"It is the greatest of all mistakes to do nothing because you can only do a little." ~ Sydney Smith
The Prosecution of Bush, Obama, and the Neocons/Neolibs for Murder, Torture, and Sodomy
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Blood of the Gods - A True Story!
Vatic Note: There was a part in here that I wish to clarify. He asks a bunch of questions about who the offspring of Adam and Eve married to continue the species, and that is a question, we all have asked who study this and research it. I believe I have as valid an answer as anyone, but you have to go back and reread Genesis. Here is what I think and used only deductive reasoning to determine what that is.
Actually if you read Genesis, there were two creations, it was the second creation where God blew his breath into Adam, and I suspect that was to give man a soul/spirit which the first creation did not have, since in Genesis, it does not say that the first creation God blew his breath into man that he created. I believe that is why God told the second creation "not to inter-marry with the previous creations".
I believe that happened because God was not happy with the first results and if we carry that to further consideration, it would be because the first creation had no soul/spirit and were probably psychopaths, and that is why they have the RH neg factor, but not the compassion and capacity for love that the second creation had. You have to believe the Bible is done in parables for simpler people that would not have understood what was really going on.
The first were the ones that preserved their bloodline and why they hate the "real Jews" so much. I think the second creation were the corrections that solved the problem and maybe even those that enoch described if you take what was written as parables for the ancient astronauts that came down and mated with the daughters of man. Could there have been several species of ancient astronauts that did that? Is this why after every revolution that the real Jews and Christians were massacred by these khazars?
I believe they became the khazars later on, maybe through the line of Esau who then became the "Edomites" of old and turned into the khazars through migration, and its why the khazars hate the "real Jews" and Christians. I hope this makes some sense, if we remember that Enoch told us about all this.
It may also explain why the flood was used to cleanse the earth, but some of the original survived and there was intermarrying which made God mad. I think that is why Enoch was taken out of the Bible by those in control, much later and called Apostasy. How could that be?
Enoch was so favored by God that God walked with him and took him up into the heavens ALIVE, and he did not have to die to join God, along with a whole town of good people to save them from the flood. So how could his writings not be of God? He was more valid than Constantine of the Nicene conference who was a pagan and never converted to Christianity or Judaism.
Well, you read and decide for yourselves. I am sure my theory needs some tweeking, but I think its essentially right on, based on those writings in Genesis and Enoch. In any case, this, below, was a fascinating write up and triggered a creative event within my brain cells. lol
Blood of the Gods, Part 2
Actually if you read Genesis, there were two creations, it was the second creation where God blew his breath into Adam, and I suspect that was to give man a soul/spirit which the first creation did not have, since in Genesis, it does not say that the first creation God blew his breath into man that he created. I believe that is why God told the second creation "not to inter-marry with the previous creations".
I believe that happened because God was not happy with the first results and if we carry that to further consideration, it would be because the first creation had no soul/spirit and were probably psychopaths, and that is why they have the RH neg factor, but not the compassion and capacity for love that the second creation had. You have to believe the Bible is done in parables for simpler people that would not have understood what was really going on.
The first were the ones that preserved their bloodline and why they hate the "real Jews" so much. I think the second creation were the corrections that solved the problem and maybe even those that enoch described if you take what was written as parables for the ancient astronauts that came down and mated with the daughters of man. Could there have been several species of ancient astronauts that did that? Is this why after every revolution that the real Jews and Christians were massacred by these khazars?
I believe they became the khazars later on, maybe through the line of Esau who then became the "Edomites" of old and turned into the khazars through migration, and its why the khazars hate the "real Jews" and Christians. I hope this makes some sense, if we remember that Enoch told us about all this.
It may also explain why the flood was used to cleanse the earth, but some of the original survived and there was intermarrying which made God mad. I think that is why Enoch was taken out of the Bible by those in control, much later and called Apostasy. How could that be?
Enoch was so favored by God that God walked with him and took him up into the heavens ALIVE, and he did not have to die to join God, along with a whole town of good people to save them from the flood. So how could his writings not be of God? He was more valid than Constantine of the Nicene conference who was a pagan and never converted to Christianity or Judaism.
Well, you read and decide for yourselves. I am sure my theory needs some tweeking, but I think its essentially right on, based on those writings in Genesis and Enoch. In any case, this, below, was a fascinating write up and triggered a creative event within my brain cells. lol
Blood of the Gods, Part 2
Interesting article by the late Mabel Royce, Copyright 1976
Found at: http://www.labyrinthina.com/sitchen.htm
Are you an Rh Negative blood type? If so you could be a descendant of the ancient astronauts themselves!
About a year and a half ago my sister Bonnie and I were discussing some of the unusual characteristics of our family. Bonnie had a problem with infants haemolytic disease.
She has 0 negative blood. She has written a book including this problem called "The Deux" by Venus Thaddeus. One of the questions we asked was why does this haemolytic disease occur?
About a year and a half ago my sister Bonnie and I were discussing some of the unusual characteristics of our family. Bonnie had a problem with infants haemolytic disease.
She has 0 negative blood. She has written a book including this problem called "The Deux" by Venus Thaddeus. One of the questions we asked was why does this haemolytic disease occur?
along with the Rh negative blood does our family have such a high IQ
(135-140 average). Why so many psychic experiences? Why this urge to ask
"why?" Why the early maturity or the large head and eyes? Why have, we
always felt we were "different" from other people. And so many other
things to set us apart.
We were raised in the church, but we never received answers to the questions we asked. Why doesn't anyone else ask these same questions? We are not satisfied with the answer "just because". Are there others out there who ask the same questions? Then we heard about the possibility of the ancient astronauts and the pieces started to fall into place.
For the past decade many people have been working to prove that the earth has been visited by extraterrestrial beings. Who are these visitors? Why did they come? Why did they leave? Did they leave?
If earth was visited in the ancient past, are there any descendants of these visitors? If all mankind are not descendants of these visitors, which ones are? Who are the "Children of Israel?" Why was their seed blessed? Why were they told not to inter-marry with other people and to circumcise their sons for identification? Why were they told to preserve their geneology? Where did Adam and Eve's sons go to get their wives, if they were the only "humans" on earth?
Many scientists believe that modern man evolved from ape-like primates. They have much proof to back up their theories, including modern blood analysis and comparative studies between modern man and lower anthripoids, such as the chimpanzee and the Rhesus monkey.
It has been proven that the majority of mankind (85%) has a blood factor common with the rhesus monkey. This is called rhesus positive blood. Usually shortened to Rh positive. This factor is completely independent from the A, B, 0 blood types.
In the study of genetics, we find that we can only inherit what our ancestors had except in the case of mutation. We can have any of numerous combination of traits inherited from all our ancestors. Nothing more and nothing less.
We were raised in the church, but we never received answers to the questions we asked. Why doesn't anyone else ask these same questions? We are not satisfied with the answer "just because". Are there others out there who ask the same questions? Then we heard about the possibility of the ancient astronauts and the pieces started to fall into place.
For the past decade many people have been working to prove that the earth has been visited by extraterrestrial beings. Who are these visitors? Why did they come? Why did they leave? Did they leave?
If earth was visited in the ancient past, are there any descendants of these visitors? If all mankind are not descendants of these visitors, which ones are? Who are the "Children of Israel?" Why was their seed blessed? Why were they told not to inter-marry with other people and to circumcise their sons for identification? Why were they told to preserve their geneology? Where did Adam and Eve's sons go to get their wives, if they were the only "humans" on earth?
Many scientists believe that modern man evolved from ape-like primates. They have much proof to back up their theories, including modern blood analysis and comparative studies between modern man and lower anthripoids, such as the chimpanzee and the Rhesus monkey.
It has been proven that the majority of mankind (85%) has a blood factor common with the rhesus monkey. This is called rhesus positive blood. Usually shortened to Rh positive. This factor is completely independent from the A, B, 0 blood types.
In the study of genetics, we find that we can only inherit what our ancestors had except in the case of mutation. We can have any of numerous combination of traits inherited from all our ancestors. Nothing more and nothing less.
Therefore, if man and ape evolved from a common ancestor,
their blood would have evolved the same way. Blood factors are
transmitted with much more exactitude than any other characteristic. It
would seem that modern man and rhesus monkey may have had a common
ancestor sometime in the ancient past.
All other earthly primates also
have this Rh factor. But this leaves out the people who are Rh negative.
If all mankind evolved from the same ancestor their blood would be
compatible. Where did the Rh negatives come from? If they are not the
descendants of prehistoric man, could they be the descendants of the
ancient astronauts?
All animals and other living creatures known to man can breed with any other of their species. Relative size and color makes no difference. Why does infant's haemolytic disease occur in humans if all humans are the same species? Haemolytic disease is the allergic reaction that occurs when an Rh negative mother is carrying a Rh positive child.
Her blood builds up antibodies to destroy an ALIEN substance (the same way it would a virus), thereby destroying the infant. Why would a mother's body reject her own offspring? Nowhere else in nature does this occur naturally. This same problem does occur in mules - a cross between a horse and donkey. This fact alone points to the distinct possibility of a cross-breeding between two similar but genetically different species.
No one has tried to explain where the Rh negative people came from. Most, familiar with blood factors, admit that these people must at least be a mutation if not descendants of a different ancestor. If we are a mutation, what caused the mutation? Why does it continue with the exact characteristics? Why does it so violently reject the Rh factor, if it was in their own ancestry? Who was this ancestor? Difficulties in determining ethnology are largely overcome by the use of blood group data, for they are a single gene characteristic and not affected by the environment.
All animals and other living creatures known to man can breed with any other of their species. Relative size and color makes no difference. Why does infant's haemolytic disease occur in humans if all humans are the same species? Haemolytic disease is the allergic reaction that occurs when an Rh negative mother is carrying a Rh positive child.
Her blood builds up antibodies to destroy an ALIEN substance (the same way it would a virus), thereby destroying the infant. Why would a mother's body reject her own offspring? Nowhere else in nature does this occur naturally. This same problem does occur in mules - a cross between a horse and donkey. This fact alone points to the distinct possibility of a cross-breeding between two similar but genetically different species.
No one has tried to explain where the Rh negative people came from. Most, familiar with blood factors, admit that these people must at least be a mutation if not descendants of a different ancestor. If we are a mutation, what caused the mutation? Why does it continue with the exact characteristics? Why does it so violently reject the Rh factor, if it was in their own ancestry? Who was this ancestor? Difficulties in determining ethnology are largely overcome by the use of blood group data, for they are a single gene characteristic and not affected by the environment.
How to Double Your Brain Power!- (Part 2)
Vatic Note: I have to tell you that this is so very true. Greg Braden wrote a great book that got me started down this path. It was called "THE HEALING POWER OF BELIEF". Greg is a scientist turned spiritualist and he combines both in his writings. It changes the view of this work when you include science and he does.
I had a lump, a big one, in my breast and I remembered years ago, my grandmother use to always say "Mind over matter" and tell me how we can change things with our mind. I have since learned that included the heart or our emotions in doing so. Prayer has proven to work for the same reason. Because we believe it works and we are then rewarded with the results of that effort.
To continue, I went to the doctor and got a mammeogram and was told I needed a biopsy to determine if it was malignant, which the doctor felt certain that it was given its size. I did not want them cutting me up, so I asked how much time could I wait and decide before it would be too late? They said I could probably take a couple of months, so I did and used what my grandmother told me. I imaged a sword and pictured in my mind, whenever I was on automatic like taking a shower or driving my car, me battling that lump with my fictious sword and I would literally picture me doing battle and telling that lump to take a hike.
