
Lectures on How Zionism Destroyed Russia and This is what they are doing to the USA!!! Lecture 1 & 2

Vatic Note:  This confirms that the Russian people are no different than we are.  They are victims of their criminal coup makers, the Khazars. This is a fascinating history of not only the Khazars, but also of Crimea, and others such as Belarus and Ukraine, and about how Russia became a country and I was surprised at who the players turned out to be. In here, the author says we "need a revolution", but I say no we don't, why?  Because these cretins did a revolution in the designated "loser" country, so they would lose that WW.  Its been planned for us to do the same thing and I say NO, we must not revolt, rather take out all international bankers and dual israeli citizens, Iceland proved that would solve our problems. 

Yes, this series of lectures is very very long and full of information most of us knew nothing about. It has a deep historical perspective going way back, of the Zionists hatred of the goyim or gentile and why.  Basically what they are doing to all of us is was born out of revenge for the loss of their country.

If we wish to understand what is  happening to us today, then we need to read this all the way through so we can prepare where the Russians had no warning and no time to prepare.  We have broken this 8 part series down into 4 parts to make it easier to absorb and digest the information.  Understanding must accompany the information or its useless. 

And this shows what happens to a nation when its caught off guard.   We must NOT be caught off guard as the Russians were.  We must keep certain facts in mind that we published on here sometime ago.  Hertzl is a khazar, NOT JEWISH, and made many quotes about the weakness of the Judaens for they would not manifest their religious writings by aggressively and violently going after what they were promised in the Bible.

Khazars adaptation of the Jewish religion, gave them a door in which to use the Biblical teachings to advance their agenda and get rid of the weak and useless "real Jews", including the Judaens. I was appalled when I read that Hertzl wanted to get rid of them in the end.  His comments were quotes from the zionists publications and are now a permanent record for anyone to read. He is the father of zionism.

It also explains the Zionists refusal to save the Jews in WW II when Hitler offered to release them under certain conditions and the Zionists in Switzerland, refused, knowing full well what would become of them.  As I alway say, with friends like this who needs enemies.  Does the USS Liberty ring a bell or the USS Cole? 

Due to the length, I have decided to only put VN: near the text in question and keep my introductory VN short for a change.   I hope most of you will appreciate my effort at restraint. LOL

8 Lectures on How Zionism Destroyed Russia and This is what they are doing to the USA!!!
by Valdas Anelauskas,  Jon Kirby 2012

Authors Note:  Believe it or not the prodigy of todays Zionist they are the children of those whom destroyed other nations before!!!  The reason they teach you in school that Stalin is an evil mass murderer is a total distortion he was a nationalist and was an evil mass murderer of Zionists that destroyed the Tsars of Russia and infiltrated every walk of life in russia as a snake that weaves and takes over everything and has no regard for anyone else.

The the gentiles are just animals on two legs .. etc..  it is a wise person to read the following insightful expose’ and an objective view of what Zionism really is!! You will find a great number of very simular things played out in what is going on in todays modern times and the end result is not pretty!!!

Especially if the American public doesn’t wake up soon to what is happening..  please have a good read there are 8 lectures and it begins right at the beginning and takes you to just past Stalins era.   Congrats to Russia they got rid of the Banksters!!!

In so many ways all roads are turning to revolution there is no other way!!
a very good read!!

Zionism & Russia
8 Pacifica Forum Lectures
by Valdas Anelauskas

Zionism and Russia – Lecture 1
May 12, 2006
Zionism and Russia – Lecture 2
June 2, 2006
Zionism and Russia – Lecture 3
June 16, 2006
Zionism and Russia – Lecture 4
July 14, 2006
Zionism and Russia – Lecture 5
August 4, 2006
Zionism and Russia – Lecture 6
September 8, 2006
Zionism and Russia – Lecture 7
October 6, 2006
Zionism and Russia – Lecture 8
November 17, 200

Zionism and Russia – Lecture 1

May 12, 2006

Leon Trotsky, whose real name was Leyba Davidovich Bronstein, said:

“We must turn Russia into a desert populated by white negroes upon whom we shall impose a tyranny such as the most terrible Eastern despots never dreamt of. The only difference is that this will be a left-wing tyranny,  not a right-wing tyranny. It will be a red tyranny and not a white one.

We mean the word ‘red’ literally, because we shall shed such floods of blood as will make all the human losses suffered in the capitalist wars quake and pale by comparison. The biggest bankers across the ocean will work in the closest possible contact with us. 

If we win the revolution, we shall establish the power of Zionism upon the wreckage of the revolution’s funeral, and we shall became a power before which the whole world will sink to its knees. We shall show what real power is. By means of terror and bloodbaths, we shall reduce the Russian intelligentsia to a state of complete
stupefaction and idiocy and to an animal existence…
(VN: Remember, Trotsky AKA Bronstein was trained and funded by the Wall Street Bankers, so that is why this sounds like them.)

At the moment, our young men in their leather jackets, who are the sons of watchmakers from Odessa, Orsha, Gomel and Vinnitsa, know how to hate everything Russian!  What pleasure they take in physically destroying the Russian intelligentsia
— officers, academics and writers!…”

[As recorded in the Memoirs of Aron Simanovich, a jeweler at the court of the Tsar’s Imperial Majesty, secretary of Rasputin and quoted in numerous Russian scholarly works, including The Nature of Zionism By Vladimir Stepin, published(in Russian) in Moscow, 1993 and translated into English (for Radio Islam) by Clive Lindhurst. 


What is Zionism? And why does it give rise to such contradictory emotions, depending on whether the person is a Zionist or, because he is subjected to the effects of Zionism, knows what it is like to experience it and thus has at least some understanding of what it consists of? Let us first try to look into these

Let me state at the outset that, in using the term “Zionism”, I will be
referring not merely to the political tendency (or movement) which officially took shape at the end of the 19th century.  No, what I will be talking about rather the ideology upon which that modern Zionist tendency is really based and which existed long before the founders of modern Zionism (Hess in 1862, Pinsker in 1882, Herzl in 1896, Ahad Ha-Am in 1902, Jabotinsky in 1906) published their views. (Well, my point is that modern Zionism is based not only on “Shana Haba 2 B’yerushalayim” — “Next Year in Jerusalem” — which is the wish that Jews say at their Passover sedarim…)

This ideology has led to Zionism being practised through the centuries and is
still menacingly active today…

The foundations of Zionism were formulated in ancient times, some three
thousand years ago, and they are

1. The Jews are God’s chosen people.
2. All other peoples are merely two-legged animals (goys).
3. The Jews have both the right and the obligation to rule the world.

The second and third points of this three-in-one formula actually follow from the first. The formula, which was the brainchild of an undoubtedly very talented politician of ancient times, was among the foundations of the religion of Judaism (see the book of Deuteronomy in the Old Testament). 

At that time people understood very well that if one is to lend force to one’s intentions, one must express them as religious ideas. And one must also strengthen not only the religion  but also its influence on people. Another reason why this ancient Zionist formula is, I would say, a stroke of genius is that, irrespective of religion, it is a most powerful way of influencing a person who believes that he belongs to the chosen people (in this case Jewish people). 

The only point is that if — as has been possible in recent times — he does not believe in religion, then the words “God’s chosen people” are replaced by “the  people chosen by nature” or simply by “the chosen people”.

And if someone’s opinions have not yet become firmly fixed, it is so easy, merely by a little application, to convince him that he is a member of what, in terms of intelligence, talent, audacity, etc., is the best of all nations, and that no other nation is fit to hold a candle to that one nation.

And, of course, it is impossible to persuade Zionists to change their views, because this formula was instilled into most of them in probably early childhood. Even Jews who may have broken with Judaism and its traditions nevertheless imbibed some of its values and transposed them onto modern politics. (VN: this shows the author is either unfamiliar with the Khazars or knows something we do not).

And the Gentiles, we do not of course agree with the idea that we are twolegged animals, even if some of us (like so-called Christian fundamentalists, dispensationalists, Christian Zionists) have been led to believe that the Jews are indeed the “chosen” people and have the ability and the right to rule the world…

Another point is that the power of this three-in-one formula lies in that it legitimizes and sanctifies the idea of conquering, oppressing, perhaps even exterminating other nations. It goes like this: “Why need we care about two-legged animals? If we are the chosen people and it is our inalienable right, and even our duty, to rule other peoples, then God himself ordered us to grow rich at their expense, as the saying goes.” (Well, just read Deuteronomy in the Bible, everything is there, and it’s Judaism’s holy of the holiest — its Torah)

In this way ideology is placed on a material basis. Rob and rule! Rule and rob! Riches and power! From the time this formula begins to operate, it becomes both a means and an end, but it nevertheless also becomes a more important means, a means for attaining the main objective contained in the third item of the formula: the Jewish people must have, and will have, undivided, absolute power over the whole world.

Well, on the one hand, I always say that the whole community or nation or race shouldn’t be blamed for what some of its members say or do (even if those “some” are actually many). This is true, of course, for example, with the case of David Irving’s persecution and, now, his incarceration in Austria. I wouldn’t blame, for example, Jewish professor Norman Finkelstein, or Noam Chomsky, for what all those gloating Jewish community leaders are saying about Irving now. 

I think that Norman Finkelstein especially did no less (maybe even more) then Mr. Irving did, in order to uncover and expose all the lies of holocaust industry. But, on the other hand, my opinion is (you can agree or disagree with this, of course) that Jewish community as a whole, yes, I would say is rather very different from all other people because of its unique solidarity, which wouldn’t be a bad thing, of course, if that solidarity weren’t directed against other nations and communities, as it is so often done now. 

There are many good people and also many bad people in every nation, but after many years of my experience and research I came to conclusion that among the Jews, for some reason, there is a much larger percentage of bad people than among others. 

I mean more than, say, among Chinese or Russians or any other nation. There is one and a half billion Chinese living on this planet now, there are also over a billion Indians (those in India), millions of Malaysians, Indonesians, and various other nations, peoples, tribes, communities… None of those cause as many problems in the world as the Jews (VN: Khazars) and their Zionist Israel today, unfortunately, do. 

Not only today do, but always did. (This is what I’m going to talk now, just in a moment.)  Now, if you give me a blank sheet of paper and ask me to write names of some very evil people from among Jews that would come to my mind immediately, I could easily fill up that paper in just couple of minutes. On the other hand, if I ask you to repeat this same experiment by writing down names of, say, evil Chinese, you would probably have a hard time remembering others than just perhaps chairman Mao. 

And I’m not asking to write names of Lithuanians or people from some other very small nation, but names from among Chinese. From among 1.5 billion of them, from their whole ages-long history… Well, I think this says at least something why there exist such thing as anti-Semitism, but no thing such as anti-Chinism or anti-Lithuanism…4

Of course, some of you can say that this is not true and even label me an
anti-Semite, which is OK with me, I don’t really care. Especially now, after this
recent absolutely outrageous savage treatment of “thought criminal” David Irving, I see that Zionists basically declared a war against people who dare to criticize them. By throwing David Irving into Austrian jail, Zionists basically declared war on all of us. I mean war not only against Irving personally but against also all other dissident historians, activists, writings, including myself.

My point is that if they provoke me, I have to fight back and stand up for my
rights, such as freedom of speech. Because the violation of Irving’s rights is at the same time a violation of my own rights, concerning free speech, the right to say what I think. And, of course, I would never ever submit myself to such an
infringement of my rights and reconcile with such a situation. 

Never! Just like I never submitted myself to the Soviet regime and the KGB, in my “previous life”.  Therefore, as I said already, anyone is welcome to label me a “holocaust denier” or “anti-Semite”. I don’t care. As my academic hero, Professor Kevin MacDonald of California State University said recently: “We are increasingly approaching a situation where being labeled an anti-Semite is a badge of honor.” 

“The question is not whether I am anti-Semitic. The question is only whether I am right.” [John Bryant, Mortal Words, v 8]

And, of course, if David Irving were thrown into jail because, say, the
Chinese would pressure Austrians to do that because of what he said or wrote
about, say, some historic details of Chinese “Boxer Rebellion”, well then I would
say the same things about the Chinese as I say about the Jews. But Irving, no, he
had no problems with Chinese, and they had no problem with him. 

The only people that had problems with Irving were the Jews, the Zionists. Moreover, I would say that the only people who have problems with free speech today are, yes,  all those Jewish organizations, like notorious Anti-Defamation League of B’nai B’rith or the so-called Southern Poverty Law Center, and their crooked leaders.

When I start speaking or writing about things like these, I usually become
unstoppable, so I can write pages and pages and pages… or talk for hours… It’s not just because I like to write or talk in general, but rather because I care what I’m writing about. And if I’m in a discussion with someone, I respect the person that I’m talking to, and so I just don’t want to write a few short lines or say few
meaningless phrases. 

