I believe this is very important and the more we have dug into the Antarctic and Hitler's use of it for his rocket/space ship project, and the undue attention it has received by the US Military, along with the electronic attack by the US on the French and Italian stations down there, and the fact that Nibiru is coming in from the south, it has become clear as a bell, there is something big happening. What and how big is unknown for a fact, but the deductive reasoning and inductive reasoning skills are kicking in and making it clear it can only be one thing and the US (Rahm) does not want the people of the planet to know about it, since they intend to use this event as cover for whatever it is they plan to do while this is going on. I believe that is why all the resignations pretending the bad guys are going down, when in fact they are going underground to those facilities they have built. Its the only explanation on why every one in the know has remained silent about the agenda.
Its also being used as a distraction and excuse to cover up the real agenda, which is use this event to then use the Clementine satellite and its weapons to depopulate the planet and blame it on Nibiru. We already knew that Nibiru would be almost no problem since it was coming from the south instead of on the elliptic which would have been devastating, and the Mayan Shaman said not to worry since it would be the return of the "ancestors and wisemen". Anyone else notice the evening horizons are constantly being buried in chemtrails these days??? Why??? What are they hiding?
If you do not feel like digging into all of this then at least go down to the three videos and watch them in sequence and you will see the evidence of its existance, both in regular telescopic viewing and in infrared. We have been saying all along something is going on because of what we covered on here with respect to the Antarctica. Do a search on our sight on that continent and see all the blogs we have done questioning it all. Now this makes sense.
Planet X reality or fairy tale
Posted by Michael Vara , Late Night in the Midlands
on April 1, 2012 at 8:53pm
Posted by Michael Vara , Late Night in the Midlands
on April 1, 2012 at 8:53pm
I am not sure what to make of this topic and it is one of those things that puts you on a roller coaster from day to day and week to week and month to month.
I do remember back in 1983 in my science class at John Marshall High school getting a weekly paper back science magazine that had many amazing story's for that time such as the probability of life in our solar system and the different discovery's science and NASA was making and one of those discovery's was a large object that a Russian satellite had captured a view of just outside our solar system.
This object was described as a planet , a planet much larger than that of our own planet earth , yes this one was said to possibly have trees and flowing water while they said at the time they are not sure of its make up they did however give it a name, NASA named it Planet X and I remember running home from school that day telling my parents wow look at this ! they discovered another planet just outside our solar system and it could have life.
The down side was that they also said it only comes close enough to see it every so many thousands of years and the reality was we would never be able to reach this planet in our life times. Well as exciting as it was and as little I would know about this Planet X that again NASA named not I, It would be forgotten by many and not talked about for some years down the road by great researchers like Dr.Jasen Q Rand & Ann Eller or zecharia Sitchin or whistle Blower researchers like John Moore and then The main Stream media down played it as the dooms day hoax.
We have heard this talked about by many and many shows that have covered this topic in the alternative media like Coast 2 Coast am & Late Night In The Midlands but yet people are fast to debunk it and with good reason , who wants to talk about or even think about our own vulnerability our own mortal state , our homes our food our water our friends and our family and the way we see the world today changed for ever in the blink of an eye tomorrow ? answer to that is no one of course . (VN: It may change our lives in a positive way according to the Mayan Shaman who says there is nothing to fear since 2012 according to their calendar is the return of the "Ancestors and wisemen". Maybe that is who the elite plan on using as bad guys to try to get us to fight them globally as an invading alien force, and get us to globalize as well, Bill Cooper ring a bell? Maybe the returning "ancestors" are good guys and will aid us and that is what the evil ones fear the most, betcha! )
The fact is true or not there is great evidence on both sides of this argument and for the ones who say it is a hoax ! you can not afford to be wrong now can you ? yet if all the people who have researched this day in and day out are wrong , then they have sold alot of books and will set the next year of doom for you and I. So lets talk some about the debunked on planet x . The logical questions come to mind . (VN: Vatic Projects answers will be below the questions. You may have your own set of answers, so make a chart and do your own and see where the answers lead you and to what conclusions. They maybe the same as this author or of Vatic Project. Its worth the exercise.)
This object was described as a planet , a planet much larger than that of our own planet earth , yes this one was said to possibly have trees and flowing water while they said at the time they are not sure of its make up they did however give it a name, NASA named it Planet X and I remember running home from school that day telling my parents wow look at this ! they discovered another planet just outside our solar system and it could have life.
The down side was that they also said it only comes close enough to see it every so many thousands of years and the reality was we would never be able to reach this planet in our life times. Well as exciting as it was and as little I would know about this Planet X that again NASA named not I, It would be forgotten by many and not talked about for some years down the road by great researchers like Dr.Jasen Q Rand & Ann Eller or zecharia Sitchin or whistle Blower researchers like John Moore and then The main Stream media down played it as the dooms day hoax.
