Vatic Note: A message FROM THE PEOPLE to the top brass that say they will not fire on American citizens, if you get fired for your ethical, moral, and integrity answer, then please contact the militias in your area, or your local county Sheriff because, while the foreign Obama administration would not want your worthy soul, we would definitely want it. You will be back to work once we take back control of our country, so stick with us. On this we are united.
To those who say "yes, they will fire on us, the American people". Please be warned. The khazar zionist bankers did this to the Germans in WW II, and they betrayed those that agreed to betray their country since they do not trust traitors. So you will be fingered as the "foils for their crimes against humanity and will suffer the penalty for them".
Not one of those bankers were in the docket at Nuremberg, did you notice that ? That is how they are. Many goyim that betrayed their country, stood in the Nuremberg trial box to pay for their and the bankers crimes. Best to think this out before deciding. If you take back our government for us. You will still have your jobs. Purge the dual citizens out NOW. Not when its too late, but now.
There are only a few of these traitors, so if you decide to take back the nation, you will succeed and go down in history as hero's.... so please do your job and follow your oath and stop them before they kill you too.
Obama to Top Brass: Will you fire on American Citizens?
By Gary Franchi, RTR | The Obama administration is openly escalating its campaign against private gun ownership, and shaking up the top ranks of the military command structure -- but is it also preparing to make war on the American population? According to a person identified as a former senior military official, the answer to that shocking question is yes.
World-renowned educator and human rights activist Jim Garrow says that the source, man regarded as "one of America's foremost military heroes," told him that President Obama is using a new litmus test for "determining who will stay and who must go" among top-ranked military leaders. That test is whether they will fire on US citizens or not. Garrow says that his source made the disclosure in order to "sound the alarm" over the administration's plans.
While Garrow will not yet reveal the identity of the source, it's important to note that Garrow himself is a man of considerable accomplishment. He is the founder of the Bethune Institute, which has established hundreds of schools throughout China. Three years ago, he was nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize for his work though a group called Pink Pagoda, which combat "gendercide" in China -- that is, the practice of rescuing baby girls who had been abandoned or targeted for infanticide because of the government's one-child policy. He was personally involved in helping to save the lives of more than 50,000 Chinese girls. He joins Gary Franchi on WHDT World News to discuss this new "Litmus Test."
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The article is reproduced in accordance with Section 107 of title 17 of the Copyright Law of the United States relating to fair-use and is for the purposes of criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research.
"It is the greatest of all mistakes to do nothing because you can only do a little." ~ Sydney Smith
America’s Hype over WMD: Five Invasion Plots, Three Continents, Identical Lies
***Fundraising Status: OH, dear, we are still at $140 needed by the first to make our deficit. We wish to thank those who contributed so far toward that deficit, but now we are getting pretty close to the end of the month, so now its important for us to ask for support from those who may enjoy our site but have not contributed in the past. We do this to educate and expose the underbelly of the beast, but we cannot do this alone. I wish we could, but alas, we can't as you know, the economy..... So we must rely on our readers for that support.
If you can afford it, please donate off to the right of this blog and accept our thanks again for all who have previously contributed in donations, comments and emails that have lead us down some great rabbit holes.
If you can afford it, please donate off to the right of this blog and accept our thanks again for all who have previously contributed in donations, comments and emails that have lead us down some great rabbit holes.
Vatic Note: This is an atrocity and a zionist nazi blemish upon our name. Just a quick note and reminder......."This is not our government being discussed here".... its the foreign occupying government that has proven time and again that they are war criminals and should be tried for crimes against humanity in their own country. Again Winston Churchill was of the Rothschild line who is the declared King of Israel.
The connection between royalty of Britain and Rothschild is genetic. Let this be a warning to the rest of the globe. Beware of the Devil bearing gifts. Notice Churchill playing "God" by he determining who is Uncivilized tribes based on what definition? Now we know why the British created the protect Israel from accountbility for their crimes against humanity. What we are guilty of, is allowing this infiltration by a foreign gov that attacked and killed Americans numerous times. That is what we are guilty of, but something we can correct by calling our congressmen and senators and demanding they be purged from key positions in government like military, intel, and treasury.
Our current experience in the patriot act bill, the ndaa etc, has shown us that through changes in definitions, laws can then be used to murder and justify murder of American citizens, as is already happening over the past week with the murder of 2 activists and 2 others in the gun field, one a gun manufacturer and one a gun lobbyist, so you can see where this is going. The 63 million killings will be done with what black ops calls "soft kill" methods that are not like out and out executions so the general public at large won't question the deaths. Well, that is not good enough. Anyone who does this is a traitor. and we have a quote going up reminding everyone ABOUT THE PASSAGE OF A LAW BY CONGRESS IN 1970 MAKING THAT VERY POINT. Here is the law....
“If any person or persons, owing allegiance to the United States of America, shall levy war against them, or shall adhere to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States, or elsewhere, and shall be thereof convicted on confession in open Court, (VN: Or a signed sworn oath of loyalty)or on the testimony of two witnesses to the same overt act of the treason whereof he or they shall stand indicted, such person or persons shall be adjudged guilty of treason against the United States, and SHALL SUFFER DEATH; and that if any person or persons, having knowledge of the commission of any of the treasons aforesaid, shall conceal, and not, as soon as may be, disclose and make known the same to the President of the United States, or some one of the Judges thereof, or to the President or Governor of a particular State, or some one of the Judges or Justices thereof, such person or persons, on conviction, shall be adjudged guilty of misprision of treason, and shall be imprisoned not exceeding seven years, and fined not exceeding one thousand dollars.” — The Congress of the United States, 1970
Keep this in mind as you read this below. Boy, I can smell justice coming just around the corner.
By: Felicity Arbuthnot
Date: 2012-12-21
“I do not understand this squeamishness about the use of gas. We have definitely adopted the position at the Peace Conference of arguing in favour of the retention of gas as a permanent method of warfare…. I am strongly in favour of using poisoned gas against uncivilised tribes.” (Winston S. Churchill, 1874-1965, from War Office minute, 12th May 1919.)(VN: Notice the use of the word "Tribes". Language means a lot, He didn't really mean "Tribes", rather he meant subhuman, and less than he is...that is why I insist on calling something what it is, and not dress it up to be pretty, so that we "fully understand" where the enemy is coming from.)
As the sabre rattling against Syria gets ever louder, the allegations ever wilder and double standards, stirring, plotting and terrorist (VN: US/Israel financing of their employees they use for such black ops) (sorry: “aiding the legitimate opposition”) neon lit, it is instructive to look at the justifications presented by US Administrations for a few other murderous incursions in recent history.
This month is the twenty third anniversary of the US invasion of Panama on 20th December 1989, as Panamanians prepared their Christmas celebrations. A quick check reminds the late Philip Agee recalling President George H.W. Bush telling the American people that the threat from Panama (pop: 3,571,185 – 2011) was such that: “our way of life is at stake.” Agee referred to this in his aptly named talk “Producing the Proper Crisis.”(i) Apt then as now. Nothing changes.
The aim of the invasion was to capture the country’s leader General Manuel Noriega and, of course, to: “establish a democratic government.” Regime change.

With the approaching transfer of control of the Panama Canal to Panama (originally scheduled for 1st January 1990) after a century of US colonial stewardship, America wanted to ensure it was in the hands of malleable allies.
Noriega a CIA asset, since 1967 (ii) who had also attended the notorious School of the Americas, at Fort Benning, Georgia, came to power with US backing, but seemingly his support for the US was cooling. To encapsulate a long story, the US kidnapped him and sentenced him to forty years in jail.
Plans to invade were called: “Operation Prayer Book.” It was later re-named “Operation Just Cause”, with General Colin Powell commenting that it was a moniker of which he approved as: ”Even our severest critics would have to utter ‘Just Cause’ whilst denouncing us.” (Colin Powell, with Jospeh E. Persico: “My American Journey”, 1995.)
Why Are Preppers Hated So Much?
***Fundraising Status: OH, dear, we are still at $140 needed by the first to make our deficit. We wish to thank those who contributed so far toward that deficit, but now we are getting pretty close to the end of the month, so now its important for us to ask for support from those who may enjoy our site but have not contributed in the past. We do this to educate and expose the underbelly of the beast, but we cannot do this alone. I wish we could, but alas, we can't as you know, the economy..... So we must rely on our readers for that support.
If you can afford it, please donate off to the right of this blog and accept our thanks again for all who have previously contributed in donations, comments and emails that have lead us down some great rabbit holes.
If you can afford it, please donate off to the right of this blog and accept our thanks again for all who have previously contributed in donations, comments and emails that have lead us down some great rabbit holes.
Vatic Note: Once again this is not a fast food read. Its for those that are seeking truth and education. Its an excellent job of analyzing the situation, however, where I felt he was behind in the current changes, I put in a VN: to clarify the changes currently under way that may well change the outcome. Its worth taking the time on this one. Remind your reps and senators that high treason is a death penalty offense. I find it interesting that if SHTF, those left will be those who prepared and that is NOT what the powers that be want. They want the sheep who are much more easily fooled and manipulated.