I don’t want to be superficial and thus I always try to base all my opinions on solid facts and explain everything with various quotations and
usually even show books and articles and other available sources, like internet
websites. So, anyone can check it by themselves. Because I myself always try to
research things as much as I can, so, naturally, I expect others to do the same.
Accordingly, my writings or talks are stuffed with a lot of quotations from books,
newspaper articles, internet, etc.5

I’ve done an enormous amount of research and collected a huge amount of
various relevant materials to what I’m going to talk now, and I still keep doing
that, because I want that everything I say would be based on solid facts and
information, rather then entirely on my feelings. Actually I read over 500 books
(637 to be exact) on these issues.

I know very well what is happening now in Europe, in Russia, where
pressure from various Jewish organizations is truly enormous. I could provide you perhaps hundreds of examples that are nothing but rock-solid facts taken from
various very solid sources, but I just don’t want to waste our rather limited time and I’m sure you understand what I mean. 

Right here in America these days those same Jewish organizations, such as just mentioned Anti-Defamation League of B’nai B’rith or the infamous Wiesenthal Center are the most vocal pushers for
some new so-called “hate speech crime” laws. What is coming to America is already widely implemented in Europe by the effort of, again, those same Zionist organizations. 

What I’m saying is based on solid facts. I know it very, very well, because I spent countless hours on research.  Therefore, what some kangaroo court in Austria is doing against Irving (or in Germany against Ernst Zundel, Germar Rudolf, and others) is all orchestrated and directed from New York, or even Tel Aviv or Jerusalem. Locking David Irving in prison for three years for expressing his opinions is nothing less than a crime against humanity. 

And so Abraham Foxman, ADL National Director gloatingly said in his official press release that “the Austrian court has sent an unmistakable and important message.” And all those Zionist leaders who like Foxman are gloating today in all the newspaper articles about how it is great to be rid of annoying Irving are, in my opinion, all are enemies not only of freedom of speech but also greatest enemies of humankind today.

Myself, well, to be honest, I didn’t really care much about all this holocaust controversy. Prior to all these recent arrests of so-called “holocaust deniers”, I had no problem with the official version of events in World War Two. I wouldn’t care about it if there wouldn’t be such pressure to conform with “party line”. 

Today I do. David Irving is a writer, more precisely a historian, is thrown in jail for expressing an illegal opinion. ILLEGAL OPINION!!! Just like it was in the former Soviet Union when we also were required to submit ourselves to official Communist ideology.

Now I do have a pretty good understanding of why this clampdown on revisionist historians and other dissidents, and why now? It’s been suggested that the Internet has panicked the Zionists, who to a large extent owe today their power and influence to the “holocaust” story. 

After all, Israel was founded on its memory and if it’s proven to be a lie, even partially, or at least a gross exaggeration, the power the Zionists’ hold over ordinary Jews could be undermined. For the very
6 notion of the “holocaust” has been used not only to extract financial redress from other nations but also to keep ordinary Jews compliant. 

In effect, it has become like a grotesque doll wielded by witch doctors, used to keep individuals from asking too many questions, from thinking for themselves, or stepping out of line. Like Orwell said: “he who controls the past, controls the present…” and our
perception of past events shapes the way we look at the world around us now. 

The Zionists understand this and know that the idea of the “holocaust” is crucial to their power. This is why certain Ian J. Kagedan, Director of Government Relations of the B’nai B’rith, stated that “Achieving our quest of a ‘new world order’ depends on our learning the Holocaust’s lessons.” [Ian J. Kagedan, “Memory of Holocaust Central to New World Order,” Toronto Star, Nov. 26, 1991.] Which is why such harsh measures are being exacted against those who ask too many questions. 

OK, enough about the “holocaust”. Let’s go back to definition of Zionism and then move to Russia.

In telling this story I will challenge the vital premises of the establishment history and roast some sacred cows.  Again, when I talk something about Jews,(VN: khazars) I don’t necessarily mean every single person who is Jewish. Not at all. No, what I mean is what I usually call Jewish Supremacism and those Jews (VN: khazars) who follow this peculiar ideology, which is actually the same as Zionism. I would say these are pretty much interchangeable terms. 

The Zionists are concerned not only about just taking over whole Palestine and creating “greater Israel” by getting rid of Arabs. No, those that I call Jewish Supremacists have much more sinister agenda. Some writers prefer to call them Jewish racists, but I disagree with such combination of words because the Jews
aren’t a separate race, as far as I know (it is 100%-proven scientific fact) and so they can be perhaps called white racists (when they act as such), but not Jewish racists…(VN: they are khazar Racists, and there is no doubt they are racists, and on this I will disagree with this author. They hate blacks and Whites, who are Christian and who are RH neg blood. In fact, anyone who is not a khazar is a goyim, which is a derogatory term for them. Just read the protocols and you decide if its racist in nature!)

Well, I don’t want to go into some deep particulars, but I want to emphasize that there is definitely no conspiracy about what is going on, and I would never call it a conspiracy. It’s all very open and up-front. It’s just enough to open any “Who’s Who in America” book and do some basic research to see who are already in power. And I mean not just AIPAC, not even those who are puppet masters behind Bush and Cheney today, or who were behind Clinton. (VN: or behind Obama today)

I mean all those leaders of numerous organizations such as World Jewish Congress, World Zionist Organization, and zillions of others. They are not secret. Everything is done pretty openly. And, as I said, the whole “holocaust” story is used today basically as a shield to hide all that is going on, much of which is originated, yes, in worldwide Jewish community.

Not only here in America but also in Russia. In a second part of this
presentation next time I’m going to tell you about all those oligarchs who like7 vampires sucked Russia dry and took billions of dollars out, while Russian people were starving, and they ruined Russia’s economy, and culture, and social structures… and yes, yes, yes, they just happen to be all Jewish  (VN:  Khazars, remember it was the khazar international brokerage houses of Shiff and Rothschild bankers that gave $20 million, used to over throw the Russian Czar. Coincidence?  But it was the Khazar foot soldiers that infiltrated and controlled the resulting government under the rebels.  That is how Stalin and Lenin became leaders of Russia and both are in part, Khazars, and Trotsky was full khazar.)

Well, I don’t think so. These things are not secret. You can read about them in books that are available even at our Eugene public library. One doesn’t have to be a researcher like myself to find out about what’s going on. The information is available and to deny these kinds of things would be, in my opinion, just equal to saying that
“holocaust” never happened at all. 

I mean that saying that the Zionists (or Jewish Supremacists) have nothing to do with what is called today New World Order, is pretty much the same kind of ridiculous statement as would be real denial of what happened to many Jews during the WW2.

Even well-known Rabbi Daniel Lapin, who often makes quite strong
statements, agrees that: “You’d have to be a recent immigrant from Outer Mongolia not to know of the role that people with Jewish names play in the coarsening of our culture. Almost every American knows this. It is just that most gentiles are too polite to mention it.” [Rabbi Daniel Lapin, “Our Worst Enemy”, Toward Tradition, January 20, 2005] 

Jewish Supremacist
Now, will try to explain more about what I mean when I say Zionism (or Jewish Supremacist) because it’s important to understand meaning of the word, before I’ll apply it to Russia. This is Jewish moral particularism combined with a profound sense of historical grievance — hatred by any other name — against European civilization and a desire for the end of Europe with its traditional ethnic base. 

According to Jewish supremacists, the menaces of “extremism, hate and fundamentalism” — prototypically against Jews — can only be repaired by jettisoning the traditional cultural and ethnic basis of European civilization. And Russia would be only one example, among many.  You can disagree with me, of course, but my research lead me to believe that this Jewish hatred toward non-Jews emerged as a consistent theme throughout the ages, beginning in the ancient world. 

The Roman historian Tacitus already noted that “Among themselves they are inflexibly honest and ever ready to show compassion, though they regard the rest of mankind with all the hatred of  enemies.” 

The eighteenth-century English historian Edward Gibbon was struck by the fanatical hatred of Jews in the ancient world: “From the reign of Nero to that of Antoninus Pius, the Jews discovered a fierce impatience of the dominion of Rome, which repeatedly broke out in the most furious massacres and insurrections.

Humanity is shocked at the recital of the horrid cruelties which they committed in the cities of Egypt, of Cyprus, and of Cyrene, where they dwelt in treacherous friendship with the unsuspecting natives; and we are tempted to applaud the severe retaliation which was exercised by the arms of the legions against a race of 8  fanatics, whose dire and credulous superstition seemed to render them the
implacable enemies not only of the Roman government, but of human kind.”

[Edward Gibbon, The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, Chapter 16, p. 78.]

The nineteenth-century Spanish historian José Amador de los Rios wrote of the Spanish Jews who assisted the Muslim conquest of Spain that “without any love for the soil where they lived, without any of those affections that ennoble a people, and finally without sentiments of generosity, they aspired only to feed their avarice and to accomplish the ruin of the Goths; taking the opportunity to manifest their rancor, and boasting of the hatreds that they had hoarded up so many centuries.” [Quoted in William Thomas Walsh, Isabella of Spain: The Last Crusader (New York: Robert M. McBride, 1930), p. 196.] 

And in 1913, economist Werner Sombart, in his classic book Jews and Modern Capitalism, summarized Judaism as “a group by themselves and therefore separate and apart — this from the earliest
antiquity. All nations were struck by their hatred of others.”
[Sombart, Jews and Modern Capitalism (New Brunswick, NJ: Transaction Books, 1913/1982 reprint), p. 240.] 

Myself, as I said, I always try to find out about everything myself, and so I do very careful research. This is exactly what I did when I wanted to learn more about the “holocaust” and Zionism and Israel, and especially about what I call Jewish Supremacism. For example, when I found some really weird quotations from Talmud, at first I simply couldn’t believe that such things can be said in Jewish holy book. For example these: “If a heathen (Gentile) hits a Jew, the
Gentile must be killed, hitting a Jew is the same as hitting God”
[Sanhedrin 58b].

“When a Jew murders a Gentile (“Cuthean”), there will be no death penalty, and what a Jew steals from a Gentile he may keep” [Sanhedrin 57a.]. “Even the best of the Gentiles should be killed (Tob shebe goyyim harog)” [Minor Tractates.  Soferim 15, Rule 10]. And there are many more! 

It sounded just outrageous, so I just went to our University’s library and there is whole multi-volume Talmud available, so I spent a couple of hours and found where all those quotations are, and, yes, they are all true. [TALMUD, UO Knight Library # BM499.5 .E4 1989]

The Talmudic rabbis believed that in the eyes of God, Jew and Gentile were not equal. [Norman F. Cantor, The Sacred Chain: The History of the Jews (NewYork: HarperCollins Publishers, 1994), pp.107-108]
In the eyes of World Jewry, anyone but a Jew, is a heathen, a goy, or a
cuthean, — all terms of contempt. The well known Jewish author, Josef Kastein, states (in History and Destiny of the Jews, p. 211) that “the laws of the Talmud proved exceedingly efficacious in binding the Jewish people together”, and that the Talmud was “carried with them everywhere” and “became their home”.

The reputation of the Talmud among liberal and secular Jews, especially in the United States, has undergone a big change in the direction of a highly favorable  9 attitude in the past few decades. By the 1970s the Talmud was nostalgically seen by many secular Jews as belonging to the mainstream of what was good in the Jewish tradition. 

An Israeli Talmudic scholar, Aldin Steinsaltz, published a short, enthusiastic book called The Essential Talmud. An American paperback translation of it appeared in 1976 and has since gone through eleven printings. The Talmud had become a coffee-table book for suburban Jewish America! [Norman F. Cantor,The Sacred Chain: The History of the Jews (New York: HarperCollins Publishers, 1994), pp.102-103]

But when I asked some Jews about these quotes, I was given different
answers. I heard everything from an angry, defensive “no, there is no such thing in the Talmud” to “there are words like that but they mean something else,” to (seriously) “you don’t want to know.” And, of course, throughout it all, I was accused of being an “anti-Semite” for even asking the questions. It is just ridiculous! It is exactly what prof. Finkelstein described as “beyond chutzpah”.

Truly huge CHUTZPAH!
And, of course, in the process of my research I even found more outrageous things in some books, and then I went further in to research and I found books written by some contemporary Jewish religious authorities, such as, for example, Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson. What I call Jewish Supremacism is exactly what’s described in all such books.

In case if you haven’t heard about him, Rabbi Schneerson was a real Old Testament Jew, a Talmud Jew, who preached the unadulterated doctrines of the Talmud, including the doctrine of Jewish superiority and the doctrine that the Jews are really the chosen people of God, ordained to rule all the other nations of the world and own all their possessions. 

His sermons have been published, although you’re not likely to find them in any mainstream libraries. But I can quote at least a little bit, just to give you the flavor. The Lubavitcher “Rebbe” preached, describing the difference between Jews and non-Jews, for example, like this: 

“The body of a Jewish person is of a totally different quality from the body of a member of any other nation of the world…. The Jewish body looks as if in substance it were similar to the bodies of non-Jews, but … the bodies only seem to be similar in material substance, outward look, and superficial quality. 

