"It is the greatest of all mistakes to do nothing because you can only do a little." ~ Sydney Smith
The article is reproduced in accordance with Section 107 of title 17 of the Copyright Law of the United States relating to fair-use and is for the purposes of criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research.
Federal Agent 'We Murdered Michael Jackson' Shocking Proof!!
Vatic Note: This video below says it all, very detailed and directly. Now, ask yourselves "WHO CONTROLS THE MOVIE INDUSTRY?" Who controls our banking industry? Who sits on the Boards of Directors of the Music industry, News corporations, Military industrial complex companies, and energy companies? You guessed it, Its NOT the Muslims by a long shot.
Like the USS Liberty, these movie and recording stars are brought down by the same people and then destroy those careers of those they have raped and pillaged of all they have earned, thats if they do not kill them first.. Michael had done an incredible public disclosure of those same controllers and after that is when he knew they were going to kill him.
Federal Agent 'We Murdered Michael Jackson' Shocking Proof!!
Published by Proconstitutioner, on Nov 15, 2014
The article is reproduced in accordance with Section 107 of title 17 of the Copyright Law of the United States relating to fair-use and is for the purposes of criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research.
Like the USS Liberty, these movie and recording stars are brought down by the same people and then destroy those careers of those they have raped and pillaged of all they have earned, thats if they do not kill them first.. Michael had done an incredible public disclosure of those same controllers and after that is when he knew they were going to kill him.
Federal Agent 'We Murdered Michael Jackson' Shocking Proof!!
Published by Proconstitutioner, on Nov 15, 2014
This is the video to end all doubts that Michael Jackson was indeed murdered by the illuminati. Michael Jackson's phone was being tapped, and a federal agent stepped up, and released Michael Jackson's last phone call.
The article is reproduced in accordance with Section 107 of title 17 of the Copyright Law of the United States relating to fair-use and is for the purposes of criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research.
MSM Blackout! Eric Holder's DOJ Implicated On Multiple Corruption Charges!
Vatic Note: Is this why Eric Holder resigned? Why aren't these people in jail? Resigning is not punishment for corruption. Its all basically covered by this video put out by Dahboo who has done a good job of ferreting this info out for us. I suspect we will get pretty fed up pretty doggone soon here, with all this blatant corruption going on.
Today we find out that Ferguson was a similar situation. We are putting up a blog on it this week, probably this weekend. So watch for it, but its obvious that the higher ups are not being subjected to the same criminal laws that we are being held too. Reminds me of the cops who are not prosecuted for shooting unarmed civilians in the back.
The first thing we should do when we get control of our government back again, is to prosecute all these people, throw them in jail if convicted by a jury. At least the government controlled by the people are willing to give these corrupt ones a trial. That is more than I can say for the cops who keep shooting unarmed civilians and who are also militarizing. You can imagine what they can do once done with the militarizing of our police forces.
Watch, listen and read, and let us know what you think.
MSM Blackout! Eric Holder's DOJ Implicated On Multiple Corruption Charges!
In perhaps the most stunning documentation yet of abuses by Eric Holder’s Justice Department, two former Assistant United States Attorneys spoke to defense attorneys and revealed appalling deceit and corruption of justice.
The article is reproduced in accordance with Section 107 of title 17 of the Copyright Law of the United States relating to fair-use and is for the purposes of criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research.
Today we find out that Ferguson was a similar situation. We are putting up a blog on it this week, probably this weekend. So watch for it, but its obvious that the higher ups are not being subjected to the same criminal laws that we are being held too. Reminds me of the cops who are not prosecuted for shooting unarmed civilians in the back.
The first thing we should do when we get control of our government back again, is to prosecute all these people, throw them in jail if convicted by a jury. At least the government controlled by the people are willing to give these corrupt ones a trial. That is more than I can say for the cops who keep shooting unarmed civilians and who are also militarizing. You can imagine what they can do once done with the militarizing of our police forces.
Watch, listen and read, and let us know what you think.
MSM Blackout! Eric Holder's DOJ Implicated On Multiple Corruption Charges!
Published by DAHBOO77 on Oct 21, 2014
In perhaps the most stunning documentation yet of abuses by Eric Holder’s Justice Department, two former Assistant United States Attorneys spoke to defense attorneys and revealed appalling deceit and corruption of justice.
This latest litigation time bomb has exploded from multi-million dollar litigation originally brought by the Department of Justice against Sierra Pacific based on allegations that the lumber company and related defendants were responsible for a wildfire that destroyed 65,000 acres in California.
In what was dubbed the “Moonlight Fire” case, the tables are now turned. The defendants have discovered new evidence and filed a stunning motion. The new evidence and disclosures are being taken seriously by the Chief Judge of the Eastern District of California—as they should be. In a shocking action, Judge Morrison C. England Jr. ordered the recusal of every federal judge in the Eastern District of California.
Sierra Pacific Industries and other defendants were compelled to pay $55 million to the United States over a period of five years and transfer 22,500 acres of land to settle massive litigation brought against them by the United States alleging that they caused a 2007 fire that destroyed 65,000 acres in California. Sierra Pacific has always maintained that the fire started elsewhere and that the state and federal investigators and Department attorneys lied. Now that settlement may go up in smoke because of the new evidence of outrageous misconduct by the federal prosecutors and the investigators from state and federal offices, as well as findings earlier this year by a state judge.
In an extraordinary development, Judge England, Chief Judge of the United States District Court for the Eastern District of California, ordered the recusal of all the Eastern District judges from the case because of serious allegations that the Court itself was defrauded by the government in the original prosecution. To avoid any appearance of partiality, he has referred the case to Ninth Circuit Chief Judge Alex Kozinski to appoint a judge from outside the Eastern District to handle the case going forward. Judge Kozinski has excoriated prosecutors for failing to meet their legal and ethical obligations.
Read more at http://observer.com/2014/10/fed-up-wi...
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In what was dubbed the “Moonlight Fire” case, the tables are now turned. The defendants have discovered new evidence and filed a stunning motion. The new evidence and disclosures are being taken seriously by the Chief Judge of the Eastern District of California—as they should be. In a shocking action, Judge Morrison C. England Jr. ordered the recusal of every federal judge in the Eastern District of California.
Sierra Pacific Industries and other defendants were compelled to pay $55 million to the United States over a period of five years and transfer 22,500 acres of land to settle massive litigation brought against them by the United States alleging that they caused a 2007 fire that destroyed 65,000 acres in California. Sierra Pacific has always maintained that the fire started elsewhere and that the state and federal investigators and Department attorneys lied. Now that settlement may go up in smoke because of the new evidence of outrageous misconduct by the federal prosecutors and the investigators from state and federal offices, as well as findings earlier this year by a state judge.
In an extraordinary development, Judge England, Chief Judge of the United States District Court for the Eastern District of California, ordered the recusal of all the Eastern District judges from the case because of serious allegations that the Court itself was defrauded by the government in the original prosecution. To avoid any appearance of partiality, he has referred the case to Ninth Circuit Chief Judge Alex Kozinski to appoint a judge from outside the Eastern District to handle the case going forward. Judge Kozinski has excoriated prosecutors for failing to meet their legal and ethical obligations.
Read more at http://observer.com/2014/10/fed-up-wi...
Follow us: @newyorkobserver on Twitter | newyorkobserver on Facebook
The article is reproduced in accordance with Section 107 of title 17 of the Copyright Law of the United States relating to fair-use and is for the purposes of criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research.
Documentary Ancient Babylon - Secrets Of Science of the Babylon
Vatic note: This was truly fascinating, not only about the accuracy of the Bible, but also about the achitectural information about the Tower of Babel and the science behind the "underdog story" of the battle between the Giant Goliath and David who defeated him using a stone and sling shot. Both of these stories were basically considered exaggerations of parables, but modern day scientists set out to test these stories and determine if they could have happened.
The process covered in this video of proving the possibility that both occurred as presented in the Bible, was a pleasant surprise and it was proven that both could have happened using the knowledge and technology of the times. How it was proven is what is fascinating and validates the possibilities outlined in the Bible. What else was included in the Bible, that we might have ignored or dismissed as too outrageous?
This was well worth the time and effort to watch and consider as they move along with their science in proving that each of these occurred as outlined in the Bible. There have been other ancient writings of other civilizations that have proven to be accurate, and many are because such structures are still standing to prove the possibilities that we otherwise had pooh poohed. We live in an amazing world with an amazing history. Check it out and see what you think.
Ancient Babylon - Secrets Of Science of the Babylon - History Channel Documentaries
Documentary Ancient Babylon - Secrets Of Science of the Babylon - History Channel Documentaries
The article is reproduced in accordance with Section 107 of title 17 of the Copyright Law of the United States relating to fair-use and is for the purposes of criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research.
The process covered in this video of proving the possibility that both occurred as presented in the Bible, was a pleasant surprise and it was proven that both could have happened using the knowledge and technology of the times. How it was proven is what is fascinating and validates the possibilities outlined in the Bible. What else was included in the Bible, that we might have ignored or dismissed as too outrageous?
This was well worth the time and effort to watch and consider as they move along with their science in proving that each of these occurred as outlined in the Bible. There have been other ancient writings of other civilizations that have proven to be accurate, and many are because such structures are still standing to prove the possibilities that we otherwise had pooh poohed. We live in an amazing world with an amazing history. Check it out and see what you think.
Ancient Babylon - Secrets Of Science of the Babylon - History Channel Documentaries
Published on Nov 5, 2014
Documentary Ancient Babylon - Secrets Of Science of the Babylon - History Channel Documentaries
The article is reproduced in accordance with Section 107 of title 17 of the Copyright Law of the United States relating to fair-use and is for the purposes of criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research.
VIDEO: Military Police Caught Setting Fires In Ferguson
Vatic Note: This is excellent, and it shows WHY WE MUST DEMILITARIZE OUR POLICE AND WHY THEY DID IT TO US. GET THIS OUT TO THE SHEEP...... THEY NEED TO KNOW ASAP. He not only shows the raw footage, he also replays it in slow motion and zoomed in and you can see the actual act and resulting fire. EXCELLENT analysis and presentation. Condemning proof and that explains why these same cops tried to make the oathkeepers go away from the roofs of the buildings because you can see everything from that vantage point.. Thats twice we have had the need to thank these oathkeepers, (the previous one was the Bundy Ranch). Who knows how many lives they saved, not including property as well.
No wonder they did not want the oath keepers to intercede and protect the public. They were busy working for our foreign occupiers by setting these fires that were blamed on the Blacks of Ferguson. Just like that foreign country did in the middle east to overthrow all those ME governments and install their own dual citizens. This is a land grab as well as a government grab. Its what happens when a country is unable to function as a country, so they have to grab those governments already in existence and working. It just proves you can't grow a great nation off the backs of mafia corruption in full swing.
They need our guns and this was how they were going to get them. This below is exactly why George Washington created the unorganized militia and armed them with the second amendment, and he even said so, to protect against all foreign AND DOMESTIC ENEMIES including our government, which appeared from his writings to be more of a fear than that of any foreign invader. Its in one of our blogs published just right after this one since they are both tied together. I just have one question..... who did the video taping of this act of treason?
Its is "proof" positive of the pure and unadulterated act of treason against our people and our nation. This is just like 9-11. There is no doubt now that 9-11 was a false flag done by Israel using traitors within our nation to accomplish their objectives of turning America into a police state. I wish the person presenting this to us would let us know so we can thank them.
Unless this was done on purpose for some nefarious reason, like to start a civil war that they have been promising us for the past 4 years and to weaken the nation, so we lose WW III, by dividing it. Our soldiers are not suppose to follow "illegal orders", its in their oath. Unless these are mercenaries from the ISIS mercenary group that has a web site.
Military Police Caught Setting Fires In Ferguson
by Truther, Pak Alert Press, Nov 30, 2014
No wonder they did not want the oath keepers to intercede and protect the public. They were busy working for our foreign occupiers by setting these fires that were blamed on the Blacks of Ferguson. Just like that foreign country did in the middle east to overthrow all those ME governments and install their own dual citizens. This is a land grab as well as a government grab. Its what happens when a country is unable to function as a country, so they have to grab those governments already in existence and working. It just proves you can't grow a great nation off the backs of mafia corruption in full swing.
They need our guns and this was how they were going to get them. This below is exactly why George Washington created the unorganized militia and armed them with the second amendment, and he even said so, to protect against all foreign AND DOMESTIC ENEMIES including our government, which appeared from his writings to be more of a fear than that of any foreign invader. Its in one of our blogs published just right after this one since they are both tied together. I just have one question..... who did the video taping of this act of treason?
Its is "proof" positive of the pure and unadulterated act of treason against our people and our nation. This is just like 9-11. There is no doubt now that 9-11 was a false flag done by Israel using traitors within our nation to accomplish their objectives of turning America into a police state. I wish the person presenting this to us would let us know so we can thank them.
Unless this was done on purpose for some nefarious reason, like to start a civil war that they have been promising us for the past 4 years and to weaken the nation, so we lose WW III, by dividing it. Our soldiers are not suppose to follow "illegal orders", its in their oath. Unless these are mercenaries from the ISIS mercenary group that has a web site.
Military Police Caught Setting Fires In Ferguson
by Truther, Pak Alert Press, Nov 30, 2014
Para-military Police CAUGHT ON FILM methodically setting fire to a vehicle in front of Advance Auto Parts in St. Louis MO. This happens on W Florissant Ave., the same street where nearly every fire occurred. Despite having this building locked down, Advance Auto Parts burnt down to the ground!
Here is the smoking gun irrefutable proof that police were methodically and deliberately setting the fires after the announcement of the Grand Jury Decision not to indict Darren Wilson in the shooting of Michael Brown.
I think the owner of that building might want to see this footage! (VN: yup, he could make the government pay for his rebuild since they caused it and its proven.)
Source: Che Lank
If you notice in the before and after pictures of the Advanced Auto Parts store, there is a little white truck parked on the side of the building. Notice after the fire at this location the little white truck is still there. This just affirms the location and that both are the same business in question.
If the police were protecting these locations and all of them secure then why did they burn down? This business was not on fire during these troops supposed protection sweep of the area.
Original Footage Taken:
The footage in question occurs at the 3:15 mark.
Who are these forces who are provocateur-ing these events?
Che Lank: I found out who those Militarized Police are. They are the SWAT teams. Compare their outfits and vehicles to the video here
The article is reproduced in accordance with Section 107 of title 17 of the Copyright Law of the United States relating to fair-use and is for the purposes of criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research.
LIBERTY IS RISING: Oath Keepers: Ferguson Is One Big NWO Scam!
Vatic Note: This is the most encouraging blog I have put up so far in all these years. When the Police, the local, state and Federal politicians will not protect and stand for the people, we now know that we have the "Oathkeepers" who are ready, willing and able to stand against the domestic enemies that are coming out of the woodwork, thank goodness. Read and watch all this and see what you think. All Americans who are armed should join the oathkeepers immediately, if not sooner.
Remember, it was Missouri that first succumbed to the federal incursion into states rights and the leadership of Missouri allowed it, encouraged it, and promoted it. I remember it well, when the Fusia centers (Federal offices under homeland security) were first formed in each state, and the SPLC and ADL were calling good Americans "Domestic terrorists", such as Ron Paul, Constitutionalists, Christians, and others, we knew that Missouri's elected leadership had sold out and this was under Bush at the time. The militarized police are the ones that set the fires in Ferguson and are creating the chaos being used that were recommended to do in the protocols of the elders of Zion.
Now we see just how far down the road to treason these leaders have gone. Ferguson was their target and being used like similar acts in the middle east to get people divided, hating each other, and fighting each other through the globalists paid provocateurs. Rebellion and martial law and gun confiscation were the objectives. After those objectives were met, then WW III. NOTICE THE NOISE NOW IN THE POLITICAL ARENA ABOUT WW III and the only people who will suffer for it are the citizens of the countries on both sides. We should all stand against any world war. Let the "To big to fail" bankers go down instead.
The Press, according to the first video, was trying to harm the oath keepers by slandering them and disinfoing who they are. The police also were standing against the oathkeepers who were protecting everyone’s property. The various officials at the highest level are violating the constitution and trying to allow the chaos to continue and are acting like traitors in this whole scenario. The video proving the treason is up just before this one today.
Remember, many of the military soldiers that committed "suicide" in record numbers, were oathkeepers and were wearing their oathkeeper badges on their uniform. Is that a coincidence or was it friendly fire called "suicide"? I don't know, but I always distrust coincidences especially in these days and times, when we have a foreign nation running our government, who needs to be purged out of here fully and dramatically, so they never try to come back.
Oath Keepers: Ferguson Is One Big NWO Scam!
Oathkeepers in Ferguson, MO have successfully protected six businesses from burning. So why did local police surround them and demand they leave the roof of one of those buildings or be arrested?