By: Michael Snyder, End of The American Dream
Date: 2012-12-10
Have you noticed that it has become trendy to bash preppers? For a long time the prepper movement was ignored, but now it has become so large that it is getting very difficult for the mainstream media to pretend that it is not there.
In fact, it has been estimated that there are now approximately 3 million preppers in the United States alone.
So now the mainstream media has decided that mocking the movement is the best strategy, and lots of “critics” and “skeptics” out there have picked up on this trend. Instead of addressing the very real issues that have caused millions of Americans to prepare for the worst, those criticizing the prepper movement attempt to put the focus on individual personalities.
They try to find the strangest nutjobs they possibly can and then hold them up as “typical preppers”. The goal is to portray preppers as tinfoil hat wearing freaks that need to be locked up in the loony bin for their own personal safety and for the good of society. The criticism of preppers has really ramped up in recent months, and it will likely get even worse in 2013. The establishment does not like any movement that is outside of their control, and the prepper movement is definitely not under their control.
Often, hit pieces on the prepper movement are disguised as articles or shows that are supposed to be “balanced” looks at the movement. This is especially true of shows such as “Doomsday Preppers“. That show is the highest rated show that the National Geographic channel has ever had, and it can be a lot of fun to watch. But if you notice carefully, they almost always try to feature people that they consider to be “freaks” or that are “on the fringe of society”. Many other “reality shows” follow the exact same recipe. The goal is to draw high ratings by running a “freak show” that people can’t help but watch.
The Sandy Hook School Massacre: Unanswered Questions and Missing Information
***Fundraising Status: OH, dear, we are still at $150 needed by the first to make our deficit. We wish to thank those who contributed so far toward that deficit, but now we are getting pretty close to the end of the month, so now its important for us to ask for support from those why may enjoy our site but have not contributed in the past. We do this to educate and expose the underbelly of the beast, but we cannot do this alone. I wish we could, but alas, we can't as you know, the economy..... So we must rely on our readers for that support.
If you can afford it, please donate off to the right of this blog and accept our thanks again for all who have previously contributed in donations, comments and emails that have lead us down some great rabbit holes.
If you can afford it, please donate off to the right of this blog and accept our thanks again for all who have previously contributed in donations, comments and emails that have lead us down some great rabbit holes.
Vatic Note: This was very well done. I have to commend Professor James F. Tracy and Global Research. It was time to take sides and do what is right and I am glad to see Global Research on our side. Maybe once they understood the crimes being committed they wished to distance themselves from them. Wise decision and choice. I believe Professor Tracy was the one vilified by the CIA operative Anderson who works for CNN as his cover.
By: Prof. James F. Tracy
Date: 2012-12-25
“[My staff] and I hope the people of Newtown don’t have it crash on their head later.” –Connecticut Medical Examiner D. Wayne Carver II, MD, December 15, 2012 (VN: what could he be talking about? What in the world could......"crash on their head later"....? That alone, is a red flag that something is wrong involving the "people" of Newtown, the Medical examiner and "his staff".)
Inconsistencies and anomalies abound when one turns an analytical eye to news of the Newtown school massacre. The public’s general acceptance of the event’s validity and faith in its resolution suggests a deepened credulousness borne from a world where almost all news and information is electronically mediated and controlled.
The condition is reinforced through the corporate media’s unwillingness to push hard questions vis-à-vis Connecticut and federal authorities who together bottlenecked information while invoking prior restraint through threats of prosecutorial action against journalists and the broader citizenry seeking to interpret the event on social media.
Along these lines on December 19 the Connecticut State Police assigned individual personnel to each of the 26 families who lost a loved one at Sandy Hook Elementary. “The families have requested no press interviews,” State Police assert on their behalf, “and we are asking that this request be honored.[1]
The de facto gag order will be in effect until the investigation concludes—now forecast to be “several months away” even though lone gunman Adam Lanza has been confirmed as the sole culprit.[2]
With the exception of an unusual and apparently contrived appearance by Emilie Parker’s alleged father, victims’ family members have been almost wholly absent from public scrutiny.[3] What can be gleaned from this and similar coverage raises many more questions and glaring inconsistencies than answers. While it sounds like an outrageous claim, one is left to inquire whether the Sandy Hook shooting ever took place—at least in the way law enforcement authorities and the nation’s news media have described.
The Accidental Medical Examiner
An especially important yet greatly underreported feature of the Sandy Hook affair is the wholly bizarre performance of Connecticut’s top medical examiner H. Wayne Carver II at a December 15 press conference. Carver’s unusual remarks and behavior warrant close consideration because in light of his professional notoriety they appear remarkably amateurish and out of character.
H. Wayne Carver II has an extremely self-assured, almost swaggering presence in Connecticut state administration. In early 2012 Carver threatened to vacate his position because of state budget cuts and streamlining measures that threatened his professional autonomy over the projects and personnel he oversaw.
Along these lines the pathologist has gone to excessive lengths to demonstrate his findings and expert opinion in court proceedings. For example, in a famous criminal case Carver “put a euthanized pig through a wood chipper so jurors could match striations on the bone fragments with the few ounces of evidence that prosecutors said were on the remains of the victim.”[4]
One would therefore expect Carver to be in his element while identifying and verifying the exact ways in which Sandy Hook’s children and teachers met their violent demise.
Yet the H. Wayne Carver who showed up to the December 15 press conference is an almost entirely different man, appearing apprehensive and uncertain, as if he is at a significant remove from the postmortem operation he had overseen. The multiple gaffes, discrepancies, and hedges in response to reporters’ astute questions suggest that he is either under coercion or an imposter. While the latter sounds untenable it would go a long way in explaining his sub-pedestrian grasp of medical procedures and terminology.
With this in mind extended excerpts from this exchange are worthy of recounting here in print. Carver is accompanied by Connecticut State Police Lieutenant H. Paul Vance and additional Connecticut State Police personnel. The reporters are off-screen and thus unidentified so I have assigned them simple numerical identification based on what can be discerned of their voices.
Reporter #1: So the rifle was the primary weapon?
H. Wayne Carver: Yes.
Exclusive: Cops, detectives, FBI agents, U.S. soldiers tell Natural News they will not enforce gun confiscation orders
***Fundraising Status: OH, dear, we are still at $150 needed by the first to make our deficit. We wish to thank those who contributed so far toward that deficit, but now we are getting pretty close to the end of the month, so now its important for us to ask for support from those why may enjoy our site but have not contributed in the past. We do this to educate and expose the underbelly of the beast, but we cannot do this alone. I wish we could, but alas, we can't as you know, the economy..... So we must rely on our readers for that support.
If you can afford it, please donate off to the right of this blog and accept our thanks again for all who have previously contributed in donations, comments and emails that have lead us down some great rabbit holes.
Vatic Note: I agree with this that most if not all of those required to enforce gun laws would not do it. I also agree with the reasons he gives, but more importantly would add a few more. First of all cops are the most exposed of all armed hired personnel. They walk around or drive every single day with a maximum of two on patrol. That makes them extremely vulnerable. Second of all their families live among the citizens. Their wives shop in the same stores, their children go to the same schools, so they are also vulnerable.
Military simply would not unless they had been drugged with experimental psychotropic drugs, satanized, and then mind controlled. It still would be suicide for them to do anything along those lines since they are among others within the service who would honor their oaths. I believe that has been tested already in the Ft. Hood shooting and blamed on a Muslim. What we found out was the reason for all the rounds fired was that enlisted men shot their commanding officers rather than return to Afghanistan and kill more innocent unarmed civilians.
Third, using foreign troops under any banner, is an invasion of a foreign country into our land and that would unite everyone and is the best option as far as gun owners are concerned.
Exclusive: Cops, detectives, FBI agents, U.S. soldiers tell Natural News they will not enforce gun confiscation orders
Wednesday, December 19, 2012
by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger
(NaturalNews) In the wake of the recent Sandy Hook shooting, I reached out to my contacts in law enforcement, military and (retired) FBI over the last three days, asking three simple questions:
#1) Do you think Obama will use executive orders to demand nationwide gun confiscation?
#2) If such an order is given, will you or fellow members of your organization enforce it against the citizens? (And if so, how?)
#3) What is the solution to stopping future mass shootings?
I posed these questions to one ex-FBI agent, one retired Sheriff's deputy, two active duty city police detectives, one retired former police captain of a major U.S. city, two U.S. Army veterans and one USMC veteran, discharged several years ago after two tours in Afghanistan during which he sustained a severe personal injury. For obvious reasons, none of them wish to be identified by name, but their answers below speak to their credibility and authenticity.
Here are their answers.
#1) Will Obama use Executive Order to call for gun confiscation?
The majority of those answering this question told me they did not believe Obama would call for outright gun confiscation. One detective told me, "Obama will probably try to roll out an incremental restriction similar to the '94 Clinton assault weapons ban." He would then wait for another mass shooting and use that event to ratchet up the restrictions, I was told.
Only two of the eight people I questioned thought that Obama would call for outright gun confiscation, and one of those believed it would only be a restriction on so-called "assault rifles" but not shotguns or handguns.