The difference of the inner quality, however, is so great that the bodies should be considered as completely different species. This is the reason why the Talmud states that there is a halachic difference in attitude about the bodies of non-Jews…. Their bodies are in vain … An even greater difference exists in regard to the soul. Two contrary types of soul exist. A non-Jewish soul comes from three satanic spheres, while the Jewish soul comes from holiness.” [Israel Shahak and Norman Mezvinsky, Jewish Fundamentalism in Israel (Pluto Press, London, 1999), p. 59-60.] 10

I took this big quote from a book about Jewish ethnocentrism authored by two Jewish scholars, Israel Shahak and Norman Mezvinsky. As I learned from this and many other books, the ethnocentrism apparent in such statements was not only the norm in traditional Jewish society, but remains a powerful current of contemporary Jewish fundamentalism, with especially important implications in Israeli politics. 

For example, Rabbi Kook, the revered father of the messianic
tendency of Jewish fundamentalism in today’s Israel, said that “The difference between a Jewish soul and souls of non-Jews — all of them in all different levels — is greater and deeper than the difference between a human soul and the souls of cattle.” [also from same Shahak’s and Mezvinsky’s book Jewish Fundamentalism
in Israel, p. ix.]

I learned that such present-day fundamentalists simply just attempt to recreate the ages-old tradition of Jewish communities. Especially those before the European Enlightenment (i.e., prior to about 1750). During this period the great majority of Jews believed in Cabbala — Jewish mysticism. What the Cabbala says is that salvation is only for Jews, while non-Jews have “Satanic souls.” [Jewish Fundamentalism in Israel, p. 58.]

Therefore, Rabbi Kook’s entire teaching is also based upon the Lurianic Cabbala, the school of Jewish mysticism that dominated Judaism from the late sixteenth to the early nineteenth century. One of the basic tenants of the Lurianic Cabbala is the absolute superiority of the Jewish soul and body over the non-Jewish soul and body. 

According to the Lurianic Cabbala, the world was created solely for the sake of Jews; the existence of non-Jews was subsidiary. If some
influential Christian bishop or Islamic mullah argued that the difference between the superior souls of non-Jews and the inferior souls of Jews was greater than the difference between the human soul and the souls of cattle, he would incur the wrath of and be viewed as an anti-Semite. There is no doubt that teachings of
Rabbi Kook or Rabbi Schneerson contain basic ideas about Jewish superiority comparable to the worst forms of anti-Semitism. 

The Jewish supremacism today, as described by Shahak and Mezvinsky, are thus part of a long mainstream Judaist tradition which considers Jews and non-Jews completely different species, with Jews absolutely superior to non-Jews and subject to a radically different moral code. 

And the fact is that certain Jews, some of whom wield enormous political or economic influence, consider Jews to be superior to non-Jews and view the world as having been created only or primarily for Jews. The truth is that many Jews, especially religious Jews today continue to adhere to such traditional Jewish ethics that other Jews would like to ignore or explain away.

Few more examples: Rabbi Yitzhak Ginsburg and Rabbi Yaacov Perrin
declared respectively, “We have to recognize that Jewish blood and the blood of a 11goy are not the same thing” (New York Times, June 6, 1989) and “One million Arabs are not worth a Jewish fingernail” (New York Daily News, Feb. 28, 1994).

These are words of spiritual leaders in today’s Jewish community!
So this kind of ideology can be seen among those that I call Jewish
supremacists (or Zionists). They say that Jews are better and that being so Jews deserve to rule over other people. The eternal uniqueness of the Jews, as they say, is the result of the Covenant made between God and the Jewish tribe at Mount Sinai. The implication is that such transcendent imperatives for Jews effectively
nullify moral laws that bind the behavior of normal nations. 

Rabbi Shlomo Aviner, one of Israel’s most prolific ideologues, for example, argues that the divine commandments to the Jewish people “transcend the human notions of national rights.” He explains that while God requires other nations to abide by abstract codes of justice and righteousness, such laws do not apply to Jews. [Ian Lustick,
“Israel’s Dangerous Fundamentalists,” Foreign Policy 68, Fall 1987, pp. 123-124.]

This claim of Jewish uniqueness echoes also “holocaust” activist Elie Wiesel’s claim that “everything about us is different.” Jews are “ontologically” exceptional.  [Elie Wiesel, Against Silence: The Voice and Vision of Elie Wiesel. Selected and  edited by Irving Abrahamson (New York: Holocaust Library, 1985), vol. 1, p. 153.]

As I said, the ideas of Rabbi Schneerson were taken from a book of his recorded messages to followers in Israel, titled Gatherings of Conversations and published in Israel in 1965. During the subsequent three decades of his life until his death, Rabbi Schneerson remained consistent; he did not change any of the

What Rabbi Schneerson taught either was or immediately became official, Lubovitch, Hassidic belief. He headed the Chabad movement and wielded great influence among many religious Jews in Israel as well as in the United States.

As you of course know, the Lubavitchers are those strange-looking Jews one sees in New York wearing long, black coats and black hats, with sideburns down to their shoulders. There are also thousands of them in New Jersey, not far from where we lived. And Lubovitcher Jewish community in the United States, has often expressed his views in many publications. 

The following, for example, appeared in an April 26, 1996 of Jewish Week (New York) article that contained an interview with another Rabbi Ginsburgh who is regarded as one of the Lubovitcher sect’s leading authorities on Jewish mysticism. He speaks freely of
Jews’ genetic-based, spiritual superiority over non-Jews. It is a superiority that he asserts invests Jewish life with greater value in the eyes of the Torah. “If you saw two people drowning, a Jew and a non-Jew, the Torah says you save the Jewish life first,” Rabbi Ginsburgh told the Jewish Week. “If every simple cell in a Jewish
body entails divinity, is a part of God, then every strand of DNA is part of God.  Therefore, something is special about Jewish DNA.” 

Later, Rabbi Ginsburgh (VN: Ginsburgh is a German Jewish name which means he is ashkenazi and therefore a khazar and we already know the history of how they became Jewish, but never gave up their pagan Phallic symbol religion, so all of this is another khazar ruse to give the real Jewish people a bad name and use that fact to cover the khazars satanic actions against others and blame it on the real Jews and that is exactly what is happening here.) asked 12 rhetorically: “If a Jew needs a liver, can you take the liver of an innocent non-Jew passing by to save him? The Torah would probably permit that. Jewish life has an infinite value,” he explained. “There is something infinitely more holy and unique
about Jewish life than non-Jewish life.”
[Jewish Fundamentalism in Israel, p. 62]

That’s is exactly what I myself call Jewish Supremacism! Changing the words “Jewish” to “German” or “Aryan” and “non-Jewish” to “Jewish” turns the Ginsburgh position into the doctrine that you or your colleagues, no doubt, would call neo-Nazi. Well, but you can perhaps say that this is what only some extremist Jews say and I do agree that what Lubovitcher Rabbis said is indeed pretty extreme, but they were and still are religious leaders of such large segment of
Jewish segment as Hassidic Orthodox Jews, and they are present everywhere, not only in New York, but even here in Eugene. Right just a few blocks from where I live, on 19th Street, there is Chabad House. 

Those houses are in almost every college town! They are not some underground fanatics, but rather mainstream religion today. Well, you can say, of course, that not all of the Jews are part of those Lubovitcher, but this explains nothing. If this or that Jew isn’t a follower of Rabbi Schneerson or Rabbi Ginsburg, this does not mean at all that no large numbers of Jews follow teachings of such extremists. 

Quite the contrary. Myself, for example, I am not a Catholic, but it does not mean that Lithuanians aren’t Catholics. Many Lithuanians are very, extremely devout Catholics.  Therefore, as I said, given that ethnocentrism continues to pervade all segments of the Jewish community, many things are just too obvious and impossible to ignore and deny, and everybody should be aware of these things, regardless of being a Jew, or Lithuanian, or Russian, or Chinese. I could provide,as said, hundreds and hundreds of quotations and full articles. Who wants, just let me know, write an e-mail, and I give you any particular information upon request.

The book Kitsur Shulkhan Arukh was officially published in Moscow in 2001 by the Congress of Jewish Religious Organizations and Associations in Russia. That book is a condensed version of the Jewish law code, the Sulkhan Arukh, compiled centuries ago on the basis of the Talmud and required in practice to this day. In the introduction to the book the head of Jewish Religious Organizations and Associations, Rabbi Zinoviy Kogan, makes the frank
acknowledgement that:

“The editorial council considered it necessary in this translation to omit some instructions of the halakha [Jewish law] … whose inclusion in the publication in the Russian language would be perceived by the population of Russia, which does not adhere to Judaism, as an unprovoked insult. The reader who wishes to read the Kitsur Shulkhan Arukh in the ideally 13 complete volume, is invited to come to a yeshiva in order to study this and many other holy books in the original.”
That is, one of the leaders of Russian Jewry himself recognized that some regulations of the Judaic code of behavior were insulting to the non-Jewish population of Russia, but considers it possible to invite his fellow tribesmen to yeshivas to study these insults. 

In the introduction to this book the head of Jewish Religious Organizations in Russia writes that “the Talmud is the unsurpassed monument of Jewish genius,” and this distillation of its morality, “the Kitsur Sulkhan Arukh is the anthology of the Jewish civilization of our time. This book is completely necessary for you. You can act in the manner that it prescribes and be confident that you have carried out the will of the Ex-lted.”

Well, I already quoted a little bit from Talmud. The majority of Jews, of course, do not study the “Shulkhan Arukh.” But many generations of the self-contained life of Jews among other peoples (in this
context there developed the idea of the Jewish kahal as a “state within a state”) led to the situation where the morality of the “Shulkhan Arukh” became a part of Jewish national self-consciousness even in its secular form. This conclusion was
drawn by the well-known Jewish writer and sociologist Hannah Arendt:

“Precisely in the process of secularization was borne completely real Jewish chauvinism. … The idea of the chosenness of the Jews became . . . the idea that Jews supposedly were the salt of the earth. From now on, the old religious concept of chosenness was no longer the essence of Judaism; it became instead the essence of Jewishness.” [Arendt, The Origins of Totalitarianism (New York: Schocken, 2004), p. 99.]

Well, I hope I explained more than enough what I mean by Zionists or Jewish Supremacists and what difference there is between Jewish/Zionist supremacists and just ordinary Jewish folks. And, now, Israel and all those Zionist/Supremacist organizations are
preparing for a new war against Iran, as if there weren’t enough war in Iraq, which cost to America billions of dollars. They say that Iran is very dangerous because it wants to create a nuclear bomb, but it sounds absolutely ridiculous and bizarre for those who know that the nuclear bomb is an exclusively Jewish creation. 

If we look at the names of those who were behind the creation of American bomb, we see Oppenheimer, Teller, Szilard, and others. Again, at least 90% of them were Jewish. Well, you can of course say that they were simply following orders given by the US government, but isn’t this what Adolf Eichmann tried to say in his own
defense? I would say that the creation of atomic bomb and then wholesale murder 14 of hundreds of thousands of Japanese civilians, wasn’t crime any less then what is called “holocaust”. 

Actually, if we take the word “holocaust” literally, look in the dictionary, it does mean destruction by fire… Yes, saying that those who created the bomb were just following orders is nonsense, because I studied these things a lot and I know that the whole Manhattan project was initiated by a letter to Roosevelt that Szilard wrote and Einstein signed. 

Well, Einstein, was always good at putting his name under other people’s writings… Today, Israel itself has already hundreds of nukes and is threatening not only its Arab neighbors but other nations as well. Just listen what famous Israeli military expert Martin van Creveld said: “We possess several hundred atomic warheads and rockets and can launch them at targets in all directions, perhaps even at Rome. Most European capitals are targets for our air force.”

The chief power of Zionism lies in being silent. Them and us! The main point is that, whatever may happen, the whole truth about Zionism cannot be permitted to become widely known. That would mean the failure of the whole affair. An agreement to keep quiet is reached not only with their own people, but also with the most furious opponent of Zionism: they must keep quiet. 

Deal the blow, but keep quiet! A strong man is vulnerable because of his strength, and the Zionists say that there is no need to explain anything to people because, so they say, the danger has been eliminated, and you have done the business by using methods which are obviously not clean.

They have kept silent through the centuries! Of course, some facts do slip through the net, and it is not possible to keep one’s eye on everything. There is a fairly rich anti-Zionist literature at present, but it is only partial. It is not complete, and it does not clearly and precisely state the goals of Zionism, but the chief point is that Zionists are most careful to remove and liquidate such literature, never permitting it a wide distribution under any circumstances. 