We have heard this talked about by many and many shows that have covered this topic in the alternative media like Coast 2 Coast am & Late Night In The Midlands but yet people are fast to debunk it and with good reason , who wants to talk about or even think about our own vulnerability our own mortal state , our homes our food our water our friends and our family and the way we see the world today changed for ever in the blink of an eye tomorrow ? answer to that is no one of course . (VN: It may change our lives in a positive way according to the Mayan Shaman who says there is nothing to fear since 2012 according to their calendar is the return of the "Ancestors and wisemen". Maybe that is who the elite plan on using as bad guys to try to get us to fight them globally as an invading alien force, and get us to globalize as well, Bill Cooper ring a bell? Maybe the returning "ancestors" are good guys and will aid us and that is what the evil ones fear the most, betcha! )
The fact is true or not there is great evidence on both sides of this argument and for the ones who say it is a hoax ! you can not afford to be wrong now can you ? yet if all the people who have researched this day in and day out are wrong , then they have sold alot of books and will set the next year of doom for you and I. So lets talk some about the debunked on planet x . The logical questions come to mind . (VN: Vatic Projects answers will be below the questions. You may have your own set of answers, so make a chart and do your own and see where the answers lead you and to what conclusions. They maybe the same as this author or of Vatic Project. Its worth the exercise.)
1] if its true why do we not hear about this on the main stream media ?
VN: we do not hear about this from the MSM because they are owned by the same powers that be who do not want us to know about this coming and may plan on taking advantage of the event to do a false flag, if the wisemen let them.
2] why would our Government lie to us ? why would NASA lie to us ?
VN: NASA would lie because they are part of the government, get their funding from them and will do as they are told. Remember what the objective is here. Its to use whatever happens or is happening, as cover for their false flag they intend to do as we saw with the launching of the moon sized satellite called Clementine. They did not create that big monster for no reason. I just watched Star Wars again after all these years and by golly Clementine is the death star. Go watch that movie again and see how relevant it is for today. When you watch the elements of "The force" and the power of it and the empires evil ways and actions to counter the force, it is almost parallel to today. They like to tell us in advance their plans and by golly, I think star wars was exactly that. Given when it was made, it fits with all the other actions going on in the Antarctic and elsewhere.
VN: NASA would lie because they are part of the government, get their funding from them and will do as they are told. Remember what the objective is here. Its to use whatever happens or is happening, as cover for their false flag they intend to do as we saw with the launching of the moon sized satellite called Clementine. They did not create that big monster for no reason. I just watched Star Wars again after all these years and by golly Clementine is the death star. Go watch that movie again and see how relevant it is for today. When you watch the elements of "The force" and the power of it and the empires evil ways and actions to counter the force, it is almost parallel to today. They like to tell us in advance their plans and by golly, I think star wars was exactly that. Given when it was made, it fits with all the other actions going on in the Antarctic and elsewhere.
3] if it is in our solar system why cant we see it ?
VN: We can see it, its just the chemtrails used to cover all of it up at sunrise and sunset... also below are three videos which doggone near prove it is coming. The may well also cover up the satellite being used as well. Remember the 230 dolphins that washed up on shore in South America? Was that a war game test? I don't know, but given the rest of all this, its certainly becoming a bigger possibility than it might have been back when it happened.
4] if it is as close as some say why has it not effected the other planets ?
VN: It has affected the other planets as you will see when you read below.
VN: It has affected the other planets as you will see when you read below.
5] if something that big was moving in why has it not effected our sun ?
VN: It has affected our sun as evidenced below as well, and if not, then its Clementine that has done that. Not sure which yet, but definitely the elite know what they are doing and we are catching on to something big. Why did all those bankers resign? The explanation used for the bankers is less likely than the explanation that they are going underground.
VN: It has affected our sun as evidenced below as well, and if not, then its Clementine that has done that. Not sure which yet, but definitely the elite know what they are doing and we are catching on to something big. Why did all those bankers resign? The explanation used for the bankers is less likely than the explanation that they are going underground.
6] if that was true then why are there not more people in the southern hemisphere report seeing this ?
VN: We have seen reports from the South Pole of such anomolies, but not in the MSM, only in the alternative press as we see below once again.
VN: We have seen reports from the South Pole of such anomolies, but not in the MSM, only in the alternative press as we see below once again.
7] how come amateur astronomers have not reported this ?
VN: We don't know that they have not reported this. It may well be they are partially responsible for the alternative press capturing this info. After all someone gave them the coordinates in the celestial sphere used to track the object in question.
VN: We don't know that they have not reported this. It may well be they are partially responsible for the alternative press capturing this info. After all someone gave them the coordinates in the celestial sphere used to track the object in question.
8] why has the ocean not elevated and tides washed up deep on land ?
9] if true why are we not seeing debris from its gravitational pull slamming into the planet ?
10] I will believe it when I see it !
Now let me provide some evidence in favor of the planet x theory and then try and answer some of the questions not in favor of this theory. I will also add some of the best video evidence for this and you decide what you want.