A couple of months later, I returned to the doctors and had a new mammogram done so they could determine where to put the knife to get a piece of it out. I sat in that waiting room after the mammogram for an hour and a half wondering what the heck was going on since I wanted to leave. The girl came out and apologized for the wait, and said she had to call the radiologist and my doctor since the pictures showed that the lump was gone.
That sealed it for me.... there is a reason that elderly people who grew up with no TV, no IPOD's, no technology, came to believe in "Mind over Matter". Since they had nothing to distract them electronically or otherwise, they developed a relationship with themselves, their minds, their hearts and their morality. Because of that they "created" their own reality and learned to believe there was nothing they could not do because of "MIND OVER MATTER".
I know that was true for my grandmother and she passed that on to us. So keep an open mind during this series and get the most out of it you can. YOU HAVE NOTHING TO LOSE AND EVERYTHING TO GAIN. Its how I started this blog and made a commitment to never, ever give up and so far we are all still here, well beyond their planned take over which was suppose to happen in 2009.... it didn't and not a single nuke false flag.
Hmmmm.... lets all focus on the bad guys disappearing from the planet. See if it works. Since its a big job and they have their rituals, it might take a bit longer, but at least we are doing something about it. We always have other options if it doesn't work. That is why we have nothing to lose. lol
Part 2 of "How to Double Your Brain Power"
Published by
A simple way of using the most powerful gift God gave us...OUR MIND! Everyone has Genius sleeping within them, this video shows you how to wake it up.
Brian Tracy (The Author of this Amazing video!) is one of America's leading authorities on the enhancement of personal effectiveness, the development of human potential, and the art of salesmanship. A dynamic and entertaining speaker, he has motivated and inspired thousands of people toward peak performance and high achievement.
His seminars on leadership, goals, motivation, time management, and success psychology draw capacity audiences. Check out his website www.briantracy.com
Follow us on Instagram: youarecreators
Checkout my blog-spot for more life changing videos! (We update daily!) http://youarecreators.blogspot.com/
Join our fast growing Law of Attraction Community at http://www.forum.insideabundance.com/... ...Tell us YOUR story!
For a powerful Law Of Attraction Video, CLICK HERE! http://youtu.be/akOqD7R4XaM
Check out this goal achieving system to help you reach goals by doing less!
Please checkout my Blog for more life changing videos and articles (We update daily!) http://youarecreators.blogspot.com/
Visit our website http://insideabundance.com/ : the largest free Law of attraction & self help library on the web!
Also view our forum, we would love to hear your personal story.
The article is reproduced in accordance with Section 107 of title 17 of the Copyright Law of the United States relating to fair-use and is for the purposes of criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research.
I had a lump, a big one, in my breast and I remembered years ago, my grandmother use to always say "Mind over matter" and tell me how we can change things with our mind. I have since learned that included the heart or our emotions in doing so. Prayer has proven to work for the same reason. Because we believe it works and we are then rewarded with the results of that effort.
To continue, I went to the doctor and got a mammeogram and was told I needed a biopsy to determine if it was malignant, which the doctor felt certain that it was given its size. I did not want them cutting me up, so I asked how much time could I wait and decide before it would be too late? They said I could probably take a couple of months, so I did and used what my grandmother told me. I imaged a sword and pictured in my mind, whenever I was on automatic like taking a shower or driving my car, me battling that lump with my fictious sword and I would literally picture me doing battle and telling that lump to take a hike.
A couple of months later, I returned to the doctors and had a new mammogram done so they could determine where to put the knife to get a piece of it out. I sat in that waiting room after the mammogram for an hour and a half wondering what the heck was going on since I wanted to leave. The girl came out and apologized for the wait, and said she had to call the radiologist and my doctor since the pictures showed that the lump was gone.
That sealed it for me.... there is a reason that elderly people who grew up with no TV, no IPOD's, no technology, came to believe in "Mind over Matter". Since they had nothing to distract them electronically or otherwise, they developed a relationship with themselves, their minds, their hearts and their morality. Because of that they "created" their own reality and learned to believe there was nothing they could not do because of "MIND OVER MATTER".
I know that was true for my grandmother and she passed that on to us. So keep an open mind during this series and get the most out of it you can. YOU HAVE NOTHING TO LOSE AND EVERYTHING TO GAIN. Its how I started this blog and made a commitment to never, ever give up and so far we are all still here, well beyond their planned take over which was suppose to happen in 2009.... it didn't and not a single nuke false flag.
Hmmmm.... lets all focus on the bad guys disappearing from the planet. See if it works. Since its a big job and they have their rituals, it might take a bit longer, but at least we are doing something about it. We always have other options if it doesn't work. That is why we have nothing to lose. lol
Part 2 of "How to Double Your Brain Power"
Published by
A simple way of using the most powerful gift God gave us...OUR MIND! Everyone has Genius sleeping within them, this video shows you how to wake it up.
Brian Tracy (The Author of this Amazing video!) is one of America's leading authorities on the enhancement of personal effectiveness, the development of human potential, and the art of salesmanship. A dynamic and entertaining speaker, he has motivated and inspired thousands of people toward peak performance and high achievement.
His seminars on leadership, goals, motivation, time management, and success psychology draw capacity audiences. Check out his website www.briantracy.com
Follow us on Instagram: youarecreators
Checkout my blog-spot for more life changing videos! (We update daily!) http://youarecreators.blogspot.com/
Join our fast growing Law of Attraction Community at http://www.forum.insideabundance.com/... ...Tell us YOUR story!
For a powerful Law Of Attraction Video, CLICK HERE! http://youtu.be/akOqD7R4XaM
Check out this goal achieving system to help you reach goals by doing less!
Please checkout my Blog for more life changing videos and articles (We update daily!) http://youarecreators.blogspot.com/
Visit our website http://insideabundance.com/ : the largest free Law of attraction & self help library on the web!
Also view our forum, we would love to hear your personal story.
The article is reproduced in accordance with Section 107 of title 17 of the Copyright Law of the United States relating to fair-use and is for the purposes of criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research.
Beware : A new confidence trick to control the world : "OPPT – One People’s Public Trust"
Vatic Note: Thanks, Boldarn from Australia for the heads up on this one. It does have the ring to it of Soros, since he uses "Trusts" to hide his evil acts. I keep thinking of his "Lucis Trust" housed at the UN. Its a Luciferian trust. I do not know who has really started the OPPT, but I am commenting on who it sounds like might be involved.
One obvious point is that this is controversial. The one that bothered me with this was the title of land and how its to be treated..... you won't have ownership, rather custodial responsibility for the land you pay for that you don't own and they tell you how you will care for it. Sounds like Communism to me, dressed up in a different gown. Rothschild/Soros are definitely tied into this. Communism is the fast track to fascism.
In one sense, this could be a good sign. Who ever has done it, might be giving up on the One World Order, which would mean we have been successful in ending that charade. We just have to keep uncovering them as they appear.
Beware : A new confidence trick to control the world : "OPPT – One People’s Public Trust"
by AL Whitney, Editor of Anticorruption Society, February 23, 2013
(C) copyright 2013 - Permission is granted for redistribution if linked to original and the AntiCorruption Society is acknowledged
One People’s Public Trust (OPPT) has recently been presented to a relatively small – but well informed – group as the “perfected superior trust”.
All those involved (as participants and as observers) are concerned with the growing effort by the Global Elite Scum of the Earth to create a one world government (OWG), with themselves in charge, of course.
Lots of good people are hopeful that this trust would put a stop to this rapidly advancing fascist one world government plan.
Here is the Press Release regarding the One People’s Public Trust
On 2-15-13 one of the OPPT trustees, Heather Ann Tucci-Jarraf explained this recently established trust that supposedly encompasses the entire planet, including all life and all land, to Max Igan in a roundtable discussion. This discussion was recorded and shared with many (thousands?) of people.
This recording is just a little over an hour and can be heard here: roundtable discussion
The following are direct quotes of Heather Tucci during this interview:
“UCC [Uniform Commercial Code] is involved with every aspect of life.”
Heather (38:19) “In fact all of the Land Titles – cause those are all sitting at BIS for the Vatican – all of those land titles were actually cancelled all across the globe. So right now the banks have no standing legal or lawful. Everything is held with Earth as its superior custodian Because it’s as source, God, Allah or Yahweh, what ever you want to call it has put it. So right now there is only three custodians and that is how the land titles are actually going to be changed.
Instead of ownership it is actually going to be a co-custodian type of situation where if I want to go buy a piece of land I’m not purchasing ownership of the land I’m putting down earnest money, a bond, that I’m going to take care of that piece of land in harmony with Earth and how it grows itself naturally.
So there is a big shift in perception. So people will still be able to have their experiences on their properties and be responsible for the properties But as the same time it is not going to be in a slavery type of system which the powers that were had created.”
Heather (40:21)
“I would also like to disclose the person that helped me understand what all that was, was actually a trustee with the Rothschild’s family holdings.”
Not Heather, but another promoter (44:45)
“Everyone is assigned equal value under the concept of the CVAC, so there is no rich or poor there are just equitable humans.” (VN: Oh, my goodness, deep controlling, just like the NWO folks, but with a different mask. Your efforts will be treated equally to those who do nothing..... like the bankers and elite.... useless feeders who will reap the benefits of this system. All slaves will be treated the same. LOL Now try to tell me this isn't communism? This is definitely an offshoot of the NWO group)
“There’s gotta be a value for value exchange.”
Heather (46:34) ” . . . to have that opportunity for all of the opportunities all the data to be put on one table and let people chose as they want to BE.
You get out of the system what you put into it. If you’re not putting any value into the system than you have no right to take any value from the system.”
The single most important fact that Heather revealed was the
participation of an individual representing a certain family’s trust.
Heather admitted that the Rothschild’s helped her set this up. Let me
repeat, HEATHER ADMITS THE ROTHSCHILDS HELPED HER SET UP THIS TRUST! (VN: Soros works for Rothschild.... hah, I knew it.)
She also admitted she negotiated with banksters. Heather blames all of the problems on planet Earth on the corporate “system”, not on Rothschild’s satanic criminal central banking cartel that has grown out of usery and their ability to create money out of nothing. (VN: Not only that, it was the bankers that bought the corporations in the system, and set them up in their present condition, what an insult to our intelligence. Seriously, those who underestimate their enemies, lose wars.)
Here is a 3 minute explanation of central banking.
It is critical for everyone to understand how private central banking works and how it destroys both populations and governments. To quote Thomas Jefferson:
“If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around them will deprive the people of all property until their children wake up homeless on the continent their Fathers conquered…I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies… The issuing power should be taken from the banks and restored to the people, to whom it properly belongs.”
Now, for anyone who is still naive about the “House of Rothschild”, please review the research of Andrew Hitchcock.
This ‘dynasty’ is the wealthiest family on the planet. They have multiple estates and have been manipulating the entire planet via their control of currency and credit. They are members of a kabbalistic Sabbatean Jewish cult (VN: Pagan "KHAZAR" Satanists) that has been destroying legitimate governments for centuries. Some refer to them as TheMoneyMasters, but The Money Monsters is far more appropriate.
They have instigated many wars to advance their personal agenda to own/control the entire planet. To help set up an Earth Trust – that they could manipulate/control – would be their dream come true. Let’s face it, a trust that would remove their own personal holdings to be shared with mankind is something they would NEVER support. In fact they would likely kill lots of folks (including the OPPT Trustees) to prevent that from happening.