Silence and secrecy are the main power of Zionism. They are the reason for its successes, and they are the factor that brings the Zionists victory! One of the strengths lies in that they are not at all embarrassed about the means they employ. The directive which states “The end justifies the means!” was used by the Zionists long before the Jesuits. Of course, they have used such means right up to the present day and still are using them. Zionists know no moral
standards. And why should they? They regard the Gentiles with whom they “work” as two-legged animals (please remember the three-in-one formula of Zionism!).


A powerful weapon employed by Zionism is that of accusing anti-Zionists of being anti-Semitic. “Anti-Semite” (or “self-hating Jew”) is a label used to slur anyone who disagrees with Zionism, who speaks the Truth about the Judaic religion and aspects 15 of history that Jewish leadership would rather you not know about, or who dares to offer social criticism of the Jewish community in any way. As soon as one is labelled an “anti-Semite,” he is out of the game, a bigot, a Nazi, a fascist, a hater, a nutter. His ideas can be written off, he will never hold political office or be taken seriously again by “decent people.”

Writer Joe Sobran sums it up by saying:  "An “anti-Semite” in actual usage, is less often a man who hates Jews than a man certain Jews hate. The word expresses the emotional explosion that occurs in people who simply can’t bear critical discourse about a sacred
topic, and who experience criticism as profanation and blasphemy. 

The term “anti-Semitism”doesn’t stand for any intelligible concept. It belongs not to the world of rational discourse, but to the realm of imprecations and maledictions and ritual ostracisms.” (National Review, March 16, 1992).  Have a problem with Eretz Israel’s policies? You’re an “anti-Semite.” Know what is contained in Jewish “holy” books and dare to even mention their true contents? You’re an anti-Semite.

Dare to compare the 66,000,000 Russians (and people of other nationalities) dead at the hands of Jewish Bolsheviks in the Soviet Union to those 6 million Jews murdered in the Third Reich? Actually believe that Jewish people haven’t cornered the market on suffering? You’re an anti-Semite. Of course! Speak the truth that Jews speak among themselves concerning Jewish power over the media and America’s political system and culture? Not only are you an anti-Semite, you’re a paranoid one who probably has an SS Uniform in your closet.

Federal Reserve Board Governor Ben Shalom Bernanke become chief of the U.S. Federal Reserve Board on January 31, replacing his fellow Jew Alan Greenspan, who had dictated U.S. monetary policy since 1987. Any person who publicly oppose one bad Jew or another, even if only in strictly business affairs, can be accused of anti-Semitism. 

Playing on people’s feelings of compassion, sympathy and charity, they accuse a specific person of racism, of misanthropy, of chauvinism, xenophobia, “hate speech”, and finally of having a completely inadequate attitude towards the Jews, who are described as “a people who are perpetually hounded, downtrodden, quiet, inoffensive, and undeservingly despised and abused”… And who would like those around him to think that he is such a monster?

But anti-Semitism is in fact generated precisely by Zionism and by the Zionist moods and actions which Jews display. The Zionists themselves foster the anti-Semites. I have already said that anti-Semitism is naturally generated by the 16 Zionism of the Jews. 

An ordinary person can by no means always rise to a position
where he understands the part played by ideology and organization. He simply sees some Jews behaving badly and, without going into a deep analysis of the problem and without separating the Zionism of a Jew from that Jew himself, he begins to consider that the Jews are all bad as a nation and he begins to hate Jews. 

Anti-Semitism is generated and regenerated by Zionism! And the reverse also applies: anti-Semitism nurtures Zionism in a hidden way; it helps the Zionists to bring the Jews under the power of Zion.

But the Jews are not a “race” in the biological sense (that is Hitler talk and Talmud talk), and any Jew is welcome to walk away from Zionism and the Jewish religion and to face historical Truths; many Jews have. I repeat the point and hope you read it three times: “race” in the biological sense is not the issue, “ethnicity” per se is not the issue, who one’s mother and father are is not the issue; ideologies
are the issue. 

If the Jews were to renounce Zionism, the attitude of other nations towards the Jews would, no doubt, change abruptly; it is precisely the Zionism of the Jews that gives rise to anti-Semitism, and not the other way round, as the Zionists falsely and dishonestly claim. Of course, there are exceptions to every rule and there are quite a few non-Zionist Jews to be found, but they are a great rarity, resulting from deviations in the “educational” process. (VN: the Zionists are not Jews with some possible exceptions, they are ashkenazi's who are khazars and not one ounce of Jewish blood in them.  The "Jews" are  used exactly the same way the "American People" are being used.... they are to be blamed for what the Khazars do behind everyones back and finger point to the Jews and/or to the Americans who are the ones doing nazi kinds of things,  well, not really, its the infiltrators of our gov doing it and they are khazars, international bankers.)

However, the Zionists try by every means possible to drive these Jews into the Zionist fold. If such efforts had not been taken, the idea of Zionism would have collapsed centuries ago.

19th-century Zionist Ahad Ha-Am, who argued that the end of anti-
Semitism would result in Jews losing their culture and sense of peoplehood. [L.  Simon, Ahad Ha-Am (Asher Ginzberg): A Biography (Philadelphia: Jewish Publication Society of America, 1960), pp. 104-105, quoted in Kevin MacDonald,  Separation and its Discontents: Toward an Evolutionary Theory of Anti-Semitism (Westport, CT: Praeger, 1998), p.180]

In 1958, Nahum Goldmann, then president of the world Zionist
, had warned that a current decline of anti-Semitism “might constitute a new danger to Jewish survival; … the disappearance of ‘anti-Semitism’ in its classic meaning, while beneficial to the political and material situations of Jewish
communities, has had ‘a very negative effect on our internal life’”
(The New York Times, 24 July 1958). 

Similarly, Charles Solomon in his article in Black Friars
Magazine (January 1957) at that time pointed to the danger of the extinction of the Jewish community in Britain because of the absence of anti-Semitism: “when to proclaim one’s self a Jew may mean hardship, even death, the indomitable spirit of man — or perhaps the sheer obstinancy — asserts itself. … But when to be a Jew is merely inconvenient, it is difficult to attain a mood of high resolve.”  

Even the American Jewish Congress, through its counsel Leo Pfeffer, stated:
"Such 17  discrimination may well be a blessing. It is possible that some anti-Semitism is necessary in order to ensure Jewish survival” 

 (The National Jewish Post and Opinion, 6 November 1959). [Quoted in Zionism & Racism: Proceedings of an International Symposium (Tripoli, Libya: International Organization for the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination, 1977), pp. 56-57] 

Anti-Semitism is indeed a positive force for Jewish people, a leading Jewish academic claims today. Rabbi Professor Dan Cohn-Sherbok, who teaches in England, argued that anti-Semitism provides a paradox for the Jewish community — and its demise has left today’s Jews in chaos. 

He says that hatred of Jews has kept Judaism alive for thousands of years. But he argues that state of affairs is being threatened by the fact that anti-Semitism has gradually disappeared and in the last two centuries — with the exception of Nazi Germany — Jews have integrated into society. His book The Paradox of Anti-Semitism will infuriate many members of the Jewish community across the world.  (VN: so this is why promotion of anti-semitism is in the protocols of the elders of zion.  I wondered why.  I thought it was just to be mean spirited, but their perception of the Jews is truly distorted.)

He warned, “At the moment there is a risk the Jewish people will disappear if anti-Semitism disappears.” That’s something! Isn’t it!?
The Jewish Question is important in a way in which other vital problems are not, because of the Great Taboo on even discussing it. In fact, the Jewish Question today has become a sort of a benchmark of intellectual freedom: Whenever there is an inability to fully and freely discuss this issue, intellectual freedom has been severely compromised.

Now most people don’t give a tinker’s damn about intellectual freedom, which is hardly surprising since most people don’t have much of an intellect to be free with…  For me, truth is the goal, no matter whose ox gets gored, whose ass gets kicked, or whose sacred cow gets turned into hamburger. Truth-seeking, it is to be admitted, can be a risky business — the history of mankind is littered with the corpses of dissenters and heretics, and there is only the thin blue line of civilization which stands between the truth-seeker and the barbarity of most other men.

Lest I be misunderstood, I do not wish to excessively denigrate those who are unwilling to break the Great Taboo — it is simply too frightening for most people to risk jobs or social disapproval over an issue which seems so far removed from their everyday concerns.
You can run from my words, from what I said today here, but you cannot run from the truth it represents.

I opened my presentation with quoting from what said perhaps the greatest villain in Jewish history, Leyba Davidovich Trotsky and that was really very nasty stuff. Now I want to close it by quoting what said Russian writer Vladimir Stepin on whose book The Nature of Zionism I based much of what I said:18

“The chief weapon for defeating Zionism is publicity. Everyone must be told the truth. Everyone must know, understand, and achieve a proper feeling for, the whole truth about Zionism and Zionists: its aims, history, strategy, tactics, current condition and current struggle. They must understand the danger, the mortal danger. They must understand that Zionism is the enemy of all people, is the enemy of each individual person, and is in fact your enemy too. It is even the enemy of the Jews and the Zionists, and that is no paradox. 

Everyone must go into battle against it, and conduct a merciless,
unyielding fight to the finish, until complete victory over Zionism has been achieved, until mankind has been rid of the threat of Zionism’s victory, of the danger of Zionism, of Zionism altogether!”
[The Nature of Zionism By Vladimir Stepin, Published (in Russian) in Moscow, 1993, and translated into English (for Radio Islam) by Clive Lindhurst.]

Zionism and Russia – Lecture 2

June 2, 1916

Leon Trotsky, whose real name was Leyba Davidovich Bronstein, said:
“We must turn Russia into a desert populated by white negroes upon
whom we shall impose a tyranny such as the most terrible Eastern despots
never dreamt of. The only difference is that this will be a left-wing tyranny,
not a right-wing tyranny.

It will be a red tyranny and not a white one.

We mean the word ‘red’ literally, because we shall shed such floods
of blood as will make all the human losses suffered in the capitalist wars
quake and pale by comparison. The biggest bankers across the ocean will
work in the closest possible contact with us. If we win the revolution, we
shall establish the power of Zionism upon the wreckage of the revolution’s
funeral, and we shall became a power before which the whole world will
sink to its knees.

We shall show what real power is. By means of terror and bloodbaths, we shall reduce the Russian intelligentsia to a state of complete stupefaction and idiocy and to an animal existence… At the moment, our young men in their leather jackets, who are the sons of watchmakers from Odessa, Orsha, Gomel and Vinnitsa, know how to hate everything Russian!

What pleasure they take in physically destroying the Russian intelligentsia
— officers, academics and writers!…”

[As recorded in the Memoirs of Aron Simanovich, a jeweler at the court of the
Tsar’s Imperial Majesty, secretary of Rasputin and quoted in numerous Russian
scholarly works, including The Nature of Zionism By Vladimir Stepin, published
(in Russian) in Moscow, 1993 and translated into English (for Radio Islam) by
Clive Lindhurst.]

As we can see from this quote, Russia, of course, did not escape the attention
of the Zionists. The Russian dimension of Zionism cannot be overestimated. It is
perhaps impossible to describe all the activities of the Zionists in Russia. We shall only dwell on some of them.


Well, historical homeland of ancestors of most today’s Jews (VN:  Khazars) is actually in Russia.  The original Jews (those Hebrews of the Bible) were what we today would call Sephardics, Sephardic Jews out of the Middle East, who later went to Spain and Portugal when the Moors occupied the Iberian Peninsula.

However, almost all Jews today are Ashkenazi which means that they are not descendants of the Sephardics (Hebrews), but originate from a band of ruthless tribe called the Khazars. The Sephardics, in search of army for their revolutions, chose the 2 Khazars. The Khazars were converted to Judaism, and today they make up 95% of  the world’s Jewish population.

The kingdom of the Khazars vanished from the map of the world many
centuries ago. Today many people have never even heard of it, yet in its day the
Khazar kingdom [Khazaria] was a very major power, indeed holding sway over a
large empire of subjugated peoples. It had to be reckoned with by the two
neighbouring superpowers of that day. To the south and west of Khazaria the
Byzantine Empire was in full flower with its Eastern Orthodox Christian

To the south-east, the Khazar kingdom bordered on the expanding
Moslem Empire of the Arab Caliphs. The Khazar’s influenced the histories of both of these empires but, far more importantly, the Khazar kingdom occupied what was later to become a southern portion of Russia between the Black and Caspian Seas. As a result, the historical destinies of the Russians and the Khazars became intertwined in ways which have persisted down to the present day.

In case you have never heard of the Khazars, I think that first of all I should
mention where you can look to learn more about them. In 1976 a book about the
Khazars was published by the British writer [a Jew] Arthur Koestler. The book is
titled, The Thirteenth Tribe: The Khazar Empire and Its Heritage. The American publisher was Random House.

