*** fundraising status: Our readers came through and our goal has been met. Thank you all for your support. May you have a safe and very happy new year. Because I am new at this venture I have gone into, I won't know how long it will take to get to the point where I can replace what you all have donated over each month to help us meet our deficit, so probably it will be about 30 days before I see any money, and definitely not enough for the deficit but by the following month we should be independantly able to handle it. Maybe I will be better at it than I thought and do it sooner. LOL God Bless you all for caring and reading and donating.
Vatic Note: This is extremely interesting...... I have always had a problem with Alfred Webre, so I began searching around, after reading what Alfred said about Kevin Arnett, which was scathing. I found this below to get both sides. I am glad that Kevin was courageous enough to put himself up for responding to these accusations. Just to let you know why this may be happening, I offer this link for you to read in how the Queen is after him and sometimes slander is more deadly than gunshots.
After reading both sides and listening, I am much more inclined to believe Kevin, he was very forthright in his answers and the interviewer was not bashful in putting it right out there for him to answer and he did very forthrightly. The issue of the murdered native children has been confirmed by Vatic Project and was posted on a blog several years ago.
He is right about royalty and higher ups involved in these ritual murders of the Natives in Canada and Kevin has been digging and trying to get to the bottom of these issues and pushing for prosecutions and the result has been the efforts to destroy him and his reputation so these investigations will not
be taken seriously.
Here is a blogwe did on his efforts with the ITCC citizens grand jury that heard the evidence with no responses or defense from those listed including the Queen. Here is another bloggerthat also covered Kevins work on the courts in Canada and the children that were the victims.
I can't find the blogs I did on the actual event in Canada with children as witnesses and the uncovering of the bodies 10 years later of those missing children that the two witnesses said were killed and they ran. I will continue to look for them, but I have a feeling they have been gutted.
I will update this if I do find them. Its why I believe Kevin is the good guy. He tried very hard to get them before a jury for indictments.
Shortly thereafter, the Pope conveniently resigns as pope.
*** fundraising status: Our readers came through and our goal has been met. Thank you all for your support. May you have a safe and very happy new year. Because I am new at this venture I have gone into, I won't know how long it will take to get to the point where I can replace what you all have donated over each month to help us meet our deficit, so probably it will be about 30 days before I see any money, and definitely not enough for the deficit but by the following month we should be independantly able to handle it. Maybe I will be better at it than I thought and do it sooner. LOL God Bless you all for caring and reading and donating. The Death of Controlled Demolition Expert Danny Jowenko after Speaking about 9/11 WTC 7 Building 7 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-zHHvo6U4lA
Published on Jan 29, 2013
Vatic Note: This was excellent and very educational to hear this from a foreign correspondent. The expert that got killed was a Russian expert who said that 9-11 was a fabricated false flag inside job, that he called "a crime against Humanity", and the correspondent reporting his death said it was done by mossad for Israel and by a cadre of traitors within the United States.
The article is reproduced in accordance with Section 107 of title 17 of the Copyright Law of the United States relating to fair-use and is for the purposes of criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research.
*** fundraising status: Our readers came through and our goal has been met. Thank you all for your support. May you have a safe and very happy new year. Because I am new at this venture I have gone into, I won't know how long it will take to get to the point where I can replace what you all have donated over each month to help us meet our deficit, so probably it will be about 30 days before I see any money, and definitely not enough for the deficit but by the following month we should be independantly able to handle it. Maybe I will be better at it than I thought and do it sooner. LOL God Bless you all for caring and reading and donating.
Vatic Note:What this below tells us without a doubt, that any globalizing or NWO will be totally void of any justice for average people. Laws will be passed or made for the elite khazar zionists who own and run "Banks, Corporations, Military industrial complexes, governments etc", to protect them against us, even if our complaint is fully legitimate.
The extent to which Israel avoids taking responsibility for their international criminal mafia actions, was unknown until now. This below exposes the disparity between justice for average citizens, or the goyim and justice for Israel.
We are never going to be given justice by any means where Israel is concerned, unless we do it ourselves since our reps are unable to do anything without either blackmail, threats to their families or bribery if they are dual citizens. If we have to do it ourselves, then the rules are out the window for them just like it is for us. The last question of this article, which is very well done, is "Who owns the media"? The answer is Rothschild/Israeli bankers who are khazars, just like Netanyahu.
Sweden has nixed allowing litigation against Israel for war crimes and piracy over the Gaza Flotilla massacre. Their reason? Sweden says though Israel is obviously guilty, they are unable to name a guilty party.
Perhaps the “commandos” captured by Ken O’Keefe, whose tearful pleas plucked our heart strings are “non persons”. Perhaps Swedes don’t know how to spell “netanyahu,” though that, in itself is an invented identity.
There is in fact no real person of that name.
Only a few short weeks ago, the ICC, the International Criminal Court at The Hague, one of the best running jokes on “Rock Number Three” did much of the same thing. They can’t open a case against Israel, though they openly admit that Israel did in fact commit a wide series of war crimes during their recent genocide in Gaza because the court is “too busy.”
As American humorist Jim W. Dean so often says, “You just can’t make ‘stuff’ like that up.”
There are a few African leaders the court has yet to go after, part of the “busy work” they assign themselves to keep them distracted from reading the newspapers about the most recent revelations of CIA torture.