Henry perpetuated the people’s liberty. He sustained the ultimate authority of the people. Washington well understood the need to safeguard the nation from its foreign enemies. In his “Plan No. 2 for the Organization of the Militia” he undertook to warn about the dangers of domestic enemies: tyranny in government.
Washington himself took the farmers out for practice, and he utilized the knowledge and experiences of his generals and other valuable officers in the War for Independence by having them instruct and train the citizens (the whole people) in the techniques of soldiering, and the maintenance of an ‘energetic national militia’.
His “Plan No. 2 for the Organization of the Militia” was communicated to the Senate, on the 21st of January 1790. This lengthy Plan was permeated with the proposition that it is the direct duty and responsibility of the people themselves to guard against tyranny from within government.
Washington declared that the purpose of the militia was “to oppose the introduction of tyranny.” He had come a long way from the days when he accepted the Constitution without a Bill of Rights.

To view Washington’s statement in the context in which it was delivered, please look over the following excerpt taken from Pages 7-8 of an old document published by Gales and Seaton in 1832 entitled “American State Papers – Documents, Legislative and Executive, of the Congress of the United States, from the First Session of the First to the Second Session of the Fifteenth Congress, inclusive: commencing March 3, 1789, and ending March 3, 1819”.
This excerpt is a part of Wash- ington’s lengthy Plan No. 2 of 1790. While he also made re- ference to the prevention of invasion and rebellion, Washing- ton said that “the well informed members of the community (the people) were meant to be the real defence of the country”; and “the virtues and knowledge of the people would effectually oppose the introduction of tyranny.”
He warned that “the government would be invaded or overturned, and trampled upon by the bold and ambitious” — meaning people in our own country who operated without adherence to vital principles. The absoluteness of the right of the people to keep and bear arms is a basic principle.
Unless the right to arms is absolute, the people cannot remain the ultimate power. The Bill of Rights confirmed that we possess many other rights beside the absolute right to arms. All of the other rights for the preservation of their own existence, depend entirely upon the absoluteness, the force, and the reasoning that have shaped the Second Amend- ment.
Washington agreed with Patrick Henry on the purpose of the militia: It was to “oppose the introduction of tyranny.” Make no mistake about it: The prime reason for the Second Amend- ment is prevention of tyranny in government.
“An energetic national militia is to be regarded as the capital security of a free republic, and not a standing army, forming a distinct class in the community."
It is the introduction and diffusion of vice, and corruption of manners, into the mass of the people, that renders a standing army necessary. It is when public spirit is despised, and avarice, indolence, and effeminacy of manners predominate, and prevent the establishment of institutions which would elevate the minds of the youth in the paths of virtue and honor, that a standing army is formed and riveted forever.

If it should be decided to reject a standing army for the military branch of the government of the United States, as possessing too fierce an aspect, and being hostile to the principles of liberty, it will follow that a well constituted militia ought to be established.
A consideration of the subject will show the impracticability of disciplining at once the mass of the people. All discussions on the subject of a powerful militia will result in one or other of the following principles:
First, Either efficient institutions must be established for the military education of the youth, and that the knowledge acquired therein shall be diffused throughout the community, by the mean of rotation; or,
Secondly, That the militia must be formed of substitutes, after the manner of the militia of Great Britain.
If the United States possess the vigor of mind to establish the first institution, it may reasonably be expected to produce the most unequivocal advantages. A glorious national spirit will be introduced, with its extensive train of political consequences.
The youth will imbibe a love of their country; reverence and obedience to its laws; courage and elevation of mind; openness and liberality of character; accompanied by a just spirit of honor: in addition to which their bodies will acquire a robustness, greatly conducive to their personal happiness, as well as the defence of their country; while habit, with its silent but efficacious operations, will durably cement the system.

