Vatic Note: Remember, we did a blog on this after it happened. It created a huge sink hole that was shown in a photo we obtained. It leads us to believe it was definitely not an earthquake. I lived in California and lived through tons of earthquakes and never was there a sink hole, not once nor was one ever reported, so yes, I believe they have called this one right. Also remember, Colorado is the next designated White House or seat of our government once the pigs get through destroying our nation. Queen Elizabeth owned the land under the Denver airport as we reported in her land holdings blog we did. She also owns most uraniaum mines. Its why she won't clean up the DU that her country and ours has left behind to kill off the indigenous population like her family did to our American Indians. .
By: Susanne Posel
Date: 2012-04-09
Back in August of 2011, “earthquakes” were reported from Colorado to Washington, D.C. According to the The New York Times :
An earthquake sent tremors from the nation’s capital to New York City Tuesday afternoon, the result of what officials said was a 5.8 magnitude earthquake based in Virginia . . . There were no immediate reports of damage . . . . It is not clear how far the earthquake spread, but tremors were felt throughout New York City office buildings and as far north as Concord, N.H. . . . The streets of downtown Washington filled with thousands of people on Tuesday afternoon as buildings from the capital to the White House were evacuated.
There is strong evidence surfacing that these two incidents were not earthquakes. They were nuclear strikes against underground US military facilities. These underground facilities were built in the 1960’s at trillions of dollars to the American taxpayers under “black projects”.
In both locations (Colorado and Washington, D.C.) are secret underground bases that US government was actively using.
This story begins at the end of WW II, at the Bretton Woods, where France, Britain and the US were given the authority over the World Currency. Included were plans to develop Asia, Africa and Europe under this agreement.
However, the governments of France, Britain and the US negated their agreement and began a cold war with the former Soviet Union. This cold war’s sole purpose was to fund the military industrial complex.
Seventy-seven nations who were not aligned with the US, Britain and France, pooled their wealth (gold and other precious metals) together. This money was set aside to start the plans to develop Asia, Africa and Europe that France, Britain and the US did not follow through with.
President JFK agreed to assist these seventy-seven countries after he discovered plans to hoax the US and the Soviet Union into going to war with each other. This was the actual reason for the Cuban Missile Crisis. Under the Hilton Green Memorial, President Sukarno was the signatory for the non-aligned countries. Sukarno gave JFK 140,000 tons of gold. JFK passed a law (VN: actually he signed an executive order turning currency over to treasury from the Fed Reserve and the bill for using gold and silver backed currency was in process of being written and submitted to congress, but then he was assassinated and Johnson overturned the bill before it was submitted and he did so on the plane from Dallas to DC before Kennedy was even buried. Scum bag) allowing Congress, not the Federal Reserve, to print their currency in relation to these gold stores. JFK was also in favor of collaborating with the Soviet Union on the Space Program and not interested in pursuing a cold war with the Russians.
As a result, JFK was assassinated, and President Sukarno was removed from office.
The agreement that gave France, Britain and the US control over the World Currency expired in 1994. After 1994, there was no accord with the top levels of the world’s financial cartels as to who would “be in charge” next. This led to a “split in the ranks”. The Asian countries and non-aligned nations were pressuring the oligarchs who were formerly in control of the world’s currency to hand over control of the printing of fiat money and the banking industry.
The international court system was sued by the Chinese over gold stores that just went missing. This gold amounted to the same number that the Federal Reserve Board owed them. The Fed lost the lawsuit. They were told to hand over the gold, starting September 1, 2001.
Instead, there was a war on terror launched by the US government on September 11, 2001. Curiously, the day before the planned attacks on 9/11, Donald Rumsfeld went before the press and disclosed that $2.3 trillion dollars were missing from the Pentagon budget. This money was secretly used to fund Blackwater as a covert army. Because the Pentagon refused to do the bidding of the global Elite, a separate “Pentagon” army was installed, mirroring the Nazi’s SS Corp, which could bully the legitimate US military into submission.
Ninety percent of the American tax dollars are going to fund the Military Industrial Complex. When the US External Trade Deficient and the Military Budget are compared, the fact of where our money is going becomes obvious.