(VN: He starts this with an historical perspective from press in the early 80's up through 2003, that used to report news back when they were still free to do so, so read this before getting into present day videos)
By Thomas O'Toole, Washington Post Staff Writer
Friday, December 30, 1983 ; Page A1
By Thomas O'Toole, Washington Post Staff Writer
Friday, December 30, 1983 ; Page A1
A heavenly body possibly as large as the giant planet Jupiter and possibly so close to Earth that it would be part of this solar system has been found in the direction of the constellation Orion by an orbiting telescope aboard the U.S. infrared astronomical satellite.
So mysterious is the object that astronomers do not know if it is a planet, a giant comet, a
nearby "protostar" that never got hot enough to become a star, a distant galaxy so young that it is still in the process of forming its first stars or a galaxy so shrouded in dust that none of the light cast by its stars ever gets through.
"All I can tell you is that we don't know what it is," Dr. Gerry Neugebauer, IRAS chief
scientist for California's Jet Propulsion Laboratory and director of the Palomar Observatory for the California Institute of Technology, said in an interview.
The most fascinating explanation of this mystery body, which is so cold it casts no light and has never been seen by optical telescopes on Earth or in space, is that it is a giant gaseous planet as large as Jupiter and as close to Earth as 50 trillion miles. While that may seem like a great distance in earthbound terms, it is a stone's throw in cosmological terms, so close in fact that it would be the nearest heavenly body to Earth beyond the outermost planet Pluto.
"If it is really that close, it would be a part of our solar system," said Dr. James Houck of
Cornell University's Center for Radio Physics and Space Research and a member of the
IRAS science team. "If it is that close, I don't know how the world's planetary scientists
would even begin to classify it."
The mystery body was seen twice by the infrared satellite as it scanned the northern sky from last January to November, when the satellite ran out of the supercold helium that allowed its telescope to see the coldest bodies in the heavens. The second observation took place six months after the first and suggested the mystery body had not moved from its spot in the sky near the western edge of the constellation Orion in that time.
"This suggests it's not a comet because a comet would not be as large as the one we've
observed and a comet would probably have moved," Houck said. "A planet may have moved if it were as close as 50 trillion miles but it could still be a more distant planet and not have moved in six months time."
Whatever it is, Houck said, the mystery body is so cold its temperature is no more than 40 degrees above "absolute" zero, which is 456 degrees Fahrenheit below zero. The telescope aboard IRAS is cooled so low and is so sensitive it can "see" objects in the heavens that are only 20 degrees above absolute zero.
When IRAS scientists first saw the mystery body and calculated that it could be as close as 50 trillion miles, there was some speculation that it might be moving toward Earth.
"It's not incoming mail," Cal Tech's Neugebauer said. "I want to douse that idea with as much cold water as I can. "Then, what is it? What if it is as large as Jupiter and so close to the sun it would be part of the solar system? Conceivably, it could be the 10th planet astronomers have searched for in vain.
It also might be a Jupiter-like star that started out to become a star eons ago but never got hot enough like the sun to become a star.
While they cannot disprove that notion, Neugebauer and Houck are so bedeviled by it that
they do not want to accept it. Neugebauer and Houck "hope" the mystery body is a distant
galaxy either so young that its stars have not begun to shine or so surrounded by dust that its starlight cannot penetrate the shroud.
"I believe it's one of these dark, young galaxies that we have never been able to observe
before," Neugebauer said. "If it is, then it is a major step forward in our understanding of the size of the universe, how the universe formed and how it continues to form as time goes on."
The next step in pinpointing what the mystery body is, Neuegebauer said, is to search for it with the world's largest optical telescopes. Already, the 100-inch diameter telescope at Cerro del Tololo in Chile has begun its search and the 200-inch telescope at Palomar Mountain in California has earmarked several nights next year to look for it. If the body is close enough and emits even a hint of light, the Palomar telescope should find it since the infrared satellite has pinpointed its position.
(ITEM 123)December 31, 1983, Saturday, Final Edition
(ITEM 127)The distance from earth of a mysterious object in space was reported incorrectly in some editions yesterday. The correct figure is 50 billion miles.
Articles appear as they were originally printed in The Washington Post and may not
include subsequent corrections.
include subsequent corrections.
In a 1992 video, Zecharia Sitchin first offered a revealng excerpt from a 1992 NASA press release.
The Are We Alone in the Universe? video was originally released in 1992 and was poorly re-mastered in 2003. The minute you play it, you know it’s authentic because of Sitchen’s typically wooden performance. Nonetheless, it is a treasure trove for Planet X (Nibiru) researchers.
Towards the very end of the program, the following CGI text appears, as though it were a last minute find, inserted during the final edit.
NASA Press Release 1992
"Unexplained deviations in the orbits of Uranus and Neptune point to a large outer solar system body of 4 to 8 Earth masses, on a highly tilted orbit, beyond 7 billion miles from the sun."
________________________________________________________________________1983 Clues Get Warm in the Search for Planet X
The New York Times
Sunday, January 30,
by John Noble Wilford
Something out there beyond the farthest reaches of the known solar system seems to be tugging at Uranus and Neptune. Some gravitational force keeps perturbing the two giant planets, causing irregularities in their orbits. The force suggests a presence far away and unseen, a large object that may be the long-sought Planet X.
