Bruecke Note: September Clues is a 9/11 rabbit hole filled with nuggets of truth that must be mined, but it is also disinformation, as indeed everything we've come to know and understand about 9/11 is in part. Our task is to mine, refine, and re-purpose those nuggets of truth. With September Clues and its clues forum, the nefarious agenda doesn't limit itself to imposing on the 9/11 imagery the distrust but verify a "Ronnie Raygun" paraphrase; no, the agenda makes clear that those making a 9/11 hypothesis based on imagery will see the voracity of that imagery cast into doubt, some valid, some not, but with the stink of taint moving all images to be thrown out.
The following is an edited and mostly one-sided rabbit-hole discussion where the forces of one alleged disinformation entity (the Clues Forum) were pitted against another alleged disinformation entity (Dr. Wood's textbook) to see if the former could find the taint in a set of images used by the latter and legitimately take down some of the latter's hypothesis. Find some taint indeed they did do to a limited degree, making a chink in the book and proving a starting point where tainted images may have duped the author of the latter, misled thinking, and entered the latter's conclusions. Further disinfo revelations of the former is how the Clues Forums works very hard to invalidate imagery leaving a large vacuum in methods deployed on 9/11 that they lamely fill with... conventional demolition and explosives.
Rather than grilling the red meat put before those Dr. Wood haters on the Clues forum, banishment was offered as a reward.
By: Maxwell C. Bridges
Date: 2012-02-22
The article is reproduced in accordance with Section 107 of title 17 of the Copyright Law of the United States relating to fair-use and is for the purposes of criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research.
The following is an edited and mostly one-sided rabbit-hole discussion where the forces of one alleged disinformation entity (the Clues Forum) were pitted against another alleged disinformation entity (Dr. Wood's textbook) to see if the former could find the taint in a set of images used by the latter and legitimately take down some of the latter's hypothesis. Find some taint indeed they did do to a limited degree, making a chink in the book and proving a starting point where tainted images may have duped the author of the latter, misled thinking, and entered the latter's conclusions. Further disinfo revelations of the former is how the Clues Forums works very hard to invalidate imagery leaving a large vacuum in methods deployed on 9/11 that they lamely fill with... conventional demolition and explosives.
Rather than grilling the red meat put before those Dr. Wood haters on the Clues forum, banishment was offered as a reward.
By: Maxwell C. Bridges
Date: 2012-02-22
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Herr der Elf : Red-meat for this forum
To the gracious participants of the clues forum,
I respectfully ask your indulgence. I am "Herr der Elf" here, because it is easier to type than the "SeƱor El Once" I use over at Craig McKee's "Truth & Shadows blog"
I am the resident champion there of both September Clues and Dr. Wood, although I do it in an admittedly left- and back-handed manner.
I objectively review all that I can; I think for myself; I stand on the shoulders of others and mine, re-fine, and re-purpose nuggets of truth from the dross of disinformation.
Disclaimer: I do not know Dr. Wood and have no association with her or her textbook; Mr. Shack I only know from cyberspace.
I have been in email contact with Mr. Shack and requested the assistance of him and the Clues Team. I am hoping that you could focus your digital-artifact-seeking-eyes on a select group of images acknowledged by everyone in the 9/11 Truth Movement... but particularly by Dr. Judy Wood.
In preparation for that, Mr. Shack sent me some links to review, which includes this very thread (the middle link to CGI COLLAPSE FOOTAGE). From Mr. Shack:
I have reviewed them (mostly). They all have merit. You have sold me on the updated "Ronnie Ray-Gun" paraphrase to distrust but verify when it comes to all 9/11 imagery.
Mr. Shack wrote:
I disagree with this characterization of Dr. Wood's efforts. It can easily be proven wrong. If Dr. Wood's purpose was "to uphold... the credibility of the 9/11 imagery", then we would see all of the images that she collected re-used elsewhere. We see some, because the borrowing went from established 9/11 sources to Dr. Wood and everyone else. The more curious cases are the images that she borrows and nobody else does, like the anomalous damage to vehicles. These are avoided by the mainstream leaders of 9/11; these don't get an explanation in their versions of what happened.
