Vatic Note: This below is very good and informative, but also serves a purpose for the Evil satanic cabal that wants us to lay down and accept our fate. The purpose it serves is to convince us that they are all powerful and gives them a psychoplogical advantage in the battle field that is definitely coming, and yet, we know they are not all powerful. It is the sheep we have to convince. How do we know the cabal is not all powerful?
We are losing in afghanistan, The Israelis' are losing in Syria, Turkey is losing within their own people and Lebanon just won a political victory with respect to Hezzbolaah. So how is that possible if they are so damn powerful? They have made major mistakes on every single one of their false flags since 9-11. They are arrogant, which is not justified by their performance and results. They are truly very far behind schedule. All of this was to happen 5 years ago and they are not even close.
This information below is put out through the system somehow, to instill fear in all of us, so that when they do put on one of their pathetic performances, we will simply drop our drawers and surrender. Having said all that, there is no doubt Satanizing has gone on in the military and we have put up numerous blogs on this issue to prove it, with the psychotropic drugs being fed to our soldiers as supposed aids to their PTSD and are actually experimental drugs with severe side affects that can leave our soldiers with permanent damage to their brains and physical/psychological functioning. Add to that the DU that is left to poison their brains.
Add that to the satanic Trauma based rituals and its a perfect storm for mind control and those that don't succeed as planned, I believe they are suicided since they can't have them fighting on the other side in a domestic situation. The recent NDAA bill also just had the crime of Sodomy in the military justice code, taken out and now Sodomizing is legal in the military. Why is that important? because its used as Satanitic Trauma based rituals to split off the brain and leave control of it to the handler.
Having said all that now, why isn't it working in all these other countries before they get to us? Why are we getting our butts whooped elsewhere? Because, in a country, even in a military environment, when people are fighting for their homes and families that brings up passion and righteousness that cannot be programmed into a captured mind. Thus the advantage rests with the domestic fighting force. It will be the same here only worse for the cabal, because we know what we are fighting against and the life we will live if they succeed. Trust me, that is a far more powerful inducement to win, than anything else they can think of at thsi point.
Mind control means, no ability of the soldiers to think on his feet, to be creative, to adapt, to improvise is all , all of that gone and all that is left is a robot with no spirit where all that creativity lives and expands...... so of course the super soldier loses. Just my humble opinion.
The Black Awakening: Rise of the Satanic Super-Soldier
Posted by: Russ Dizdar , Paranoia: The Conspiracy Reader
A fearsome concept, a historic reality and a super-secret underground burgeoning technology. Are millions now under forms of mind control that will be used in the future to control, alter and transmute hundreds of millions more? Now just like before Auschwitz was ever visited the skeptic will ask with a scowl….How can this be?
What you’re about to read is not conjecture or just flying saucer conspiracy. The victims of this menace are already here by the millions. Their pain, stolen history and disfigured minds have sought to find reality, but reconstructing what has happened to them is like working on a 10,000 piece puzzle that the wind just scattered all over the ground. Though the process of figuring it all out piece by piece is arduous the growing puzzle is revealing the source, the perpetrators and purpose behind such a life consuming mind altering grip – technology from hell itself!
In this article I will touch on some of the main issues that are perplexing our minds but I will also focus on a technology so radically evil that to go there is to feel the hot smoke of hell itself. This radical form of mind control involves the subjugation of an entire life and the fact that it has captivated millions drives many to look away because of its implications and the possible retribution of its handlers.
Just to mention a few of what Jack Sparks author of book from the 70’s called….‘THE MIND BENDERS’
The elimination of choiceJust keep the public from knowing! It’s like out of sight out of mind, Right? Then they say the mind will not be burdened with all facts! However in reality the control of vital information is a form of control of what a mind (is allowed but by whom) can think about or choose. It seems clear, politicians do this all the time but where I heard and saw this used with an appeal to ‘protect the public’ was not at a political function but in a police training academy.