Habit, that powerful and universal law, incessantly acting on the human race, well deserves the attention of legislators—formed at first in individuals, by separate and almost imperceptible impulses, until at length it acquires a force which controls with irresistible sway. The effects of salutary or pernicious habits, operating on a whole nation, are immense, and decide its rank and character in the world.
-2-Hence the science of legislation teaches to scrutinize every national institution, as it may introduce proper or improper habits; to adopt with religious zeal the former, and reject with horror the latter.
A republic, constructed on the principles herein stated, would be uninjured by events, sufficient to overturn a government supported solely by the uncertain power of a standing army.
The well informed members of the community, actuated by the highest motives of self-love, would form the real defence of the country. Rebellions would be prevented or suppressed with ease; invasions of such a government would be undertaken only by mad men; and the virtues and knowledge of the people would effectually oppose the introduction of tyranny.
But the second principle, a militia of substitutes, is pregnant, in a degree, with the mischiefs of a standing army; as it is highly probable the substitutes from time to time will be nearly the same men, and the most idle and worthless part of the community. Wealthy families, proud of distinctions which riches may confer, will prevent their sons from serving in the militia of substitutes; the plan will degenerate into habitual contempt; a standing army will be introduced, and the liberties of the people subjected to all the contingencies of events.
The expense attending an energetic establishment of militia may be strongly urged as an objection to the institution. But it is to be remembered, that this objection is leveled at both systems, whether by rotation or by substitutes: for, if the numbers are equal, the expense will also be equal. The estimate of the expense will show its unimportance, when compared with the magnitude and
beneficial effects of the institution.

But the people of the United States will cheerfully consent to the expenses of a measure calculated to serve as a perpetual barrier to their liberties; especially as they well know that the disbursements will be made among the members of the same community, and therefore cannot be injurious.
Every intelligent mind would rejoice in the establishment of an institution, under whose auspices the youth and vigor of the constitution would be renewed with each successive generation, and which would appear to secure the great principles of freedom and happiness against the injuries of time and events.
The following plan is formed on these general principles:
First, That it is the indispensable duty of every nation to establish all necessary institutions for its own perfection and defence.
Secondly, That it is a capital security to a free state, for the great body of the people to possess a competent knowledge of the military art.
Thirdly, That this knowledge cannot be attained, in the present state of society, but by establishing adequate institutions for the military education of youth; and that the knowledge acquired therein should be diffused throughout the community by the principles of rotation.
Fourthly, That every man of the proper age, and ability of body, is firmly bound, by the social compact, to perform, personally, his proportion of military duty for
the defence of the state.
Fifthly, That all men, of the legal military age, should be armed, enrolled, and held responsible for different degrees of military service.
And Sixthly, That agreeably to the constitution, the United States are to provide for organizing, arming, and disciplining the militia, and for governing such a part of them as may be employed in the service of the United States; reserving to the States, respectively, the appointment of the officers, and the authority of training the militia, according to the discipline prescribed by Congress.”
End of excerpt from the 1790 Plan for Organization of the Militia
State Militia Defense Forces For Homeland Security: ~ Against A Rogue Mainstream Government!
George Washington is listed as No. 1 in the Hall of Fame. In addition to his many other remarkable achievements, his Farewell Address also has gone down in history as one of the greatest writings of all time. In it he warned against engaging in foreign influence and entanglements, weakening the fabric of the constitutional government, loss of respect for national morality and religious principles, growth of party spirit, and against the devastation brought on by pretended patriotism.
It was a disgraceful effort which caused February 22nd, Washington’s birthday, to be renamed as President’s Day, thus reducing the respect due to a man who had contributed so much of himself. In his Farewell Address he left us this immortal advice:
“Why quit our own to stand upon foreign ground? Why, by interweaving our destiny with that of any part of Europe, entangle our peace and prosperity in the toils of European ambition, rivalship, interest, humor and caprice?
It is our true policy to steer clear of permanent alliance with any portion of the foreign world….”
Yet, we allow our public officials to “police the world”. Further still he said:
“One method of assault may be to effect, in the forms of the Constitution, alterations which will impair the energy of the system, and thus to undermine what cannot be directly overthrown…..”
***Yet, we allow our public officials to effect grievous alterations in the operation of the Constitutional system, swear by the oath of office under pretended allegiance, and destroy our inherent right as the ultimate power in the republic by denying us the use of firearms.
Liberty Gun Rights

The article is reproduced in accordance with Section 107 of title 17 of the Copyright Law of the United States relating to fair-use and is for the purposes of criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research.
Remember, it was Missouri that first succumbed to the federal incursion into states rights and the leadership of Missouri allowed it, encouraged it, and promoted it. I remember it well, when the Fusia centers (Federal offices under homeland security) were first formed in each state, and the SPLC and ADL were calling good Americans "Domestic terrorists", such as Ron Paul, Constitutionalists, Christians, and others, we knew that Missouri's elected leadership had sold out and this was under Bush at the time. The militarized police are the ones that set the fires in Ferguson and are creating the chaos being used that were recommended to do in the protocols of the elders of Zion.
Now we see just how far down the road to treason these leaders have gone. Ferguson was their target and being used like similar acts in the middle east to get people divided, hating each other, and fighting each other through the globalists paid provocateurs. Rebellion and martial law and gun confiscation were the objectives. After those objectives were met, then WW III. NOTICE THE NOISE NOW IN THE POLITICAL ARENA ABOUT WW III and the only people who will suffer for it are the citizens of the countries on both sides. We should all stand against any world war. Let the "To big to fail" bankers go down instead.
The Press, according to the first video, was trying to harm the oath keepers by slandering them and disinfoing who they are. The police also were standing against the oathkeepers who were protecting everyone’s property. The various officials at the highest level are violating the constitution and trying to allow the chaos to continue and are acting like traitors in this whole scenario. The video proving the treason is up just before this one today.
Remember, many of the military soldiers that committed "suicide" in record numbers, were oathkeepers and were wearing their oathkeeper badges on their uniform. Is that a coincidence or was it friendly fire called "suicide"? I don't know, but I always distrust coincidences especially in these days and times, when we have a foreign nation running our government, who needs to be purged out of here fully and dramatically, so they never try to come back.
Oath Keepers: Ferguson Is One Big NWO Scam!
Oathkeepers in Ferguson, MO have successfully protected six businesses from burning. So why did local police surround them and demand they leave the roof of one of those buildings or be arrested?
Oath Keepers is a non-partisan association of current and formerly serving military, police, and first responders who pledge to fulfill the oath all military and police take to “defend the Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic.”

George Washington takes the oath of office at Federal Hall in lower Manhattan, April 30, 1789.
On September 17, 1787 George Washington was the first to sign and accept the Constitution even though it had no Bill of Rights. It was Patrick Henry with his great speeches and lectures who in 1788 forced an agreement which promised that continued ratifications of the document depended upon a Bill of Rights to be forthcoming.
In 1789 Washington took office and was faced with the arduous task of pioneering the first presidency including the structuring of the militia system. By January 1790 the influence Patrick Henry had over him became quite apparent. When Washington chaired the 1787 Constitutional Convention, provisions had been made for the defense of the country against invasion and for stifling rebellions, but there was an insufficiency of safeguards to be applied against tyranny brought on by public officials.
By 1790 Washington began work on his “Plan No. 2 for the Organization of the Militia.” By now he was more able to see the weaknesses in the Constitution. He openly discussed the threat of tyranny emanating from within the government. By then, Patrick Henry’s wisdom was spread throughout the 13 original states, and it was inculcated as the basis for the policies and functions of the militia. Henry perpetuated the people’s liberty. He sustained the ultimate authority of the people. Washington well understood the need to safeguard the nation from its foreign enemies. In his “Plan No. 2 for the Organization of the Militia” he undertook to warn about the dangers of domestic enemies: tyranny in government.
Washington himself took the farmers out for practice, and he utilized the knowledge and experiences of his generals and other valuable officers in the War for Independence by having them instruct and train the citizens (the whole people) in the techniques of soldiering, and the maintenance of an ‘energetic national militia’.
His “Plan No. 2 for the Organization of the Militia” was communicated to the Senate, on the 21st of January 1790. This lengthy Plan was permeated with the proposition that it is the direct duty and responsibility of the people themselves to guard against tyranny from within government.
Washington declared that the purpose of the militia was “to oppose the introduction of tyranny.” He had come a long way from the days when he accepted the Constitution without a Bill of Rights.

To view Washington’s statement in the context in which it was delivered, please look over the following excerpt taken from Pages 7-8 of an old document published by Gales and Seaton in 1832 entitled “American State Papers – Documents, Legislative and Executive, of the Congress of the United States, from the First Session of the First to the Second Session of the Fifteenth Congress, inclusive: commencing March 3, 1789, and ending March 3, 1819”.
This excerpt is a part of Wash- ington’s lengthy Plan No. 2 of 1790. While he also made re- ference to the prevention of invasion and rebellion, Washing- ton said that “the well informed members of the community (the people) were meant to be the real defence of the country”; and “the virtues and knowledge of the people would effectually oppose the introduction of tyranny.”
He warned that “the government would be invaded or overturned, and trampled upon by the bold and ambitious” — meaning people in our own country who operated without adherence to vital principles. The absoluteness of the right of the people to keep and bear arms is a basic principle.
Unless the right to arms is absolute, the people cannot remain the ultimate power. The Bill of Rights confirmed that we possess many other rights beside the absolute right to arms. All of the other rights for the preservation of their own existence, depend entirely upon the absoluteness, the force, and the reasoning that have shaped the Second Amend- ment.
Washington agreed with Patrick Henry on the purpose of the militia: It was to “oppose the introduction of tyranny.” Make no mistake about it: The prime reason for the Second Amend- ment is prevention of tyranny in government.
“An energetic national militia is to be regarded as the capital security of a free republic, and not a standing army, forming a distinct class in the community."
It is the introduction and diffusion of vice, and corruption of manners, into the mass of the people, that renders a standing army necessary. It is when public spirit is despised, and avarice, indolence, and effeminacy of manners predominate, and prevent the establishment of institutions which would elevate the minds of the youth in the paths of virtue and honor, that a standing army is formed and riveted forever.