Of note, during this discussion not one word was said about the restoration of ‘de jure’ – aka representative – government that could provide the people with honest currency. In fact, the promoters of this trust seem to believe that the UCC runs the ‘planet’ and that we must do away with all governments because they are merely corporations. As most of us are aware, this is very much the goal of the OWG banking cartel and it represents really twisted thinking.
One obvious point is that this is controversial. The one that bothered me with this was the title of land and how its to be treated..... you won't have ownership, rather custodial responsibility for the land you pay for that you don't own and they tell you how you will care for it. Sounds like Communism to me, dressed up in a different gown. Rothschild/Soros are definitely tied into this. Communism is the fast track to fascism.
In one sense, this could be a good sign. Who ever has done it, might be giving up on the One World Order, which would mean we have been successful in ending that charade. We just have to keep uncovering them as they appear.
Beware : A new confidence trick to control the world : "OPPT – One People’s Public Trust"
by AL Whitney, Editor of Anticorruption Society, February 23, 2013
(C) copyright 2013 - Permission is granted for redistribution if linked to original and the AntiCorruption Society is acknowledged
One People’s Public Trust (OPPT) has recently been presented to a relatively small – but well informed – group as the “perfected superior trust”.
All those involved (as participants and as observers) are concerned with the growing effort by the Global Elite Scum of the Earth to create a one world government (OWG), with themselves in charge, of course.
Lots of good people are hopeful that this trust would put a stop to this rapidly advancing fascist one world government plan.
Here is the Press Release regarding the One People’s Public Trust
On 2-15-13 one of the OPPT trustees, Heather Ann Tucci-Jarraf explained this recently established trust that supposedly encompasses the entire planet, including all life and all land, to Max Igan in a roundtable discussion. This discussion was recorded and shared with many (thousands?) of people.
This recording is just a little over an hour and can be heard here: roundtable discussion
The following are direct quotes of Heather Tucci during this interview:
“UCC [Uniform Commercial Code] is involved with every aspect of life.”
Heather (38:19) “In fact all of the Land Titles – cause those are all sitting at BIS for the Vatican – all of those land titles were actually cancelled all across the globe. So right now the banks have no standing legal or lawful. Everything is held with Earth as its superior custodian Because it’s as source, God, Allah or Yahweh, what ever you want to call it has put it. So right now there is only three custodians and that is how the land titles are actually going to be changed.
Instead of ownership it is actually going to be a co-custodian type of situation where if I want to go buy a piece of land I’m not purchasing ownership of the land I’m putting down earnest money, a bond, that I’m going to take care of that piece of land in harmony with Earth and how it grows itself naturally.
So there is a big shift in perception. So people will still be able to have their experiences on their properties and be responsible for the properties But as the same time it is not going to be in a slavery type of system which the powers that were had created.”
Heather (40:21)
“I would also like to disclose the person that helped me understand what all that was, was actually a trustee with the Rothschild’s family holdings.”
Not Heather, but another promoter (44:45)
“Everyone is assigned equal value under the concept of the CVAC, so there is no rich or poor there are just equitable humans.” (VN: Oh, my goodness, deep controlling, just like the NWO folks, but with a different mask. Your efforts will be treated equally to those who do nothing..... like the bankers and elite.... useless feeders who will reap the benefits of this system. All slaves will be treated the same. LOL Now try to tell me this isn't communism? This is definitely an offshoot of the NWO group)
“There’s gotta be a value for value exchange.”
Heather (46:34) ” . . . to have that opportunity for all of the opportunities all the data to be put on one table and let people chose as they want to BE.
You get out of the system what you put into it. If you’re not putting any value into the system than you have no right to take any value from the system.”
She also admitted she negotiated with banksters. Heather blames all of the problems on planet Earth on the corporate “system”, not on Rothschild’s satanic criminal central banking cartel that has grown out of usery and their ability to create money out of nothing. (VN: Not only that, it was the bankers that bought the corporations in the system, and set them up in their present condition, what an insult to our intelligence. Seriously, those who underestimate their enemies, lose wars.)
Here is a 3 minute explanation of central banking.
It is critical for everyone to understand how private central banking works and how it destroys both populations and governments. To quote Thomas Jefferson:
“If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around them will deprive the people of all property until their children wake up homeless on the continent their Fathers conquered…I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies… The issuing power should be taken from the banks and restored to the people, to whom it properly belongs.”
Now, for anyone who is still naive about the “House of Rothschild”, please review the research of Andrew Hitchcock.
This ‘dynasty’ is the wealthiest family on the planet. They have multiple estates and have been manipulating the entire planet via their control of currency and credit. They are members of a kabbalistic Sabbatean Jewish cult (VN: Pagan "KHAZAR" Satanists) that has been destroying legitimate governments for centuries. Some refer to them as TheMoneyMasters, but The Money Monsters is far more appropriate.
They have instigated many wars to advance their personal agenda to own/control the entire planet. To help set up an Earth Trust – that they could manipulate/control – would be their dream come true. Let’s face it, a trust that would remove their own personal holdings to be shared with mankind is something they would NEVER support. In fact they would likely kill lots of folks (including the OPPT Trustees) to prevent that from happening.
Of note, during this discussion not one word was said about the restoration of ‘de jure’ – aka representative – government that could provide the people with honest currency. In fact, the promoters of this trust seem to believe that the UCC runs the ‘planet’ and that we must do away with all governments because they are merely corporations. As most of us are aware, this is very much the goal of the OWG banking cartel and it represents really twisted thinking.
The Original Europeans, Rh- Factor & The Neolithic Settlements of Ireland
Vatic Note: There are levels of history and this below is just one level after the ancient levels had occurred. Stitchen is the man who introduced us to where it all began. This level is the migratory level and much happened during that time that forced those of an RH neg basis, to adapt to their surrounding environs and make due with what they had. In that process, the differences between positive and negative got lost and the knowledge also got lost.
We had to go from scratch in addressing the medical aspects of the blood group RH neg and RH pos.... What I have always wondered "Was the Library at Alexandria" burned intentionally to hide the secrets that we now know existed at the time and the knowledge that went along with it? I suspect so.... but I do not know that for sure. Nothing else explains the willingness to destroy the only written record that could tell us so very much but did not due to that destruction.
So whatever history we have about European migrations and origins is simply being done by deduction made up of bits of verified information of past migrations, movements and advances of those in question. This below goes a long way in bringing that issue to the forefront of our history. Please read and enjoy the scholarly treatment of this subject.
The Original Europeans, Rh- Factor & The Neolithic Settlements of Ireland
Written By: MikeMcNamara8, RH Negative Registry
original Europeans who carried the rhesus negative blood factor 35 000
years ago are probably the original Europeans who painted the comic
strips and other art in the caves of southern France and northern Spain
which includes the Chauvet-Pont-d' Arc cave and the Lascaux cave
paintings found in the Pyrennes.
The rhesus negative blood factor is a recessive phenotype while the O rhesus positive factor is a dominant phenotype. Black wavy hair, brown eyes, copper to brown tanned oily skin are dominant phenotypes which the men who drew these cave paintings most likely possessed. The women most likely possessed dominant features as well but probably had hazel eyes and slightly lighter skin which may have been less oily. These women were probably the carriers of the O positive blood factor.
35 000 years ago the men of southern France and the Basque region hunted the wild bison, wooly rhinocerus, horse, and mammoth where they lived in tepees with the women and not in the painted caves according to popular belief. The women would have gathered wild fruits, seeds, and berries where they brought them back to thier campsite.
is positively sure that a few of the O rhesus positive women joined the
O rhesus negative tribe, but a lot of the women travelling to southern
Europe just below the Swiss alps likely still had the O rhesus negative
factor while those travelling north of the glaciated Swiss alps likely
had the O rhesus positive factor. This may explain why a lot of Spanish
and Italians presently have dark hair as opposed to the Germans and
French who have lighter complexions and blond or blonde hair.
Modern humans (H.s.sapiens) were present in western Europe by 35 000 B.C. During the final glaciation they occupied the area south of the major ice sheets, including both Spain and southern Britain. This Late Palaeolithic population is thought to have been relatively open with regard to mating networks, and mutations could have circulated among the founder populations of Spain and the British Isles.
We had to go from scratch in addressing the medical aspects of the blood group RH neg and RH pos.... What I have always wondered "Was the Library at Alexandria" burned intentionally to hide the secrets that we now know existed at the time and the knowledge that went along with it? I suspect so.... but I do not know that for sure. Nothing else explains the willingness to destroy the only written record that could tell us so very much but did not due to that destruction.
So whatever history we have about European migrations and origins is simply being done by deduction made up of bits of verified information of past migrations, movements and advances of those in question. This below goes a long way in bringing that issue to the forefront of our history. Please read and enjoy the scholarly treatment of this subject.
The Original Europeans, Rh- Factor & The Neolithic Settlements of Ireland
Written By: MikeMcNamara8, RH Negative Registry
The rhesus negative blood factor is a recessive phenotype while the O rhesus positive factor is a dominant phenotype. Black wavy hair, brown eyes, copper to brown tanned oily skin are dominant phenotypes which the men who drew these cave paintings most likely possessed. The women most likely possessed dominant features as well but probably had hazel eyes and slightly lighter skin which may have been less oily. These women were probably the carriers of the O positive blood factor.
35 000 years ago the men of southern France and the Basque region hunted the wild bison, wooly rhinocerus, horse, and mammoth where they lived in tepees with the women and not in the painted caves according to popular belief. The women would have gathered wild fruits, seeds, and berries where they brought them back to thier campsite.
They probably spent most of their
time in those dark tepees and only occasionaly did they most likely
wander out of thier tepees to collect the fruit of the plains. The
reason being for this is that after menstruation and child birth, they
needed protection from the cold and other weather elements to raise and
feed thier children.
This is probably where the women, over thousands of
years, obtained the recessive genotypes like lighter skin and hazel
eyes, although not necessarily the dominate phenotype of the O+ blood
factor which they most likely picked up 5-6000 years earlier when they
ventured out of Siberia on thier way to northern and southern Europe.
Modern humans (H.s.sapiens) were present in western Europe by 35 000 B.C. During the final glaciation they occupied the area south of the major ice sheets, including both Spain and southern Britain. This Late Palaeolithic population is thought to have been relatively open with regard to mating networks, and mutations could have circulated among the founder populations of Spain and the British Isles.
Indeed, during the
maximum glaciation at around 18 000 BC, south-west Europe may have
served as a refuge area for Palaeolithic populations where the shift in
the thermal gradient enhanced offshore fishing on the Cantabrian coast.
It is about this time that probably some of the big game such as bison,
wooly rhinocerus, and mammoth would have been hunted to extinction while
the lions who hunted these prey became extinct also. The hunters then
probably turned to horses and the giant irish deer for food.
12,000 years ago the giant irish deer which these hunters hunted in southern France were becoming scarce and these hunters knew this. These giant irish reindeer likely stayed close to the ice-capped mountains of the Pyrennes and when the weather got warmer, they headed toward the glaciated mountain caps of the Swiss alps. The warm period came to an end about 11 000 years ago and a mini ice age followed lasting some centuries, during which the still present glaciers recovered some of thier lost ground. The famous Irish archaeologist Michael O'Kelly wrote:
"In the Post-glacial Stage which commenced about 10,300 years ago the climate again began to improve and thus began the present warm stage' in which we now live".