The course was on satanic crimes the attendees were told to just deal with the crime and to NOT tell the public about the “scary satanic stuff” even though it was the motivation for the crime. If you just eliminate and or control information so that the public cannot hear, see, be warned, understand and or react, this ‘controlled information’ is a form of plotted mind or choice control. It keeps a person from knowing and reacting. You’re in the dark.
The pressure of indoctrination:
Just believe what I tell you. Go over it again and again! Don’t think about anything else. Don’t read anything else and don’t talk to anyone who tells you another story. Like in the Wizard of OZ: Don’t look at the man behind the curtain, just keep your mind on the delusion or deception being pumped into you. This is a form of mind control and forces one to look only in one direction. To only read, believe and follow a political or even cultic doctrine NOT because you have studied it, believe it and you choose to embrace it, but because you just ….MUST!
Not withheld information but forced information (indoctrination); an authoritarian do it or be punished approach that demands compliance or else. This is mind and life control. The Nazi SS soldier, Mao’s little red book and the Unification cult (Sun Moon) ‘divine principles’ comes to mind. Indoctrination forced in this way seeks to force the person, group or even nation to act only on what the indoctrinator wants. This ultimate forced mind and will compliance finds its culmination in the future when all must be forced to worship the Beast of the new world order. (See concept in the Book of Revelation 13)
Cults and totalism:
The old cults, many of which still exist, have captivated millions. Please think of this, millions! These cults still use things like 1) Love bombing you and pulling you into their group, school or job. 2) Moving you away from your known environment and then preoccupation with the new group of like minds. 3) With little sleep, lack of food and oh yes, your new clothes, you are now under what Robert Lifton called ‘TOTALISM’. Once again the elimination of not just information but the consuming of a person’s time, food, looks, location and process of free and thorough consideration. A consideration that involves thought, reflection, perception, discernment and the right to ask questions or go to trusted friends and family for their input. A real cult seeks to captivate you TOTALLY.
Voice to skull
A bull horn is one thing but what about a machine or device that can send thoughts? And what if you did not know ‘they’ were using this machine and sending you messages? The technologies that are here now are scary. If they have a machine that can send thoughts then my first question is how do you defend yourself against that? (VN: That is when its important to know yourself very well, how you think, what words you use, what you believe in and know the difference when something other than those beliefs enter your mind. It requires you spend time taking inventory of "who you are " and "how you think" about everything. Then you can fight it. Its also important to know that it exists and sometimes that alone can keep you from falling into that trap.)
Can I have a shield or a countermeasures machine?
Who is in control of the machine?
What thoughts are they sending?
Is this a weapon where military psy-ops team can point the machine at the enemy and (by thoughts sent) tell the enemy to surrender?
Or as one experienced in “voice to skull” Eleanor White states: “One especially invasive attack method in the arena of ‘psycho-electronic’ mind control is ‘voice to skull’. Voice to skull is the transmission of voice, or any other audible or subliminal sound, directly into the hearing sense of the mind control victim. This is sometimes done around the clock and can be one of the severest forms of torture. Voice to skull technology is sometimes referred to as “synthetic telepathy”. ( )
Non-human intelligences:
What about other worldly beings? You know aliens, spirits, dark angels and even the devil? The claims are many concerning the abilities and agendas of aliens and demons. The Nazis referred to these beings as ‘non-human intelligences’ claimed to be out there communicating with human kind. The Nazis even had the ‘hall of the dead’ in Himmler’s castle where SS leaders could go to ‘meditate’ on the human skulls of past leaders in order to get a ‘message’ for an advantage in war.
We can also look at Dr. Steven Greer who says he interacted with extra dimensional beings. His pursuit to engage and welcome them has lead to claims of having made contact with the Orion’s (beings from out in space) which also led him to claim he has over 300 US government officials from even the CIA and DOD as part of his believers. His new film ‘Sirius’ just now being pushed will influence many more to believe and seek these beings: Whoever they really are.