The above paragraph takes nothing away from any of the discoveries of 9/11 image tainting and the possibility that tainted images made it into Dr. Wood's work (as well as everyone else's). It would be a case of Dr. Wood being duped, just like the world was duped.
In fact, it was the Anonymous Physicist who suggested that Dr. Wood's purpose was to take all of the evidence of 9/11 being a nuclear event and wrap it under some zany theme. (I use the term "nuclear event" to include potentially multiple milli-nuclear devices as well as nuclear and/or cold fusion reactors to power DEW devices.) Thus, Dr. Wood's purpose wouldn't be "to uphold... the credibility of the 9/11 imagery", but to garbage-in/garbage-out misinterpret the significance of what was depicted.
Mr. Shack, you write:
To your first sentence: I don't have direct contact with Dr. Wood, but will mention it to those I think might.
To your second sentence: Very poor... no, "lame"... framing on your part. Did she know the images were tainted? The vast majority of the 9/11 truth movement are not suspecting image/video manipulation, so we should be gracious and give her the benefit of the doubt. Basing a scientific thesis on tainted information does indeed call the thesis into question; only after answering the "what did she know and when did she know it" questions can any sort of innocence or guilt be affixed to the scientist. So, please. Let us be courteous and mindful by separating the thesis from the scientist.
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Elsewhere, you wrote:
Mr. Shack, you have proved that some of digital image/video manipulation occurred in the corporate media on and after 9/11. You have indeed justified the distruct but verify position we should take on everything presented to us. Anyone marginally familiar with military (and political) actions knows that "controlling the media (and the message)" are top agenda items.
What you have not proven, Mr. Shack, is the degree of digital manipulation on individual images and more especially as it relates to the whole set. You have given us reason to question all images, but you haven't proven that all are tainted and should be taken off of the table (which appears to be your agenda). And even of the instances where tainting is proven, the degree of taint versus the complementary degree of "probably real" isn't provided. Admittedly, you have proven multiple instances where everything is CGI imagery; other cases you've proved items were photo-shopped in. My point concerns the aspect of imagery that appear as original, weren't digitally inserted, but had digital things inserted on top of.
You mention the "the absurd imagery of the WTC tower collapses". Yes, it is absurd. Its defiance of the rules of physics blows holes in the official govt conspiracy theory (OCT). If we go with the premise that the perpetrators had deep pockets and deep connections such that they could control the media, what was depicted, and were actively doing this on and after 9/11, why did the various angles of absurd, physics-defying WTC-1, WTC-2, and WTC-7 towers destruction ever get CGI made and broadcast? It would not have taken much more digital-manipulation effort to make them physics-compliant and not so absurd.
Thus, the thesis I make is that the vast majority of the images/videos of the tower destructing is "real" or close enough to the "real-reality" in the grander scheme that the towers were destroyed in a spectacular fashion. When the hand of digital manipulation entered, it may have been to mask out tell-tale flashes, anomalous destructive features, or projectiles that were too energetic. They wanted to show the world that the towers were being destroyed, but not give away methods.
In terms of the photoshopping of individual images? Advertisements already photoshop drop-dead georgeous women into unreal images of beauty. I can certainly see all manner of publications on 9/11 taking license with images in terms of crafting a single composite image from separate images of debris, firemen, American flags, etc. It doesn't mean the individual elements were all false or didn't exist at ground zero.
Again, no. If she was brought in for anything nefarious, it was to scoop up all evidence of 9/11 being a nuclear event, to misinterpret it into being something "zany" (Hutchison Effect, free-energy from Hurricane Erin), and to thus take said evidence off of the table from further consideration.
Here's some red-meat for this forum, particularly for those who have little respect for Dr. Wood.
Want to debunk her (or at least part of her premises)?
Please caste a keen eye on the following images, being on the look out for artifacts of digital manipulation.
Caveat: Part of the assignment may include finding another web repository for the images that will be closer to being source or the original.
I apologize in advance that this isn't my forte, so I haven't been collecting them and don't have as great a knowledge of all that exist or are even available as you in this forum do.
Consider this the starting set of images needing review to see if and how much digital manipulation occurred.
The prospective second set of images for digital forgery review could be those on Dr. Wood's website (or a source website) that show damage to vehicles.