Planet X Is It Really Out There?
Shrouded from the sun's light, mysteriously tugging at the orbits of Uranus and Neptune, is an unseen force that astronomers suspect may be PLanet X a 10th resident of the Earth's celestial neighborhood.
Evidence assembled in recent years has led several groups of astronomers to renew the search for the 10th planet. They are devoting more time to visual observations with the 200-inch telescope at Mount Palomar in California.
They are tracking two Pioneer spacecraft, now approaching the orbit of distant Pluto, to see if variations in their trajectories provide clues to the source of the mysterious force. And they are hoping that a satellite-borne telescope launched last week will detect heat signatures from the planet, or whatever it is out there.
The Infrared Astronomical Satellite was boosted into a 560-mile-high polar orbit Tuesday night from Vandenberg Air Force Base, CA. It represents an $80-million venture by the United States, Britain and the Netherlands. In the next six or seven months, the telescope is expected to conduct a wide-ranging survey of nearly all the sky, detecting sources not of ordinary light, but of infrared radiation, which is invisible to the human eye and largely absorbed by the atmosphere.
Scientists thus hope that the new telescope will chart thousands or infrared-emitting objects that have gone undetected stars, interstellar clouds, asteroids and, with any luck, the object that pulls at Uranus and Neptune.
The last time a serious search of the skies was made, it led to the discovery in 1930 of Pluto, the ninth planet. But the story begins more than a century before that, after the discovery of Uranus in 1781 by the English astronomer and musician William Herschel. Until then, the planetary system seemed to end with Saturn.
As astronomers observed Uranus, noting irregularities in its orbital path, many speculated that they were witnessing the gravitational pull of an unknown planet. So began the first planetary search based on astronomers predictions, which ended in the 1840s with the discovery of Neptune almost simultaneously by English, French and German astronomers.
But Neptune was not massive enough to account entirely for the orbital behavior of Uranus. Indeed, Neptune itself seemed to be affected by a still more remote planet. In the late 19th century, two American astronomers, William H. Pickering and Percival Lowell, predicted the size and approximate location of the trans-Neptunium body, which Lowell called Planet X.
Years later, Pluto was detected by Clyde W. Tombaugh working at Lowell Observatory in Arizona. Several astronomers, however, suspected it might not be the Planet X of prediction. Subsequent observations proved them right. Pluto was too small to change the orbits of Uranus and Neptune; the combined mass of Pluto and its recently discovered satellite, Charon, is only one-fifth that of Earths moon.
Recent calculations by the United States Naval Observatory have confirmed the orbital perturbation exhibited by Uranus and Neptune, which Dr. Thomas C. Van Flandern, an astronomer at the observatory, says could be explained by a single undiscovered planet. He and a colleague, Dr. Robert Harrington, calculate that the 10th planet should be two to five times more massive than Earth and have a highly elliptical orbit that takes it some 5 billion miles beyond that of Pluto hardly next-door but still within the gravitational influence of the Sun.
Some astronomers have reacted cautiously to the 10th-planet predictions. They remember the long, futile quest for the planet Vulcan inside the orbit of Mercury; Vulcan, it turned out, did not exist. They wonder why such a large object as a 10th planet escaped the exhaustive survey by Mr. Tombaugh, who is sure it is not in the two-thirds of the sky he examined. But according to Dr. Ray T. Reynolds of the Ames Research Center in Mountain View, CA, other astronomers are so sure of the 10th planet, they think theres nothing left but to name it.
At a scientific meeting last summer, 10th-planet partisans tended to prevail. Alternative explanations for the outer-planet perturbations were offered. The something out there, some scientists said, might be an unseen black hole or neutron star passing through the Suns vicinity. Defenders of the 10th planet parried the suggestions. Material falling into the gravitational field of a black hole, the remains of a very massive star after its complete gravitational collapse, should give off detectable x-rays, they noted; no X-rays have been detected. A neutron star, a less massive star that has collapsed to a highly dense state, should affect the courses of comets, they said, yet no such changes have been observed.
More credence was given to the hypothesis that a brown dwarf star accounts for the mysterious force. This is the informal name astronomers give to celestial bodies that were not massive enough for their thermonuclear furnaces to ignite; perhaps like the huge planet Jupiter, they just missed being self-illuminating stars.
Most stars are paired, so it is not unreasonable to suggest that the Sun has a dim companion. Moreover, a brown dwarf in the neighborhood might not reflect enough light to be seen far away, said Dr. John Anderson of the Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, CA. Its gravitational forces, however, should produce energy detectable by the Infrared Astronomical Satellite.
Whatever the mysterious force, be it a brown dwarf or a large planet, Dr. Anderson said he was quite optimistic that the infrared telescope might find it and that the Pioneer spacecraft could supply an estimate of the objects mass. Of course, no one can be sure that even this discovery would define the outermost boundary of the solar system.
Sunday, January 30,
by John Noble Wilford
Something out there beyond the farthest reaches of the known solar system seems to be tugging at Uranus and Neptune. Some gravitational force keeps perturbing the two giant planets, causing irregularities in their orbits. The force suggests a presence far away and unseen, a large object that may be the long-sought Planet X.