The targets were Afghanistan and ultimately Iraq because of the natural resources worth billions in those regions. In Afghanistan, there are large gold mines and Iraq has incredible amounts of oil. Both of these resources were under trade agreements with the Chinese and those countries. The war on terror originally started as a covert war with China over the outcome of this lawsuit in the international court system.
The global Elite have since built underground bases that were stocked with supplies to outlast a nuclear holocaust. They planned a global takeover to create a world Fascist government that they ultimately controlled. This preparation within underground bases coincided with their plans to ignite a nuclear war between Iran and Israel. In their quest to depopulate the planet by 90%, especially removing Middle Eastern populations, the global Elite created a diversion within the G5 countries they control. They wanted to use the excuse of nuclear war between Iran and Israel to justify martial law within the US. This would lead the US to prepare for war with China.
These plans began to fall apart, when Russian President Vladimir Putin refused to play along. The global Elite were thrown out of Russia, which took their control away from the oil and riches under Putin’s authority.
China, the largest holder of US treasuries, and ultimately the biggest contributor of the US in general, stopped purchasing US treasuries in an attempt to send a message to the global Elite running the American government. The message was they the global Elite back off from their plans of global governance.
The global Elite turned positions and began to play nice with China, promising dictatorial power within the global government the global Elite were beginning to establish. Obama visited China in 2009 to offer the Chinese government a G2 status.
Behind the scenes, the global Elite have been scrambling, trying to regain their footing after the failure of their biggest endeavor; global governance. Certain members at the top have become increasingly isolated. Their funding is dwindling.
A covert financial war has been playing out between the non-aligned countries and the global Elite and the G5 countries that they control.
In 2006, China decided to attempt to purchase the oil corporation UNICO instead of wasting their money into US treasuries that were then being used to fund the “war on terror” by the US government. Congress passed a law saying that the Chinese could not do this. The Chinese government then began spending their money toward investments with Africa, South America in mines, agricultural lands, and resources instead of virtual derivatives on the Stock Market.
The global Elite retaliated by raising food and oil prices to try to stop the Chinese. This plan was effective.
The Chinese responded by refusing the accept US dollars as payment for goods. This is known publicly as the Lehman Crisis. Japanese export statistics from the time of October and November of 2008, there is a 76% drop in Japanese car exports to the US. Also the Baltic Index in Shipping dropped by 90% just after the Lehman Crisis. This was the Asian countries telling the US they could no longer be used US fiat currency to purchase international goods. The US would be forced to trade with real money; i.e. gold and other precious metals.
The global Elite, with their funding sources being cut off, tried to extort money from cash from places like the Youth Group in Norway because they wanted the $1.5 trillion in Norwegian oil profits that the Norwegian government controlled.
They invaded Libya to gain control over their oil fields because the Libyan government told them they would accept fiat in exchange for Libyan oil.
Covertly, a nuclear bomb had been brought in with drug shipments from Thailand through Okinawa. The drug smugglers, who found the weapon, told the authorities of the device. The Japanese authorizes were able to trace the bombs movements through the country until they lost it at the North Korean Citizens Association Headquarters in Tokyo. Paul Lane of Pentagon Intelligence confirmed that four nuclear weapons were stolen from the Russian submarine Kursk before it sank. The smuggled weapon was traced back to this submarine.
The Japanese drilling ship called the Chikuma that can drill 10 kilometers into the seabed that was also drilling at the exact epicenter of the Japanese earthquake in 2011 which caused the devastating tsunami and destroyed the Fukushima Daiishi Nuclear Power Plant.
The global Elite placed the nuclear bomb stolen from the Russian submarine under the seabed with the aid of the drill. This was an attempt to extort money from the Japanese government through threat of terrorism by the global Elite. The threat was made after the nuclear weapon was in place. The global Elite told the Japanese government, if they did not pay them, the global Elite would bomb Mount Fuji, which is dangerously close to Tokyo. This would endanger the 39 million residents of Tokyo.
The Japanese Prime Minister Yan did not take the threat seriously. He handed over $200 trillion Yuen to the global Elite, but this was not enough. The result was the unnatural earthquake and tsunami that hit the Japanese coast on March 11th of 2011.