History records that the Khazars were derived from a mixture of Mongols,
Turks and Fins. According to some records, they descend from Togarmah through his son Khozar. As early as the 3rd Century AD, they were identifiable in constant warfare in the areas of Persia and Armenia. The first mentioning of Khazars refers to the 5th century, at that time they were known as akatsirs, inhabiting the steppes of the northern Caucasus.

Their language refers to the Bulgarian group of tursk languages. But no written texts have been found.  In the 5th Century, the Khazars were among the devastating hordes of Attila, the Hun. The death of Attila, however, precipitated the collapse of the Hunnic empire and left an Eastern European power-vacuum which the Khazars eventually filled. They then proceeded to subjugate all other surrounding tribes to the extent that, shortly after their defeat, those tribes went virtually unmentioned in subsequent historical accounts. The Khazars had just swallowed them up,  historically speaking.

Around 550 AD, the nomadic Khazars began settling themselves in the area
around the northem Caucasus between the Black and Caspian Seas. The Khazar’s capital of Itil was established at the mouth of the Volga River where it emptied into the Caspian Sea, in order to control the river traffic. The Khazars then exacted a toll of 10% on any and all cargo which passed Itil on the river. Those who refused  were attacked and slaughtered. 3  (VN: This interfered with the Silk route between Turkey Muslims on the east and Christian Catholics on the west.  That is how these khazars lost their country and blamed it on both religions.)

In the middle of the 7th century they had already their own state which was
called Khazar Kaganat. With the kingdom finally established in the Caucasus, the
Khazars gradually began to create an empire of subjugated peoples. More and
more Slavonic tribes, who were peaceful compared with the Khazars, were
attacked and conquered. They became part of the Khazar Empire, required to pay tribute continually to the Khazar Kagan.

And so the Khazar Empire expanded northward to Kiev which is today the
capital of Ukraine, on the Dnieper River. Then, the Khazarian Empire extended its territory from the Dniepr River in the west to the Aral Sea in the east, controlling most of the shores of the Caspian Sea, so that it is still called “Khazar Sea” in Turkish, Persian, Arabic and other languages. Eventually, it occupied an immense land area of over a million square miles extending in the west from what is today Hungary/Austria eastward to the Aral Sea, north to the Upper Volga, and its southern region extending to the Caucasus Mountains between the Black and Caspian seas. It was at that time literally the largest country on earth.

This Kingdom of the Khazars is clearly revealed in a vast body of historical evidence, much of which has come to light only in the last three to five decades.
So powerful, socially and militarily, were the Khazars that, as Kevin Alan
Brook relates in his work The Jews of Khazaria, “emperor of the Byzantines
[Roman Empire], Constantine Porphyrogenitus, sent correspondence to the
Khazars marked with a gold seal worth 3 solidi — more than the 2 solidi that
always accompanied letters to the Pope of Rome, the Prince of the Rus, and the
Prince of the Hungarians.” [Brook, The Jews of Khazaria]

At the peak of their empire it is believed that the Khazars had a permanent standing army that could have numbered as many as one hundred thousand and controlled or exacted tribute, astonishingly, from thirty different nations and tribes inhabiting the vast territories between the Caucasus, the Aral Sea, the Ural Mountains and the Ukrainian steppes.

Russian archaeologist Mikhail Artamonov states that, for a century and a half, the Khazars were the supreme masters of the southern half of Eastern Europe and presented a virtually impenetrable bulwark, blocking the Ural-Caspian gateway from Asia into Europe. The Khazar’s original (indigenous) pagan religion was some wild form of Shamanism, consisting of a pantheon of nebulous gods, and they sacrificed not only various animals in their ritual ceremonies (preferably horses), but humans, usually the very cleverest and smartest among their captives.

Then, in about 740 AD, a stunning event took place. The Khazars converted
to Judaism!  In his famous book, The Thirteenth Tribe, the Jewish author Arthur Koestler relates in considerable detail that following this bizarre series of events: “… in 732— after a resounding Khazar victory over the Arabs — the future [Byzantine 4 Catholic] Emperor Constantine V married a Khazar princess [baptized Eirene].  In due time their son became the Emperor Leo IV, known as Leo the Khazar. A few years later, probably AD 740, the [Khazar] King [Bulan], his court and the military ruling class embraced the Jewish faith, and Judaism became the state religion of the Khazars…” [The Thirteenth Tribe, p. 14]

Now, this odd mass-conversion of the wild and woolly Khazar Kingdom, we
learn, was but “a cunning political maneuver”, since this bothersome tribe was then surrounded on all sides by hostile tribes. The Khazars had been under continual pressure from their Byzantine and Moslem neighbours to adopt Christianity or Islam. So, in the year 740 AD, King Bulan, the King of Khazaria, decided to adopt some monotheistic religion. According to legend, he was responding to dreams or visions.

But, of course, it’s more probable that the realities of power politics played a large part in this decision. Bulan’s Empire was adjacent to the Byzantine and Muslim Empires. I presume that there must have come a time, in the midst of all the bloodshed, when he began to wonder just what it was that made the Arabs and Christians such furious proselytizers.

So he began to study religion.  The actual mechanics of the Khazarian kingdom’s turn to Judaism was, most historians agree, rather well thought out rather than random and capricious as some have believed. According to George Vernadski, in his book A History of Russia, in AD 860 a delegation of Khazars were sent to Constantinople, which was then what remained of the ancient capitol of the old Roman Empire turned Christian under the Emperor Constantine. Their message was:

We have known God the Lord of everything [referring here to Tengri] from
time immemorial … and now the Jews are urging us to accept their religion
and customs, and the Arabs, on their part, draw us to their faith, promising
us peace and many gifts. [George Vernadsky, A History of Russia, Vol. 1
(New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 1948), p. 346.]  This appeal, in all its implications, was obviously made for the purpose of drawing the Christian Roman Empire into the debate with an eye perhaps toward a balanced argument amongst the major monotheistic religions.

Kevin Brook makes the observation that “this statement reveals that the Jews were actively seeking converts in Khazaria in 860.” He also adds that “in the year 860, [Christian] Saints Cyril and Methodius were sent as missionaries to the Khazars by the Byzantine emperor Michael III …. since the Khazars had requested that a Christian scholar come to Khazaria to debate with the Jews and Muslims.” [Brook, The Jews of Khazaria] Inasmuch as the world has seldom (or perhaps never) witnessed any culture of people more adept at the art of religious debate than rabbinical Jews, the Khazar’s conversion to Talmudic Judaism is not a surprising outcome, given that 5 such a forum was to be the determining factor in their choice, rather than purely spiritual perceptions.

The legend states that Bulan invited representatives of the three faiths (Christianity, Islam, and Judaism) to visit him in Itil, his capital city on the mouth of the Volga River near the shores of the Caspian Sea (which was, as I just said, called the “Khazar Sea” in those days). Each representative gave a powerful argument for his respective faith. King Bulan was unable to choose. So he sent the three representatives out, and called back the Christian by himself. He asked him which of the other two faiths he should choose, should he decide to reject Christianity. The Christian, without hesitation, began railing against the Muslim religion, and strongly advocated Judaism. Likewise, the Muslim railed against Christianity, and advocated Judaism.

So Bulan took their advice. He rejected both Christianity and Islam, and he became a Jew. The king then concluded that Judaism, being the foundation upon which both of the other monotheistic religions were built, would be that which he and his subjects should embrace. (VN: its also been rumored that he saw in both Catholics and Muslims that the khazars were outnumbered by each of those two religions, and he also noted that the Jewish religion inside his borders were only 1% of his population, which meant the Khazars outnumbered the Jews and thus he selected that religion and automatically became the dominant player in the Jewish faith of the day.  Given the khazars penchant for practical considerations and their love of deception, this then became their faith)

According to Benjamin Freedman the Khazars’ conversion to Judaism was
also first precipitated by their monarch’s abhorrence of the moral climate into
which his kingdom had descended. Freedman has claimed, and other historians
confirmed, that the pagan Khazars engaged in extremely immoral forms of
religious practices, among them phallic worship.

Yet, Koestler’s position was that the king’s conversion was essentially a
political decision. “At the beginning of the eighth century,” he writes, “the world
was polarized between the two super-powers representing Christianity and Islam.  Their ideological doctrines were welded to power-politics pursued by the classical methods of propaganda, subversion and military conquest.” “The Khazar Empire represented a Third Force,” Koestler continues, “which had proved equal to either of them, both as an adversary and an ally. But it could only maintain its independence by accepting neither Christianity nor Islam — for either choice would have automatically subordinated it to the authority of the Roman Emperor or the Caliph of Baghdad.” [Koestler, The Thirteenth Tribe, p. 58.]

It was clear that the Khazars were determined to preserve their supremacy as a “Third Force” in the world, and undisputed leader of the countries and tribal nations of the Transcaucasus. They saw that the adoption of one of the monotheistic religions would confer upon their monarch the benefit of both prelatic and judicial authority that their system of shamanism could not, and that the rulers of the other two powers clearly enjoyed.

Cambridge historian John Bury concurs: “There can be no question,” he says, “that the ruler was actuated by political motives in adopting Judaism. To embrace Mohammadanism would have made him the spiritual dependent of the Caliphs, who attempted to press their faith on the Khazars, and in Christianity lay the danger of his becoming an ecclesiastical vassal of the Roman 6
Empire. Judaism was a reputable religion with sacred books which both Christian and Mohammadan respected; it elevated him above the heathen barbarians, and secured him against the interference of Caliph or Emperor.” [Bury, A History of the Eastern Roman Empire, p. 406.]

According to an ancient document entitled King Joseph’s Reply to Hasdai
ibn Shaprut, Joseph (a later Khazarian king) stated that, “From that time on the
Almighty God helped him [King Bulan] and strengthened him. He and his slaves
circumcised themselves and he sent for and brought wise men of Israel who
interpreted the Torah for him and arranged the precepts in order.” [Brook, The
Jews of Khazaria, p. 126.]

Well, there appears to be as many historical accounts as to how King Bulan
was converted to Judaism as there are historians and mystics to present them.
Many of them involve visions of angels, such as the tale by a Sephardic Jewish
philosopher detailing a dream in which an angel told the king that his “intentions
are desirable to the Creator” but the continued observance of shamanism was not. [Yehuda HaLevi, The Kuzari (Northvale, NJ: Jason Aronson, 1998), p. 1.]

In the aforementioned document, King Joseph’s Reply, its author claims that in that same dream God promised King Bulan that if he would abandon his pagan religion and worship the only true God that He would “bless and multiply Bulan’s offspring, and deliver his enemies into his hands, and make his kingdom last to the end of the world.” It is believed by scholars that the dream was designed to simulate the Covenant in Genesis and meant to imply “that the Khazars too claimed the status of a Chosen Race, who made their own Covenant with the Lord, even though they were not descended from Abraham’s seed,” says Koestler. [Koestler, The Thirteenth Tribe, p. 66.]

Overnight an entirely new group of people, the warlike Khazars, suddenly
proclaimed themselves Jews — adoptive Jews. The Khazar kingdom began to be
described as the “Kingdom of the Jews” by historians of the day. Succeeding
Khazar rulers took Jewish names, and during the late 9th Century the Khazar
kingdom became a haven for Jews of other lands. Significantly, as speculated upon by the noted Russian archaeologist Mikhail Artamonov, author of History of the Khazars (the book which, unfortunately, is available only in Russian), the sudden and unprecedented Khazar acceptance of Judaism as their new religion was actually the result of a carefully-planned Jewish coup d’etat, which at the same time not only reduced the Kagan to a mere figurehead but turned over all the real power to a new co-ruler called the Bek!

As Koestler writes, all “the affairs of state  including leadership of the army, were managed by the Bek (sometimes also called the Kagan Bek), who wielded all effective power.” Thus, the ancient Khazar system of government became a ‘double kingship’, the Kagan representing divine,the Bek secular power.” [Koestler, The Thirteenth Tribe, p. 54.] Shortly thereafter, 7 the Jews now having consolidated their power, they had the Khazars adopt the 22- letter Hebrew alphabet as well as their language, and even convinced them to submit to circumcision!

The Jews themselves fully understand their Khazarian heritage, as the third
edition of the Jewish Encyclopedia for 1925 records: “Chazars: a people of Turkish origin whose life and history are interwoven with the very beginnings of the history of the Jews of Russia.”

If not for the fact that at least 95% of the world’s Jews are probably
descendants of Khazar converts, this event would merit little further discussion.
But since most Jews hail from Eastern Europe and Russia, we are in no position
whatsoever to ignore this extraordinary conversion. Therefore, it is extremely
important to look into the Khazars in some detail.

