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Vatic Note: The harassment is now getting worse and I am not getting any satisfaction from google right now, we will see what if anything they do about this since I just reported it. The cyber warriors will not let me schedule this one out and they have done the same thing on my blog about Angela Merkel, so watch for them to see if these two come up. Sorry about this, but its what I now live with every day. And only on those they don't want up. This was one of them. (UPDATE: Google came through, and I was able to publish this. I suspect someone from Israhell hacked in and did the deed.)
We, at Vatic Project, have been saying this for a very long time now, that this is exactly why your children are at serious risk. Once they take control of them as they did this boy who had a doctors perscription and the school took over the part of the doctor decision and withheld the boys inhaler, and that resulted in his death at 12 years old. We must fight for our children and this below proves it. They want to depopulate and reducing the sterility and the number of children is the way they have chosen to do it.
This is your New World Order. How do you like it so far? How many unarmed and non criminal deaths have we now had over the past couple of years with the dept of homeland security training our police officers out in those nazi stazi fusia centers? How many drills on the same day as a terrorist attack, were done by homeland security? Every single one of them. Who sits on the boards of that dept and has a dual citizen status? ADL and the SPLC and who called Americans domestic terrorists, who love the Constitution, call themselves Christians and are patriotic, ????
When these people start targeting our children in all countries, that is the time to defend those who are least able to defend themselves and that is our children. Every childs death they can cause is considered a sacrifice to their god, Satan. Its all over the world now. We know it because we have published volumes on the issue. If you won't fight for your kids, who will you fight for??? Its a doggone good thing, for that government, I do not live in Canada.
Public school confiscates asthma inhalers; 12 year old boy dies as a result
by admin, 12160 forum
Public school confiscates asthma inhalers; 12 year old boy dies as a result
A 12 year old Canadian boy passed away from a severe asthma attack, which could have been avoided if the inhaler his doctor prescribed had been on hand, instead of in the Principal's office under lock and key.Ontario mom urges schools to let asthmatic kids carry puffers (VN: this is what I am talking about when I say that she should not be begging the schools, she should sue their butts off and take every dime they need to send a message.... NOT MY CHILD. That was murder..... they knew he had asthma, they know its a death sentence without his inhaler and there was a doctors prescription. What right does the state, through the school, have to make life and death decision about our children? They are only suppose to educate and they are doing a P*ss poor job of it as it is. This is too much)
"I received many a phone call stating Ryan had taken an inhaler to school and they found it in his bag and would like me to come pick it up because he wasn't even allowed to bring it home with him," she said. "There's supposed to be one in the office and that's the only one he can have. I didn't understand why."
Ryan Gibbons, 12, died after a severe asthma attack during recess at Straffordville, Ont., school
The Canadian Press
Last Updated:Dec 08, 2013 1:01 PM ET
Ontario schools should allow students with asthma to carry puffers with them in case of emergencies, says the mother of a 12-year-old boy who died when no one could get his inhaler in time because it was locked in the principal's office.Ryan Gibbons died Oct. 9, 2012 when he suffered a severe asthma attack during recess at school in the village of Straffordville, in southwestern Ontario.
Sandra Gibbons says her son told his friends he wasn't feeling well and probably started panicking when they had to carry him to the office where the inhaler was kept.
"So as he was going to the office to get his inhaler, he kind of was having a hard time and had to be carried into the office, and by the time he got there he had blacked out," she said. "To this day I really don't know how exactly the whole day unfolded for him."

Gibbons, 40, started a petition asking the government to force school boards to adopt standardized asthma management plans after her son's death. ((Nathan Denette/Canadian Press))
"I received many a phone call stating Ryan had taken an inhaler to school and they found it in his bag and would like me to come pick it up because he wasn't even allowed to bring it home with him," she said. "There's supposed to be one in the office and that's the only one he can have. I didn't understand why."
Mom wants parties to introduce legislation
After her son's death, Gibbons, 40, started a petition asking the government to force school boards to adopt standardized asthma management plans, and urged all three parties to pass a private member's bill from Progressive Conservative Jeff Yurek."Unfortunately, I stand here today trying to get this bill -- Ryan's law -- in place so that nobody else has to feel how I feel every day, and that's missing my son."
Yurek said his bill would allow students with asthma to have a puffer in their pocket or backpack and force every school board to develop a comprehensive asthma policy.
"Provided the doctor said it's fine for them to have the puffer they will have a spare puffer somewhere in the school, probably the principal's office, but they will have (another) puffer in their pocket or in their bag, however they feel comfortable having it, but it will be on them at all times throughout the day," said Yurek.
"Hopefully we can take an important step toward ensuring a tragedy like this never happens again."
Education minister pledges support
Most school boards have some type of asthma policy, but they vary greatly in terms of scale and scope, added Yurek."In some schools, students are not allowed to have them outside of the principal's office, some have medical stations where teachers have pictures of students who need inhalers but still don't have it on hand, and in other schools it has to be in the teacher's desk, which doesn't help them when they go in the playground," he said.
Education Minister Liz Sandals expressed support for the idea behind Ryan's law during second reading debate in the legislature, but said there may need to be a more comprehensive bill covering other medical conditions such as anaphylaxis.
"There really does seem to be good evidence that, as soon as the child is able to manage their own medication, it's important that they have the puffer or the EpiPen on their person," said Sandals.
"Staff should know how to recognize and manage worsening symptoms and asthma attacks."
© The Canadian Press, 2013
The article is reproduced in accordance with Section 107 of title 17 of the Copyright Law of the United States relating to fair-use and is for the purposes of criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research.
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