The proof that this event was not natural is evidenced in the seismic charts of the incident. A sudden spike in activity rises then subsides. This is not indicative of an earthquake, which would have shown a rising spike, with several smaller spikes as the activity began to wane. There is no buildup of activity associated with a natural earthquake as recorded by seismographs.
This same reaction can be found on the seismic charts after the “earthquakes” in Colorado and Washington, D.C. where the same patterns emerge.
Another strange occurrence was plutonium was placed into Reactor Number 3 at the Fukushima Daiishi Power Plant. The governor of Fukushima providence was overruled one month prior to the unnatural disaster when he denounced this.
Kurt Campbell, US Deputy Foreign Minister of Asia, and Japanese power broker Ichio Osawoa on March 9, 2011 had a conversation. Campbell asked Osawoa not to split the ruling parties and create a new government. Campbell promised Oawoa rights to zeolite in the Fukushima Providence. Zeolite is used to clean up radioactive waste. Why would Oswoa need zeolite before the Fukushima nuclear disaster?
After the unnatural disaster, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu called the Japanese Prime Minister and threatened him with more nuclear disasters if the Japanese government did not hand over more money to the global Elite.
Curiously, there was an Israeli security firm overseeing safety at the Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant prior to the disaster.
At the top of the Israeli government is the Jewish Zionists who actually run the country and use its military to carry out attacks covertly at the global Elite’s request. This is why Netanyahu was contacting the Japanese Prime Minister and not a member of the global Elite.
Because the global Elite is dependent on other countries buying their virtual stocks and the movements of Wall Street to finance their terror across the globe, the move by certain Asian countries to stop accepting US dollars as world currency was a massive blow to their finances. This led to the terrorist threats and ultimate destruction of the Fukushima Nuclear Plant by the global Elite’s front, the Zionist Jews running the Israeli government, to extort money from Japan.
Japanese government in conjunction with other Asian countries realized
that the global Elite were insane enough to carry out any threat they
wanted to get to their endgame of global governance. After learning
about the underground bases the global Elite had built under Colorado
and Washington, D.C. to house themselves after they created a nuclear
catastrophe, these Asian countries decided to attack those bases in
The mainstream media, controlled by the global Elite, were kept completely in the dark, and a cover story of “earthquakes” was printed in newspapers and relayed over the news broadcasts to keep Americans from questioning these strange shakes and booms.
The article is reproduced in accordance with Section 107 of title 17 of the Copyright Law of the United States relating to fair-use and is for the purposes of criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research.
By: Susanne Posel
Date: 2012-04-09
Back in August of 2011, “earthquakes” were reported from Colorado to Washington, D.C. According to the The New York Times :
An earthquake sent tremors from the nation’s capital to New York City Tuesday afternoon, the result of what officials said was a 5.8 magnitude earthquake based in Virginia . . . There were no immediate reports of damage . . . . It is not clear how far the earthquake spread, but tremors were felt throughout New York City office buildings and as far north as Concord, N.H. . . . The streets of downtown Washington filled with thousands of people on Tuesday afternoon as buildings from the capital to the White House were evacuated.
There is strong evidence surfacing that these two incidents were not earthquakes. They were nuclear strikes against underground US military facilities. These underground facilities were built in the 1960’s at trillions of dollars to the American taxpayers under “black projects”.
In both locations (Colorado and Washington, D.C.) are secret underground bases that US government was actively using.
This story begins at the end of WW II, at the Bretton Woods, where France, Britain and the US were given the authority over the World Currency. Included were plans to develop Asia, Africa and Europe under this agreement.
However, the governments of France, Britain and the US negated their agreement and began a cold war with the former Soviet Union. This cold war’s sole purpose was to fund the military industrial complex.
Seventy-seven nations who were not aligned with the US, Britain and France, pooled their wealth (gold and other precious metals) together. This money was set aside to start the plans to develop Asia, Africa and Europe that France, Britain and the US did not follow through with.