Many of the new remote viewers speak of beings out there in the ‘either’. Ed Dames admits in his last book, ‘TELL ME WHAT YOU SEE’ that the ability to do remote viewing comes from the ‘hall of records’ (akashic records) and that is where the ‘data’ (information) comes from. But who sends the information? Are the Orion’s and the beings from the Akashic Records controlling, influencing or pumping the data they want humanity to believe?
And then there is the man from the NSA who claims he was used to receive information from outside non-human intelligences. Dan Sherman says: “The story I’ve documented in this book is an authentic first level account of the existence of aliens. It is a story of my personal experiences as an intuitive communicator with the United States Air Force (USAF), while working for the National Security Agency (NSA).
My going public with this story will hopefully be considered by historians of the future as the catalyst that opened the gate to the flow of relevant and concrete information.” (VN: Remember, keep in mind this all fits with the 1966 Iron mountain report and the Bill Cooper expose from his job in Navy intel, so use "caution" when it comes to whistleblowers who are still alive and not dead or in serious hiding.)
And then there is satanic ritual abuse, multiple personality disorder (which they now call dissociative identity disorder). This is the main focus of my article and will be the most eye opening. The information I now write is well…not supposed to be on the table per say.
In the 1980’s thousands of individuals with voices in their heads began showing up at psych wards and counseling centers everywhere. By 1992 Dr. Holly Hector who worked in the psych ward at Centennial Hospital in Denver stated that there is an estimated 2.4 million victims of ‘multiple personality disorder’.
Going beyond that Dr. Collin Ross in his original first edition ‘PROJECT BLUEBIRD: the purposeful creation of multiple personalities’ agrees with an assessment that there may be 10 million victims of this form of mind and life control.
Ten million! Those numbers are astounding and force us to ask many questions.
1. What is this MPD? 2. How exactly is it caused? 3. Who is causing this? 4. Why are they doing it?
If in the USA alone we have 10 million victims of this ‘disorder’, that is massive and huge. Let’s start with question one and proceed to the sinister side of all this:
2. What you’re about to read is not conjecture or just flying saucer conspiracy. The victims of this menace are already here by the millions. Their pain, stolen history and disfigured minds have sought to find reality, but reconstructing what has happened to them is like working on a 10,000 piece puzzle that the wind just scattered all over the ground. Though the process of figuring it all out piece by piece is arduous the growing puzzle is revealing the source, the perpetrators and purpose behind such a life consuming mind altering grip – technology from hell itself!
In this article I will touch on some of the main issues that are perplexing our minds but I will also focus on a technology so radically evil that to go there is to feel the hot smoke of hell itself. This radical form of mind control involves the subjugation of an entire life and the fact that it has captivated millions drives many to look away because of its implications and the possible retribution of its handlers.
Just to mention a few of what Jack Sparks author of book from the 70’s called….‘THE MIND BENDERS’
The elimination of choiceJust keep the public from knowing! It’s like out of sight out of mind, Right? Then they say the mind will not be burdened with all facts! However in reality the control of vital information is a form of control of what a mind (is allowed but by whom) can think about or choose. It seems clear, politicians do this all the time but where I heard and saw this used with an appeal to ‘protect the public’ was not at a political function but in a police training academy.
The course was on satanic crimes the attendees were told to just deal with the crime and to NOT tell the public about the “scary satanic stuff” even though it was the motivation for the crime. If you just eliminate and or control information so that the public cannot hear, see, be warned, understand and or react, this ‘controlled information’ is a form of plotted mind or choice control. It keeps a person from knowing and reacting. You’re in the dark.
The pressure of indoctrination:
Just believe what I tell you. Go over it again and again! Don’t think about anything else. Don’t read anything else and don’t talk to anyone who tells you another story. Like in the Wizard of OZ: Don’t look at the man behind the curtain, just keep your mind on the delusion or deception being pumped into you. This is a form of mind control and forces one to look only in one direction. To only read, believe and follow a political or even cultic doctrine NOT because you have studied it, believe it and you choose to embrace it, but because you just ….MUST!