Of the ferocity and warlike tendencies of the Khazars there is little doubt and
much historical evidence, all of it pointing to a group of people so violent in their
dealings with their fellow men that they were feared and abhorred above all
peoples in that region of the world. Legends and stories abound that center around Alexander the Great and his attempt to enclose the Khazars and quarantine them, due to their violent and barbaric nature, from the rest of the civilized world. This endeavor apparently failed. Some legends even claim they were cannibals. (VN:  Aaah, that would explain the expulsion from Mongolia) [Those were mentioned in Andrew Collin Gow’s book, The Red Jews (Leiden,  Netherlands: E. J. Brill, 1995), pp. 40-41.]

After the kingdom’s conversion to Judaism, the term “Red Jews” came into usage out of the superstition of medieval Germans, who equated their red hair and beards and their violent nature with deceit and dishonesty. And, as I said, it is also well documented that they heavily taxed those passing through their lands, for none dared refuse them.

It is not difficult to determine some of the motivating factors behind the
legendary Khazar ferocity in war. “When the bek [the Khazar head of the military  and second in command only to the Kagan himself] sends out a body of troops they do not in any circumstances retreat. If they are defeated, every one who returns to him is killed. … Sometimes he cuts every one of them in two and crucifies them and sometimes he hangs them by the neck from trees.” [Douglas M. Dunlop, The History of the Jewish Khazars, p. 113.]

Tribute by conquered peoples has always been a feature of empires, of
course, but not in the fashion of the Khazars. The so-called great empires of the
world always gave something in return for the taxes they extracted. Rome, for
example, made citizens of those they conquered; and in return for the taxes they
levied, they brought civilisation, order and protection against attack from would-be invaders. But not so in the Khazar Empire. The people who were subject to the Khazars received only one thing in return for their payments of tribute, and that was a shaky promise — the Khazars would refrain from further attacks and pillage 8 so long as the tributes were paid.

Therefore, the subjects of the Khazar Empire were nothing more than the victims of the giant protection racket. The Khazar overlords were therefore resented universally and bitterly throughout their domain, but they were also feared because of the merciless way in which they dealt with anyone who stood up to them.

The Khazarian kingdom reached its peak of power and world influence in
the latter half of the eighth century. But then a new factor appeared on the scene. The death knell of their empire was eventually seen in the dragon-headed ships of the Vikings who were to cross and navigate all the major waterways in their onslaughts.

In the midst of the rise of Khazars, a new Nordic power entered the fray —
the Norsemen. As early as the 6th Century, these tall blond Germanic tribesmen,
emerging from Scandinavia, had started to establish settlements along the Baltic
Sea and had sent expeditions into central Russia up the western Dvina River.
Attack by the Khazars upon the Slavic tribes led the latter to call upon their Nordic Scandinavian cousins for help. By the end of the 8th Century the Norsemen had built fortified settlements at Novgorod and Kiev and had set up smaller trading posts further down south, into Khazar territory.

The Norsemen, who called themselves Varangians, mixed with the Indo-
European remnants in western Russia, the Alans and parts of the original Slavs.
The Alans had originally called themselves the As, and a leading clan amongst
them was known as the Rukhs-As (the “shining” or “leading” Alans). This tribe
was the very last Indo-European tribe who emerged from the Caucasus region just before it was overrun and destroyed by the Mongols. From the Rukhs-As developed a tribal name, the Rus. After a while the Norsemen also began taking on the customs of these original Indo-Europeans, eventually calling themselves the Rus. It is from this time that the word Russia originated.

Like other Vikings, the Rus were bold adventurers and fierce fighters, but
when they tangled with the Khazars, the Rus often ended up paying tribute like
everyone else. The Khazars attacked the Rus without warning.

Initially taken aback by the ferocity of the Khazar attack, the Rus called for
re-enforcements from Scandinavia. The call was answered by Rurik, ruler of
southern Jutland and Friesland in Denmark, who set off for the steppes of Russia
with an army, arriving in 856 AD. It is from this date that the Russians formally
count the history of their country as having started. In 862 Rurik founded the city of Novgorod, and the Russian nation was born.
With two other Vikings, Dir and Askold, Rurik gained the kingship of the
city of Kiev and successfully organized the defense of the territories belonging to
these two city states. The Rus Vikings settled also among the Slavonic tribes under Khazar domination, and the struggle between Vikings and Khazars changed in 9 character. It became a struggle by the emerging nation of Russia for independence from Khazar oppression.

Rurik had already established a reputation as a warrior — in the West he
would have been called a Viking (as indeed many of his compatriots who went
west on their forays, were called). Rurik had in the interim become king of the city Novrogod, and led the emerging Rus successfully until his death in 879 AD.
His successor was the Norwegian born Oleg (Old Norse name Helgi,
Khazarian form: Helgu).

He was a relative (likely brother-in-law) of Rurik. Oleg (or the Varangian Helgi) was entrusted by Rurik to take care of both his kingdom and his young son Ingvar, or Igor, until he grew up. Rurik, before his death, asked Oleg to rule the country and take care of Igor Oleg fulfilled Ruric’s will. Oleg gradually united the principalities of Novrogod and Kiev and then started expanding the territory under the control of the Rus. Kiev (previously held by two other Varangians, Askold and Dir) was incorporated into a new united state in 882 AD. Prince Oleg moved the capital of Rus from Novgorod to Kiev.

The new capital was a convenient place to launch a raid against
Constantinople. He gathered a sufficient army by 907 AD and had a successful
campaign against Byzantium. The campaign resulted in an exceptionally
advantageous trade treaty, signed a little bit later, in the year 911. Oleg also
subdued and incorporated many neighboring tribes, launching raids into the Khazar held territory in the south.

To protect his vast possessions, Oleg started developing towns in the
southeastern frontier. The Khazars had used to raid Russia from there, but Oleg
defeated them several times and for some period of time Russia was out of danger.  Oleg has gone down in history as one of the best Kievian princes.

A legend is connected with the death of Oleg, which became the basis of
Pushkin’s Song of Oleg. According to a legend recorded by Pushkin in his
celebrated ballad, setting out for a campaign against the Khazars, Oleg met a
soothsayer in the forest who, in Pushkin’s version of the legend, told him: “The
death-wound shall come from thy good battle steed.” It was prophesied by this
pagan priests that Oleg would take death from his horse.

Though he loved the horse very much, Oleg ordered it be taken away and kept it far away from him.  Several years passed and Oleg found out that the horse had died. He came to the place where the dead horse was left, of which only bones remained. He was sad over the horse and at the same time glad that he had escaped the prophecy. But while he was standing deep in thoughts over the bones, a venomous snake emerged from the horse’s skull and bit Oleg. Says Pushkin: “From the skull of the charger a snake, with a hiss10 Crept forth as the hero was speaking:  Round his legs, like a ribbon, it twined its black ring; And the Prince shrieked aloud as he felt the keen sting.”

The prophet was right. Oleg died, thus fulfilling the prophecy. In Scandinavian traditions, this legend lived on in the saga of Orvar-Odd. Two funerary barrows have been known as Oleg’s graves, one in Ladoga and another in Kiev. “And Oleg became known as prophetic,” — with these words the author of the Primary Chronicle ends his narration about him. Oleg’s successor, prince Igor, ruled Kievian Russia from 913 until his death in 945. Our knowledge of him comes from Greek and Latin, in addition to Russian, sources. Igor had to fight the Drevliane as well as to maintain and spread Kievian authority in other East Slavic lands.

Igor’s sudden death left his widow Olga in charge of the Kievian state, for
their son Sviatoslav was still a boy. Olga used the opportunity to become the first
woman in to rule in Russian history. In 957 she made a journey to Constantinople, where she was warmly received by the emperor Constantine Porphyrogentus and where she was baptized as a Christian. However Olga’s conversion did not mean a conversion of her people or her son Sviatoslav.

In 962 AD, Olga abdicated in favor of her son, Svyatoslav, the first prince of
the house of Rurik to have a Slavic name. The ten years of Sviatoslav’s rule of
Kievian Russia, 962 to 972 AD, have been called “the great adventure”. Sviatoslav stands out in history as a classic warrior-prince: simple, severe, brave, sharing with his men uncounted hardships as well as continuous battles.

A fierce warrior who adhered strictly to his Scandinavian upbringing —
even refusing to become a Christian after his mother had converted — Svyatoslav set as his first task the destruction of the Jewish Khazar empire in the south. In 965, the Rus army under Svyatoslav, crashed through the Khazar borders and utterly defeated the Jewish slave trading empire forever.

The Rusian Chronicle recorded the conquest of one major Khazar city,
Sarkel, as follows:

“Svyatoslav went to the Oka and the Volga [rivers], and on coming into
contact with the Vyatichians [a Slavic tribe] he asked them to whom they
paid tribute. They answered that they paid a silver piece per plowshare to the
Khazars. When they [the Khazars] heard of his approach, they went out to
meet him with their prince, the kagan, and the armies came to blows. When
the battle thus took place, Svyatoslav defeated the Khazars and took their
city of Byelaya Vyezha.”  11

On having defeated the Khazars, Svyatoslav completed the unification of the
East Slavs around Kiev. Also he brought under Russian control the great Volga-
Caspian trade route, which had always been of peculiar importance. Svyatoslav
even challenged the Byzantine Empire. The new emperor, the famous military
leader John the Tzimisces, had become fully aware of the new danger. On having
overwhelmed a rebellion in Asia, he shifted his main effort to the Balkans and
finally defeated the Russians. Sviatoslav was forced to sign a peace treaty on the
conditions that he abandons the Balkans and promise not to challenge the
Byzantine Empire again in the future.

On his way home, with a small retinue, he was attacked and killed by Byzantium forces. According to the Primary Chronicle, the Pecheneg khan headman that killed Sviatoslav had a drinking cup made out of Sviatoslav’s skull. The great adventure had come to its end.  A remarkable Russian historian Karamzin wrote: “Svyatoslav deserves the admiration of a poet and also the reproach of a historian.”

Upon Svyatoslav’s death, his kingdom passed to his youngest son, Vladimir.
Over a century after the founding of Russia’s first city, another momentous event
took place. Russia’s leader, Prince Vladimir of Kiev, accepted baptism and became a Christian in the year 989 AD. Vladimir also made his newly-acquired Christian faith the state religion of Russia replacing the pagan worship formerly practiced in Russia since it was founded in 820 A.D.

He actively promoted Christianity in Russia, and his memory is revered by Russians today as “Saint Vladimir”; and so a thousand years ago Russia’s tradition as a Christian nation began. Vladimir’s conversion also brought Russia into alliance with Byzantium. During Vladimir’s reign (980-1015) Kievian Russia reached it’s height in many realms and became one of the strongest and culturally most developed countries in Europe.


The swan song of the Khazar kingdom was actually not a precipitous decline
in a climactic or decisive series of battles, but rather a gradual, evolutionary
succumbing to superior forces over a protracted period of time. The Khazar
kingdom was shattered, and the kingdom of the Khazars fell into decline. Like the Semitic Jews some 1000 years earlier, the Khazar Jews became dispersed. The kingdom of the Khazars was no more.

In the historical documents, after the destruction of the Khazar Empire,
individual Jews are mentioned only in Kiev (about 1160) and Chernigov (1181).
The Zionists (yes, I will call them Zionists) remained unpacified and, in 1175,
organized a conspiracy which included the killing of Prince Andrey Bogolyubskiy.  Many Jews were slaughtered in response to this and the Russian princes, meeting at an assembly, resolved no longer to admit Jews to Russia. There were no more 12 Zionists (or any Jews, for that matter) in Russia until the time of Catherine the Great.

Eventually most of the Khazar Jews migrated to other areas. Many of them wound up in eastern Europe.  The American People’s Encyclopedia for 1964 at 15-292 records the following reference to Khazars:

“In the year 740 A.D. the Khazars were officially converted to Judaism. A
century later they were cursed by the in-coming Slavic-speaking people and
were scattered over central Europe WHERE THEY WERE KNOWN AS
JEWS. It is from this grouping that most German and Polish Jews are
descended, and they likewise make up a considerable part of that population
now found in America. The term Ashkenazim is now applied to this …

Students of Khazar history have long been interested in the fate of the
Khazars after the collapse of their empire in the 10th century. This is a difficult
topic to research. Not unexpectedly, this topic is highly charged, since a primary
Khazar origin for the Ashkenazic Jews would invalidate the Zionist thesis that the contemporary Jews are largely of Palestinian Semitic origin and are more
deserving of Palestine than the indigenous Palestinian Arab population.

As I said in the beginning, the Khazar-Jews are also known by the name
“Ashkenazim.” Under the heading “ASHKENAZI, ASHKENAZIM,” The New
Standard Jewish Encyclopedia provides population statistics for the Ashkenazim:
ASHKENAZI, ASHKENAZIM: … constituted before 1933 some nine-tenths
of the Jewish people (about 15,000,000 out of 16,500,000) [as of 1968 it is believed by some Jewish authorities to be closer to 100%].