12,000 years ago the giant irish deer which these hunters hunted in southern France were becoming scarce and these hunters knew this. These giant irish reindeer likely stayed close to the ice-capped mountains of the Pyrennes and when the weather got warmer, they headed toward the glaciated mountain caps of the Swiss alps. The warm period came to an end about 11 000 years ago and a mini ice age followed lasting some centuries, during which the still present glaciers recovered some of thier lost ground. The famous Irish archaeologist Michael O'Kelly wrote:
"In the Post-glacial Stage which commenced about 10,300 years ago the climate again began to improve and thus began the present warm stage' in which we now live".
How to Double Your Brain Power! (Great Stuff!) - Part 1
Vatic Note: One of my New Years Resolutions is to balance the blog with both positive solutions for our problems, both personally, health wise, nationally and finally, globally, with "truth" both negative and positive, as I find it. It was a suggestion from a reader in Britain who is a regular. Once I decided to do that, these just showed up in my que. How is that for "power of the mind"? LOL
There will be something like this below every day from now on along with other educational positive issues like RH neg, and then there will be at least one of truth and exposure so that our solutions are related directly to the problem and so far, that is working.... as we see them getting more and more open about their plans.
I must say this would not have grabbed me if I had not had some personal experience years ago, that proved "mind over matter" and then I had a conversation along these lines with the local Bishop of my church, so it was time to move into this for both personal and universal awareness and creativity.
I believe the two must go together, since we must have everyone feeling "powerful" and "creative" in thinking outside the box, instead of feeling "helpless", depressed and down, and that will be the result of this new attempt to solve our problems without resorting to the "last resort".
So please take the time to at least view, read, listen and do so with an open mind. Remember, we have nothing to lose and everything to gain by doing so. May you have a happy and PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR, with your "doubled brain power".
How to Double Your Brain Power! (Great Stuff!) - Part 1
by MindPowerWords, August 5, 2012
Brian Tracy (The Author of this AMAZING video!) is one of America's leading authorities on the enhancement of personal effectiveness, the development of human potential, and the art of salesmanship.
A dynamic and entertaining speaker, he has motivated and inspired thousands of people toward peak performance and high achievement. His seminars on leadership, goals, motivation, time management, and success psychology draw capacity audiences. Check out his website www.briantracy.com
Check out this goal achieving system to help you reach goals by doing less!
"Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for "fair use" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use."
Free Mp3 Below!
Checkout My Website http://insideabundance.com/
If you would like a free full Mp3 copy of this video, visit Our Website at http://insideabundance.com/ - Click "Free Downloads" and subscribe, and then download FREE OF CHARGE!
The article is reproduced in accordance with Section 107 of title 17 of the Copyright Law of the United States relating to fair-use and is for the purposes of criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research.
There will be something like this below every day from now on along with other educational positive issues like RH neg, and then there will be at least one of truth and exposure so that our solutions are related directly to the problem and so far, that is working.... as we see them getting more and more open about their plans.
I must say this would not have grabbed me if I had not had some personal experience years ago, that proved "mind over matter" and then I had a conversation along these lines with the local Bishop of my church, so it was time to move into this for both personal and universal awareness and creativity.
I believe the two must go together, since we must have everyone feeling "powerful" and "creative" in thinking outside the box, instead of feeling "helpless", depressed and down, and that will be the result of this new attempt to solve our problems without resorting to the "last resort".
So please take the time to at least view, read, listen and do so with an open mind. Remember, we have nothing to lose and everything to gain by doing so. May you have a happy and PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR, with your "doubled brain power".
How to Double Your Brain Power! (Great Stuff!) - Part 1
by MindPowerWords, August 5, 2012
Brian Tracy (The Author of this AMAZING video!) is one of America's leading authorities on the enhancement of personal effectiveness, the development of human potential, and the art of salesmanship.
A dynamic and entertaining speaker, he has motivated and inspired thousands of people toward peak performance and high achievement. His seminars on leadership, goals, motivation, time management, and success psychology draw capacity audiences. Check out his website www.briantracy.com
Check out this goal achieving system to help you reach goals by doing less!
"Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for "fair use" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use."
Free Mp3 Below!
Checkout My Website http://insideabundance.com/
If you would like a free full Mp3 copy of this video, visit Our Website at http://insideabundance.com/ - Click "Free Downloads" and subscribe, and then download FREE OF CHARGE!
The article is reproduced in accordance with Section 107 of title 17 of the Copyright Law of the United States relating to fair-use and is for the purposes of criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research.
Utah Gets Ready To Do "Without" the Feds - I love it.
Vatic Note: Well, this computer got fixed today. Here is how it happened. LOL My computer person showed up and I showed her the "flipping" they do to a mirror site that looks just like mine and she knew right away what was going on. She is the first computer person who recognized it. The others don't know what to do about it so they pretend its the computer and not a hacker.
Well, we had a very long conversation about how to fix it and she left and guess what? IT FIXED ITSELF BECAUSE SHE KNEW WHAT SHE WAS SEEING. LOL I love it. We will see how long it lasts. Lets see if this one stays up. I love Utahs' courage and stand for its people and its state.
This below IS A GREAT WAY TO START OUT OF THE NEW YEAR WITH A NEW VISION, COURAGE AND PENACHE. YOU GO, UTAH!!! It shows that Utah has some doggone good reps. They came up with this and it would work for the state, but not for the feds.... to bad. Now all that is needed is for it to work and other states will follow, "IF" they are not in bed with the foreign occupiers of our country.
Lets keep an eye on how this goes. Our foreign occupier is about to get us into another war. They just laid claim to a valley in Jordan without any embarrassment for making such a claim. How brazen is that. It would be like Mexico coming up here and laying claim to Texas, Yeah right.... NOT! These foreign occupiers are hitting all the ME countries to finish off building their empire and land grabs. And we wonder why we don't want them running anything over here? Our grabbing our land back is the only way to stop these evil insane creatures.
Utah Gets Ready To Do "Without" the Feds
by J.D. Tuccille, Reason, December 26, 2013
American Lands Council
Sometimes, I suspect that a century from now, representatives of the government of the rump remains of the United States of America will go to Salt Lake City to beg the Republic of Deseret for kinder terms on a loan to fund the continuing U.S. war on anything innovative or profitable.
The American representatives will have to order chips and salsa before they'll be served the 3.2 beer in which they'll drown their sorrows over the progress of the negotiations. Their hosts will drive a hard bargain, still nursing resentment over long-gone dominance by D.C.
Utah is already establishing the grounds for that future meeting. Like most westerners, Utahns are pissed about federal control of land and purse strings. Unlike most, though, they seem serious about reshaping that relationship.
In 2012, Utah passed the Transfer of Public Lands Act, essentially demanding that the federal government surrender the two-thirds of the state controlled by Washington, D.C. Other western states are considering similar measures, but Utah paved the way.
But Utah is preparing to go a step further and plans for a future that isn't funded by federal largesse. The state passed a series of bills as part of a Financial Ready Utah movement. The problem, as the group backing the move explains, is that "More than 40 cents of every dollar the state of Utah spends comes from the federal government that borrows and/orprints more than 40 cents of every dollar it sends to Utah."
Since "The current fiscal trajectory of the federal government is unsustainable," (a point agreed to by the Congressional Budget Office), Utahns foresee a day when whatever they want done will have to be paid by local funds.
Recently, Reason Foundation Director of Government Reform Leonard Gilroy interviewed Utah State Representative Ken Ivory, who plays a key role in increasing his state's autonomy. Ivory links his role in taking local control of public land in the state to the state's need for increased financial self-reliance. Said Ivory:
Well, we had a very long conversation about how to fix it and she left and guess what? IT FIXED ITSELF BECAUSE SHE KNEW WHAT SHE WAS SEEING. LOL I love it. We will see how long it lasts. Lets see if this one stays up. I love Utahs' courage and stand for its people and its state.
This below IS A GREAT WAY TO START OUT OF THE NEW YEAR WITH A NEW VISION, COURAGE AND PENACHE. YOU GO, UTAH!!! It shows that Utah has some doggone good reps. They came up with this and it would work for the state, but not for the feds.... to bad. Now all that is needed is for it to work and other states will follow, "IF" they are not in bed with the foreign occupiers of our country.
Lets keep an eye on how this goes. Our foreign occupier is about to get us into another war. They just laid claim to a valley in Jordan without any embarrassment for making such a claim. How brazen is that. It would be like Mexico coming up here and laying claim to Texas, Yeah right.... NOT! These foreign occupiers are hitting all the ME countries to finish off building their empire and land grabs. And we wonder why we don't want them running anything over here? Our grabbing our land back is the only way to stop these evil insane creatures.
Utah Gets Ready To Do "Without" the Feds
by J.D. Tuccille, Reason, December 26, 2013

American Lands Council
Sometimes, I suspect that a century from now, representatives of the government of the rump remains of the United States of America will go to Salt Lake City to beg the Republic of Deseret for kinder terms on a loan to fund the continuing U.S. war on anything innovative or profitable.
The American representatives will have to order chips and salsa before they'll be served the 3.2 beer in which they'll drown their sorrows over the progress of the negotiations. Their hosts will drive a hard bargain, still nursing resentment over long-gone dominance by D.C.
Utah is already establishing the grounds for that future meeting. Like most westerners, Utahns are pissed about federal control of land and purse strings. Unlike most, though, they seem serious about reshaping that relationship.
In 2012, Utah passed the Transfer of Public Lands Act, essentially demanding that the federal government surrender the two-thirds of the state controlled by Washington, D.C. Other western states are considering similar measures, but Utah paved the way.
But Utah is preparing to go a step further and plans for a future that isn't funded by federal largesse. The state passed a series of bills as part of a Financial Ready Utah movement. The problem, as the group backing the move explains, is that "More than 40 cents of every dollar the state of Utah spends comes from the federal government that borrows and/orprints more than 40 cents of every dollar it sends to Utah."
Since "The current fiscal trajectory of the federal government is unsustainable," (a point agreed to by the Congressional Budget Office), Utahns foresee a day when whatever they want done will have to be paid by local funds.
Recently, Reason Foundation Director of Government Reform Leonard Gilroy interviewed Utah State Representative Ken Ivory, who plays a key role in increasing his state's autonomy. Ivory links his role in taking local control of public land in the state to the state's need for increased financial self-reliance. Said Ivory:
How Adolph Hitler Helped the Jews
Vatic Note: Our blog did several exposes on what really happened in WW II and who were the "Nazi's". We also showed that out of 10 major leaders of Hitlers regime, 7 were Zionists, and we also proved he had 150,000 zionists in his military and they were assigned to the camps to guard and run them.
This below is unbelievably well documented. Its the best I have ever come across. If you really want to know the truth about Nazi Germany, Hitler, the zionists and international bankers and how they all meshed together to create the fantasy we learned in school, then read this below and followup yourselves and verify its real.
As I keep saying "The world as we have been taught does not exist, nor has it ever existed." The real world as documented below, in this period of time, was completely different than we could have imagined. Read it and realize this is not fast food "information, rather its the real mcCoy and dense and long, so be prepared to spend the time and educate yourselves on what really happened in pre world war II and who really started it. Fascinating stuff. Our allies are not very nice people as its turning out to be proven.
How Adolph Hitler Helped theJews Khazars
by Dallas Clarke
Few people know the facts about the singular
event that helped spark what ultimately became known as World War II –
the international Jewish declaration of war on Germany shortly after
Adolf Hitler came to power and well before any official German
government sanctions or reprisals against Jews were carried out.
The March 24, 1933 issue of The Daily Express of London (shown above) described how Jewish leaders, in combination with powerful international Jewish financial interests, had launched a boycott of Germany for the express purpose of crippling her already precarious economy in the hope of bringing down the new Hitler regime. It was only then that Germany struck back in response.
