If we decide to chip someone so we can track them, I think it should be the Mossad and all Israeli's, who are not Jewish by DNA. I guess I will be limited in my usual rantings in my vatic note, so please read and see this all for yourselves. This general who exposed this is a hero, and lets pray he survives this disclosure. If he doesn't at least we will know who did it.
Vatic Note: Now we find out that this whole fiasco on Iraq was simply another way to contribute to the Khazar Zionists plan to empire build using countries in the middle east and eventually global control of the entire world. I can't believe our leaders are so into treason that they would even agree to any part of this.
As was pointed out earlier, Obama gave Netanyahu about $40 billion dollars of our taxpayers money to do this empire building, and that does not include what we spent on the American military to go over and aid Israel in doing these dirty deeds. So also watch the videos.
When you read this below, you will begin to realize just how dangerous Israel has become to the entire family of nations and their traitors from within and that includes the United States. They intend to use our high tech weapons systems while also trying to destroy our nation as it currently stands. This is no less than treason by an ally, which makes them a new enemy. This is the USS Liberty replayed over again. These are NOT OUR FRIENDS, BY ANY MEANS. We owe a deep apology to the Iraqi people.
Remember, we did a blog proving Israel snipped and murdered 400 of our military sons and daughters during Bush Jr. time as President and he did nothing to stop it. NO MORE BUSH'S FOR PRESIDENT
Breakin: General Michael Flynn US Intelligence Confirms U.S. Support Of ISIS: Splitting Iraq For Israel.
By Admin, Political Velcraft, August 25, 2015
Former Defense Intelligence Agency head Gen. Michael Flynn is not backing down from his claims that elements of the US government were aware of and supported the rise of jihadists in Syria as a means by which to overthrow its president, Bashar Assad.
As the US moves ever closer to a full-out invasion of Syria the lack of media interest in Flynn’s story is reminiscent of the one-sided (pro-war) coverage of the run up to the 2003 Iraq War. More on the disturbing new revelations in a special edition of the Ron Paul Liberty Report: Ron Paul Institute
- Egypt’s New President Kills 241 NWO ISIS Terrorists In 5 Days!
- Two CIA Mossad Agents Arrested By Special Forces While Advising ISIS Inside Iraqi Borders!
Splitting Iraq Is Central To Israel’s National Banking Interest.
Promised Land Was Fulfilled And Ceased To Be After 70 A.D. Most followers of Judaism who called themselves Jews followed Jesus The Christ. The remaining started drafting a manifesto between the years 200-500 A.D. called the Talmud to gain self importance in their own hand writing. The Talmud is what is responsible for the continuing hatred of Christians.
Genesis 15:18 reads: “To your descendants I give this land from the River of Egypt to the Great River, the river Euphrates.” Moses announces to the Jews in Deuteronomy 11:24, that “Every place where you set the soles of your feet shall be yours. Your borders shall run from the wilderness to the Lebanon and from the River, the river Euphrates, to the western sea.”The formation of a “Greater Israel” using the boundaries of an ancient Biblical promise constitutes the cornerstone of powerful Zionist factions within the current Netanyahu government as well as within the Israeli military and intelligence establishment. To actualize the beginning and to give this scheme credence, European Jews were shipped to Palestine then segregated into a State which Rothschild named Israel through the fraudulent Balfour Agreement.
Zionist war criminal Avi Dichter, the former Israeli Minister of Internal Security, former head of Shin Bet (Shabak) from 2000-2005, and current member of the Knesset, issued an ominous speech to the Israeli National Security Research Center on May 26, 2010. Dichter told the audience:
“We have achieved in Iraq more than we expected and planned. Iraq has vanished as a military force and as a unified country. Our strategic option is to keep it divided. Our strategic goal is to not allow Iraq to take its regional and Arabic role back. Iraq must stay divided and isolated from its regional environment. Nobody can ignore what we have achieved in this field. Iraq can never be the same Iraq before 2003.”
Not only has Tel Aviv repeatedly admitted that it has benefitted greatly from the destruction of Iraq, it has openly admitted to being the cause of its destruction, though Zionist-owned mainstream media and alternative news networks have both downplayed it.
Dichter would say throughout his speech that Iraqi oil from Kirkuk, controlled by Kurdish collaborators, would flow into occupied Palestine into the hands of the Zionists. He would also boastfully say that Israel is still active in Iraq and Zionist operatives move in the shadows to secure political and economic benefits from the puppet regime; not only from the Kurdish collaborators who have been consistently supported by Mossad since the end of the 1950s, but also from traitorous elites in Baghdad.
As evidenced by the recent developments in Iraq since the new year began, Israel is still active in occupied Iraq indeed.
- UK Calls For The Dismantling Of Rupert Murdoch’s Media Empire: Netanyahu Grants Murdoch Syrian Oil Rights!
- U.S. General Odierno & Israel Avi Dichter Disintegrating Iraq: Iranian Ambassador Urges Vigilance Against Zionist Plots.
- Rand Paul Gigolos For Rothschild’s Israel: Threatens Black Mail Against Palestine If They Pursue War Crimes At The Hague International Criminal Court!
