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Vatic Note: Well this was informative, but my question is why only Coca Cola? Why wasn't Pepsi included in this diatribe about coke? Is this more political than just informative? Is there a fight going on between the nazi's and the zionists and does one own coke and the other Pepsi? I don't know, just asking since there is but a hair of difference between their products.
Here are some sample members of the boards of Directors for each company and apparently there has been a massive global war going on between the two companies. Notice in this list of ingredients, Pepsi also has most of the ingredients that was listed for Coke here. Well, if Pepsi is like Coke, then read this below about both of them, since Pepsi's ingredients listed on their site match that listed below, that is bad for us.
These are a couple for Coca Cola Board members:
Muhtar Kent - CEO and Chair of the Board - Educated in England, so Rothschild territory. He also is a member of the Eminent Persons Group for
ASEAN, appointed by President Obama and former Secretary of State Clinton. He serves on the boards of 3M, Special
Olympics International, Ronald McDonald House Charities, Catalyst and Emory
Richard M. Daley, member, board of directors, Mr. Daley was the Mayor of Chicago from 1989 to 2011
Now, what about Pepsi's board:
*** Now I found this below very interesting. No insider information on a publically traded company, now how is that possible? And why???
Pepsi-Cola General Bottlers, Inc. INSIDERS ON Board Members
Name (Connections) | Relationships | Title | Age |
There is no Company Insiders data available. |
Name (Connections) | Relationships | Type of Board Members | Primary Company | Age |
There is no Other Board Members data available. |
Well, I find this very very interesting and if I have the time, I might just go down this rabbit hole and find out why all the secrecy as to board members under Pepsi?
Ok, here we are..... it appears this maybe a battle between Rothschild and Rockefeller.
Examples of Pepsi board members:
Chase and oil companies are pretty much the Rockefellers , While the examples for Coke are representative of Rothschilds. Hmmm, a little healthy competition without sacrificing toxifying the customers? They both stink for filling these products up with toxic materials. This stuff will kill you faster than smoking. Read the list below.
Dina Dublon
Consultant, Former Executive Vice
President and Chief Financial Officer
JPMorgan Chase & Co.
55. Elected 2005
Ray L. Hunt
Chairman and Chief Executive Officer
Hunt Oil Company and
Chairman, Chief Executive Officer
and President
Hunt Consolidated, Inc.
65. Elected 1996Timeline: What Happens After Drinking a Coca-Cola Soda? (VN: add pepsi in on that as well)
by Elizabeth Renter, Natural Society
December 17th, 2013

Here is what could happen in your body after you drink a can of soda. In the first 10 minutes, it stops you from gagging on the 10 teaspoons of sugar by buffering the sweet stuff with phosphoric acid. Twenty minutes after consumption, your blood sugar levels jump alarmingly.
But the effects of your soda don’t stop there—with changes like increased blood pressure, blocked adenosine receptors (leading to that caffeine high), and increased dopamine production (think heroin). Further, calcium, zinc, and magnesium are depleted from the body.
One of the most prominent ingredients in soda is something called orthophosphoric acid—a compound that must be transported with specially designed cisterns due to its high acidity. The reservoirs are designed to withstand the effects of “highly corrosive materials”, and with each swig of Coke, you are putting this stuff in your body.
Read: Is Diet Soda Bad for You?
As our own Christina Sarich reports, this isn’t the only scary ingredient in a can of soda. Coloring E150D, for example, is made of processed sugar and ammonium sulfate—a chemical also found in Monsanto’s best-selling herbicide RoundUp and known to increase the symptoms of asthma. Another ingredient E950, also known as Acesulfame Potassium, “aggravates the heart, vascular system, and nervous system.” Other harmful ingredients include citric acid, sodium benzoate, and more.
Lest you think diet soda is any better, diet sodas contain aspartame, a genetically modified component with numerous health risks. Diet soda has been linked to increased risk of kidney problems, altered metabolism leading to heart attack and stroke, obesity, cell damage, and even depression.
Soft drink makers don’t have your health in mind when they create their beverages—even when they create those with “all the taste and none of the calories.” Their primary concern is making money. As a consumer, it’s your job to make health decisions and abandon soda for the benefits of healing beverages like natural vegetable and fruit juices, teas, and filtered water.
Drinking Water Over Fizzy Drinks Slashes Diabetes Risk

While pure fructose is naturally occurring in fruit, there are also a number of potent vitamins and nutrients that go along with it that allow for slow absorption (though too much fructose even from fruit is not good). Soda, on the other hand, is essentially liquid fructose — and oftentimes it contains high fructose corn syrup, which is a genetically modified form of fructose that contains mercury.
There are countless reasons to put away the soda and to choose water instead. Not only do fizzy drinks simply not quench your thirst like H2O, they can (and do) destroy your health. And researchers with Harvard University point out yet another reason to avoid the beverages—water can help you drop pounds when replacing fizzy soft drinks.
“There is convincing evidence that regular consumption of sugar-sweetened beverages is associated with increased risk of obesity and diabetes, and emerging evidence that these beverages increase the risk for heart disease,” says Professor Frank Hu of the Harvard School of Public Health.
Soda is just one of the many culprits contributing to the massive consumption of sugar in the United States. This sugar can lead to insulin-resistance, which is a predictor of Type-2 diabetes. And as the Daily Mail points out, diabetes can raise your risk of heart disease by up to five times.
So, if you have weight to lose, want to avoid diabetes and heart disease, and would like to take one small step towards better health—ditch the soda.
But don’t make the mistake of abandoning regular soft drinks only to switch to drinking diet sodas. But why, is diet soda bad for you? All sodas are bad for you and this includes those that tout calorie and sugar-free labels.
As a matter of fact, some of the ingredients used in diet sodas could be just as damaging as the sugar and high fructose corn syrup in the regular ones. Most recently diet soda consumption has been linked to depression and kidney function decline.
Instead of reaching for a can of soda or a diet drink, try unsweetened iced tea or a simple glass of water. If you crave something a little more flavorful—add fruit! Fruit-infused waters are a breeze to make and won’t hurt your waistline or damage your life-expectancy.
Read more: http://naturalsociety.com/drinking-water-over-fizzy-drinks-slashes-diabetes-risk/#ixzz2oXQcs1zl
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