Thus, if truth be told, it was the worldwideJewish Khazar leadership – not the Third Reich –
that effectively fired the first shot in the Second World War. Prominent
New York attorney Samuel Untermyer (above right) was one of the leading
agitators in the war against Germany, describing the Jewish campaign as
nothing less than a “holy war.” (VN: Hmmm, NY, the same place that gave $20 million dollars to Trotsky (also known as "Brontstein" to start the Russian Revolution in 1917 and succeeded. Shortly thereafter, came WW I, see a pattern here?)
The war by the international Jewish Khazar leadership on Germany not only
sparked definite reprisals by the German government but also set the
stage for a little-known economic and political alliance between the
Hitler government and the leaders of the Zionist movement who hoped that
the tension between the Germans and the Jews khazars would lead to massive
emigration to Palestine.
In short, the result was a tactical alliance between the Nazis and the founders of the modern-day state of Israel – a fact that many today would prefer be forgotten.
To this day, it is generally (although incorrectly) believed that when Adolf Hitler was appointed German chancellor in January of 1933, the German government began policies to suppress the Jews of Germany, including rounding up of Jews and putting them in concentration camps and launching campaigns of terror and violence against the domestic Jewish population.
While there were sporadic eruptions of violence against Jews in Germany after Hitler came to power, this was not officially sanctioned or encouraged. And the truth is that anti-Jewish Khazar sentiments in Germany
(or elsewhere in Europe) were actually nothing new. As all Jewish Khazar
historians attest with much fervor, anti-Semitic uprisings of various
degrees had been ever-present in European history. (VN: I ask myself, "Now, why is that? What is it we do not know that triggers such a reaction to this group of people?" Remember, these khazars journey begins back in the mid to late 700 AD, when they were "kicked out of Mongolia". Mongolia was the safe haven for criminals such as Genghis Kahn, so what did these turks, now called Khazars actually do in Mongolia to get them kicked out of that country? Someone has to ask the question. Just how bad are these folks)
In any case, in early 1933, Hitler was not the undisputed leader of Germany, nor did he have full command of the armed forces. Hitler was a major figure in a coalition government, but he was far from being the government himself. That was the result of a process of consolidation which evolved later.
Even Germany’sJewish Khazar Central Association, known as the Verein,
contested the suggestion (made by some Jewish Khazar leaders outside Germany)
that the new government was deliberately provoking anti-Jewish
The Verein issued a statement that “the responsible government authorities [i.e. the Hitler regime] are unaware of the threatening situation,” saying, “we do not believe our German fellow citizens will let themselves be carried away into committing excesses against the Jews.”
Despite this, Jewish leaders in the United States and Britain determined on their own that it was necessary to launch a war against the Hitler government.
On March 12, 1933 the AmericanJewish Khazar Congress announced a massive
protest at Madison Square Gardens for March 27. At that time the
commander in chief of the Jewish Khazar War Veterans called for an American
boycott of German goods. In the meantime, on March 23, 20,000 Jews Khazars
protested at New York’s City Hall as rallies were staged outside the
North German Lloyd and Hamburg-American shipping lines and boycotts were
mounted against German goods throughout shops and businesses in New
York City. (VN: WE published a blog proving this whole mess by Khazars againt Germany was a trade war between Britian and Germany. The khazars controlled and still do, Great Britain, including their royal family, who are of the khazar line. That is the only reason Germany was put under attack, all for money and profit, and just look at the death and destruction of WW II, fought by peons who died and whose wealth funded the war through the greedy zionist bankers)
According to The Daily Express of London of March 24, 1933, theJews khazars had already launched their boycott against Germany and her
elected government.
The headline read “Judea Declares War on Germany –
Jews Khazars of All the World Unite – Boycott of German Goods – Mass
Demonstrations.” The article described a forthcoming “holy war” and went
on to implore Jews khazars everywhere to boycott German goods and engage in
mass demonstrations against German economic interests. According to the Express:
The whole of Israel throughout the world is uniting to declare an economic and financial war on Germany. The appearance of the Swastika as the symbol of the new Germany has revived the old war symbol of Judas to new life.
Fourteen millionJews Khazars scattered over the entire world
are tight to each other as if one man, in order to declare war against
the German persecutors of their fellow believers.
The Jewish wholesaler will quit his house, the banker his stock exchange, the merchant his business, and the beggar his humble hut, in order to join the holy war against Hitler’s people.
The Express said that Germany was “now confronted with an
international boycott of its trade, its finances, and its industry…. In
London, New York, Paris and Warsaw, Jewish businessmen are united to go
on an economic crusade.”
The article said “worldwide preparations are being made to organize protest demonstrations,” and reported that “the old and reunited nation of Israel gets in formation with new and modern weapons to fight out its age old battle against its persecutors.”
This truly could be described as “the first shot fired in the Second World War.”
In a similar vein, theJewish Khazar newspaper Natscha Retsch wrote:
The danger for us Jews lies in the whole German people, in Germany as a whole as well as individually. It must be rendered harmless for all time…. In this war we Jews have to participate, and this with all the strength and might we have at our disposal.
However, note well that the Zionist Association of Germany put out a
telegram on the 26th of March rejecting many of the allegations made
against the National Socialists as “propaganda,” “mendacious” and
In fact, the Zionist faction had every reason to ensure the permanence of National Socialist ideology in Germany. Klaus Polkehn, writing in the Journal of Palestine Studies (“The Secret Contacts: Zionism and Nazi Germany, 1933-1941″; JPS v. 3/4, spring/summer 1976), claims that the moderate attitude of the Zionists was due to their vested interest in seeing the financial victory of National Socialism to force immigration to Palestine. This little-known factor would ultimately come to play a pivotal part in the relationship between Nazi Germany and the Jews.
In the meantime, though, German Foreign Minister Konstantin von Neurath complained of the “vilification campaign” and said:
The fledgling Hitler government itself was clearly trying to contain
the growing tension – both within Germany and without. In the United
States, even U.S. Secretary of State Cordell Hull wired Rabbi Stephen
Wise of the American Jewish Congress and urged caution:
This below is unbelievably well documented. Its the best I have ever come across. If you really want to know the truth about Nazi Germany, Hitler, the zionists and international bankers and how they all meshed together to create the fantasy we learned in school, then read this below and followup yourselves and verify its real.
As I keep saying "The world as we have been taught does not exist, nor has it ever existed." The real world as documented below, in this period of time, was completely different than we could have imagined. Read it and realize this is not fast food "information, rather its the real mcCoy and dense and long, so be prepared to spend the time and educate yourselves on what really happened in pre world war II and who really started it. Fascinating stuff. Our allies are not very nice people as its turning out to be proven.
How Adolph Hitler Helped the
by Dallas Clarke
The Jewish Khazar Declaration of War
on Nazi Germany The Economic Boycott of 1933
on Nazi Germany The Economic Boycott of 1933
Article from The Barnes Review, Jan./Feb. 2001, pp. 41-45.
The Barnes Review, 645 Pennsylvania Ave SE, Suite 100, Washington D.C. 20003, USA.
By M. Raphael Johnson, Ph.D., assistant editor of TBR;
published here with kind permission from TBR.
This digitalized version © 2002 by The Scriptorium.
eMail TBR – subscribe to TBR here
The Barnes Review, 645 Pennsylvania Ave SE, Suite 100, Washington D.C. 20003, USA.
By M. Raphael Johnson, Ph.D., assistant editor of TBR;
published here with kind permission from TBR.
This digitalized version © 2002 by The Scriptorium.
eMail TBR – subscribe to TBR here
The March 24, 1933 issue of The Daily Express of London (shown above) described how Jewish leaders, in combination with powerful international Jewish financial interests, had launched a boycott of Germany for the express purpose of crippling her already precarious economy in the hope of bringing down the new Hitler regime. It was only then that Germany struck back in response.
Thus, if truth be told, it was the worldwide
Long before the Hitler
government began restricting the rights of the German Jews, the leaders
of the worldwide Jewish Khazar community formally declared war on the “New
Germany” at a time when the U.S. government and even the Jewish Khazar leaders
in Germany were urging caution in dealing with the new Hitler regime.
In short, the result was a tactical alliance between the Nazis and the founders of the modern-day state of Israel – a fact that many today would prefer be forgotten.
To this day, it is generally (although incorrectly) believed that when Adolf Hitler was appointed German chancellor in January of 1933, the German government began policies to suppress the Jews of Germany, including rounding up of Jews and putting them in concentration camps and launching campaigns of terror and violence against the domestic Jewish population.
While there were sporadic eruptions of violence against Jews in Germany after Hitler came to power, this was not officially sanctioned or encouraged. And the truth is that anti-
In any case, in early 1933, Hitler was not the undisputed leader of Germany, nor did he have full command of the armed forces. Hitler was a major figure in a coalition government, but he was far from being the government himself. That was the result of a process of consolidation which evolved later.
Even Germany’s
The Verein issued a statement that “the responsible government authorities [i.e. the Hitler regime] are unaware of the threatening situation,” saying, “we do not believe our German fellow citizens will let themselves be carried away into committing excesses against the Jews.”
Despite this, Jewish leaders in the United States and Britain determined on their own that it was necessary to launch a war against the Hitler government.
On March 12, 1933 the American
According to The Daily Express of London of March 24, 1933, the
The headline read “Judea Declares War on Germany –
The whole of Israel throughout the world is uniting to declare an economic and financial war on Germany. The appearance of the Swastika as the symbol of the new Germany has revived the old war symbol of Judas to new life.
Fourteen million
The Jewish wholesaler will quit his house, the banker his stock exchange, the merchant his business, and the beggar his humble hut, in order to join the holy war against Hitler’s people.
The article said “worldwide preparations are being made to organize protest demonstrations,” and reported that “the old and reunited nation of Israel gets in formation with new and modern weapons to fight out its age old battle against its persecutors.”
This truly could be described as “the first shot fired in the Second World War.”
In a similar vein, the
The war against Germany will be
waged by all Jewish communities, conferences, congresses… by every
individual Jew Khazar. Thereby the war against Germany will ideologically
enliven and promote our interests, which require that Germany be wholly
The danger for us Jews lies in the whole German people, in Germany as a whole as well as individually. It must be rendered harmless for all time…. In this war we Jews have to participate, and this with all the strength and might we have at our disposal.
In fact, the Zionist faction had every reason to ensure the permanence of National Socialist ideology in Germany. Klaus Polkehn, writing in the Journal of Palestine Studies (“The Secret Contacts: Zionism and Nazi Germany, 1933-1941″; JPS v. 3/4, spring/summer 1976), claims that the moderate attitude of the Zionists was due to their vested interest in seeing the financial victory of National Socialism to force immigration to Palestine. This little-known factor would ultimately come to play a pivotal part in the relationship between Nazi Germany and the Jews.
In the meantime, though, German Foreign Minister Konstantin von Neurath complained of the “vilification campaign” and said:
"As concerns Jews, I can only say
that their propagandists abroad are rendering their co-religionists in
Germany no service by giving the German public, through their distorted
and untruthful news about persecution and torture of Jews, the
impression that they actually halt at nothing, not even at lies and
calumny, to fight the present German government." (VN: oh, my! Does this not sound familiar? Its exactly what is going on here in the US. We are being made to be the nazi's of our time in the zionists owned press, and given the infiltration into our gov of these khazar's, they then control our war machine and have used it to breach international law, crimes against humanity, land grabbing for a "Greater Israel", and then hide behind the American leaders while finger pointing is going on by those behind the curtain, who are really doing the dastardly deeds. Is this why they have been kicked out of 109 countries so far?)