Powerful evidence and testimony from an expert with many years of experience with typesetting and document images proves that Obama’s long form birth certificate PDF file posted on the White House servers on 27 April 2011 is a fake and is a fabricated, composite document forgery:http://www.scribd.com/doc/55642721/News-Release-Legal-proof-that-President-Obama%E2%80%99s-Certificate-of-Live-Birth-is-a-forgery
When will Obama be seriously and fully investigated by the Congress , the FBI, or the Main Stream Media for his many criminal activities!While the human character remains unchanged, and societies and governments of considerable extent are formed, a principle ever ready to execute the laws, and defend the state, must constantly exist. Without this vital principle, the government would be invaded or overturned, and trampled upon by the bold and ambitious. No community can be long held together, unless its arrangements are adequate to its probable exigencies.
Meet ‘The Three Enablers‘ of Obama’s usurpation of office and who are continuing to allow him to get a pass on his crimes.
CDR Charles Kerchner (Ret)
If it should be decided to reject a standing army for the military branch of the government of the United States, as possessing too fierce an aspect, and being hostile to the principles of liberty, it will follow that a well constituted militia ought to be established.
A consideration of the subject will show the impracticability of disciplining at once the mass of the people. All discussions on the subject of a powerful militia will result in one or other of the following principles:
First, Either efficient institutions must be established for the military education of the youth, and that the knowledge acquired therein shall be diffused throughout the community, by the mean of rotation; or,
Secondly, That the militia must be formed of substitutes, after the manner of the militia of Great Britain.
If the United States possess the vigor of mind to establish the first institution, it may reasonably be expected to produce the most unequivocal advantages. A glorious national spirit will be introduced, with its extensive train of political consequences.
The youth will imbibe a love of their country; reverence and obedience to its laws; courage and elevation of mind; openness and liberality of character; accompanied by a just spirit of honor: in addition to which their bodies will acquire a robustness, greatly conducive to their personal happiness, as well as the defence of their country; while habit, with its silent but efficacious operations, will durably cement the system.

Habit, that powerful and universal law, incessantly acting on the human race, well deserves the attention of legislators—formed at first in individuals, by separate and almost imperceptible impulses, until at length it acquires a force which controls with irresistible sway. The effects of salutary or pernicious habits, operating on a whole nation, are immense, and decide its rank and character in the world.
-2-Hence the science of legislation teaches to scrutinize every national institution, as it may introduce proper or improper habits; to adopt with religious zeal the former, and reject with horror the latter.
A republic, constructed on the principles herein stated, would be uninjured by events, sufficient to overturn a government supported solely by the uncertain power of a standing army.
The well informed members of the community, actuated by the highest motives of self-love, would form the real defence of the country. Rebellions would be prevented or suppressed with ease; invasions of such a government would be undertaken only by mad men; and the virtues and knowledge of the people would effectually oppose the introduction of tyranny.
But the second principle, a militia of substitutes, is pregnant, in a degree, with the mischiefs of a standing army; as it is highly probable the substitutes from time to time will be nearly the same men, and the most idle and worthless part of the community. Wealthy families, proud of distinctions which riches may confer, will prevent their sons from serving in the militia of substitutes; the plan will degenerate into habitual contempt; a standing army will be introduced, and the liberties of the people subjected to all the contingencies of events.
The expense attending an energetic establishment of militia may be strongly urged as an objection to the institution. But it is to be remembered, that this objection is leveled at both systems, whether by rotation or by substitutes: for, if the numbers are equal, the expense will also be equal. The estimate of the expense will show its unimportance, when compared with the magnitude and
beneficial effects of the institution.

But the people of the United States will cheerfully consent to the expenses of a measure calculated to serve as a perpetual barrier to their liberties; especially as they well know that the disbursements will be made among the members of the same community, and therefore cannot be injurious.
Every intelligent mind would rejoice in the establishment of an institution, under whose auspices the youth and vigor of the constitution would be renewed with each successive generation, and which would appear to secure the great principles of freedom and happiness against the injuries of time and events.
The following plan is formed on these general principles:
First, That it is the indispensable duty of every nation to establish all necessary institutions for its own perfection and defence.
Secondly, That it is a capital security to a free state, for the great body of the people to possess a competent knowledge of the military art.
Thirdly, That this knowledge cannot be attained, in the present state of society, but by establishing adequate institutions for the military education of youth; and that the knowledge acquired therein should be diffused throughout the community by the principles of rotation.
Fourthly, That every man of the proper age, and ability of body, is firmly bound, by the social compact, to perform, personally, his proportion of military duty for
the defence of the state.

Fifthly, That all men, of the legal military age, should be armed, enrolled, and held responsible for different degrees of military service.
And Sixthly, That agreeably to the constitution, the United States are to provide for organizing, arming, and disciplining the militia, and for governing such a part of them as may be employed in the service of the United States; reserving to the States, respectively, the appointment of the officers, and the authority of training the militia, according to the discipline prescribed by Congress.”
End of excerpt from the 1790 Plan for Organization of the Militia
State Militia Defense Forces For Homeland Security: ~ Against A Rogue Mainstream Government!
George Washington is listed as No. 1 in the Hall of Fame. In addition to his many other remarkable achievements, his Farewell Address also has gone down in history as one of the greatest writings of all time. In it he warned against engaging in foreign influence and entanglements, weakening the fabric of the constitutional government, loss of respect for national morality and religious principles, growth of party spirit, and against the devastation brought on by pretended patriotism.
It was a disgraceful effort which caused February 22nd, Washington’s birthday, to be renamed as President’s Day, thus reducing the respect due to a man who had contributed so much of himself. In his Farewell Address he left us this immortal advice:
“Why quit our own to stand upon foreign ground? Why, by interweaving our destiny with that of any part of Europe, entangle our peace and prosperity in the toils of European ambition, rivalship, interest, humor and caprice?
It is our true policy to steer clear of permanent alliance with any portion of the foreign world….”
Yet, we allow our public officials to “police the world”. Further still he said:
“One method of assault may be to effect, in the forms of the Constitution, alterations which will impair the energy of the system, and thus to undermine what cannot be directly overthrown…..”
***Yet, we allow our public officials to effect grievous alterations in the operation of the Constitutional system, swear by the oath of office under pretended allegiance, and destroy our inherent right as the ultimate power in the republic by denying us the use of firearms.
Liberty Gun Rights
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- The States Nullify Unconstitutional Federal Laws, Even When Endorsed By Supreme Court: Public Opinion & Support Make It Easy To Resist Federal Tyranny. (politicalvelcraft.org)
- Remember ~ United State Governors : Prepare State Militia Defenses, To Be Ready Against Obama’s Rogue Federal Forces!
- United States Militia Warns Obama & Congress To Back Off! (politicalvelcraft.org)
- From My Cold, Dead Hands (nebraskaenergyobserver.wordpress.com)