Final note: I own and have read Dr. Wood's book. It is pretty crafty, really. She presents information well for a science-challenged audience, particularly in disproving the OCT. She offers several new concepts that could have scientific validity; applicability to 9/11 is a different question. She does not definitively connect these with 9/11. Her textbook is a worthy addition to anyone's 9/11 library, even if parts of it are proven as disinformation. (The latter will be for our grand children to show how our generation was played.) I have found few errors in Dr. Wood's textbook, but that may change if various images provided to her are found tainted.
I am a respectful, open-minded, and objective participant. When the foundation upon which my opinions are based is proven in error, I am man enough to change my opinions. Mr. Shack has already done this several times for me with regards to my understanding of 9/11.
I know that some regular participants here will want to ban me on sight for the crime of even mentioning Dr. Wood in a favorable light. Yours is a forum for image manipulation, not discussions on Dr. Wood. They are related and must be discussed, particularly where they overlap.
My challenge to you is to find the errors in the photographic evidence upon which Dr. Wood bases her work. You will be doing the 9/11 Truth Movement a great service. Aside from the images that you rake over the coals as frauds, it will be just as important to preserve those images that are not and that remain as valid nuggets of truth that the true theory of 9/11 must address.
I ask that you be respectful and focused on the facts; please stay away from attacks on the person, Dr. Wood. If found warranted, you'll have plenty of opportunity to venture there once the investigative work has unhinged (or not) the foundation of her evidence.
Thank you in advance for your consideration in this manner,
Herr der Elf
I respectfully ask your indulgence. I am "Herr der Elf" here, because it is easier to type than the "SeƱor El Once" I use over at Craig McKee's "Truth & Shadows blog"
I am the resident champion there of both September Clues and Dr. Wood, although I do it in an admittedly left- and back-handed manner.
I objectively review all that I can; I think for myself; I stand on the shoulders of others and mine, re-fine, and re-purpose nuggets of truth from the dross of disinformation.
Disclaimer: I do not know Dr. Wood and have no association with her or her textbook; Mr. Shack I only know from cyberspace.
I have been in email contact with Mr. Shack and requested the assistance of him and the Clues Team. I am hoping that you could focus your digital-artifact-seeking-eyes on a select group of images acknowledged by everyone in the 9/11 Truth Movement... but particularly by Dr. Judy Wood.
In preparation for that, Mr. Shack sent me some links to review, which includes this very thread (the middle link to CGI COLLAPSE FOOTAGE). From Mr. Shack:
simonshack wrote:My historical outlook concerning the Judy Wood character: THE KOOKIE CLUB:
Here is why I believe the Ground Zero imagery cannot be trusted: OLIVER STONE'S RUBBLE FIELD:
Here is why I believe that the entire pool of WTC collapse imagery is a fraud:
Here is proof that the rubble imagery is also untrustworthy: FAKING THE RUBBLE
And here is further proof of the same: THE HEROIC FIREFIGHTERS
I'm sorry to have to ask you to spend time looking out all these links, but I reckon that this is a necessary requirement for anyone asking me to allow my forum to indulge in an umpteenth, circular debate of the technicalities of the WTC collapse - such as those infesting most 9/11 truth forums.
I have reviewed them (mostly). They all have merit. You have sold me on the updated "Ronnie Ray-Gun" paraphrase to distrust but verify when it comes to all 9/11 imagery.
Mr. Shack wrote:
simonshack wrote:I do believe most longtime Cluesforum members share my views about Judy Wood, i. e. - that her gatekeeping role is to uphold at all costs the credibility of the 9/11 imagery - as she specifically struggles to 'make some sense' of the physically impossible/ ridiculous visuals of the ("dustifying") tower collapses proposed by the media.
I disagree with this characterization of Dr. Wood's efforts. It can easily be proven wrong. If Dr. Wood's purpose was "to uphold... the credibility of the 9/11 imagery", then we would see all of the images that she collected re-used elsewhere. We see some, because the borrowing went from established 9/11 sources to Dr. Wood and everyone else. The more curious cases are the images that she borrows and nobody else does, like the anomalous damage to vehicles. These are avoided by the mainstream leaders of 9/11; these don't get an explanation in their versions of what happened.