Everyone believed that Obama would at minimum call for restrictions on weapon magazine capacity, most likely seeking to limit that to ten rounds per magazine (which is also the current limit in California). I was also told that Obama might attempt to federalize mandatory waiting periods for gun purchases, which already exist in some states but not all.
#2) Will you enforce gun confiscation against the citizens?
On this issue, the answer was resounding and unanimous: NO!
The retired police captain told me that, "Door-to-door confiscation by men and women in blue [i.e. city cops] would be a suicide mission." If ordered to conduct such gun confiscation actions, many would simply resign on the spot rather than risk their lives in firefights with determined gun owners, he explained. "Our officers are not generally willing to assume the increased risk of such a police action."
He also explained, importantly, that most police officers have not even been trained to conduct sweeping, community-level weapons confiscation programs. "This goes against all our community outreach efforts where we try to earn the trust of the community." If cops suddenly became gun confiscation enforcers, trust would break down and policing would become extremely difficult, he explained.
If you can afford it, please donate off to the right of this blog and accept our thanks again for all who have previously contributed in donations, comments and emails that have lead us down some great rabbit holes.
Vatic Note: I agree with this that most if not all of those required to enforce gun laws would not do it. I also agree with the reasons he gives, but more importantly would add a few more. First of all cops are the most exposed of all armed hired personnel. They walk around or drive every single day with a maximum of two on patrol. That makes them extremely vulnerable. Second of all their families live among the citizens. Their wives shop in the same stores, their children go to the same schools, so they are also vulnerable.
Military simply would not unless they had been drugged with experimental psychotropic drugs, satanized, and then mind controlled. It still would be suicide for them to do anything along those lines since they are among others within the service who would honor their oaths. I believe that has been tested already in the Ft. Hood shooting and blamed on a Muslim. What we found out was the reason for all the rounds fired was that enlisted men shot their commanding officers rather than return to Afghanistan and kill more innocent unarmed civilians.
Third, using foreign troops under any banner, is an invasion of a foreign country into our land and that would unite everyone and is the best option as far as gun owners are concerned.
Exclusive: Cops, detectives, FBI agents, U.S. soldiers tell Natural News they will not enforce gun confiscation orders
Wednesday, December 19, 2012
by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger
(NaturalNews) In the wake of the recent Sandy Hook shooting, I reached out to my contacts in law enforcement, military and (retired) FBI over the last three days, asking three simple questions:
#1) Do you think Obama will use executive orders to demand nationwide gun confiscation?
#2) If such an order is given, will you or fellow members of your organization enforce it against the citizens? (And if so, how?)
#3) What is the solution to stopping future mass shootings?
I posed these questions to one ex-FBI agent, one retired Sheriff's deputy, two active duty city police detectives, one retired former police captain of a major U.S. city, two U.S. Army veterans and one USMC veteran, discharged several years ago after two tours in Afghanistan during which he sustained a severe personal injury. For obvious reasons, none of them wish to be identified by name, but their answers below speak to their credibility and authenticity.
Here are their answers.
#1) Will Obama use Executive Order to call for gun confiscation?
The majority of those answering this question told me they did not believe Obama would call for outright gun confiscation. One detective told me, "Obama will probably try to roll out an incremental restriction similar to the '94 Clinton assault weapons ban." He would then wait for another mass shooting and use that event to ratchet up the restrictions, I was told.
Only two of the eight people I questioned thought that Obama would call for outright gun confiscation, and one of those believed it would only be a restriction on so-called "assault rifles" but not shotguns or handguns.
Everyone believed that Obama would at minimum call for restrictions on weapon magazine capacity, most likely seeking to limit that to ten rounds per magazine (which is also the current limit in California). I was also told that Obama might attempt to federalize mandatory waiting periods for gun purchases, which already exist in some states but not all.
#2) Will you enforce gun confiscation against the citizens?
On this issue, the answer was resounding and unanimous: NO!
The retired police captain told me that, "Door-to-door confiscation by men and women in blue [i.e. city cops] would be a suicide mission." If ordered to conduct such gun confiscation actions, many would simply resign on the spot rather than risk their lives in firefights with determined gun owners, he explained. "Our officers are not generally willing to assume the increased risk of such a police action."
He also explained, importantly, that most police officers have not even been trained to conduct sweeping, community-level weapons confiscation programs. "This goes against all our community outreach efforts where we try to earn the trust of the community." If cops suddenly became gun confiscation enforcers, trust would break down and policing would become extremely difficult, he explained.
Facebook declares war on human history & Ghandi
***Fundraising Status: OH, dear, we are still at $150 needed
by the first to make our deficit. We wish to thank those who
contributed so far toward that deficit, but now we are getting pretty close to the end of the month, so now its important for us to ask for support from those why may enjoy our site but have not contributed in the past.
We do this to educate and expose the underbelly of the beast,
but we cannot do this alone. I wish we could, but alas, we can't as
you know, the economy..... So we must rely on our readers for
that support.
If you can afford it, please donate off to the right of this blog and accept our thanks again for all who have previously contributed in donations, comments and emails that have lead us down some great rabbit holes.
Vatic Note: Figures, that is how history is eventually distorted and then fully denied and revised and rewritten. We found that out just doing the blog. I was shocked at what we did not know and how horrible our schools are and who determines what is acceptable history to teach our children. What we teach are lies. Good thing I am not a teacher. lol The miracle is that we found out anyway. In fact, we are experiencing a lot of miracles with respect to exposure of these NWO criminals.
So, how do we correct this problem? We homeschool our children. I know, who has time when both parents are working to make ends meet? That is why they did us that way, so we couldn't. However, "tutoring" is just as viable. I did tutoring for my school on a volunteer basis until I could not afford the gas every day to go to the school. My 6 students who were failing math, made a miraculous come back. In one quarter they went from failing to B+ and A-, and that was all of them. So, I know what needs to be done and it can be.
This is why communities need to start talking about all this stuff and coming up with workable solutions. Our children were rated #2 back when parents were involved in their education and worked with the schools to solve problems. Well, the schools are no longer set up that way. They are federalized just for the purpose of dumbing us down. So now we dropped from 2nd to 39th and dropping. That is worse than a third world country. We can take that control back again through tutoring. Think on it.
We are not helpless, we can start to come up with ideas and together as a nation and solve
these at home. We don't need the feds. The first thing you can do is ban together as parents, hire a teacher who will monitor the class room teachings material, come back and report to you what is going on, and you can pool your resources to hire that teacher to supplement the class work from 3 pm to 5 when school gets out each day. OUR ONLY LIMITATION IS OUR IMAGINATION.
NOTE: Mike Adams is very much under attack on some science sites that I mistakenly was directed to, but now I am glad. Mike has done an excellent job of exposing the underbelly of the "SOFT KILL" depopulation activities of these NWO Zionist criminals in the healing, drugs and health dept. So now they are coming after him. Just a heads up on this so we can counter any efforts to bring him down.
Facebook bans Gandhi quote as part of revisionist history purge
by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, Natural News
(NaturalNews) The reports are absolutely true. Facebook suspended the Natural News account earlier today after we posted an historical quote from Mohandas Gandhi. The quote reads:
"Among the many misdeeds of British rule in India, history will look upon the Act depriving a whole nation of arms as the blackest." - Mohandas Gandhi, an Autobiography, page 446.
This historical quote was apparently too much for Facebook's censors to bear. They suspended our account and gave us a "final warning" that one more violation of their so-called "community guidelines" would result in our account being permanently deactivated.
They then demanded we send them a color copy of a "government issued identification" in order to reactivate our account. Our account was removed from suspension just minutes before InfoWars posted its article on this Facebook censorship, and the Facebook page is now functioning at:
This is a separate account from our primary Facebook account, which has nearly 250,000 followers at:
Logic is an enemy and history is a menace
This post was not in any way malicious, nor encouraging violence, nor even describing guns or the Second Amendment. It merely reflected the words of one of our world's most celebrated rebel leaders who helped an entire nation throw off the shackles of oppression and British occupation. That Facebook would find this to "violate community guidelines" is nothing short of absolutely bewildering.
Here is the full image as originally posted on Facebook. Keep in mind that THIS is now considered unacceptable speech across the "Facebook community," where any number of people can openly call for the murder of the NRA president and have absolutely no action taken against them: is also now reporting that Facebook is running an across-the-board PURGE of pro-gun accounts. A huge number of accounts are all being systematically disabled or suspended, with all content being wiped clean.
We have entered the era of the Ministry of Truth from George Orwell's 1984 novel. And while Facebook assaults the First Amendment in America, Senator Feinstein is busy assaulting the Second. (VN: Well, she is busy assaulting the second amendment for "US" but not for the elite and herself. She still has her assault weapons and so does her son that she armed with an assault rifle and ammo. Hypocracy, but then, she and others of her treasonous cadre are noted for their hypocracy.)
What's next? Will Facebook ban quotes by Thomas Jefferson and George Washington? Any and all patriots, founding fathers and liberty lovers throughout history might soon be stricken from the Facebook servers, and any who dare to post historical quotes supporting liberty, the Bill of Rights, or the Second Amendment risk having their accounts terminated and all content deleted.