Not withheld information but forced information (indoctrination); an authoritarian do it or be punished approach that demands compliance or else. This is mind and life control. The Nazi SS soldier, Mao’s little red book and the Unification cult (Sun Moon) ‘divine principles’ comes to mind. Indoctrination forced in this way seeks to force the person, group or even nation to act only on what the indoctrinator wants. This ultimate forced mind and will compliance finds its culmination in the future when all must be forced to worship the Beast of the new world order. (See concept in the Book of Revelation 13)
Cults and totalism:
The old cults, many of which still exist, have captivated millions. Please think of this, millions! These cults still use things like 1) Love bombing you and pulling you into their group, school or job. 2) Moving you away from your known environment and then preoccupation with the new group of like minds. 3) With little sleep, lack of food and oh yes, your new clothes, you are now under what Robert Lifton called ‘TOTALISM’. Once again the elimination of not just information but the consuming of a person’s time, food, looks, location and process of free and thorough consideration. A consideration that involves thought, reflection, perception, discernment and the right to ask questions or go to trusted friends and family for their input. A real cult seeks to captivate you TOTALLY.
Voice to skull
A bull horn is one thing but what about a machine or device that can send thoughts? And what if you did not know ‘they’ were using this machine and sending you messages? The technologies that are here now are scary. If they have a machine that can send thoughts then my first question is how do you defend yourself against that? (VN: That is when its important to know yourself very well, how you think, what words you use, what you believe in and know the difference when something other than those beliefs enter your mind. It requires you spend time taking inventory of "who you are " and "how you think" about everything. Then you can fight it. Its also important to know that it exists and sometimes that alone can keep you from falling into that trap.)
Can I have a shield or a countermeasures machine?
Who is in control of the machine?
What thoughts are they sending?
Is this a weapon where military psy-ops team can point the machine at the enemy and (by thoughts sent) tell the enemy to surrender?
Or as one experienced in “voice to skull” Eleanor White states: “One especially invasive attack method in the arena of ‘psycho-electronic’ mind control is ‘voice to skull’. Voice to skull is the transmission of voice, or any other audible or subliminal sound, directly into the hearing sense of the mind control victim. This is sometimes done around the clock and can be one of the severest forms of torture. Voice to skull technology is sometimes referred to as “synthetic telepathy”. ( )
Non-human intelligences:
What about other worldly beings? You know aliens, spirits, dark angels and even the devil? The claims are many concerning the abilities and agendas of aliens and demons. The Nazis referred to these beings as ‘non-human intelligences’ claimed to be out there communicating with human kind. The Nazis even had the ‘hall of the dead’ in Himmler’s castle where SS leaders could go to ‘meditate’ on the human skulls of past leaders in order to get a ‘message’ for an advantage in war.
We can also look at Dr. Steven Greer who says he interacted with extra dimensional beings. His pursuit to engage and welcome them has lead to claims of having made contact with the Orion’s (beings from out in space) which also led him to claim he has over 300 US government officials from even the CIA and DOD as part of his believers. His new film ‘Sirius’ just now being pushed will influence many more to believe and seek these beings: Whoever they really are.
Many of the new remote viewers speak of beings out there in the ‘either’. Ed Dames admits in his last book, ‘TELL ME WHAT YOU SEE’ that the ability to do remote viewing comes from the ‘hall of records’ (akashic records) and that is where the ‘data’ (information) comes from. But who sends the information? Are the Orion’s and the beings from the Akashic Records controlling, influencing or pumping the data they want humanity to believe?
And then there is the man from the NSA who claims he was used to receive information from outside non-human intelligences. Dan Sherman says: “The story I’ve documented in this book is an authentic first level account of the existence of aliens. It is a story of my personal experiences as an intuitive communicator with the United States Air Force (USAF), while working for the National Security Agency (NSA).
