U.S. forces to cope with the growing number of threats in the region's strategic waterways.
It will allow the Bahrain facility to handle up to 30 percent more ships than the 300 vessels a year it currently deals with as U.S. naval operations are ramped up, in large part because of the Iranian threat.
The Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps, which oversees Iran's nuclear and ballistic missile programs and controls strategic missile units, have had a series of naval and air maneuvers in the gulf in recent weeks.
These involved the firing of an array of missiles, including anti-ship weapons, and focused primarily on the Strait of Hormuz.
This is the narrow gateway in and out of the gulf through which some 40 percent of the world's oil supplies pass. Iran has threatened to close the U-shaped bottleneck if it is attacked by the United States or Israel.
The United States maintains at least one carrier task force in the region, along with various other units, as well as Air Force assets, largely deployed in Qatar and the United Arab Emirates.
If the strait was closed, U.S. naval forces in the gulf would need to operate without seaborne resupply from forces in the Arabian Sea and the Gulf of Oman.
On April 21, an Iranian Fokker F-27 maritime surveillance aircraft circled the USS Eisenhower aircraft carrier in the Gulf of Oman, at the eastern end of the Strait of Hormuz.
Iranian aircraft rarely operate there and it was the first time one had approached a U.S. warship. The twin-engined aircraft, believed to be unarmed, circled the carrier for 20 minutes, apparently taking photographs.
Iran's State-run Press TV reported May 10 that the Revolutionary Guards test-fired domestically produced anti-submarine torpedoes during exercises tracking U.S. submarines in the southern gulf.
Press TV reported May 27 that the IRG detected a nuclear-powered U.S. submarine in the Strait of Hormuz. (VN: Don't forget, Iran's President is one of the leaders. We did a blog on how all the Middle East leaders are working with and for Israel. That includes Iran, we did a photo of him giving the dame "Bophamet" hand sign as both Bushs' and Laura Bush, Cheney, Clinton, Obama. Remember how cozy Bush and Pelosi were and Bush and Clinton were? I wonder then how that was possible, and now I know, they all play for the same Khazar team....deception, infiltration, subversion etc. That is what happens when you have no moral standard or code and no integrity).
Other naval exercises involved small high-speed craft operating in swarms in mock attacks on larger vessels, a tactic the Americans expect to be used against their ships if hostilities break out. These would be likely in the strait, where large ships have difficulty maneuvering.
Iran has reportedly been able to acquire a record-breaking British speedboat, known as Bladerunner 51. (VN: Now do you see? Britain is selling Iran what it needs to defeat the US. WE ARE THE DESIGNATED LOSERS and if that is the case, lets take them down with us.... bankers losing is good. Israeli leaders losing, is good. Anyone who has betrayed American and her people are good to go down.)
U.S. officials fear the Iranians plan to reverse-engineer a fleet of these craft and arm them with Russian-made Shkval, or Squall, torpedoes, which have a running speed of 225 mph, for hit-and-run attacks on large warships.
The New York Times reported Tuesday that Iranian freighters, owned by a network of dummy companies to disguise the vessels' nationality, have been used to evade U.S.-led arms embargoes to deliver military-related cargoes to Iran, including the prototype Bladerunner 51 in early 2009.
The rhetoric on both sides has become more heated in recent months as the administration of U.S. President Barack Obama has pressed for a fourth round on U.N. sanctions on Iran.
CNN reported in April that the Pentagon and the U.S. Central Command, which oversees military operations in the Middle East and South Asia, was updating plans for military strikes against Iran's nuclear facilities.
The Pentagon further ratcheted up pressure for military action a few days later when U.S. Navy Adm. Michael Mullen, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, said for the first time that an attack on Iran's nuclear infrastructure would "go a long way" toward delaying Tehran's uranium enrichment program.
U.S. allies in the region, led by Saudi Arabia and Egypt, have reportedly been pressing Washington to strike Iran. The Arab states in the gulf are particularly vulnerable to Iranian action and want to see it defanged.
They say the project has been in the works since 2003 in the wake of the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks. But it coincides with a sharp increase in Iranian naval activity in the gulf in recent weeks.
Work on the upgrade began late in May and is scheduled for completion in five years. The expansion will allow U.S. forces to cope with the growing number of threats in the region's strategic waterways.
It will allow the Bahrain facility to handle up to 30 percent more ships than the 300 vessels a year it currently deals with as U.S. naval operations are ramped up, in large part because of the Iranian threat.
The Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps, which oversees Iran's nuclear and ballistic missile programs and controls strategic missile units, have had a series of naval and air maneuvers in the gulf in recent weeks.