The above paragraph takes nothing away from any of the discoveries of 9/11 image tainting and the possibility that tainted images made it into Dr. Wood's work (as well as everyone else's). It would be a case of Dr. Wood being duped, just like the world was duped.
In fact, it was the Anonymous Physicist who suggested that Dr. Wood's purpose was to take all of the evidence of 9/11 being a nuclear event and wrap it under some zany theme. (I use the term "nuclear event" to include potentially multiple milli-nuclear devices as well as nuclear and/or cold fusion reactors to power DEW devices.) Thus, Dr. Wood's purpose wouldn't be "to uphold... the credibility of the 9/11 imagery", but to garbage-in/garbage-out misinterpret the significance of what was depicted.
Mr. Shack, you write:
simonshack wrote:Is anyone going to tell Judy that she is looking at CGI imagery?
Needless to say, for any scientist to base a thesis on fake imagery... isn't very scientific at all!
To your first sentence: I don't have direct contact with Dr. Wood, but will mention it to those I think might.
To your second sentence: Very poor... no, "lame"... framing on your part. Did she know the images were tainted? The vast majority of the 9/11 truth movement are not suspecting image/video manipulation, so we should be gracious and give her the benefit of the doubt. Basing a scientific thesis on tainted information does indeed call the thesis into question; only after answering the "what did she know and when did she know it" questions can any sort of innocence or guilt be affixed to the scientist. So, please. Let us be courteous and mindful by separating the thesis from the scientist.
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Elsewhere, you wrote:
simonshack wrote:Doesn't Judy Wood do her very best to provide a "scientific explanation" for the absurd imagery of the WTC tower collapses?
Mr. Shack, you have proved that some of digital image/video manipulation occurred in the corporate media on and after 9/11. You have indeed justified the distruct but verify position we should take on everything presented to us. Anyone marginally familiar with military (and political) actions knows that "controlling the media (and the message)" are top agenda items.
What you have not proven, Mr. Shack, is the degree of digital manipulation on individual images and more especially as it relates to the whole set. You have given us reason to question all images, but you haven't proven that all are tainted and should be taken off of the table (which appears to be your agenda). And even of the instances where tainting is proven, the degree of taint versus the complementary degree of "probably real" isn't provided. Admittedly, you have proven multiple instances where everything is CGI imagery; other cases you've proved items were photo-shopped in. My point concerns the aspect of imagery that appear as original, weren't digitally inserted, but had digital things inserted on top of.
You mention the "the absurd imagery of the WTC tower collapses". Yes, it is absurd. Its defiance of the rules of physics blows holes in the official govt conspiracy theory (OCT). If we go with the premise that the perpetrators had deep pockets and deep connections such that they could control the media, what was depicted, and were actively doing this on and after 9/11, why did the various angles of absurd, physics-defying WTC-1, WTC-2, and WTC-7 towers destruction ever get CGI made and broadcast? It would not have taken much more digital-manipulation effort to make them physics-compliant and not so absurd.
Thus, the thesis I make is that the vast majority of the images/videos of the tower destructing is "real" or close enough to the "real-reality" in the grander scheme that the towers were destroyed in a spectacular fashion. When the hand of digital manipulation entered, it may have been to mask out tell-tale flashes, anomalous destructive features, or projectiles that were too energetic. They wanted to show the world that the towers were being destroyed, but not give away methods.
In terms of the photoshopping of individual images? Advertisements already photoshop drop-dead georgeous women into unreal images of beauty. I can certainly see all manner of publications on 9/11 taking license with images in terms of crafting a single composite image from separate images of debris, firemen, American flags, etc. It doesn't mean the individual elements were all false or didn't exist at ground zero.
simonshack wrote:Wasn't she perhaps brought in to "protect" (and uphold the dwindling credibility) of at least PART of the prefabricated, made-for-TV 9/11 Hollywood movie?
Again, no. If she was brought in for anything nefarious, it was to scoop up all evidence of 9/11 being a nuclear event, to misinterpret it into being something "zany" (Hutchison Effect, free-energy from Hurricane Erin), and to thus take said evidence off of the table from further consideration.
Here's some red-meat for this forum, particularly for those who have little respect for Dr. Wood.
Want to debunk her (or at least part of her premises)?
Please caste a keen eye on the following images, being on the look out for artifacts of digital manipulation.