My going public with this story will hopefully be considered by historians of the future as the catalyst that opened the gate to the flow of relevant and concrete information.” (VN: Remember, keep in mind this all fits with the 1966 Iron mountain report and the Bill Cooper expose from his job in Navy intel, so use "caution" when it comes to whistleblowers who are still alive and not dead or in serious hiding.)
The bottom of the rung
SRA MPD DID…… the broadest and most covert form of mind control?And then there is satanic ritual abuse, multiple personality disorder (which they now call dissociative identity disorder). This is the main focus of my article and will be the most eye opening. The information I now write is well…not supposed to be on the table per say.
In the 1980’s thousands of individuals with voices in their heads began showing up at psych wards and counseling centers everywhere. By 1992 Dr. Holly Hector who worked in the psych ward at Centennial Hospital in Denver stated that there is an estimated 2.4 million victims of ‘multiple personality disorder’.
Going beyond that Dr. Collin Ross in his original first edition ‘PROJECT BLUEBIRD: the purposeful creation of multiple personalities’ agrees with an assessment that there may be 10 million victims of this form of mind and life control.
Ten million! Those numbers are astounding and force us to ask many questions.
1. What is this MPD? 2. How exactly is it caused? 3. Who is causing this? 4. Why are they doing it?
If in the USA alone we have 10 million victims of this ‘disorder’, that is massive and huge. Let’s start with question one and proceed to the sinister side of all this:
- 1.
- What is MPD? The definition is basically that a person has more than one personality. They have the main person who we may talk to and know and then they have inside them a number of other personalities different than the main person. Some call these other personalities ‘sub persons’, ‘alters’, ‘alter personalities’ but as stated in the diagnostic books of the DSM3 and DSM4 (diagnostic manuals of the American Psychological Association) the victims have been forced to create inside them these separate sub persons. The stress in the definition is that the ‘alter’ personalities inside are distinct, have their own memories, age and personality. Though some may write this off as ‘mentally crazy’ the issue is far from that. They victims are not crazy; they are victims of a mind control technology that goes back to the Nazis and Dr. Mengele himself. This mind control includes the purposeful creation of these sub persons who are then programmed (a mental/mind control imposing an agenda) and here is the kicker…there really are millions of them and they are also found in Canada, Australia, England, Ireland, Germany, Italy and other nations which begs many more questions!
The Monarch Project and even Thomas McGowan’s book ‘PROGRAMMED TO KILL' points to this. My book THE BLACK AWAKEING: Rise of the satanic super soldiers gives deep details. The claims are:
A. ‘They’ are doing this to create an army.
B. They create, program (mentally) and are training millions of these ‘chosen ones’ to be troops.
C. Most of the victims are intact and are sleepers waiting to be triggered.
D. It all relates to a new world order.
E. They have been placed in government, law enforcement, military and churches purposely! Most of which for now are sleepers.
F. They are in numerous other countries created and placed same way.
But now for the kicker:
I can talk about the biblical end time prophecies and what the dark satanic agenda is all about. Some will listen others will look the other way and watch some more TV. But if you know about the end time events, antichrist and coming Armageddon from the Bible please realize that the fulfillment of these (like in all Biblical prophecies) has real places, people and events with boots on the ground.What I tell you now must be looked into quickly and when anyone does they, like myself and others will realized This mind control agenda is so vast, so deep and so far advanced that it’s like we are 50 years behind in scratching at the surface of a runaway bull that we know now ….can’t be stopped.
The kicker to all of this is found in a little book by a once renowned (in the sinister way) worldwide known psychologist who was hired by US military to help in the ‘super soldier’ experimentation. Enter G.H. Estabrooks and his little book HYPNOTISM and especially the chapter on ‘the weaponizaton’ of creating sub persons in solders to make programmed super soldiers.