Collectivist propaganda has now reached a point where you can't even discuss liberty or anything out of history that supported the right to keep and bear arms. You are required to stay focused solely on celebrity gossip, sports stars, fashion distractions and tabloid garbage. Anyone who wishes to discuss actual American history must now go underground and speak softly in dimly-lit rooms, behind secret walls and drawn curtains.
The era of total oppression and collectivist mind control has fully arrived in America. This is not hyperbole... IT IS HERE NOW.
Memorize this quote, because it too shall soon be purged from the internet:
"The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants." - Thomas Jefferson.
Dare to post that on Facebook and you risk your account being disabled or deleted.
The article is reproduced in accordance with Section 107 of title 17 of the Copyright Law of the United States relating to fair-use and is for the purposes of criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research.
If you can afford it, please donate off to the right of this blog and accept our thanks again for all who have previously contributed in donations, comments and emails that have lead us down some great rabbit holes.
Vatic Note: Figures, that is how history is eventually distorted and then fully denied and revised and rewritten. We found that out just doing the blog. I was shocked at what we did not know and how horrible our schools are and who determines what is acceptable history to teach our children. What we teach are lies. Good thing I am not a teacher. lol The miracle is that we found out anyway. In fact, we are experiencing a lot of miracles with respect to exposure of these NWO criminals.
So, how do we correct this problem? We homeschool our children. I know, who has time when both parents are working to make ends meet? That is why they did us that way, so we couldn't. However, "tutoring" is just as viable. I did tutoring for my school on a volunteer basis until I could not afford the gas every day to go to the school. My 6 students who were failing math, made a miraculous come back. In one quarter they went from failing to B+ and A-, and that was all of them. So, I know what needs to be done and it can be.
This is why communities need to start talking about all this stuff and coming up with workable solutions. Our children were rated #2 back when parents were involved in their education and worked with the schools to solve problems. Well, the schools are no longer set up that way. They are federalized just for the purpose of dumbing us down. So now we dropped from 2nd to 39th and dropping. That is worse than a third world country. We can take that control back again through tutoring. Think on it.
We are not helpless, we can start to come up with ideas and together as a nation and solve
these at home. We don't need the feds. The first thing you can do is ban together as parents, hire a teacher who will monitor the class room teachings material, come back and report to you what is going on, and you can pool your resources to hire that teacher to supplement the class work from 3 pm to 5 when school gets out each day. OUR ONLY LIMITATION IS OUR IMAGINATION.
NOTE: Mike Adams is very much under attack on some science sites that I mistakenly was directed to, but now I am glad. Mike has done an excellent job of exposing the underbelly of the "SOFT KILL" depopulation activities of these NWO Zionist criminals in the healing, drugs and health dept. So now they are coming after him. Just a heads up on this so we can counter any efforts to bring him down.
Facebook bans Gandhi quote as part of revisionist history purge
by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, Natural News
(NaturalNews) The reports are absolutely true. Facebook suspended the Natural News account earlier today after we posted an historical quote from Mohandas Gandhi. The quote reads:
"Among the many misdeeds of British rule in India, history will look upon the Act depriving a whole nation of arms as the blackest." - Mohandas Gandhi, an Autobiography, page 446.
This historical quote was apparently too much for Facebook's censors to bear. They suspended our account and gave us a "final warning" that one more violation of their so-called "community guidelines" would result in our account being permanently deactivated.
They then demanded we send them a color copy of a "government issued identification" in order to reactivate our account. Our account was removed from suspension just minutes before InfoWars posted its article on this Facebook censorship, and the Facebook page is now functioning at:
This is a separate account from our primary Facebook account, which has nearly 250,000 followers at:
Logic is an enemy and history is a menace
That Facebook would choose to disable our account after we posted a Gandhi quote is incredibly shocking. The historical rise of oppressed Indian people against tyrannical British rule is apparently no longer allowed to be discussed on Facebook. The very IDEA of a free people overcoming tyrannical government rule now "violates community guidelines." The removal of this content is akin to online book burning and the destruction of history.
This post was not in any way malicious, nor encouraging violence, nor even describing guns or the Second Amendment. It merely reflected the words of one of our world's most celebrated rebel leaders who helped an entire nation throw off the shackles of oppression and British occupation. That Facebook would find this to "violate community guidelines" is nothing short of absolutely bewildering.
Here is the full image as originally posted on Facebook. Keep in mind that THIS is now considered unacceptable speech across the "Facebook community," where any number of people can openly call for the murder of the NRA president and have absolutely no action taken against them: is also now reporting that Facebook is running an across-the-board PURGE of pro-gun accounts. A huge number of accounts are all being systematically disabled or suspended, with all content being wiped clean.
We have entered the era of the Ministry of Truth from George Orwell's 1984 novel. And while Facebook assaults the First Amendment in America, Senator Feinstein is busy assaulting the Second. (VN: Well, she is busy assaulting the second amendment for "US" but not for the elite and herself. She still has her assault weapons and so does her son that she armed with an assault rifle and ammo. Hypocracy, but then, she and others of her treasonous cadre are noted for their hypocracy.)
Facebook declares War On History (VN: I have withdrawn from facebook, I suggest we all do the same thing. Boycott anyone who is a traitor to our nation. Its the one thing we can do.)
What's especially alarming about all this is that Gandhi himself was of course a champion of resistance against tyranny. To banish quotes from Gandhi is much like banning quotes of freedom from Martin Luther King (who also openly supported concealed firearms, by the way, and who personally owned an entire "arsenal" of firearms).What's next? Will Facebook ban quotes by Thomas Jefferson and George Washington? Any and all patriots, founding fathers and liberty lovers throughout history might soon be stricken from the Facebook servers, and any who dare to post historical quotes supporting liberty, the Bill of Rights, or the Second Amendment risk having their accounts terminated and all content deleted.
Collectivist propaganda has now reached a point where you can't even discuss liberty or anything out of history that supported the right to keep and bear arms. You are required to stay focused solely on celebrity gossip, sports stars, fashion distractions and tabloid garbage. Anyone who wishes to discuss actual American history must now go underground and speak softly in dimly-lit rooms, behind secret walls and drawn curtains.
The era of total oppression and collectivist mind control has fully arrived in America. This is not hyperbole... IT IS HERE NOW.
Memorize this quote, because it too shall soon be purged from the internet:
"The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants." - Thomas Jefferson.
Dare to post that on Facebook and you risk your account being disabled or deleted.
The article is reproduced in accordance with Section 107 of title 17 of the Copyright Law of the United States relating to fair-use and is for the purposes of criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research.
The UFO Connection to Gorbachev and Putin? Amazing Secret Info!
***Fundraising Status: We are at $150 needed
by the first to make our deficit. Thank you, deeply, to those who
contributed. Bless you and keep you safe and well. We are asking
for donations off to the right to help us to be able to stay on
the net and continue to bring you current news as its happening.
We do this to educate and expose the underbelly of the beast,
but we cannot do this alone. I wish we could, but alas, we can't as
you know, the economy..... So we must rely on our readers for
that support.
We appreciate the support we have had over these few years and for the donations we have received to help us do this work. We wish to continue to serve and hope its been worth it to you the reader. Thanks again for all who have contributed in donations, comments and emails that have lead us down some great rabbit holes.
Vatic Note: I realize this whole satanism thing is hard to swallow, however, for me, there was no other explanation that explained the pure inhumanity these animals show toward masses of humanity. How can anyone of spirit ever do to children what these people do? Its why I buy it, since no one has offered any other explanation that makes sense. This is way beyond greed and its been centuries they have been doing this. History is replete with it.
Having said all that, its also true that the powers that be intend to use Alien invasion as a ruse to force us into globalizing. That is also supported by the murders of the two main characters who exposed it very early on, and that was Cooper and Schneider.
Add to that the development and building of the nazi early program of space ships, the placing of NASA under the military and the creation of a space division under the Navy. Add to that the Plumb Island bioengineering facilities that had a creature that was human looking but also alien looking with 10 inch long fingers and was very very tall, that washed up on shore across from Plumb Island and he was dead. There was no indication in the news what he died from but had no initial indications it was anything other than natural death.
An experiment that went wrong? So are they planning on a false flag alien invasion like they have done in so many other instances? In this instance the speaker on this video spoke about one of the aliens came out in a "RED SUIT" and two others came out in "SILVER" suits.
Sounds like a signal to us that these are satanists doing a false flag, since those are the satanic colors we saw recently, Connecticut massacre ring a bell? This maybe substituting for the Baphomet hand signal since that has been outted on the net. You get the idea. They always tell us in subtle ways what is really going on and its always up to us to catch it. WE did a big blog on Gorbachov and his corruption in Russia, so keep that in mind as well in viewing this.
Notice he said the aliens had fingers 9 inches long and very tall, which matches the reports we posted on here about a year ago about the dead body that washed up on shore. Also revisit Jesse Ventura's conspiracy theory about Plumb Island that we also posted on here. Remember all the cloning technology being done and genetic engineering we disclosed about area 51 in another blog. Lots of bits and pieces that this blog now puts together for us.