The new year hasn’t brought them any closer to an end of this dystopian nightmare; it has brought more of the same terror, more of the same barbarism, more of the same Zionism. Zionist Alex Jones Does An Al Sharpton On The Vatican!
There are more than 2 million innocents dead due to the brutal aggression inflicted upon Iraq; again, 2 million innocent people, men, women and children, are dead due to the brutal aggression inflicted upon Iraq, an aggression exclusively designed by the Project For A New American Century, an exclusivist think tank comprised of Zionist war criminals.
While ‘leftists’ and ‘anti-imperialists’ rightfully expose the crimes of the fascist American, British and coalition armies that have ravaged the Iraqi nation, they astonishingly (and deliberately) ignore the IEDs and car bombs which have wreaked the worst form of havoc on Iraq’s people since the occupation began.
These military-grade explosives, many of which are tipped with depleted uranium, have leveled city blocks, demolished mosques, homes and other structures and murdered hundreds of thousands of people; at their peak, car bombs and IEDs were the cause of death for three out of five innocent Iraqis, 60%.
Prior to the occupation, these murderous occurrences weren’t part of Iraqi life. That is because, these explosives are the work of Mossad predominantly, the CIA and British intelligence. The occupiers have attempted to convince the people that Sunnis bomb Shia mosques, Shias bomb Sunni mosques, and Muslims bomb churches, but the Iraqi people haven’t been fooled. They are well aware that these bomb-infused false flags lead straight to the Zionist regime, America and Britain.
- Iraqi Hospitals Shutting Down: Leaving Millions Of Citizens Without Care!
- Iraqi Deaths: Sunnis Main Body Opposing NWO Banking Take Over Of Their Country!
Greater Israel and Mossad Terrorism Defused
‘High-tech’ terrorism has been the principle agent of Israel in fracturing Iraq as a nation, destabilizing it beyond recognition from the occupation’s inception. On January 6th, 2011, the Iraqi army’s 2nd division, in coordination with the national intelligence service, seized six IEDs and two explosive belts prepared for detonation near a church in central Mosul; the ancient land of Nineveh to be exact.
Mosul is crawling with Mossad and has been since 1991, with at least 100 agents conducting operations in the Iraqi city. Nineveh, along with Arbil and several other Chaldean/Assyrian cities in Iraq’s north, are being terrorized daily by Mossad and Zionist mercenaries in a depopulation campaign.
Israel wants the Christian populations eliminated because Israeli operatives of Kurdish origin have been purchasing land in northern Iraq en masse to facilitate a Zionist relocation program to transform Iraq into a part of ‘Greater Israel.’ Tel Aviv is also looking to claim ownership on religious shrines outside of the north, in the Misan village of al-Kifl, near Basra, and Babel, near the holy city of Najaf.
Israel has succeeded in confiscating the shrine in al-Kifl, partnering with UNESCO, a United Nations wing with strong Zionist ties, to build three hotels as a stronghold to surround it. These hotels will no doubt be infested with more Mossad operatives.
Mossad is using a front company called the Kurdish Lending Bank to purchase the land in northern Iraq, and it has already annexed Iraqi oil fields, residential areas and agriculturally-rich grounds which are key to Zionist profiteering.
The true Zionist plan, the ‘dream’ of Zionists everywhere, based on the exegeses of the racist rabbinical authorities governing the Israeli creature which is occupying Palestine, as well as parts of Lebanon, Syria and now Iraq, is to see their creation gloriously become Greater Israel.
This creation would conquer parts of Egypt, specifically the Nile, all of Jordan, a large piece of Saudi Arabia, all of Kuwait, all of Lebanon, all of Syria, a massive part of Turkey up to Lake Van, all of Cyprus, and of course, large chunks of Iraq. From the Nile to the Euphrates, the Zionist criminal network wants its tentacles to extend.

The foiled January 6th attack on the Nineveh church was an extension of the murderous depopulation program that the Zionist entity has specifically employed in the northern region of Iraq, in its attempt to further its ‘Greater Israel’ scheme, and while the Mossad agents who planted the IEDs weren’t caught in this particular instance, they have been caught in Iraq before, with IEDs on their person.
The Iraqi Christian community has been a threat to the occupiers for nearly a century, playing key roles in the anti-monarchical movements, anti-Zionist movements and anti-British movements. Israel was well aware of these historical affirmations, and made it a key note to its government of puppets in America to decimate the Iraqi Christians in the early years of the occupation. Decimate them the monsters did.
In the aforementioned speech about Iraq by Zionist war criminal Avi Dichter, the former head of Shin Bet also commented sinisterly about Egypt, “Weakening and isolating Iraq is no less important than weakening and isolating Egypt. Weakening and isolating Egypt has been done by diplomatic methods while everything has been done to achieve a complete and comprehensive isolation of Iraq.”

July 2013 Citizens of Egypt Depose Installed Rothschild NWO Czar Mohammed Morsi of the Muslim Brotherhood.
