
Protest Against the Zionist Atrocities

Vatic Note: (if you feel you have to skip something, please then watch video 2 as it lays it all out by those impacted by the Zionists,  we simply had no idea just how bad it is for the real Jews of Israel). PLEASE, READ, WATCH, THIS ALL THE WAY THROUGH  AND PASS THIS AROUND AND IT WILL IMPRESS YOU HOW MUCH WE DID NOT KNOW ABOUT THIS BATTLE GOING ON RIGHT NOW BETWEEN THE TORAH JEWS AND THE KHAZAR ZIONISTS IN ISRAEL AND AROUND THE WORLD.  THE ZIONIST OWNED MSM HAS A COMPLETE BLACKOUT ON THIS ISSUE GLOBALLY.  We certainly had no idea until we began research down this rabbit hole.  The best kept secret, but then the zionists control the press as stated in protocol #12 written by the zionists in late 1800's and that is why this platform on the net will be the only place we will learn about all of this.  Anti-semitism exists alright, but its the Zionists hating the orthodox religious Jews instead.  WE DID NOT KNOW THAT THESE ORTHODOX JEWS ARE ACTUALLY KICKED OUT OF ISRAEL, (SEE 2ND VIDEO ABOUT ALL OF THIS) NO FREEDOM OF SPEECH THERE, AND BRUTAL TREATMENT OF THE ORTHODOX RELIGIOUS JEWS.  THERE IS MUCH WE DID NOT KNOW AND WILL CONTINUE TO DIG AND REPORT WHAT WE FIND.  We knew they were not the same, but we had no idea how bad it was for the real Jews of Israel.  Because they have been used by the Zionists as the front forl their globalizing agenda, the real Jews have suffered worse than we had even imagined.  This is very serious and must be taken seriously.  

To set the record straight we wish to use this opportunity to show everyone the work and efforts put out by the real Jewish community on the issue of "Zionism" and how they are diametrically opposed to the Zionists actions in "the Jewish peoples name", which is why the Khazars chose Judaism as a religion in the first place. It gave them cover for their efforts to pay back others on this planet for their displacement of their homeland in Khazaria. They have absolutely no interest in the Jewish religion and as you can see, in the sacredness of anything important to the real Jewish people to do with their sacred sites and cemetaries. This issue does go a lot deeper than even we thought, and we intend to educate as much as we can about the depth and breadth of the divide between the leaders of Israel (Zionists & Khazars) and the Jewry of the planet. It was the same way during World war II as you can see from this letter by a real Jewish Rabbi in 1948, to the Zionists in Switzerland (home of Rothschild banking) regarding Hitlers offer to let the Jews leave Germany under certain conditions and the offer was refused by the Zionists and never offered to the real Jews through their rabbis, thus millions were killed as a sacrifice to support the exodus of the Zionists to Palestine and Rothschild's purchase of thousands of acres of land in Palestine which was then secured by the post war migration of Jews out of Europe.

This letter was written in 1948 and truly highlights the divide between the two. Then watch both videos over different issues and the real Jews finally stepping out to protest what is detrimental to them caused by the Zionists. Its why the Zionists hate the real Jews. The Zionists are actually anti-semitic (anti-arab, which is what semitic is, arab) so they are anti-arabic Jews of the Bible.   The loss of their Khazarian land (caused by muslims whom they hate) and their problems in their migration into eastern europe with Christians has resulted in the Zionists hatred of both Muslims and Christianity of the Western world. We will be covering that one in another blog, so you will understand why we in the West and the Muslims in the ME are so viciously under attack by them. 

Protest Against the Zionist Atrocities
August 10, 2010, New York City

On Tuesday, August 10, 2010, while UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon, met in New York City with representatives of New Zealand Colombia, Turkey, and Israel, at a panel investigating the Gaza Flotilla Incident, members of the Orthodox Jewish anti Zionist community of NY demonstrated outside the UN headquarters their opposition the State of Israel and its atrocities, clarifying that "Israel" does not represent World Jewry.


(VN: Then outside of London was this demonstration by the Real Jews against the Zionists and their acts which is in violation of their Torah, but then the Zionists are Cabbalists (Satanists) and do not follow the torah since they are not the religious Jews such as these doing the demonstrations.  This shows the feelings of the orthodox Jews regarding the Zionists is global and not just in the US and its extremely educational... no matter how much we dig in research, we find each day we learn something we did not even imagine, much less know, but that is rapidly changing so stay tuned.)


London Orthodox Jews to Protest Outside Israeli Embassy
July 7, 2010

Thousands of anti-Zionist Orthodox Jews will demonstrate outside the Israeli Embassy in London on Thursday, July 8. Their goal is to express their opposition to the existence of the state of "Israel" and in particular they will protest the ongoing destruction, permitted and encouraged by the Israeli government, of an ancient Jewish cemetery in Jaffa.