Remember, the 1966 Iron Mountain report recommended such an action to globalize, they also included ecodisasters as well which I believe was the purpose of the false flag gulf blow out.
This child of Gorby sounds like the new candidate for the Anti-Christ instead of Obama or Prince William that were originally designated to be the new anti-christ, but the net ruined those for the evil ones. So they had to find and introduce a new candidate. This Alvie sounds like the one. You read and listen and decide.
The UFO Connection to Gorbachev and Putin? Amazing Secret Info!
by TruOtt, The Story Behind The Story
January 15, 2013
Ever wondered what really happened concerning the “Soviet Union” and it’s supposed conversion to capitalism?
Have you ever wondered why Gorbachev suddenly becomes a member of the mysterious and occult “Presidio” of Northern California?
Have you ever wondered exactly what precipitated Reagan’s sudden friendship with Gorby – and Reagan’s public statements concerning the world having to unite someday against a possible alien invasion?
Keep in mind as you watch this video, that historic COLOR of the Edomite god (aka Satan) is RED. (VN: that was pointed out on all those photos of Emily parker and her sisters who were all dressed in Red, black and silver. We posted a blog showing that, as well as one pointing out that Newtown is a safe haven for Satanists.)
Also note the insignia on the “suit” of the 9-foot tall “giant” is the Delta pyramid in a GOLD circle. Also note the “3rd eye” of the alien – in historical Illuminati text this is the “all seeing eye” of the rebellious “angels” known in the Bible as the giant NEPHILIM.
Notice also the conspicuous absence of anything related to Jesus Christ in this alien story of the GODLESS, ATHEIST-BOLSHEVIK-CONTROLLED RUSSIA. WHAT GOD ARE THEY TIED TO? Could the reason they were “chosen” be their “anti-Christian” activity and mass genocide of CHRISTIANS since 1910?
Exactly WHO is the enigmatic “indigo child” of Gorbachev by the name of ALDIS and will he somehow “reappear” from Alcyon in the Pleiades “Seven Sisters” constellation to take the seat and rule over all nations? (That is what many satanic “new agers” have “channeled” via automatic writing – actually, don’t forget.)
Could he be the prophesied “anti-Christ” false “messiah” of the Edomites – full of POWER and LYING WONDERS? Is this “Aldis” the ULTIMATE “man of sin” who must come prior to the return of Christ?
For what it’s worth, I personally think it may all be highly possible. Everything on this video rings of the “return of the Nephilim” and is something to take quite seriously.
The article is reproduced in accordance with Section 107 of title 17 of the Copyright Law of the United States relating to fair-use and is for the purposes of criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research.
We appreciate the support we have had over these few years and for the donations we have received to help us do this work. We wish to continue to serve and hope its been worth it to you the reader. Thanks again for all who have contributed in donations, comments and emails that have lead us down some great rabbit holes.
Vatic Note: I realize this whole satanism thing is hard to swallow, however, for me, there was no other explanation that explained the pure inhumanity these animals show toward masses of humanity. How can anyone of spirit ever do to children what these people do? Its why I buy it, since no one has offered any other explanation that makes sense. This is way beyond greed and its been centuries they have been doing this. History is replete with it.
Having said all that, its also true that the powers that be intend to use Alien invasion as a ruse to force us into globalizing. That is also supported by the murders of the two main characters who exposed it very early on, and that was Cooper and Schneider.
Add to that the development and building of the nazi early program of space ships, the placing of NASA under the military and the creation of a space division under the Navy. Add to that the Plumb Island bioengineering facilities that had a creature that was human looking but also alien looking with 10 inch long fingers and was very very tall, that washed up on shore across from Plumb Island and he was dead. There was no indication in the news what he died from but had no initial indications it was anything other than natural death.
An experiment that went wrong? So are they planning on a false flag alien invasion like they have done in so many other instances? In this instance the speaker on this video spoke about one of the aliens came out in a "RED SUIT" and two others came out in "SILVER" suits.
Sounds like a signal to us that these are satanists doing a false flag, since those are the satanic colors we saw recently, Connecticut massacre ring a bell? This maybe substituting for the Baphomet hand signal since that has been outted on the net. You get the idea. They always tell us in subtle ways what is really going on and its always up to us to catch it. WE did a big blog on Gorbachov and his corruption in Russia, so keep that in mind as well in viewing this.
Notice he said the aliens had fingers 9 inches long and very tall, which matches the reports we posted on here about a year ago about the dead body that washed up on shore. Also revisit Jesse Ventura's conspiracy theory about Plumb Island that we also posted on here. Remember all the cloning technology being done and genetic engineering we disclosed about area 51 in another blog. Lots of bits and pieces that this blog now puts together for us.
Remember, the 1966 Iron Mountain report recommended such an action to globalize, they also included ecodisasters as well which I believe was the purpose of the false flag gulf blow out.
This child of Gorby sounds like the new candidate for the Anti-Christ instead of Obama or Prince William that were originally designated to be the new anti-christ, but the net ruined those for the evil ones. So they had to find and introduce a new candidate. This Alvie sounds like the one. You read and listen and decide.
The UFO Connection to Gorbachev and Putin? Amazing Secret Info!
by TruOtt, The Story Behind The Story
January 15, 2013
Ever wondered what really happened concerning the “Soviet Union” and it’s supposed conversion to capitalism?
Have you ever wondered why Gorbachev suddenly becomes a member of the mysterious and occult “Presidio” of Northern California?
Have you ever wondered exactly what precipitated Reagan’s sudden friendship with Gorby – and Reagan’s public statements concerning the world having to unite someday against a possible alien invasion?
Keep in mind as you watch this video, that historic COLOR of the Edomite god (aka Satan) is RED. (VN: that was pointed out on all those photos of Emily parker and her sisters who were all dressed in Red, black and silver. We posted a blog showing that, as well as one pointing out that Newtown is a safe haven for Satanists.)
Also note the insignia on the “suit” of the 9-foot tall “giant” is the Delta pyramid in a GOLD circle. Also note the “3rd eye” of the alien – in historical Illuminati text this is the “all seeing eye” of the rebellious “angels” known in the Bible as the giant NEPHILIM.
Notice also the conspicuous absence of anything related to Jesus Christ in this alien story of the GODLESS, ATHEIST-BOLSHEVIK-CONTROLLED RUSSIA. WHAT GOD ARE THEY TIED TO? Could the reason they were “chosen” be their “anti-Christian” activity and mass genocide of CHRISTIANS since 1910?
Exactly WHO is the enigmatic “indigo child” of Gorbachev by the name of ALDIS and will he somehow “reappear” from Alcyon in the Pleiades “Seven Sisters” constellation to take the seat and rule over all nations? (That is what many satanic “new agers” have “channeled” via automatic writing – actually, don’t forget.)
Could he be the prophesied “anti-Christ” false “messiah” of the Edomites – full of POWER and LYING WONDERS? Is this “Aldis” the ULTIMATE “man of sin” who must come prior to the return of Christ?
For what it’s worth, I personally think it may all be highly possible. Everything on this video rings of the “return of the Nephilim” and is something to take quite seriously.
The article is reproduced in accordance with Section 107 of title 17 of the Copyright Law of the United States relating to fair-use and is for the purposes of criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research.
A Revolutionary’s Toolkit
***Fundraising Status: We are at $150 needed
by the first to make our deficit. Thank you, deeply, to those who
contributed. Bless you and keep you safe and well. We are asking
for donations off to the right to help us to be able to stay on
the net and continue to bring you current news as its happening.
We do this to educate and expose the underbelly of the beast,
but we cannot do this alone. I wish we could, but alas, we can't as
you know, the economy..... So we must rely on our readers for
that support.
We appreciate the support we have had over these few years and for the donations we have received to help us do this work. We wish to continue to serve and hope its been worth it to you the reader. Thanks again for all who have contributed in donations, comments and emails that have lead us down some great rabbit holes.
Vatic Note: One should never have too little information, so we put out everything we find that maybe relevant to our situation and this just happened to fall into my lap. We did the same with our DNA on the spiritual level and other such options that maybe available to us for what ever is called for. I found this pretty fascinating, since its an area I have not delved into before. What an education we are getting indeed.
I wonder if we are going to be the new founding fathers of a new nation, with protections we now are aware of that are sorely needed. The next time we ban all political parties. Senators will represent the states, as it was in the beginning. lol And we forbid any money into the process and all candidates will have access to the "peoples airways" for their campaigning equally, so no lobbyists, no FOREIGN LOBBYISTS who will be FORBIDDEN TO LOBBY HERE UNDER PENALTY OF JAIL.
No revolving door between regulatory agencies and the industries they are suppose to regulate. This is a good beginning to do what we "don't want" in our next great experiment for governance. All health issues reside with the citizens and their physician. Much more, but this is a beginning.
If we are taking back our nation, we must first prepare for the foundation of that reclaimed republic, while also working on the "how" of taking it back and list all options for our consideration and review.