Planet X Is It Really Out There?
Shrouded from the sun's light, mysteriously tugging at the orbits of Uranus and Neptune, is an unseen force that astronomers suspect may be PLanet X a 10th resident of the Earth's celestial neighborhood.
Evidence assembled in recent years has led several groups of astronomers to renew the search for the 10th planet. They are devoting more time to visual observations with the 200-inch telescope at Mount Palomar in California.
They are tracking two Pioneer spacecraft, now approaching the orbit of distant Pluto, to see if variations in their trajectories provide clues to the source of the mysterious force. And they are hoping that a satellite-borne telescope launched last week will detect heat signatures from the planet, or whatever it is out there.
The Infrared Astronomical Satellite was boosted into a 560-mile-high polar orbit Tuesday night from Vandenberg Air Force Base, CA. It represents an $80-million venture by the United States, Britain and the Netherlands. In the next six or seven months, the telescope is expected to conduct a wide-ranging survey of nearly all the sky, detecting sources not of ordinary light, but of infrared radiation, which is invisible to the human eye and largely absorbed by the atmosphere.
Scientists thus hope that the new telescope will chart thousands or infrared-emitting objects that have gone undetected stars, interstellar clouds, asteroids and, with any luck, the object that pulls at Uranus and Neptune.
The last time a serious search of the skies was made, it led to the discovery in 1930 of Pluto, the ninth planet. But the story begins more than a century before that, after the discovery of Uranus in 1781 by the English astronomer and musician William Herschel. Until then, the planetary system seemed to end with Saturn.
As astronomers observed Uranus, noting irregularities in its orbital path, many speculated that they were witnessing the gravitational pull of an unknown planet. So began the first planetary search based on astronomers predictions, which ended in the 1840s with the discovery of Neptune almost simultaneously by English, French and German astronomers.
But Neptune was not massive enough to account entirely for the orbital behavior of Uranus. Indeed, Neptune itself seemed to be affected by a still more remote planet. In the late 19th century, two American astronomers, William H. Pickering and Percival Lowell, predicted the size and approximate location of the trans-Neptunium body, which Lowell called Planet X.
Years later, Pluto was detected by Clyde W. Tombaugh working at Lowell Observatory in Arizona. Several astronomers, however, suspected it might not be the Planet X of prediction. Subsequent observations proved them right. Pluto was too small to change the orbits of Uranus and Neptune; the combined mass of Pluto and its recently discovered satellite, Charon, is only one-fifth that of Earths moon.
Recent calculations by the United States Naval Observatory have confirmed the orbital perturbation exhibited by Uranus and Neptune, which Dr. Thomas C. Van Flandern, an astronomer at the observatory, says could be explained by a single undiscovered planet. He and a colleague, Dr. Robert Harrington, calculate that the 10th planet should be two to five times more massive than Earth and have a highly elliptical orbit that takes it some 5 billion miles beyond that of Pluto hardly next-door but still within the gravitational influence of the Sun.
Some astronomers have reacted cautiously to the 10th-planet predictions. They remember the long, futile quest for the planet Vulcan inside the orbit of Mercury; Vulcan, it turned out, did not exist. They wonder why such a large object as a 10th planet escaped the exhaustive survey by Mr. Tombaugh, who is sure it is not in the two-thirds of the sky he examined. But according to Dr. Ray T. Reynolds of the Ames Research Center in Mountain View, CA, other astronomers are so sure of the 10th planet, they think theres nothing left but to name it.
At a scientific meeting last summer, 10th-planet partisans tended to prevail. Alternative explanations for the outer-planet perturbations were offered. The something out there, some scientists said, might be an unseen black hole or neutron star passing through the Suns vicinity. Defenders of the 10th planet parried the suggestions. Material falling into the gravitational field of a black hole, the remains of a very massive star after its complete gravitational collapse, should give off detectable x-rays, they noted; no X-rays have been detected. A neutron star, a less massive star that has collapsed to a highly dense state, should affect the courses of comets, they said, yet no such changes have been observed.
More credence was given to the hypothesis that a brown dwarf star accounts for the mysterious force. This is the informal name astronomers give to celestial bodies that were not massive enough for their thermonuclear furnaces to ignite; perhaps like the huge planet Jupiter, they just missed being self-illuminating stars.
Most stars are paired, so it is not unreasonable to suggest that the Sun has a dim companion. Moreover, a brown dwarf in the neighborhood might not reflect enough light to be seen far away, said Dr. John Anderson of the Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, CA. Its gravitational forces, however, should produce energy detectable by the Infrared Astronomical Satellite.
Whatever the mysterious force, be it a brown dwarf or a large planet, Dr. Anderson said he was quite optimistic that the infrared telescope might find it and that the Pioneer spacecraft could supply an estimate of the objects mass. Of course, no one can be sure that even this discovery would define the outermost boundary of the solar system.