Again, Arthur Koestler’s book was the first to blew the lid off this
suppressed fact. Koestler notes that “In the 1960’s, the number of the Sephardim
was estimated at 500,000. The Ashkenazim, at the same period, numbered about
eleven million. Thus in common parlance, Jew is synonymous with Ashkenazi
Jew.” [Thirteenth Tribe, p. 181]

“About 92 percent of all Jews or approximately 14,500,000 are
Ashkenazim.” [The Universal Jewish Encyclopedia] And, today even
Encyclopedia Americana admits that “The Khazars are believed to be the ancestors of most Russian and Eastern European Jews).” [Encyclopedia Americana (1985)]

These quotes clearly illustrates the Jews’ position regarding their ancestry.
The Jews recognize that their genetic lineage is primarily from the Turkish 13
Mongolian Khazars rather than from the lineage of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.

The Khazars adopted the religion of Judaism between the seventh and ninth centuries; this conversion gave rise to their false claim of being Judahites when in fact they have no historical or racial basis for doing so. The Khazars’ and their modern-day descendants’ claim to being Jews is strictly religious.  (VN: they "say" they practice it, but in reality they changed the talmud and included their pagan religion practices within that book. 

In the early Middle Ages there were no significant numbers of Jews and no
Jews in leading positions in Europe, except perhaps Muslim Spain. There may
have already been a small population of what Koestler calls “real Jews” living in
Europe, but there can be little doubt that the majority of modern Jewry originated in the migratory waves of Khazars who play such a dominant part in early history of Russia.

Abraham N. Poliak, Tel Aviv University’s Professor of Mediaeval Jewish
History, wondered at “how far we can go in regarding this [Khazar] Jewry as the
nucleus of the large Jewish settlement in Eastern Europe. The descendants of this settlement,” Poliak declares, “those who stayed where they were, those who
emigrated to the United States and to other countries, and those who went to Israel — constitute now the large majority of world Jewry. [A. N. Poliak, Khazaria — The History of a Jewish Kingdom in Europe (Mossad Bialik, Tel Aviv, 1951).]

Some historians, such as Austrian orientalist Hugo Kutschera, assert that Eastern European Jewry was not part, but entirely of Khazarian origin. [Koestler, The Thirteenth Tribe, p. 169.] “The strangest fact is that the name of the Ashkenazim, the bulk whom I see as the descendents of the Khazars,” writes Hugo Kutschera, “points towards the old grounds of the Khazars around the Caucasus. … According to the explanation by the Talmud, Ashkenaz thus means a country near the Black Sea between Ararat and the Caucasus, within the original region of the Khazar empire. The name with which the Sefardim indicate their co-religionists from Poland already gives the explanation for the real descent, from the countries in the Caucasus.” [Hugo Freiherr von Kutschera, Die Chasaren: Historische Studie (Vienna: A. Holzhausen, 1910).] This, again, is precisely the geographic locality of the Khazarian empire.

The Ashkenazim spread northwards into Russia, and then westwards into the
rest of Europe. This gradual dispersion of the Khazar (or Ashkenazim) Jews up
into central Russia and across into the rest of Europe and eventually beyond is
described by Michael Rice in his book, False Inheritance, in these words:

"In time, the Khazars disappeared as a distinct entity, but by that time
Judaism was firmly planted amongst a large number of peasants,
smallholders and modest townsfolk living in southern Russia. Gradually
some of their surplus populations drifted westwards, settling in most of the
eastern European cities, though the original communities had tended always
14  to be strongly peasant in character. They came to represent an important
stratum in the lineage of the Ashkenazi Jews, having migrated into Poland,
Lithuania and Hungary".

In an article “The Jewish Kings of Russia” from the Jewish magazine
Shabbat Shalom, Robert C. Quillan elaborated upon the Khazar Jews: “the Jews of Poland and eastern Europe are of largely Khazar Jewish, rather than Semitic
Jewish origin,” and “Because many American Jews trace their lineage to these
countries,” many scholars have concluded that this “disturbs the concept of a
chosen people [from today’s Jews] extending back to Abraham.” H. G. Wells, in
his Outline of History, reached the same conclusion: “The main part of Jewry
never was in Judea and had never come out of Judea.” On September 10, 1985 in
an address to the Cornell Club of Washington, D.C., Jewish author Dr. Alfred M.
Lilienthal revealed that the Khazar-Jewish connection has been verified by many
prominent anthropologists:

"Many [modern-day Jews] of whom have clamored to go back [to
Palestine] never had antecedents [physical ancestors] in that part of the
world…. The overwhelming majority of Jews are descendants from the
converts of Khazaria and elsewhere who adopted Judaism…". This view of
the non-ethnicity of the largest portion of Jewry is sustained by such
prominent anthropologists as Ripley, Weissenberg, Hertz, Boas, Pittard,
Fishberg, Mead and others.

Arriving at the obvious conclusion that the Ashkenazi Jews were not
Semitic, Dr. Lilienthal wrote: “These ‘Ashkenazim [Khazar] Jews’ (the Jews of
Eastern Europe), … have little or no trace of Semitic blood.”
And as I said, all of the previous quotations are documented as true and
historically accurate in the remarkable book The Thirteenth Tribe by the well known Jewish author, Arthur Koestler. Following is one of the many admissions
made by Mr. Koestler about the true ancestry of today’s Jewish people: …
genetically they [today’s Jews] are more closely related to the Hun, Uigur and
Magyar tribes than to the seed of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.

Should this turn out to  be the case, then the term “anti-Semitism” would become void of meaning. Random House advertised Koestler’s book quite extensively; they began some of their ads with the headline: “WHAT IF MOST JEWS AREN’T REALLY SEMITES AT ALL?”  The Jews admit that they are not the descendants of the Ancient Israelites in their writings. Under the heading “A Brief History of the Terms for Jew,” in the15  1980 Jewish Almanac, is the following: “Strictly speaking it is incorrect to call an ancient Israelite a “Jew” or to call a contemporary Jew an “Israelite” or a “Hebrew.” [1980 Jewish Almanac, p.3] This is a remarkable admission. Read it again and let it really sink in!

As the Khazars moved and lived amongst other people, the Khazar Jews
passed on a distinct heritage from generation to generation. One element of the
Khazar (or Ashkenazi) Jew heritage is a militant form of ZIONISM. “It was among Ashkenazi Jews,” says the Encyclopedia Americana, “that the idea of political Zionism emerged, leading ultimately to the establishment of the state of Israel. … In the view of Khazar Jews, the land occupied by ancient Israel is to be retaken — not by miracle but by armed force. This is what is meant by Zionism today, and this is the force that created the nation which calls itself Israel today."

The other major ingredient of the Khazar Jew heritage is hatred for the
Russian people. Russia is viewed as the force which caused the ancient so-called empire of the Jews, the Khazar empire, to collapse. Having once dominated much of what is present-day Russia, the Khazar Jews still want to reestablish that domination — and for a millennium they have been trying continually to do just that.

So they moved to Poland. Under Boleslaw III Krzywousty (1102-1139), the
Jews, encouraged by the tolerant régime of this ruler, settled throughout Poland,
including over the border into Lithuanian territory. According to Koestler’s
estimation about half million Khazars moved to Poland-Lithuania, which amount
would about correspond the estimated size of the Jewish population in the area.
“The first Jews to settle in Lithuania in the 11th century came from the land of the Khazars. When the Khazars were overrun by the Mongols and Russians, the Jews settled in Lithuania, whose rulers, at that time, were extremely tolerant.” [Sidney L. Markowitz, What You Should Know About Jewish Religion, History, Ethics and Culture (New York, NY: Citadel Press, 1955).]

The Prince of Cracow, Mieczyslaw (Mieszko) III (1173-1202), in his endeavor to establish law and order in his domains, prohibited all violence against the Jews, particularly attacks upon them by unruly students (żacy). Boys guilty of such attacks, or their parents, were made to pay fines as heavy as those imposed for sacrilegious acts.

Actually, as early as the 10th century the Jews were already quite influential
in Poland, and by the 12th century they were well enough entrenched to even
monopolize the coinage of Poland’s money. Says the Jewish Encyclopedia: “Coins
unearthed in 1812 in the Great Polish village of Glenbok show conclusively that in the reigns of Mieszko, Casimir, and Leshek, the Jews were, as stated above, in
charge of the coinage of Great and Little Poland.” [Funk & Wagnall’s Jewish
Encyclopedia, vol. 10, page 56] It is interesting to note that these coins bore
Hebraic as well as Polish inscriptions.16

From the various sources it is evident that at this time the Jews enjoyed
undisturbed peace and prosperity in the many principalities into which the country was then divided. In the interests of commerce the reigning princes extended protection and special privileges to the Jewish settlers. In 1334, Casimir III the Great (1303-1370) amplified and expanded Boleslaw’s old charter with the Wislicki Statute. Casimir was especially friendly to the Jews, and his reign is regarded as an era of great prosperity for Polish Jewry.

His improved charter was even more favorable to the Jews than was Boleslaw’s, insofar as it safeguarded some of their civil rights in addition to their commercial privileges. He regarded the Jews not simply as an association of money-lenders, but as a part of the nation, into which they were to be incorporated for the formation of a homogeneous body politic. For his attempts to uplift the Jews, Casimir was surnamed by his contemporaries “King of the Jews.”

Now, I should at least briefly mention also Lithuania which is from where I
am myself. Lithuania was first mentioned in 1009 AD, formed a state in 1183 AD,
and developed into a powerful empire in the 14th century. It expanded beyond the boundaries of the initial area of Lithuanian settlement, acquiring large parts of former Kievan Rus. It covered the territory of present-day Lithuania, Belarus,
Ukraine, Transnistria and parts of Poland and Russia during the period of its
greatest extent in the 15th century. It survived and gained power in the constant
fight with the Teutonic Knights who were supported by almost the whole of
Catholic Europe. I’m very proud to say that Lithuanians were the last among
Europeans to become Christians.

Vytautas was one of the most famous rulers of the Grand Duchy of
Lithuania, Grand Duke from 1401-1430. He was the cousin of Jogaila, who
became King of Poland as Władysław II. In Lithuania, Vytautas is revered, and is a national hero. Vytautas is still one of the most popular first names for boys.
Vytautas Magnus University was named after him.

As a result of the marriage of Lithuanian duke Jogaila (Jagiello in Polish) to
Jadwiga, daughter of Louis I of Hungary, Lithuania was united with the kingdom
of Poland. Jogaila became King Wladislaus II. He was christened and then
converted Lithuania to Christianity one year later. This laid the foundation for the future Commonwealth of Poland and Lithuania. Jogaila’s successors went on to successfully expand their political influence all throughout the 15th Century.

Under the Lublin Union in 1569, the Grand Duchy of Lithuania federated into the
Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. In this federation, the Grand Duchy of
Lithuania had a separate government, laws, army, and treasury. So, now, rights
were extended to Lithuanian Jews as well…Here, by the way, I should mention a very peculiar people called the Crimean Karaites that are also known as Karaims and Qarays. They are a17
community of ethnic Turkic adherents of Karaite Judaism.

Originally centered in Crimea, Karaims were established in Lithuania and also in a few places elsewhere in Europe from medieval times. Their origin is a matter of great controversy. Some regard them as descendants of Khazars (unlikely) or Kipchak (more likely) converts to Karaite Judaism. Modern Karaims seek to distance themselves from being identified as Jews, emphasizing what they view as their Turkic heritage and claiming that they are Turkic practitioners of a “Mosaic religion” separate and distinct from Judaism.

Whatever their origin, from the time of the Golden Horde onward, they were present in many towns and villages throughout Crimea and  around the Black Sea. In 1392 Grand Duke Vytautas of Grand Duchy of Lithuania relocated one branch the Crimean Karaites to Lithuania where they continued to
speak their own language. The Lithuanian Karaites settled primarily in Vilnius and Trakai. The Karaims in Lithuanian territory were granted a measure of autonomy.

Today, the Statistics Department of Lithuania carried out an ethno-statistic
research “Karaims in Lithuania” in 1997. It was decided to question all adult
Karaims and mixed families, where one of the members is a Karaim. During the
survey, i.e beginning 1997 there were 257 Karaim nationality people, 32 among
them were children under 16.

The most prosperous period for Polish Jews began following this new influx
of Jews with the reign of Zygmunt I (1506–1548), who protected the Jews in his
realm. His son, Zygmunt II August (1548–1572), mainly followed in the tolerant
policy of his father and also granted autonomy to the Jews in the matter of
communal administration and laid the foundation for the power of the Kahal, or
autonomous Jewish community. This period led to the creation of a proverb about Poland being a “heaven for the Jews”… Under the rule of King Stephen Bathory (1575-86) Jews were granted a Parliament of their own, which met twice a year and had the power to levy taxes.