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The article is reproduced in accordance with Section 107 of title 17 of the Copyright Law of the United States relating to fair-use and is for the purposes of criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research.
Developing Your Brain, Increasing Intelligence, and Unlocking Your Potential
Vatic Note: This is excellent and well worth the time and effort to read. I disagree with nothing stated below and after living as long as I have, I can confirm much of it. So this will probably be the shortest vatic note ever written. LOL Please read and enjoy and use if you wish.
Exercising the brain is a good way to prevent calcification of it and delays dementia as well as Alzheimers. Take Organic Coconut oil - 3 tablespoons a day to counter memory loss. It worked for me, but of course, the law says you have to ask your doctor, since I can only share my experience, which I am doing.
Developing Your Brain, Increasing Intelligence, and Unlocking Your Potential
by Brandon West, Project, Global Awakening, 5/13/2014
Each and every one of our negative habits, be they thinking habits, behavioural habits, or emotional habits, we can condition ourselves out of by creating new habits through repetition. Not only does this have an effect on who we are and who we become, but it also has an effect on our biology, specifically, our brain and is therefore an effective method of increasing intelligence.
The biological component of repetition of new habits and behaviors is fascinating and inspiring because when we change our thoughts and persistently practice new habits (behaviors or skills), we also retrain our brains. We formulate new neural pathways, make new synaptic connections, and veritably enhance the part of our brains which corresponds to what we are practicing.
Learning a new language enhances the language and memory centers of the brain, while chess would develop centers relating to memory, and problem solving, and so on. But the fact of the matter is this: by choosing to think in new ways we literally transform and improve our brains, and thus our mental faculties.
When we think in new ways, our neurological pathways change.
This is significant because it opens the doors to new potential and new abilities within us. These new neural pathways are the biological component of new thinking patterns. Our thoughts once again are shown to influence the physical world in definite ways, and they literally change our biology.
All new research is validating the neuroplasticity of our brains, meaning that our brain’s are not hard-wired. We do not have a set neuronal structure which is determined at an early age and remains fixed throughout our lives. Instead our brains are constantly changing.
A fascinating idea that was put forth by Rudolph (Rudy) E. Tanzi and Deepak Chopra in their new book Super Brain, is that because our brains are constantly changing, and we can consciously rewire and develop our brains in new ways simply by learning new things, learning must equate with evolution.
Therefore conscious learning is conscious evolution.
Though our brains do not evolve randomly because it is not our brains which choose what to think. We have the ability to choose our own thoughts, and in essence, we as pure consciousness choose what to think, the thought appears, and that manifests itself in our body as neurons firing in a specific pattern.
What this means is that your brain is malleable.
It is always changing, and it is you who decides exactly in which way it changes. Your intention to learn something new, to learn a new skill or master a new subject or a language, is what ultimately determines the capabilities of your brain. In another way, it is likely that you are the only one who determines your intelligence, abilities, potential, and creativity based on either the limitations you set for yourself, or the limitations you choose to overcome.
Take language for example.
It is ironic that some people say they are ‘bad at languages’ when the majority of people can speak their native tongue just fine. A very small minority are genuinely ‘bad at languages’, whereas the rest of us are not. We simply believe we are bad at languages and therefore haven’t studied them.
The combination of our avoidance of them, self-doubt, and our resulting lack of persistence, passion, and desire in our pursuit of new language skills means that we never give ourselves and our brains the opportunity to become good at languages.
But if we take the time to recondition our thoughts, behaviors, and emotions by putting ourselves in new circumstances and adjusting along the way, then we can retrain our brains literally and develop new skills and neural connections which will help us improve at whatever we have decided to do/learn.
Thus we are increasing intelligence in whatever form we are specifically cultivating it.
The biological component of habits I find truly fascinating and inspiring because it displays perfectly that we are not our biology, and that we have no limitations. Our brains develop in whatever way that we choose to develop them with our conscious decision to learn new things, and to think consciously by practicing mindfulness.
The key here is persistence.
If you want to learn a new skill but doubt yourself and never try in the first place, of course you will never succeed. “You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take” is a well-known saying it basketball, and it is absolutely true. How can you succeed if you are not willing to give yourself a genuine opportunity to?
How are you going to learn something new and tap into your potential if you do not give your brain the time to form new neural pathways in order to accomplish the tasks you are setting for yourself and your brain?
It doesn’t matter if you fail, just keep on trying. We have to give ourselves time to adjust to new skills and ideas which are literally new ways of thinking. It doesn’t matter if you are learning a language or learning a form in martial arts. Until you have programmed your subconscious to perform these skills it requires conscious thought.
We tend to forget that all that we are able to do now was only acquired through persistent practice and conscious thinking over time. You don’t have to think about walking now, it comes naturally. But at one time you did. At one time you had to focus every ounce of your attention on putting one foot in front of the other while maintaining balance.
But in time you developed the neural pathways in order to do this easily, and with repetition you programmed your subconscious to do this task so naturally and effortlessly that you no longer need to think about it. The thing is, you have the potential to develop your brain and to program your subconscious to do virtually anything at a high level and with this same degree of naturalness and effortlessness if you would train your brain in such a fashion. As Deepak Chopra and Rudy Tanzi said in Super Brain:
If not, what is getting in your way?
You can overcome every single one of your limitations and turn all of your weaknesses into strengths if only you would disregard the belief that it is impossible to do so, and change your reaction to failure.
There is a man named Arthur Boorman who inspires me greatly. He was a paratrooper whose back and knees were seriously injured after too many jumps in the Gulf War. They took their toll and he couldn’t walk without knee braces and canes. But at 47 years old he decided to change all that and by practicing yoga relentlessly he lost 140 lbs in 10 months, and more importantly, not only could he walk, but he could run again.
His story warms my heart because it displays the true potency of the human spirit to accomplish the impossible. All his doctors told him he would never walk again, and even most yoga teachers turned him away because they didn’t think they could help him. And he proved every one of them wrong. He said “just because I can’t do it to-day, doesn’t mean I’m not going to be able to do it some-day.”
And it was because of this attitude that he radically transformed himself.
The most important thing is that we maintain this attitude.
As children most of us did not care if we failed at something. We just tried until we got it. What would the world look like if babies got discouraged after falling down a few times and just decided to never walk!
I have found personally that I have applied this attitude to some areas of life and achieved fantastic results, whereas with others I have not applied it with as much determination and thus I have remained stagnant. To counteract this, continually learn new things. Always have something new that you are learning how to do, or be challenging yourself in a couple diverse areas of your life.
For example have a physical challenge where you are learning something new with your body and training your body in some way. Have an intellectual challenge or two such as a new language or simply a book on a new subject you are interested in. And then have some spiritual development/personal mastery goals and intentions such as a daily meditation practice, practicing non-attachment, or tightening up your life.
When we consistently challenge ourselves in new ways and in diverse areas of our lives we train ourselves to be comfortable with change and to enjoy pushing our boundaries in every way as we overcome any and all perceived limitations. This is a desirable state to be in because it creates the conditions for life-long growth and a perpetual expansion of consciousness.
So long as we do what we are passionate about and continue to challenge ourselves in those areas consistently, we will eventually come to realize personal mastery. Both in our chosen craft or pursuit, and in general. Mastery isn’t an achievement, but rather a state where we can do anything. Where we can face any challenge, any fear, any obstacle, and overcome it.
True mastery has nothing to do with any kind of talent or specialized knowledge. It is simply the ability to override lower impulses such as fear and doubt, and to follow our passions and inspirations with enthusiasm, confidence and flexibility.
When we can do this we can achieve anything, for our brains always respond to our attention and to our will. Science has proven that new thoughts, new thinking patterns, new emotional responses, and new skills create new pathways in the brain and thus they make the brain better, more intelligent, and more proficient at doing whatever we have chosen and trained ourselves to do.
The brain is capable of making a quadrillion synapses, which is one million billion synapses, therefore the number of possible neural connections that the brain is capable of making is 10 to the power of one million. Whereas the estimated number of particles in the entire universe is only 10 to the power of 79 (a 10 with 79 zeroes after it). (Super Brain) Can we be certain that we are at the epitome of human development, let alone personal development?
How much more can we get out of this biological computer that we are operating with the right training and attitude? I do not believe that we have any limitations. I am not so much interested in proving that to you, rather, I would like you to prove that to yourself.
Exercising the brain is a good way to prevent calcification of it and delays dementia as well as Alzheimers. Take Organic Coconut oil - 3 tablespoons a day to counter memory loss. It worked for me, but of course, the law says you have to ask your doctor, since I can only share my experience, which I am doing.
Developing Your Brain, Increasing Intelligence, and Unlocking Your Potential
by Brandon West, Project, Global Awakening, 5/13/2014
Each and every one of our negative habits, be they thinking habits, behavioural habits, or emotional habits, we can condition ourselves out of by creating new habits through repetition. Not only does this have an effect on who we are and who we become, but it also has an effect on our biology, specifically, our brain and is therefore an effective method of increasing intelligence.
The biological component of repetition of new habits and behaviors is fascinating and inspiring because when we change our thoughts and persistently practice new habits (behaviors or skills), we also retrain our brains. We formulate new neural pathways, make new synaptic connections, and veritably enhance the part of our brains which corresponds to what we are practicing.
Learning a new language enhances the language and memory centers of the brain, while chess would develop centers relating to memory, and problem solving, and so on. But the fact of the matter is this: by choosing to think in new ways we literally transform and improve our brains, and thus our mental faculties.
When we think in new ways, our neurological pathways change.
This is significant because it opens the doors to new potential and new abilities within us. These new neural pathways are the biological component of new thinking patterns. Our thoughts once again are shown to influence the physical world in definite ways, and they literally change our biology.
All new research is validating the neuroplasticity of our brains, meaning that our brain’s are not hard-wired. We do not have a set neuronal structure which is determined at an early age and remains fixed throughout our lives. Instead our brains are constantly changing.
A fascinating idea that was put forth by Rudolph (Rudy) E. Tanzi and Deepak Chopra in their new book Super Brain, is that because our brains are constantly changing, and we can consciously rewire and develop our brains in new ways simply by learning new things, learning must equate with evolution.
Therefore conscious learning is conscious evolution.
Though our brains do not evolve randomly because it is not our brains which choose what to think. We have the ability to choose our own thoughts, and in essence, we as pure consciousness choose what to think, the thought appears, and that manifests itself in our body as neurons firing in a specific pattern.
What this means is that your brain is malleable.
It is always changing, and it is you who decides exactly in which way it changes. Your intention to learn something new, to learn a new skill or master a new subject or a language, is what ultimately determines the capabilities of your brain. In another way, it is likely that you are the only one who determines your intelligence, abilities, potential, and creativity based on either the limitations you set for yourself, or the limitations you choose to overcome.
A New Relationship with the Brain
Negative thinking in regards to our memories and our minds, saying that we ‘aren’t smart enough’ or that we have ‘poor memories’ for example, is just a way of conditioning our brains to not be intelligent and not have powerful memories. For one because when we think that way, those thoughts manifest as our biological and neurological reality. Secondly because when we believe in those limitations we don’t put ourselves in the position where we can condition our brains to grow in new ways.Take language for example.
It is ironic that some people say they are ‘bad at languages’ when the majority of people can speak their native tongue just fine. A very small minority are genuinely ‘bad at languages’, whereas the rest of us are not. We simply believe we are bad at languages and therefore haven’t studied them.
The combination of our avoidance of them, self-doubt, and our resulting lack of persistence, passion, and desire in our pursuit of new language skills means that we never give ourselves and our brains the opportunity to become good at languages.
But if we take the time to recondition our thoughts, behaviors, and emotions by putting ourselves in new circumstances and adjusting along the way, then we can retrain our brains literally and develop new skills and neural connections which will help us improve at whatever we have decided to do/learn.
Thus we are increasing intelligence in whatever form we are specifically cultivating it.
The biological component of habits I find truly fascinating and inspiring because it displays perfectly that we are not our biology, and that we have no limitations. Our brains develop in whatever way that we choose to develop them with our conscious decision to learn new things, and to think consciously by practicing mindfulness.
The key here is persistence.
If you want to learn a new skill but doubt yourself and never try in the first place, of course you will never succeed. “You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take” is a well-known saying it basketball, and it is absolutely true. How can you succeed if you are not willing to give yourself a genuine opportunity to?
How are you going to learn something new and tap into your potential if you do not give your brain the time to form new neural pathways in order to accomplish the tasks you are setting for yourself and your brain?
It doesn’t matter if you fail, just keep on trying. We have to give ourselves time to adjust to new skills and ideas which are literally new ways of thinking. It doesn’t matter if you are learning a language or learning a form in martial arts. Until you have programmed your subconscious to perform these skills it requires conscious thought.
We tend to forget that all that we are able to do now was only acquired through persistent practice and conscious thinking over time. You don’t have to think about walking now, it comes naturally. But at one time you did. At one time you had to focus every ounce of your attention on putting one foot in front of the other while maintaining balance.
But in time you developed the neural pathways in order to do this easily, and with repetition you programmed your subconscious to do this task so naturally and effortlessly that you no longer need to think about it. The thing is, you have the potential to develop your brain and to program your subconscious to do virtually anything at a high level and with this same degree of naturalness and effortlessness if you would train your brain in such a fashion. As Deepak Chopra and Rudy Tanzi said in Super Brain:
“The brain isn’t daunted by its endless tasks. The more you ask it to do, the more it can do.”Can you be certain that you are unleashing the full power of your consciousness? Or are you trimming your true potential due to some unfounded beliefs about your intelligence and abilities? Can you be absolutely certain that you are tapping into the full potential of your brain?
If not, what is getting in your way?
Attitude, and Your Reaction to Failure
You can literally rewire your brain simply by persistently working to reinvent yourself. This is the key to personal transformation, and it is merely a riveting symptom of personal reinvention that your brain changes as a result. One that provides some definiteness and form to what is usually a mysterious process.You can overcome every single one of your limitations and turn all of your weaknesses into strengths if only you would disregard the belief that it is impossible to do so, and change your reaction to failure.
There is a man named Arthur Boorman who inspires me greatly. He was a paratrooper whose back and knees were seriously injured after too many jumps in the Gulf War. They took their toll and he couldn’t walk without knee braces and canes. But at 47 years old he decided to change all that and by practicing yoga relentlessly he lost 140 lbs in 10 months, and more importantly, not only could he walk, but he could run again.
His story warms my heart because it displays the true potency of the human spirit to accomplish the impossible. All his doctors told him he would never walk again, and even most yoga teachers turned him away because they didn’t think they could help him. And he proved every one of them wrong. He said “just because I can’t do it to-day, doesn’t mean I’m not going to be able to do it some-day.”
And it was because of this attitude that he radically transformed himself.
The most important thing is that we maintain this attitude.
As children most of us did not care if we failed at something. We just tried until we got it. What would the world look like if babies got discouraged after falling down a few times and just decided to never walk!
I have found personally that I have applied this attitude to some areas of life and achieved fantastic results, whereas with others I have not applied it with as much determination and thus I have remained stagnant. To counteract this, continually learn new things. Always have something new that you are learning how to do, or be challenging yourself in a couple diverse areas of your life.
For example have a physical challenge where you are learning something new with your body and training your body in some way. Have an intellectual challenge or two such as a new language or simply a book on a new subject you are interested in. And then have some spiritual development/personal mastery goals and intentions such as a daily meditation practice, practicing non-attachment, or tightening up your life.
When we consistently challenge ourselves in new ways and in diverse areas of our lives we train ourselves to be comfortable with change and to enjoy pushing our boundaries in every way as we overcome any and all perceived limitations. This is a desirable state to be in because it creates the conditions for life-long growth and a perpetual expansion of consciousness.
So long as we do what we are passionate about and continue to challenge ourselves in those areas consistently, we will eventually come to realize personal mastery. Both in our chosen craft or pursuit, and in general. Mastery isn’t an achievement, but rather a state where we can do anything. Where we can face any challenge, any fear, any obstacle, and overcome it.
True mastery has nothing to do with any kind of talent or specialized knowledge. It is simply the ability to override lower impulses such as fear and doubt, and to follow our passions and inspirations with enthusiasm, confidence and flexibility.
When we can do this we can achieve anything, for our brains always respond to our attention and to our will. Science has proven that new thoughts, new thinking patterns, new emotional responses, and new skills create new pathways in the brain and thus they make the brain better, more intelligent, and more proficient at doing whatever we have chosen and trained ourselves to do.
The brain is capable of making a quadrillion synapses, which is one million billion synapses, therefore the number of possible neural connections that the brain is capable of making is 10 to the power of one million. Whereas the estimated number of particles in the entire universe is only 10 to the power of 79 (a 10 with 79 zeroes after it). (Super Brain) Can we be certain that we are at the epitome of human development, let alone personal development?
How much more can we get out of this biological computer that we are operating with the right training and attitude? I do not believe that we have any limitations. I am not so much interested in proving that to you, rather, I would like you to prove that to yourself.
“Never underestimate what you can accomplish
when you believe in yourself.”
- Arthur Boorman
The article is reproduced in accordance with Section 107 of title 17 of the Copyright Law of the United States relating to fair-use and is for the purposes of criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research.
UPDATE: 12/11/14 - Nibiru Incoming! – “Something Is Really Strange"
***UPDATE: Just found this video done on November 16, 2014: Please check this out. Its hard evidence Twin star or Nibiru is here. Begin collecting intel for signs that our elected officials and bank officers are going underground. In trying to put up links to what we found on Google maps for UFO space craft entrances to the underground, we discovered that BLOG and others related to this issue are now gutted as if we had never posted them. Sorry about that. Will try to repost the entire blog up here again. Watch for it.
In the meantime, look for or record unusual digging along highways, main streets etc, for burying fibre optics for both communications and satellite and internet activity and mark the place where you saw the digging, it could also be for water, and sewer and underground facilities must have venting, so watch for signs of vents everywhere. I have done that so we know where everything is in my little poduck town.
More Info:
Babylon the great the Turkish Antichrist Pt 1 of 4
Signs in the Sky - Armies of the Antichrist:
NOTE: only click on next in top not bottom page!
PlanetX, Meteors & the End of America?
End Times:
MUST SEE!!!! (watch in order to fully understand it all)
1: Explaining The End Times
2: Alien Savior Antichrist and Return of the Nephilim Steve Quayle Tom Horn
3: Operation High Jump
The truth about Islam:
The truth about Obama:
Gulf Oil Spill - Revisited 2010-2013 - Full Documentary
Vatic Note: Wow, this is a must listen to radio program on Hagmann and Hagmann where they are interviewing Bob Fletcher about Nibiru and for the first time, after hearing this interview..... I believe they are onto something here. You listen and then look at the photos we lifted off of Fletchers site. These are awesome and comprehensive. The only one I had trouble with was the last photo and I put my comments there instead of up here.
Once again, I still believe this will not be as bad as previous pass throughs by this twin star with their associated planets. Why? Because the scientists who have opened their big mouths made it clear it was coming from the south this time around and not coming in on the eliptic, where it has in the past and done an enormous amount of damage.
I believe we have already seen the debri on its arrival, that it always picks up from the ort cloud that it travels through on these return trips.....which was a year or two ago. In driving, to Durango from my burg of a town, I saw meteors incoming in the night sky and it was awesome. I knew just by the size, tails, and speed that they were not man made. One hit in Indonesia and another in Russia and that was about it.
Now, do they plan on taking advantage of this so called crisis? Of course they do, Rahm Emmanual arrogantly said so when he said "never let a good crisis go to waste". And they never do, they always take advantage if given the opportunity. It came in from the south, and went over the sun and is now heading back to its original location. We did several blogs on various issues tangentially connected to this Nibiru issue here, here, and here. We followed this over two years ago, and now I am glad we did. Same with blogs on Antarctica.
We did blogs just on the research facilities in the antarctic and speculated that this was why there were 30 countries with research facilities in such a remote and uninteresting location, and we wondered why? Notice, in this article below, the photo of the gold and now we know why the Fed Res told Germany they had to wait 10 years to get their gold.
Fort Knox is empty and China has built a 2,000 ton gold vault underground. That implies they are going down underground and do not plan on coming back up for 10 years. Very interesting and strange. Read and listen below and you can then decide.
”Nibiru Incoming! Steve Quayle & Bob Fletcher On Hagmann And Hagmann – “Something Is Really Strange”
By Susan Duclos, Before It's News, December 6, 2014
A blockbuster Hagmann and Hagmann show from Friday night with special Steve Quayle, who brings on investigator and researcher Bob Fletcher, where they jump right into the topic of Nibiru and Planet X, with information that will blow your mind!
In the show below, you will hear about “connections between the missing billions of dollars, secrets of space programs, and future space oriented disasters INCOMING! As well as the sciences , astronomical experts, historic proofs, amazing space information being kept from us all!”
Fletcher explains right up front that there was a time he would not even associate his name with Nibiru and Planet X because it was “science fiction” in his mind, until he started uncovering vanishing money, thousands of underground facilities in Russia, United States and China, and other suspicious activities that related to this highly controversial topic….. Fletcher determined that “something is really strange”….. and the digging began in earnest.
Quayle reminds listeners as well about the deaths of many scientists and astronomers, which he has been tracking for two decades. See “Dead Scientists 1994-2003” and “Dead Scientists 2004 – 2014.”
Quayle and Fletcher join the show at around the 3:15 minute mark.
Fletcher’s site bobfletcher.com can be found HERE and some excellent photos on this topic can be found.