President JFK agreed to assist these seventy-seven countries after he discovered plans to hoax the US and the Soviet Union into going to war with each other. This was the actual reason for the Cuban Missile Crisis. Under the Hilton Green Memorial, President Sukarno was the signatory for the non-aligned countries. Sukarno gave JFK 140,000 tons of gold. JFK passed a law (VN: actually he signed an executive order turning currency over to treasury from the Fed Reserve and the bill for using gold and silver backed currency was in process of being written and submitted to congress, but then he was assassinated and Johnson overturned the bill before it was submitted and he did so on the plane from Dallas to DC before Kennedy was even buried. Scum bag) allowing Congress, not the Federal Reserve, to print their currency in relation to these gold stores. JFK was also in favor of collaborating with the Soviet Union on the Space Program and not interested in pursuing a cold war with the Russians.
As a result, JFK was assassinated, and President Sukarno was removed from office.
The agreement that gave France, Britain and the US control over the World Currency expired in 1994. After 1994, there was no accord with the top levels of the world’s financial cartels as to who would “be in charge” next. This led to a “split in the ranks”. The Asian countries and non-aligned nations were pressuring the oligarchs who were formerly in control of the world’s currency to hand over control of the printing of fiat money and the banking industry.
The international court system was sued by the Chinese over gold stores that just went missing. This gold amounted to the same number that the Federal Reserve Board owed them. The Fed lost the lawsuit. They were told to hand over the gold, starting September 1, 2001.
Instead, there was a war on terror launched by the US government on September 11, 2001. Curiously, the day before the planned attacks on 9/11, Donald Rumsfeld went before the press and disclosed that $2.3 trillion dollars were missing from the Pentagon budget. This money was secretly used to fund Blackwater as a covert army. Because the Pentagon refused to do the bidding of the global Elite, a separate “Pentagon” army was installed, mirroring the Nazi’s SS Corp, which could bully the legitimate US military into submission.
Ninety percent of the American tax dollars are going to fund the Military Industrial Complex. When the US External Trade Deficient and the Military Budget are compared, the fact of where our money is going becomes obvious.
The targets were Afghanistan and ultimately Iraq because of the natural resources worth billions in those regions. In Afghanistan, there are large gold mines and Iraq has incredible amounts of oil. Both of these resources were under trade agreements with the Chinese and those countries. The war on terror originally started as a covert war with China over the outcome of this lawsuit in the international court system.
The global Elite have since built underground bases that were stocked with supplies to outlast a nuclear holocaust. They planned a global takeover to create a world Fascist government that they ultimately controlled. This preparation within underground bases coincided with their plans to ignite a nuclear war between Iran and Israel. In their quest to depopulate the planet by 90%, especially removing Middle Eastern populations, the global Elite created a diversion within the G5 countries they control. They wanted to use the excuse of nuclear war between Iran and Israel to justify martial law within the US. This would lead the US to prepare for war with China.
These plans began to fall apart, when Russian President Vladimir Putin refused to play along. The global Elite were thrown out of Russia, which took their control away from the oil and riches under Putin’s authority.
China, the largest holder of US treasuries, and ultimately the biggest contributor of the US in general, stopped purchasing US treasuries in an attempt to send a message to the global Elite running the American government. The message was they the global Elite back off from their plans of global governance.
The global Elite turned positions and began to play nice with China, promising dictatorial power within the global government the global Elite were beginning to establish. Obama visited China in 2009 to offer the Chinese government a G2 status.
Behind the scenes, the global Elite have been scrambling, trying to regain their footing after the failure of their biggest endeavor; global governance. Certain members at the top have become increasingly isolated. Their funding is dwindling.
A covert financial war has been playing out between the non-aligned countries and the global Elite and the G5 countries that they control.
In 2006, China decided to attempt to purchase the oil corporation UNICO instead of wasting their money into US treasuries that were then being used to fund the “war on terror” by the US government. Congress passed a law saying that the Chinese could not do this. The Chinese government then began spending their money toward investments with Africa, South America in mines, agricultural lands, and resources instead of virtual derivatives on the Stock Market.
The global Elite retaliated by raising food and oil prices to try to stop the Chinese. This plan was effective.