U.S. News and World Report, September 10, 1984
Last year, the infrared astronomical satellite (IRAS), circling in a polar orbit 560 miles from the Earth, detected heat from an object about 50 billion miles away that is now the subject of intense speculation."All I can say is that we don't know what it is yet," says Gerry Neugenbauer, director of the Palomar Observatory for the California Instititute of Technology. Scientists are hopeful that the one-way journeys of the Pioneer 10 and 11 space probes may help to locate the nameless body.
Some astronomers say the heat-emitting object is an unseen collapsed star or possibly a "brown dwarf" a protostar that never got hot enough to become a star. However, a growing number of astronomers insist that the object is a dark, gaseous mass that is slowly evolving into a planet.
For decades, astronomers have noted that the orbits of two huge, distant planets Neptune and Uranus deviate slightly from what they should be according to the laws of physics. Gravitational pull from Planet X would explain that deviation.
Moreover, says Neugenbauer, "if we can show that our own solar system is still creating planets, we'll know that it's happening around other stars, too."
From 2006 forward by Marshall Masters
America is now spending huge sums to deploy the massive South Pole Telescope(SPT) in Antarctica. The final installation will be the size of a mini-mall and will require a massive C-130 airlift effort to transport pre-assembled modules and a large staff to the most desolate, inhospitable and inaccessible region of the world. (VN: See the connection now to what Vatic Project has been publishing on the Antarctica and this telescope. That meant all those countries down in the South Pole (30 of them) knew about all this and set up their own research stations including Russia and China)
Why? Because Planet X / Nibiru was first sighted in 1983 and this discovery spurred the USA to build the SPT — humanity's new Planet X tracker.
Amongst independent researchers like us at YOWUSA.COM and the equally committed researchers with whom we share data, the 1983 IRAS observation of Planet X / Nibiru has always been a hot topic. On a private level, we often discuss how the NASA's IRAS spacecraft first captured infrared images of it back in 1983 with the same lament. Given the lack of corroboration, how can you publish a story that can easily be shot down as a rumor? That was then.
Now we have the corroboration we've lacked for years, The South Pole Telescope(SPT). Far more powerful capable and survivable than the 1983 IRAS spacecraft and Hubble Space Telescope put together, this manned observatory will soon begin tracking Planet X / Nibiru from the pristine skies of Antarctica.
Why is America spending a massive fortune to transport this massive facility with massive C-130 airlift to the most desolate, inhospitable and inaccessible region of the world to track this massive inbound? Because this is where astronomers will find their ultimate Kodak moment and this is good news.
Amongst independent researchers like us at YOWUSA.COM and the equally committed researchers with whom we share data, the 1983 IRAS observation of Planet X / Nibiru has always been a hot topic. On a private level, we often discuss how the NASA's IRAS spacecraft first captured infrared images of it back in 1983 with the same lament. Given the lack of corroboration, how can you publish a story that can easily be shot down as a rumor? That was then.
Now we have the corroboration we've lacked for years, The South Pole Telescope(SPT). Far more powerful capable and survivable than the 1983 IRAS spacecraft and Hubble Space Telescope put together, this manned observatory will soon begin tracking Planet X / Nibiru from the pristine skies of Antarctica.
Why is America spending a massive fortune to transport this massive facility with massive C-130 airlift to the most desolate, inhospitable and inaccessible region of the world to track this massive inbound? Because this is where astronomers will find their ultimate Kodak moment and this is good news.
Their resulting multi-spectrum observations will translate into life-saving data.
10th Planet Discovered
Astronomers have found a new planet in the outer reaches of the solar system.
July 29, 2005: "It's definitely bigger than Pluto." So says Dr. Mike Brown of the California Institute of Technology who announced today the discovery of a new planet in the outer solar system.

This places the new planet more or less in the Kuiper Belt, a dark realm beyond Neptune where thousands of small icy bodies orbit the sun. The planet appears to be typical of Kuiper Belt objects--only much bigger. Its sheer size in relation to the nine known planets means that it can only be classified as a planet itself, Brown says.
Backyard astronomers with large telescopes can see the new planet. But don't expect to be impressed: It looks like a dim speck of light, visual magnitude 19, moving very slowly against the starry background. "It is currently almost directly overhead in the early-morning eastern sky in the constellation Cetus," notes Brown.
The planet was discovered by, in addition to Brown, Chad Trujillo, of the Gemini Observatory in Mauna Kea, Hawaii, and David Rabinowitz, of Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut. They first photographed the new planet with the 48-inch Samuel Oschin Telescope on October 31, 2003.
The object was so far away, however, that its motion was not detected until they reanalyzed the data in January of this year. In the last seven months, the scientists have been studying the planet to better estimate its size and its motions.
"We are 100 percent confident that this is the first object bigger than Pluto ever found in the outer solar system," Brown adds.