Zionist’s Henchmen aka; Muslim Brotherhood aka; ISIS Lost In Egypt
These statements confirm what has been obvious to activists, writers, Resistance fighters, the Egyptian people themselves and even the blindest of bats for decades: Egypt is infested with Zionism.From the Lavon Affair, in which Israeli agents posing as Arabs placed bombs in several Egyptian buildings including a US diplomatic facility, to the Mossad-CIA plot known as Operation Cyanide, in which Israel would ruthlessly assault a US Navy ship, blame it on Egypt and start World War III {this failed however and resulted in the USS Liberty massacre, leaving 34 American servicemen murdered and 171 others brutally injured}, to Anwar el-Sadat’s de-Arabization of Egypt (inspired by Zionists), his reprehensible recognition of Israel as a sovereign state and his active, delighted collaboration with the Zionist entity and the United States, to the 15 Israeli spy networks that have been dismantled in Egypt since 1978, Tel Aviv has been working diligently to destabilize Cairo since its illegal creation nearly 63 years ago.
The most recent example of this Zionist destabilization was New Years Day, 2011. At least 25 Coptic Christians in al-Qiddissin Church in Alexandria, Egypt were murdered, and at least 97 other innocents were wounded after a massive car bombing. Security forces of Zionist dictator Hosni Mubarak’s (a prime example of Israel’s ‘diplomatic weakening and isolation of Egypt’) regime withdrew an hour before the blast, allowing Mossad ordnance experts to plant the explosives and then vanish into obscurity. The attack was designed to incite communal war, cover up Israel’s most recent spy network being unearthed and deflect attention off of Egypt’s recent sham elections.
While the Zionist entity may have indeed silenced the mainstream media in discussing its outed spy network and Mubarak’s election rigging, its main goal of fomenting ‘sectarian’ strife followed by all-out communal war on the streets of Egypt miserably failed. Thousands of Muslims, the religious majority in Egypt, joined their Coptic brothers for Christmas Mass six days after the bombing, offering themselves as ‘human shields’ to protect all those in the church from would-be attackers. This beautiful unity is anti-venom for the Zionists’ poison spread throughout the region.
Just five days into the aftermath of Mossad’s attack on al-Qiddissin Church in Alexandria is when Iraqi intelligence and the Iraqi army defused the aforesaid IEDs in Nineveh, averting an enormous disaster and preventing a plethora of bloodshed.
Avi Dichter linked Egypt and Iraq in his speech, putting the two Arab nations at the top of the Zionist entity’s list of ‘who to destroy,’ and these recent events in Alexandria and Nineveh are clearly linked as well. Israel hoped for a successful operation in northern Iraq to coincide with its success in Alexandria.
Consecutive explosions in churches, in two predominantly Muslim nations, would spark worldwide outrage at Islam. This fervent hatred could be manipulated into interfaith fighting and subsequent massacres. Malevolence such as this benefits Israel and Israel only, as it is Zionist by design.
The Baghdad Cathedral Massacre Revisited
The mass murder in Alexandria and the debarred crisis in Nineveh are further connected through another event of butchery and tragedy at the hands of the Zionist entity: the Sayedat al-Najat cathedral killings in the Karada neighborhood of Baghdad at the end of October 2010.
This sheer display of barbarity left at least 58 innocents dead and at least 78 others wounded. The Zionist media and the puppet government in Iraq blamed the attack on Islamic State of Iraq, a non-existent group connected to the most infamous of fake terror groups, Al-Qaeda. But, all evidence proved this to be what it typically is, a cover-up for homicidal tactics employed covertly by the Zionist entity.

The attack was initially reported by SITE Intelligence Group, a known Mossad front operated by the daughter of an Israeli spy, Rita Katz. Car bombs and IEDs, Israel’s signature weapons, were used in the assault. American helicopters shielded the Mossad operatives from above and puppet prime minister al-Maliki provided further collusion by keeping the identities of the attackers hidden. False flags were left to blame it on who else, but Muslims: Fake passports produced in an Israeli military base in Petah Tikvah were found at the scene; these passports were made to appear like they were from Yemen, a state that Zionist war criminals are looking to invade, and none other than Egypt.
Additionally, the shadowy gunmen called the ancient Baghdad church a ‘dirty den of idolatry.’ This is by no means Islamic language. This language was taken straight out of the Babylonian Talmud, a ‘dirty den’ of racism, xenophobia, obnoxious and vile filth directed at prophets respected by all faiths, real anti-Semitism against Arabs, obscene anti-Islamic slurs and rabid anti-Christian discourse that is followed strictly by the world’s Zionist rabbinical authorities. It is another display of the usurping regime’s arrogance; it thought nobody would pick up on its Talmudic terminology, and the unsuspecting masses would follow the official lie blindly. However, people are much more resourceful than Zion thinks that they are.
The Egyptian passports left at the scene set the stage for the New Years Day false flag attack in Alexandria, and the Talmudic declaration by the gunmen set the stage for future false flag assaults on Christians, their communities and their places of worship across occupied Iraq. The besiegers, who have been revealed to be Mossad, stated that all Iraqi Christians are ‘legitimate targets.’