This is a cemetery in which Jewish sages from the Talmudic era lay buried, until last month when a company called RFR Holding LLC decided to build a 60 million-dollar hotel with an underground parking lot on the site of the cemetery. Thinking only of their profits, they didn't let the cemetery stand in their way. They turned down alternative building plans in which the cemetery could have been left in its place and treated respectfully. On June 14 a team of archaeologists from the Israeli Antiquities Authority, accompanied by four bulldozers, began to unceremoniously remove some of the bones.

On that day, about one thousand Orthodox protestors who arrived at the site were greeted with cruel and murderous blows by the police, both mounted and riot control divisions. Police shot tear gas canisters at members of the Eidah Chareidis Rabbinical Court of Jerusalem, led by Rabbi Moshe Sternbuch. Rabbi Sternbuch was temporarily blinded and came close to fainting. A number of Torah scholars were wounded and were taken in ambulances to the hospital.

"Reputable archaeologists addressing a burial site do so with care and with hand shovels and brushes, not with tractors and bulldozers," said Rabbi Isaac Weiss, an eyewitness to the events.

On July 1, the company began to flatten the entire area in preparation for drilling deep holes for the pillars of the building. More and more bones are being desecrated as we write these words.

"According to the Torah, Jews are currently in exile and are not permitted to have a state of their own. Therefore, Orthodox Jews who believe in the Torah never took part in the Zionist movement and its state. This is the reason for the bitter irony that the state calling itself Jewish is run by people who deny all of Judaism's basic principles," said Rabbi Shia Ozer Reiner, a spokesman for True Torah Jews Against Zionism's London branch.

"One of those principles is the immortality of the soul, its reward and punishment after death, and the eventual resurrection of body and soul together. That is why we are commanded to treat human remains with the greatest respect. It is forbidden to move bones, and it is an even greater offense to grind them in the blades of a tractor. We are appalled by the actions of the state calling itself Israel, which lacks the decency and respect for human dignity that most countries of the world practice. It must be kept in mind that this very cemetery was respected and protected for hundreds of years under Muslim empires. It is very unfortunate that it has now fallen in the hands of the Zionists, to whom Jewish tradition means nothing. It is they who permit and even encourage such construction.

"This wicked act is just another link in the chain of violence perpetrated by the Zionists ever since their founding. The Zionists want to put an end to Jewish religious observance. They arrest religious Jews and keep them in prison, or use other brutal methods - even murder - against anyone who stands up against them. The fact that they desecrate that which is holy to Jews, and the fact that they treat Orthodox Jews brutally, is the greatest proof that 1) they do not represent the Torah; 2) they do not represent Orthodox Jews; 3) their goal is not the wellbeing of Jews, only their own political aspirations. They attempt to transform Judaism, a religious concept, into a nationalist concept, empty of Torah and dedication to the Almighty - which have always been the outstanding qualities of the Jewish people. After all this, they have the nerve to call themselves "Israel" and base their claims to the land on the Torah - they same Torah that they so proudly desecrate!

"They use the Almighty's promise of the Holy Land, and at the same time they laugh in His face and violate His law. The Almighty commanded us to go into exile, and with three oaths forbade us to create our own country before the coming of the messiah, when the redemption of the world will take place and all mankind will willingly worship the One G-d.

"Zionists arrogantly claim that they have created a safe haven for the Jewish people, but their actions have brought about just the opposite: through their provocations against the strongest countries of the world and their leaders, they have brought the Jewish people into terrible danger. They have aroused anti-Semitism on a new scale everywhere, especially among peoples who throughout history have been hospitable to the Jews."

"Torah Jewry and all authentic rabbis of the world have fought against Zionism since its founding day. Torah Jews will never recognize Zionist sovereignty over the Holy Land."

The article is reproduced in accordance with Section 107 of title 17 of the Copyright Law of the United States relating to fair-use and is for the purposes of criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research.

1 comment:

American Action Report said...

Great work! You've found the evidence I've long known was out there somewhere.
I've long asserted that the Israeli leaders aren't Jews any more than Osama bin Laden is a Muslim or (LOL) Dick Cheney is a Christian. All three of the aforementioned are criminal psychopaths. To paraphrase Forrest Gump, "Judaism is as Judaism does; the same goes for Islam and Christianity."
Regarding the Lord's (excuse me; I try to avoid saying the Lord's Name, too) promise to Abraham, He didn't say that Abraham would be the father of "a nation;" He said Abraham would be the father of "many nations." He didn't promise Palestine specifically to the Jews; He promised it to Abraham's descendants. Nowhere in the Bible is Palestine promised specifically to the Jews. The Lord also promised that Abraham's descendants would be "a blessing to all nations," not the rulers of all nations. Under the Torah, the Lord is Israel's king; He gave Israel a king only as a concession to their hardness of heart. They wanted to be "like the nations." As He did so, he warned (in understatement, I must add) the dire consequences to Israel having an earthly king.