Right: The new planet, circled in white, moves across a field of stars on Oct. 21, 2003. The three photos were taken about 90 minutes apart. Image credit: Samuel Oschin Telescope, Palomar Observatory. [More]
Telescopes have not yet revealed the planet's disk. To estimate how big it is, the astronomers must rely on measurements of the planet's brightness. Like all planets, this new one presumably shines by reflecting sunlight. The bigger the planet, generally speaking, the bigger the reflection. The reflectance, the fraction of light that bounces off the planet, is not yet known. Nevertheless, it is possible to set limits on the planet's diameter:
"Even if it reflected 100 percent of the light reaching it, it would still be as big as Pluto," says Brown. Pluto is 1400 miles (2300 km) wide. "I'd say it's probably [about] one and a half times the size of Pluto, but we're not sure."
The planet's temporary name is 2003 UB313. A permanent name has been proposed by the discoverers to the International Astronomical Union, and they
are awaiting the decision of this body before announcing the name. Stay tuned!
Revelation is the last book of the new testement, consisting of 22 chapters. The book contains an account of apocalyptic visions documented by John in the form of a letter.
It has become the main area of our study because it is the only book within the Bible that focuses souly on the apocalyptic second coming of Christ.
So, lets take a look at what is said...
"The first angel sounded: and hail and fire, mingled with blood, and they were thrown to the Earth; and a third of the trees were burnt up, and all green grass was burned up."
Revelation 8:7
Chapter 8 Verse 7 is where the physical destruction of the planet Earth begins with the description of "hail and fire" being "thrown to the Earth".
If taken on face value, this appears to be some form of meteor shower, causing widespread fires upon the earth with disasterous effect.
"Then the second angel sounded; and something like a great mountain burning with fire was thrown into the sea"
Revelation 8:8
Verse 8 proceeds to describe again what would appear to be the impact of a meteor or a large piece of debris from a comet planet passing / approaching
A meteor shower of this type, could be caused by an imminent collision with a comet planet which would be supportive of some theorists beliefs that the 4000 year orbit of the planet Nibiru is due to pass, or collide with us in 2012.
Is it possible that the bible could be describing the effects of NASA firing a satellite missile upon an approaching or passing comet planet, much like they did in 2005?
"a great star, blazing like a torch, fell from the sky on a third of the rivers and on the springs of water— the name of the star is Wormwood. A third of the waters turned bitter, and many people died from the waters that had become bitter."
Revelation 8:10-11
Taken literally, chapter 8 verses 10 and 11 appear to continue the comet planet collision apocalypse imagery, but is it possible that "Wormwood" could actually refer to some form of intercontinental ballistic nuclear missile.
Some theorists believe that the oncoming apocalypse will spark mass anarchy, resulting in a third world war. Nostradamus and the book of Matthew both make reference to war.
The Mayan Calendar and 2012
"The most ancient calendars were probably based on lunar observation and the Moon's phases. The Mayan calendar, although highly complex, was the most accurate known until the introduction of the Gregorian calendar"
The Long Count is really a mixed representation of a number, representing the number of days since the start of the Mayan era.
How does the calendar relate to 2012?
The Mayan Calendar appears to end on the last day of the '13th b'ak'tun'. a.k.a. December 21st, 2012. Although there is no actual proof of this, it is widely anticipated that this date could be the 'End of Days'.
I personally think it was talking about sun activity and again could be caused by our friend Planet X
To be fair I also included this video that claims to debunk the above video (VN: Microsoft and Wikisky??? Hahaha... both are heavily tied into the illuminati minions such as Israel and Rothschild. So who is "fixing" up the photos? The first presenter or this presenter? Further, who is this guy? He sounds like with his expertise he works for NASA, or someplace similar. )
Now this video is more of an eye opener that was just sent to me and I thought I should share this with all who may or may not believe
So with so many questions and very few answers we still remain unsure as to the truth on planet x. I can say I know there is something to this , not sure how much of something but something. ( VN: Notice he says its in the southern Hemisphere where the Antarctic is and we covered many blogs on unusual activity in the South Pole by both numerous countries and the US, Russian and Chinese military, with no adequate explanation. We also pointed out that the EU had a "mars training" mission going on in the Antarctic as well. Was it for Mars, OR some other orbiting planet around the dwarf star??? )
What do you all think ?
Lets cover ..... questions ...... if we may and again not saying this is true just saying those questions can and have been answered no matter if the answers are to your liking
1] if its true why do we not hear about this on the main stream media ?
Please do not make me laugh ! main stream wont even tell you about ufos or radiation or chemtrails !
2] why would our Government lie to us ? why would NASA lie to us ?
Becuase the short answer is they would want to keep things as normal as they can as long as possible, they want to save themselves , maybe ask a better question ! why so many earthquakes , tornado out breaks, solar flares ? comets and astroids passing close to our planet much more often then ever ? and why all the under ground bases & the seed bank ? how about the carelessness of our so called leaders ? satellites falling from the sky ? space shuttle parked ? may be nothing ! maybe something ! you tell me .