The Year Government Lost Its Grip on Information
Vatic Note: As I always say with these insane evil ones, "I believe nothing of what I hear and only half of what I see". And I add, "unless proven otherwise through reliable and credibly verified sources, that are not owned or beholden to the psychos running the globe, into the radon section of our planet".
This kind of massive, expensive, and ineffectual spying is simply another indicator of the anal retentive nature of those who wish to rule the globe by fiat force. It becomes more and more clear every day with every new piece of information. Just think about it.... they decide to pull off a false flag to kill thousands of our people and what do they do? THE SCHEDULE WAR GAMES EXACTLY LIKE THEIR PLANNED FALSE FLAG and then pull off the event at the same time the war games are going on.
That makes "Anal Rententive" look like "loose Change". Talk about obssessive control.... my goodness, this is beyond mental illness, its radical lobotamy time. Its like having a wild animal loose among his favorite food. What would be the results of that? Right, all his favorite food killed and he is too full to eat, so its wasted loss of life. THAT ALONE, IS WHAT MAKES THESE CRETINS TOO DANGEROUS to remain on the same planet we occupy. Read this and see what you think?
The Year Government Lost Its Grip on Information
by Jerry Brito, Reason.com, Dec 30, 2013
So, in lieu of an original, forward-thinking piece, I’m duty-bound to share the top-three moments that mark 2013 as the year the state began to lose its grip on control over information.
“There are also over 4.2 million persons with security clearances, and over a million of those can access top secret documents. Contractors, like Snowden, are an indispensable part of the system, and there are almost 2,000 private companies working for the government on programs related to homeland security and intelligence.”
The more all-encompassing a surveillance state is, the more secrets it has to keep, but the more complex it is, the more people it must entrust with those secrets. Analysts, coders, security experts, and system administrators, who tend to be millennials like Snowden and Manning. More than any cohort, millennials embrace the “Anonymous” ideology of radical transparency and freedom of information, and it just takes one to expose what the state most wants kept under wraps.
This kind of massive, expensive, and ineffectual spying is simply another indicator of the anal retentive nature of those who wish to rule the globe by fiat force. It becomes more and more clear every day with every new piece of information. Just think about it.... they decide to pull off a false flag to kill thousands of our people and what do they do? THE SCHEDULE WAR GAMES EXACTLY LIKE THEIR PLANNED FALSE FLAG and then pull off the event at the same time the war games are going on.
That makes "Anal Rententive" look like "loose Change". Talk about obssessive control.... my goodness, this is beyond mental illness, its radical lobotamy time. Its like having a wild animal loose among his favorite food. What would be the results of that? Right, all his favorite food killed and he is too full to eat, so its wasted loss of life. THAT ALONE, IS WHAT MAKES THESE CRETINS TOO DANGEROUS to remain on the same planet we occupy. Read this and see what you think?
The Year Government Lost Its Grip on Information
by Jerry Brito, Reason.com, Dec 30, 2013
While the Internet can be regulated, and information can be controlled, it can only be done on an increasingly small margin, and at an increasingly high cost.
Silk Road, Lest you think most columnists are lazy, you should know that most of us have it stipulated in our contracts that our last article of the year must be some kind of retrospective.So, in lieu of an original, forward-thinking piece, I’m duty-bound to share the top-three moments that mark 2013 as the year the state began to lose its grip on control over information.
Snowden Leak
At the top of the list, of course, are Edward Snowden’s revelations about the depths of the NSA’s unconstitutional surveillance programs. It’s at the top not because of the debate and the likely reforms they unleashed, which are momentous, but because of what Snowden’s revelations tell us about the state’s ability to keep information secret. It increasingly has to operate under the assumption that it cannot keep secrets.
Chelsea Manning’s leaks were the first to shed light on the fact that scores of disaffected twenty-somethings have access to the government’s top secrets, and that these secrets are stored in digital form and are therefore eminently reproducible. As I wrote in June,
“There are also over 4.2 million persons with security clearances, and over a million of those can access top secret documents. Contractors, like Snowden, are an indispensable part of the system, and there are almost 2,000 private companies working for the government on programs related to homeland security and intelligence.”
The more all-encompassing a surveillance state is, the more secrets it has to keep, but the more complex it is, the more people it must entrust with those secrets. Analysts, coders, security experts, and system administrators, who tend to be millennials like Snowden and Manning. More than any cohort, millennials embrace the “Anonymous” ideology of radical transparency and freedom of information, and it just takes one to expose what the state most wants kept under wraps.
Posting will resume after New Years day on 1/2/2014.
Have a very Happy and Prosperous New Year..... and we will prevail.
I needed a day off, so I have taken the first and we will resume posting the early morning of 1/2/14. Bless you all for your support, but I am tired and need this day off. Good articles are ready for the second of January, so be prepared to visit after the holidays are over.
The article is reproduced in accordance with Section 107 of title 17 of the Copyright Law of the United States relating to fair-use and is for the purposes of criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research.
I needed a day off, so I have taken the first and we will resume posting the early morning of 1/2/14. Bless you all for your support, but I am tired and need this day off. Good articles are ready for the second of January, so be prepared to visit after the holidays are over.
The article is reproduced in accordance with Section 107 of title 17 of the Copyright Law of the United States relating to fair-use and is for the purposes of criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research.
The ‘war on terror’ isn’t real, but the illusion is: False flags - part 2
Vatic Note: I just found this by accident and was so impressed with it that I have put it up out of sequence, since I have to dig to find part 1 and I did not want to hold this part up until I found it. As you all know, all these blogs are now coming from a source outside of my home since the powers that be have completely censored me now.
I am going to fight it like crazy, since FREEDOM OF SPEECH is at the heart of our republic, and has been for over 200 years and I do not intend to let it go without a good fight, and this below is just one example of "why". When you read it, you will see why the elite satanists do not want this up nor any other exposing articles and I can always tell by the way they treat them when its on my machine.
Jim Stone is going through the same thing right now, as are other bloggers. Its how they intend to censor without cutting off their surveillance of us on the net. The previous blog we did on the satellites being deployed is also another I expect to get attacked, but I am not doing it from my home, so they are you "know what" out of luck.
This is great and I will try to put up my observations later, since I have to meet my computer person in a short while, so will get back to it as soon as I can. Thanks for all your patience. We sold a necklace this week so we have made our goal for the month. Thank goodness, since things are heating up and we are causing great consternation, it was going to be a bad time to have to quit. Thank you, all that contributed and helped us to stay up on the net. God bless you all and have a freedom filled happy New Year. I intend to have one, so please join me. lol
My first reaction is this was written from a leftest perspective, but he is not necessarily wrong. What he is calling "capitalism" is not what the real definition of it is. Remember, these khazar zionists were the creators of Communism, and yet, they managed to garner control over most international corporations in energy, military industrial complex, food,
The ‘war on terror’ isn’t real, but the illusion is: False flags - part 2
by Craig McKee, Truth and Shadows, June 10, 2013
"Men, it has been well said, think in herds; it will be seen that they go mad in herds, while they only recover their senses slowly, and one by one". Charles MacKay in the1852 preface [1] to his book Extraordinary Popular Delusions & the Madness of Crowds
Where madness is concerned there’s always been a contagion effect, as Charles MacKay suggested in 1852. But in recent times, global power elites have increasingly been able to inject herds with particular madnesses.
The predominant one of these is the “war on terror.” [2]
In a sane world a question widely and repeatedly posed would be whether there is such a phenomenon as the “war on terror” as presented (for instance in newspaper headlines, TV news, speeches by “leaders,” most books on the subject and by almost everyone we encounter at home, school and work).
We who are skeptics can answer that question with a resounding “No!” We also know that the answer of most people – “Yes, of course” – represents a windmill that we must, like Don Quixote, continue to joust with. (VN: I don't believe the key issue is whether or not there is a war on terror, rather WHO IS DOING IT? Is it the Muslims or Dept of Homeland Security, in concert with Mossad, CIA, FBI, Pentagon and the White House and parts of Congress run by a foreign country as represented by AIPAC in DC. Yes, I believe that is the real question.)
The “war on terror,” which should never be allowed to go out alone without its quotes on, is essentially a mass delusion. In case this offends anyone I downgrade it here to an illusion. Because the trouble isn’t essentially within the brains of the herd members. The trouble is what the herd is being fed. Call it mad crowd disease.
This “war” is integrated with other mutually supportive, artificially created forms of madness.
Just one of these is “market fundamentalism.” That’s the quasi-religious belief that global monopoly capitalism not only is benign, not only is the best socio-economic system ever devised, but also is one “to which there is no alternative.” (“Democratic capitalism,” by the way, is not an “alternative.” It is an oxymoron.) [3]
The bogus “war on terror” along with largely market-created economic uncertainty, rapid technological change, [4] environmental destruction and more, comprise important components of the human condition today. For multitudes this concoction is a source of debilitating free-floating anxiety. (As opposed to facilitating anxiety, which is beneficial [5]) punctuated with dollops of often or usually unjustified deer-in-the-headlights fear.
An essay entitled Age in Psychosis on Hub Pages, includes The Scream by Edvard Munch…
…and includes this passage:

The change is toward more fear and it works, as intended [6], to the advantage of the global power elites that I call the diaboligarchy. [7] Fear is the natural, unavoidable and helpful reaction of most humans to genuine threat (some psychopaths are exempt). The threat could be a tornado, wild animal or actual invading army.
Three basic courses of action are available: fight, flight or play dead. None of these are available to the average TV viewer exposed to most mediated (“if it bleeds, it leads”) threats. (An exception would be media reports of a rapist loose in one’s neighbourhood.)
The prices extracted from long-suffering humanity by the diaboligarchy’s “fear sector” include the killing of untold numbers of innocent human beings, ongoing destruction of the environment and steady reduction of freedoms for most people everywhere and an unrelenting increase in police state surveillance and other activities.
At the same time, global monopoly capitalism bestows minimum or no economic or other benefits upon anyone lower than the elites on the ladders of wealth, power and privilege. All the negative outcomes contradict the “pro-democracy” baloney, the “trickle down” nonsense, the cant about “fighting for freedom” (freedom being the most abused word in the language) and other self-serving fictions promoted and disseminated by the power elites across multiple platforms. It must be considered hopeful progress that in just the last decade it has become widely known that it’s the 1% versus the rest of us. [8]
Oligarchies dominated by psychopaths pursuing their own selfish interests at the expense of everyone else have risen spontaneously since civilization as we know it was born in Sumeria. To know this, however, is small comfort and should not be taken either as a sentence upon the future or cause for despair.
Rage is a reasonable reaction to the historical record as well as the present situation. “The truth will set you free,” someone said, “but first it will make you angry!” Once you learn truths hidden behind fiction after fiction you can never go back to believing the old fictions.
One of these fictions is to unduly equate our present pickle with previous pickles, such as that the world faced in September 1939. Things are very different today than they were even a few years ago, let alone decades or centuries ago. And “history” is as illusory as is the present. History, it has been said, is written by the victors. And it’s hard to find a more unsavoury lot than history’s victors.
As “speed-up” tightens its grip on all of us, it’s justifiable to state unambiguously that “civilization” faces an unprecedented and extremely dangerous situation. Its components are multiple and mostly growing crises. [9]
Some of these crises are developing at an exponential rate.