This separationist policy is an extension of the original Zionist plan for Iraq set forth in 1982 by Oded Yinon, an Israeli foreign policy advisor who penned a menacing document for the information department of the World Zionist Organization. This piece throughly detailed the Israeli plan for fracturing Iraq through ‘sectarian’ warfare and then partitioning it into three states of Sunni, Shia and Kurd.
Once Iraq is partitioned and maliciously destabilized, the lands would then be annexed as a part of ‘Greater Israel.’ The document also detailed the Zionist scheme to fracture Egypt sectarianly and ‘break it down geographically’ in the exact same fashion.
Though a Christian province for Iraq wasn’t originally written into Yinon’s disturbing plan, it is by no means out of the ordinary for the Tel Aviv usurpers to initiate the idea of creating one. Sudan, which Yinon discussed in his piece, was meant to be fractionalized as a means of weakening Egypt, and the Zionist entity has done just that, funding, arming, training and coddling the Sudanese successionist movement in the southern part of the nation to form a Christian state, disconnected from the largely Muslim north.
Following the lead of the deplorable treasonist Talabani, 16 Christian organizations in Iraq met on December 7th, 2010 to discuss the prospects of forming their own ethno-religious province, falling right into the Zionist trap.
The groups met in the ‘Kurdish capital’ of Arbil, which is actually the Israeli capital of Iraq, where Mossad trains and arms the Kurdish terrorist group, PKK. PKK has openly declared its allegiance to Zionism, with its leader stating, ‘our enemies are also the enemies of Israel.’
Talabani’s recent adherence to Zionist thought is perfectly in line with his historically traitorous nature towards the Israeli regime. The Saban Center for Middle East Policy in Washington D.C., owned by Zionist billionaire and Mossad asset Haim Saban, who is close friends with Israeli criminals Shimon Peres, Ehud Olmert and ultra-Zionist Rupert Murdoch, has been frequented by Talabani, and it is where he boasted to Saban that ‘there is no hostility between Iraq and Israel,’ and then unabashedly encouraged Israelis to invest in Iraq.
Muqtada al-Sadr: Traitor To Iraq.It is in part a result of Talabani’s loathsome declaration, that at least 70 Zionist firms all directly working with Mossad, operating under Arabic, English and Turkish names, are now doing business inside occupied Iraq, raking in at the bare minimum, $300 million annually from the savage occupation.
The day before Mossad’s massive IED assault in the northern Iraqi city of Nineveh was prevented, Muqtada al-Sadr returned to his occupied homeland after spending four years in the Islamic Republic of Iran for religious purposes in a self-imposed exile. His reappearance in Iraq, which he says is permanent, was considered ‘triumphant,’ receiving a hero’s welcome from hundreds of supporters in Najaf.
Al-Sadr, who is known for being particularly hot-tempered, delivered an intense speech in the following days to an absolutely massive crowd of hundreds of thousands of supporters. His infamous speaking follies seemed to have dissipated, proving himself to be an exceptional public speaker, captivating his audience brilliantly. He told the crowd to resist the occupiers of their homeland by any means and to ‘reject America.’ He said that the United States, Israel and Britain are common enemies of the Iraqi people. He later repeated himself, ‘We will resist the occupier, by military Resistance and all means of Resistance,’ and further asked the Iraqi people to support the current government.
And so ends the pleasantries. The flagrant hypocrisy in Muqtada al-Sadr’s words is revolting. They are corroded with repulsive contradiction. By making these absurd statements, whatever was left of his aura of Resistance after abandoning the Iraqi people has evaporated.
By asking the Iraqi people to support the government, he is asking the Iraqi people to support America.
Support Israel. Support Britain. Not reject them. The puppet prime minister Nouri al-Maliki was placed into power by the Zionist criminal network that runs the United States, he has tortured dissidents and watched as US forces and operatives from the Zionist entity committed (and continue to commit) unspeakable crimes against humanity all over Iraq. Al-Sadr wants the Iraqi people to support a man who is buying a home in Rothschild-controlled London for 35 million pounds, while the Iraqi people in Baghdad are subsisting with less than an hour of electricity per day.
Al-Sadr is asking the Iraqi people to support President Jalal Talabani, Iraq’s Salam Fayyad, who filthily encouraged the Zionist usurping entity to invest in Iraq (i.e. bleed the Iraqi people dry), while 70% of the people do not have running water and the same percentage are unemployed. Al-Sadr also called for unity in his speech. Such a call is hollow when al-Sadr is simultaneously asking to support Talabani, a man actively engaged as a stooge in the Zionist plan to desecrate that very same unity through the partitioning of Iraq.
Muqtada al-Sadr wants the Iraqi people to support Massoud Barzani, the President of the imaginary land of ‘Kurdistan,’ a known capitalist war criminal whose family has oppressed the Kurdish people for more than five decades, raking in billions of dollars through their totalitarian-esque regime. How is al-Sadr going to ‘resist Israel’ when he supports Barzani, a traitor living under the protection of the Zionist entity?
How dare Muqtada al-Sadr ask the Iraqi people to support the puppet government of Zionist-owned Western occupiers when the average Iraqi politician makes a corrupt, unconscionable 12.9 million Iraqi dinars a month, which translates to nearly $130,000.00 every year, while at least 43% of the Iraqi population lives in the most humiliating poverty and at least 500,000 internally displaced refugees are living in squatter slums.