The current report is maybe the 8th or 9th such report, each one treated by the “press” as though it were a shocking discovery. Yes, the NSA spies on everyone and the CIA runs drugs and catches innocent people, tortures them and then goes on running world terrorism on its own as it has for decades.
The ICC has always been a joke. The Swedes, now that’s something else. For sure they are afraid of the slaughter rained upon their Norwegian neighbors, who decided to support a boycott on Israel.
Here is an interesting twist; quite recently Michael Shrimpton was convicted of making “wild accusations” regarding the existence of miniature submarines operating in the Baltic, in his case, delivering nuclear weapons as part of blackmail against the British government by Israel. The Crown Prosecution Service found the idea of tiny little submarines steaming up the Thames estuary so absurd that they consider Shrimpton both delusional and dead serious as well.
Is Michael Shrimpton owed a note of thanks?
You see, Shrimpton was convicted not of making crazy statements, but quite the contrary. Shrimpton’s tale of miniature subs has a strikingly coincidental ring about it. During his trial, the Swedish Navy spent weeks hunting miniature submarines. There are only two nations that possess such systems, Russia and Israel.
According to a source in Swedish Naval Intelligence, one terrorist team landed by “tiny little submarines” was captured and interrogated and returned to their host nation. Was that Russia or Israel? The Naval captain, I will call him “Andy,” personally took part in the interrogation.
What we learned from Berwick/Breivik is that there are strong ties between pro-Israeli Freemason extremists within the counter-terrorist forces of the UK and Norway that work closely with their Polish counterparts, closely with rogue elements of the CIA that operated and may well operate secret prisons in Poland, such as we recently “relearned about” (for the 4th time).
The Poles, of course, are giving military support to Kiev junta backed genocide squads lead by Israeli trained specialists operating against the Eastern Ukraine. Wayne Madsen claims they are planning to open a new “Holy Land” there, a Khazarian Judea where the grandparents of “Netanyahu” and others of his ilk are said to have their ethnic roots. (See: Jewish Genome/Dr. Erin Haik).
Ukraine Partition map – a spoof, or is it?
On the other hand, is this what it is really all about? Did you know that friends of Erdogan, personal friends mind you, sent a fleet of trucks and technicians into Syria not long ago?
Working hand in hand with ISIS/ISIL, the “Islamic State” of Da’aish, the “acting troupe of a dozen names,” our Turkish friends actually stole an entire automobile plant, driving it into Turkey in plain sight of pretty much everyone but the less than curious press.
The profits were split with Al Qaeda/ISIS, such that it might be considered material support for terrorism. Yet, there the Turks are, unloading the machines, the truckloads of transmissions and axles, the office machines, the computers; in fact they stole everything but the dirt under the foundations.
Are we all going to run out and get one of those cars they make? This is one factory, they have taken a dozen. They looted banks, in fact, Turkey is looting occupied Syria and no one is saying a word.
When the world ignores Israel, finding them inconvenient or impossible to prosecute, a world afraid of nuclear weapons transported on tiny little submarines, a world afraid of a sea of dead children and missing airliners, that world not only ignores American torture, it ignores 200,000 Syrian dead.
It ignores looted temples, burned churches, entire regions sold into slavery and the tons of heroin and hashish being trafficked through the Islamic State as well.
Why would someone write about Turkey or ISIS and Poland? What could the slaughter of children in Norway have to do with the trial of a “delusional barrister” in Britain? Perhaps it is the things no one sees that stand to hurt us most.
Missing this “mosaic” is evidenceof a shameful lack of curiosity on behalf, not only of the press but the world’s conspiracy addicts as well.
A mile of trucks and one stolen factory, or a dozen, missing things like this takes skill. How can a NATO member like Turkey loot one of their neighbors in partnership with a terror organization while simultaneously negotiating to host military forces to fight that same group? How is it no one notices? Note these things; Turkey may steal the factories, ISIS may cut of a few heads but who controls the media?
The article is reproduced in accordance with Section 107 of title 17 of the Copyright Law of the United States relating to fair-use and is for the purposes of criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research.
We hope you have had a very Merry Christmas and we wish you a healthy, prosperous and safe New Year.
Fund Raising Status: WE are now down to$90left that we need by the first of the month. Otherwise if we do not make it then, we are forced to put this blog in read only status and you can use it for references. We need time to build the business we signed up for and that means we will probably have to fund raise one more month before we can let this type of fundraising go. If we can't make it this month, we may well be done.
So, If you can afford it, and you have benefited from our work, we ask that you donate off to the right of the blog and help us meet our goal so we can continue our work for you. God bless and keep you happy and safe, and we hope you will continue your wonderful support of our educational effort here to raise awareness of our predicament before its too late.
Vatic Note: Well, this was either awesome or the part of the plan the 13 families had concocted at the end of their game to point the finger at Israel and deflect the attention from the satanic bloodlines who have controlled this all along with the aid and cooperation of the banking cabal, who are now the target. They will have to take each other out before they can finish us off.
We did a blog many years back where the agenda by the bloodlines was to bring us down through their secret societies as JFK warned us, and then point the finger, rightly so, at the Israeli khazars, who are not Jewish. True, the khazars wrote the protocols and intended to take over the globe using Jews as a front to blame along with the Catholic Church and the Free Masons, and do away with all potential leaders of the people, so there would be no rebellion of the masses, but they intended to include the Illum families in that take over. Well, now its anybodies game since they are turning on each other
Now that they are almost through with their game, they are now pointing the finger, BUT WE MUST NEVER FORGET ITS BOTH OF THEM. The Israeli's, Rothschild and the Illuminati family bloodlines. They must all go down starting with the Queen in England just as Diana told us before she was murdered. Listen to all of this and see what you think.