Thus, the Khazar Jews, far from being destroyed by the devastating
invasions of their Russian homeland, had instead entered into a new and
prosperous chapter in their history — in Poland. It was during this period that
the Jews developed their new language:

"Yiddish. It sounds like German, but that’s not because the Polish Jews came from Germany. No, it’s because German Christians came from Germany, actively
recruited by the King of Poland to immigrate to Poland, bringing their relatively
advanced culture with them. And, immigrate they did — in large numbers, having been given tremendous incentives to do so.

Most of the important business transactions in Poland during this time were conducted by German Christians or Khazar Jews, and everyone who wanted to prosper had to have some ability to understand German, Hebrew, and Slavic. These were the key elements which went 18 into the formation of the Yiddish language; truly a language of expedience during that period.

Poland was the home for more Jews than any other place in the world. After
being expelled from other areas of Europe in the mid-1300’s, Jews were allowed
by the ruling nobles to immigrate to feudal Poland. There, despite modern Jewish
itemization of alleged Polish persecutions over the centuries, the Jewish
community flourished. (Just before World War II, “84% of all the Jews in the
world either lived in historically Polish territory, or came from families that had
lived there.” [Sherwin, p. 157])

The history of Poland for the next three centuries revolves around the struggle for supremacy between the native Polish people and the Jews. During the greater part of that time Poland was more or less dominated by the Jews — a situation most beneficial to all, according to Jewish history books. But when, as, occasionally happened, there was a lapse in Jewish fortunes, these same histories are replete with accounts of gentile cruelty to the “chosen people of God”.  And because these laments have been repeated often enough and loudly enough there is a widely held belief that Poland has been a land of oppression for Jewry…  (VN: Ironically, these "Jews" were, in fact, pagan Khazars pretending to be religious Jews and had no relation to real Jews at any time.)

In my opinion, that’s is a nonsense. It has been the unhappy fate of Poland to be saddled for the greater part of its history with a large proportion of the world’s Jewish population. This, more than anything else, accounts for the tragic disunity which has kept Poland from taking its place among the great nations of the earth.

The Jews in sixteenth-century Poland were made estate agents, sent out to
the outlying properties of the nobility to govern the serfs and produce revenue for the lords. This the Jews prospered so well that when the Polish and Lithuanian crowns were joined, the Jews moved into Lithuania, followed up with their “services.”

The Jews reached their zenith of wealth and social importance when around 1600 the Polish nobility opened up the frontier region of the Ukraine. With Polish expansion into the Ukrainian frontiers, Jews leased land there too from the aristocracy, and ruled over the population of serf-slaves.  (VN: this is exactly what the Khazars want to get back to.  Serf-slaves.  They must depopulate if that is to happen and be workable.)

“Jews,” writes Witold Rymankowki, “in contrast to the millions of serfs and
the impoverished townspeople who were oppressed by the nobility, constituted a
privileged group which … effectively represented the only class in the Polish-
Lithuanian Commonwealth to concentrate finance and liquid assets in its hands.”
[Polonsky, Antony, Ed. From Shtetl to Socialism: Studies from Polin. The Litman
Library for Jewish Civilization, London, Washington, 1993, p. 156]

An old Latin proverb proclaimed that the Polish Commonwealth was “heaven for the nobles, purgatory for the townsfolk, hell for the peasants, and paradise for the Jews.”
[William W. Hagen, Germans, Poles, and Jews: The Nationality Conflict in the
Prussian East, 1772-1914 (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1980), p. 13] 19

Wealthy Jews established themselves securely throughout the Polish economy and farmed out work and management opportunities to relatives and co-religionists.  “During the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries,” says Jewish historian Salo Baron, “domestic commerce (in Poland and Lithuania) as well as export (timber, grain, furs) and import (cloth, wine, luxuries) were for the most part in Jewish (VN: Khazar....) hands.” [Salo W. Baron, in Economic History of the Jews, edited by
Nahum Gross (New York: Schocken Books, 1976), p. 227]

In fact, another Jewish historian, Heinrich Graetz, states that “circumstances were such at the time that the Jews of Poland could form a state within a state.” [Heinrich Graetz, Popular
History of the Jews (New York: Hebrew Publishing Company, 1949), vol. 5, p.

For their part, the peasants were in a despicable state. In Poland the
aristocracy’s complete control over commoner lives was legalized with statutes in 1496, 1518, 1532, and 1543, whereby the poor were formally rendered as human chattel living “under conditions of virtual slavery as cheap laborers for the noble’s farmstead economy.” [Encyclopedia Britannica, vol. 25, p. 949]

“The Jewish arendator [leasee of land, mills, inns, breweries, tax farming,
etc.],” writes Norman Davies, “became the master of life and death over the
population of entire districts and, having nothing but a short-term and purely
financial interest in the relationship, was faced with the irresistible
temptation to pare his temporary subjects to the bone. 

On the noble estates, he tended to put all his relatives and co-religionists in charge of the flour mill, the brewery, and in particular the Lords’ tavern, where by custom the peasants were obliged to drink. On the church estates, he became the collector of all ecclesiastical dues, standing by the church door for his
payment from tithe-payers … the baptized infant, newly-weds, and mourners
The Jewish community became the symbol of social and economic
exploitation.” [Norman Davies, God’s Playground: A History of Poland
(Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1981), p. 444]

“The Jewish steward,” adds seminal Jewish historian, Heinrich Graetz,
“strove to draw as much as possible from the manors and to exploit the peasants as much as possible.” [Graetz quoted in Abram Leon, The Jewish Question: A
Marxist Interpretation (New York: Pathfinder Press, 1970), p. 192] 

“Jews,” notes historian Hillel Levine, “sometimes even managed whole villages and oversaw the economic development and exploitation of forests, mines, mints, custom houses, toll roads, and breweries on the gentry’s estates, using serf labor … Jews were motivated … to squeeze profits out of the margins. These included more rigorous supervision of the serfs and more efficient collection of rents and taxes, adding to 20 the harshness of the serfs’ lives and by no means making the Jewish arendator [lessee of a business enterprise from the lords] beloved.” [Hillel Levine, “To Shame a Vision,” in Jack Nusan Porter and Peter Dreier, eds., Jewish Radicalism:  A Selected Anthology (New York: Grove Press, Inc., 1973), p. 63]

Jewish scholar Chaim Bermant notes:
“In Poland, the Jews became so numerous, prosperous and entrenched, that
they began to lose something of their caution. Their whole economy was
based mainly on the arenda system under which they became tax farmers
and collectors for the crown, or lessees of the forests, estates, mills and salt
mines of the nobility. 

Some operated on a large scale, many on a small scale, leasing a few acres of land, or operating a small distillery or tavern, but their utility to their superiors rested in their powers of extraction. The peasantry, the work force, the cattle, the land, were all regarded in much the same light and were pressed for their maximum yield, and if the nobility were thus the ultimate exploiters, the Jews were the visible ones and aroused the most immediate hostility. Rabbis warned that Jews were sowing a terrible harvest of hatred, but while the revenues rolled in the warnings were ignored. Moreover, the rabbis themselves were beneficiaries of the system.” [Chaim Bermant, The Jews (Times Books, 1977), p. 26]

The Jews were rewarded in various ways, but one benefit stands out. The
Jews were given a monopoly on the alcohol distribution throughout most of
Poland, including the Ukraine. Only they had a license from the nobility for retail
liquor sales, and they held long-term leases on the taverns in the peasant villages.

Whenever a Polish or Ukrainian peasant wanted his shot of vodka, he had to buy it from the Jewish tavern owner, whose markup in this monopoly situation was

The Jews sang, in their Yiddish language, “Shicker is a goy … trinker
muss er.” (The Gentile is a drunkard; he has to drink.) [Norman F. Cantor, The
Sacred Chain: The History of the Jews (New York: HarperCollins Publishers,
1994), p. 183]

This meant that the person who regularly demanded tax payments
from such peasant “slaves,” the person who managed the land and made decisions upon which the impoverished peasants were exploited, the person who dragged the peasant’s child away, the man who drove the peasant into deeper debt, and the man who sold the peasants booze to drink away their misery, all had a Jewish face.

In the mid-eighteenth century, in rural areas of parts of Eastern Europe, up to 85% of the Jewish population “was involved in some aspect of manufacturing,
wholesaling, or retailing of beer, mead, wine, and grain-based intoxicants, like
vodka.” [Hillel Levine, “To Shame a Vision,” in Jack Nusan Porter and Peter
21 Dreier, eds., Jewish Radicalism: A Selected Anthology (New York: Grove Press, Inc., 1973), p. 9]

Jews were visibly distinct from the rest of the population, especially by
dress. They usually wore black and the men were distinguished by side locks over their ears. They also ‘“stood out by specific mannerisms,” says Polish historian Janusz Tazbir, “their nervous gestures, continually emphasizing the spoken word, and their characteristic feverish haste.” The Jew was to a Christian “an economic rival, an onerous creditor, accused of arrogance and impudence … and willing to suffer any humiliation for even a small gain.” They were widely perceived as cowards and swindlers who held “occupations that did not deserve to be called ‘work.’“ [Tazbir, Janusz. Images of the Jew in the Polish Commonwealth. (in Polonsky, FR. SHT), p. 27-31]

The Polish landowners in Ukraine sold to the Jews the right to make use of
their lands with all that they contained by way of humans and animals. The lessees of the land, by paying the landowner the sum laid down in the agreement, extorted from the Ukrainians a considerably larger amount — for themselves. The extent of the oppression was truly incredible. “The Ukrainians had a right to resent the Jews, if not to kill them. The Jews were the immediate instrument of the Ukrainians’ subjection and degradation,” admits Jewish historian Norman Cantor [Norman F. Cantor, The Sacred Chain: The History of the Jews (New York: HarperCollins Publishers, 1994), p. 184]

The Polish and Ukrainian Jews first felt large scale retribution for their self  aggrandizing policies on the backs of the Ukrainian poor in 1648. It is a particularly accursed year in both Jewish and Polish history, but is considered a heroic one of rebellion in Ukraine. It is also the date of the beginning of an event sometimes referred to in Jewish history as their “Third Great Catastrophe.”

Tens of thousands of Ukrainian Cossacks, led by Bogdan Khmielnitsky, rose up against Polish noble domination and engaged in a vindictive orgy of vengeance and murder throughout the Ukraine and Poland. During the uprising of Bogdan
Khmelnitskiy, many Jews, along with the Poles and Polish Christian priests, were
slaughtered in the cruelest fashion. Well, the ordinary Jewish people suffered for
the sins of their Zionists.

The catalyst was when Chmielnicki came home one day to find his home
confiscated by a Polish noble, one of his sons killed, and his fiancée kidnapped.
From his personal rage Chmielnicki forged a unified revolt amongst his people
against the suffocating aristocracy. And Jews, omnipresently exploitive
appendages of aristocratic oppression as land managers, tax collectors, financial advisors, tavern owners and merchants were soon to bear the wrath and fury, full force, of Cossack revenge. “[The Cossacks] first attacked the soldiers of the Polish nobles and the Jewish communities settled on their estates, and which frequently 22  served as their estate managers.” [Revolt and the Peasant, p. 161]

The Polish  people at-large, however, may have borne up to ten times the Jewish number of casualties.  In this time of mysticism and overly formal rabbinism came the teachings of Israel ben Eliezer, also known under the title of the “Master of the Good Name”  (the Ba’al Shem Tov, abbreviated as the Besht), (1698–1760), which had a profound effect on the Jews of Eastern Europe and Poland in particular. His disciples taught and encouraged the new fervent brand of Orthodox Judaism based on Kabbalah known as Hasidism.

Early on, a serious schism evolved between the Hasidic and non-Hasidic
Jews. The Hasidim dubbed European Jews who rejected the Hasidic movement as Mitnagdim. The Vilna Gaon, the head of the Mitnagdim was the most famous
opponent of Hasidism. At one point Hasidic Jews were put in cherem (a Jewish
form of communal excommunication); after years of bitter acrimony, a
rapprochement occurred between Hasidic Jews and those who would soon become known as Orthodox Jews. The reconciliation took place in response to the perceived even greater threat of the Haskala, or Jewish Enlightenment. Since then Orthodox Judaism, and particularly Haredi Judaism, has subsumed all the sects of Hasidic Judaism.

The rise of Hasidic Judaism within Poland’s borders and beyond had a great
influence on the rise of Haredi Judaism (or Jewish religious Zionism) all over the
world, with a continuous influence that has been felt from the inception of the
Hasidic movements and its dynasties by famous rebbes, including the Aleksander
Hasidism, Bobov Hasidism, Ger Hasidism, Nadvorna Hasidism, and Sassov
Hasidism, among others. More recent rebbes of Polish origin include Rabbi
Schneersohn, the head of the Chabad Lubavitch Hasidic movement, who lived in
moved Lubavitch movement from Poland to the United States.  (End of Part 2, watch for part 3 and 4 next)

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