How exactly does Muqtada al-Sadr want the Iraqi people to employ military Resistance and reject America, when the Iraqi government is set to equip its military with $26 billion worth of American weaponry? In addition, the bullets that the Americans are using to slaughter innocent Iraqis on a daily basis (and which they will undoubtedly sell to the Iraqi government that al-Sadr wants the people to support), are being manufactured in occupied Palestine, by the vile entity of Zionism, and are being unleashed by IOF on a daily basis to murder innocent Palestinians. What kind of military Resistance is armed by the occupiers you’re supposed to be resisting?
Perhaps the most pathetic form of hypocrisy from al-Sadr, is that he is now actively collaborating with the very same personalities that persecuted his Jaysh al-Mahdi militia, the same criminals that massacred his fighters with American weapons, the same traitors that jailed his commanders, tortured his soldiers and provided intelligence to the mass murderers also known as the British and American military to obliterate his Resistance.
Muqtada al-Sadr’s constituents now include the Badr Organization, controlled by the most traitorous family in all of Iraq, the al-Hakim clan, the same group that waged open warfare on Jaysh al-Mahdi (The Mahdi Army), murdering many of al-Sadr’s lieutenants and supporters, and of course, al-Sadr’s one-time sworn enemy, Nouri al-Maliki, the puppet prime minister who collaborated with the American army and Badr to wage an all-out war on Jaysh al-Mahdi, murdering hundreds of fighters and civilians and destroying infrastructure across the holy cities of Najaf and Karbala, effectively eliminating the militia’s strength.
During the recent Iraqi government impasse, in which al-Maliki was vying for power against CIA-asset and another persecutor of the Mahdi Army, Iyad Allawi, it was Muqtada al-Sadr that came to the aid of his enemy, granting him support from his movement to seal al-Maliki’s sham re-election. Al-Sadr’s movement was rewarded for its support with 7 ministries and 40 parliamentary seats. The lack of dignity is abominable.
Still, there remains an alternative theory: Muqtada al-Sadr is only supporting al-Maliki to stop any further bloodshed, and that his support is predicated on all foreign troops leaving Iraq at the end of 2011. The theory is that the US ‘fears’ an ‘Iraqi Hezbollah,’ and that the Sadrist movement has gained unprecedented prominence as the only real grassroots movement in Iraq, severely threatening US influence in the annihilated nation. The theory is that if al-Maliki reneges on the agreement to remove all occupying forces, al-Sadr and his strategically placed MPs and Ministry heads will overthrow the collaborationist regime.
Though that would be an incredible development and a true victory for the Iraqi people, all evidence presented above debunks this theory; not to mention, it is an insult to compare the Lebanese Resistance, which genuinely defeated an occupier, and his eminence, Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah himself, the hope, light and dignity of all of Lebanon, who led his men to victory, with a two-faced opportunist like Muqtada al-Sadr who is now working with the occupier.
Gone is the man that resisted the occupation and inspired his brothers and sisters to give their lives for their nation. Gone is the man who directed his militia to protect schools, playgrounds, direct traffic and donate blood to their Sunni brethren who stood and resisted with them. Gone is the man who led joint Sunni-Shia protests of the Zionist occupation of Iraq in the hundreds of thousands. And gone is the man who once said, ‘I’m prepared to have my own blood shed for what is holy to me,’ in reference to the ancient land of Iraq and what has been to it by the oppressors.
Many people in Iraq have chattered about the possibility, and now Mask of Zion’s sources have confirmed that prior to Muqtada al-Sadr’s departure to Iran, he was seen traveling with security from the infamous hunter-killer private mercenary firm, Blackwater.
A little known fact about Blackwater is that it was actually owned by ex-CIA agent Erik Prince’s brother-in-law Dick DeVos (through his Amway Corporation), a Christian Zionist extremist that has spent ungodly amounts of money in promotion of the ‘protect Israel for the imminent apocalypse’ death cult. Under Prince and DeVos, Blackwater became a haven for Zionist sympathizers and agents.
DeVos is also deeply connected to the wealthiest of the wealthy in Detroit’s pro-Israel Jewish community. Sadr’s methods of resisting Israel are no different than those of Mahmoud Abbas, the Zionist entity’s favorite puppet.
Conclusion: Free Iraq, Expose Israel
As the anniversaries of the criminal Zionist invasion and occupation of Iraq continues, the Zionist role in Iraq’s destruction, subversion and corruption/ownership of its politicians is under-reported, non-reported, ignored, brushed off, covered up or a combination of all of the above in varying degrees.Ignoring Zionism when discussing occupied Iraq is like ignoring Zionism when discussing the occupation of Palestine. Age-old Zionist war criminal Henry Kissinger famously said, “The road to Jerusalem passes through Baghdad.”
This atrocious but telling statement has been echoed by senior US policymaker Raymond Tanter, a staunch Zionist who is affiliated with the CFR, AIPAC, WINEP, the criminal ADL and B’Nai B’Brith itself. Greater Israel is incomplete without the annexation of Iraq; international Zionism’s goals are incomplete without the destruction of Iraq and the total humiliation of its people.