G H Estabrooks tells us that they know how and used soldiers who had ‘alter’ personalities created within them. They created the alter persons and kept the main person amnesic (blind to it). They programmed sub persons inside to be
a. assassins,
b. reconnaissance agents,
c. infiltrators,
d. spies,
e. sowers of disinformation (they could create/program) the sub persons to be whatever they wanted. They then created ‘cues’, triggers’, ‘phrases’ they would give to the sub persons so when they (the handlers splitters programmers) would trigger them the sub person would come up do the job (programmed task) and then go back down inside with the main person coming back and not knowing what was done or when (missing time).
Now more of the kicker: G. H. Estabrooks revelations of what they could do in creating mind controlled programmed super soldiers was released in 1944. They were taking the technology from the Nazis and using it way back in 1944.
Ramifications, they have had a long time to create many mind controlled, programmed shooters, bombers, assassins etc. and to hold them as sleepers to be used at the will of the handlers. (VN: the good news is they are probably all dead by now, since that was 68 years ago and if not dead, they are too damn old to perform whatever function they were trained for, and its a long time for a programming not to be exposed, or disappear if not used and maintained.)
And now the final kicker in all of this mind control:
In 1944, G H Estabrooks upon revealing this process (and he called it then multiple personalities) in his chapter on weaponizing mind control for warfare made this startling revelation: He stated that the US government military must create many of these programmed soldiers and place them in all the departments of US military. Why? G H Estabrooks says so that we can have a 5th column of sleeper soldiers for the future.Hmmm, a hidden programmed nationwide army to be used for what?
It is the belief of this author that G H Estabrooks from way back in 1944 was trying to spill the beans of a long range agenda that is in place right now. The goal Estabrooks has revealed is among us. Tens of thousands of programmed sleeper shooters, bombers, killers and chaos makers.
It is the belief of this author that Estabrooks was only ‘scratching’ at the surface of what is now a: Multi-continental, multi-national deeply and supernaturally hidden agenda that is behind the current global melt down. It is paving the way for the coming chaos that forces the way to a new order just as ‘they’ the controllers have plotted. And behind the globalist elites (‘them’), if you’re ready for it is hell’s kitchen and mind controlling powers of darkness. The conclusion… mind control is much more sinister then we thought.

Russ Dizdar
Conference speaker
Author of The Black Awakening Rise of the satanic super soldier
Forth coming books ‘ONCE BLIND’ and R1919: the real reason for Armageddon
Conference speaker
Author of The Black Awakening Rise of the satanic super soldier
Forth coming books ‘ONCE BLIND’ and R1919: the real reason for Armageddon
THE MIND BENDERS, By Jack Sparks, T. Nelson; 1st Edition, 4th Printing edition (1977)
Thought Reform and the Psychology of Totalism: A Study of Brainwashing in China, University of N. Carolina Press (July 1, 1989)
- Dr. Steven Greer
Above Black: Project Preserve Destiny, Dan S Order Dept, LLC; Sixth Printing edition (1998)
Sherman, Dan (2006-03-01). ABOVE BLACK – Project Preserve Destiny – An Insider’s Account of Alien Contact and Government Coverup (Kindle Locations 38-41). . Kindle Edition.
Transmuting the mind and soul
Satan and Associates by Wendell Amstutz National Counseling Resource Center; 5th edition (1992) Quoting Dr Holly Hector
Secret Weapons : Two Sisters’ Terrifying True Story of Sex, Spies and Sabotage by Dale Griffis and Ted Swartz New Horizon Press; First Edition (February 15, 2001)
MILITARY MIND CONTROL By Colin Ross Manitou Communications Inc. (October 24, 2011)
AND THE CIA DOCTORS By Colin Ross Greenleaf Book Group Press (October 1, 2011)
The Search for the “Manchurian Candidate”: The CIA and Mind Control: The Secret History of the Behavioral Sciences by John Marks, W. W. Norton & Company; Reissue edition (August 17, 1991)
JOURNEY INTO MADNESS By Gordon Thomas, Bantam (1989)
PROGRAMMED TO KILL By Thomas McGowan, iUniverse, Inc. (August 16, 2004)
HYPNOTISM By G H Estabrooks, New York E.P. Dutton & Co. inc.; 3rd Printing. edition (1944)
THE BLACK AWAKENING rise of the satanic super soldier by Russ Dizdar LuLu press 2009
The article is reproduced in accordance with Section 107 of title 17 of the Copyright Law of the United States relating to fair-use and is for the purposes of criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research.