These involved the firing of an array of missiles, including anti-ship weapons, and focused primarily on the Strait of Hormuz.
This is the narrow gateway in and out of the gulf through which some 40 percent of the world's oil supplies pass. Iran has threatened to close the U-shaped bottleneck if it is attacked by the United States or Israel.
The United States maintains at least one carrier task force in the region, along with various other units, as well as Air Force assets, largely deployed in Qatar and the United Arab Emirates.
If the strait was closed, U.S. naval forces in the gulf would need to operate without seaborne resupply from forces in the Arabian Sea and the Gulf of Oman.
On April 21, an Iranian Fokker F-27 maritime surveillance aircraft circled the USS Eisenhower aircraft carrier in the Gulf of Oman, at the eastern end of the Strait of Hormuz.
Iranian aircraft rarely operate there and it was the first time one had approached a U.S. warship. The twin-engined aircraft, believed to be unarmed, circled the carrier for 20 minutes, apparently taking photographs.
Iran's State-run Press TV reported May 10 that the Revolutionary Guards test-fired domestically produced anti-submarine torpedoes during exercises tracking U.S. submarines in the southern gulf.
Press TV reported May 27 that the IRG detected a nuclear-powered U.S. submarine in the Strait of Hormuz. (VN: Don't forget, Iran's President is one of the leaders. We did a blog on how all the Middle East leaders are working with and for Israel. That includes Iran, we did a photo of him giving the dame "Bophamet" hand sign as both Bushs' and Laura Bush, Cheney, Clinton, Obama. Remember how cozy Bush and Pelosi were and Bush and Clinton were? I wonder then how that was possible, and now I know, they all play for the same Khazar team....deception, infiltration, subversion etc. That is what happens when you have no moral standard or code and no integrity).
Other naval exercises involved small high-speed craft operating in swarms in mock attacks on larger vessels, a tactic the Americans expect to be used against their ships if hostilities break out. These would be likely in the strait, where large ships have difficulty maneuvering.
Iran has reportedly been able to acquire a record-breaking British speedboat, known as Bladerunner 51. (VN: Now do you see? Britain is selling Iran what it needs to defeat the US. WE ARE THE DESIGNATED LOSERS and if that is the case, lets take them down with us.... bankers losing is good. Israeli leaders losing, is good. Anyone who has betrayed American and her people are good to go down.)
U.S. officials fear the Iranians plan to reverse-engineer a fleet of these craft and arm them with Russian-made Shkval, or Squall, torpedoes, which have a running speed of 225 mph, for hit-and-run attacks on large warships.
The New York Times reported Tuesday that Iranian freighters, owned by a network of dummy companies to disguise the vessels' nationality, have been used to evade U.S.-led arms embargoes to deliver military-related cargoes to Iran, including the prototype Bladerunner 51 in early 2009.
The rhetoric on both sides has become more heated in recent months as the administration of U.S. President Barack Obama has pressed for a fourth round on U.N. sanctions on Iran.
CNN reported in April that the Pentagon and the U.S. Central Command, which oversees military operations in the Middle East and South Asia, was updating plans for military strikes against Iran's nuclear facilities.
The Pentagon further ratcheted up pressure for military action a few days later when U.S. Navy Adm. Michael Mullen, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, said for the first time that an attack on Iran's nuclear infrastructure would "go a long way" toward delaying Tehran's uranium enrichment program.
U.S. allies in the region, led by Saudi Arabia and Egypt, have reportedly been pressing Washington to strike Iran. The Arab states in the gulf are particularly vulnerable to Iranian action and want to see it defanged.
Read more: http://www.upi.com/Top_News/Special/2010/06/08/US-Navy-expands-5th-Fleets-gulf-base/UPI-63471276013294/#ixzz1zU925V42
The article is reproduced in accordance with Section 107 of title 17 of the Copyright Law of the United States relating to fair-use and is for the purposes of criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research.
1 comment:
Call it an October surprise, or maybe a September 11 anniversary present. About 90% of the American people believe, incorrectly, that Iran already has a nuclear bomb. Since the exact number of atomic bombs owned by the Israeli regime is unknown, if one should disappear, nobody would miss it.
If the Willis Tower(previously known as the Sears Tower), owned by the infamous Larry Silverstein, were destroyed by an atomic bomb, it would be the easiest thing in the world to blame of Iran and secure the Kenyan's re-election.
Security at Willis Tower is provided by Kroll Associates, the same bunch that handled security for the World Trade Center. Rahm Emanuel, who never wants a crisis to go to waste, is now mayor of Chicago.
I think it's coming no later than the end of October.
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