I hope this serves a good purpose and helps others to start the process of thinking outside the box. Remember, we have souls, they do not, thus we have unlimited access to creativity and Ron Paul's 2008 campaign proved laissez faire works from the grassroots up vs centralized control, top down.
A Revolutionary’s Toolkit
by Moti Nissani,
This work-in-progress attempts to assemble a toolkit for would-be revolutionaries, doing so through a series of articles and links. This toolkit cannot be constructed overnight, and it is, moreover, a never-ending project. So if you gain some insights from what you have seen here so far, make sure to re-visit this site for updates and revisions.
The article is reproduced in accordance with Section 107 of title 17 of the Copyright Law of the United States relating to fair-use and is for the purposes of criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research.
We appreciate the support we have had over these few years and for the donations we have received to help us do this work. We wish to continue to serve and hope its been worth it to you the reader. Thanks again for all who have contributed in donations, comments and emails that have lead us down some great rabbit holes.
Vatic Note: One should never have too little information, so we put out everything we find that maybe relevant to our situation and this just happened to fall into my lap. We did the same with our DNA on the spiritual level and other such options that maybe available to us for what ever is called for. I found this pretty fascinating, since its an area I have not delved into before. What an education we are getting indeed.
I wonder if we are going to be the new founding fathers of a new nation, with protections we now are aware of that are sorely needed. The next time we ban all political parties. Senators will represent the states, as it was in the beginning. lol And we forbid any money into the process and all candidates will have access to the "peoples airways" for their campaigning equally, so no lobbyists, no FOREIGN LOBBYISTS who will be FORBIDDEN TO LOBBY HERE UNDER PENALTY OF JAIL.
No revolving door between regulatory agencies and the industries they are suppose to regulate. This is a good beginning to do what we "don't want" in our next great experiment for governance. All health issues reside with the citizens and their physician. Much more, but this is a beginning.
If we are taking back our nation, we must first prepare for the foundation of that reclaimed republic, while also working on the "how" of taking it back and list all options for our consideration and review.
I hope this serves a good purpose and helps others to start the process of thinking outside the box. Remember, we have souls, they do not, thus we have unlimited access to creativity and Ron Paul's 2008 campaign proved laissez faire works from the grassroots up vs centralized control, top down.
A Revolutionary’s Toolkit
by Moti Nissani,
"I learned this, at least, by my experiment; that if one advances confidently in the direction of his dreams, and endeavors to live the life he has imagined, he will meet with a success unexpected in common hours. . . . If you built castles in the air, your work need not be lost; that is where they should be. Now put the foundations under them."--Henry David Thoreau
A revolution cannot be won by the justice of one’s cause, by the belief that the truth will out, nor by a helter-skelter of intuitive actions. A revolution must be planned more carefully than a scientific experiment or a chess game, and revolutionaries must educate themselves and transcend or tame their own failings.
They must understand the present system in all its complexity, grasp its weaknesses and strengths, and develop a comprehensive strategy to defeat it. Once fully convinced that the system is vicious and self-destructive, they must cease to pay attention to its daily crimes against humanity and the biosphere, let go of the hope that the system can reform itself, and dedicate themselves to its overthrow.
They must understand the present system in all its complexity, grasp its weaknesses and strengths, and develop a comprehensive strategy to defeat it. Once fully convinced that the system is vicious and self-destructive, they must cease to pay attention to its daily crimes against humanity and the biosphere, let go of the hope that the system can reform itself, and dedicate themselves to its overthrow.
This work-in-progress attempts to assemble a toolkit for would-be revolutionaries, doing so through a series of articles and links. This toolkit cannot be constructed overnight, and it is, moreover, a never-ending project. So if you gain some insights from what you have seen here so far, make sure to re-visit this site for updates and revisions.
Conspiracy Theories. A preliminary step for any would-be revolutionary involves the realization that conspiracies are everyday occurrence. A real revolutionary cannot possibly say “I am not a conspiracy theory, but . . . “ This statement is equivalent to: “I lack the critical thinking skills to realize that outright dismissal of conspiracies is itself the result of an outstandingly clever conspiracy.”
The belief that America’s real rulers often resort to secret criminal plots and undertakings is not controversial, and belongs to the same category of beliefs as: “The sun will rise tomorrow.” To convince yourself of the reality of conspiracies (if you are not convinced yet), try these articles: 1. Confessions of a Conspiracy Theorist. 2. The Most Shocking Conspiracy Theories That Turned Out to be True.
The belief that America’s real rulers often resort to secret criminal plots and undertakings is not controversial, and belongs to the same category of beliefs as: “The sun will rise tomorrow.” To convince yourself of the reality of conspiracies (if you are not convinced yet), try these articles: 1. Confessions of a Conspiracy Theorist. 2. The Most Shocking Conspiracy Theories That Turned Out to be True.
Human Nature. We human beings are clearly not as rational and compassionate as we ought to be. The best people are aware of their own limitations, and constantly and consciously try to overcome them. Likewise, revolutionaries must understand their fellows and themselves, and must develop strategies for the improvement of both. You can start this self-discovery journey here: Roots of Collective Misbehavior, section on “Human Nature.”
Holistic Thinking. One of the most striking aspects of the reform camp is its fragmentation. There are thousands of reform movements, each more often than not dedicated to one ill or another of the present system, and each ignorant of the tapestry as a whole. To succeed, revolutionaries must strive to see the whole picture. This article will get you started: Ten Cheers for Interdisciplinarity.
The Insanity, Needlessness, and Criminality of Biospheric Destruction. Writing in 1992, and echoing the warnings of earlier environmental writers, some 1,700 of the world's leading scholars, including the majority of Nobel laureates in the sciences, issued a “Warning to Humanity.” They were convinced that "human beings and the natural world are on a collision course." Here is one introduction to this crucial topic, showing that we could readily reverse course, thereby safeguarding our future, saving millions of lives, and for each member of the global middle class, saving thousands of dollars every year: Terror Against the Biosphere (en castellano) (VN: this is important since the psychos do have a plan to destroy our natural world. Its why they created the seed bank located in the arctic circle and why they have the seeds of every plant on the earth and the DNA of every animal, so they can recreate the world for themselves, that they intend to destroy.
Revolutionary Strategies I. Letting go of Electoral Politics and Ideological Provincialism. Revolutionaries must comprehend that politics as usual cannot possibly bring meaningful change, owing to at least seven interacting factors. Revolutionaries must also enlarge their scope to include at least these four objectives: Freedom, environmental sustainability, social justice, and peace. I invite you to consider these two points here: Revolutionary Strategies I: The Folly of Electoral Politics and the Imperative Merger of the Humanitarian Camp
Direct Democracy. In a direct democracy every major political decision is made by the people, without the intermediation of judges, legislators, presidents, governors, mayors, or tribal chiefs. It is the political system most likely to lead us to peace, justice, freedom, and sustainability. This link will get you started.
(VN: My two cents here. The problem with democracy is its the dictatorship of the majority, so its important that protection for minority opinions are included. We have had experience with that in the past and we do not want a dictatorship of the prolitariat like they do in Socialism, corruption needs to have counterforce, so keep that in mind when contemplating this option. Its why our forefathers did a republic form of governance, flawed as it was, it was the best around at the time)
(VN: My two cents here. The problem with democracy is its the dictatorship of the majority, so its important that protection for minority opinions are included. We have had experience with that in the past and we do not want a dictatorship of the prolitariat like they do in Socialism, corruption needs to have counterforce, so keep that in mind when contemplating this option. Its why our forefathers did a republic form of governance, flawed as it was, it was the best around at the time)
Additional links will include:
- Assassinations, Scandal-Mongering, and False-Flag Operations. Another group of links provides conclusive evidence that America’s real rulers routinely utilize intimidations, incarcerations, torture, and assassinations of people, foreign and domestic, who pose meaningful threats to their power.
On occasion, these rulers advance their dark agenda through false-flag operations. This, in turn, leads to two striking conclusions. First, those who openly and effectively threaten the system vanish before they accomplish anything. So, if revolutionaries wish to succeed, they must mimic the bankers’ and spooks’ obsession with anonymity.
A counter-attack on the Cabal is only possible through an anonymous, internet-based, leaderless revolution. Second, since the Cabal sustains itself in part by destroying innocent lives, the belief in non-violence is playing into the Cabal's hands. Genuine revolutionaries may wish to recall Jefferson’s admonition: “The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.” (VN: not just patriots as is now the case, but this includes tyrants as well, please note that fact.) (This section is gradually turning into a book: License to Kill: The Decisive Role of Political Murders, Scandal-Mongering, and False-Flag Operations in American Politics. Two case histories from this book can be accessed here and here. - Bankers: Thomas Jefferson felt that “banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies.” Franklin Delano Roosevelt felt “that a financial element in the large centers has owned the government ever since the days of Andrew Jackson.”
To remove the danger and dethrone the bankers, we must understand how these producers of nothing are gradually becoming the owners of everything. As well, we must realize that only intelligent psychopaths can reach the top of the banking pyramid.
- Revolutionary Strategies II. Which strategies could replace the current vile and suicidal system with a more free, just, peaceful, and sustainable one?