Caveat: Part of the assignment may include finding another web repository for the images that will be closer to being source or the original.
I apologize in advance that this isn't my forte, so I haven't been collecting them and don't have as great a knowledge of all that exist or are even available as you in this forum do.
Consider this the starting set of images needing review to see if and how much digital manipulation occurred.
The prospective second set of images for digital forgery review could be those on Dr. Wood's website (or a source website) that show damage to vehicles.
Final note: I own and have read Dr. Wood's book. It is pretty crafty, really. She presents information well for a science-challenged audience, particularly in disproving the OCT. She offers several new concepts that could have scientific validity; applicability to 9/11 is a different question. She does not definitively connect these with 9/11. Her textbook is a worthy addition to anyone's 9/11 library, even if parts of it are proven as disinformation. (The latter will be for our grand children to show how our generation was played.) I have found few errors in Dr. Wood's textbook, but that may change if various images provided to her are found tainted.
I am a respectful, open-minded, and objective participant. When the foundation upon which my opinions are based is proven in error, I am man enough to change my opinions. Mr. Shack has already done this several times for me with regards to my understanding of 9/11.
I know that some regular participants here will want to ban me on sight for the crime of even mentioning Dr. Wood in a favorable light. Yours is a forum for image manipulation, not discussions on Dr. Wood. They are related and must be discussed, particularly where they overlap.
My challenge to you is to find the errors in the photographic evidence upon which Dr. Wood bases her work. You will be doing the 9/11 Truth Movement a great service. Aside from the images that you rake over the coals as frauds, it will be just as important to preserve those images that are not and that remain as valid nuggets of truth that the true theory of 9/11 must address.
I ask that you be respectful and focused on the facts; please stay away from attacks on the person, Dr. Wood. If found warranted, you'll have plenty of opportunity to venture there once the investigative work has unhinged (or not) the foundation of her evidence.
Thank you in advance for your consideration in this manner,
Herr der Elf
Herr der Elf : What would someone proving exactly HOW the towers were brought down contribute to exposing the 9/11 Hoax?
Herr der Elf : faking everything might just be a step into the disinfo bin
Herr der Elf : find the artifacts of digital manipulation
Herr der Elf : Do it for your own reputations
Herr der Elf : Concentrate on the pictures and analyze their taintedness level
simonshack : a logical thought process
simonshack : The long and slow zoom-in motion for all of 18 seconds and...whoopee, the WTC1 starts collapsing!
Herr der Elf : a grade on each and every image
Herr der Elf : Disagreeing with Simon's Assessment
nonhocapito : The only purpose of Judy Wood is to pollute the idea of fakery with fantasy scenarios in order to keep the terror factor high
Makkonen : The bizarre grey-blue color blend
simonshack : Falsis in unum, falsis in omnibus
Maat : pearls before der schweinehund
Herr der Elf : focus like an ironic space-based laser beam on the imagery of her textbook/website and take it out of play legitimately
Herr der Elf : Thank you so much for your effort in scrutinizing images used by Dr. Wood
Herr der Elf : Most astute observation, Mr. Shack.
Herr der Elf : Google: "Patricia Ondrovic"
nonhocapito : All I know about Judy Wood is that she does one very imbecile or malicious thing: draw unwarranted, fantastic conclusions from imagery that we have all the reasons to believe is fake.
simonshack : fully stand by the replies Nonhocapito has offered
Maat : impervious to any 'clue bat'
Herr der Elf : my gratitude for the assistance
simonshack : characterize our entire 9/11 research as some sort of sinister 'ploy'.
nonhocapito : the whole truther repertoire
Maxwell C. Bridges : Since starting this email, looks like I've been banned.
The article is reproduced in accordance with Section 107 of title 17 of the Copyright Law of the United States relating to fair-use and is for the purposes of criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research.
You sir, are fucking idiot
If you are willing to say "why" he is an idiot, I will be glad to pass along your sentiments without the "troll" adjective or is it an adverb? Then he can respond directly to your informed and concise criticism, but then you would have to take some time to "think" about it and then take some time to "communicate" a complex thought as I am assuming it would be, given the adjective/adverb you so blithely threw out there.
What do you say.... are you game?
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