From the Left: VT Financial Editor Mike Harris, VT Managing Editor Jim Dean, VT Senior Editor Gordon Duff and VT Director Colonel James Hanke.
Last week Gordon Duff, Senior Editor of Veterans Today delivered an Historic Keynote Address at the International Conference on Combating Terrorism and Religious Extremism held in Damascus, Syria. This speech is sending shock-waves around the World.
Gordon Duff was part of a Veterans Today Senior Staff Delegation that traveled to Damascus and was in consultation with the Veterans Today Board and other like minded individuals within the American Military and Intelligence community and other such individuals from sixty-eight different nations around the World who were at the Conference. This Delegation included Veterans Today Senior Editor *Gordon Duff, Veterans Today Managing Editor **Jim Dean, Veterans Today Director ***Colonel James Hanke, and Veterans Today Financial Editor ****Mike Harris.
Gordon Duff’s speech quickly changed the focus of the whole conference and is now sending shock-waves around the World in the various Diplomatic, Military and Intelligence corps around the World. Why is his speech Historic? For a number of vitally important reasons. This speech is the first time in history an American Intelligence Team of “non-activists” gave a military briefing to an audience of this type, including key Military Leaders of diverse Tribal Forces throughout Lebanon, Syria and Iraq, along with a Russian delegation and many others from around the world. Before this historic speech by Duff, no one has ever dared to speak the simple truth about the true problem, that it is not Terrorism in the Mideast, but it is the effects of large scale international Organized Crime.
What American general made sure stockpiles of heavy weapons and ammo would be left in Iraq for the soon to emerge ISIS/ISIL/Daish?
ISIS, also known as ISIL, Daish, Al Qaeda version 2, or Al CIA Duh version 2. How could this group grow so fast and become instantly so well armed and unopposed?
But even more important, Duff, a noted international Intel and Security Consultant, identified the root cause of United States of America’s dysfunctional involvement in Iraq and Syria and the true cause of ISIS/Daish.
Duff’s speech immediately changed the whole tone of the Conference and turned it to a very practical focus on the true causes of ISIS/Daish. His speech immediately shifted the focus of the Conference from theoretical discussions of Terrorism and Extremism, to what is actually going on at the ground level at a practical level, who is responsible and why they are doing it, that is stealing factories and torturing and killing civilians, folks that are their people.
Gordon Duff laid out the true cause of ISIS/Daish in simple terms for the very first time anyone has ever done so publicly and this disclosure from such a highly credentialed and credible Intel Professional is now sending shock-waves around the World.
Duff declared that there are far too many that have died to continue speaking in unclear terms and that it was time to share a key hypothesis based on signals intelligence. Then Duff proceeded to explain the True Causes of ISIS/Daish in simple understandable terms which provide the clarity needed to form a sustainable solution.
Duff explained that what is going on in Iraq and Syria with ISIS is not Terrorism, it is simply CRIME. That is, it is the works of an international Crime Cabal which has gotten control of the American Congress. Yes, this is a large Organized Crime problem that must be understood at its simple root cause.
Duff identified this Crime Cabal as Israeli and pointed out that this is Worldwide Crime on a scale never experienced before.
Duff explained how the illegal Supreme Court Decision of Citizens United made it possible for an Israeli-American Organized crime magnate now operating out of Macao, Sheldon Adelson to essentially buy control of both Houses of Congress in the last election and being able to bring Congress under control of this International Crime Syndicate which specializes in human trafficking and narcotics.
Duff also identified American Generals McInerney and Vallely as being involved in organizing Daisch along with Senator John McCain.
He also pointed out that Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel [who has just resigned] was the one that prevented the American bombing of Syria in response to the False-Flag gas attack at Aleppo, Syria.
This keynote address delivered by Gordon Duff was historic because for the very first time ever a Top Intel and Security Consultant publicly explained how the problem with ISIS/Daish is not terrorism but is Crime. He clarified that ISIS/Daish is a result of Criminal Behavior of an Israeli based International Crime Syndicate which essentially bought control over the US Congress during the last election. Here is Gordon Duff’s keynote speech which was historical and is now sending shock-waves around the World.
YouTube - Veterans Today - It should now be clear to everyone that the creation of ISIS/Daish occurred not because of Terrorism, but because of the undue influence exercised on the American Political system by this Israeli based Crime Syndicate in which a faction inside the American Congress, Military and Intel has been manipulated into supporting the creation of ISIS/Daish.
It is easy to imagine why Duff’s frank disclosure in his keynote address that the real problem on the ground in Iraq and Syria is Crime and the handy-work of an international Israeli Crime Cabal immediately changed the tone of the conference, and is now sending shock-waves around the World.
This is the first time ever that these issues have been clarified for the Syrian Security Services and Military as well as to Intel, Military and Diplomatic representatives from all over the World.
In days and weeks to follow it is expected that such an Historic disclosure based on hard Intel will change the scope and tone of the discussion about what is really going on in Iraq and Syria on the ground and how a worldwide criminal enterprise is behind it.
