Bruecke Note 1: Before Ron Paul's Tea Party Movement was high-jacked, one way to support Dr. Paul was to register as Republican in order to influence the local primaries. The consequences of these actions on my part have afflicted my inbox with supposedly "consevative messages" that always have elements to make calm, thinking, spiritual, loving, people puke. (VN: also see protocol #14)
An example of some very clever psychological operations at work are in this very "special message" (down below Brueke & Vatc Notes and the double horizontal lines) distributed by It demonizes Muslims and tweaks your Patriotic Christian heart-strings to support this misguided effort. Nevermind that if Muslims were involved with 9/11 at all, they were unwitting patsies doing the bidding of those with a far larger agenda than those hiding in caves could ever have put into motion and implemented with such precision and efficiency, or dare one say, even redundant overkill as evident by the pulverization of the WTC towers into fine dust. Don't want any unexploded bombs left over to incriminate like in the OKC trial run.
Be that as it may, those behind this message and the echo-chamber movement that it seemed to have spawned, if googling "9/11 Christian Center" is any indication, are not adverse to demonstrating their true Christian hypocrisy totally against any teaching of Christ.
If they truly believed and supported the Bush Administration's official 9/11 version, why had they not converted to Islam for the many wonders and miracles of Allah on 9/11 that 19 "radical Muslim" hijackers accomplished, even the bending of Allah's laws of conservation of energy & momentum in the incredible gravitational acceleration observed in the destruction of 3 buildings and the supposed jet fuel & office furniture fires that burned at steel melting temperatures for weeks under the piles of rubble without the aid of oxygen from the air?
Ironic, then, not only that they did not convert to Islam in awe of these Allah wrought miracles but also that the evil spawns of 9/11 -- like wars in Afghanistan and Iraq -- persecuted Muslims, had undercurrents of a holy war of the world's great religions, and is propagated further in such crass email propaganda distributions and misguided "9/11 Christian Center" movements. To give them money in this endeavor as advertised below would be akin to giving material support to the true terrorists.
Bruecke Note 2: Maybe I didn't make the point in the note clear enough. Religion (and Republicanism) are being used against us in deceitful ways. Because the message comes through a so-called conservative source from a so-called Christian bastion (more like hypocrite), the sheepish audience is supposed to get all emotional and act in certain ways. The message about radical Muslims is really hate-filled having nothing to do with "love your enemies" Christianity. The pysops was meant to make Muslims enemies of Chrstians. I am both surprised and disappointed in the message they are peddling.
Vatic Note after the Bruecke Notes: Read the protocols and also read where the zionists have paid those evangelical zionist christians to do exactly that. Its all laid out in the protocols over 100 years ago. Amazing to watch their protocols unfold before our eyes. Tie the piece into the specific protocol to highlight who is behind the curtain and you will be doing the readers a great service. Read the protocols by category and find the one where it says they are to pit one religion against another to keep the population divided, and how they are to solicit and bribe pastors and others to support their position.
In issues like this one that is so emotional and personal, its imperative to connect the acts with the real players so both sides can see who is doing it. That is the key and thus negate their effective work on dividing the nation. Right now that is their very big push.... segment sections of the nation into small sections against each other and thus the manipulators who have small numbers can then control of a majority of those fighting and causing an aligning with the zionists causes and thus have the numbers they need to negate and kill off the other half. Its very psychopathic stuff.
Relevant excerpts of Protocol #4 -
Relevant excerpts of Protocol #14 -
A special message from:Relevant excerpts of Protocol #4 -
Relevant excerpts of Protocol #14 -
5. IN COUNTRIES KNOWN AS PROGRESSIVE AND ENLIGHTENED WE HAVE CREATED A SENSELESS, FILTHY, ABOMINABLE LITERATURE. For some time after our entrance to power we shall continue to encourage its existence in order to provide a telling relief by contrast to the speeches, party program, which will be distributed from exalted quarters of ours .... Our wise men, trained to become leaders of the GOYIM, will compose speeches, projects, memoirs, articles, which will be used by us to influence the minds of the GOYIM, directing them towards such understanding and forms of knowledge as have been determined by us.

Subject: Christian Center is a bold, permanent response to the "Ground Zero Mosque"!
Patriotic Christian American,
When I read that there was a $100 Million mosque being erected within two blocks of GROUND ZERO in New York City, I thought I must have mis-read something. Certainly, this was not happening!

