On the right also includes Newsmax, Notice also its both LEFT AND RIGHT. Not just the left or the right. These khazars have coopted the national leaders of both parties. That is why I believe "NOTHING" of what either party says. Nada..... nothing!
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GLOBAL TRADE IN "FREEFALL": Container Freight Rates from Asia to Europe Crash 60% in Three Weeks
By Northern Truthseeker from Canada, August 1, 2015
The US/Israeli Created Fraud Called ISIS IS At It Again: ISIS/ISIL Documents "Found" In Pakistan State How ISIL (ISIS) Will End The World
I have said it before, and it appears that I need to say it again... The
"terrorist" group known as ISIS (or ISIL, Daesch, or what ever the
US/Israel criminals think of next) is absolutely a massive fraud and a
scam... It was created by the Israeli Mossad and the US CIA to take over
where their previous fraud known as "Al Qaeda" had failed miserably....
"ISIS" basically is a propaganda weapon that uses the fraud of
"terrorism" to generate the psychological effect of fear on gullible
people..... And thanks to the gullibility of the majority of people, it
has worked beyond the criminal's wildest dreams!
I have been using this blog as a method of exposing the fraud of "ISIS" to hopefully open people's minds to the fact that they are being duped and foolishly led to believe that they have to surrender their own personal freedoms for the false illusion of "security" from the phantom "ISIS" threat....
I came across the following article, from Mike Rivero's What Really Happened website, at www.whatreallyhappened.com, that should be an absolute eye opener for everyone that they are indeed being played as suckers by this fraud ISIS threat... The article originally comes from the PressTV website, at www.presstv.ir, and is entitled: "ISIL Document Unveils Plans To End The World: Report" and is a must read by everyone... I have that article right here for all to see for themselves right here, and of course my own thoughts and comments to follow:
Wed Jul 29, 2015 10:10PM
An ISIL document found in Pakistan
unveils the Takfiri terrorist group’s plans to “end of the world” by
uniting Afghan and Pakistani terrorists and sparking war in India, a
report says.
I have been using this blog as a method of exposing the fraud of "ISIS" to hopefully open people's minds to the fact that they are being duped and foolishly led to believe that they have to surrender their own personal freedoms for the false illusion of "security" from the phantom "ISIS" threat....
I came across the following article, from Mike Rivero's What Really Happened website, at www.whatreallyhappened.com, that should be an absolute eye opener for everyone that they are indeed being played as suckers by this fraud ISIS threat... The article originally comes from the PressTV website, at www.presstv.ir, and is entitled: "ISIL Document Unveils Plans To End The World: Report" and is a must read by everyone... I have that article right here for all to see for themselves right here, and of course my own thoughts and comments to follow:
ISIL document unveils plans to end the world: Report
Wed Jul 29, 2015 10:10PM
ISIL militants (file photo)
An ISIL document found in Pakistan
unveils the Takfiri terrorist group’s plans to “end of the world” by
uniting Afghan and Pakistani terrorists and sparking war in India, a
report says.
ISIL militants (file photo)
The American Media Institute (AMI) obtained the recruitment document from a Pakistani citizen with ties to the Taliban that contains details concerning a plot to target American diplomats and Pakistani officials as well as US soldiers during their withdrawal from Afghanistan, USA Today reported on Tuesday.
32-page Urdu-language document was translated by Harvard researcher and
translator Mustafa Samdani, and reviewed by three US
intelligence officials. (VN: HARVARD??? that screams volumes right there. That is one of the most controlling globalist institutions in this country, bar none, even YALE is subordinate to Harvard.)
on the unique markings and writing style used to describe leaders in
the text, the officials believe it is an authentic ISIL document.
undated document seeks to unite various factions of Pakistani and Afghan
Taliban into a single “army of terror,” said the report.
from including a previously unseen history of the terrorist group, the
document calls for al-Qaeda to join the militants in their bid to
perpetrate violence across the world.
the fact that this caliphate will survive and prosper until it takes
over the entire world and beheads every last person," who defies the
Takfiri ideology, the document states. "This is the bitter truth,
swallow it.”
The report cited the manuscript as referring to “preparations” for an attack on India that would provoke “the final battle” with the US and "all its allies."
document was also reviewed by Retired Defense Intelligence Agency
Director Lieutenant General Michael Flynn who described it is a “red
flag” representing ISIL’s "intent,... goals and objectives.”
Months of terror
"The Takfiri group currently controls parts
of territory in Syria, Iraq and Libya, where it carries out heinous
acts of terror such as public decapitations.
ISIL has executed at least 3,065 people,
170 of whom were women and children, in Syria since it launched its
terror campaign 13 month ago," said a Wednesday report by the so-called
Syrian Observatory of Human Rights.
According to the UK-based monitoring
group, since June 29 alone, 22 civilians, among them two children and
seven women, were executed in the Syrian provinces of Hama, Homs,
Aleppo, Deir Ezzor and Damascus, while nine pro-government fighters
battling ISIL and seven Syrian government troops were also put to
The militants usually carry out such executions by beheading. (VN: Well, since the "beheaded" are also "Christians" then they are being executed under the Noahide Laws of Israel, which were passed by congress here in the states and signed by Bush Sr, to be used as the foundation for our legal system, which is also all part of the khazar Jewish plan to erradicate Christians from the face of the planet and make everyone else into slaves. That alone tells us its not the Muslims doing this, its the Israeli's. So who do we invade now? ).
NTS Notes: OK, I will say what I think of this article in one simple statement... Complete and utter bullshit!
The dead giveaway that this is a real laugher and nothing but propaganda bullcrap is the fact that this definitely planted piece of crap "document" was obtained by the American Media Institute (AMI).... The moment that I read that this particular group AMI, which smells like another Jewish run group much like that fraud Rita Katz's SITE group, "found" this "document" I immediately smelled a rat.....
It does appear that the US and Israel are again attempting to raise the stakes with their fraud ISIS/ISIL group now by using their Mossad/CIA operatives to threaten both Pakistan and India according to this obviously fraud "document"....
I want to present the following interesting and very laughable set of images that Mike Rivero himself presents over at What Really Happened that really shows how the Americans and Israelis are using ISIS/ISIS as a propaganda weapon on gullible people's minds... Here are those images:

I may have my differences with Mike Rivero from time to time, but I do have to give him credit where credit is due, for these images are absolutely priceless!
The bottom line is this... Until people do wake the hell up and stop trusting the criminals that run our (VN: Foreign occupied governments ....), and stop ever believing anything that comes out of the Jew spew media, these criminals will continue to throw this fraud of ISIS/ISIL in our faces to scare the crap out of people. These criminals know full well that most gullible people will stupidly cry for help and safety from this fraud terrorist threat by foolishly surrendering their own freedoms....
Wake the hell up, everyone...
More to come
The article is reproduced in accordance with Section 107 of title 17 of the Copyright Law of the United States relating to fair-use and is for the purposes of criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research.
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