There’s also more than one possibility of a worldwide catastrophic event, such as the eruption of the Yellowstone Park volcano. These are beyond human control to prevent and therefore outside the mandate of this series. [10]
Unlike an asteroid strike that, even if human civilization took concentrated precautions to avert, would still rest in the hands of fate, false flag ops have been and remain an unnecessary concentrated calculated human activity, essentially in the hands of a small minority of humanity, not fate. I consider it obvious that numerous plans in various stages of completion are at the ready in the inner sancta of organizations such as the CIA, FBI, Mossad and MI-6. One targeting Iran could trigger World War III, even as it continues to true that false flag operations remain the least-recognized source of wars and misery.
The upshot of the injected madnesses is that to one extent or another many significant events and ideas taken – beyond our personal bubble – as “realities” are illusory. In a mind-boggling number of cases they are outright deceptions. In this series the reality of false flag operations is the focus. All merge into Maximum Illusion Time.
Although it’s not entirely accurate [11 ] to say that the two letters in the Chinese alphabet representing crisis also stand for opportunity, the nub – that crisis is arguably the greatest change agent – holds true.
Crisis is a high-octane change agent in individual lives, society and history, dwarfing most other drivers. When I interviewed him in his home in California in the early 1970s, sociologist and futurist Richard Farson told me: “Most people believe they learn from their mistakes. That’s seldom true. It’s more true that people learn from their successes. But what causes people to learn the most by far, in a way that actually changes their behaviours, is crisis.”
He mentioned bankruptcy, divorce and life threatening illness. Later, in his 2003 book, Whoever Makes the Most Mistakes Wins, he writes: “As with individuals, sometimes crisis is the only thing that can move organizations. […] Paradoxically, adversity and upheaval can be far more powerful agents of change than planning and consultants. […] The lesson for managers, obviously, is not to arrange calamities, but to recognize that calamities, when they do occur, can be opportunities for significant and needed change.”
But diabolical managers would use Farson’s insight to “arrange a calamity,” wouldn’t they?
None know better that crises create opportunity, or take more advantage of it, than the diaboligarchs. Rather than waiting for crises advantageous for them, they manufacture them. [12] This is done largely, if not mainly, through false flag operations.
These help drive the herd mad while opening up repeated opportunities for the diaboligarchy to expand its powers, seize new ones, amass more wealth and privilege and further consolidate its overall grip on the herd, as well as impact the trajectory of history — for the worse, much the worse.
The madnesses are easier than ever to inject because of important advantages – some age old, some unprecedented – enjoyed by the power elites. These will be dealt with at some length in Part 6. But stripped to the core we can say here that the elites accomplish their goals mainly through their use – in tandem with their control of the mass media – of false flag events, pseudo-events, [13] organizations and agents.
Virtually all students of the “big picture” agree that the elites control the media – and furthermore that the media are the most crucial amplifiers “verifying” past and ongoing deceptions. The media also pre-clear the populace to board future fake flights of perception.
The detonation of a false flag “terrorist” bomb can be thought of – in a ones-and-zeroes sense – as pure information. It can simultaneously be thought of as disinformation, because of its origin and agency.
All meaning is negotiated. For most people the meaning of a false flag “terrorist” bomb is “negotiated” with the mass media. This is a one-sided negotiation for most people who have themselves – what is called “the illusion of the unified self” [14] – on one side, and the media and other controlled aspects of “reality” on the other.
One upshot, isolated for our purposes here, is to make false flags completely real for most people most of the time. This is true because it’s true that most people get most of their information about most things most of the time from the mainstream media. And even though more and more people are increasingly getting information from non-MSM – mainly Internet-accessed – sources the MSM continue to impose our main dose of “reality” through a combination of agenda-setting, disinformation and critical omissions – all persuasive and repetitive.
False flag ops are real even for those of us who are skeptics – but in a significantly different way. We skeptics are forced to acknowledge the truth that these lies are “the truth” for most others. Hence the paradox in the flashline at the top, that the “illusion” of the so-called “war on terror” is “real.”
Simple, yet complex.
So how is Maximum Illusion Time created and maintained? First, by language. The term “war on terror,” for instance, is literally [16] broadcast, heard, published, read and spoken thousands of times per hour, 24/7, worldwide. This has been true year in and year out since 9/11. This repetition alone creates a huge chunk of “reality.”
The two pillars of communication are persuasiveness and repetition. Explosions and bombings and arrests of dark- skinned bearded young men with Arab names, and court cases involving them and successful conviction of them and jailing of them are persuasive “facts,” to say the least, for most people unaware of the webs of deceit involved almost every step of the way in almost every case.
Integral to the phrase “war on terror” are images. No wonder. That phrase appears in headlines in close proximity to pictures of burned-out cars, blood-spattered marketplaces or mug shots of dark skinned bearded young men with Arab names – or pictures of them being led away in handcuffs or…
Inherent in the images are concepts.
Without consciously knowing about the phenomena transpiring in their crania, millions of people millions of times a day feel fear while, in micro-seconds, parts of their brains subliminally generate some version of dark skinned bearded young men with Arab names. Or planes crashing into buildings. Or blood-spattered marketplaces or…
The neural pathways to these feelings, images and subliminal phenomena impossible to describe except at book length (if then) have been trained, for 999 people out of 1,000, by a synthetic perceptual environment.
The thousandth person might have literally experienced something related to terror. But that person mathematically most likely suffered the experience at the hands of Americans or their proxies in Vietnam or Chile or Guatemala or El Salvador or Iraq or at Guantanamo. Or in Pakistan or Yemen. Or in the scores of countries, including Iran, where the USA has “projected its power.”
That thousandth person almost certainly has neural pathways leading in very different directions from those of the “great unwashed.”
The late Princeton University professor Julian Jaynes in his landmark book The Origin of Consciousness and the Breakdown of the Bicameral Mind sheds considerable light on the percepts (not precepts) involved in Maximum Illusion Time. This is thinking about thinking.
He writes (page 9) that thinking is not something under our (supposedly “conscious”) control. It happens faster than we can control. He writes (page 38): “In introspecting we always have hundreds of words to describe what happens in a few seconds. What an astonishing fact that is!”
As Wikipedia puts it, “Jaynes defines ‘consciousness’ more narrowly than most philosophers. Jaynes’ definition of consciousness is synonymous with what philosophers call ‘meta-consciousness’ or ‘meta-awareness.’” Human consciousness, in Jaynes’ view, is defined by reflection, introspection. It’s not just “seeing a table.” Any dog or cat can do that.
On the critical matter of concepts (this would include “the war on terror”), Jaynes writes that they are not in [his definition of] consciousness, so language is required to access them. On page 31: “…one of the great functions of language is to let the word stand for the concept, which is exactly what we do in writing or speaking about conceptual material. And we must do this because concepts are usually not in consciousness at all.”
On page 27: “To be conscious of the elements of speech is to destroy the intention of speech.” This is significant for skeptics who, as outsiders as it were, can “meta consciously” see language being used and abused by charlatans.
It lies outside this series to deal with the subject of language let alone consciousness in anything like the depth they deserve. They will figure again in Parts 4 through 10. Meanwhile my approach is to question or highlight particular uses of language, consciousness and unconsciousness as I encounter them.
The general question posed earlier – Is there such a phenomenon as the “war on terror” as presented?– can be divided into four others. Are there different ways to perceive this “war?” Yes. Significantly different? Yes. Is the most significant alternative perception that the “war” is a contrived illusion? Yes. Can this be proven for reasonable people beyond a shadow of a doubt? Yes. These answers imply much heavy lifting on our [17] part for a long time.
Two more questions: Are we fighting only a rearguard action? Maybe. Can we win? Depends both on what we mean by win and also on future unforeseen developments. You never know your luck. We’ll return in Part 12, “Ways Forward,” to this territory.
“As presented” includes repetition, as already suggested: trillions of bytes of digital embroidery– printed and electronic output that endorses and promotes, explicitly or implicitly, the Big Lie of 9/11, and the interlaced cascade of prior and subsequent false flag operations and other lies in support of the whole ball of wax. This is accomplished with images and repetitive terminology in what I’ve already termed a synthetic perceptual environment. It’s laden with a continuous outpouring of mutually reinforcing language, “facts,” images, interpretations and opinions.
The opinions are especially interesting in that they differ (a few examples are provided further on) yet in their most important respect differ only superficially. That most important respect is the “takeaway.” In that they’re identical.
This is because all these “different opinions” are based on a shared unarticulated major premise: that these events and pseudo-events, including 9/11, are as they have been presented.
I am going to fight it like crazy, since FREEDOM OF SPEECH is at the heart of our republic, and has been for over 200 years and I do not intend to let it go without a good fight, and this below is just one example of "why". When you read it, you will see why the elite satanists do not want this up nor any other exposing articles and I can always tell by the way they treat them when its on my machine.
Jim Stone is going through the same thing right now, as are other bloggers. Its how they intend to censor without cutting off their surveillance of us on the net. The previous blog we did on the satellites being deployed is also another I expect to get attacked, but I am not doing it from my home, so they are you "know what" out of luck.
This is great and I will try to put up my observations later, since I have to meet my computer person in a short while, so will get back to it as soon as I can. Thanks for all your patience. We sold a necklace this week so we have made our goal for the month. Thank goodness, since things are heating up and we are causing great consternation, it was going to be a bad time to have to quit. Thank you, all that contributed and helped us to stay up on the net. God bless you all and have a freedom filled happy New Year. I intend to have one, so please join me. lol
My first reaction is this was written from a leftest perspective, but he is not necessarily wrong. What he is calling "capitalism" is not what the real definition of it is. Remember, these khazar zionists were the creators of Communism, and yet, they managed to garner control over most international corporations in energy, military industrial complex, food,
The ‘war on terror’ isn’t real, but the illusion is: False flags - part 2
by Craig McKee, Truth and Shadows, June 10, 2013
This is part 2 of Barrie Zwicker’s exclusive Truth and Shadows series False flags. The next installment, part 3, will be called The Unlucky Seven.

Part 2: Maximum Illusion Time
"Men, it has been well said, think in herds; it will be seen that they go mad in herds, while they only recover their senses slowly, and one by one". Charles MacKay in the1852 preface [1] to his book Extraordinary Popular Delusions & the Madness of Crowds
Where madness is concerned there’s always been a contagion effect, as Charles MacKay suggested in 1852. But in recent times, global power elites have increasingly been able to inject herds with particular madnesses.
The predominant one of these is the “war on terror.” [2]
In a sane world a question widely and repeatedly posed would be whether there is such a phenomenon as the “war on terror” as presented (for instance in newspaper headlines, TV news, speeches by “leaders,” most books on the subject and by almost everyone we encounter at home, school and work).
We who are skeptics can answer that question with a resounding “No!” We also know that the answer of most people – “Yes, of course” – represents a windmill that we must, like Don Quixote, continue to joust with. (VN: I don't believe the key issue is whether or not there is a war on terror, rather WHO IS DOING IT? Is it the Muslims or Dept of Homeland Security, in concert with Mossad, CIA, FBI, Pentagon and the White House and parts of Congress run by a foreign country as represented by AIPAC in DC. Yes, I believe that is the real question.)
The “war on terror,” which should never be allowed to go out alone without its quotes on, is essentially a mass delusion. In case this offends anyone I downgrade it here to an illusion. Because the trouble isn’t essentially within the brains of the herd members. The trouble is what the herd is being fed. Call it mad crowd disease.
This “war” is integrated with other mutually supportive, artificially created forms of madness.