There were several sophisticated attempts to sidetrack and derail the VT Delegation and keep Gordon Duff from delivering his Historic Speech. Despite all these attempted interceptions, one of which was directly thwarted by VT Financial Editor Mike Harris, Gordon Duff was able to deliver his keynote address and make history by putting the actual facts behind ISIS/Daish on the public record for the very first time. Colonel Jim Hanke spoke at the Conference also and his talk was very well received.
Jim Dean took numerous films which should prove to be quite important when some are published on VT.
Mike Harris gave numerous interviews to the Syrian Press and met with Syrian Security Officials and the Grand Mufti, the World’s top Islamic legal and theological scholar.
These discussions were very productive and did a great deal to further an understanding of what is actually behind the ISIS/Daish crime problem in Iraq and Syria which is nothing more than sophisticated international Organized Crime and must be dealt with as such.
Obviously Gordon Duff and his team displayed great courage in attending this Conference in Damascus and deserve the highest commendations possible for this fine work representing the true interests of peace for folks with no voice.
When the dust settles time will show this speech will be a major turning point in the Criminal Cabal’s blatant abuse of the American People from their buying and hijacking of the US Congress and some American Generals with deep Intel connections and their abuse of millions around the World in many different nations, especially the Mideast.
No criminal Cabal or conspiracy this large can exist without utmost secrecy, which no longer exists thanks to Duff’s keynote address and complete disclosure. Their crimes are now no longer secret and the “Jig is now up”.
Thanks to Duff the Jig is about up for this International Israeli linked Crime Cabal, some have identified as the International Zionist Crime Cabal (IZCS) which has formed an alliance with the Bush Crime Cabal (BCC) which is now being completely identified all over the Worldwide Internet. It is now realized by many that the BCC was formed when Bush1 ran the Assassination of JFK and rose to power, able to deeply embed his operatives in the CIA, the Military, Congress, the Department of Justice and the Judiciary. Now if anyone doubts that ISIS/Daish was set up under the Money Power of the International Zionist Crime Cabal (IZCS) operating out of Israel which has now gained Control of the US Congress, consider this. All ISIS/Daish wounded are taken to Israel for medical treatment, all expenses paid and those that can be are returned to Iraq or Syria to attack, torture, murder and asset strip innocent civilians, pretending to be Islamic Terrorists. This is all done in order to create mass confusion and to empower those governments that exist off the spoils of pushing solutions to their synthetic terrorism which is really nothing more than a massive Organized crime operation to make money and accrue more power. How do we know that the Criminal cabal has truly gained control over the US Congress. We now have actual specific evidence which has uncovered the Crime Cabal’s control over Congress through the use of large bribes and threats of assassination. It is now beyond obvious that the only way to deal with a such a large Criminal Cabal is to indict them, arrest them, fully prosecute them, and if convicted with clearly convincing evidence beyond any shadow of a doubt, then sentence them appropriately.
If they have committed Treason, Sedition or other Capital offenses well, then upon conviction in a suitable court of law, US or International, they must be executed like the convicted Nazis from the Nuremberg War trials or the convicted Japanese from the International Military Tribunal for the Far East also known as the “Tokyo Trials” and in other courts in many different places in Asia and the Pacific. About 1,000 Japanese War criminals were executed after conviction and Twenty Nazi War criminals were executed after conviction.
However, it is known inside high level Intel circles and by those who worked closely with OSS agents and operatives, that numerous American Army secret assassination teams were deployed in Europe to bring many uncharged Nazis to instant justice. Some teams operating under Presidential Orders were also deployed to Hawaii and Asia to bring “instant, extra-judicial justice” to many Japanese war criminals that avoided exposure and arrest. This whole Nuremberg Trial and Tokyo Trial process needs to be repeated against the Criminal Cabal and all their kingpins, Top Policy-Makers, political and Judicial puppets as well as all their operative and mass-murderers deployed on the ground as mercenaries for fat paychecks. Those who attempt to flee prosecution can be hunted down to the ends of the Earth if necessary.
And the worst of all this is the ability of the Crime Cabal to use American Generals and a sitting US Senator to start up and run ISIS/ISIL/Daish. This is truly disgusting but there is actually even more to this story. Because the honest faction of the US Military is now targeting some ISIS positions, what we actually have now is a Secret American Civil War being fought in Iraq.
And now China has offered military help to the Iraqi government. Unless John McCain is stopped in his rise to become Chairman of the Armed Service Committee, he may be able to exert serious pressure and be able to push America into another War in Iraq (maybe Syria, Iran and the Ukraine too) and his actions could trigger a nuclear WW3 with the Russian Federation and President Putin who has just about had enough.
Hat’s off and Highest Commendations to Gordon Duff and his team of American Heroes who have now set the record straight and had the great courage necessary to publicly disclose, for the very first time anywhere, the true causes of ISIS/ISIL/Daish and have shown it to be a crime problem created by a large international Organized Crime Cabal.
Now most of the World Security and Intel Units know the truth that has been hidden from them for many years by excess compartmentalizing and billions of dollars spent by the Crime Cabal to control and prevent their access to this information. These Units now know with incredible clarity who it is that deploys synthetic terror, torture, mass-murder and asset-stripping in the Mideast and why. They now know it is being done to further the Organized Crime Cabal’s goals and power.
Within two weeks of this International Conference in Damascus, Gordon Duff appeared on a Talk show in England and delivered another incredibly dynamic presentation with a substantial amount of new information revealed for the very first time.