Beyond the Israeli car bombs and IEDs, the Zionist entity has stamped its signature in other areas, in fact, every area which pertains to the mutilation of Iraq. Israeli interrogators from IOF operate in secret Iraqi intelligence centers, conducting torture to extract intel that could be vital to Tel Aviv.
Mossad is also running interrogations in ‘black site’ prisons in Iraq, torturing innocents and offering them death or a job to work as a Zionist agent. The notorious Abu Ghraib affair was also a Zionist operation. Israeli torture tactics from the dungeons of the occupied West Bank were used on hundreds of Iraqi civilians and the army officials involved all had strong ties to the Zionist military establishment.
Remember The Bush Administrations Statement About “the war will pay for itself”? It came from Paul Wolfowitz.
“There is a lot of money to pay for this that doesn’t have to be US taxpayer money and it starts with the assets of the Iraqi people. We are talking about a country that can really finance its own reconstruction and relatively soon.”
Paul Wolfowitz
Deputy Secretary of Defense
testifying before the defense subcommittee
of the House Appropriations Committee
March 27, 2003
The genocidal architect of the Iraqi occupation, Paul Wolfowitz, along with his Zionist cronies Douglas Feith, Abram Shulsky and Elliott Abrams, imported Israeli ‘experts’ from Mossad, Shin Bet and Aman (Israeli military intelligence) to train US soldiers in the darkest aspects of torture and human degradation.
The Abu Ghraib scandal was revealed to be a product that originated from a Pentagon subdivision called the Office of Special Plans, founded by Wolfowitz and headed by Shulsky.
The Zionist entity is behind the desecration and theft of Iraq’s priceless and precious history, from one end of the nation to the next. Mossad has executed its missions of thievery with the help of aforementioned Zionist-linked UNESCO.
Israel is also the leading arms dealer for CIA-backed death squads in occupied Iraq, via its retired officer Shmoel Avivi. The puppet politicians serving as faces to disguise who really governs Iraq, were placed there by NDI-rigged elections orchestrated by supreme agent of Zionism, the evil Madeline Albirght, head of the National Democratic Institute for International Affairs {NDI}.
These crimes barely scratch the surface; the acknowledgment of their existence should bring to light that the occupation of Iraq goes far beyond pointing out the obvious of Bush and Blair being war criminals.
Removing every foreign soldier, mercenary, politico and businessman, followed by the shutdown of every foreign military base and all enemy embassies would only be the first step in freeing Iraq and restoring dignity to its magnificent people, who have displayed a form of courage not known by the majority of the world due to Zionist media bias.
The next step would be to remove the puppets in power, by any means necessary, followed by the final step, which would be to eradicate all traces of Zionism throughout the nation and to vociferously reject any chance of it returning.
The end of the occupation is the beginning of freedom. The death of Zionism is the rebirth of Iraq.
Journalists, activists, emcees, musicians, poets, religious leaders, authors and others can play a major role in every step of this necessary process to restore humanity to Iraq. The role is simple: stop following alternative media demigods and speak the truth. Speak. The. Truth.
Unequivocally. Exposing Israel is the groundwork needed to liberate Iraq from the relentless Zionist maniacs who have destroyed it.
Iraq doesn’t need traitors like Muqtada al-Sadr. It doesn’t need puppets and war criminals like Nouri al-Maliki. It doesn’t need treasonous Israel Firsters like Talabani and Barzani. It doesn’t need murderers like the al-Hakim family. It doesn’t need weaklings like al-Jaafari. It doesn’t need CIA lapdogs like Allawi. It doesn’t need liars like Chalabi. It doesn’t need cowards like Sistani. It doesn’t need another reign of a British-styled monarchy.
![General Abdul Karim Qassem [21 November 1914 – 9 February 1963] orchestrated the July 14th Revolution that ousted the British-installed zionist monarchy in 1958](https://rasica.files.wordpress.com/2015/05/qasim_in_uniform.png?w=547)
General Abdul Karim Qassem [21 November 1914 – 9 February 1963]
orchestrated the July 14th Revolution
that ousted the British-installed zionist monarchy in 1958
orchestrated the July 14th Revolution
that ousted the British-installed zionist monarchy in 1958
Iraq needs the strength of General Abdul Karim Qassem. It needs the wisdom of Ayatollah Sayyed Muhammad Muhammad Sadiq al-Sadr. It needs the steadfastness of Ayatollah Sayyed Muhammad Baqir al-Sadr. It needs the fearlessness of Sheikh Abdul-Aziz al-Badri. It needs the fire of Sheikh Mahdi al-Khalissi. It needs the unity of the Sunni, Shia, Christians and Kurds that answered al-Khalissi’s call to stand together in the Great Iraqi Revolution of 1920.
It needs the courage of every Iraqi, from any background, who has stood up in defiance to a century of colonialism and 20 years of Zionist genocide. The Sayedat al-Najat massacre, Mossad’s coordinated car bombings across poor Muslim neighborhoods in Baghdad that claimed over 120 innocent lives two days after the massacre and the bombing that didn’t come to fruition in Nineveh should serve as a lesson to the Muslims and Christians of Iraq: The occupation doesn’t discriminate in its bloodlust.