3] if it is in our solar system why cant we see it ?
well we are told that this planet x can only we seen with infrared tech and can at times be seen in the southern hemisphere because of its position ! but others would say something that big and we can not see it in our skys ? well I will leave that one to the experts
4] if it is as close as some say why has it not effected the other planets ?
well the truth is something has effected our neighboring planets
Hubble Photos Reveal "Dramatic" Surface Changes on Pluto
By Emily Lakdawalla
February 4, 2010
February 4, 2010
New maps of Pluto's surface generated from images gathered by the Hubble Space Telescope in 2002 and 2003 have revealed "dramatic" changes when compared to similar maps from 1994 data. "It's a surprise that we've seen this much change, this fast," astronomer Marc Buie said in a press conference held today to discuss the new maps. He demonstrated that Pluto's northern hemisphere has brightened, while its south pole has darkened. At the same time, Pluto's surface has changed color, becoming redder, while Charon's color did not change; and some dark and bright spots observed in the 1994 data have moved or changed in appearance, while other spots have remained the same. These new maps have already proved useful in planning New Horizons' 2015 flyby of Pluto and its moons.

Jupiter has lost one of its prominent stripes, leaving its southern half looking unusually blank. Scientists are not sure what triggered the disappearance of the band.
Mars Melt Hints at Solar, Not Human, Cause for Warming, Scientist Says
February 28, 2007
5] if something that big was moving in why has it not effected our sun ?
Solar activity produces spectacular weekend of Northern Lights

Unusual solar activity will flare up commodities
9] if true why are we not seeing debris from its gravitational pull slamming into the planet ?
and this is where I will end it because I can not answer all questions in detail but I can say there seems to be an increase of changes in our solar system but again that does not mean planet x is real, may just be noting at all
2 NEAR MISS Earth-asteroid encounters!
Giant asteroid heading close to Earth - Telegraph
Wednesday's Near-Earth Asteroid Caught on Film | Wired Science..
NASA Warning: Huge Asteroid to Pass Near Earth in November 8
Asteroid 2009 DD45 Barely Misses Earth June 1, 2011 | Mount ...
Comet to come close to Earth
So you see maybe it is that we can better detect these things or maybe something big ! very BIG is going on in our solar system ! what ever you may think you have to admit the argument is great on either side of the margin
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Amaaaazing research, thank you VN! Your theory jives with current happenings.
What is the real covert reason for NASA (a private organization), to keep this information from the public?
Remember that NASA has roots going back to the German NAZI and the Illuminati.
Isn't it also odd that NASA had not made any big announcements about comet Elenin? (Maybe because Comet Elenin is a harbinger of the gravitational force of Planet X?)
Remember Halley’s comet and the BIG NASA PR campaign?
Remember comet Hale-Bopp and the 38 Heaven's Gate alphabet agency computer programmers who got suidcided? BIG PR NASA campaign!
Remember comets Shoemaker-Levy and comet Kohoutek? NASA had huge PR campaigns about these.
Why can't IT be seen?
1) sophisticated infrared telescope is required to see a brown dwarf star.
2) it would likely not have been detected via ordinary means, as translated from: http://starviewer.wordpress.com/ “La ciencia transdisciplinar al alcance de todos”
"Intrigued by The Fact That long-period comets Observed from Earth orbits seem to follow are not randomly oriented That in space, a scientist at the Open University in the UK These comets is Arguing That Could Be Influenced by the gravity of a large undiscovered object in orbit around the Sun. Writing in the issue of the Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society published on 11th October, Dr John Murray sets out a case for an object orbiting the Sun 32.000 times farther away Than Earth. It would, however, be moving Extremely faint and slow, and so Would Have ESCAPED detection by present and previous searches for distant planets....."
"The object Would Have to Be at least as massive as Jupiter to create a gravitational disturbance large enough to give rise to the Observer Effect, But Currently Favoured Theories of how the solar system can not Easily Formed Explain the Presence of a large planet so far from the Sun. If It Were ten times more massive Than Jupiter, it more akin to Would Be a brown dwarf (the coolest kind of stellar object) Than a planet,[that is] brighter and more likely to Have been detected already."
[VN stated: “...until I hit this obscure and never heard of before site...”]
By the way, the LNM site and Mr. Mike Vara are seasoned informative radio and video programmes of high quality reporting. Would suggest everybody tune into LNM regularly as my family and friends do!
Other Planet X mysteries....this is all hearsay gathered from radio shows over the years:
Dr. Robert S Harrington's widow privately stated that her husband had been murdered, somebody who knew the family confessed on late night radio.
Dr. Eugene Schumaker, geologist, revealed asteroid/meteor impact craters & died in Australian outback while alone.
Vatican Mt. Graham Father Malachi Martin muscled the Vatican way to Mt Graham in 1999 for 5-10 years. After Father M. Martin was allegedly pushed down a flight of stairs, Father Martin confided as he was dying (after having suffered a stroke) that a Cardinal Balducci had in fact alluded to Planet X.
Now Vatican has a telescope named "Lucifer" in Arizona.
Dr. Brian Marsden, Smithsonian, Astro laboratory head, what happened to him?
Dr Van Flanderon, along with Dr. Harrison might have been murdered, just in case they talked too much promoting speculation, after they had been asked to implement asteroid suppression policy.
Read also: "John DiNardo -Planet X: The Murder of Dr. Harrington"
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