(VN: Well, they won't let me put up this video, so just click on the link below and listen to his interview with up dated information.)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=eRQ__MWhf6s On December 16, 2014 Gordon Duff was a guest on the Richie Allen show in England. Richie Allen is a respected talk show host whose radio program has been broadcast for the last sixteen years. Some of the material discussed in this interview with Gordon Duff was stunning to say the least. Duff connected many dots providing distinct clarity to some previously very confusing matters. This interview is probably the best, most revealing interview ever broadcast anytime anywhere so far on the subject of International Security and Intel matters. If you have time to listen to it, it will be well worth your time. Right now you cannot get this depth of information on International Security and Intel matters anywhere else but VT. Yes, VT often provides the real story behind all the Controlled Major Mass Media (CMMM) dispensed narratives and propaganda for the USG. And for major breaking Mideast News, you will usually find it at VT presented realistically, often based on actual “on the ground” observational reports by VT Managing Editor Jim Dean as reported on VT News Reports and in his VT articles.
Photo with captions from Rense.com
Gordon Duffis the Managing Director and Senior Editor of veterans Today, a Marine combat veteran of the Vietnam War. He is a disabled veteran and has worked on veterans and POW issues for decades. He is an accredited diplomat and is generally accepted as one of the top global intelligence specialists. He manages the world’s largest private intelligence organization and regularly consults with governments challenged by security issues.
Gordon Duff has traveled extensively, is published around the world and is a regular guest on TV and radio in numerous countries. Gordon Duff is a trained chef, wine enthusiast, avid motorcyclist and gunsmith specializing in historical weapons and restoration. His business experience and interests are in energy and defense technology. He is the Managing Director of Adamus Defense Group of Switzerland.
Jim Dean is the Chairman of Veterans Today and wears many hats, ranging from day to day operations to the development, writing and editing of numerous articles. He also has an active schedule of international TV and radio interviews. He has numerous contacts on the ground in the Mideast and provides detailed reports in his articles and on Veterans Today News Reports Radio. Jim Dean is also a member of the Military Order of World Wars, Association for Intelligence Officers, and the Senior Vice President, Adamus Defense Group, Switzerland. Colonel James Hanke is a Veterans Today Director and US Army Special Forces (Ret.) Colonel Hanke is Former G2 Third Army, NATO Nuclear Weapons Commander, Attache to Israel, A-Team Leader Vietnam, and a Director of Operations, Adamus Defense Group, Switzerland.
Mike Harris is the Financial Editor of Veterans Today, a radio host, a former GOP Campaign Finance Chairman, gubernatorial candidate for Arizona, and a Senior Vice President of Adamus Defense Group, Switzerland. Mike is an expert in full-contact mixed martial arts. His long term expertise in such has gained him a lot of respect and the nickname “Iron Mike”.
—————————————————————————————————————————————————– Here is transcript of this Historic Keynote Address by Gordon Duff at the International Conference on Combating Terrorism and Religious Extremist Conference held in Damascus, Syria first week of December, 2014. Gaps are where his speech was translated to listeners.
Gordon Duff: Too many people have died for people to continue speaking in terms that are unclear and just not speaking the truth. It’s time we simply said what we know, whether it’s classified information or not. All of you have seen the results of what we’re saying. What we’re saying will fit what has happened here and what facts you’ve been able to bring out…
Our hypothesis is based on solid information, solid research on the ground, using human signals intelligence from our extensive capabilities. We don’t guess. We know what we’re talking about here. Their motivation is largely economic. They’re a criminal organization but they are part of a worldwide criminal organization. And they’re here in your territory, taking your things – your factories, your lives, your people – for the enrichment of a specific group of people who need to be held to account. It’s almost as though it’s a police problem.
This is crime. This terrorism you’re suffering is worldwide crime on a scale we have never seen before. There has never been anything like this. Gordon Duff: I appreciate your statements and I recognize the truth and honesty of what you were saying but I do believe there are areas of misunderstanding how the United States works politically.
And this is a problem, a tremendous problem in the Middle East and one of the things that’s driven us here is it’s very difficult to understand what has happened as far as Israeli control of American politics and I will, as succinctly as possible, I will explain this to you.
Gordon Duff: In 2005, the Supreme Court of the United States had a decision on a case called Citizens United.
The decision of the Supreme Court legalized unlimited corporate bribery. This turned control of the Congress of the United States over to human traffickers, narcotics traffickers and in particular, the most powerful individual in the United States today is a gambling boss named Sheldon Adelson, an Israeli citizen who fled the US living in Macau.
He spent over one billion dollars in the last election and bought control of both Houses of Congress. Now Senator John McCain, the father of al Nusra, the father of ISIS, will be running US legislative and military foreign policy.
Gordon Duff: American generals like General McInerny and General Paul Vallely, specialists in psychological warfare, helped organize Daish. They have traveled in and out of your country here, Syria, over and over, as had Senator John McCain. Meeting with al Qaeda – an organization created by the American, Saudi and Israeli Defense Forces and Intelligence Services.
Gordon Duff: Only a week ago, the US Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel, resigned. Chuck Hagel was the individual that stopped the United States from bombing Syria over the false flag gas attacks near Aleppo.
Gordon Duff: It was our organization here that supplied the intelligence that stopped those attacks.