- Future Scenarios. 1. Extinction? 2. Environmental degradation, enslavement, extreme inequality, and constant warfare? 3. Reasons for hope: Re-emergence of a multi-polar world? 4. Reasons for hope: The Cabal falls apart? (banker against banker or banker against general) 5. Reasons for hope: Al Sabbah-style targeted assassinations of powerful psychopaths?
![]() | Hassan al Sabbah, a brilliant Iranian polymath and military strategist, was the founder of the Order of the Assassins. The Order flourished for about 200 years, mostly in Iran and Syria, starting in the late 11th century. The Order followed a strict code of honor, never hurting common people. It only went after powerful Sunni and Christian policy makers who launched pogroms against the Order's Isamaili (the second largest Shia sect) co-religionists. Al Sabbah's strategy of asymmetrical warfare was astoundingly effective, minimizing bloodshed and bringing to heel such powerful figures as the Sultan Salah A'din. |
Recommended Background Readings: 1. Stefansson, Vilhjalmur. Lessons In Living From The Stone Age. 2. Mann, Charles C. The Founding Sachems. 3. Galeano, Eduardo. I Hate to Bother You. 4. Harris, Marvin. Life Without Chiefs (Are we forever condemned to a world of haves and have-nots, rulers and ruled? ) 5. I Ain’t Flying Anymore. 6. Perkins, J. Confessions of an Economic Hitman. 7. Lovins, A. & Lovins, L. H. Least-cost climatic stabilization. 8. Sinclair, Upton. The Brass Check. 1919.
Revolutionary Strategies: 1. Revolutionary Insights: The Moon is a Harsh Mistress 2. Focus on Sunshine Bribery: a. A Surgical Reform Strategy (1992). b. Brass-Tacks Ecology (1997). c. A Surgical Reform Strategy in Action? (2012). 3. Shining the Light on the Rockefellers: Upton Sinclair’s Non-Violent Reform Strategy.
Future Scenarios: 1. The People vs. the United States. 2 Will We Have to Wait for a 21st Century Peasants’ Revolt Before Seeing Any Real Change?. 3. The Four Just Men (1905) 4. The al-Sabbah Scenario.
The article is reproduced in accordance with Section 107 of title 17 of the Copyright Law of the United States relating to fair-use and is for the purposes of criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research.
Was Stalin's Father a Rothschild Banker married to a Rothschild Girl?r?
***Fundraising Status: We are at $150 needed by the first to make our deficit. Thank you, deeply, to those who contributed. Bless you and keep you safe and well. We are asking for donations off to the right to help us to be able to stay on the net and continue to bring you current news as its happening. We do this to educate and expose the underbelly of the beast, but we cannot do this alone. I wish we could, but alas, we can't as you know, the economy..... So we must rely on our readers for that support.
We appreciate the support we have had over these few years and for the donations we have received to help us do this work. We wish to continue to serve and hope its been worth it to you the reader. Thanks again for all who have contributed in donations, comments and emails that have lead us down some great rabbit holes.
Vatic Note: Indeed, our suspicions about Stalin and the role he played in the Russian revolution, and the massacre of Millions of Christians, has been shored up further by this article. The circumstantial evidence provided below for the fact that Stalin was not only the illegit son of a banker, but a Rothschild banker who was also a zionist khazar and it is compelling evidence, which makes Stalin a Khazar. The historians, (Hahaha, I have another name for them, but its not good to say in mixed company) have whitewashed Stalins image and his lineage.
Remember, it was the Rothschilds that were running the "Jewish Congress" back when the protocols of the Elders of Zion were written, which was the blueprint for the overthrow of Russia. Remember also, today, the Rothschilds, along with the Queen are owners of BP oil. Go the end of the article and click on the link to see the matching of Stalin with the Rothschild banker. They are a spitting image.
Also remember that Azerbaijan was not only part of Russia, but was part of Khazaria before Russia, and has turned out to be "oil rich". So, the Russians and the other countries invaded and broke Khazaria up into smaller countries. So technically those oil fields belonged to the Khazarians. I bet they see it that way. It would explain their 1000 years of conflict with Russia, even with their lack of a homeland, they managed to stay together without one.
It also fits with Stalins actions when he took over in purging Russia of the Christians and like the middle east this time around, communism was the vehicle for the fascists to confiscate all oil fields from the private owners and give it to the state that was run by those same khazars. Russia was already cozy with the Rothschilds before the revolution. I wonder how the Czar would feel if he knew that his bankers were responsible for his overthrow.
How cozy..... I am finally beginning to understand how these Rothschilds do this and why they use Communism when what they produce looks nothing like the classic definition of communism. They use it to incite the people who are miserable and economically suppressed, to rebellion for their "own good", since the "People will own everything", except in reality they own nothing, not even the plot of land they labor over to feed the nation.
They neglect to mention that all the money will be handed out by the owners of the fascist corporations who also happen to be the leaders of the country, and it will be justified, but then those handing it out are owners of the corporations that get the loot. Clever ploy and they then use the real Communists to do their dirty work for them and get rid of them afterwards like they did both in Russia and Germany and like they will do here. In that sense, there will be no one to grieve for the traitors of our country when they are disposed of, along with their fantasy dream of an egalitarian state. Anyone willing to betray their country instead of working within it, is not worth grieving over.
Confiscation of land has already begun here. The bankers now own more private land than individuals do. Gradualism. Slowly but surely they will take control of land, oil, natural resources here along with Gold, which I believe they already have. Any way this was a great read. KNOW YOUR ENEMY WELL. And we are certainly doing that for sure.
(Article begins here)
The identity of Josef Stalin's father has been a mystery for over 130 years. There were many rumors but none remotely close to the truth. Could Stalin's real father be found among the Rothschild bankers of the 19th century? Look closely at the above photo taken at the funeral of Baron Alphonse de Rothschild in 1905.
Thursday, September 8, 2011
Rothschild banker,Maurice Ephrussi.
Baron Alphonse James de Rothschild had an agent whom he favored above the rest. His name was Maurice Ephrussi and he represented the French Rothschilds in the oil-rich Caucasus.
Maurice Ephrussi (Nov. 18, 1849 - Oct. 29, 1916) was a Ukrainian-born FrenchJewish banker (VN: khazar). His father had made a vast fortune exporting the wheat of the Ukraine to Europe.
The Rothschild's were the Tsar's official banker. The Ephrussi's were the Rothschild's agent to the Tsar. It was Maurice Ephrussi who first proposed the Russian oil business to Alphonse de Rothschild.
(VN: Now match this photo of stalin with that of his alledged father.)
Ephrussi thoroughly understood the Russian oil industry. He just knew that with the Nobel brother's dynamite blasting through the Caucasus Mountains; Rothschild-financed railroads could carry Russia's oil to the world if Russia could get their hands on a suitable port on the Black Sea.
(left,Maurice Ephrussi, short like his son)
Maurice Ephrussi's pitch was not lost on Alphonse de Rothschild. Alphonse de Rothschild must have envisioned his family's newly acquired oil refineries humming with an endless supply of cheap Russian oil. The wealth that would result in the venture would be incalculable. Maurice married Baron Alphonse de Rothschild's youngest daughter, Beatrice, on June 5, 1883.
At the time of Stalin's conception (Feb. 1878), his mother, Ketevan "Keke" Jughashvili neé Geladze (February 5, 1858 - June 4, 1937), was a beautiful 20-year-old woman. She worked as a laundress for a Jewish wine merchant in the Georgian city of Gori.
Ephrussi would have no reason to stop in Gori to visit a wine merchant unless he wanted to pick up a few cases of champagne.
Ephrussi, though only 28-years-old in March of 1878 was no errand boy. He was a prince of European high-finance.
But wasn't Keke married? Could she have engaged in sex with the young banker? Consider the following quotes: from Simon Sebag Montefiore's "Young Stalin"
"As for Keke herself, it has always been hard to match the pious old lady in her black nunnish headdress of the 1930s with the irrepressible young woman of the 1880s. Her piety is not in doubt, but religious observance has never ruled out sins of the flesh. She certainly took pride in being "the desired and beautiful girl" and there is evidence that she was much more worldly than she appeared.
"As an old lady, Keke, supposedly encouraged Nina Beria, wife of Stalin's Caucasian viceroy and later secret police chief, Lavrenti Beria, to take lovers and talked very spicily about sexual matters: "When I was young, I cleaned house for people and when I met a good-looking boy, I didn't waste the opportunity." (pp.27-28)
Keke's husband Beso referred to Stalin (Beso) as "Keke's little bastard":
"When Soso hid, Beso searched the house screaming, "Where is Keke's little bastard? Hiding under the bed?" Keke fought back. Once, Soso arrived at Davrichewy's house with his face covered in blood, crying: "Help! Come quickly! He's killing my mother!" The officer ran round to the Djugashvilis to find Beso strangling Keke."
As a young man Stalin worked at the Rothschild refinery in the storehouse, and ran the union. Montefiore writes:
"The Rothschild managing director, David Landau, regularly contributed to Bolshevik funds, as recorded by the Okhrana -- whose agents noted how, when Stalin was running the Baku Party, a Bolshevik clerk in one of the oil companies "was not active in operations but concentrated on collecting donations and got money from Landau of the Rothschilds."