(Photo above from bobfletcherinvestigations.com)
(VN: Remember on a blog we did, we discovered that China had a 200,000 ton vault for storing gold. Imagine the size of such a facility and I bet its underground. Also remember Goldman Sachs was China's exclusive "international brokerage house". Goldman Sachs is owned by Rothschild, so is that vault for all the gold stolen by Rothschild from fort Knox under control of the Federal Reserve??? Remember when Germany tried to get their gold back and it was refused. In fact, the Fed Reserve said they could get it back in 10 years. That upset the Germans no end.)
POSSIBLY A REAL WORM HOLE? (VN: or HAARP playing games with us, which is what one scientist, at that time, speculated. He pointed out the light coming from over the mountains, and that was in either Norway or Russia, I don't remember which. )
The article is reproduced in accordance with Section 107 of title 17 of the Copyright Law of the United States relating to fair-use and is for the purposes of criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research.
In the meantime, look for or record unusual digging along highways, main streets etc, for burying fibre optics for both communications and satellite and internet activity and mark the place where you saw the digging, it could also be for water, and sewer and underground facilities must have venting, so watch for signs of vents everywhere. I have done that so we know where everything is in my little poduck town.
Published by on Nov 16, 2014
More Info:
Babylon the great the Turkish Antichrist Pt 1 of 4
Signs in the Sky - Armies of the Antichrist:
NOTE: only click on next in top not bottom page!
PlanetX, Meteors & the End of America?
End Times:
MUST SEE!!!! (watch in order to fully understand it all)
1: Explaining The End Times
2: Alien Savior Antichrist and Return of the Nephilim Steve Quayle Tom Horn
3: Operation High Jump
The truth about Islam:
The truth about Obama:
Gulf Oil Spill - Revisited 2010-2013 - Full Documentary
Vatic Note: Wow, this is a must listen to radio program on Hagmann and Hagmann where they are interviewing Bob Fletcher about Nibiru and for the first time, after hearing this interview..... I believe they are onto something here. You listen and then look at the photos we lifted off of Fletchers site. These are awesome and comprehensive. The only one I had trouble with was the last photo and I put my comments there instead of up here.
Once again, I still believe this will not be as bad as previous pass throughs by this twin star with their associated planets. Why? Because the scientists who have opened their big mouths made it clear it was coming from the south this time around and not coming in on the eliptic, where it has in the past and done an enormous amount of damage.
I believe we have already seen the debri on its arrival, that it always picks up from the ort cloud that it travels through on these return trips.....which was a year or two ago. In driving, to Durango from my burg of a town, I saw meteors incoming in the night sky and it was awesome. I knew just by the size, tails, and speed that they were not man made. One hit in Indonesia and another in Russia and that was about it.
Now, do they plan on taking advantage of this so called crisis? Of course they do, Rahm Emmanual arrogantly said so when he said "never let a good crisis go to waste". And they never do, they always take advantage if given the opportunity. It came in from the south, and went over the sun and is now heading back to its original location. We did several blogs on various issues tangentially connected to this Nibiru issue here, here, and here. We followed this over two years ago, and now I am glad we did. Same with blogs on Antarctica.
We did blogs just on the research facilities in the antarctic and speculated that this was why there were 30 countries with research facilities in such a remote and uninteresting location, and we wondered why? Notice, in this article below, the photo of the gold and now we know why the Fed Res told Germany they had to wait 10 years to get their gold.
Fort Knox is empty and China has built a 2,000 ton gold vault underground. That implies they are going down underground and do not plan on coming back up for 10 years. Very interesting and strange. Read and listen below and you can then decide.
”Nibiru Incoming! Steve Quayle & Bob Fletcher On Hagmann And Hagmann – “Something Is Really Strange”
By Susan Duclos, Before It's News, December 6, 2014
A blockbuster Hagmann and Hagmann show from Friday night with special Steve Quayle, who brings on investigator and researcher Bob Fletcher, where they jump right into the topic of Nibiru and Planet X, with information that will blow your mind!
In the show below, you will hear about “connections between the missing billions of dollars, secrets of space programs, and future space oriented disasters INCOMING! As well as the sciences , astronomical experts, historic proofs, amazing space information being kept from us all!”
Fletcher explains right up front that there was a time he would not even associate his name with Nibiru and Planet X because it was “science fiction” in his mind, until he started uncovering vanishing money, thousands of underground facilities in Russia, United States and China, and other suspicious activities that related to this highly controversial topic….. Fletcher determined that “something is really strange”….. and the digging began in earnest.
Quayle reminds listeners as well about the deaths of many scientists and astronomers, which he has been tracking for two decades. See “Dead Scientists 1994-2003” and “Dead Scientists 2004 – 2014.”
Quayle and Fletcher join the show at around the 3:15 minute mark.
Fletcher’s site bobfletcher.com can be found HERE and some excellent photos on this topic can be found.