Gordon Duff: It’s our goal here, while we are here, to try to establish a method of communication that will allow Syria and other nations within the area to understand Israel’s control of the US, the control of the US by organized crime and how the US government is subservient to a worldwide criminal organization.
Social Psychologist with Doctorate from Major Midwest Big Ten University. Retired after serving the community for over 36 years during which time there were numerous contacts with those associated with Intel and Law Enforcement.
The article is reproduced in accordance with Section 107 of title 17 of the Copyright Law of the United States relating to fair-use and is for the purposes of criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research.
We hope you have had a very Merry Christmas and we wish you a healthy, prosperous and safe New Year.
Fund Raising Status: WE are now down to$90left that we need by the first of the month.
Otherwise if we do not make it then, we are forced to put this blog in
read only status and you can use it for references. We need time to
build the business we signed up for and that means we will probably have
to fund raise one more month before we can let this type of fundraising
go. If we can't make it this month, we may well be done.
So, If you can afford it, and you have benefited from our work, we ask
that you donate off to the right of the blog and help us meet our goal so we can continue our work for you.
God bless and keep you happy and safe, and we hope you
will continue your wonderful support of our educational effort here to
raise awareness of our predicament before its too late.
Vatic Note: If I am not mistaken, that was the deal in the first place and someone violated that deal. I wonder who that was? A hint, who ever it was built a concrete wall around Palestine and made a concentration camp out of it. Remind you of the nazi's??? What does NAZI stand for ? Na is the letters representing the German spelling for the National Socialist party, and the ZI stands for Zionist international. Is anybody suprised? Not me.
At least the parliament is doing the right thing, after all these years. It should have been enforced in the beginning of all of this. Well, better late than never. Remember its the Palestinians that are real citizens of Israel and the intruders are only Khazars and Not Biblical Jews. Keep that in mind as you read this and contemplate "what is the right thing to do?" Well, they did it and good for them.
(JTA) — The European Parliament passed a
resolution that supports in principle recognition of a Palestinian state
as part of peace talks with Israel.
The resolution, which was drawn up by five political groups, passed
Wednesday in a 498-88 vote in Strasbourg, the European Parliament’s
press service wrote in a statement. There were 111 abstentions.
The measure affirms the parliament’s support for “in principle
recognition of Palestinian statehood and the two-state solution,” the
statement said. The nonbinding resolution also states that the
parliament believes “these should go hand in hand with the development
of peace talks, which should be advanced.”
In an effort to support the European Union’s diplomatic efforts in
the Middle East peace process, the statement said the parliament also
decided to launch a Parliamentarians for Peace initiative to bring
together lawmakers from the Israeli and Palestinian parliaments.
The vote followed several nonbinding resolutions in the parliaments
of Britain, France, Ireland and Portugal calling on their governments to
recognize Palestinian statehood without delay. Spain’s congress passed a
resolution that conditions recognition on the conclusion of talks with
Israel. The Danish and Slovenian parliaments are also scheduled to vote
on nonbinding resolutions recognizing Palestinian statehood.
Also in the resolution, the parliament reiterated “its strong support
for the two-state solution on the basis of the 1967 borders, with
Jerusalem as the capital of both states, with the secure State of Israel
and an independent, democratic, contiguous and viable Palestinian State
living side by side in peace and security on the basis of the right of
self-determination and full respect of international law.”
The resolution condemned all acts terrorism or violence and stressed
the importance of consolidating the authority of the Palestinian
consensus government.
It urged all Palestinian factions, including
Hamas, to end internal divisions, and reiterated the EU’s position
that Israeli settlements are illegal under international law.
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We hope you have had a very Merry Christmas and we wish you a healthy, prosperous and safe New Year.
Fund Raising Status: WE are now down to$90left that we need by the first of the month.
Otherwise if we do not make it then, we are forced to put this blog in
read only status and you can use it for references. We need time to
build the business we signed up for and that means we will probably have
to fund raise one more month before we can let this type of fundraising
go. If we can't make it this month, we may well be done.
So, If you can afford it, and you have benefited from our work, we ask
that you donate off to the right of the blog and help us meet our goal so we can continue our work for you.
God bless and keep you happy and safe, and we hope you
will continue your wonderful support of our educational effort here to
raise awareness of our predicament before its too late.
Vatic Note: This was a good article and example how "food" can serve as medicine and replace the horrible stuff coming out of the drug companies that rule the FDA. Its a revolving door, as we disclosed in a previous blog, between the regulatory agencies and the companies they are suppose to regulate. Now how do we stop that? Get rid of the foreign government running our country and its government. Thats how!
I was a bit surprised that it was the "lemon" that does all this, but then lemonade has been my favorite drink, right behind "REAL" ginger ale made with brewed ginger. I almost never get sick and at my age, that is a miracle. LOL I also have every thing working on my body so far. So hip problems, etc
Has anyone else noticed the dramatic increase in cancer and deaths from cancer? There is also a dramatic increase in dementia, cardiovascular disease as well. I am going to try it to see if I can get rid of these glasses. Food is such a good natural source for remedies of illnesses.
For instance, we did a blog on Alzheimer disease which is also on an increase, and the cure for it was Organic Coconut oil. Now most of these foods we discuss do need to be "real food" instead of the GMO garbage they are feeding us, and that includes these lemons. Why go for the artificial, or chemically ladened, when you can get, buy, use and eat the real thing? Do your body a favor and feed it organically grown, real food and nutrition.