The occupation doesn’t ask the Iraqi that it shoots on the street if he attends mass or if he attends Jummah. The occupation doesn’t ask the Iraqi woman it rapes if she adheres to the biblical explanations of Jesus or the Qur’anic explanations of Jesus. The occupation doesn’t analyze the name of the Iraqi it tortures and stop if the name is Christian or proceed with even more iniquity if the name is Muslim. The occupation bombs mosques full of worshipers and detonates IEDs in churches full of worshipers. The Zionist occupation of Iraq just kills; it kills everything that is in its path and spreading division is its chief weapon.
Therefore, Iraq must resist division and stand united if it is to rise from its ashes of depleted uranium and white phosphorus. Victorious Resistance is a tree that grows from seeds of unity.
The enemy of Resistance is the occupying power, and it is nothing more than a mighty fortress on a vast bed of quicksand. The slightest push starts the vanishing at a speed so fast, one can forget that the might of the occupier even graced the pages of history. Iraq is the quicksand. Zionism is the fortress. And unity is the push. May Iraq rise again, stronger and more unified than ever before.
Mask Of Zion
(1) Two Million Iraqi Deaths, Eight Million Bush Asian Holocaust Deaths And Media Holocaust Denial by Dr. Gideon Polya, Counter Currents
(2) 9/11: Israel’s Grand Deception by Jonathan Azaziah, Mask of Zion
(3) The Zionist Murderers Of Iraq by Jonathan Azaziah, Mask of Zion
(4) America’s S.O.S. To The IDF by Amir Oren, Haaretz
(5) British Terrorism In Iraq by Dr. Elias Akleh, Global Research
(6) Wikileaks Is Zionist Poison II: Deconstruction Of The Myth by Jonathan Azaziah, Mask of Zion
(7) Israel: We Destroyed Iraq.. Iraq Must Stay Divided And Isolated… The Oil Of Northern Iraq Will Flow Into Israel by Jouhina Portal News; And Former Israeli Minister Of Security (Avi Dichter) We Have In Iraq Is More Than We Planned And Expected by Al-Hurriya News
(8) The Israeli-Kurdish Relations by Sergey Minasian, 21st Century, Number 1, April, 2007
(9) The Zionist Occupation Of Iraq Is The ‘War In Iraq’ by Christopher Bollyn
(10) Church Bombing Foiled In North Iraq by Press TV
(11) Facts Vs. Beliefs – Today’s Ancient Warfare by Jeff Gates, Salem News
(12) Israel Hopes To Colonize Parts Of Iraq As ‘Greater Israel’ by Wayne Madsen, Online Journal/Wayne Madsen Report
(13) Tourist Hotels To Be Built Near Shrine Of Ezekiel by Point of No Return
(14) Fifty-Five Zionist Companies Said To Be Operating In Iraq Under Assumed Names by Yaqen News Agency, translated by Muhammad Abu Nasr
(15) Jewish History, Jewish Religion: The Weight of 3,000 Years by Israel Shahak (rip)
(16) What Were The Mossad And Fake New Zealand Passports Doing In Iraq? by Jerry Mazza, Live Leak

(17) The US War Against Iraq: The Destruction Of A Civilization by James Petras, Global Research
(18) The Lavon Affair: Is History Repeating Itself? by What Really Happened?
(19) Operation Cyanide: How The Bombing Of The USS Liberty Nearly Caused World War Three by Peter Hounam
(20) Sectarianism And Its Discontents by Joseph Massad, Al-Ahram Weekly
(21) “Israeli Spying Network” Uncovered In Egypt Days Before Church Blast by Dr. Ashraf Ezzat, Veterans Today
(22) The Alexandria Church Bombing: Mossad, Who Else? by Jonathan Azaziah, Mask of Zion
(23) Egypt’s Muslims Attend Coptic Christmas Mass, Serving As ‘Human Shields’ by Yasmine el-Rashidi, Al-Ahram Online
(24) The Baghdad Cathedral Massacre: Zionist Fingerprints All Over by Jonathan Azaziah, Mask of Zion
(25) Hostages Killed In Iraq Raid by World Bulletin
(26) Judaism Discovered: A Study Of The Anti-Biblical Religion Of Racism, Self-Worship, Superstition and Deceit by Michael Hoffman
(27) Al Qaeda Ally In Iraq Says All Christians ‘Legitimate Targets’ by Taylor Barnes, The Christian Science Monitor
(28) Iraqi Leader Shakes Barak’s Hand by BBC News
(29) President Talabani Has No Objection To Form Christian Province by Aswat al-Iraq
(30) A Strategy For Israel In The Nineteen Eighties by Oded Yinon, Kivunim
(31) Israelis Can Tell The Whole Story Of Sudan’s Division – They Wrote The Script And Trained The Actors by Fahmi Howeidi, Al-Khaleej Times