(Photo above from bobfletcherinvestigations.com)
(VN: Remember on a blog we did, we discovered that China had a 200,000 ton vault for storing gold. Imagine the size of such a facility and I bet its underground. Also remember Goldman Sachs was China's exclusive "international brokerage house". Goldman Sachs is owned by Rothschild, so is that vault for all the gold stolen by Rothschild from fort Knox under control of the Federal Reserve??? Remember when Germany tried to get their gold back and it was refused. In fact, the Fed Reserve said they could get it back in 10 years. That upset the Germans no end.)










Count the doors, try a break IN ? What is behind the doors stays there, 100's of these, not all this elaborate, but kept secret!

An inner door, behind an inner door, home sweet home for some select group! Conversion of parts of the military bases underground, for survival applications, are easy !
Can you dig it? …This is the method for digging the underground hide outs!
Can you dig it? …This is the method for digging the underground hide outs!

One pass, into a mountain side, and some reinforcement and the hide out is ALMOST,ready for furniture ! DIGS TUNNELS IN HOURS.
One pass, into a mountain side, and some reinforcement and the hide out is ALMOST,ready for furniture ! DIGS TUNNELS IN HOURS.


Off-loading into the Ozarks underground, survival location. Inside off-loading, Ozark giant under- ground facility.THOUSANDS OF SQUARE FEET BENEATH GROUND.