The Chinese responded by refusing the accept US dollars as payment for goods. This is known publicly as the Lehman Crisis. Japanese export statistics from the time of October and November of 2008, there is a 76% drop in Japanese car exports to the US. Also the Baltic Index in Shipping dropped by 90% just after the Lehman Crisis. This was the Asian countries telling the US they could no longer be used US fiat currency to purchase international goods. The US would be forced to trade with real money; i.e. gold and other precious metals.
The global Elite, with their funding sources being cut off, tried to extort money from cash from places like the Youth Group in Norway because they wanted the $1.5 trillion in Norwegian oil profits that the Norwegian government controlled.
They invaded Libya to gain control over their oil fields because the Libyan government told them they would accept fiat in exchange for Libyan oil.
Covertly, a nuclear bomb had been brought in with drug shipments from Thailand through Okinawa. The drug smugglers, who found the weapon, told the authorities of the device. The Japanese authorizes were able to trace the bombs movements through the country until they lost it at the North Korean Citizens Association Headquarters in Tokyo. Paul Lane of Pentagon Intelligence confirmed that four nuclear weapons were stolen from the Russian submarine Kursk before it sank. The smuggled weapon was traced back to this submarine.
The Japanese drilling ship called the Chikuma that can drill 10 kilometers into the seabed that was also drilling at the exact epicenter of the Japanese earthquake in 2011 which caused the devastating tsunami and destroyed the Fukushima Daiishi Nuclear Power Plant.
The global Elite placed the nuclear bomb stolen from the Russian submarine under the seabed with the aid of the drill. This was an attempt to extort money from the Japanese government through threat of terrorism by the global Elite. The threat was made after the nuclear weapon was in place. The global Elite told the Japanese government, if they did not pay them, the global Elite would bomb Mount Fuji, which is dangerously close to Tokyo. This would endanger the 39 million residents of Tokyo.
The Japanese Prime Minister Yan did not take the threat seriously. He handed over $200 trillion Yuen to the global Elite, but this was not enough. The result was the unnatural earthquake and tsunami that hit the Japanese coast on March 11th of 2011.
The proof that this event was not natural is evidenced in the seismic charts of the incident. A sudden spike in activity rises then subsides. This is not indicative of an earthquake, which would have shown a rising spike, with several smaller spikes as the activity began to wane. There is no buildup of activity associated with a natural earthquake as recorded by seismographs.
This same reaction can be found on the seismic charts after the “earthquakes” in Colorado and Washington, D.C. where the same patterns emerge.
Another strange occurrence was plutonium was placed into Reactor Number 3 at the Fukushima Daiishi Power Plant. The governor of Fukushima providence was overruled one month prior to the unnatural disaster when he denounced this.
Kurt Campbell, US Deputy Foreign Minister of Asia, and Japanese power broker Ichio Osawoa on March 9, 2011 had a conversation. Campbell asked Osawoa not to split the ruling parties and create a new government. Campbell promised Oawoa rights to zeolite in the Fukushima Providence. Zeolite is used to clean up radioactive waste. Why would Oswoa need zeolite before the Fukushima nuclear disaster?
After the unnatural disaster, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu called the Japanese Prime Minister and threatened him with more nuclear disasters if the Japanese government did not hand over more money to the global Elite.
Curiously, there was an Israeli security firm overseeing safety at the Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant prior to the disaster.
At the top of the Israeli government is the Jewish Zionists who actually run the country and use its military to carry out attacks covertly at the global Elite’s request. This is why Netanyahu was contacting the Japanese Prime Minister and not a member of the global Elite.
Because the global Elite is dependent on other countries buying their virtual stocks and the movements of Wall Street to finance their terror across the globe, the move by certain Asian countries to stop accepting US dollars as world currency was a massive blow to their finances. This led to the terrorist threats and ultimate destruction of the Fukushima Nuclear Plant by the global Elite’s front, the Zionist Jews running the Israeli government, to extort money from Japan.

The mainstream media, controlled by the global Elite, were kept completely in the dark, and a cover story of “earthquakes” was printed in newspapers and relayed over the news broadcasts to keep Americans from questioning these strange shakes and booms.
The article is reproduced in accordance with Section 107 of title 17 of the Copyright Law of the United States relating to fair-use and is for the purposes of criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research.
1 comment: for details on how they did Fukushima
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