Alert: Whistleblowers Are Disappearing...Again
by Zen Gardner, Before Its News, Sunday, April 24, 2011

Forcibly removing any "dangerous opposition" has always been a fact of life in an evil, controlled world and extremely sad for the rest of us who witness this expected response. But despite today's Orwellian dystopia the word is getting out, fast and furious.
It makes a difference every time any one of us blows the whistle on these controllers and their schemes. Truth will win out in the long run. And once you know it you gotta tell it, and live it.
That, or you're in for some serious karma constipation. THEN you'll have real problems.
9/11 Witnesses Being Taken Out
This is outright upsetting. The brave folks who personally witnessed the true horrors of 9/11's planted bombs and could have officially testified against the lies about the cover-up operations following that fateful day, AND had the guts to speak out against the monstrous lies the regime has since perpetrated...are being picked off one by one.
Take it for what you will. Doesn't surprise me one bit. The 9/11 first responders who witnessed many "anomalies" regarding this event have now been targeted as potential terrorists, similar to ex-military who have witnessed first hand the atrocities being perpetrated by the aggressing controllers.
Then There's the Gulf Oil Disaster
This just appeared a few days ago. Thankfully wonderful people are documenting and publishing the true accounts of what the oil disaster spells for the inhabitants of the gulf--and the world.
However, BP and Co. call the shots, and they don't like being exposed.
Now the speculation may be reverting to British Petroleum and the gulf spill because a number of other BP whistle blowing scientists, before and since the Wheeler murder, have also died mysteriously, been jailed on questionable charges or disappeared without a trace.
Matthew Simmons, 67, a former energy adviser to President George W. Bush and admired among survivalist groups for his dire warnings on the upcoming commodity and fuel shortages about to hit this nation, died in his hot tub in Maine last August. Simmons had been gaining popularity as a whistle blower for blaming BP for its covered-up responsibility in defacing and vandalizing the Gulf of Mexico while hiding the truth from the general public. (VN: We did a blog on this and proved that he was heading up a massive unique program of virtually free energy off of ocean winds, and he created an organization that was rapidly growing in not only acceptance but funding which would have cut into the gas business and electricity business both fueled by oil, it was shortly after he announced their first big meeting and funding successes, that he was murdered.)
Only four days later, Ted Stevens, the 87-year-old defrocked senator from Alaska, said to have received communications regarding BP’s faulty blowout preventer, perished in a plane crash. British Petroleum had donated $1 million to the University of Alaska to catalog the papers from Stevens’s long political career.
Roger Grooters began a cross country bike ride in Oceanside, Calif. on Sept. 10 to draw attention to the Gulf Coast oil disaster. On Oct. 6, in front of the horrified eyes of his wife, who was trailing in a support vehicle, Grooters was struck by a truck and killed instantly in Panama City, Fla. Only a month later, Dr. Geoffrey Gardner of Lakeland, Fla. disappeared. He was investigating the unexplained bird deaths near Sarasota that are suspected to have been caused by the BP oil disaster. No one has heard from or spoken with him since.
On Nov. 15, Chitra Chaunhan was found dead of cyanide poisoning in a Temple Terrace, Fla. hotel. It was officially ruled a suicide. She worked in the Center for Biological Defense and Global Health Infectious Disease Research and left behind a husband and five-year-old child.
The following week, James Patrick Black, director of operations for BP’s restoration organization for the oil spill, died near Destin, Fla. in a small plane crash.
Dr. Thomas B. Manton was one of the first to warn the public that far more oil than what BP had reported was gushing into the gulf every day and that the massive, toxic oil and chemical plumes would travel up the eastern seaboard, contaminating beaches and wildlife all the way. More Here
Monsanto Whistleblowers
When a lot of money and power is at stake they'll do anything to protect it--anything. They just hope you don't connect the dots and realize they're doing it. This is especially true when it comes to exposing their overall agenda.
Monsanto is playing a big part in the global conspiracy, spearheading private ownership and deliberate tainting of the world's food supply.
Here's the Monsanto machine at work while whistleblowers are ignored:
The Alien Agenda and Black Ops Whistleblowers
People like William Cooper and Phil Schneider had amazing information to share with us. And they paid the ultimate price for telling us--their lives.
This information is hard for some to swallow but it's worth a serious looking into. Assuming much of it is true would certainly explain why their lives would be snuffed out by our dark overlords.
See also the Project Camelot website for many very compelling whistleblower testimonies.
And What Does Obama, Man of "Hope and Change" Do?
The Puppet Hypocrite POTUS prosecutes whistleblowers;
Beware the "Release Valve" Trick
The world lost its guts to unite and overthrow these elite devils long ago. Instead we fear them. However, one whistleblower has been canonized. You know why?
Erin Brochovich worked as a sort of release valve of rising public opinion against corporate greed and cover-up. "See? We'll show them if they get too big for their britches! Someone will say something!"
Yeah, sure. But you won't be hearing about it except in their canned context. And it'll blow right over after you've had a little "airing out" time. All by design.
Real tell-alls are not welcome at all. They upset the applecart. And John Q. Public is on board with the program whether he realizes it or not.
The Pavlovian-trained public jumps when the "conspiracy theorist' handle is used. I mean they jump!
Of course. Marginalizing and demonizing some subset group of fringies justifies their mainstream way of life and excludes all opposition. Now you can barely talk contrary politics it's gotten so extreme. But that's a clever little scam in itself, keeping all debate in this right/left illusory paradigm. When the government is targeting those sporting Ron Paul bumper stickers as well as ex-military on their terrorist watch you know you have serious problems.
Trouble is, all this is accelerating and we're very close to a full-blown Orwellian we've been pre-programmed to accept.
Speak Up--It Matters.
"What wound did ever heal but by degrees?" -Shakespeare
Every truth we tell, every lie we expose, every act of love we perform..they all make a difference.
Don't let up. Don't fear reprisals. Help and encourage those who speak up.
As we speak and live Truth the creative power of the universe will guide us through synchronicity.
Watch for it - it's a blast!
Love, Zen
The article is reproduced in accordance with Section 107 of title 17 of the Copyright Law of the United States relating to fair-use and is for the purposes of criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research.
Some of my News English students probably thought I was just being cynical with my series of articles "How News Reporting Really Works." I'll share with them the one about the Fox News whistle blowers.
While I was watching it, I noticed another that might interest you. Murdoch admitted to manipulating the news to shape his agenda.
Thanks professor, I appreciate the link, will check it out after I get my daily summary out. Just got told by a reader that Vatic Project is famous in Idaho. LOL Its a beginning. LOL I appreciate all your comments and contributions. I really do. Will email you later but I don't think your getting them as I have not received a response on one that I sent several days ago. Are you getting the daily summaries???
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