We all know that drinking water is very healthy. It is the best thing you can do for your health.
But if water’s taste has become “dull” to you, add some lemon in it. And here are some advantages and health benefits you can gain from this simple mixture:
– Lemon, like all citrus, is full of vitamin C. It is an antioxidant that improves the condition of damaged cells, slows down aging diseases, including cardiovascular diseases and cancer and maintains your sight.
– Lemons contain anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties which can strengthen your immunity and help you to overcome flu and colds. Besides that, lemon can soothe irritated throat.
– It also helps in the fight against skin aging. In combination with hydration, which you get from drinking water, lemon can help you stay forever young.
– Lemon helps with stomach problems and improves digestion, especially in combination with hot water or little bit of mint, which is well known for its ability to soothe irritated stomach.
– Lemon contributes in the process of cleansing your body.
– Lemon can refresh your breath. The claim that lemon can damage tooth’s enamel is just a myth. When using it in small quantities of water, the risk is extremely low.
Remember, all these benefits can be achieved by adding slices of lemon (or squeezed lemon) into water, not by water with lemon bought at the supermarket.
These products have added sugar and preservatives, which can only do harm to your organism.
*** UPDATE: CEO of AirAsia dumped stock days before the airplane went missing. Reminds me of the gulf blowout when Goldman sachs sold tons of shares of BP just before the blowout and a movie showing the gulf blowout was released 9 months before the event. It was called "The Knowing" and who controls Goldman Sachs and the movie industry??? Rothschild and Israel.What the CEO did was a crime, with serious jail time. If they can prove He had insider information and used it for profit then he would have spent serious jail time, but apparently there is not going to be an investigation. If there was, then the real puppetmasters would be exposed and would join him in jail. http://www.prisonplanet.com/airasia-ceo-dumped-shares-days-before-flight-disappeared.html
Vatic Note: So what Bioweapons expert was on that plane? That was what was going on with Fight 307. That Ebola Expert was on 307, and they did not want him dead so they kidnap these flights. They just don't want him viewing and expertly analyzing the Ebola Virus where he could identify where it came from. Remember, an exact duplicate of 307 with markings and everything was found and photographed in a hanger in Israel.
So who are they going after this time. I would be surprised if the Indonesian people keep putting up with this garbage. THe powers that be have been messing with all my efforts to put this up, so I am going to cut my VN: short so I don't lose the article, which is extremely informative.
A relative of AirAsia flight QZ8501 passengers weeps as she waits for the latest news on the missing jetliner at Juanda International Airport in Surabaya, East Java, Indonesia, Sunday, Dec. 28, 2014.
Image: Trisnadi/Associated Press
By mashable team
UPDATED Dec. 28, 11 a.m. ET
What we know so far:
AirAsia Flight 8501 vanished Sunday en route to Singapore from Indonesia.
The plane lost contact at 7:24 a.m. after requesting to change course due to poor weather.
Seven crew members and 155 passengers were on board, including 17 children and one infant
Search operations, which are being led by Indonesia's National Search and Rescue Agency, have been suspended for the night. They will be resumed tomorrow.
An AirAsia Indonesia plane with 162 people on board has gone missing on its way to Singapore after it requested to deviate from its flight path due to weather, the airline said Sunday. Search and rescue operations have been suspended for the night; they will resume tomorrow.
Flight QZ8501 lost contact with Jakarta's air traffic control at 7:24 a.m. local time after taking off from Surabaya, Indonesia, according to a statement from AirAsia posted on Facebook. It was scheduled to land in Singapore about an hour later.
Indonesia's National Search and Rescue Agency said in a statement on Sunday evening the plane was last tracked around the island of Belitung, at the coordinates 03°22’15" South and 109°41’28" East.
Flight QZ8501's pilot had reportedly requested permission to increase altitude from 32,000 feet to 34,000 feet because of cloudy weather in the area. Weather maps showed storms across the region.
The plane had seven crew members and 155 passengers, including 137 adults, 17 children and one infant, according to AirAsia's Facebook statement. The majority of those on board were Indonesian, but there were three South Koreans and one each from Singapore, United Kingdom, France and Malaysia. There were 23 no-shows, according to the flight manifest.
The captain in command had 20,537 flying hours in total and 6,100 flying hours with the airline and the first officer had 2,275 flying hours, according to AirAsia. The aircraft last underwent maintenance on Nov. 16.
Relatives of passengers aboard missing AirAsia flight check manifest at crisis center at Juanda International Airport in Indonesia on Sunday.
Image: Trisnadi/Associated Press
Djoko Murjatmodjo, Indonesia's acting director general of transportation, told reporters no distress signal had been sent. The plane is believed to have gone missing somewhere over the Java Sea between Tanjung Pandan on Belitung island and Pontianak, on Indonesia's part of Kalimantan island, he said.
The uncertain fate of the Airbus A320-200 immediately drew comparisons to another missing flight in Southeast Asia, Malaysia Airlines Flight 370, which disappeared while flying from Malaysia to Beijing. The search for that plane continues.
AirAsia Indonesia is an affiliate of budget carrier AirAsia, which is based in Malaysia. AirAsia has been considered one of the safest options in the region, with reportedly no fatal accidents involving their planes.
Indonesia's overall air safety record is poor due to various incidents, with many of the country's carriers banned in the European Union.