I think this is why we must remain very quiet and very sober.
I don't believe, since I have been doing this blog, that so very few words has intrigued me in such a way as these words did.
I am being sincerely honest when I ask you, "please, could you elaborate more on why you said that, and what you mean by that, and how it will help anything?" to remain "very quiet and very sober".
Vatic Master: Your comments are good on Post Tramatic Stress Syndrome or Disorder or Shell Shock----how its used by Feds to cover up and smoke screen the effects of Agent Orange and Dioxin and Depleted Uranium as well as the experimental Vaccines plus the sneaky drugs that they make the soldiers take. In Vietnam they gave Halizone Tabs and the pink salt tabs also. Who knows what was in the Pink Salt Tabs. The Movie JACOBS LADDER about BZ is only a scratch to the real truth. Execellent books to read are---AN ARMY WAITING TO DIE and GI GUINEA PIGS not in print anymore as well as Carol Van Stroms---A Bitter Fog. The rotten Feds do try to create Super Soldiers. Its like Mohammed Ali the Boxer taking Vitamin B-17 but only souped up 10000 times. What they do is subtle, sneaky and hard to detect--but they do it and their is tech to detect the crap they do. Example is how George Bush Sr. Reez stopped Dioxin Tests. There is Toxic Brain Syndrome which the government does everything they can do to stop all true research and so on. DONT TRUST THE GOVERNMENT---THEY LIE.....
Great comment, anonymous, but why these animals are doing this to our soldiers goes a lot deeper than just trying to make super soldiers out of them. Is to use them for mulitple purposes. They never do anything for one reason. They need to control the military, then they need to use them to experiment on for their plans they have for the general population at large. If they have problems with the soldiers, they can work them out ahead of time before they try all this on us. These zionists have clearly stated, their goal is to dehumanize the human race. depopulate us, probably using our soldiers against us, along with the GITMO crowd they have used to build assassins and terrorists from in order to get us to fight the Muslims in WW III, where they plan on doing most of the depopulation.
If you are not mad by now, then you aren 't paying attention. LOL I am so mad, I can hardly see straight. LOL The cost of all of this in human terms is inestimable. You can't put a cost on it. Once gone, we can never get it back, and people have to know and understand this because we only get one chance to stop it.
If we do not fight to the death in this battle, then we are doomed, but if we do have that mentality that no matter what, we will fight to the death rather than live as they have planned, then they may well have no one left to herd around like cattle and then they are screwed because they have no clue how to create anything, much less wealth, since all they know is how to steal it, and not how to create, while us humans do know.
I WONDER, how many people would join the U.S. Military (or any other), & train to know the 26+ ways of killing/torturing your fellow hu-man, IF, they knew in advance, of what this guy knows, & has written anew;
In Chapter 5 he talks about "the life review & living out the last moments of your 'victim'". Never has this been in print! IF, more people even knew, would they make that fatal error......?
Good point, I think our young people should join the peoples militia since the military has been taken over by the foreign occupiers of our country. The good guys have been purged and now are in the civilian world. The only good thing about that purging is now they can train the rest of us to defend our way of life and our nation.
I do not think anyone should go into the military until the foreign occupiers are purged out of it since these things you mention were never part of our military training. I know, I was in the military and there was nothing like that used in our training. I was in back in the 60's so its changed since Kennedy was assassinated by those very same foreign occupiers of our government, in collusion with traitors within our own country. Good thing they are dead now.
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