I began to pray about what to do...maybe offering an "alternative" to this radical Muslim mosque. That's what Jesus would do -- LOVE these Muslims into the Kingdom! So I sought out a place near Ground Zero where we could worship our great God. Thus, the 911 Christian Center at Ground Zero!
I know the images like this are still extremely fresh in our minds. 911 was not just an historical fact -- it revolutionized our thinking in America!
As I prayed, I knew that the radical Muslims needed Jesus just as much as "normal" American sinners! The love of God transverses all cultures.
I could react like normal preachers and political pendants to a mosque at Ground Zero, but I wanted to create an "alternative" to the hatred of radical Muslims -- and reach out to them in love. That's what Jesus would do!
I prayed. I sought God on what to do. He revealed to me that I should begin to praise Him at Ground Zero. How could we pray and praise Him at Ground Zero?
Last Saturday, July 17, there was a special meeting in New York City. I was personally at Ground Zero to hold a special prayer and informational meeting for the new 911 Christian Center at Ground Zero!
We met at the Embassy Suites New York, 102 North End Avenue, in their Wall Street Room at 11:00 a.m. It was a glorious time!
In addition to reaching out in love, I told some Muslims the absolute truth: The Gospel of Jesus Christ is all-powerful! Will YOU help me to expand this outreach?
I am the ONLY one who is responding to this with a bold, visible, ONGOING response! I can't do it alone!
I really do need your financial support. I do not know what the future holds in New York City at Ground Zero. I know there are zealous people on both sides of the fence, as far as a mosque at Ground Zero.
I must follow the Holy Spirit and understand that the great equalizer is Jesus Christ. That's all I can present at Ground Zero -- JESUS CHRIST.
We will pray together. We will worship together. But at any cost, Jesus Christ will be lifted up as the only One who can change this world!
Will you help me to make this happen? It's not like a Republican reaching across the aisle to a Democrat in politics. No. This is a phenomenal miracle that is happening. I am asking Muslims and Christians to join together in unity at Ground Zero -- not in the context of a radical mosque, but in the love of Jesus in a "neutral ground" hotel meeting room where we cannot just air our differences, but we can reach out to each other in the love of Jesus Christ! Will you help me?
You know, even when I was running from God at Ohio State University, I still recognized that Jesus Christ was ALL-POWERFUL! As I ministered there in New York City and Ground Zero -- I STILL recognized that same power!
This is an incredible opportunity!
The Holy Spirit is in this!
I pray that God is leading you to have a distinctive part in this once-in-a-lifetime situation of bringing together the Christians and the Muslims.

One of the great strengths of this great country is our diversity and our religious freedom and tolerance. Even though I believe quite differently, I believe that peaceful Muslims can worship their god in whatever way they choose, wherever they choose.
The images of the buildings collapsing are still etched permanently in my mind. The images of the planes flying right into the Twin Towers are forever in my mind. And they always will be.
Pictured here is the Ground Zero Mosque!
I believe in the American ideal of freedom of worship. I have no problem with that. BUT I DO HAVE A PROBLEM WITH A MUSLIM MOSQUE AT GROUND ZERO!!
The Landmarks Preservation Committee, an 11-member body appointed by the mayor, will hold a hearing to consider the possibility of designating the existing building at the site as an individual landmark -- NOT the 9-11 site, but the Mosque!
If the building gets "landmark" status, the owners will need to apply for a permit in order to make any external changes. Regardless, Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf (the imam heading this questionable project) hopes to tear down the 150-year-old building to construct the Cordoba mosque and community center...within two blocks of GROUND ZERO! This is a total outrage; and we must STOP this insidious situation. Will you assist us today in doing exactly that?
I am the ONLY one who is responding to this with a bold, visible, ONGOING response! I can't do it alone!
The Imam for this new $100 Million mosque is very radical. He blames the United States for the attacks of 911! How unbelievable is that?
But I want to offer an "olive branch" and reach out to these mis-directed Muslims with the love of Jesus Christ! However, the building of the mosque must be stopped! The families of the 9-11 victims are understandably outraged!
The 13-story mega-mosque and "Islamic Center" will cost $100 million!! It would also provide 150 full-time jobs and 500 part-time jobs to Muslims, many of who are NOT American citizens.
Here is the bottom line: The radical Muslims want to dedicate it on the tenth year anniversary of the 9/11 attacks!! What symbolism?! This same kind of symbolism may empower and embolden our enemies. But through our LIVEPRAYER.COM, I know that we serve a God who conquers and loves ALL people!
Yes, I know that many American mosques have been a key breeding ground for jihadists, but I also serve a God who is all-powerful!
Quite frankly, Muslim jihadists are laughing at us!
BUT GOD... (My God, NOT Allah!)
Erecting a mosque at Ground Zero is the ULTIMATE insult to every American!
Please give the largest gift that you possibly can to LIVEPRAYER.COM as we EXPOSE this second 9/11 attack. Ground Zero must be declared a national historic site to those whose lives were lost, and the law must prohibit anything which disparages the memory of those who were killed.
I am the ONLY one who is responding to this with a bold, visible, ONGOING response! I can't do it alone!
I need to hear from you today before they take another step in the planning of the Ground Zero Mosque.
Thank you for your true Christian patriotism,
Bill Keller
P. S. Against all odds, we have taken "the high road" -- the JESUS road and have gone forward to praise and proclaim Jesus Christ at Ground Zero! Thank you for your tremendous assistance.
The article is reproduced in accordance with Section 107 of title 17 of the Copyright Law of the United States relating to fair-use and is for the purposes of criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research.
So, you think that it is "unbelievable" that the usa could have had a hand in 9/11? And Muslims are "radical" for daring to state the obvious? Your passionate denials cause me to wonder if there is some sort of psychological blockage, as if reality were too painful to accept, therefore believing anything else but the truth is preferable. Pathetic.
Very very interesting take on that Christian leader. We just don't know anymore who is what and who is owned do we???? Not all is as it seems. Thanks for that link, very revealing.
Great post. And I lol'ed so much at your comments about the "miracle" of the suspension of the laws of physics and thermodynamics.
It's exactly what I've been thinking. Like really...what's more plausible?: That a government with a history of false-flag terrorist attacks on it's own people would commit a heinous false-flag attack on it's own people (again)...or that everything we know about physics, thermodynamics, chemistry, engineering, architecture,'s ALL WRONG!
So thank-you for reiterating this completely obvious point that people seem largely oblivious to...and for the delightfully wry humor you've utilized here! :)
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