AirAsia operates a relatively young fleet of aircraft, almost all of which are some variation of the A320 model that disappeared. It is one of the youngest and fastest growing airlines in the Southeast Asia market, with plans to expand into India.
The Airbus A320 is one of the most popular single-aisle jetliners in the world, and is in wide use in the U.S. Like its main rival, the Boeing 737, the A320 has had fatal accidents before, but none involving the loss of all passengers.
The A320 has a similar flight-deck design and aircraft systems as the larger Airbus A330. An Air France Airbus A330 crashed while flying in the vicinity of thunderstorms on June 1, 2009, northeast of Brazil, killing 228. That crash was blamed on faulty instruments and pilot error.
While there have been accidents since the A320 entered operation in 1996, it is widely regarded as one of the safest aircraft in the sky. A recent Boeing study found 0.14 fatalities per million departures for the A320 family.
Airbus released a statement saying the company "will provide full assistance to the French safety investigation authority, BEA, and to the authorities in charge of the investigation." Meanwhile, AirAsia's chief executive, Tony Fernandes, said on Twitter, "We must stay strong."
Indonesian authorities are leading the search operation, but Malaysian and Singaporean assets will assist.
Indonesian President Joko Widodo held a press conference in the Indonesian province of Papua, First Lady Iriana Joko Widodo announced on Twitter. He said he hoped the passengers and crew may be found safe and has requested the National Search and Rescue Agency (Basarnas), the National Transportation Safety Committee, the Army and police join forces in the search for the missing aircraft.
Malaysia's Minister of Transport Liow Tiong Lai said the Malaysian government deployed three ships and one plane to the Belitung island region to assist with the Indonesian search effort on Sunday, according to the New Straits Times.
Meanwhile, Singapore confirmed on Sunday afternoon that the Indonesian government had accepted its offer of assistance. Singapore will reportedly launch four naval ships to join the search.
A waiting area for passengers' relatives has been set up at terminal 2 of the Changi Airport in Singapore. AirAsia Indonesia has also set up an emergency briefing room in the terminal, where the carrier said it will provide regular updates.
A relative of Air Asia flight QZ8501 passengers weeps as she waits for the latest news on the missing jetliner at Juanda International Airport in Surabaya, East Java, Indonesia, Sunday, Dec. 28, 2014.
Image: Trisnadi/Associated Press
Malaysia Airlines and others sent messages of support on social media as relatives began to gather.
The article is reproduced in accordance with Section 107 of title 17 of the Copyright Law of the United States relating to fair-use and is for the purposes of criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research.
We hope you have had a very Merry Christmas and wish you a healthy, prosperous and safe New Year.
Fund Raising Status: WE are now down to$90left that we need by the first of the month.
Otherwise if we do not make it then, we are forced to put this blog in
read only status and you can use it for references. We need time to
build the business we signed up for and that means we will probably have
to fund raise one more month before we can let this type of fundraising
go. If we can't make it this month, we may well be done.
So, If you can afford it, and you have benefited from our work, we ask
that you donate off to the right of the blog and help us meet our goal so we can continue our work for you.
God bless and keep you happy and safe, and we hope you
will continue your wonderful support of our educational effort here to
raise awareness of our predicament before its too late.
Vatic Note: The conversation about Lucifer begins at the 8:00 mark on the time schedule. Luciferian is a religion, technically, in the worship of light. Michael says that light can be used as a weapon, and there are the dark forces of the light worship. He acknowledges the followers of Satan are evil and dark, but that does not negate the truth about the whole concept of Lucifer. These people who take the Bible literally do not do so to all the scriptures.
He named Matthew where it says that Jesus teaches in parables, and not to take it as literally. And the followers of the Bible do not take that scripture literally. I disagree, they do take it literally and explain the reason is because the people during that time, are simple uneducated people, so he has to talk to them in language and examples that they understand.
I think Michael does not understand the example he cites where Satan tempts Adam and Eve and then God gets mad at Adam and Eve for succumbing to Satan and God then destroys the garden of Eden. He said that he felt that an all powerful God would have no reason to do that. He calls this whole subject Astrological Theocracy. He even shows how the British elite still use these symbols like 10 downing St for instance, has an occult meaning. That was interesting.
What he misses is the concept of "agency" which is the fight Lucifer had with God, since Lucifer wanted to force the people to do God's will and God, the father, did not. God wanted people to choose between good and evil, suffer the consequences of that choice they made and learn and grow wise from it. If they suffer, due to their own hand, and choice, then they realize the power is within them to do better and make different choices with different results. I was a little disappointed that Michael missed both of those points. However, the entire program is about all the contradictions within the Bible. His point is valid, that this whole opposition of Satan has cost million of lives in wars and massacres for non believers. Once he explains the definition of the term "satan" means in ancient times.... "the opposer" and that is all it means. Its very interesting how he was showing how it expanded into what it is today. He gets into saturn and other metaphysical issues and how they impacted the Bible through those that wrote it. This is a very philosophical and spiritual treatise from Michael and he treats it historically as well. Its certainly interesting and enlightening as to the evolution of religion, both Jewish and Christianity. The interviewer was good also and asked very good deep questions. I found this interesting. He shows these astro-theological symbols are part of corporate logos. That is how far out these corporations are.
Lucifer and deception through theology - Michael Tsarion
The article is reproduced in accordance with Section 107 of title 17 of the Copyright Law of the United States relating to fair-use and is for the purposes of criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research.