It is likely that Landau met Stalin personally. Another Rothschild executive, Dr. Felix Somary, a banker with the Austrian branch of the family and later a distinguished academic, claims he went to Baku to settle a strike. He paid Stalin the money. The strike ended."
Stalin financed Bolshevik activities and presumable his money came from the Rothschilds.
1. Ephrussi was the Rothschild pointman in the Caucasus.
2. It would have been him to deal with the Grand Duke in Tiflis.
3. Keke also worked at the Grand Duke's Palace. She had plausible reason to be in the palace at the estimated time of Stalin's conception.
4. Stalin is the spitting image of Ephrussi.
5. Strong family resemblance to a close-up photo of Maurice's half-brother.
6. Stalin claimed to be the son of a priest. Judging from their family tree, the Ephrussi's had married Levensohns and Kaans. The Ephrussis were probably Kohanim (priest class).
Did Maurice Ephrussi, the son-in-law of Baron Alphonse de Rothschild father Stalin in March of 1878?
Have we finally solved the 132-year old mystery surrounding Stalin's birth?
For more in-depth info:
The article is reproduced in accordance with Section 107 of title 17 of the Copyright Law of the United States relating to fair-use and is for the purposes of criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research.
We appreciate the support we have had over these few years and for the donations we have received to help us do this work. We wish to continue to serve and hope its been worth it to you the reader. Thanks again for all who have contributed in donations, comments and emails that have lead us down some great rabbit holes.
Vatic Note: Indeed, our suspicions about Stalin and the role he played in the Russian revolution, and the massacre of Millions of Christians, has been shored up further by this article. The circumstantial evidence provided below for the fact that Stalin was not only the illegit son of a banker, but a Rothschild banker who was also a zionist khazar and it is compelling evidence, which makes Stalin a Khazar. The historians, (Hahaha, I have another name for them, but its not good to say in mixed company) have whitewashed Stalins image and his lineage.
Remember, it was the Rothschilds that were running the "Jewish Congress" back when the protocols of the Elders of Zion were written, which was the blueprint for the overthrow of Russia. Remember also, today, the Rothschilds, along with the Queen are owners of BP oil. Go the end of the article and click on the link to see the matching of Stalin with the Rothschild banker. They are a spitting image.
Also remember that Azerbaijan was not only part of Russia, but was part of Khazaria before Russia, and has turned out to be "oil rich". So, the Russians and the other countries invaded and broke Khazaria up into smaller countries. So technically those oil fields belonged to the Khazarians. I bet they see it that way. It would explain their 1000 years of conflict with Russia, even with their lack of a homeland, they managed to stay together without one.
It also fits with Stalins actions when he took over in purging Russia of the Christians and like the middle east this time around, communism was the vehicle for the fascists to confiscate all oil fields from the private owners and give it to the state that was run by those same khazars. Russia was already cozy with the Rothschilds before the revolution. I wonder how the Czar would feel if he knew that his bankers were responsible for his overthrow.
How cozy..... I am finally beginning to understand how these Rothschilds do this and why they use Communism when what they produce looks nothing like the classic definition of communism. They use it to incite the people who are miserable and economically suppressed, to rebellion for their "own good", since the "People will own everything", except in reality they own nothing, not even the plot of land they labor over to feed the nation.
They neglect to mention that all the money will be handed out by the owners of the fascist corporations who also happen to be the leaders of the country, and it will be justified, but then those handing it out are owners of the corporations that get the loot. Clever ploy and they then use the real Communists to do their dirty work for them and get rid of them afterwards like they did both in Russia and Germany and like they will do here. In that sense, there will be no one to grieve for the traitors of our country when they are disposed of, along with their fantasy dream of an egalitarian state. Anyone willing to betray their country instead of working within it, is not worth grieving over.
Confiscation of land has already begun here. The bankers now own more private land than individuals do. Gradualism. Slowly but surely they will take control of land, oil, natural resources here along with Gold, which I believe they already have. Any way this was a great read. KNOW YOUR ENEMY WELL. And we are certainly doing that for sure.

(Article begins here)
The identity of Josef Stalin's father has been a mystery for over 130 years. There were many rumors but none remotely close to the truth. Could Stalin's real father be found among the Rothschild bankers of the 19th century? Look closely at the above photo taken at the funeral of Baron Alphonse de Rothschild in 1905.
Was Stalin's Father a Rothschild Banker?
by Clifford Shack, (, September 8, 2011
Rothschild banker,Maurice Ephrussi.
Baron Alphonse James de Rothschild had an agent whom he favored above the rest. His name was Maurice Ephrussi and he represented the French Rothschilds in the oil-rich Caucasus.
Maurice Ephrussi (Nov. 18, 1849 - Oct. 29, 1916) was a Ukrainian-born French
The Rothschild's were the Tsar's official banker. The Ephrussi's were the Rothschild's agent to the Tsar. It was Maurice Ephrussi who first proposed the Russian oil business to Alphonse de Rothschild.
(VN: Now match this photo of stalin with that of his alledged father.)
Ephrussi thoroughly understood the Russian oil industry. He just knew that with the Nobel brother's dynamite blasting through the Caucasus Mountains; Rothschild-financed railroads could carry Russia's oil to the world if Russia could get their hands on a suitable port on the Black Sea.
(left,Maurice Ephrussi, short like his son)
Maurice Ephrussi's pitch was not lost on Alphonse de Rothschild. Alphonse de Rothschild must have envisioned his family's newly acquired oil refineries humming with an endless supply of cheap Russian oil. The wealth that would result in the venture would be incalculable. Maurice married Baron Alphonse de Rothschild's youngest daughter, Beatrice, on June 5, 1883.
At the time of Stalin's conception (Feb. 1878), his mother, Ketevan "Keke" Jughashvili neé Geladze (February 5, 1858 - June 4, 1937), was a beautiful 20-year-old woman. She worked as a laundress for a Jewish wine merchant in the Georgian city of Gori.
Ephrussi would have no reason to stop in Gori to visit a wine merchant unless he wanted to pick up a few cases of champagne.
Ephrussi, though only 28-years-old in March of 1878 was no errand boy. He was a prince of European high-finance.
But wasn't Keke married? Could she have engaged in sex with the young banker? Consider the following quotes: from Simon Sebag Montefiore's "Young Stalin"
"As for Keke herself, it has always been hard to match the pious old lady in her black nunnish headdress of the 1930s with the irrepressible young woman of the 1880s. Her piety is not in doubt, but religious observance has never ruled out sins of the flesh. She certainly took pride in being "the desired and beautiful girl" and there is evidence that she was much more worldly than she appeared.
"As an old lady, Keke, supposedly encouraged Nina Beria, wife of Stalin's Caucasian viceroy and later secret police chief, Lavrenti Beria, to take lovers and talked very spicily about sexual matters: "When I was young, I cleaned house for people and when I met a good-looking boy, I didn't waste the opportunity." (pp.27-28)
Keke's husband Beso referred to Stalin (Beso) as "Keke's little bastard":
"When Soso hid, Beso searched the house screaming, "Where is Keke's little bastard? Hiding under the bed?" Keke fought back. Once, Soso arrived at Davrichewy's house with his face covered in blood, crying: "Help! Come quickly! He's killing my mother!" The officer ran round to the Djugashvilis to find Beso strangling Keke."
As a young man Stalin worked at the Rothschild refinery in the storehouse, and ran the union. Montefiore writes:
"The Rothschild managing director, David Landau, regularly contributed to Bolshevik funds, as recorded by the Okhrana -- whose agents noted how, when Stalin was running the Baku Party, a Bolshevik clerk in one of the oil companies "was not active in operations but concentrated on collecting donations and got money from Landau of the Rothschilds."
It is likely that Landau met Stalin personally. Another Rothschild executive, Dr. Felix Somary, a banker with the Austrian branch of the family and later a distinguished academic, claims he went to Baku to settle a strike. He paid Stalin the money. The strike ended."
Stalin financed Bolshevik activities and presumable his money came from the Rothschilds.
1. Ephrussi was the Rothschild pointman in the Caucasus.
2. It would have been him to deal with the Grand Duke in Tiflis.
3. Keke also worked at the Grand Duke's Palace. She had plausible reason to be in the palace at the estimated time of Stalin's conception.
4. Stalin is the spitting image of Ephrussi.
5. Strong family resemblance to a close-up photo of Maurice's half-brother.
6. Stalin claimed to be the son of a priest. Judging from their family tree, the Ephrussi's had married Levensohns and Kaans. The Ephrussis were probably Kohanim (priest class).
Did Maurice Ephrussi, the son-in-law of Baron Alphonse de Rothschild father Stalin in March of 1878?
Have we finally solved the 132-year old mystery surrounding Stalin's birth?
For more in-depth info:
The article is reproduced in accordance with Section 107 of title 17 of the Copyright Law of the United States relating to fair-use and is for the purposes of criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research.
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