(32) Iraqi Christians Demand Christian Province by Ken Timmerman, News Max
(33) Ho, Hum More Wikileaks ‘Chickenfeed’ by Gordon Duff, Veterans Today
(34) PKK Vows Allegiance To Israel by Press TV
(35) Afghanistan – Obama’s War For Israel by Christopher Bollyn
(36) Talabani: Iraq Not Ready For Israel Ties by Nathan Guttman, The Jerusalem Post
(37) Al-Dhari: Israeli Firms Operate In Iraq by Press TV
(38) Sadr Receives Hero’s Welcome In Iraq by Press TV
(39) The New And Improved Muqtada as-Sadr by As’ad Abu Khalil, The Angry Arab News Service
(40) Al Sadr: US, ‘Israel,’ Britain All Common Enemies Of The Iraqi People by Moqawama English
(41) Wikileaks Is Zionist Poison by Jonathan Azaziah, Mask of Zion
(42) Nuri Al-Maliki Is Preparing To Live In Britain by Al-Iraq News
(43) Baghdad Gets Less Than An Hour Of Electricity A Day by Saadoun al-Jaberi, Azzaman English
(44) Mission Accomplished? Not For The Iraqi People by Hadani Ditmars, Counter Currents
(45) Massoud Barzani, Israel Is My Ally, Is Not Kingmaker In Iraq by Hamma Mirwaisi, Kurd Net
(46) The Huge, Hidden Salaries Of Iraq’s Parliamentarians by Hayder Najm, Niqash
(47) Iraq Is America’s Gaza by Allen L. Roland, Allen L. Roland’s Weblog

Carter knew Hamas was in fact created by Israel to create in the media the excuse to bomb Palestine. Really any one of us can think up this shit to get our own way by deception. Yes Carter is a Zionist.
- Hamas Created By Israel’s Mossad: This Stranglehold Has Got to Be Broken!
- Israel Sends Ukraine Nazis Assault Weapons After Obama Sends Netanyahu $40 Billion For Military Armament.
(49) US Forced To Import Bullets From Israel As Troops Use 250,000 For Every Rebel Killed by Andrew Buncombe, The Belfast Telegraph
(50) Clashes Between The Mahdi Army And Badr Expand Across Iraq by Azzaman English
(51) What Direction For The Al-Mahdi Army After The Basra Offensive? by Babak Rahmi, Terrorism Focus Volume 5, Issue 13
(52) Iraq: Threats Of Foreign Influence by Robert Grenier, Al-Jazeera English
(53) Security Implications Of Muqtada Al-Sadr’s Return To Iraq by Babak Rahmi, Terrorism Monitor Volume 9, Issue 2
(54) Anti-Biden Protests In Iraq: Iraqis Call On US To Withdraw by Jason Ditz, Antiwar.com
(55) Washington Worried About The Rising Role Of Sadr’s Movement In Iraq by Yusuf Fernandez, Al-Manar
(56) Fury Ignites Solidarity In Iraq by Naomi Klein, The Los Angeles Times
(57) Media Disinformation And The Nature Of The Iraqi Resistance by Ghali Hassan, Global Research
(58) The Roving Eye: One Year On: From Liberation To Jihad by Pepe Escobar, The Asia Times
(59) Wikileaks, A Circus With No Elephants by Gordon Duff, Veterans Today
(60) Good Riddance To Dick DeVos by Neal AbuNab, Oped News
(61) Biography Of Shaheed Muhammad Baqir Al-Sadr by T.M. Aziz, Ahlul-Bayt Islamic Mission
(62) Father Of Moqtada Al-Sadr: Sayyid Muhammed Muhammed Sadiq Al-Sadr by Yasin T. Al-Jabouri

(63) Lebanese Capture Of Israeli Spy Ring Reveals Zionist Operations Against Hizbullah by Khalil Osman, Media Monitors
(64) Blair Echoes Kissinger’s Words: ‘The Road To Jerusalem Passes Through Baghdad’ by Lebanon Wire
(65) US Mideast Policy – Does The Road To Jerusalem Run Through Baghdad? by Jeffrey Donovan, Radio Free Europe
(66) Raymond Tanter by SourceWatch
(67) Israeli Interrogators ‘In Iraq’ by BBC News
(68) Mossad Does Interrogations In Iraqi Jails: Human Rights Group by Xinhua English
(69) Israeli Ties To The Abuse At Abu Ghraib by Christopher Bollyn, Rumor Mill News
(70) An Exposé Of An Exposé: Seymour Hersh And The Missing Zionist-Israeli Connection by James Petras, Rebellion
(71) WikiWeasel II: The Alternative Media Crushes Wikileaks by Gordon Duff, Veterans Today
(72) Israeli Officer Sells Weapons To Terrorists In Iraq by Press TV
(73) Who Is Behind The Sham Elections In Iraq And USA? by Christopher Bollyn, Rumor Mill News
(74) Coordinated Blasts Kill 120 In Iraq by Press TV
I’m Sure President Putin & Xi Jinping Know Where The NWO Central Offices Are Located.

NWO Rothschild Offices Of The International Banking Cartel Located In “The City Of London”. It Is Over 600 Acres Inside Greater London.
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