POSSIBLY A REAL WORM HOLE? (VN: or HAARP playing games with us, which is what one scientist, at that time, speculated. He pointed out the light coming from over the mountains, and that was in either Norway or Russia, I don't remember which. )
The article is reproduced in accordance with Section 107 of title 17 of the Copyright Law of the United States relating to fair-use and is for the purposes of criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research.
Holder's Civil Rights Division and their Record of "Grotesque" Misconduct
Vatic Note: This is up because I believe it was a test run on destroying our civil rights. Why do I believe that? Because of the level to which they took this. Notice lately that the powers that be are seriously coming after protesters that where never treated this bad before and the PTB tried to do it through the legal system, which Holder was head of at the time. Add to that the militarization of local law enforcement and their use of excessive force and murder of unarmed suspects, has added more concern than would otherwise have been the case.
Then finally add in the "Fast and Furious" case that Holder was directly involved with, that resulted in the deaths of hundreds of Mexicans and some ranchers on this side of the border, then realize how lucky Holder was to simply resign, when he should have been charged with aiding and abetting murder by illegally supplying those guns to the drug cartels. He should be sitting in jail right now, rather than sipping a Martini on a retirement pay check.
Many of the Senators, judges, and Executive branch employees surreptiously work for the foreign nation currently occupying a majority of key positions within our government. Was this a plan of that Foreign power to move us closer to a police state? If so, then watching this and reading the partial transcript will confirm that we best stop this before it goes the next step.
Notice also, just before this past interim election that Holder resigned, was this one of the reasons? Or are there other ethical violations that we don't know about. It has always been the case that the courts and the Judicial system was the balance of power needed to prevent tyranny from taking a permanent foothold in our government. This proves that it almost happened.
Its bad enough that a minor misdemeanour morphed into a felony charge with all the attending problems, such as attorneys fees, job lose, etc. And the results were not that much better. He ended up with probation, yes, but the terms of the probation were unheard of for such a minor offense.
Holder's Civil Rights Division and their Record of "Grotesque" Misconduct
By Admin, Project Veritas Action Fund,
The article is reproduced in accordance with Section 107 of title 17 of the Copyright Law of the United States relating to fair-use and is for the purposes of criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research.
Then finally add in the "Fast and Furious" case that Holder was directly involved with, that resulted in the deaths of hundreds of Mexicans and some ranchers on this side of the border, then realize how lucky Holder was to simply resign, when he should have been charged with aiding and abetting murder by illegally supplying those guns to the drug cartels. He should be sitting in jail right now, rather than sipping a Martini on a retirement pay check.
Many of the Senators, judges, and Executive branch employees surreptiously work for the foreign nation currently occupying a majority of key positions within our government. Was this a plan of that Foreign power to move us closer to a police state? If so, then watching this and reading the partial transcript will confirm that we best stop this before it goes the next step.
Notice also, just before this past interim election that Holder resigned, was this one of the reasons? Or are there other ethical violations that we don't know about. It has always been the case that the courts and the Judicial system was the balance of power needed to prevent tyranny from taking a permanent foothold in our government. This proves that it almost happened.
Its bad enough that a minor misdemeanour morphed into a felony charge with all the attending problems, such as attorneys fees, job lose, etc. And the results were not that much better. He ended up with probation, yes, but the terms of the probation were unheard of for such a minor offense.
Holder's Civil Rights Division and their Record of "Grotesque" Misconduct
By Admin, Project Veritas Action Fund,
Project Veritas Action investigates the U.S. Department of Justice and their Civil Rights Division that has been involved in "grotesque" prosecutorial misconduct in cases against law enforcement. The same division, and even the attorney involved in past misconduct, is now investigating the cases of Michael Brown and Eric Garner.
VO #1: Was Senator Mary Landrieu’s connections to the U. S. Attorney’s office the reason I was so aggressively prosecuted five years ago?
In light of new revelations...Ethical Conduct Complaints have been filed with the Louisiana Attorney Disciplinary Board. The complaints were filed against former Assistant U.S. Attorney Jan Mann, Salvatore Perricone and the former U.S. Attorney for the Eastern District James B. Letten. An ethics complaint was also filed with the Justice Department against Karla Dobinski.
Letten: Listen to me, pay attention to me, listen to me, listen to me you hobbits. You are less than I can ever tell you.
VO #2: This is Former U. S. Attorney James Letten on the sidewalk in front of the Tulane University law School where he is an assistant Dean.
Letten: blah blah blah...(throws book at James)
VO #3: This wasn’t the first time Jim Letten has thrown the book at me. On January 25th, 2010, I was arrested with three colleagues by the FBI and
charged with entering federal property under false pretenses with the intent of committing a felony. A charge that was well beyond the facts of the case.
Mike Madigan: It seemed to be an enormous overreaction to what happened. And relatively soon within the first couple of days, the prosecutors knew that this was not any terrorist activity and they knew that it was a politically related mater having to do with Senator Landrieu.
O’Keefe: We actually showed our real drivers licenses, each and every one of us./// I walked up to Senator Landrieu's door, it was open, anyone could walk in, it was business hours. And I sat down on the couch. And then I said, and this was in the original FBI affidavit, I said to the secretary, I said, "I'm waiting for somebody."
Letten: I didn’t prosecute your case asshole. I recused. I recused from your case…
VO #4: Letten did recuse himself but left the prosecution of the case to his number two Jan Mann. Mann's personal connections to Mary Landrieu were well known, going back to when the two went to school together. My attorney, Mike Madigan believed that Letten’s entire office should have recused itself, primarily because of relationships and personal connections with Senator Landrieu.
Madigan: We looked at what remained as the leadership at that point in time and we learned quickly on that Senator Landrieu's brother, who I believe the name was Maurice, was part of the leadership of that office with Jan Mann.
VO #5: Madigan wrote a strong letter to the Justice Department asking for the case to be moved to another jurisdiction but that didn’t happen. Jan Mann continued to press the case, in spite of the outrageousness of the charges.
Madigan: We thought it was a very large overreach to be using that statute in the first place particularly in light of the fact that it was obviously designed for terrorist activity and I think the prosecutors knew pretty soon on that that was not the case.
VO #6: The facts of the case were pretty straightforward if slightly ridiculous. In January of 2010, Senator Landrieu’s support of Obamacare led Louisiana voters to flood her office with complaints. The plan was to make an undercover video.
O’Keefe: United States Senator Mary Landrieu had said her phones were jammed. We thought it would be revelatory and ironic and funny and youtube worthy if we caught her staffers on tape making derogatory comments about the tea party. "Oh, let's just shut those phones down so those tea party people can't get through to us."
VO #7: Two of the participants were wearing hard hats and reflective vests purchased that morning at a hardware store.
O’Keefe: We looked absurd, we looked like the Village People. In fact, they were dressed so absurdly that one of the secretaries laughed and said they obviously aren't telephone repair people.
VO #8: No one was fooled and someone called the FBI. All four of those arrested faced felony charges...that Mike Madigan says, made no sense at all.
Mike Madigan: There was no criminal intent, there was no effort to commit a felony, no evidence whatsoever.
VO #9: But Assistant U. S. Attorney Jan Mann’s prosecution was relentless. And perhaps even unethical. Privileged...client-attorney emails were somehow released to the press just weeks after the arrest.
Madigan: The only place that that could have happened from was from the seizure of James computer by the government./// Well we thought it was extremely unprofessional, inappropriate if not criminal action.
VO #10: Madigan asked Mann to investigate the leaks but his letter went unanswered. It now seems pretty evident that there were a lot of unethical activities going on in the U.S Attorney’s office. Last year, five New Orleans police officers who had been convicted for a deadly shooting had their convictions overturned.
MSNBC News: In a 129 page ruling a federal judge overturned the convictions citing witness coercion, inconsistent testimony and a scandal in which at least three government attorneys were revealed to have posted comments about the case on line.
VO #11: They had anonymously posted prejudicial comments condemning the cops before and during the trial. The government attorneys were Jan Mann, Karla Dobinski and Salvatore Perricone.
O’Keefe: It also turns out that one of those U.S. Attorney's was blogging about me.
VO #12: Salvatore Perricone used the screen name legacy U.S.A when commenting about my case. The day after my arrest he anonymously blogged, “sure they should be punished. Throw the book at them.”
legacyusa Jan 27, 2010 Of all the idiots we have in the Senate, why did they pick Mary. Besides, she's hardly ever in that office, anyway. So why? Sure they should be punished. Throw the book at them. But why that office?
VO #13: On May 25th, 2010 the Mary Landrieu case ended.
O’Keefe: The government gave me three years of probation for a class b misdemeanour. It was very unusual. The case was handled unusually. Days before I was sentenced, a federal judge who usually doesn't get involved in misdemeanor cases, made reference of an extremely serious crime I committed. He talked about acts of violence being committed.
Madigan: I have to say that in forty years of practice I’ve never seen a probation like that. It was extremely onerous, with regard to James. It made his life miserable basically requiring all kinds of things that I thought were totally unnecessary and that I have never seen before or since.
O’Keefe: I want people to know about this. I want them to know what happened here./// All of these people need to be brought to justice.
VO #14: Now, some five years on...it is time to set the record straight. Senator Landrieu needs to address these questions. And the prosecutors who handled my case, must answer for their possibly criminal or at least unethical actions.
VO #1: Was Senator Mary Landrieu’s connections to the U. S. Attorney’s office the reason I was so aggressively prosecuted five years ago?
In light of new revelations...Ethical Conduct Complaints have been filed with the Louisiana Attorney Disciplinary Board. The complaints were filed against former Assistant U.S. Attorney Jan Mann, Salvatore Perricone and the former U.S. Attorney for the Eastern District James B. Letten. An ethics complaint was also filed with the Justice Department against Karla Dobinski.
Letten: Listen to me, pay attention to me, listen to me, listen to me you hobbits. You are less than I can ever tell you.
VO #2: This is Former U. S. Attorney James Letten on the sidewalk in front of the Tulane University law School where he is an assistant Dean.
Letten: blah blah blah...(throws book at James)
VO #3: This wasn’t the first time Jim Letten has thrown the book at me. On January 25th, 2010, I was arrested with three colleagues by the FBI and
charged with entering federal property under false pretenses with the intent of committing a felony. A charge that was well beyond the facts of the case.
Mike Madigan: It seemed to be an enormous overreaction to what happened. And relatively soon within the first couple of days, the prosecutors knew that this was not any terrorist activity and they knew that it was a politically related mater having to do with Senator Landrieu.
O’Keefe: We actually showed our real drivers licenses, each and every one of us./// I walked up to Senator Landrieu's door, it was open, anyone could walk in, it was business hours. And I sat down on the couch. And then I said, and this was in the original FBI affidavit, I said to the secretary, I said, "I'm waiting for somebody."
Letten: I didn’t prosecute your case asshole. I recused. I recused from your case…
VO #4: Letten did recuse himself but left the prosecution of the case to his number two Jan Mann. Mann's personal connections to Mary Landrieu were well known, going back to when the two went to school together. My attorney, Mike Madigan believed that Letten’s entire office should have recused itself, primarily because of relationships and personal connections with Senator Landrieu.
Madigan: We looked at what remained as the leadership at that point in time and we learned quickly on that Senator Landrieu's brother, who I believe the name was Maurice, was part of the leadership of that office with Jan Mann.
VO #5: Madigan wrote a strong letter to the Justice Department asking for the case to be moved to another jurisdiction but that didn’t happen. Jan Mann continued to press the case, in spite of the outrageousness of the charges.
Madigan: We thought it was a very large overreach to be using that statute in the first place particularly in light of the fact that it was obviously designed for terrorist activity and I think the prosecutors knew pretty soon on that that was not the case.
VO #6: The facts of the case were pretty straightforward if slightly ridiculous. In January of 2010, Senator Landrieu’s support of Obamacare led Louisiana voters to flood her office with complaints. The plan was to make an undercover video.
O’Keefe: United States Senator Mary Landrieu had said her phones were jammed. We thought it would be revelatory and ironic and funny and youtube worthy if we caught her staffers on tape making derogatory comments about the tea party. "Oh, let's just shut those phones down so those tea party people can't get through to us."
VO #7: Two of the participants were wearing hard hats and reflective vests purchased that morning at a hardware store.
O’Keefe: We looked absurd, we looked like the Village People. In fact, they were dressed so absurdly that one of the secretaries laughed and said they obviously aren't telephone repair people.
VO #8: No one was fooled and someone called the FBI. All four of those arrested faced felony charges...that Mike Madigan says, made no sense at all.
Mike Madigan: There was no criminal intent, there was no effort to commit a felony, no evidence whatsoever.
VO #9: But Assistant U. S. Attorney Jan Mann’s prosecution was relentless. And perhaps even unethical. Privileged...client-attorney emails were somehow released to the press just weeks after the arrest.
Madigan: The only place that that could have happened from was from the seizure of James computer by the government./// Well we thought it was extremely unprofessional, inappropriate if not criminal action.
VO #10: Madigan asked Mann to investigate the leaks but his letter went unanswered. It now seems pretty evident that there were a lot of unethical activities going on in the U.S Attorney’s office. Last year, five New Orleans police officers who had been convicted for a deadly shooting had their convictions overturned.
MSNBC News: In a 129 page ruling a federal judge overturned the convictions citing witness coercion, inconsistent testimony and a scandal in which at least three government attorneys were revealed to have posted comments about the case on line.
VO #11: They had anonymously posted prejudicial comments condemning the cops before and during the trial. The government attorneys were Jan Mann, Karla Dobinski and Salvatore Perricone.
O’Keefe: It also turns out that one of those U.S. Attorney's was blogging about me.
VO #12: Salvatore Perricone used the screen name legacy U.S.A when commenting about my case. The day after my arrest he anonymously blogged, “sure they should be punished. Throw the book at them.”
legacyusa Jan 27, 2010 Of all the idiots we have in the Senate, why did they pick Mary. Besides, she's hardly ever in that office, anyway. So why? Sure they should be punished. Throw the book at them. But why that office?
VO #13: On May 25th, 2010 the Mary Landrieu case ended.
O’Keefe: The government gave me three years of probation for a class b misdemeanour. It was very unusual. The case was handled unusually. Days before I was sentenced, a federal judge who usually doesn't get involved in misdemeanor cases, made reference of an extremely serious crime I committed. He talked about acts of violence being committed.
Madigan: I have to say that in forty years of practice I’ve never seen a probation like that. It was extremely onerous, with regard to James. It made his life miserable basically requiring all kinds of things that I thought were totally unnecessary and that I have never seen before or since.
O’Keefe: I want people to know about this. I want them to know what happened here./// All of these people need to be brought to justice.
VO #14: Now, some five years on...it is time to set the record straight. Senator Landrieu needs to address these questions. And the prosecutors who handled my case, must answer for their possibly criminal or at least unethical actions.
The article is reproduced in accordance with Section 107 of title 17 of the Copyright Law of the United States relating to fair-use and is for the purposes of criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research.
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