Just one of these is “market fundamentalism.” That’s the quasi-religious belief that global monopoly capitalism not only is benign, not only is the best socio-economic system ever devised, but also is one “to which there is no alternative.” (“Democratic capitalism,” by the way, is not an “alternative.” It is an oxymoron.) [3]
The bogus “war on terror” along with largely market-created economic uncertainty, rapid technological change, [4] environmental destruction and more, comprise important components of the human condition today. For multitudes this concoction is a source of debilitating free-floating anxiety. (As opposed to facilitating anxiety, which is beneficial [5]) punctuated with dollops of often or usually unjustified deer-in-the-headlights fear.
An essay entitled Age in Psychosis on Hub Pages, includes The Scream by Edvard Munch…
…and includes this passage:
"Today, many feel that they have changed in some way that is hard to define. And yet, under closer scrutiny in the age of economic uncertainty and the war against terror, we can see how the collective temperament has indeed changed in some way. But the change has been almost imperceptible and many people only feel that they have changed somehow without being able to define it. It takes an objective observer and good memory to see this change."

The change is toward more fear and it works, as intended [6], to the advantage of the global power elites that I call the diaboligarchy. [7] Fear is the natural, unavoidable and helpful reaction of most humans to genuine threat (some psychopaths are exempt). The threat could be a tornado, wild animal or actual invading army.
Three basic courses of action are available: fight, flight or play dead. None of these are available to the average TV viewer exposed to most mediated (“if it bleeds, it leads”) threats. (An exception would be media reports of a rapist loose in one’s neighbourhood.)
The prices extracted from long-suffering humanity by the diaboligarchy’s “fear sector” include the killing of untold numbers of innocent human beings, ongoing destruction of the environment and steady reduction of freedoms for most people everywhere and an unrelenting increase in police state surveillance and other activities.
At the same time, global monopoly capitalism bestows minimum or no economic or other benefits upon anyone lower than the elites on the ladders of wealth, power and privilege. All the negative outcomes contradict the “pro-democracy” baloney, the “trickle down” nonsense, the cant about “fighting for freedom” (freedom being the most abused word in the language) and other self-serving fictions promoted and disseminated by the power elites across multiple platforms. It must be considered hopeful progress that in just the last decade it has become widely known that it’s the 1% versus the rest of us. [8]
Oligarchies dominated by psychopaths pursuing their own selfish interests at the expense of everyone else have risen spontaneously since civilization as we know it was born in Sumeria. To know this, however, is small comfort and should not be taken either as a sentence upon the future or cause for despair.
Rage is a reasonable reaction to the historical record as well as the present situation. “The truth will set you free,” someone said, “but first it will make you angry!” Once you learn truths hidden behind fiction after fiction you can never go back to believing the old fictions.
One of these fictions is to unduly equate our present pickle with previous pickles, such as that the world faced in September 1939. Things are very different today than they were even a few years ago, let alone decades or centuries ago. And “history” is as illusory as is the present. History, it has been said, is written by the victors. And it’s hard to find a more unsavoury lot than history’s victors.
As “speed-up” tightens its grip on all of us, it’s justifiable to state unambiguously that “civilization” faces an unprecedented and extremely dangerous situation. Its components are multiple and mostly growing crises. [9]
Some of these crises are developing at an exponential rate.
There’s also more than one possibility of a worldwide catastrophic event, such as the eruption of the Yellowstone Park volcano. These are beyond human control to prevent and therefore outside the mandate of this series. [10]
Unlike an asteroid strike that, even if human civilization took concentrated precautions to avert, would still rest in the hands of fate, false flag ops have been and remain an unnecessary concentrated calculated human activity, essentially in the hands of a small minority of humanity, not fate. I consider it obvious that numerous plans in various stages of completion are at the ready in the inner sancta of organizations such as the CIA, FBI, Mossad and MI-6. One targeting Iran could trigger World War III, even as it continues to true that false flag operations remain the least-recognized source of wars and misery.
The upshot of the injected madnesses is that to one extent or another many significant events and ideas taken – beyond our personal bubble – as “realities” are illusory. In a mind-boggling number of cases they are outright deceptions. In this series the reality of false flag operations is the focus. All merge into Maximum Illusion Time.
Although it’s not entirely accurate [11 ] to say that the two letters in the Chinese alphabet representing crisis also stand for opportunity, the nub – that crisis is arguably the greatest change agent – holds true.
Crisis is a high-octane change agent in individual lives, society and history, dwarfing most other drivers. When I interviewed him in his home in California in the early 1970s, sociologist and futurist Richard Farson told me: “Most people believe they learn from their mistakes. That’s seldom true. It’s more true that people learn from their successes. But what causes people to learn the most by far, in a way that actually changes their behaviours, is crisis.”
He mentioned bankruptcy, divorce and life threatening illness. Later, in his 2003 book, Whoever Makes the Most Mistakes Wins, he writes: “As with individuals, sometimes crisis is the only thing that can move organizations. […] Paradoxically, adversity and upheaval can be far more powerful agents of change than planning and consultants. […] The lesson for managers, obviously, is not to arrange calamities, but to recognize that calamities, when they do occur, can be opportunities for significant and needed change.”
But diabolical managers would use Farson’s insight to “arrange a calamity,” wouldn’t they?
None know better that crises create opportunity, or take more advantage of it, than the diaboligarchs. Rather than waiting for crises advantageous for them, they manufacture them. [12] This is done largely, if not mainly, through false flag operations.
These help drive the herd mad while opening up repeated opportunities for the diaboligarchy to expand its powers, seize new ones, amass more wealth and privilege and further consolidate its overall grip on the herd, as well as impact the trajectory of history — for the worse, much the worse.
The madnesses are easier than ever to inject because of important advantages – some age old, some unprecedented – enjoyed by the power elites. These will be dealt with at some length in Part 6. But stripped to the core we can say here that the elites accomplish their goals mainly through their use – in tandem with their control of the mass media – of false flag events, pseudo-events, [13] organizations and agents.
Virtually all students of the “big picture” agree that the elites control the media – and furthermore that the media are the most crucial amplifiers “verifying” past and ongoing deceptions. The media also pre-clear the populace to board future fake flights of perception.
The detonation of a false flag “terrorist” bomb can be thought of – in a ones-and-zeroes sense – as pure information. It can simultaneously be thought of as disinformation, because of its origin and agency.
All meaning is negotiated. For most people the meaning of a false flag “terrorist” bomb is “negotiated” with the mass media. This is a one-sided negotiation for most people who have themselves – what is called “the illusion of the unified self” [14] – on one side, and the media and other controlled aspects of “reality” on the other.
One upshot, isolated for our purposes here, is to make false flags completely real for most people most of the time. This is true because it’s true that most people get most of their information about most things most of the time from the mainstream media. And even though more and more people are increasingly getting information from non-MSM – mainly Internet-accessed – sources the MSM continue to impose our main dose of “reality” through a combination of agenda-setting, disinformation and critical omissions – all persuasive and repetitive.
False flag ops are real even for those of us who are skeptics – but in a significantly different way. We skeptics are forced to acknowledge the truth that these lies are “the truth” for most others. Hence the paradox in the flashline at the top, that the “illusion” of the so-called “war on terror” is “real.”
Simple, yet complex.
So how is Maximum Illusion Time created and maintained? First, by language. The term “war on terror,” for instance, is literally [16] broadcast, heard, published, read and spoken thousands of times per hour, 24/7, worldwide. This has been true year in and year out since 9/11. This repetition alone creates a huge chunk of “reality.”
The two pillars of communication are persuasiveness and repetition. Explosions and bombings and arrests of dark- skinned bearded young men with Arab names, and court cases involving them and successful conviction of them and jailing of them are persuasive “facts,” to say the least, for most people unaware of the webs of deceit involved almost every step of the way in almost every case.
Integral to the phrase “war on terror” are images. No wonder. That phrase appears in headlines in close proximity to pictures of burned-out cars, blood-spattered marketplaces or mug shots of dark skinned bearded young men with Arab names – or pictures of them being led away in handcuffs or…
Inherent in the images are concepts.
Without consciously knowing about the phenomena transpiring in their crania, millions of people millions of times a day feel fear while, in micro-seconds, parts of their brains subliminally generate some version of dark skinned bearded young men with Arab names. Or planes crashing into buildings. Or blood-spattered marketplaces or…
The neural pathways to these feelings, images and subliminal phenomena impossible to describe except at book length (if then) have been trained, for 999 people out of 1,000, by a synthetic perceptual environment.
The thousandth person might have literally experienced something related to terror. But that person mathematically most likely suffered the experience at the hands of Americans or their proxies in Vietnam or Chile or Guatemala or El Salvador or Iraq or at Guantanamo. Or in Pakistan or Yemen. Or in the scores of countries, including Iran, where the USA has “projected its power.”
That thousandth person almost certainly has neural pathways leading in very different directions from those of the “great unwashed.”
The late Princeton University professor Julian Jaynes in his landmark book The Origin of Consciousness and the Breakdown of the Bicameral Mind sheds considerable light on the percepts (not precepts) involved in Maximum Illusion Time. This is thinking about thinking.
He writes (page 9) that thinking is not something under our (supposedly “conscious”) control. It happens faster than we can control. He writes (page 38): “In introspecting we always have hundreds of words to describe what happens in a few seconds. What an astonishing fact that is!”
As Wikipedia puts it, “Jaynes defines ‘consciousness’ more narrowly than most philosophers. Jaynes’ definition of consciousness is synonymous with what philosophers call ‘meta-consciousness’ or ‘meta-awareness.’” Human consciousness, in Jaynes’ view, is defined by reflection, introspection. It’s not just “seeing a table.” Any dog or cat can do that.
On the critical matter of concepts (this would include “the war on terror”), Jaynes writes that they are not in [his definition of] consciousness, so language is required to access them. On page 31: “…one of the great functions of language is to let the word stand for the concept, which is exactly what we do in writing or speaking about conceptual material. And we must do this because concepts are usually not in consciousness at all.”
On page 27: “To be conscious of the elements of speech is to destroy the intention of speech.” This is significant for skeptics who, as outsiders as it were, can “meta consciously” see language being used and abused by charlatans.
It lies outside this series to deal with the subject of language let alone consciousness in anything like the depth they deserve. They will figure again in Parts 4 through 10. Meanwhile my approach is to question or highlight particular uses of language, consciousness and unconsciousness as I encounter them.
The general question posed earlier – Is there such a phenomenon as the “war on terror” as presented?– can be divided into four others. Are there different ways to perceive this “war?” Yes. Significantly different? Yes. Is the most significant alternative perception that the “war” is a contrived illusion? Yes. Can this be proven for reasonable people beyond a shadow of a doubt? Yes. These answers imply much heavy lifting on our [17] part for a long time.
Two more questions: Are we fighting only a rearguard action? Maybe. Can we win? Depends both on what we mean by win and also on future unforeseen developments. You never know your luck. We’ll return in Part 12, “Ways Forward,” to this territory.
“As presented” includes repetition, as already suggested: trillions of bytes of digital embroidery– printed and electronic output that endorses and promotes, explicitly or implicitly, the Big Lie of 9/11, and the interlaced cascade of prior and subsequent false flag operations and other lies in support of the whole ball of wax. This is accomplished with images and repetitive terminology in what I’ve already termed a synthetic perceptual environment. It’s laden with a continuous outpouring of mutually reinforcing language, “facts,” images, interpretations and opinions.
The opinions are especially interesting in that they differ (a few examples are provided further on) yet in their most important respect differ only superficially. That most important respect is the “takeaway.” In that they’re identical.
This is because all these “different opinions” are based on a shared unarticulated major premise: that these events and pseudo-events, including 9/11, are as they have been presented.
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